Peter Diamandis | SingularityU Greece Summit 2018

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I'm edifis good morning everybody it's a pleasure to be here an honor to be here first off allow me to thank the organizers ELISA akiles and of course most importantly Nikki Nikki you are a force to be reckoned with you are a secret weapon in Greece's arsenal for innovation and for creating its future so I've called this talk sort of abundance and Exponential's 101 the future is better than you think and it's faster than you think but let me begin I'm a product of Greece both my parents were born island of Lesbos my father in mystic now my mother in Metheny my sister Marcel and I grew up here every summer coming to that here in Athens visiting the black sands of Santorini the beautiful beaches of Crete Rhodes the Gladys I grew up in a family that respected most of all education respect family culture love is the basics for who I became and I can't imagine to be in your feet to sit in your seats of what the last 10 years have been like I'm sure there have been incredible hardships across this nation but I also know that there is no crisis that you should waste and the question is what are the last 10 years taught and what passion and innovation for change and desire to create a future because I do believe that we're living in a world where the future is what you make it to be so as you're sitting here in this audience you're not just an average Greek you're here because something in your heart and your soul called you to be here each of you our emissaries for the conversation we're about to have over the next two days to understand what these exponential technologies are going to do how they're going to scare us how they're going to excite us how they're going to enable us most importantly how they're going to change us your mission over these next 24 to 48 hours is to see what speaks to your heart and to take that home take that home to your company to your family to your village to your few city wherever you go and to share because ultimately the message here is one of hope and one of opportunity one of change and one of possibility so let's begin I'm going to share with you a look at where the world is going not where it's going for Greece not where it's going for Athens where the world is going and I can start by saying this and I truly believe this in all of my hearts that we are alive during the most extraordinary time ever in human history despite the challenges the issues the hardships this is the most extraordinary time you may not think this you may not know this but each and every one of us is more empowered than any time ever in human history I hope you'll get this at the end of this talk any one of you if you truly wanted to could go and spin up a thousand processor cores on Amazon Web or desert or Azure or Google cloud you have access to more capital in any time in human history I know that's hard to believe and I hope you'll stick with me for a little bit to understand what that means you also have expertise available throughout the planet one click away the other thing that's true is that I don't think any of us truly understand how fast the world is changing if you thought the last 10 years were challenging and difficult the next 20 years are going to challenge us even more not just us here in Greece but the world because over the next 10 years next 20 years we're gonna reinvent what it means to be human we're gonna reinvent what it means to raise our family to govern our nation's what it means to run our companies in our industries so this talk for me is more to the students and the entrepreneurs because as a student and as an entrepreneur or a time of rapid change is a time of incredible opportunity and the single most important thing that you need to know and that I feel I need to know is what am i passionate about where am I going what do I want to create what is it that drives me every single morning and every single day and what do I want to do with my life because let me tell you the capabilities to do those things are here and they're getting more and more powerful so here's the challenge all of us evolved on the savannahs of Africa hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago and back then the world was local in linear and the brains that we have the hundred billion neurons the hundred trillion synaptic connections that shaped the way we see the world evolved for this world a world that was local and linear nothing changed century to century millennium to millennium right but the world today is global and Exponential's happening happen to the United States or China or India you know about its seconds later computers about microseconds later things are not changing decade to decade or a year to year they're now changing month to month if I were to graph it looks like this this red line is all of us it's our parents it's our yeah yeah as opposed to politicians it's our customers our board members we have not hired a hardware or software upgrade in 22 million years this yellow line it's computer sensors networks AI robotics 3d printing synthetic biology augmented virtuality blockchain the stuff that you hear to talk about for the next two days it's doubling in power every 12 to 24 months the difference between that linear human all of us and all that exponential tech is either disruptive stress or opportunity depending on your point of view so when I talked about Exponential's what does that even mean this is singularity University in Silicon Valley where my dear friend and partner Ray Kurzweil and I started this institution now some 11 years ago Rob nel is now our CEO there I'm proud to serve as the executive founder and we study exponential as we teach the largest corporations in the world to graduate students from around the planet we have an amazing global startup program our goal is a thousand startups a year ten thousand startups over the next decade the challenge is again that all of us in our days in our strife in raising our kids we're all linear thinkers I say to you where you're going to be in 30 linear steps 1 2 3 4 5 in 30 steps I'm in row 10 30 meters away right I'm really great linear projector if I said to you where you can be in 30 exponential steps when Exponential's are simple doubling 1 2 4 8 16 32 in 30 doublings I'm not in row 10 in 30 doublings I'm a billion meters away put differently I've gone 26 times around the planet and that difference between my linear mind and this exponential growth of Technology is challenging we humans don't think that way and all of a sudden things appear out of no place the world is changing faster and faster and what do we do the tsunami of change how do we surf on top of the tsunami instead of being crushed by it that's what the conversations over the next two days you're here because these forces are the most powerful forces it's more than social political these are the forces that are happening day in and day out that make nations that change industries and these are forces that you as entrepreneurs and leaders in Greece need to understand and body use to create your vision for the future so all of this today is riding under what we call Moore's law this is Gordon Moore one of the founders of Intel who in 1965 publishes a very famous paper he says we've noticed something over the last seven years the number of transistors on a piece of silicon has roughly doubled every 12 to 18 months and it's likely to continue it's continued for 50 years and we now call this Moore's law this is what it looks like this was Intel's first integrated circuit to transistors this was their first commercial product the Intel 4004 2300 transistors $1.00 each fast forward 45 years to today this is the core i9 inside many of your devices seven billion transistors 27 billion fold price performance increase I don't know what that means like 27 billion fold but let me give you another way of seeing how fast the world is changing back in 1956 this was a five megabyte hard drive a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and if you happen to have a cargo airplane you could move it from location to location now we notice when this happened right 2005 25 times more memory a thousand times cheaper pretty amazing but did we notice when this happened when nine years later now it's a thousand times more memory for the exact same price but it doesn't stop here right because today it's a terabyte for something that fits in your pocket that is the size of your now this is a 10 trillion fold price performance increase here's the point it's not slowing down in fact the rate of change is accelerating so if you look at the amount of computational growth between 1900 and 2010 this is a a a slide from the singularity is near a Ray Kurzweil book if you're part of the su or abundance community I know many of you are you've seen this chart over and over and over again it's okay you should still see it another thousand times what this is showing us is the amount of computation a thousand dollars can buy you right so back in 1900 a thousand dollars blow a little bit today if you go to a del straw rocked a bit and you buy computational power its buying you about a little less than 10 to the 14 cycles per second in just five years and 2023 now it's buying you the computational power of the human brain 25 years later now it's buying you the computational power of the entire human race now $1,000 goes a long way your kids homework gets really easy so what we're seeing in what we study at singularity University is that these faster cheaper computers which are everywhere always on on the cloud getting cheaper faster more available on top of that computational power is writing all of these Exponential's AI robotics 3d printing synthetic biology augmented virtual reality and many of you here are experts in one or two of these but it's the combination of 3 4 & 5 coming together in unexpected fashions that are creating new business models transforming what nations are doing and it's this force of convergence and this exponential rise over not a hundred years not 50 years the next 20 years that we can't ignore we're going to create more wealth in the next 10 years than we have in the entire past century we're also going to change every industry here so what I teach at singularity University and at abundance 360 is what I call the six DS it's the notion that anything we digitize we digitized photography manufacturing finance biology whatever we digitize enters a period of slow deceptive growth the first digital cash was point zero one megapixels the next gyro is point zero two 10.04 then point zero eight it all looked like zero and Kodak ignored the digital camera that they had invented thirty doublings later a billion times better digital photography disrupted film and what we see then is this that thought was over and over again we dematerialize we D monetize and we democratize products and services what in the world does that mean this is what it means twenty years later all of these things fit in your pocket right all of these things have become ones and zeros the marginal cost of transmission is zero the marginal cost of duplication is zero we don't think about the fact that a child with a smartphone in Africa has millions of dollars of free capability that you and I would have spent that for just twenty years ago they have two-way videoconferencing high-definition video and still cameras libraries of books and records for free that's crazy modern economics just don't account for any of this we'll hear from that from Amin and then there's this D monetization that's taking place where we may not feel it we may not think it but everything is getting cheaper and cheaper and cheaper more and more and more and we'll talk about this today because it's changing the face of the world and the advantage for dematerialization and D monetization is democratization that you can be a high school kid here an Athena and literally reach a billion people in Africa if you've got the right idea and the right app you had to have been Muhtar Kent or Jeff Immelt at coca-cola or GE to actually reach that many people all right let's talk about one of the implications about Exponential's that I love and I teach and for me it's one of the most important messages I can share here with su Athens which is that Exponential's are bringing us a world abundance it may not feel like it and we'll talk about this so I wrote a book back in 2011 2012 called abundance the future is better than you think I was very proud I was the closing speaker at the Clinton Global Initiative and President Clinton when he's introducing the book and he's quoting from the book he says Peter why are you so damn positive about the future don't you watch the news and I said President Clinton with all honesty no I don't and I'm positive because I look at the data so on the first note and I think it's important to understand this our mindsets is the most important thing we have how you think about the world is everything everything if you think the world is going to hell in a handbasket if you think there's no future for tomorrow how are you going to act are you going to invest are you an educate yourself are you going to look towards the future you're gonna hide under the bed it turns out that as we were evolving on those savannahs of Africa hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago we evolved an ancient piece of our brain called the amygdala and the amygdala about the size of your thumb scans everything you see and everything you hear for negative news and if you see negative news it puts you on red alert right because back then a hundred thousand years ago a piece of good news well that's great you miss a piece of bad news your genes were out of the gene pool and so we paid ten times more attention to negative news than positive news and the news media's job is what is to deliver your eyeballs to their advertisers and so if you open the newspaper the radio or the television whatever it is and you look at the news coverage it's ten to one negative to positive it's not to say that it's not true but it is for sure not a balanced view of what's going on in the world because you ignore the positive headlines as do I to a large degree but let's look at the data because over the last hundred years the per capita income for every nation has more than tripled the human lifespan has doubled the cost of food has dropped 30 fold the cost of transportation you know energy 50 fold transportation hundreds of fold Communications millions of fold there's a huge amount of data this is people living in extreme poverty over the last 200 years have plummeted why has this been happening why has this been happening to humanity if you look at literacy rates from 15 percent to nearly 92 percent over the last 200 years again why this chart over here is the average number of years of school in the u.s. South Korea China India Iraq Haiti is exploding why are kids going more to school now over the last 200 years this is children living past the age of 5 or to say dying before the age of 5 200 years ago forty five percent of children never made it to age five today it's four percent still too high this is maternal mortality rate it used to be dangerous to have a child why has this plummeted this is average life expectancy for all of human history we would give birth at age 13 then by age 26 our child was having a child by age 30 we were gone now we've doubled human lifespan we're gonna double it again you're worried about overpopulation don't be Bill Gates has showed us you do two things to a city or a country you make them healthier and better educated the number of children go into rapid decline right this is the number of children six children per family five children four family rapidly falling off a lot of my friends in Silicon Valley are worried about underpopulation of planet Earth not overpopulation of planet Earth here's another chart around the world the number of children per family is about to drop below the replacement rate on the planet this is hours worked per week we forget how brutal it was a hundred years ago you would work 80 hundred hours a week to survive and then you'd be dead by age 40 we forget how good we have it today agreed there's a lot of hardship going on but we forget that life was short and brutish just a hundred years ago let it go two or five hundred years ago why has the number of hours per week been dropping that people have to work to live this is deaths due to airplanes in red airliners are the safest means of transportation on the planet in 2017 zero commercial deaths this blue line is from car accidents 1.3 million deaths per year and when we go to autonomous electric cars that will go to zero - this is death rate from natural catastrophes why is it dropping in the 70s 80s and 90s this is the number of democracies in green growing around the world and then finally this is from a friends book the better angels of our nature Steven Pinker at Harvard who shows us we're living during the most peaceful time ever in human history I want you to see this data the reason this is all happening is the conversation we're here to have it's the impact of exponential technologies changing our world technology is the force that takes what used to be scarce and makes it abundant I opened my book abundance with the story of Napoleon the third the year is 1861 he's at the Palace of Versailles and he's invited his royal guests the King of Siam over for dinner to show how rich he is Napoleon feeds all of his troops with silver utensils Napoleon himself eats with gold utensils and the royal guest the King of Siam he's fed with aluminum utensils because in the year 1861 aluminium was the most precious metal on the planet even though the Earth's crust it's eight point three percent aluminum in the form of bauxite it was so energetically difficult to extract the aluminum from the bauxite it was worth more than gold and platinum it was rare it was scarce and then in France the United States in the same year we developed this technology called electrolysis that made it so easy to extract the aluminum we use it with a throwaway mentality here's another example a friend of mine in Silicon Valley is a CEO of a company called the diamond foundry they have a box about so big in one end comes methane electricity in water out the other end comes perfect diamonds six eight ten carats how big would you like it we're taught diamonds are scarce well yes until technology makes them abundant what else do you think of as scarce energy we're gonna hear from a mez Nam an amazing speaker who will tell us that we are bathed in eight thousand times more energy from the Sun than we consume as a species it's not just in a usable form yet but it's getting there very fast we'll talk about water health learning time money resources expertise labor transportation all of these things are going from scarcity to abundance let's talk about this example one that impacts Greece and all of her youth and all of the entrepreneurs here today but the communications abundance next year and the years that follow we're about to unleash onto the planet surface something called 5g right your cell phone today is on a 4G network 10 to 100 megabits per second 5g is gonna be 10 to 100 gigabits per second it's downloading a feature motion picture in under a second it's connecting everything everyone on this planet if that's not enough Google has just spun out loon a network of stratospheric balloons if that's not enough a company called one web backed by 1.2 billion dollars of softbank's money is about to deploy 900 satellite constellation connecting the world at gigabit connection speeds if that's not enough SpaceX is building a satellite network called StarLink with 4000 satellites and then another layer of 7,000 satellites so this is what it looks like this was 2017 3.8 billion humans connected on planet earth in the six six to eight years we're about to connect everybody right eight billion people are about to be on line 4.2 billion new minds 4.2 billion new minds were coming online not like I did it 9600 baud they're coming online at a gigabit connection speed with access the world's information on Google or by do with the ability to spin up a thousand processor cores or 3d print on the cloud or access quantum computers on the cloud what are these 4.2 billion you Minds going to want to consume desire upload download by create they represent tens of trillions of dollars flowing into the global economy they represent if not your direct customer your customers customer you can reach any of these eight billion people there eight billion people you can collaborate with great billion people that you can talk to transact with co-create with we're connecting the human brain all eight billion of us but it's not just people that we're connecting right it's everything it's the Internet of Things my friends at Cisco called the IOT the IO II by 2020 50 billion connected devices a trillion sensors by 2030 500 billion connected devices a hundred trillion sensors what does this mean it means that we're heading towards a world where everything is being sensed and measured where you can know anything you want anytime you want anywhere you want I've got my EKG and my steps I've got my or a ring that measures my sleep I've got a whole slew of sensors in my phone at the end of the day there's going to be a point I'm or you can know anything in Earth orbit today there are hundreds of privates of satellites I know the number the United States by 2021 1.6 million drones flying over the air imaging and centimeter resolution every autonomous car and there will be tens and hundreds of millions of them are generating 750 megabits of data per second from lidar and radar in imaging seeing everything everywhere on every road and then augmented reality goggles whatever they become in millimeter resolution seeing the world we're entering a world where everything is being seen it's a world of radical transparency a world where you can ask any question you want your a I can go gather the data and bring it back to you it's a dramatically different world if you thought that the world was this slowed down and relaxed and we'd reached the pinnacle guess again what you're gonna see over the next two days is amazing it's a glimpse into the future it's a future that's coming at us that's not stopped abow it's a question of what you want to do you can learn or you can hide you can get excited and say how can I use it or you can get fearful are we gonna have enough raw materials for everybody in this world of the future for the solar for the batteries for the electric cars I love this we're entering a period of resource abundance this is an image about a year ago off the coast of Japan in the ocean floor in the silt was discovered a 400 year supply of rare earth metals enough for all the batteries computers electronics we could want just off the coast of Japan every time we look we discover more but if that's not enough one of my passions is space as Nicky and Nico said Star Trek since my childhood I remember watching it from my cousin's homes here in in Athens the asteroids that come close to the earth these matau like chondrites are rich in platinum osmium rubidium just 1/2 meter asteroid easier to get to than the surface of the Moon it's got more platinum than mined in the human history right there are 2500 of these asteroids worth on the order of 5 trillion dollars each there's a massive amount of resources out there there is no scarcity of resources it's just a matter of how we look and how far we look capital and this is a sensitive you know topic in Greece for sure but let's look at this number right we're seeing an extraordinary explosion of capital around the world in almost every area so a new venture capital Europe 19 point 1 billion last year we hit a new peak of capital available for venture and startups in Asia 48 billion dollars last year we're hitting peaks again this year in the United States last year 84 billion dollars year after year high point after high point but I say listen I can't reach that venture capital it's not for me I'm just in a young entrepreneur well check this out are you feeling with crowdfunding where the crowd loves your idea your project and funds you on sites like IndieGoGo or whatever it might be last year 34 billion in 2017 by 2025 300 billion let me tell you this hear me loud and clear this crowdfunding doesn't care where you live doesn't care if you're in kalamata where I was yesterday or unless was or in Ethiopia or in Silicon Valley it's what your idea is that matters what you're passionate about what you're committed to what's in your mind what you commit to do that's what matters so I've got another subject of passion to me which is about longevity and vitality one of my personal missions is to make a hundred years old than you 60 how do we have the aesthetics the mobility the cognition at a hundred that we had at 60 or 50 how do we add 20 or 30 healthy years onto life so instead of in the last 20 years instead of being in a wheelchair you're out enjoying your here having these conversations so I've had the pleasure to start two companies co-found cellularity with an amazing brilliant man dr. Bob Ferrari and human longevity with bob and craig venter on an investor and adviser to a number of other technology companies in the space and in the FDA labs today and around the world are incredible technologies on synthetic medicines and went pathway manipulators and stem cell research and young blood derivatives and all of these things have incredible promise I truly believe we're gonna add 10 to 20 healthy years this decade and in 30 to 40 in a decade that follows my dear friend Ray Kurzweil talks about something called longevity escape velocity he says there's gonna be a time for every year that you live science is extending your life for more than a year they call that longevity escape velocity I asked ray when does he expect that to happen he said probably in the next 12 years I said oh okay I'm gonna make sure I wear my seat belt and I wear my helmet when I'm skiing here's one example this is my company that I'm co-founder and vice chairman of Paul cellularity the research has shown us that as we are born we have hundreds or thousands of times more stem cells than we do when we age and it drops off over age and these stem cells are regenerative engine these are the cells that go and find areas of of inflammation or damage and repair and differentiate into that tissue and the work that's being done at cellularity right now is to actually replace those stem cells in your body to rejuvenate the regenerative engine so that as you grow older as you grow older in animal models you replenish the stem cells it adds 20 30 sometimes 40 percent of the lifespan at the same time that this is going we have decoded the human will learn more about this right when the Human Genome Project and craig Venter are working on sequencing all 3.2 billion letters of your life it was you know on the order of a hundred million dollars and nine months to sequence your genome back in 2001 today it's under a thousand bucks next year it's pretty to be a hundred dollars in one hour to sequence all 3.2 billion letters of your life but that's just the beginning because now that we can sequence you we can start to perhaps even edit you edit you what are you talking about design our babies well check this out CRISPR 2.0 that came out of MIT and Harvard recently has the ability to seek to edit a single letter out of your 3.2 billion you say well what does a single letter mean 32,000 out of 50,000 human diseases is caused by one letter being off in your genome just one whether it's thalassemia sickle-cell anemia or whatever it might be imagine being able to go and edit that and release the rest of your lineage from that disease amazing I'm going to close on one of the areas that I'm excited about which is the concept of expertise abundance it's the notion that wherever you live here in Greece you have access one click away to any expert you need it doesn't matter who lives in the house next to you or the village next to you we're living in a global ecosystem of incredible cognitive surplus so the question is what problem is it that you want to solve and then how do you find those people to go into the world and solve it with you so when I was growing up it was this problem I wanted so badly to be an astronaut I dreamt of it every day every day I think my sister Marcel was sick of it the time I was 10 I wrote to NASA I wanted to be an astronaut Apollo showed me what the world could do right now amazing this was 49 years ago huh crazy crazy I dreamt about this I wanted this so badly and then this scientific documentary Star Trek thank you it showed us where the world was going what was possible for it a hopeful humanity and so this is what I wanted for myself and then I looked at the chances of becoming a NASA astronaut one in 1,000 and I said I have a better chance of becoming a professional basketball star at five five than I do becoming a NASA astronaut and one day I read about this guy Charles Lindbergh who in 1927 flew from New York to Paris to win a $25,000 prize offered up by Frenchman Raymond Orteig who said I'm gonna offer $25,000 the first person to fly is from New York to Paris his new home to his old his release of birth and amazingly nine different teams spent $400,000 trying to win this $25,000 prize and like that's it I'm gonna create a prize for private spaceflight and I'm gonna find the experts in the world and say solve my problem and give me my flight into space well this was the prize it was going to be a ten million dollar prize I didn't have 10 million dollars at the time but it was gonna be for a spaceship they'd carry three million people up three three people up down and do it again within two weeks amazingly 26 teams from seven countries around the world spent a hundred million dollars going after this ten million dollar prize they're all optimists it was incredible the winning vehicle here our spaceship won under the Smithsonian here is now under the Smithsonian and it really showed the world that a small team could do things that only the largest governments and the largest corporations could do before on the heels of this Richard Branson came in and bought the rights to create a Virgin Galactic I now have my seat to fly to space sometime in the next couple of years and at the end of the day this vision and realization that I had this challenge of wanting to go to space and I didn't know how but I didn't have to know how I just needed to know what my target was and then ask the world to help me so what is your challenge what is the problem that you want to solve for yourself for your family for your company for your community and how do you partner with the world to solve that because that's the world we're living in today it's not about to having to have all the expertise inside your company or inside your village it's about going out to this planet a giant village on the heels of this XPrize being one I was able to build an amazing board of trustees from Larry Page and James Cameron and Jim gianopolous scenario Huffington and Ray Kurzweil and asked the question what are the problems in the world that are not being solved and what's the target we can give to people to try and solve them we've launched over 150 million dollars with the prizes another two hundred million dollars are in development by the chance to work with an amazing Board of Directors an amazing innovation board I have my dear friend Sonia Mordechai here who is our chair of our board here with me a fellow Greek so what have we been working on we have something called the Qualcomm tricorder X Prize we just announced the winner if you think about Star Trek you remember the tricorder this is a device that you give to a mother or father at two o'clock in the morning when their child is sick that they can diagnose themselves if not a doctor or nurse this is about reducing the cost of health care the eventual healthcare in the future and we'll talk about this the best diagnosis the best surgery will eventually be from an AI or a robot they'll be implications that of course but it really means D monetization and democratization of healthcare here's an XPrize that's going on right now this called the Global Learning XPrize Elon Musk put up the fifteen million dollars the DeVos family dear friend Tony Robbins and we asked teams around the world to build a piece of Android software that could go on a tablet and take any child on the planet from complete illiteracy to reading writing and numeracy on their own in 15 months about 700 teams entered were down to five finalists google gave us 5,000 tablets who are in the hands of 2,500 kids right now in Tanzania who don't speak any English for any Swahili the winning software is going to be open source so we can manufacture a billion teachers per year it's about scale this is our carbon XPrize pull the co2 out of the smokestack and turn it into a product more viable than the cost of extracting it this is an X Prize we just announced a few months ago at South by Southwest called the Avatar XPrize this is about creating robots that you can occupy so I want you to imagine I'm not here there's a robot here on stage it may look like me I'm back home in Santa Monica there I'm in my pajamas I have a VR goggles on I have a haptic suit and then I walk around Santa Monica the robot walks around here is I come out and shake your hand the robot shakes your hand I feel like on here you feel like on here these avatar robots the next five years they'll go into disaster places they'll give medical care they'll help in all kinds of situations I'm very proud that my world of XPrize has interfaced with my world here in Greece I was down in in kalamata yesterday with my sister Sony and my dear friend dr. Jodi cover money who is the head of planet and environment the executive director there shell and Noah challenged teams to build robots that could go down 4,000 meters under the ocean surface and 250 square kilometers in 24 hours we know more about the surface of Mars and the surface of the Moon than we do the floor of the sea we were down to five finalists and they're right down there just to our south right now with amazing technology going down and I mean these are teams I was blown away by them right these are teams of a two-person team and a 10-person team that is transforming oceanography with an investment of a million dollars or three million dollars why because we gave them the challenge humans rise to incredible ability when you give them a target to shoot for and say I don't care where you went to school where you live what you've ever done if you solve this problem you win and we all went to last slide a second last slide two weeks ago we had our biggest event at the XPrize it's called vision earring it's where we set our targets to where we're going next it's very proud about five years ago one of the when the ideas that came out of engineering was the idea of a water abundance XPrize you know that half the disease burden on planet Earth is due to unclean drinking water we talked about water wars and water scarcity but we live on a water planet right two-thirds of our planet is oceans yes ninety seven point five percent of salt we fight over two percent at the polar caps I mean so two percent of the polar caps we fight over a half a percent in our freshwater system so this was an XPrize and asked teams to pull two thousand liters of water out of the atmosphere out of the biosphere for under two cents per liter from all renewable energy and we awarded it just two weeks ago I'll close on this a negative mindset will never give you a positive life I truly believe we are alive during the most extraordinary time ever in human history the single most precious most impact Fortin thing is the committed passionate human mind what do you want to create for yourself for your family and for your nation because there are no limitations if you'd like these slides you can just send an email here it'll get them share them an honor and a pleasure to be here thank you again Nikki for the invitation thank you [Applause] Peter thank you so much for pushing the boundaries of our thinking thank you so I'm sure every single one in this room and on livestream has lots of questions to ask you but we only have time for one so listen I'm gonna be up on your notion of abundance we all understand it but if you are a business person in Greece today or a young person out of college or young entrepreneur you know what kind of dragons have to slay day-in day-out much more fundamental problems you know what do you what do you tell us how do we rise out of this everyday situation that were in so I think it's important to realize Greece is not an island unto itself it is you're alive on this planet and this planet is more interconnected than ever before I know it's a temptation to only focus on what can I do here but Greeks are the most educated populace around with the highest fluency in other languages I think it's critically important to see the world as an opportunity to connect to the world to be able to see what products you can create here to export to the world I think education is first and foremost the single most important thing I mean that's why I was so excited about when Nicky intersected su here in Athens I think that your ability to stay mindful of all of these technologies and to educate yourself whether it's in machine learning or just how to 3d print on the cloud it's a new language for the future all right and as I as I think about for my kids there are three important things that are the single most important for any student any entrepreneur listening number one what are you most passionate about you need to find your personal passion for me it was space space drove every single thing I've ever done because that I learned for myself not for my parents not for my teachers I learned for myself because that was my passion so if you don't know you're a passion find it there is nothing more important if you know your passion you will rise to incredible Heights there will be no limitations that can hold you back because at the end of the day doing anything significant is difficult and hard and believe me a lot of my successes were overnight successes after eleven years of hard work but being told no over and over and over again and if I was doing it for the money or doing it for my folks I would have stopped but I was doing it for my heart the second thing I for my my 7 year olds is ask great questions I think the ability to ask great questions is more important than any time whether you're a CEO or a child in a world where you can know anything anytime anywhere it's the quality of the questions that you ask become a great question asker and then the third is don't ever ever ever ever ever give up thank you thank you thank you that is a very important conversation about Greece which is coming up later this afternoon with Alexis Papa Hellas so we're looking forward to picking up the discussion of that man with you I look forward to that very much right Thank You V thank you thank you you
Channel: Singularity University
Views: 29,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singularity University, Education, Science, leadership, technology, learning, designing thinking, future forecasting, Peter Diamandis, 3D printing, AI, artificial intelligence, AR, augmented reality, VR, virtual reality, automation, biotechnology, blockchain, computing, CRISPR, entrepreneurship, future, futurist, futurism, future of work, future of learning, genetics, health, healthtech, medtech, fintech, nanotechnology, robotics, Athens, Exponential Technologies, New Mindset, New Era
Id: Oc8K8-iPPC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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