- Can you believe for 25 years, on the Day of Atonement, I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ. Now, listen, I'm going to stop right there and stand right here and say, for the past 25 years, on the Day of Atonement, I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ. He'll come tell me some of the things that's going to happen in the future, I write it in a book called "The Shepherd's Rod." This is the one for 2020. Oh, it was amazing! This one, out of all the 25, this is different. All the other times I'd prepare my heart and the Lord would come, this time, I prepared my heart, I'm waiting before the Lord. I said, "Lord, I'm ready for You to come," And all of a sudden, He said, "No, you're coming to me this time." Sucked me up. Sucked me up, just like that into His presence. Took His hand and just imprinted and imparted, just like that. Wow, I don't care how He does it, just so He does it. You know what I mean? But I'll tell you what, we better just let Him do whatever He wants to do, because anything He wants to do is good. Yeah, and He doesn't do anything that's not the Father's will. Yeah, we need that kind of synchronization. Remember, He said, "I only do what I see My Father doing. I only say what I hear My Father saying." So this one is stunning! Now, I'm up there in Moravian Falls and I'm typing away and I'm typing, and the Lord said, "I want you to teach my people how to walk on the wings of the wind." I said, "Okay, I will, I'm instructed to teach the people of God, how to walk on the wings of the wind." He said, "That's right. I want you to teach them how to soar above the chaos and the confusion of this world and live above the snake line." And so help me God, just so help me God! The moment I typed, God wants me to teach the people to walk on the wings of the wind. My son, Sean Paul, lives down there in Texas, so he calls me, I'm in Moravian falls. He calls me and he said, "Dad, you're not going to believe this!" He said, "There's thousands of hawks circling above my house." And listen, he took his phone and FaceTimed 'em. I saw with my own eyes, thousands of hawks swirling like this, and they were riding the thermals. These guys that do the birdwatching, they say, you may never see that, but maybe one time in your whole life. And just the moment, I teach My people how to walk on the wings of the wind, these hawks. The book of Job, God said to Job, "Hey Job, are you the one that taught the hawks how to walk on the wind." (congregation shouting) We need to learn how to walk on the wind, instead of stumbling in the dirt. Listen, God wants us to, how do we do it? Isaiah 40:28 through 31 is a good one. Isaiah 40:28 through 31, I'll just kind of paraphrase. Didn't he get the message? God's not tired, He's not up there going, "Aw, I never saw that coming." Hey, they that wait upon the Lord shall what? Renew their strength! They shall mount up with wings as of eagles. They'll run and not be weary, they'll walk and not faint. We need to learn how to wait upon God till He comes and buoys us up and picks us up. And we need to soar above the chaos, and we need to learn to walk on the wings of the wind. That's what this book's about. But then He told me, He said, "Now Bobby, I want you to teach 'em how to soar, so they can come back and roar." But the main thing, He said, "teach My people how to have a firm foundation." I don't care how high you soar, how loud you roar, if you don't have a firm foundation, you'll embarrass God and the whole whole thing, you really will. We've got to have a firm foundation. We've got to have that. Listen, I'm telling you, we've got to get back into the Word of God and let the Word of God get back into us. Jesus said it this way. He said, "If you build upon the sand, your house 'll fall, but if you build upon the rock," the rock is His teaching. So anyway, this is "The Wings of the Wind," and man, pretty wild in here. We talk about many, many things. One thing we talk about, smart plans that work out, gut witty inventions. God wants to, He said to tell the body of Christ. God is releasing new ways of doing old things. Anything that's been done once, there is a better way to do it. I'm telling you, He's releasing this. It says witty inventions, smart plans that work out. Don't you want some smart plans? (congregation shouting) One little God idea can pay off a whole bunch of stuff, you understand that? But we've got to break out of the mold and really realize, God's speaking to us. And we got to learn to write the vision, make it plain so people can comprehend what's going on. I hope you'll get the book. Did you get one? You're sure welcome to it. And the Lord came to me, He said, "I want you to sign books." I said to Him, "I don't sign books." He said to me, "You do now,." (congregation laughing) This is all the absolute truth, my wife was with me. So I told Carolyn, I said, "We're having a book signing." She said, "I didn't know we signed books." I said, "We do now." (congregation laughing) That's exactly what I said. The first book ever signed, I knew my name, so I signed it, Bobby, and the lady in front of me, I said, "What is your name?" She said, "My name is Donna." And I said, "Is that D-O-N-N-A?" And she said, "That's correct." So I'm writing her name, D-O-N-N-A, and when the pen made the last stroke of an A, a Bible passage just went right across my spirit. So I thought, I'll write that verse. She's watching me write that verse in the book she had just bought, and all of a sudden she screams, ahh, fell in the floor. She said, "That's it, that's the verse my mother used to train me, to teach me." And you can't imagine what happened at the book table. One guy had his finger cut off, this one right here, cut off. And he's there at the book table, and I said to him, "What happened to you?" But I think he thought, I said, "What do you do?" He said, "I'm a carpenter, but apparently not a very good one, I cut my finger off." I was actually joking. I said, "You know, God's got original parts," and God grew this guys finger. (congregation shouting) God grew him a finger at the book table! His wife was standing there with him, and he had his arm, his hand all wrapped up, and when I said, "God's got original parts," he started shaking his hand like this. And he says, "Honey, honey!" And his wife, now here's what she told me. She said, "I'm not one of these wild eyed charismatics, I don't believe half of this stuff, but I do work in the emergency room and I was there when they cut the rest of his finger and turned the skin and sewed it on." And God, he took the bandage off, and God had grew him a new finger. Now, I like that. Over and over things happened at the book table. One guy, 40 years stone deaf, got his hearing, just like that. They brought an old man, they brought an old man. I'm talking about old. I'm 76, I'll be 77 my next birthday. But hey, I found a verse, you can live as long as you want to, or you can get old, shrivel up like a pickle. (congregation laughing) I'll guarantee you. Anyway, they brought this old man to me, and so he had fell off of a combine. He was 90 something years old, and his daughter was just talking like a, just (gibbering) daddy, had went. We told daddy don't get on it. You can't tell a 90 year old farmer, what to do. (congregation laughing) You know, and so, the dad had got on the combine, was trying to come down off of the combine, fell off. And I don't know what it did to his back, but it caused his leg to swivel and be pulled up like this, and he was crippled in his leg. So, they bring him to the book table. This is fun. I get up, and he's really old and he's of German descent. And I said, "Sir, could I pray for you?" And here's what he said, you ready? "I'm a Lutheran." (congregation laughing) I said to him, "That won't hurt." And God healed the man just like that. Now watch this, I go back to church. I went back to the church he goes to, and the whole side section was filled with his descendants. Yeah, just because God healed him at the book table. Isn't that something? He's a greeter at one of the churches now. 90 something years old, a greeter at one of the churches. Listen guys, don't you ever think, well, it's too late. No, it's never too late. Psalms 92:10 says, "I'll be anointed with fresh oil. That fresh oil will release my strength like that of a wild ox," says "I'll be firm." And I'm screaming it, "I'll be firm and stable, bearing fruit in old age," Psalms 92, 10 through 16. Firm and stable. I don't know where we get this, that we got to get real old, or we forget who we are. We don't know if we're bingo or bowling. I read the Bible. The Bible said, "God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound mind!" A sound mind, means a mind that can catalog and retain facts. You understand that. So anyway, God wants you to have a mind that can catalog and retain facts. Number one question I get asked over the earth is, how did you memorize the Bible? I studied it until all of my fingers wore the print off the page. I've got a stack of Bibles that high, and my wife can show 'em to you. They're just disintegrated because of being used. And the Lord told me, He said, "You better do that again." You know why? You never see the Bible twice the same way. It's like a diamond. And we're in the most revelatory season of any generation right now, we are. We're standing smack dab in Matthew 13:16 and 17. Matthew 13:16, 17 says, "Blessed are your eyes, they see. Blessed are your ears, they hear. Many longed to see what you see and couldn't. Many deeply desired to hear what you hear and didn't." We are privileged people. We're a revelatory people. God is etching that prayer Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17 and 18. I pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with revelatory light. You will have a grasp and a comprehension of the voice of God. So anyway, I want us not to stumble around. I want us to walk in the light. I want us to make the best use of every moment. I know you want that, or you wouldn't be in a meeting like this.