BMX Park: FULL COMPETITION | X Games Japan 2023

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foreign it's a beautiful Friday afternoon here inside the Zozo Marine Stadium as it plays host for the second year in a row to X Games Japan as we get set to kick off BMX park elimination here in the capital city of the Chiba prefecture you can see the course that is laid out here for these athletes to try to make it into the final this afternoon in our big story lines here you got Logan Martin seeking his fifth part gold rim nakamur in the field the only Park medalist from Japan hello everyone I'm Jimmy Coleman here in the booth It's the Return of Scotty Cramer to the booth as well and well Scotty this one's a tall task 15 riders in the field and only the top eight are moving into that final yeah 15 Riders and we're talking about all the best in the world like literally if you look at the start list these guys are from all over the place and they're also talented and so unique in all their own different tricks they're going to be bringing to this course today well as I mentioned it's 15 athletes here in the elimination you get two runs they're 45 sec seconds in length it is the best run that counts those judges are working off of a 100 point scale and as we mentioned it is only the top eight that are moving on so there is your start list we're going to start it off with Jeremy Malott you've got Logan Martin down there he gets to ride last by being virtue of the X Games gold medalist and park back in July but uh you have nine park medalists in this field and four of those guys are gold medalists in this event Scotty yeah it's very stacked I mean from top to bottom you have uh you have rookies out here that are going to be bringing tricks that the X Games hasn't even seen before I mean just looking at this right here we see Kieran Riley in the background this guy did a triple flare a triple flare I never even thought that would be possible and he did it and he did it perfectly as well so very exciting about today so again it's best run that counts you're taking a look at Jeremy Malott now he owns two medals but they happen to be in part best trick both of those medals are bronze his best finish in a park event at the X Games uh seventh and that came last year at the July event he starts us off so Jeremy like you said he did the best trick and he's really good at that now all he needs to do is just take multiple of his best tricks and just get them in the perfect run so he can get up there and hopefully get a medal but Jeremy's been riding so great he's got such a great bring you know he brings his own style to the course and especially when he does these crazy Tech tricks that he's been known for in the BMX world he got an eighth place finish at the 2021 X Games Park event with a big Superman secret stretching that one out coming down to the 15 second Mark here for Jeremy so you can see the box jump that the guys are riding it's been a little while since they've had a proper box jump so I'm excited to see what tricks they're going to be bringing today and you see Jeremy's already doing the 720 over it and he actually did a line where he went over the Box backwards too and I think a lot of guys are going to be doing that line so it's tough when you're the first guy out of the game you're kind of set in the bar but uh he just came out there and put down that's a great way to start up this competition yeah so there's a box right there 360 tail to one-handed X up which is combo I I really haven't seen many people do if any there's a nice double tail of air and he's been known for his tail whip and bar spin combinations I mean he's done 360 triple tail up too late which is insane to think about I thought he had a good flow I didn't really see any hiccups there he had good Landings he never looked lost so again as we mentioned the top of the show you're working off of a 100 point scale and it is the better of your two runs that count so he is going to check in with a 61.33 to get things started right there so a little room for improvement there but not a bad way to start things off and again I'm not trying to get in that he just wanted the eight cut that's the task at hand out here today as we move on to our next competitor here this is Marcus Christopher he has one prior appearance it was back in 2019 in BMX park we were in X Games Minneapolis where he finished out in 11th place Marcus Christopher is a Powerhouse look at that downside triple tail of air pumping look at the Speedy bricks he used to be a BMX racer so he's not scared to go fast oh beautiful 360 backflip over the Box see like he's got a great flow as well and I think that it has a lot to do with being a BMX racer with background I mean I used to be a BMX racer my little brother is actually uh spent time with Marcus Christopher over the years he stayed at his house before um he got to hang out with his Bulldog oh beautiful 540 flare and he just goes everything so high in the air as well which is like crazy going back to the speed that you mentioned earlier there was a lot that happened the first 15 seconds of this run and look at how he slingshots himself through those bull corners and keeps that momentum going it's a great run for Marcus as well yeah very good first run you definitely want to show up here and be able to get a good first run out there and try to get as many big tricks as you can without going over the top you know one thing you want to take into consideration is not overdoing to the point where you crash and look at he did this perfectly beautiful downside triple tail so that is actually normal direction that he would rotate in the air and uh he kicks his tail up that way nice uh 360 flip over the box and then look at that flare bar Spin 2 look back and since he's a goofy footed Rider he's able to do the look back combinations and goofy foot means pretty much heat turns to the direction of his front foot so there's the backflip tail over the box as well and I think this box is going to play a big role in uh definitely deciding between the top guys today because I think it's going to be a lot of big tricks well there you go into the low 80s right there at 83.66 so two riders in two complete runs right there we are off to a great start as we move on to Portsmouth Great Britain's Declan Brooks now this guy's known for some big transfers and he's also got a style he just makes things look easy makes them look effortless yeah Declan is so dialed and I'll tell you one thing this is my opinion but I fully believe this he designs runs better than anybody in BMX park right now he just knows how to approach a course and bring his style and his tricks to life and look at him just flying around here right now just hitting every single usable object look at even not to the roof right there which is really cool to see so something different and uh you wouldn't really see at a uh X Games Park coming up on the last 15 seconds here it's also your bronze medalist at the Tokyo Olympics in BMX park so calling it with just a couple of seconds left there remember you get two runs it's the best run that counts but he says I'm happy with that one right there and he's calling it yeah so here he goes the transfer doing a front flip over that hip man front flips over hips feel terrible so and he does him a lot for some reason like he feels comfortable doing those front flips he does them over a lot of crazy things another 360 backflip which is beautiful and I think he might have moved his handlebars yeah there you go I was looking at it when he was riding past us and uh I think when he landed low on that flare and then once your handlebars move like your bike just feels so wacky you don't even want to finish your run at that point so he's down there in the mid 50s and uh looking to bump that one up in run number two we move on to our first of our X Games rookies this is Francis Anthony jean-jon began riding at just age 10. wow beautiful flip double whip flare bar spin Anthony John John he's been he's been bringing so much power to all the courses he's been riding I mean he was so good at the feast courses this year look at that nice suit man up is it like I said the box jump is going to be I think he could make or break the runs for a lot of these guys because it's it's not the biggest box challenge so it's who's going to bring their biggest trick that's the big question here like I know that Anthony Johnson is capable of doing like double backflips huge ones so like is he gonna bring that in the Run we do not know there we go cork 720 you can see it's very similar to the 360 Flip but it was just a little bit off access oh beautiful flared downside Tailwind that was a really good first run clock management definitely not an issue there for the X Games rookie trying to squeeze a couple more things in there that last one after the buzzer right there you need an 83.67 or better if you're gonna take over that top spot as of right now as we take a look back at Anthony's first attempt nice flip double whip Landing perfectly pedal standing up and here we go double tail hook transfer downside tail over the rail into the box Camp Landing so a 62.66 for him that'll slide him into that number two spot he'll overtake Jeremy Malott so in the number two spot for now as we get set to bring in Bryce Tryon out of Lodi California now X Games Japan this will be his third X Games appearance he came in as a rookie uh at 2021 and he earned a silver in dirt I was so happy for him at that one he's been going to so many of these contests and he's been getting better and better and to see it finally paying off for him this is so cool look at that another goofy-footed Rider so he's kicking those tail whips instead of doing a downside compared to Marcus Christopher he does his regular you know the same direction that he airs but his feeder change I love that one flare one footed table looks so stylish and he's like the only person that I know that's doing it like that put up on the roof what's he gonna do on the box there we go 360th devil tail whip oh running out of time here kind of looked a little lost at the end of that one there with the last couple of seconds that roof's coming to play a couple of times it just kind of a reset resin right now to get back to that box jump we'll see uh what the score is looking like here for Bryce so look at this backflip bars until late tuck no-hander he's really good at doing the bar spin to no-handed tricks like that and there's that double tail I was telling you about and you know since he's goofy foot he's spinning uh you know he's doing the tailps regular but just his feet are switched so this is when he got a little bit lost he started going back towards that deep hole over there and the depot you can see it's over his shoulder it's curved the whole way around so to do big tricks on that it's definitely going to be a little bit scarier than uh doing it on a straight corner with a you know nice history coping the bad news is the score is just shy of the 60s the good news is that's good enough for fourth place as of right now with what we've seen thus far next competitoring out of Argentina this is Jose Torres I mentioned there were uh several Prior Park medalists in the field he's one of them he got a bronze of his rookie appearance in X Games Minneapolis in 2019. look at that starting things off with a 720 bars fan and look at the height I remember the first time I saw him riding he was on the spine ramp and he went oh see if he's all right there well he's back up on his feet gets back up pretty quick right there but that's actually the first fall that we've seen in this contest though thus far yeah and like going back to what I was saying when I saw him on the spine ramp he just goes so big on everything but he's in control he is but when you're going over a boxing like that blind and uh you're going into the lip part which is steep so if everything's not perfect like you could definitely pay the cost and I think that's what happened to him there well that's going to put him in a bit of a pressure situation because now he's gonna have to look to that second round remember you only get two runs here in BMX park elimination out of the 15 the top eight move on in to the final moving on to our next Rider here also from Great Britain and also an X Games rookie known for some big tricks and he likes to spin it this is Kieran at Riley from Newcastle oh look at that 720 tail of all for the first hit right out of the gate Scotty nice flare whip on that quarter pipe and bring in some good speed you see how he's Landing nice and smooth I mean he was known for the big tricks in the beginning but he was having a hard time getting the contest runs but he's been doing great as of lately he's just learned how to take his big tricks and put him in a run and his results have been showing nice double truck over the box jump she he's also another rider that's really good at cramming in those last second combinations with the bar spins okay at a time here he's gonna say we didn't have a Time Clock there for a little bit but there we go and squeaks that one in right before the buzzer so again a solid run for an X Games rookie yeah just like I was saying about the late bars and stuff that's what he that's what he finished with and it's really impressive to do that at the end when you're running out of energy but there's that 720 tail at Perfect Landing at no problem here's that flare whip I just love how he lands and he just gets so much smooth there's so much speed just pumping at that Landing so smooth he's been doing so great this year when it comes to the contest and the results are showing top scorer in the 80s and then it's in the low 60s for number two and number three so a 57.33 for Karen so that will put him in the number five spot because we are approaching the halfway point of the runner we take a look at one of our veterans and he's one of those four gold medalists in this event that I mentioned at the top of the show he's also looking for Redemption from last year here he thought he was in the final and then he got edged out this is Daniel Dares or if anybody is going to be able to come up with a good run here you know with a very limited time of practice it's going to be this guy he is a true professional I mean I witnessed it firsthand in my BMX career and uh he's just always been a guy that just Rose to the equation to the occasion when it came to showing up in the big moments and it's just uh he's built such an amazing career and the fact that he got the Olympic silver medal was just it was unbelievable because he's he's the oldest Rider look at that 360 double tail whip he owns five gold and one bronze in this event he was the Duke two he would park overall champ 2006 2008 or 2006 through 2008 and 2010. wow nice flare whip there and the look on his face last year he thought he was getting in and then he got edged out and you could just see the frustration in 2022 so as I mentioned looking for Redemption here in all smiles after that first run hello so look at that 720 you can see it's corked and he was one of the first Riders I've ever seen doing that one I remember he actually named it the nipple twister it was a really long time ago I don't know if it still goes by that one or not but that was his move and he beat me in many competitions using that one so I know that one well I was very jealous of that one so he's gonna end up with a 52. it's got him in for now but that puts him in kind of similar spot to where he was last year with an eight cut you don't want to be lurking down there around the bubble so we'll see what he can do in run number two we're just getting started we're at the halfway point more from run one when we come back to X Games Japan [Music] welcome back everyone X Games Japan 2023 here inside the Zozo Marine Stadium if you're just joining us we are in round one of two here BMX park elimination before we went to break we hit the halfway point of the runner we take a look now at Pat Casey he happens to own three medals in the civino it's two silver and one bronze he's in for his first the two attempts Pat's starting things off with a 360 double tail whip Pat's such an original Rider he his writing style is it's literally it's just Pat Casey that rides this way I mean riding the free coaster he could do the tech fakie stuff he can go huge he can he's he can literally do everything and he's so fun to watch every BMX rider gets so excited when Pat's on the course and so far he's looking really good he's got a nice flow through this uh through this section right here look at that fakie up there see everybody's been stopping up there but Pat actually makes a cool stylish like trick out of it just a unique approach to the chorus that all-around talented Rider in park as well as dirt wow so just taking a unique approach to it here in run one yeah that was a really good solid first run I mean it's getting that 360 fakie mid run is it's just cool to see it's different you're not going to see anybody do that one today so again two runs best run counts we're working off of a 100 point scale it is Marcus Christopher currently sitting in the league with that 83.66 and then after that he scores drop down to the 60s let's take a look at some highlights here from Pat's first attempt yeah classic Pat I love this one right here that flare tail whip and Pat when he started doing that trick it was different than everybody else because he does this cool like flat spin version of it but look at that great use of free codes you're getting the 360 of fakie Landing with speed and carrying momentum too it's not like his run like came to a stop after that like he kept the momentum going yeah he had a good clip of speed coming out of that so waiting for the score to populate here we've got Mike Varga on the deck and he's going to check in with a 64 so that is going to be good enough to move him up into that number two position as we roll through this remember it's just round one there's two runs and it's the top eight that will move on in to the final this is Canada's Mike Varga he owns a uh one medal in park he's got a bronze he owns three goals at Park best trick yeah Mr best trick right there I mean it just just like we were talking about with Jeremy in the beginning like he's got the tricks he just needs to put them together in the run to be able to get his uh metal in actual Park competition but he's fully capable he's got such a solid style such a great you know oh that's what it's called you can hear all the riders in the background acknowledging that one well that's the thing when you have a tight course like this one little slip up and it can throw the whole thing off because the next feature is coming at you pretty quick yeah beautiful 540 flare right there on that big quarter pipe he's uh got a couple seconds left see what he ends with nice down whip in that deep Bowl what I was telling you about earlier the round coping over there definitely a scary one to do it in so well looking at the bubble cut there Daniel Darris was in seventh before we went to parakeet with Pat Casey jumping up into number two Daniel's now in that bubble spot it's it's where it's like we're looking back in the last year at this event so he now sits in that bubble spot with a 52 flat yeah he's probably feeling some Deja Vu right there but see uh Mike coming over here nice 360. well it technically would be a 270 downside tail over that rail transfer and then here's that 540 flare beautiful coming down I mean a 540 flare uh if this guy did a he was the first one to do the 12 which is insane so that's gonna put 58.66 that's going to put Mike in six so now going back to that Daniel there's point now he's on the outside looking in so yeah history does repeat itself but here we go again it's gonna be uh it's gonna be up on his terms though he's going to be the one to be being able to decide that in this next run coming your way right now another gentleman who has a very huge arsenal of tricks and such an amazing smooth style this is Daniel Sandoval he owns four X Games medals all of them are in BMX park he owns three bronze as well as a gold wow I like that line right there jumping from that Depot into that steep wedge look at he's flowing around the course a lot different than everybody else nice three Whip too late down whip Slayer transfer he's always been known to be able to air quarter pipes and keep the speed going uh every course that he went to he's not scared to go to those big quarter pipes there's a 360 double downside tail up and you'll notice a lot of his tricks he does a lot of 360 Whip and downside tailed and bars and combinations throwing in the hand plant there so he's got a few seconds left see if he ends something big here nice double tail that's a good first run for Dan great run management there right now you need a 53.34 or better if you're cracking in to that top eight we still have four Riders left to go in the Run rotation we take a look at some highlights yeah nice shot of that flare whip right there and then here's that three whip to whip back you can see he doesn't even put his feet back on the pedals he just lets the bike come to his front foot and he just Taps it back the other direction and here's the 360 double downside tail so he's letting the bike go opposite twice Underneath Him so we're into the 80s only the second Rider to get into the 80s this entire first round at 8.66 that'll put him into second for now so now you got Kieran Riley in that bubble spot with a 57.33 with four Riders left to go here in round number one Rim Nakamura in his home country he has one X Games medal it came at BMX park in Minneapolis 2019. oh this is gonna be fun oh look at that trouble barsman he's got the fastest hands in BMX I swear like he goes so big but his trickless is so fun it's just so different nice 360 bar spin to X up oh beautiful downside tail I love his downside tail looks they're just so lazy looking and they come around so smooth yeah man nice little table top well I'm not little it's actually it was pretty high up there on that on that deep end double tail whip last couple of seconds ticking down here see how he finishes off now here's another one that's kind of looking for Redemption he made it to the final last year he went huge but he just wasn't in it all together and he had to settle for sixth out here but uh he was definitely coming into this event last year he was definitely a Podium favorite but look at his first trick 720 bar spin you see throws the bars around in the first one and tightens his body up in the second when they get the spin and there's that uh truck to X up over that hip there's a double tail of air yeah Rim's such a amazing Rider every time he gets on the course I just get so excited to see what he's going to do and how many bars is he's gonna do off of it so that'll slide him into third with that 74.66 right there so it's Christopher Sandoval Nakamura you're one two three and now that moves the Canadian Mike Varga down to that bubble spot with a 58.66 with three Riders left to go here to wrap up round number one taking a look at Kevin Peraza they're just like from Tucson Arizona he too with a former gold medalists in the savini owns two gold and one bronze that was the trick so far right there that tip of transfer was insane see the look on his face oh it's just it's the same as it always is it's a big old smile just having the best time ever but man that was crazy this run so far is so good it's just it's just original it's Kevin Peraza it's he he's always looking outside the box and that's why BMX loves him so much oh nice flare-up see he does the the stylish moves but he can also do the technical big moves like that too oh truck driver in yeah that was a really really fun first run man we need a replay I'm gonna say I want to see the replay I need to slow-mo with that first one that's just it's just insane it was huge it's blind you don't really have much transition to land into the odds are against it for sure but check this out you see him pedaling so fast I was wondering where he was going how much higher he is than the Landing part that he's going into like that's so blind and like I said he does the technical tricks too the flare whip on that bigger quarter pipe perfect so what is it gonna be here again it's a 100 point scale here two runs best run counts he's gonna check in with a 77 so he will slide into that number three spot now so that puts Bryce try on now on the bubble with that 59.66 for now keep in mind still got that second round of runs to come but we only have two left here in the rotation with Justin Dowell and then Logan Martin as a rookie in 2022 earning so they're both here in Chiba as well as X Games Vista this past July uh I love that trick the Twix the bartson and the tail of simultaneous he's so good at it and like I mean he's the only one that is able to do them consistently like that's a ridiculous trick he's another goofy-footed Rider but he uses it to his Advantage with the style of tricks and picks you can see he's got fast hands as well he might give Rim a run for his money he's got the triple truck over the Box backwards look at that backflip parts department so many tricks he could he puts into uh his combinations it's crazy and he's so good at doing the 540s on the big quarter fives which uh you don't really don't see a ton of in BMX there we go 540 no hander I mean right there it puts that one down under the coping right at the buzzer yeah that was that was that was exactly what you would expect him to follow up from his last two X Games experiences you know he just looks solid he knew exactly where he was going he knew what tricks he wanted to do look it up triple truck driver over backwards backflip bars from barseman over forwards like it's just you have to have so much confidence in what you're doing to be able to do these tricks like a 540 tail up out of that big chord bite ridiculous yeah he was sitting in the lead after his second run back at July at X Games and it literally came down to Logan Martin's last run Justin was looking at a gold medal and then Logan got it done in his last run and ended up taking goal there so Justin's gonna get a 78.66 so now Jeremy malag moves down to that bubble spot so you need a 61.34 or better if you're cracking into the top eight with what we've seen in this first round of runs there he is we talked about him at the top of the show trying to make it into the final right now but if he gets in he's trying to make it five X Games part gold medals it's Logan Martin oh he is just so much fun to watch like you're just watching you know the best in the world do what he does it's I am such a huge fan of his riding every time he's on the course I'm just so excited to see what he's gonna do look at that flare down whip at height Landing perfect that's the pop and the perfect execution on the rotation and as you've said just lands perfectly into the coping yeah and he's so good at doing tricks both ways he doesn't get enough credit for that but look at that a flip whip over the Box backwards he was running out of room there on the right side oh yeah he really was hugging that inside which is crazy but he's he wasn't scared he knew exactly what he was gonna do 540 flare at the end again look at the look at the height that he had there and clock management just puts that one in right at the buzzer he's a real professional I mean it's the reason why he's won so many X Games gold medals he's won the Olympic gold medal he's the best he really is six medals and six Park starts four gold and two silver it's wild but you can see right here he landed a little low and now he actually did that twice in his run and I I know it's definitely bothering him he's going to clean that up for sure look at this switch downside double tail whip the opposite direction from his normal yeah that was a very very good run look at that 540 flare like I said though he did have a couple little bobbles he needs to clean up so well that leads me to my question what do you think is that going to be enough to overtake Marcus for that 83.66 I think the bobbles could come into play but they have not at 86 so there you go he's trying to get you to walk and my question was answered yeah I should I should just kept my mouth shut for a second so just waited for one second I'm sorry to put you on the spotlight Scotty so there you go you're defending gold medalist finds himself at the top spot at the end of round number one however there's still one more round of runs to go top mate moving on to the final a lot more will we return that has never been done before X Games Summer music and you that's right fans are back at X Games this summer be part of Three action-filled Days In Sunny Ventura California the best in BMX skateboard Moto X and music right on the beach July 21st through 23rd [Music] thank you so exciting news there in the world of X Games the announcement was dropped just last week and uh as you heard in that promo right there the first time fans are back for X Games summer edition so you can join us in Ventura California coming up this July here at X Games Japan though we've got one more round of runs to go here in BMX park elimination Jimmy Coleman you're in the booth alongside Scotty Cramer 15 Riders they get two runs each it is the best run that counts and the big story here this afternoon inside the Zozo Marine Stadium is only the top eight advance to that final we started off back at the top of the runner with Jeremy mallott he was in the top eight he now finds himself just one spot on the outside looking in for run number two yeah so compared to his first run he needs to bring a little bit uh you know he's gonna add the trick difficulty I can see he was looking for a 360 double tail to Barson in the beginning so he's definitely he's definitely gonna he's gonna try to turn up the Boost and minute and so see we can do here there's a double tail whip he's got 20 seconds on the clock so if he wants to get in here he's gonna have to bring something big but like we said earlier he is the best trick guy as well he's got two medals in the best trick competition fully capable you just got to put him in at the right moment in the Run 720 over the Box time for one more here before the buzzer lasting a huge flare he doesn't need much as of right now it's a 62.66 is that number eight score as of right now the question is is this going to be enough yeah so you can see the replay there's the double tail whip on that bigger concrete quarter pipe and here's the Superman's secret he's been doing over the hip to the box from Landing and right here he does a tight flare and he's let me tell you this he's the best in the world at doing like the small flips he could back up off of anything so that was a piece of cake for him what's up little man saying hi to the family back home he has a son named Cameron who's five years old so hey now we play the waiting game on the score here at least we got down to the bottom half of the order there in round number one we saw the scores jump we only had one score in the 80s there for a while and then uh your top three all in the 80s Logan Martin with that 86 you rounded out the order by virtue of being your defending gold medals from July yeah Marcus Christopher with an 83.66 and Daniel Sandoval with an impressive first run to put him in that number three spot for now so 63.33 Jeremy Malott has done it for now he's gonna have to wait and watch the uh the rest of this contest that's gonna be uh this guy in the rotation to get out of the way early the bad news is you got to watch everybody else go and hope that it holds up man Park is Christopher for run number two currently sitting in that number two position going huge right out of the gate Scotty yeah I love that start just pedaling all the way across oh sending it to the top I've been waiting for somebody to do that one but that's a really steep quarter pipe so he was trying to launch up there to the top of that roof part but that quarter pipe down there in that bowl is so Steep and when you're trying to push through and get onto something and you know you got to get the distance as well it's like you're you're fighting the laws of physics you know your bike's literally pointing uh straight up straight down and trying to break past that is it feels impossible sometimes well here's another story that we haven't had a chance to tell you yet these guys haven't really had much practice here I mean this is an active baseball stadium and there was a game here not that long ago the crews came in started building the courses they've had weather so they've not had a lot of practice at all and then also throw in they had a right around a 5.4 magnitude earthquake the other day it's been a fun week in Chima you gotta make it interesting so Marcus Christopher trying to or giving everybody a scare right there he still sits in that number two spot as we move on to Declan Brooks here and like I said earlier about Declan I think he designs the best runs in BMX and I was really excited to see what he was going to bring to the contest today but like we were saying earlier oh I'm playing a little low there but you know this goes back to the whole practice thing you know it takes these guys some time to be able to iron out everything be able to find the right line to be able to bring the right tricks in the right spot and to learn each and every transition because it's all different every skatepark you go to you know it's not all going to be from the same cookie cutter transition for the ramp so it takes time another part of the equation they also have to share this chord the same park course for the skaters as well so you have to navigate you know practice between them and you have a men's and a women's field in park so there's not a lot of time out there for these guys to get adjusted but I think the whole field has done quite well from what we saw in round number one Anthony Jean John he was in the top eight he now finds himself on the outside looking in because Jeremy him a lot jumped back up and run number two we'll see if Anthony here can trade the favor back he's in for 45 seconds starting things off again similar to run number one he's got that beautiful flip double whip and uh yeah he's got such a smooth control of his big tricks like he's got some crazy big tricks but they look easy when I love that scissor kick Superman going into the deep end right there double tail carbon so he's got 14 seconds left to impress the judges I think he's gonna bring something big right here crazy 720 looks like he lost the pump on that one but it actually still works nice flare switch down side tail with opposite direction so that'll do it Frenchman and now he gets to hang out in athlete staging and await the score yeah there's that flip double whip Landing perfect though and uh being a brakeless rider and you can see it just has all that momentum he doesn't have to Pedal at all or anything he doesn't have to worry about looping out he's just so controlled and that's his modern day BMX park I mean you got Logan Martin doing the same thing but there's a 720 that got off access you can see how the bike is like spinning around and kicking out as soon as he pumped up I was like oh got a little nervous there but he didn't drag back wheel that's always a dangerous part hey jump back up he got a 65.66 uh unfortunately for Jeremy Malott he's out but not only did Anthony jump back in but he gave himself a little bit of breathing room he overtook Pat Casey right there so not exactly a comfortable spot to be in but for the task at hand for now Anthony jean-jon has put himself in the top eight Logan Martin Marcus Christopher and Daniel Sandoval still sitting in those top three spots as we get set to take look number two here at Bryce Tryon yeah like we said earlier Bryce has been riding so good he's been managing his riding so well picking the right tricks and putting them in the right place is his riding has matured so much as of late and he's got the X Games Hardware now to prove it bringing that speed and that flow nice Superman over hip that's a tough trick because uh turning on the hip and that's as per that's a trick you gotta be perfectly straight on so coming over the box jump backwards he's got about 10 seconds left he's got to end with something real big here there's 360 double tail whip back over the hip so he's in town based off of what we saw that first run he looked like he was off to a little bit of a slower start yeah so but he did pick it up towards the end he did you know there's there's uh things I like and I don't like you know compared to each of the runs for himself but I think he rode really solid look at that 360 double tail up and we'll talk about it again he's a goofy-footed rider so I mean I mentioned it earlier some of those Tails those were opposite for the other eyes but for him it was a regular let's go did I I was like damn you get it what is that 60 60 where's that leaving so that is gonna he's intense free run so that's not gonna be enough because Pat Casey's got a 64. Pat's down that bubble but Pat's also got a run coming up in the bottom half of the Run order here come in and off the top of the roof there it's Jose Torres yeah so he had that crash in run number one and hopefully we'll be able to event chat but look at that height in that quarter pipe with that double whip that was a few feet higher than everybody else I mean but Logan Logan we're really high as well I like how he's using that foot champ on the top of that roof oh nice little under flip bar spin there so stylish he's just got such a such a cool bag of tricks and like I said he just loves to go high everything he does looks like slow motion oh nice switch double downwind that's what we saw the current leader Logan Martin do as well downside tail it back over towards the end of the run right here see what he's going to end with nice flare Whip and he rides away so we got a full pull in that run well we talked about it being in a pressure situation after that crash in round one it's got him in the bottom of the pack it'll get him out of the basement you mentioned that roof the roof by the way it's eight foot six inches above the deck and the Bull's nine foot eight inches deep so wow peak of that roof is more than 18 feet above the flat yeah Marcus Christopher's bike felt all of that but look at that height right there he's about 18 feet above the flat right there that was insane but here's that switch double downside tail whip you can see he's catching it goofy footed so it's the opposite direction is regular and a 78.33 so that'll slide him into fifth so Jose Torres we talked about earlier wanting Redemption and getting it here in run number two so now the Frenchman Anthony jean-jean sits in that bubble Pat Casey gets bumped out but as I mentioned earlier Pat's got another run here in the bottom half of the Run order Ryan Williams was very happy about that run right there he was lurking in the background you'll see him in park best trick later on this weekend so here comes cheering Riley for his second and final attempt nice 720 Taylor I just love how he just tightens up that spin after the tower look at the height on that and I think the judges from what I'm seeing it seems like they're rewarding the speed and the height they want to see the amplitude here it's definitely bringing it on nice tail up to late table top that was so stylish look at that late table in there yeah I'm a fan yep and once again putting another one in there and the judges are gonna love that too so he's got 14 seconds left he's got to end with something good ooh nice talking commanded 360 over the Box backwards this will be it oh three bar spins right there hey that's so hard to do at the end of your run so hard when your arms are just you know they're all fatigued and you're barely being able to hold on throwing them around and hoping that you catch it so that was like it's one mess up right there was a bars can detect no handers got a little weird but look at the height on this flare Whip and he landed so dominant to put down his feet so aggressively but this is at the end right there man I I remember being at the end of my run and just wanting to hold on and to survive to be able to do it at the end is really impressive so it's a 65.66 that is the number eight spot for now we keep calling it the bubble spot only the top eight are moving on and that's in the taking Anthony jean-john it's a tough break for the Frenchman but Kieran Riley has put himself in for right now with eight Riders left to go that was huge that was huge that was a that's what he needed right there you know for his first X Games right there that's a it's a big move but now he's got the waiting game it's a great overhead shot right there speaking of the waiting game massive expansive concrete these Riders have to contend with here in X Games Japan now it comes down to Daniel Dares we talked about it in his first run he was one Redemption was right there on the cusp of getting in last year he now finds himself down at the bottom of the pack but he knows what to do I mean this guy has been such a dominant force in BMX park for so long now and oh there he goes He upped it from the last time he did the no hand or not it was perfect just slings those out like they're automatic yeah they just shoot it they really look like go go gadget arms just but it's perfect it's it's executed so well all right 360 Tailwind right there it's like nope so like that's that's a safe trick for him a 360 tail but especially when you need to get get a score right you know that that could be one that comes back for him but he's so good at the rest of his runs and designing a though and the amount of tricks you know he did add some things compared to the first run so we're gonna see what the judges do for him I mean it's the depth of the field here I mean when you look at BMX Evans made Park and dirt I mean there's so many talented Riders out there so many look at that there's the no-hander and just like we talked about earlier just he just secures those handlebars in his lap as soon as he feels that security just throws him off and there's his flare whip he does it different than everybody else the way he throws his body out there especially from the riders that he's riding against today he does it more inverted than everyone so no he's gonna stay down there [Music] in that number 15 position right there so we're at the halfway point here of round number two here in BMX park elimination we still have seven more Riders yet to go who's making it into the top eight we'll have the conclusion when we come back to X Games Japan welcome back everyone day one of three here X Games Japan 2023 we are set to drop our final seven Riders here for the conclusion of BMX park elimination it's Logan Martin sitting in that top spot for right now the top eight are moving on in to that final coming your way right now currently on the outside looking in It's Pat Casey wow I love that angle he's getting followed by the camera right there the 360 double tail over the box that was cool so Pat like you said he's on the outside looking in but he has the trick list to be able to get in there he sure does he's just two spots out right now too he's sitting at 10. yeah and there's things that he can add on to it oh that's gonna hurt him right now oh the slip up like that especially when it's on a small filler trick like that wasn't anything like difficult for him to do it's just an awkward lean so he's gonna need something real big oh nice combination there rare one you don't really see too many people doing that oh there's the 360 whip to Fakie wow he did just a regular 360 in the first run so he must have heard me you want to talk about bike control that was that was exemplary of that right there yeah that was impressive I want to see a replay of that yeah like I said he's he's got a trick list that's all his own like nobody rides Like Pat Casey does it's you know BMX is really lucky to uh have him on a free coaster because we've seen some amazing videos over the years but here's that first trick that 360 double tail whip I just love how he has that lean on the left side comes in perfect over there over to the quarter pipe flare whip wow awesome follow cam footage right there and shout out to Chris Grayson right there doing all that on the skateboard with the follow cam shots yeah look at there's the 360 whip to faking what's really cool he did like an alley-oop on it so but man that's it that's like so hard to do Pat's got such a crazy Park and dirt setup in his backyard I mean he has a Rider's Paradise he absolutely does that that course is something else and what he does on The Daily there is just insane his Instagram oh they made him wait for that one the judges were talking that one over he was so close but he but he falls just one point shy so he'll have to settle for night but Karen hangs on but I mean what a great run there by Pat oh yeah and you got it you gotta have those those nail biter moments oh that's BMX right there especially when you have a field that's stacked But Here Comes Mike Virgo sitting in that number 13 spot he was in but his found himself on the outside looking in as well we'll see him in BMX park best trick later on on the weekend as well I'm so excited to see what he's gonna bring for best Rick oh three double down whip oh it's so hard man because I I called it a 360 double downwind but it's really like a 270 and he did a 360 double down when he should have under rotated a little bit but it's so hard to do especially when you're doing a trick like that with spins uh spinning the bike around look at that the board's been 900. he got the last little minute smile on his face I hear all the BMX riders in the background I think I think that was Ryan Williams right there he's like yeah that just happened wow that was a crazy trick to do in your run but you know what you need to step it up in times like that when you're on the outside looking in there and then just get into the shoulders he's like well like best trick I did two bars was last year so that was nothing I guess but yeah here's the one where he almost fell you can see he just over rotated the back wheel starts to chatter he left his mark on there you'll see that for the rest of the weekend he was running out of real estate he almost ran into the board catcher right there and here it is throws the bars tightens up spins around yeah you're right he just like caught you had to muscle that thing around it was just enough transition where he could pump away from it where it wasn't going to be like too flat and it scores in so he'll move up two spots but that was still super I mean that hurt my arms with my wrists and my ankles just watching that yeah absolutely but he's no stranger to it he knows he's he's built for it and I think we're gonna see more of that this weekend and best drink oh I can't that one's always best park best trick is always just so intense it's yeah it stresses me out commentating it it really does the Daniel Sandoval currently sits in that number three spot but then 80.66 of [Applause] oh my goodness and that's a big quarter pipe to do it off of I mean you know you think that Kevin Robinson doing them you know on the vert ramp and then like modern day BMX there's guys doing on the smaller quarter but to do it on that big quarter pipe a concrete as well look at that 540 flare wow what a run right here it's just got some bangers so many big tricks kind of using this as a uh dry run a little glimpse into what we could see in the final oh and he is fired up at the end of that run nicely done two very solid outings on a Daniel Sandoval well I'm still recovering from that double flare that thing was huge we need to replay that one pretty much at this point with four Riders left to go there's all of them that's not in the top I mean look at this look how hot he was come on look at how far his body separates from the coping as well you're like oh my goodness where's he gonna land but it came around it fit right in yeah this is this is ridiculous I can't believe he just threw that inqualifying when he was already qualified but you know what it takes a special kind of Rider to take risks like that because he knows this is like a this is like a practice right here you get a moment where you get the course all to yourself and to be able to bring your big tricks to it so scores in so he overtakes Logan Hart and correct myself of our final four Riders all of them are in so the top eight is set so Kieran Riley's safe so now with these last four Riders it basically just boils down to what rank they're gonna ride in going into the final we'll run them in reverse order as to how they qualify so we take one more look at Rim Nakamura sitting in that no that no seven position so he's earned his ticket into the final yeah and I think these Riders are going to take kind of page out of the sander balls but okay kind of up the ante while they can because I said you get the course to yourself and you also get that look at that three down wow he was on the edge there that edge makes me nervous I think that border kept him on I really think that skateboarder just kept the BMX on but yeah there's a little bit drop up there on the other side too wow look at that big air in that old Corner boosting right now yeah and he's known for that I mean everybody when Rin touches the courts you you know to look up you know you're about to see some crazy stuff and it's going to be high up there wow that's a really good run there's definitely a upgrade from uh run number one there was a couple of spots where he looked a little tentative and everything seemed to be a little more flowy this go around right there I think he did the whole run with something in his eye too which is finally impressed Dusty kicked up when he ran into that skate I think we're gonna get the replay right here let's see how close it really was I mean oh man that was that was really close but look how high that table is in that bowl corner too that's that's very difficult so we had a 74.66 first time out but how about that run by Daniel Sandoval one full point ahead of Logan Martin again top eight is set it's just the ranking as to how they're going to ride in the final but wowzers talk about putting your cards on the table Sandoval's on a mission out here still waiting on that second score for Rim so the judges are talking this one over and Logan Martin rounding out the order here 's a lengthy conversation going on in that Booth Scotty it really is and it was really wild it's like you know he's not in the bubble but you when you're trying to get him and he got a score upgrade look who's hanging out there in the background oh man Garrett Reynolds in down the how gentlemen he's got a big weekend potentially he's chasing a record we'll talk more about that into tomorrow's event right now we welcome back in Kevin Peraza oh he did a double too oh man but he had to go bigger for that double Whip and he had to pay the cost landing and looping out right there oh I love that with three down with two late no uh late single can can leaving that foot just off the bike so it like like we said earlier you know these guys are already in they're just trying to upgrade you know they're they're scoring to get better placement because you know you definitely want to go last or as far and last as possible so you get to see what your competitors do and realize what you have to bring to the table but to bring that double tail if I think I think it was like oh I don't think I've ever seen him do that that was scary oh that was a little scary so well he's all good though let's back up from that one quick with a smile on his face tires by the way yeah they're pretty cool aren't they so KP gonna stick with that first run score but he is in for the final so it comes down to these last two Riders what is Justin Dowell gonna do here in run number two Scotty yeah so he had a really good oh he he just he just did it Jimmy that trick that he just did right out of the game it's the most ridiculous trick that just happened today a 360 a tale of NFL has been simultaneous like it's just crazy that he could do that consistently in his run look at that Ripple truck over it I'm just gonna do this first oh oh my goodness truck down whip over the Box backwards this is an upgrade for sure backflip double Forester like he did in run number one but man already oh wow 540 bars until late downside Tailwind but almost had that one gets blown off the pedals he stung a little bit right there yeah is that the right ankle or is it oh he's so excellent oh yeah that's a good sign yeah you know because you can see he got back up on his feet but there's something that is there's something that is bothering him right there we're missing quite a bit right right stinger so that brings us down to Logan Martin he was your top qualifier until Danielson ah I'm posting up at 87 so and like I said earlier he he had two bobbles in his first run so he he has room for improvement and he had maybe six in round number one so far he's actually changed up his line a little bit I like that transfer into that steep wedge that brings a good amount of speed for that quarter pipe that's why Daniel did for the double flare he's gonna do oh triple whip that was that was a switch a triple whip right there so opposite direction I love that I love that other flip whip over the Box backwards and he just did a barsman version of it over forwards wow [Applause] there's a lot of tricks there there was a lot of tricks I'm really curious to see what the judges do with this one again [Music] top eight moving on yeah as you talked about earlier that whole strategy of wanting to go later in the round in the finals yeah and Logan you know he definitely wants to be there he's he's somebody who thrives under that pressure of of being the last one to go because you know he rides against himself that works July I mean he was you know Justin Dowell was in that top spot and Logan being the defending gold or defending medalist yeah you definitely don't want to see if it comes in against the right last against that's why everybody cranked it up in the end because they saw that opportunity they don't want Logan to ride last so he gets an 86.33 so it is an improvement but not enough to overtake Daniel Sandoval so there you have it Sandoval comes out like a Powerhouse in round number two and he gets the luxury of being your top qualifier so your 2015 X Games Austin Park gold medalist gets the luxury of riding last year in the final in Japan and how about Kieran Riley hanging on there in that last spot right there's a rim Nakamura back in Kevin Peraza six Jose Torres gets it done in round number two Justin Dowling fourth Marcus Christopher with that first run score qualifies in third Logan Martin second and how about Daniel Sandoval that was unbelievable it gets me so excited for the finals this is going to be insane look at that group of riders these guys are gonna get some more practice in and they're gonna be bringing some serious tricks to this course yeah we got BMX park best trick coming up later on the weekend we've got BMX street with Garrett Reynolds uh it's gonna be an epic weekend yeah flatland is going to be slightly good I'm so excited about it yeah Flatlands on Sunday so let's send it down right now to our field reporter DC [Applause] down here with Daniel Sandoval top qualifier heading into finals and congratulations two great runs that second run you put it down though getting you the highest score to get up in that top qualifier position and you were saying you weren't even planning on riding though with the arm injury yeah uh two weeks ago I uh hyper extended my elbow I wasn't sure I was gonna ride and uh all practice with the struggle but I'm just happy that I was able to pull it together and uh get to the top spot for now well congratulations yeah not 100 but Ryan at 100 it looked like with the top qualifying run there so congrats again top qualifier in the finals Daniel Sandoval thank you thank you yeah he did not look tentative at all I mean that that left arm did not seem to be bothering him one bit especially with what we saw in that second run I mean both runs were great but that second one he came out and made a statement yeah as he was talking about oh hyper extended my my arm and I'm like do you realize the force that he just had to go through holding on to that double flare like I think I think it's gonna be okay it's insane but man this is really building up to be a special event for this final this is gonna be so much fun well that's a wrap for BMX Here for day one we've got more well therefore work when we come back
Channel: X Games
Views: 238,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, x games japan 2023, watch x games japan, japan x games, how to watch x games japan, watch x games bmx, bmx park japan, bmx 2023 x games japan, Declan Brooks, Pat Casey, Marcus Christopher, Daniel Dhers, Justin Dowell, Dennis Enarson, Anthony Jeanjean, Logan Martin, Jeremy Malott, Rim Nakamura, Kevin Peraza, Kieran Reilly, Daniel Sandoval, Jose Torres, Bryce Tryon, Mike Varga
Id: V8rDy2Ja0ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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