Changing Your Game | Dan Sullivan

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[Music] welcome to 10xtalk in this episode we'll discover how to change your day a tool for getting clear on where you are in your business increasing your cash flow and growing your business one action you can take to increase your capabilities and confidence and make your competitors your biggest customers and promoters and more with Dan Sullivan dan is the co-founder of strategic coach author of over 30 publications a visionary innovator and gifted conceptual thinker Dan has over 35 years experience as a highly regarded speaker consultant strategic planner and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups if you like access to the full feature video presentation the show notes and special resources for this episode please visit 10xtalk comm ford slash 114 that's 10x talk comm ford slash 1-1 for recorded live at the genius network annual event now Joe Weldon mentioned the footprints on the moon and the footprints being left on the stage over these two days no one I know has left more footprints on the hearts and minds of entrepreneurs then one of my closest friends on the planet Dan Sullivan to his awesome program called strategic coach which I have attended now for about 18 years this one-of-a-kind coaching program which he leads with his wife Babs has helped me personally generate tens of millions of dollars in business and even more importantly has made me a better leader employer and whole and a better person Dan's quiet-like business manner and deliberate speaking style belie the dynamic hard-charging and relentless entrepreneur that he is so hang on to every word which I think you're just going to do because that's how Dan is and thought and so get set and welcome my dear friend mr. Dan Sullivan mm thank you thank you yeah well it's about changing your game and you know back in 1974 when I first started coaching I developed a role model in the role model was the microchip which people were just talking about the microchip around 1974 and microchip basically takes the speed of information and puts it into a smaller space so the constant constant evolution of micro technology over the last going on 50 60 years now has constantly pumped more and more information to more space well since that was taken care of by the microchip I decided to focus on another area and take the most actionable wisdom and pack it into the shortest period of time and so in order what this does is that as you do this you actually increase your impact on the planet and so my thing I just little quote here from George Bernard Shaw that progress is impossible without change we know that the microchip is causing change the question is are you changing with it so it really requires of Mind shifts all the time actually changing your mind so I'm going to pack 41 years of coaching yeah well my my original attempt was to pack coat 41 years of coaching into 50 minutes that's what that was my goal but as I got thinking about it over the last month I decided to pack it into 30 minutes and then leave some room for your wisdom in response to what I'm showing you so I've taken my entire coaching career and broken it down into three graphics quantum is a circle the other one is four boxes the other one is a curve so I'm going to go to the circle first and what the circle really represents and what I want you to do is to actually get your pen out because we're going to actually right here and the thing I'd like you to do is to consider this circle all of your time and all of your activities as they're presently devoted to your business so the circle represents just where you are right now and so in 15 minutes I'm going to get you to change your mind about where you are right now and then I have four boxes I'm going to show you in ten minutes I'm going to show you where you how you're going to change your mind about what you're going to do during the next 90 days and then the upward curves that I spoke about in five minutes I'm going to show you how you're going to change your mind about what you're going to do for the next twenty five years so this is basically what I'm going to do it for next half-hour so the first thing I want you to do is to imagine this circle that it actually has three parts and what the circle really represents is your emotional reaction to different things that you're actually doing right now snapshot of where you are right now and what a stance what the first outer circle stands for we call this a and the second one we call B and the third one we call C and a stands for everything in your business right now all the time that you're spending that really irritates you so this is the irritating part of your life right now how many of you can relate to that right away okay yeah and it's very important to actually tell the truth about what irritates you because if you don't tell the truth about what irritates you you can't actually do something else the second part of your what your life is right now is B and this is the okay part of your business and usually the okay part of your business is related to cash flow okay how many of you are okay with cash flow okay it's not irritating but it's also some of it is not very exciting okay and then the third part C really represents the part of your business where you're spending your time and your action with that is really fascinating and motivating okay so you're very fascinated with this it's new it's got a lot of promise and it's very motivating because it looks like it's going to be really big it's going to be a lot better okay how many of you have all three of those right now you have your tating you have okay good so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have you actually do a little list of the three most irritating things right now okay and people can be irritating so how many of you have people who are irritating yeah situations how many of you have situations that are irritating right and how many of you just have activities or tasks that are very irritating you know maybe obligations how many of you have obligations that are irritating yeah so anyway it's just your truth and I'm just going to give you an example of three of mine and one of mine is spending any time with entrepreneurs who don't have any ambitions okay it seems like a wasted effort to me how many of you realize that being an entrepreneur is the life sentence how many of you know you can't go back how many of you know they won't have you how many of you wouldn't hire you okay so so that's really so I I tell people it's a life sentence there's no out out and so don't don't do your life sentence in an irritating fashion actually get rid of the irritations that's why you became an entrepreneur in the first place okay so the second one for me is meetings that don't have any impact okay so I we have a tool in strategic coach which is called the impact filter and what I require is that before we have a meeting I want your impact filter the day before because I don't want to spend half the meeting trying to figure out what the meetings about I want to know what the meeting is about the next day and I don't ask anyone to meet with me unless they get an impact filter and then the next one is non strategic days and hours so I have a time system where I only do three important things a day okay so sometimes I get my three important things done by 11 o'clock in the morning and that's my day the rest of the day is not for work okay and the reason why I figure three hours three things a day is that in a five-day workweek I get 15 important things done how many of you if you got 15 important things done in a week that's good week okay and I work 210 days a year Babs and I babs's she who decides so and so anyway she who decides decided about 25 years ago that we take 155 three days years so we have for you which gives me 210 days and if I do three important things that's 630 important things 643 important things in a year how many of you if you did 630 important things in New York would be a good year and do that for 25 years and a good lifetime for a life sentence okay so that's yours now I want you to write down right now where you are is that October 26 2015 what it really irritates you now and there's a huge bonus for telling the truth here okay just tell the truth about what irritates you okay if you don't tell your brain what irritates you your brain can't take action your brain can't see any solution to it so just write it down the moment you write it down your brain starts fighting the solution could be bigger spa a lot of people won't write what irritates them because they think there isn't a solution but the truth is there is no solution until you write it down yeah so you know our brain just nothing wants to know what to work on and you're the only one that can tell it okay so that's that's it okay now I'm going to move on to okay and for me okay is I like intros sales presentations you know we started off where I had to travel all over the world actually to do sales presentations now they're closer to home and I don't I don't they don't irritate me they don't excite me but they're great I mean they're great for cash flow and I'm still in a position where that's important for my company so I do it but it's not I'd like to see a future where I don't have to do this anymore and that's usually what okay things are for you it's you'll do it right now another one is coaching the basic concept so we've been coaching for 41 years and I personally coach 6,000 people and there's basic concepts related to time and money and relationship and purpose and I I don't mind coaching those I mean I'm more excited about the new stuff that's being created but I'll do it and then the third one is there's new knowledge products that I'm creating and there's parts of the process that's okay for me lots of parts of the process are fascinating and motivating but there's still some things that are ok ok so this is a good area this is a tremendous area and what we want to do as part of the logic of what I'm showing you this ABC model is you want to always every 90 days be eliminating your current irritating and then you want to systematize and automate the B's the okay part so that's a that's kind of a progression eliminate the A's systematize and automate the B's the Four Seasons Hotel has a great line which is systematized the predictable and and humanize the Excel channel okay so the more you can systematize the predictable part of your business it frees you up to humanize which means creativity and all sorts of new kinds of in the innovation and it's really great and then the third one C is what I love I've come up with this fabulous new idea I'm so excited and it's been about the last six months where I've discovered how you can score mindsets and basically what I'm really discovering is that the whole world actually runs by mindsets it doesn't run by products or services it actually runs by people wanting to graduate in their lives to a particular type of mindset and I figured out how to create the mindsets but not only that I can teach anyone else how to create a mindset a scorecard for mindsets that are important to you so I'm very very excited about this next thing is we have a part of the program which is called the ten times ambition program and I really love it because I'm about 90 days ahead of my clients and I have to constantly come up with new stuff and I'm very excited about that and my final one is I've got a whole group growing number of my 10 times clients you know a lot of them are in the room right here you know Joe very much so I've got Dean grad CEO see here I've got Stefan vishton BOC I've got lots and lots of people here and they're really changing games for other people so I really really love Robin Robins over here Robins a game changer so I really really really love working with people who are game changers and my definition of a game changer is that where all of your competitors actually become your customers and promoters when you have changed the game how the entire industry then your competitors actually become your biggest customers and your biggest promoters and you can tell that's one that tells telltale science how many of you would really like to do that you would actually yeah that's that's a huge huge saying I I really don't like competition you know I like everybody else to be competing but I just really don't like doing it I'm the fifth child of 2/5 children and we kind of I didn't I wasn't born with a competitive chip so I'm just I was just born with a sneaky chip sneaky Jeff I know how to bypass trouble okay and I never thought competing was really a good use of time okay so the big thing here now how many of you this is clarifying you know it's kind clerk clarifying where you are and you do this every 90 days like this gives you 90 days of work and you can make a big shift how many of you if you eliminated the aides automated and systematize the B's and then focus a lot more time on the seats this would be a big deal for you to see a big shift okay well how are we going to figure out where we are right now so what I want you to do you'll notice the little boxes right under a B and C your activities what I want you to do is say what percentage pod of a hundred percent of your time right now what percentage are you spending in a what amount of time are you spending in B and what amount of time are you spending in C and these are my real numbers for this quarter okay and what I want to tell you is no matter how good you get at getting rid of A's next quarter there will be a new new bunch of aides that irritate you some of the old K's right now will become irritating next quarter okay and the reason is because as you get more and more into fascinating and motivating okay things become irritating so that makes sense yeah okay so what I want you to do now is this is where you are right now and what I want you to do is say what percentage of your time next time in 90 days do you want to be spending on a and for me at zero okay those those activities what percentage of those activities do I want to be spending and I want to drop it down to ten so I've gotten rid of 10 I've gotten rid of I've gotten rid of 10% there and so next time I want to be spending 90 90 percent of my time on this okay girl again how many of you that so you can see the shift that's big shift 20% of your time being shifted to fascinating and motivating that's a big deal how many of you can get excited right now by the prospect of doing that yeah that's really super now I'm just going to have you come down below this and I want you to say how you're actually going to do this okay so one of our things is that the scorecard concept that we have we've we've really developed it very well at the 10 times ambition level and now next over the next quarter I want to go throughout the program everybody on the scorecard impact filter only rules okay so I sometimes I let people meet with me without an impact children and I'm getting mad as hell and I'm not going to put up with it anymore and so the next next quarter no me no no impact filter no meeting and the next one is just to reinforce my three things a day okay three important things and you know if you restrict the number of things that you do in a day to a fixed number like three you only have one way improving and that is the since you can increase the quantity of things that you're doing you have to increase the quality okay so I'm an enemy of busyness on the planet I'm a huge enemy of busyness I think I think busyness interferes with people's growth of ambition and I think busyness interferes with people's sense of courage okay you can fool yourself by being busy that you're actually making progress but it's a bit of it it's a bit of a treadmill okay and then I'm just going to put these in more this is my information but I want you to say the three things that you're going to do to automate and systematize B and then with the 90% that I have here and you have another percentage what I want you to do is to actually say what you're going to really focus on and what these activities are so we've identified nine possible areas for growth and we've identified nine activities that would lead to growth and this is really super we're really moving very very nicely here okay so this is this is cool and now if you could only do one thing over the next quarter if you could only do one thing I'll let you I know some of you are writing furiously okay sixty percent of my client base historically have done ad D and so I found that with ad D people you got to do it really fast and you got to get them to write in small boxes that you can keep them almost forever and have them only write about themselves I find the greatest way to engage another human being is have the entire conversation be only about them how many of you are quite engaged engaged when it's about you yeah that comes from being a fifth child I have a rule I'm number twenty-one so when I meet a new person I automatically assume that they have 20 more important things in their life than meeting me okay and then if they are going to move me up into the top 20 it's because I'm creating a value for them that actually engages them but it has to be about them okay so that makes that makes life a lot simpler you know the worst illusion in life that this any of this was created for you okay so what I want you to do now is zero in on the one thing that would actually be a game-changer what would be a game-changer here okay and you can only pick one you'll do more than one but I want you to have your focus on one okay so for me it's the I have three game changers and I want to get them into it digital platforms so not only do they have a scorecard but they have a digital platform and by by December January 31st I want three of my game changers in it with a scorecard in a digital platform okay and I'm working with Stephane here bright guy from England not all of them are you know he stick out all right that goes for Americans too all right so how many of you this is revealing so this is kind of like a really really fast way of taking a look at your quarter now here's a real tip for you how many of you have teams okay go back there's an extra blank one of these in your pack go back and do this with your team and allow your team the movement now to get rid of the irritating work and a lot of the irritating work really is what your company used to do but if it's not really necessary you know it's kind of like your wardrobe 80% of it you haven't worn in a year okay so why do you still have those clothes around okay just get rid of it and how many of you have people in your life that are like clothes 80% of them 80% of them you feel some sort of obligation but you actually don't act on it so we get rid of that okay now we got to do another thing so we're going to go to the four boxes right now and this is a little thing that I discovered probably over a course of my life but most people want a change delivered to them so they can always stay in a state of capability and confidence and that's what perfectionism by the way perfectionism is absolutely the enemy of entrepreneurism because perfectionism is the demand that you be guaranteed upfront with success before you'll actually commit yourself to it how many of you have done that we are you absolutely guarantee you get you hat demand that success be guaranteed to you before you'll actually commit to the project okay in the world doesn't work that way it needs you to actually commit before the success can actually be created and what that requires is courage okay so commitment requires courage so I want you to take the game-changer breakthrough from the previous one and I want you just to write from the bottom of the ABC page write what you have in the bottom box and put that at the top okay and so we have the great one-on-one game-changer coaching process by December 31st okay so we'll have that in place and then this is really part of getting them digital okay and then my commitment now a commitment is the statement to yourself that I am going to commit to this even though I don't have the guarantee of success and that's what entrepreneurism is that you commit yourself before you have a guarantee of success okay and I've coached entrepreneurs all over you know all over the world from 6070 different industries and one of the things I notice is when entrepreneurs start to die is when they start thinking of having a courage free future when you start thinking you're going to have a courage free the universe notices it's a bit like the Terminator the lights going out like this and the universe starts wanting the parts back when you tell the universe I want a courage free life the universe wants the parts back ok and you start dying ok in life so with mine by the end of 2015 I used all my experience from individual game-changing coaching sessions or the past two and a half years create a unique process that standardizes everything I know will be working for all existing and new game-changer sessions in 2016 okay so game-changer is the scary part of my life right now okay and I'm really I just had to create it out of courage right now when I write well the moment you start creating stuff and each of you can analyze supply biggest breakthroughs in your life with this card okay every time you took a big breaker in your life is because you committed before there was a guarantee of success which required courage the difference to encouraging confidence is that confidence feels really good courage doesn't how many of you when you're feeling really shaky and you're feeling really really scared and you're saying oh this is really terrible actually it's courage it's actually courage and that's why a lot of people don't like courage because it feels lousy okay but the more you commit a hundred percent the shorter the courage that's required that's that's really interesting so I'm into short courage I've tested long courage hope and I I like short courage I like courage it's maybe 24-hour courage okay 15 minutes is even better fifty minutes is better you know then there's some people crazy people like Peter Diamandis who has a lifetime of courage lifetime courage yeah yeah I'm not I'm not that advanced yet okay then the courage is that I hate going but first of all I have to go back and do an activity that I actually hate and I have to collect all my notes over the last two and a half years and I got organizing because I'm the only one who knows where they are and I'm the only one who knows how they actually connect with each other so part of courage is for a while doing a particular type activity that moves you to the next level but you're going to have to put in the time to actually do that how many of you have something right now that it requires a very unpleasant activity on your part for a period of time but if once you get it finished then you never have to do that again in your life and I put you in a position where you can take a job yeah and so everybody thinks about courage you know like in a very heroic medal winning turns but a lot of courage is just what it is in your life right today that is required to go through to get to the next level there are 7.3 billion people on the planet right now and each of them got up during this 24-hour period and they're facing something that represents the next jump for them okay so one of my goals I'll talk to you a little bit later is that this is the exercise that's going to be online it'll be an online app by the end of this month probably by November first and it's for phones it's for pads and it's for computers where you can just download those and use it but what I'd like you to do is to distribute it to everybody in your network because I have a goal and this is my influence from Peter Diamandis that by 2039 we have a billion people on the planet using this exercise to basically grow on a daily basis it'll be one out of nine people and if you have one and one out of nine people actually going through courage on a date makes everything better just makes it makes it what they're doing I have no idea nor do I care I just want them moving forward on the thing that gives them courage that's all I want to do okay and then once we get this you get a capability out of it so it's the commitment and the courage that actually creates capability okay so it's a bit like the commercials you know apply lather rinse reapply this is the same thing here okay so the same thing is you have that commitment creates courage courage grades capability capability creates confidence so the next one is confidence okay and see this is what people really really want but they want confidence given to them nobody can give you confidence you have to create confidence by going through commitment courage and developing new capability and it's the three of those and once you get the higher level of confidence then you can commit at a higher level okay as long as you keep doing this for the rest of your life you will all is be young no matter what age you are you'll always be young people get old when they try to have capability and confidence without commitment and courage okay so that that's how the world works and what it means to be truly human okay so that's it so I this is what your next ninety days is about how many of you if you did this during the next 90 days of the ADEA real breakthrough yeah yeah and I've got a lot of people here you know we have 300 in the room and each of you is working on something else and it's you working on something else that makes the world go round okay because you influence a lot of other people while you're doing it okay it's not big stuff it's the it's the thing that you have to deal with right now okay now I'm going to take you to the next one and this is an upward arrow and this is really important so I did the 90 days you're going you've just done the ABC to set this up and then you did the four C's and now I'm going to show you that if you do the ABC and you do the four C's every day or every at the beginning of every 90 days I just watch you in just for the next 90 days so in my program at strategic coach the time period I get everybody to think about is 25 years okay so for me I started a new 25 year period last year 2014 and I'm going to 2039 but for you today what you're doing you're doing 25 years from 2015 to 2040 ok so last year I was 70 so my next growth period and this would be my big growth period is from age 70 to age 95 so when I'm 95 I'm more energized I'm a lot smarter I'm a lot more ambitious than I am right now okay and the reason I want to do that is because I want to do it people said well why do you need to do that I say I do not need to that I want to do it okay most of you in this room are beyond beyond the borderline of need you're into the world now of want okay and what doesn't have anything to do with other people thinking about what you should do want is simply this is what I want to do and the reason why you want to do it is because you want to do it how many of you that's actually relieving there's no justification in the world of wanting in the world of needing there's total justification because you're expecting other people to do it in the world of wanting strictly your game so you got the ninety days and then you do a hundred quarters like this so you do the ABC so this quarter which goes right up until the beginning of 2016 you do that okay and then you jump to a higher level and then begin the next 90 days you do that and you do this for a hundred quarters in a row how many of you think it would really take you somewhere yeah and remember each one of those 90 days is just one percent of 25 years so if you blow one it doesn't really matter so what I do is every quarter I do five things so this is my number one thing but I actually do five things five multiplier projects it's like compound interest see people think people really grasp compound interest when it comes to money but they don't actually understand compound interest when it comes to capability so every 90 days I want to ratchet up my level first of all of operating in the area of fascinating and motivating and I want to ratchet up being in a continual cycle of commitment courage capability and confidence and do that every quarter and it's like investing now in something that's going to keep paying over one of the big problems to living in the microchip age is people's reduced time frames and if you reduce your time frames time speeds up if you lengthen your time frame every slows down okay okay so this is October 26 2015 I'd like to take you down to back to October 26 the 1990 and what I'd like you to do is tell me the three things that were really ticking you off that day nobody remembers how many of you though can remember what generally you are really excited about in 1990 how many of you can get a handle on that so here's a tip you are brain only remembers excitement it doesn't remember getting ticked up that being the case about the future don't try to remember getting ticked off in the future just get remote just remember see the only memory were these things that are things that are fascinating motivating nothing else is worth reminding doesn't last more than a couple days okay so this is that so this is wow that was quick that's quick how many of you this is kind of interesting thinking yeah [Applause]
Channel: Joe Polish
Views: 4,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Sullivan, Joe Polish, Genius Network, Genius Network Events, Joe Polish's Genius Network
Id: ru_fcQFiMak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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