Bob Ross - Steep Mountains (Season 12 Episode 6)

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hi I'm certainly glad you could join me today you ready to do a fantastic little painting with me super drag out the OL easy chair or the easel whatever and let's do one together let's start out and have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and they'll come across in the same order as I have them on the palette while they're doing that let's go on up here have our 18 by 24 inch canvas it's all covered liquid white it's ready to go so let's go thought today we'd do a happy little scene I'm going to start out with a little touch of alizarin crimson and just tap it into the two inch brush need very very little paint don't get carried away with the paint just a little bit goes a long way let's go out up here now I'm going right about here and just make little crisscross strokes little X's little X's and when you're doing this use very little paint very little paint don't set the sky on fire all we want to do is have a nice pinkish glow in the sky there we go very little paint I think we'll have a little water in this so maybe when I have that on the brush just put a little bit right down here there we are okay now then same old dirty brush I'm going to load a touch of the phthalo blue they look blue and just tap the brush right into a little bit of color very little then we can go right up to the top and still using the little crisscross strokes a little excess little X's will just dance and a happy little sky here now the pain is continually mixing with a liquid white and the color gets lighter and lighter as you work downward there we go okay and we said we is going to have water so let's add a little bit down at the bottom here just a touch just a touch pull from the outside and I don't want to kill my little pink area want to save that that's going to be your friend okay a little bit on the other side we don't want water on just one side of this pond we want water on both sides there we go yeah then let me wash the old brush and we wash our brushes ISM as usual with odorless paint thinner these are oil paints so you need paint thinner to get the the paint out of the brush shake off the excess mm-hmm and just cover everybody in the studio okay nice clean dry brush I want to go right back up here with the two different colors meet and begin blending still using little crisscross strokes and you want to blend this until it's so soft you can't tell where one color stops and the next one starts and maybe when you're doing this at home with step back and take a look see when you're when you're really close to it is it's hard to see it's hard to see so step back and look at it and make sure it's blended the way you want it okay and we'll just use long horizontal strokes to take out all the brush marks and at the bottom we just blend all this together yes blend it together okay and we're ready let's have some fine tell you what let's make a let's make a mountain today we make a big old mountain I'll use some black a little Prussian blue grab some lizard crimson put some Van Dyke Brown there - what the heck looking for a nice dark color pull it out as flat as you can get it and then cut across with a knife and get that a little roll of paint right here we are let's go and let's come right up in here and make a big decision where did your mountain live maybe our mountains gonna live yeah there it is and push this firmly into the fabric really push hard get mean strong with it just push it right in there maybe there's another peak here you just decide how many Peaks live in your mountains and drop them in you can do anything you want in this canvas anything you've heard me say it over and over this is your world and you can do anything here oh you would just sort of let that drift off I think maybe I'll put some trees over here so you'll cover that up okay now we'll take a 2 inch brush and I want to pull that down yeah you can see the entire mountain it's always more distinct at the top that it is the bottom so by pulling it down like this automatically that happens automatically that happens the colors mixing with a liquid white and it gets lighter and lighter and lighter down toward the base and then we can just blend it here a little bit this old mountain range just looks like it's setting up here in the sky and floating and that'll that'll give us some nice mist at the base when we're finished there we go we're ready shoot tell you what let's take we use titanium white I'm going to grab a little bit of black a little black and a little bit of brown just a small amount I want to dull this white down so I have a black little brown little Van Dyck Brown in it pull it out very flat just like we did before and cut across and we have our little roll of paint right out of the edge of the knife most important most important that you load this knife correctly spend some time and practice loading the knife now with no pressure no pressure no pressure just touch and let the paint break let it break there you go and you can begin shaping and forming your Mountain the way you want it just sort of sort of think like a mountain there we are maybe this wood up here looks like the Grand Tetons Teton for many years I didn't know what that meant a lady in class finally told me what Tetons yet and I'm not going to tell you you had to go look it up there and when you look it up your lure I didn't tell you okay here we go see just barely touching the canvas just barely touch and just sort of let it graze here and there very light touch no pressure no pressure let your hand just float okay maybe right in here let's make a decision drop it in or you just you can create all kinds of fantastic things that easy over here maybe a little light Zing's through here and hits right there bounces and plays just has a good time good and a little bit right here to what the heck sort of thinking in your world where you want light to hit and you want these little mountains to sparkle because you can do anything that you want to do here you can treat any illusion that you want any illusion that you want okay no add a little touch of Prussian blue that same color just a little touch little touch not much much just to really blew it down let me get the small knife let's use a small knife it gets into those little areas better and I'm going to load it the same way a little roll of paint just right out there okay now then here and there I don't want much because I wants to stay dark but here and there just put the indication of a of a shadow see don't over do just a few these are some very simple mountains it easy to do you like these there see just sort of think where a shadow would live drop him in whoever where whatever okay now then we want to enhance that illusion of mist at the base so I'm going to take a clean dry brush and just tap just tap it and I'm tapping quite firmly and probably heared it so I'm really really hitting it but just the base you know what you don't want to destroy all you want to do is defuse just defuse and lift upward that removes you little tap marks it creates this nice soft dismissed there there we go see how that mountain just just sort of floats in space there that's what you're looking for that's pretty you like that do you like that tell you what let's put a few little trees down at the base of that would take some black Prussian blue brown crimson whatever SAP green with a little SAP green in there okay just mix up a big pile of dark color okay let me let me wipe off my knife I think today I think I'll just use a one inch brush that's easy just pull it through the paint pull it through the paint load it full of color Kings go ahead up here maybe there's some little trees that live back here in the distance so just touch it give it a little upward push just a little upward push don't kill all your missed area you want to save that mist same there we go and you make the decision here how big are your trees they're far far away so don't let them get too big far away there maybe bet like so forever over here we got to have a little treat to we will just run them right off the edge there okay now then I'm gonna grab a grab the old fan brush maybe maybe maybe blow that brush full of paint okay let's go ahead up here maybe back in here also are one or two little evergreen trees it live back here we just throw a couple of those in there a lot of fun to do and this will give you a little practice and if there's a secret to painting to anything else it's practice it's practice there can do anything you want to do if you willing to practice a little bit there we go now then a little dirty brush here use it take a little bit of the dark sienna and the Van Dyck Brown and let's let's begin laying some land areas in here out of these trees all I'm doing is just tapping then you just have some cover just tap it okay this right right up to the base of those trees will make a little a little meadow this sits out here on these big mountains maybe it comes down to about Oh back there somewhere around there wherever you want it to there and all we're doing here is just putting in just putting in a base color just putting in a base color okay now you can also decide where you want your reflections to be and grab just base of this and pull it down just the bottom just pull it down see this that's easy and it's it works so well reflections are one of the nicest things that happen this technique just happen so beautifully okay let me grab another two-inch brush here make sure it's clean I'm going to tap right into the yellow ocher CAD yellow will grab some Indian yellow let's just mix them on the brush blow the brush about tapping it just give it a little push same tap okay let's go right up here now there may be up in here some nice little grassy areas in here just tap tap tap okay and make layer after layer after layer that will help create the illusion of depth in your painting now if you have trouble making your paint stick add a little bit of paint thinner tiny bit of paint thinner to your brush tiniest little bit can't say that enough and just drop it on remember that a thin paint will stick to a thick paint and work in the layers doing the most distant areas first and working forward touch a little bit of a bright red - what the heck put some sparklers here and there there we go this looks like a nice fall painting out here in the meadow there and you just make a layer after layer after layer as many or as few as you want see how soft that is though and there'd be a super place - to go out and doesn't take your shoes off just sort of run around in there barefooted have a good time talk to all the little creatures little bunny rabbits live out there there may be some right in here wherever you wanna say his yellow ocher cad yellow linden yellow a touch a bright red hair in there and maybe maybe right along this edge here and we'll go right into darks and over the 1 inch brush maybe there's some dark little bushes here I'm just playing light against dark dark against light over and over start color against the light it'll really stand out just dark Sienna there we go let me just bring it for you on maybe right up in here okay now there once again we could take his two-inch brush and grab just edge of that pull it down and really enhance her reflections a little and go across there we are take our knife go into a touch of the liquid white just a touch pull it out very flat and cut across by cat okay then go up in here and let's put the indication here and there a happy little water line it just sort of floats around once again this is a light area against a dark separates makes it look nice there and maybe there's a little ripple here and there on this pond I don't know whatever you'd like and I get to knife here bingo up in here and here and there we can scrape the indication of it of a trunk a little sticks and twigs halt friends little things that are happening back here there all kinds of little sticks and trunks that easy okay tell you on such a nice place maybe maybe there'd be a little cabin out here maybe one day there was an old farmer or a rancher that had a cabin out here and he got tired and moved away so maybe one of the easiest ways to make a cabin is to scrape out a basic shape to scrape out your basic shape get the smaller knife here now let's just lay in some color start with Van Dyck Brown all we're doing is putting in a base this is just a base color see now come down to the front sides that easy and all you're doing is just laying on under color so you can put highlights on top of it there but there's only three or four strokes there and already you have indication of a little cabin so let's take you some bright red right red a little dark Sienna in it makes it at home put a touch of white oh that's nice don't overmix cut across and get a little roll of paint right on the edge of the knife this is a small knife now then we're just gonna let it just float right down the top of this roof just touch it and let it bounce make it look like old shingles here that are just about ready to blow off these cabins had a rough life it's like me I had a hard time okay take a little dark sienna and white and put the indication of a few little boards on the front add a little more Brown to that make it a little darker for the side there same thing that easy you got a pretty good little cabin take a little bit of dark paint make makes a little slabs here just a little brown on the knife okay should tell you nothing tell you what let's take a little a little more Brown we'll put a little door right there gotta have a way to get in and out and I sort of scrape around it to give it a nice outline maybe maybe there's a window shoot is a big time Kevin fancy cabin it's got a window take a little touch of white just one sort of highlight that's it so it stands out you can see it a little better there okay let's go back to her two inch brush and put a little grass right around his foots gonna have a little grass here there just sort of bring it all together well that does look like an old cabin it's really it's called the devil out there been a hard life all right life tell you what listen let's have some fun I'm going right into dark sienna Van Dyke Brown with a 2 inch brush and tap it just tap it segways going to have some trees over here so let's just begin tapping in some basic shapes right now we're painting the back of a tree now you begin working on some individual limbs I'll add a little yellow ochre so it gets a little lighter dark sienna Ben Dyke Brown touch of just a touch of yellow ochre in there this one just goes right on off the canvas what the heck what the heck is your tree you put it wherever you want pick up a little little more the yellow ocher and let's just put the indication here in their bow a little highlight not much yet not much yet they're okay and then let me grab the old fan brush we'll take the old fan brush and go right into Van Dyck Brown load a lot of paint into the brush a lot of paint okay let's go back up there now now then let's put let's put some tree trunks just pull it right through there's one and you have to make some big decisions how many trees live in your world two three you say alright there's three and you can just go on and on and put as many or as few as you want in there it's up to you however many you want go and take some yellow ocher I'm a little bit of bright red to shoot again we'll get fancy here just tap it tap it okay let's go right up here let's put some NASA leaves out here these trees are far away so I'm not too worried about a lot of detail I have some nice colors I'm just bouncing around it like so you know what tell you what let's take a little Van Dyke Brown on the liner brushing down in here let's just put the indication here and there of a little tree trunk it's showing through probably wouldn't see many but you might see a few little details they add interest to it so drop in a few if you want to all these soft little leaves Jack Frost has been through there and touched these and all the beautiful little colors are happening and maybe down in here has a few little things on these bushes too okay I tell you what right here let's pull that down and turn it right into a reflection get a touch more paint that easy see there make a nice little reflection some brown you need a stone some dirt all those things for it to set on right here a little better brown and white we can come right back in here add a little highlight on them we just tap in some little bushes that live right along the edge wherever you want them okay let's get crazy here tell you what let's take some of our dark color tap it right onto the two-inch brush let's just put some let's put all kind of little little bushes and stuff it live right along here just wherever you want all we're doing is tapping in some dark so our Lydell chill right head on down okay we need a little water line into this to little bit of the liquid white there we go gives us a little water line now we can take all her little fall colors and we can just tap in their little bushes and small trees and little places where the rabbits to hide that easy I hope you've enjoyed this little painting cuz it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun it'll teach you how to use the equipment keep you interested for a long time and from this there's a million little ideas that can they can just evolve there we go maybe a little more that bright red that's pretty it's very nice okay now we can take the knife and here and there just here in there I scrape in the indication of a little stick in a twig it's you can see don't too many just a few now shoot let's get crazy go right into Van Dyck Brown with a fan brush again right in there maybe right over here such a nice place maybe hmm maybe they live some trees right there there's another one maybe this old trees did he's had a hard life out here see so you just however many trees you want maybe that's maybe that's a birch tree just grab it with a little the titanium white give it a little round ball just pull it into a whole dead birch tree out here whatever kind of tree you on just drop it in like so then would take our script liner brush with paint thinner on it and let's put a few little limbs on it not too many's left here this whole trees about headed and in your world you put as many or as few as you want there the old clock on the walls tell me it's about time to wrap it up for this week I really hope you've enjoyed this painting as I say it'll teach you how to use the equipment give you hours and hours of fun relaxation from all of us here happy painting god bless you you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 265,156
Rating: 4.8936362 out of 5
Keywords: stream, happy trees, brushes, coloring, bob ross painting, steven ross, drawing, joy of painting, kappaross, ocean, full episode, bob ross joy of painting, happy trails, painting, paint, bob ross asmr, livestream, bob ross full episode, chill, bob ross, canvas, pbs, snow, bob ross marathon, landscape, pastel, bob ross twitch, twitch, the joy of painting, host, lake, beauty is everywhere, mountain, wildlife, asmr, bob ross inc, art, tv show, alaska, happy accident, free, oil
Id: fRK8_ioYWw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2016
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