Bold & Abundant Thinking (Full Presentation) | Peter Diamandis

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now one of the very best things that I feel we could do for you here at genius Network is to expand change orb litter rate the way that you look at things and I've always loved the same be willing to destroy anything in your life that's not excellent and the our next presenter is a real dear friend of mine he's going to change your worldview you're going to see things much differently after you have an opportunity to hear him talk so let me give you the official introduction of him done in a proper way the Wright brothers brought the world the ability to fly Charles Lindbergh pioneered flying across an ocean dr. Wernher von Braun's Rockets let man land on the moon the next presenter dr. Peter Diamandis is the man who brought entrepreneurship to space travel he created the XPrize making the impossible possible and offered a ten million dollar prize in 2004 for the first commercial space flight yet Peters great gift is how he gets people in organizations to think and then act boldly and when they do abundance is created his personal awards are too abundant to even list so here's what you need to know about his message his personal motto is the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself Peter just spent several days with 50 of the top thinkers businesspeople in the world including Larry Page in Elon Musk and he's probably going to share some of the insights with that along with many other things so get set because Peter is awesome the one and only a bold and abundant mindset please welcome my dear friend Peter Diamandis oh I'll get it Joe thanks doc thank you guys here we okay good morning everybody its it is a truly a pleasure to be here with family and I really view all of you as family family of individuals taking action in the world right one of the things that I realized is we don't have enough people taking action in the world and I think that difference between someone who says I'm going to sit back and let it go by and someone who says no I don't like the way it is is huge we're now living in a time where the ability we have to actually stop complaining about problems and solving problems is extraordinary I think about the fact that hundreds of thousands you know thousands of years ago if you wanted to solve a problem on a global scale or the national scale you have to be the king or queen of a country to have an impact hundreds of years ago you'd have to be the head of state or a robber baron or an industrialist have an impact today all of us can have an impact the difference between having an impact and not having impact is a decision it's not resources it's not money it's all there it's a decision so I'll talk a little bit about mindset today about thinking about how we think because ultimately the most critical thing what distinguishes us as humans from everywhere the animal what distinguishes one human for another is how we think and I want to encourage you to think and what I call a bold and abundant mindset because how you think matters and it changes everything in your business in your life everything so I'm going to begin by a tribute to Joe because my life changed extraordinarily when I met Joe he's someone who is such an extraordinary Giver a man who is like what can I do for you what can I do for you what can I do for you right and you know Joe is to love Joe and Joe and traduced me to Dan Sullivan and Babs which was a great gift as well who's become a new mentor and friend so I wrote this book abundance it was great we hit number one in New York time Amazon between your times close folks like Mike Klein jumped in and the whole superhero community here in 25k where I'm a proud member really helped drive this on New York Times list for nine weeks and I'm so grateful for that and again the thing that I realized is that most of humanity is so mired in the muck that comes them over the television and the newspaper in the radio what I call the crisis news network right every time I walk by CNN my office it's some calamity on the planet going on that is fed to you in high-definition over and over again and if you listen to the news and you read the newspapers and you read you know watch television their mission in life is to capture your attention and every murder every problem on the planet is fed to you over and over again in high definition I mean how can you possibly have a positive mindset watching the news and I think if you know my work the realization is that's not the way the world really is in fact the world has gone under tremendous transformation over the last hundred years driven by technology which is itself exploding onto the scene we'll talk about that a little bit so abundance was a book about where we're going to be in 20 or 30 years I'm very proud you know it was such a success again with the help of this incredible community that my publisher Simon & Schuster quadrupled the advance and said let's do the next one and and bold and on the cover yet but bold is about how to get there bold is what I'm going to be speaking about here it's good co-authored with my good buddy Steven Kotler but it's the how-to manual how do we create a world of abundance because the realization is that the world's biggest problems are the world's biggest business opportunities right the best way to become a billionaire is help a billion people just think about that and my goal here is to have you think big have you think helped you think boldly so to get us in the right mindset let me share some data we releasing abundance in September you can see this is the paperback edition but there's that starburst with new evidence of abundance and I have an amazing team from from my abundance 360 community and I effect actually if I just guys raise your hand in the back here and and Marissa over here and they did a bunch of research of what's the data showing us and I will just give you some of the data so let's talk about where we're going in abundance so the first is increase in freedom and happiness so this is in fact then the look at slavery and indentured miss 1750 or three-quarters of the world was indentured or enslave a dude if you would down to under 10% today this is annual hours work per person so even as the rate of you so the you know our status of living has increased massively the number of hours that we've had to work for that standard of living have plummeted and of course on this graph you can see that France is where you work the least this is percentage of degrees awarded to women has been skyrocketing and I love this graph it is a correlation a direct correlation between happiness and access to technology and guess what's happening in terms of access to technology it's exploding around the world if you look at reduction of violence and increase in safety I mean CNN would have you believe that there's constantly were a world under siege that your life is about to end but the fact the matter is and this comes from the world the work of Steven Pinker we're living during the most peaceful time ever in human history your chance of dying a violent death and one five hundredths of what they used to be so you can see just the radical fall-off in war around the world yes world war two World War two or one our peaks here but the same time look what's been happening over the last twenty years in terms of regional and local wars if you look at safety automobile airline just plummeting in terms of fatality rates increasing health I love this maternal mortality for the mothers in the room here used to be a risky business to have a baby today it's dropped off to near zero at the same time infant mortality imagine having your children die today the ability to guarantee that your children can get through childbirth and live to age five or older on the flip side the extended healthy human lifespan more than double the human lifespan last hundred years I'll be talking about how we double it again very shortly and the energy front electrification and the cost of energy is dropped and plummeted solar costs are plummeting the same time that the production of solar is going through the roof I was having you know drinks with Elon talking about from solar cities what the what the prediction is fifty percent solar in the US within the next 15 to 20 years and the rest the sunnier parts of the world catching up very quickly thereafter reducing poverty and I love this this is the cover of The Economist magazine that we're really are heading towards the end of poverty on this planet least extreme poverty finally what's making this all possible is technology and look at these numbers this is bandwidth costs for a gigabit $1,200 down to 23 bucks over the last you know 15 years this is the cost per a million transistors he's between $22 down to six cents this is the cost of storage for a gigabyte 600 bucks down to three cents this is happening right now and if you want to know why your businesses are exploding and what's going on the reach you have around the world here's the data this is what's happening and then finally I love this one which all of us are the beneficiaries of in 2000 if you wanted to start a tech startup the average startup cost was 5 million bucks today it's 5,000 bucks thousand times cheaper talk about an explosion of entre nor ship so what's going on on the scene here is that we remain unchanged as humans you know we haven't had a software upgrade in 50,000 years we're the red line here that linear and local thinker that evolved on a savannahs of Africa that yellow line that exponential growth and exponential is simple doubling right 1 2 4 8 16 32 that's exploding on the scene is the technology that we are creating and using and the difference between those is either disruptive stress or disruptive opportunity depending on your point of view if you're the CEO of a fortune 500 company and one of you guys come up with a disruptive innovation it's disruptive stress if you're there you know the kid in the garage you comes up with innovation it's disruptive opportunity what we're going to be seeing over this next decade and we're living at the knee of the curve this is like the most important time and exciting time ever to be alive science fiction is becoming science reality every single day is that in the next 10 years 40 percent of today's fortune 500 companies are going to be gone put out of business by companies we haven't heard of yet at the same time to echo that this was from Richard foster at Yale if you started a company in the 1920s you had a 67 year run rate that you could milk the company before you were disrupted today the average is 15 years the rate of disruption is increasing at an extraordinary pace you know I love this and it's happening every day and we report on it you know we go from I've got an idea to I run a billion dollar company in record time right literally we're seeing billion dollar startups in 18 months and here's just you know a short list of some of them that we read about play with know about and it's possible right you can go from I've got this great idea and scale to a billion dollar valuation in a year's time two years time it's not easy maybe you have to be lucky but it is now possible like never before all of that's being driven by computational power all of this exponential change I speak about is being driven by the fact that computers are getting faster and faster and faster that nine years from now the average thousand dollar computer that you go out and buy is having a computational power of the human mind and then twenty-five years later it's got the computational power of the entire human race and what's happening that so extraordinary is we're living into this world of convergence this is where I spend my life I spend my life running the XPrize singularity University abundance 360 looking at and feeling the pulse of this convergence where all of these faster and faster computers are driving a slew of different technologies by that I mean pervasive networks connected everywhere ubiquitous sensors a trillion Suns for economy where you're gonna be able to know anything you want anytime you want anything you want to be measured artificial intelligence which is going to rock our world like you've never imagined robotics 3d printing synthetic biology and medicine and so faster computers is sort of the growth medium that all of this stuff is happening in and all of this stuff is technology that if you're not using it yet you will be guaranteed you will be touching and using all of these technologies within the next five years do you member the first time that you guys remember seeing email or hearing about email or a webpage it was like this foreign thing I remember you know the first like what's this AOL thing I keep hearing about or this webpage thing I keep hearing about and now you know it's second nature we're using all the time you're going to feel that way about these technologies soon enough and you have to be able to have the impact scale that you want on this planet and part of my mission part of my ethos is helping people understand how to use this how to gain access to it and how to use it to try and solve bigger and bigger problems creating wealth but also creating a world of abundance in the process because those two are so correlated so I want to give you just a fallback a little bit on some of the lessons here to give you an understanding so what's driving all of this convergence in this explosion of technologies what is called Moore's Law you may have heard of it this is the guy it's named after Gordon Moore who's one of the founders of Intel and while he was at Intel he noticed that the number of integrated circuits he could put on the chip was doubling every 12 to 24 months so he wrote this paper in 1965 after just seven years of seeing these doublings predicting this was going to continue and in this paper he said the IC chip price performance doubles every 18 to 24 months and is expected to for the near future and that projection is held true for 50 years and every time we hit a boundary condition of you know what kind of particular manufacturing processes we break through that boundary condition so what does that look like so this is the first integrated circuit ever built in 1958 it's got two transistors on it you can see it there are those like rectangular things and they're interconnected so it's an IC in 1971 Intel put out its first commercial product it had 2,300 transistors about $1 per transistor 740 kilohertz frequency and then a couple years ago here's the NVIDIA GPU graphical processing unit that's 7.1 billion transistors at you know point zero zero zero zero zero zero one and that's what's driving all this the fact that you have so much capability so cheaply that empowers so many different technologies so it's a hundred billion fold improvement since 1971 pretty extraordinary and we're seeing this and I just want to point out we don't notice it we take it for granted and that's extraordinary I want you to take a second with me to notice this let me give an example here's the first digital camera ever 1976 Steve Sasson comes up with it inside Kodak brings into the boardroom of Kodak and says here it is the future of Kodak and of course Kodak ignores it because they're they don't realize what business they're truly in they think they're in the paper and chemicals business while they're really in the memory business in the photography business and so today the digital camera right is not point zero one megapixels it's it's 10 megapixels it's 10 bucks it's a thousand times better resolution a thousand times cheaper a thousand times you know a billion fold improvement and because Kodak missed it they went bankrupt but here's the point this is where it is today if you expect it's going to stay here and don't project where it's going to be you're missing the point where's it going to be when 10 years from now it's a thousand times better than this and 20 years a million times better in 30 years a billion times better I mean it's going to be insect eyes right is going to be in our clothing it's going to be floating through the air in micro drones it's going to be everywhere and as a marketer you're gonna be able to ask a question how many people in there in Manhattan at fifth and Madison are wearing blue shirts right now and know that answer I mean the notion that you can know anything you want anytime you want is what's happening with this global sensor explosion so I think about the fact that this is where it is today and you have to stretch your imaginations to imagine where is it going to be a decade from now and build your businesses with a projection remember meeting the the founders of Siri who said you know when we got together to found Siri the technology didn't exist for it we had to project where was going to be three years from now in terms of bandwidth computational power and build for that so as you know the first learning here is as you are building your businesses you need to project where is technology going to be as a facilitator for you two three four or five years from now because if you deliver a product based on what it's today you're out of business or you missed the boat rise it makes sense it's skating to the puck and I'm not a good sports analogy guy but I think that that's correct this is the first inertial measurement unit took us to the moon 50 pound millions of dollars here it is today under Buc a chip on your phone this is what makes drones possible where's it going to be in the future it's going to be you know molecular and size it's going to be in the clothing it's going to be in every device it's going to have accelerations and velocity and state vectors information so as you pick up your fork it's gonna tell you how fast you're eating your food this is the first GPS unit hundred twenty thousand bucks 53 pounds imagine this on the dashboard of your SUV here it is today right you can barely pick it up because it's too small five bucks so where's this going to be so just think about the technologies you have today and project them forward because you know what we think about in science fiction is in fact happening and again I want to this is where it is today it doesn't stop here it isn't like we're not like wow we've achieved it we've arrived no it continues a billion fold better than that so when I think about this dan encouraged me I'm just again so grateful to Dan Sullivan and strategic coach for all of all of his support mentorship you know as I teach this I teach about the six DS of where exponential technology is going and this is a framework for you to think about your business and technology the first is that anything becomes digitized becomes digital and everything's becoming digitized manufacturing health obviously everything that we do in this room here it enters a period of deceptive growth because in the beginning of exponential growth point zero one megapixel cameras point zero two point zero four point zero it's a slow growth phase and it becomes disruptive then it drives three things that's rocking our world right now dematerialization D monetization and democratization dematerialization means that today all of these things need to be physical objects have D materialized into your phone so I asked CEOs all the time which of your products or services are going to dematerialize because once they do they D monetize right Uber's demonetised the taxi fleets Skype long-distance Amazon the bookstore is Google research Airbnb hotel chains Craigslist has decimated the newspapers it's taking the money out of these put them back in the consumer pockets so you have to be clear are you de monetizing industry are you being demonetized because I would posit to you that everything can be d monetized and D materialized in one form or another and then when that happens it democratizes right a billion handsets in Africa by 2016 you can come up with a concept and of a billion users in Africa I mean you had to have been coca-cola with arms and legs in every country around the world to have that kind of a reach today you're a kid in a dorm room that's the exciting world we're living in so four critical insights the first is that the only constant is change and the rate of change is increasing hey with me there and and you can't relax so you can't sit back you can I mean it's up to you you were living in a world where you know abundance is coming but if you want to keep on top of it the second is you either disrupt your own company or someone else will standing still equals death and this is what scares the out of Fortune 500 CEOs and they pay me to scare them but this is what should be exciting to you because when you see a great profit margin in a large company your opportunities to go and figure out how do I disrupt them because they cannot move as fast as you can third insight is your competition and this is mostly to large corporations is no longer the multinational overseas it's the guy or gal in the garage and the interesting thing is that it's not the one or two guys or gals in garage it's millions of them in Mumbai in Singapore in San Jose the number of entrepreneurs is exploding into the world and then finally your mindset matters a lot so the question is what's yours so I'll let talk in the second part now about a bowl an abundant mindset and I want to start that with a video my goal here is for you to up your game my goal here is for you to think at a level that's uncomfortable my goal is to have you think at as Dan and Joe would say a 10x level or a hundred X level how are you going to touch a billion people on this planet how are you gonna take on the world's biggest problems and solve them so let's watch this video and then come back the actual moon shot is wonderful inspirational poetic beautiful involved great technical challenges genuine heroism it brought the world together but think about the Polynesian Islander on the dugout canoe deciding one day they were going to go that way no one ever been that way before no one even knew if there was anything wrong before it was amazing and it changed the world people can set their minds to magical seemingly impossible ideas and then through science and technology bring them to reality and that then sets other people on fire that other things that look impossible might be accomplishable Galileo said to hero you know in thinking big and what he represents to me is both curiosity and wonder that humanity had that that pushed him and drove himself to invent and work on the first telescopes that allowed us to see the moon and here we are these aviation pioneers were figuring it out as they went no one really knew how to build an airplane right nobody who had a fly an airplane it was amazing and crazy and wonderful and they wanted to explore many years ago the Great British explorer George Mallory who was to die on Mount Everest was asked why did he want to climb it he said because it is there there's so many challenges in the world and you can feel daunted by that you know and sort of oppressed by that or you kind of say how might you think differently about this everyone else in the world is working on the next 10% if you can be the one that delivers that ten times improvement you have a chance to really change things if you want cars to run at 50 miles per gallon fine you can retool your car a little bit but if I tell you it has to run on a gallon of gas for 500 miles you have to start over you need a lot of courage in this work and you need a lot of persistence one of the things that's really critical is not only having the courage to keep trying every day or thinking big even if you don't really 100% believe it's possible like you might think this might be possible have the courage to try that's how the greatest things have happened you don't spend your time being bothered that you can't teleport from here to because there's a part of you that thinks it's impossible moonshot thinking is choosing to be bothered we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard humanity's progress has been a series of amazing audacious things from the very small and personal to the great big and grand and we are a species of moonshots and to me that's like a really amazing poetic inspiration I think our ambitions are a glass ceiling on what we can accomplish when you find your passion you're unstoppable you can make amazing things happen it's been true throughout history I believe in the human spirit and I believe that they're always going to be crazy people who get out of bed one morning and say you know what I think I can build a space a little student do it but I think that if we become afraid to take these great big risks we stop inspiring people we stop achieving things and the biggest nightmare scenario is that we won't have what it takes to solve the really big challenges we're tennety said that we would put a man on the moon it's about the fact that he said we don't know how to do this yet and we're gonna do it anyway and that sends chills up everybody's fun because if that happens what couldn't we do yeah it's great huh so the guy speaking in that video is a good friend Astro teller he's the head of Google Google X and I interviewed him at length for my next book bold and talked about the fact that we're living in a world where you can take moonshots and his ethos is so true that when you're trying to go 10% bigger you're competing with everybody else trying to go 10% bigger when you go 10x bigger when you have the audacity to say that and try that it inspires an amazing group of people to come by your side and no one's competing with you there and the question is is it really a hundredfold harder and the chances are that it's not so I also in bold really drill down into what the eight innovation principles are that Google uses and then with Stephen look at how Lockheed skunkworks maps onto that so you know one of the most extraordinary companies and mindsets and how do they work so let me share with you these eight principles the first is focus on the user googles issue and you'll see this again and again is focus on user what does the user need pretty obvious pretty direct the second is open will win you know I bet on Android / io s for that one reason open will win the ability for having billions of people to contribute to you instead of thinking that oh my 10,000 employees are the best and brightest in the world you know there's no competition there the second is ideas can come from everywhere or anywhere the whole notion of crowdsourcing right we talked about that in abundance 360 you talked about that it at XPrize that hero X it's the fact that you can crowdsource solutions from around the world to solve your problems think big start small so at singularity University I constantly teach the students start with a product that has the ability to earn a dollar on day one but can impact a billion people in decade that's the you know think big start small never fail to fail this is where big companies screw up where they don't take risks and you guys know that as entrepreneurs never fail to fail the rapid experimentation launched early and iterate my friend who's the CEO Reed Hoffman of LinkedIn says you know if you're if you're not embarrassed by your first product release you've launched too late and I believe that when you look for striving for perfection you miss the whole benefit of this hyper connected world today be a flat a platform float all boats and then finally make it matter make it matter oh my god make it matter so in bold I talked about a concept that my good friend Salim Ismail coin which is having a massively transformative purpose an MTP do you have for yourself and for your company a massively transformative purpose that matters that's going to attract people to work for you right at XPrize it's making the impossible possible or you know solving the world's grand challenges so here's the eight we'll talk about these a little bit more my question for you is what you know is the area of your business where you should be going ten times bigger rather than going 10% bigger I want you to reflect on that and think about that of time to do a session out but ask yourself that question please so here's one of the first moonshot organizations one of the first bold thinkers out there is Kelly Johnson who in 1943 is called by the Defense Department says we're losing the war against Nazi Germany and we need a jet plane never had a jet plane before in a hundred and forty three days these guys did not design a jet plane they delivered working hardware you can't negotiate a contract 143 days today they also delivered the you to the sr-71 s the question is how did they do this and so in bold actually looked at how Lockheed skunkworks impaired this against Google X and came up with some shared elements and here they are the first is having a compelling purpose or mission an MTP that is uniquely yours Google's is you know to categorize the world's information right and if someone else came up with that MTP does you know that's Google's so something uniquely that's yours that attracts the world's top people to come and work for you the second that Kelly Johnson and Google X share is small teams a passion around small teams and this is the words from Kelly Johnson the number of people connected to any project should be restricted in almost vicious manner this is Jeff Bezos his to pizza rule right teams under ten ideally five or six extreme isolation access by outsiders to the project and its personnel must be strictly controlled because if you're trying to innovate inside your organization of even a hundred people let alone five thousand people and you're trying to do something that's disrupting your company the entire immune organization is going to come out you can say that's a crazy idea can't be done if you do it could put us out of business what are you doing come on stop it and so actually taking your that that skunk works inside your group and isolating it right it's it's Steve Jobs taking his Mac team to a different building with a pirate flag above so how do you isolate your team authority and autonomy the manager must have control of his program create Moulton trust and very close cooperation in day-to-day basis it's the notion that my team at at PhD Ventures abundance 360 it's five group it's a team of five act it's like they're a self-managed company they have the authority and the autonomy to go and run on their own I learned that from teacher coach of course as all good things flexibility must provide a very flexible drawing so when they designed the fighter jets in the u2 and sr-71 there was a drawing in the middle of the room where anybody could go and change the drawing there was no sort of organizational hierarchy anything at this person permission this you could go and change the drawing of that airplane and so it provided immense flexibility but also responsibility lives were at stake if you screwed up but it allowed rapid iteration like never before and then finally testing and experimentation you know fail often fail early test test test the next part of the book I actually had a chance to sit down at length with a number of amazing people Larry Page Ilan Jeff Bezos Richard Branson studied their work and came up with a series of eight I'll share six thinking at scale strategies passion and purpose you know Elon said I didn't go and build a car company in a rocket company to make money I'm not crazy there's like driven by my passion thinking at scale and experimentation Jeff Bezos saying you know you need to have thick skin if you're not failing often if you're not experimenting on a monthly or daily basis you're not going to innovate Larry Page saying you know we need to be you know customer centric need to be doing stuff and touching stuff that people use every day Richard Branson saying you know we'd have risk mitigation and again you guys will get copies of my book but you know specifically you know entrepreneurs are ones who take risk but set it off to someone else long-term thinking jeff bezos with Amazon is a perfect example of long-term thinking and finally you know optimistic thinking and Larry gives me credit on abundance often but it's you know it's we have a reason to be tremendously optimistic in the world today and having that mindset inside your organization and your company and your family and your life changes how you think about the future so three key questions here jot these down and think about this later where are you thinking local and linear where you should be thinking global and exponential which of your products and services might become dematerialized or demonetised and where inside your company are you taking moonshots so you know I can talk about this for two days straight and I do it abundance 360 so I've got 45 minutes to wrap up and I've got just another 10 to close this out but what I'd like to do with you is to share with you the four moonshots I'm taking and I want to share this as inspiration if you would for encouraging you guys to take moonshots because we're living in a world where you can you can aim big and many of you are I don't want to I want to diminish the fact that you are but I want to encourage you to think as big as you can so the first moonshot is to eradicate illiteracy on this planet and you know that I'm very proud to be the the CEO and chairman of the XPrize foundation I have my XPrize team where are you guys by the way can I raise your hair we have our egg my XPrize team here and down over there and our next big XPrize that we're launching on September 22nd is called the global learning XPrize and it's perhaps the most important thing that we've ever done it is an X Prize to help a billion people on the planet learn how to read write and do math nothing less than that there are a billion illiterate people a couple hundred million of those are kids and they live in places where they will never have a teacher or have a school just can't bet can't scale humans or teach or schools that quickly so what we've done is that we have built out in XPrize and it's an XPrize that is going to be asking teams around the world to build a piece of software that can operate on any tablet or cell phone they can take a child where there is nothing no teachers no schools nothing and take them from illiteracy to reading writing and numeracy in 18 months this is a piece of software that go open-source and be put on every Android tablet and device out there so we're getting ready to launch this in on at the end of September it's a 15 million dollar prize it is funded by a set of rockstars and we're going to be joining on to this an IndieGoGo campaign and I'm you know one of the things I would love is help from this community to make this thing go as big and as bold as possible I don't have time to show the video right now but I'd like it we're at lunch today XPrize is sponsoring the lunch I'll talk more about this but if this is something that you're passionate about like creating literacy which uplifts humanity makes us a more peaceful world of helping teach 100 million kids on a scalable fashion how to read and write and do numeracy on a lock innovation for them if there's something that you as a superhero community of marketers are willing to help us promote globally would love your help and if it's something you're interested just to get a sense can I get a show of hands who would like to be part of this campaign for us just raise raise your hand if you could keep them up there keeping up there okay and at lunch I'm gonna be following up with you guys it's quick quick name capture I've got an AI that's now tracking every name and every face and send you an email in about 30 seconds now but I'm very proud we have jonno on our team ran the largest crowdfunding campaign ever for a boon to they set a 30 million dollar goal John oh you did how much would that go twelve point seven million they didn't take it down but we're hoping to really do that our goal is not the money our goal is a hundred thousand people supporting this to become one of the most massive events on the planet and transforming the planet so the next moonshot I've taken is called human longevity Inc I'm gonna be talking about this at abundance 360 this year it's crazy we did a 85 million dollar seed round in three months this is a company my goal is to add you know 30 to 40 healthy years on your lives our mission is to make 100 years old in you 60 my co-founder and now taking on the role of CEO is craig Venter who created the first human first sequence of the human genome create the first synthetic life-form and Bob Murray who's the top stem cell scientist on the planet and we're creating the largest database ever we're going to be a million people in the next five years phenotype data they're full human genome the three billion from your parents 3 billion from your mom and your dad each the microbiome sequencing your entire microbiome full body MRIs your metabolomic 24-hour chemicals in your bloodstream and then finally your proteome and all of this data is being collected and we just hired away from Google Franz och who is the top machine learning person who did Google Translate is going to be basically taking this data and coming up with what we believe it going to be transformational innovations in in human health so what's life like for you if you get to live an extra 30 or 40 years or 100 years old is it you know you're going strong the third moonshot I'm working on right now is prospecting near-earth asteroids so these rocks hit the earth once in a while it's not a good thing there's 60 million of them in the solar system a million about 1.5 million are kilometer in size about a thousand those come close to the earth and there are set of them that are on Manhattan Island the most valuable rocks in the solar system and they're 11 of those and our goal is to go out there and to prospect those lay claim and extract resources to what resources fuel and platinum group metals by the way this is an example of one of those rocks comes by the earth every two years and about a half a kilometer by kilometer and it's worth about five trillion dollars these are the spacecraft that we're building right now we have a lab and a team of 40 engineers up in mountain up in Seattle and this is the spacecraft this is our picks and shovels AI onboard laser comm back to the earth and for scale that's how big it is and that's crystal Wiki our president with Larry Page our first investor and these devices are instead of six hundred million dollars they're a million bucks each six hundred times cheaper than they would have been at JPL Chris ran the last three Mars missions at JPL before he stole them away so getting access to abundant resources wasn't possible it is now possible my final final mission is creating a world of abundance it's what I care about most and with that for me it's been about creating a community of people many of you are part of that community abundance 360 community and I believe that we can in fact create extraordinary wealth while creating a world of abundance and in fact to go very much together and so for me it's about making my 25 year commitment to that and announced that last year with Dan and thank you for the inspiration down and then bold is the how-to manual so I want to wrap by saying guys we're living in a world where anything is possible your mindset is the most important asset you have don't restrict yourself go big go bold the world is there for you to create your visions of the future we're living in a world where science fiction is now science fact thank you all very much I'm here at 25k group Joe polishes event and I can speak to the fact that I have built a massively rich and powerful friendship and relationship with Joe I will do anything to support that man and he is a giving and grateful human individual and so my relationship with him has enabled so many opportunities so many powerful things same thing with Dan sold and other people here so ultimately I think our relationships our true relationships where you are giving and not expecting is is the most important thing in life you know I say that three things make anything possible money technology in people the right money and people can create the technology the right people in technology can attract the money that's venture capital but money and technology without the right people is a useless useless matter so people are the key at least until artificial intelligence become so advanced that
Channel: Joe Polish
Views: 82,282
Rating: 4.8866396 out of 5
Id: mIQKnCYXyb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2015
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