Bodybuilder vs Calisthenics Strength Battle ft. Browney

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powerlifting bodybuilding calisthenics all with different types of training but which one creates the ultimate well-rounded athlete today we'll be finding out by pitting students of each Doctrine against one another to see who has mastered all the elements needed to achieve Peak athletic performance it's pretty crazy to think is that all three of our strengths combined equals one crossfitter first challenge today we are going to be seeing who has the best endurance who can last the longest I'm not known for last in the longest so damn really it's pretty much a 20 meter shuttle run to the sound of a beep so if you don't make it to the other end by the next beep you're gonna be eliminated in every level it's going to get faster and faster do you think you'll do well I think I'll do better than you we just saw him jump he's strong that's it let's go the biggest I'm getting some high school trauma right now yes say this is gonna expose your [ __ ] that's like no other oh man it's going down my strategy is just lasting longer than these guys because they are bigger which for the first time makes me more confident in life yeah I'm trying to intimidate you guys yeah powerlifter that's two reps are you done oh we have one more rep you know you want to get a meal on you no to set dude I made it to level seven when I was fat this is the most running I did like 10 years my strategy going into this like a lot of things is to start slow get some time on the clock and hopefully Pace myself better than usual I trained legs before this guys yeah just so you know [Music] come here guys gotta go fast oh my God someone get fired now I'm the heaviest of the three guys my strategy is to eat will be cheated shut up any tips to last longer Stan I don't think I've lost it this long before time to think of baseball stats and Grandma Justin's slowing down tight oh [ __ ] oh I don't know about that oh Justin's out it's just me and brownie time to see how special this brownie is [Applause] oh let's go sad you're done you want to keep on going [Applause] [Music] proved it throughout the challenge today first place is gonna get three points second place is gonna get two points last place is gonna get one point one point but the end of the day Whoever has the most points he's gonna win ten thousand dollars I'm just kidding make a donut or something from tins [Music] Challenge number two we're gonna be doing some bouldering which tests pretty much your arm strength core strength flexibility endurance everything you definitely have the advantage and body weight straight I I would be actually impressed if uh if you guys beat me who's going first oh Sam's going first we're doing purple all the way up purple purple all the way up for the first one where do we end there yeah no yeah yeah and the fastest time is going to win so I don't have chalk but I brought this back from Colombia if you want to use this oh yeah that's nice yeah just don't don't get in your nose you don't go down that road we're gonna have half of over here he's our designated timer he's an unbiased man right even though your stance front you're unbiased man I'm your friend too man yeah you're my friend now and I need to end there and there three go oh it's looking pretty quick where is another purple oh on the right sweater hafu unbiased oh [ __ ] there it is I [ __ ] up it's all about taking your time okay 26 seconds 26.91 seconds that's pretty good no that's really fast because I can see it so are we getting the first like bro I thought I could plan out your route yeah but I didn't see that one no because I said that's it there one two three go I think you can do it just as much let's go oh it's going for it 9.6 seconds brownie 9.61 seconds even faster than the first attempt good job dude holy [ __ ] go ah 16.81 seconds did you hear your head yeah I didn't come last that's my goal today but it's only wall one we have the next one now which is way harder oh yeah way harder it's called the dragon you see because it's like it looks like a dragon and there's eyeballs up there maybe I see red eyes yeah yeah and we have a foam pit which I probably should turn to fire for the YouTube video Yeah that would have been better if you follow you if you fall you die yeah it's nice knowing you yeah exactly I'm gonna I'm gonna die I'm I'm terrified this is not like powerless because we don't have like a 10th one attempt two attempt three it's all one go yeah we're good I didn't that didn't hurt at all oh dude it's a deadline yeah oh my God oh my God I just got ragdolls but you got this guy you want some chocolate exactly if I die you take over my channel I love it you have more subs than me I love that he really wants to kill me that's like oh that's like 40 feet high come on one three go we got a Little Dutch Spiderman he does a bit brownie whatever you do do not look down [Laughter] [Music] this is scary as [ __ ] though let's go look at this you have literally a bed to fall into come on no come on keep going keep going you forfeit you forfeit I'm gonna forward this one I I'm gonna [ __ ] kill myself yo I I think I can guarantee you he's not gonna make it yeah you're also gonna make it hey one two three go come on let's do it let's go Justin see how Fearless used oh I think I'm done let's go don't let go no are you trying again all right I'm gonna climb this up I'm gonna climb up this thing like 30 seconds if you land awkwardly on your neck no more YouTube for a good good 10 years shut up man you try to intimidate me no I'm not yeah you 20 seconds 30 seconds is all I need usually oh my God all the uh Good Start well [Music] there you go there you go oh 30 seconds that was it yeah why are you struggling at the beginning oil Brody stop you're you're making me nervous liar you're so close you got this holy [ __ ] proud of you wow oh my God my grip's going if you fall just stretch out stretch out where is he before I'm still pumped I pre-exhausted my forearms this morning that's why I'm not a forearm pump like that since December December 1st yeah we'll take a look at his forearms I think we need another point to make things no time for Challenge number three we're in the gym to have three challenges today first one is Max rep pull-ups with a 45 pound plate this is more than three reps so I don't know how it's gonna go if you can't sleep in between oh Kyle if you're going first how many reps are you expecting me right now I want to say at least six to seven that's what it's really good really impressive really impressive off camera they told me they're gonna do 10 at least we're just freaks we're freaks of nature yeah yeah that's the gym shark kind of the gym shark [Music] everybody comment down below I hope Justin's nuts are okay do you have the balls to go again pop one ball to go again you go down there yeah yeah that's all good so take number two for the nuts there you go one two three eleven oh my God he's game time perch a big range 11. wow dude good job man thank you you did insanely well I'm a little bit nervous now I did back yesterday I did arm wrestling a couple days ago all these excuses but in the hole like usual yeah one oh three two two three oh 13. oh jeez damn I actually suppressed myself killed it dude 13. how do you feel about that uh kind of scared 15 now I mean your channel is a lot of Pull-Up challenges so I think you have no excuse no I have no excuses I did train back yesterday and this morning and just before this year we got you got 12 reps 12 12 reps okay oh my God this is so impressive 16 16. let's go one more oh about 17. good job man holy [ __ ] dude damn brownies it's a damn brownie Challenge number two is gonna be Max push-ups strict push-ups I feel so bad for for picking you first one two three sixteen Seventeen fifty okay that is 50. time to get to my knees get used to that come on yeah oh yeah one two three four two let's go come on let's go three more oh this chest pops someone give me a high five come on oh I'm feeling woozy 56. polish is it crampy yeah oh my God what the hell I need a banana yeah yeah would you like a yellow banana I'd give you one get on your knees what's the goal 69 is that a Google yeah you can you count I can't count that up okay after 69 is mouthwash drink some hot yoga this technique 65. what the hell's going on is this a seal push-up 66. there you go let's go oh my God 72 that's insane 85 85 bro oh my God let's go dude 87 87 so so close 88 child dude oh my God we went to rpt you're just so good I'm so proud of you that was amazing [ __ ] dude you you guys push me really really good job dude how's the chest pump right now sorry pressing my finger there now squeeze oh yeah I'm not moving I'm like I'm stuck let's go [Music] Challenge number three is gonna be a 45 pound plate hole just straight out who can last the longest it's better like I said every night it's gonna be short and sweet yeah get it up and we'll get it up for you okay ready oh my God three on the count of three one two three up [Music] [Music] [ __ ] yeah [Music] Challenge number four we are jousting we are crossing swords how do you feel about that I've always wanted to touch tips with you I think I'm most afraid of brownie right now his face during the push-ups I think I might see that again on the on the beam so I'm not looking forward to that that was terrifying Brian you might have a lot of dexterity on him so I'll probably be brown you ever will but who knows Will's heavier I feel like I'm most afraid of both of them and just losing both of them because have you seen how massive they are thanks come on Justin never mind never mind what I just said about who I'm the most afraid of they're like oh dude if you win you take two of the other person's points so that person loses two points are you ready oh I'm born ready yeah I've been hungry for brownies all day I just want to touch this man [Music] [Applause] oh are you all right yeah oh no oh are you all right that should be a penalty what the hell oh camera's off I hit him so hard in the face that's great I want to play you again later later take the camera's off [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] boom can this guy be removed I'm not trying to be dramatic but I think I have a concussion because of you because of you it's a big tip I got for you dude oh my God Justin took that one there I would help you stand but you made me angry all right Dusty boy oh my God yeah come up here we got some members all business boy you guys don't want to know how many kids he beat up to get us here that's like that it's like that I already fell for that that was that was bad karma I'm a sore loser I hate this [ __ ] we are here at the obstacle course whoever gets the fastest time is gonna double their points which means you're gonna win and I think it's only fair that last place person gets to go first [Applause] these movies [Applause] it was so easy dude it was so easy oh that's how you supposedly jealous dude oh my God he actually did it this is a Children's Place it's for kids huh yo you gotta finish it before you get kicked out come on this is so much harder than I thought oh but he's doing it wow oh [Applause] 53 seconds [Music] [Applause] left I'm literally stuck dude I literally feel helpless right now swing it's my first time oh he fell oh the kids are laughing at me now [Music] hey be nice come on try it this is being less than my three-year-old yo I'm I'm like down bad right now I'm just gonna leave you're thinking you lost yeah three two one go there you go oh he's committing to the standing technique oh you might catch it you might get him oh oh come on with ease 20 seconds 20 seconds good job dude thank you so much yeah we're not even gonna talk about it all right so still the calisthenics Queen wins and number one you're number one thank you princess you're the best time in last powerlifter number two number two if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like subscribe to the channel make sure to subscribe to brownie Justin and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Will Tennyson
Views: 1,440,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilder, calisthenics, challenge, gym, fitness, powerlifter, bodybuilder vs calisthenics, browney, workout, vlog, fitness battle, fitness test, ultimate fitness test, whos stronger, bodybuilding, rock climbing, push up, gym motivation, calisthenics workout, strength, fitness challenge, running, bouldering, climbing, will tennyson, gymshark, weightlifting, strength wars, steroids
Id: 5p5DgAigceU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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