BMW M5 CS v AMG E63 v Audi RS6 v Porsche Panamera Turbo: DRAG RACE

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Race starts at 7:22 BMW won. 10.9s Wet conditions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blackashi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I won’t deny that BMW has really upped their game with the tuning of their Xdrive but this race is pretty predictable by just looking at the numbers. I actually think the RS6 did quite well for it being the least powerful and second heaviest.

M5 4100lbs 627hp Panamera 5200lbs 690hp E63s 4500lbs 603hp RS6 5000lbs 591hp

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jusmon1108 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

BMW low-key has the best launch control system out there. Just look at Throttle House's recent Golf R/M240/S3 race. The M240 swamped them all from a dig but from a roll it was much, much tighter. Just goes to show how good BMW's launch control is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/A_1337_Canadian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

M5 cs is about 400lbs lighter than the e63. Is that enough to make up for the roughly .3 seconds quicker?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bmandoh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think the biggest issue with Audi RS cars is that they just aren’t competitive acceleration-wise. Certainly more comfortable, but dynamically they just aren’t quite there (in handling or acceleration). I think the trade-off is worth it, but it would be nice for acceleration not to be a trade-off.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Manafont- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi matt watson here from car wow so i'm sat in a mercedes mg e63 s and next to me is a bmw m5cs next to that is a porsche panamera turbo se hybrid sport turismo long boring oh i swear to retired that name next to that is now the rs6 and we are going to have a drag race now let me tell you about this here mercedes don't know what i'm talking about that voice it's got a fully twin turbo v8 with 612 horsepower 850 newton meters of torque driving all four wheels fire nine speed automatic gearboxes with multi clutches it's a sign for multi-clutch the deaf people understand that anyway this thing weighs just over two tons and it costs a hundred thousand pounds that bmw is a lot more expensive but then it's had quite a lot of work done to it over the standard m5 it costs 140 000 pounds mind you it's 4.4 liter twin turbo v8 does put out 635 horsepower and 750 newton meters of torque which is 100 newton meters less than this why so expensive i guess it is lighter weighs in at just over 1.8 tonnes it has an eight-speed automatic gearbox with torque converter but of course launch control so the porsche do you know i'm going to go to its driver can you guess who it is yes that's right all right yanny how you doing mate i'll say it again hello yanny how are you doing mate hi matt how are you i'm all right did you have a problem with your radio then i did so give me the stats on your car jan cause i know you've done your homework it's a porsche turbo s and that's about all i can tell you mate i've got no stats on this whatsoever do you know what should i do for you i'm like the geek at school aren't i so you'd have been the bully that bullied me to do your homework is that right are you gonna steal my pocket money later yes send me your 10p pocket money that you've probably got in your pocket do you do contactless just give the stats so the porsche has a four liter twin turbo v8 combined with an electric motor and the total power output it's 700 horsepower and 850 newton meters of torque but because it's got batteries and electric motors and stuff it's quite heavy well it's just under 2.4 tons it's also quite expensive 144 000 pounds it's got four wheel drive and an eight-speed dual clutch pdk which i think means deal clutch in german while pdk doesn't push german let's move on to the ld so it's got a four liter twin turbo v8 with 600 horsepower 800 newton meters of torque and it's got an 8-speed automatic gearbox quattro four-wheel drive and it's the cheapest car here comes in at 98 000 pounds and it weighs just over two tons anyway that's enough to start let's get another drag race now before we do please make sure you subscribe to this channel and hit the bell icon to turn your notifications on that way you won't miss a single upload and if any of you are thinking wait a minute haven't done this drag race similar before well we sort of have but we didn't do with the m5 cs we want to see how that compares in fact i think it might win but it might not who knows it's a bit damp out there it's all about putting the power down as well as just how much power you've got so we'll find out you ready for this dan here to get on with it do you think you're gonna win there's some good cars here i'll be honest why am i sitting in lane three as well like this doesn't feel right i thought we just needed a bit of distance that's all we had a bit of an argument earlier and i thought it was good for us to separate for a bit anyway let's go with the race buying a new car then head to car wow and my team will help you find your next car at a fair price car wow your one stop car buying comparison site now before we race obviously we go to the obligatory car where sound check so [Music] oh soft limiter no that's it okay so that wasn't great can you rev up the bmw please there's not a soft limiter in that is there there certainly is four and a half thousand soft limits go god river the porsche [Music] i don't even get to 3 000. bloody hell what's the wall coming too finally rev up the audi but i know that's gonna have a soft limiter as well they always do outers [Music] i can't hear the audi from where i am can you hear the idea from the bmw just with my window down window up no silence yanny you're right next to the audi can you even hear it with your window up no that's probably the worst sound ever on a i don't even know what i'm saying what's this sound thing you remember what i'm saying there is me expecting you to do the stats on your card you can't even just string normal words together let's move on oh there's one more thing for us to do we've got to warm up our tyres i'm going to go first [Music] it's so easy in this that's some very nice drifting mate i'm very impressed thank you daniel i appreciate that oh i don't know how warm the tires are because it's damp that's quite a leisurely drift a gentleman's drift garden bmw see if you can do any better than that [Music] oh he's showing off [Music] oh he's on it now all right come in number two i'm getting bored now don't do that thing where you don't do that i'll just show it off almost you almost pulled that off but not quite go on yanny go and do some things [Music] you're just driving around in circles danny have you turned the stability off actually have you got it in like race mode yeah with some traction control stability will be a lot easier with the off look you haven't done your homework on that either i'm not helping you out this time you've got to find be here all night have you had a stroke i'm gonna lie man i don't know where he is [Music] yeah let's just get on with the race don't worry about it it doesn't really matter with that car to be fair it says off but it ain't given it's just traction's kicking in yeah it's a bit harder in that car don't worry go on go over there it's all right it's fine it does drift just finally then we all like some lols go and do it in the audi in fact if the audi can do it better than the porsche then sheamonyani oh here we are hello oh tell you the truth the guy driving that spends his weekends at supermarket car parks in the evening in an old bmw 3 series just doing that okay that's making me feel uncomfortable i think you might destroy the diff come back in [Music] come on so close come on why is my window down dropped everyone else though but ah yeah i didn't win that bmw one didn't it danny got a better launch than me but uh then this was paul pass so she's the better driver then didn't it should we have another game let's just do one more when i see this again without the window open because that might have caused some drag and meant i did worse just wanted to be fair it's not like i'm giving myself another chance yeah you don't buy that do you i'll give myself another chance i need it oh it's a good start from everyone reaction times everyone was on point look at that bmw go oh can i beat the annie come on come on marsadas ah right i've got no excuses at all you beat me annie fair and square why thank you very much i appreciate the um the um something or other honesty if i'm being honest though you still got beat by the bmw quite substantially didn't you oh wait a minute wasn't there another car in the race no i thought it was just me and the bmw i didn't see any other cars i was here too i was didn't you see me was i too far behind i'm surprised the walkie-talkies are still working yeah the range is quite bad actually anyway will you pleasure that bmw that launch was good via this car it's ridiculously fast i don't really think it's down to my field at this stage it's just really good let's move on so then what exactly happened well the bmw won completing the standing quarter mile in 10.9 seconds the porsche took 11.3 seconds the mercedes 11.4 seconds and the audi was last crossing the line in 11.7 seconds right now we have a rolling race with the cars in comfort mode from 50 miles an hour automatic for the gearbox as well so i'm going to count it in three two one go kick down took ages my god that bmw is off i've got dropped by everyone proper mercedes gearbox when you got in comfort mode it really is comfort oh matt's coming what did he say oh matt took me yeah bye bye oh the birds oh no i hit one i'm gonna beat him to the mile bmw driver can i just have a look at your windscreen stay still i've got to congratulate you because the way you managed to avoid those birds was quite incredible there is not any feathers or beaks or wings on your car but because you were friendly to the animals you lost that i beat you to the mile i'm gonna take that take your immoral victory whatever way you like no to be honest that car just shut off i mean do you have in comfort mode there was nothing comfortable about the way this shot off but yes it is in what they call comfort mode now we can have another rolling race from 50 miles an hour but this time with the cars in their sportier settings and their gearbox is locked in third gear here we go three two one go so close look at that porsche just like pick up it like it's a second wind oh come on keep it on going keeping on going keeping on going keeping on going oh oh my god that was so close wasn't it oh but i think the bmw just about won didn't it yeah it just held his nose ahead i think pretty close with danny i couldn't actually see you you were in my blind spot but i couldn't see how close you were fairly close but not close enough i'm not close enough to yanny though so you came second but you still managed to beat me that's all you really care about isn't it mate exactly time for the break test you heard the man now it's time for a break test from 100 miles an hour when we reach the line full emergency stop so guys you need to get level with me i don't know where you're going in the bmw there we go that's better this is so much easier for me because you all have to get level with me right very much live full emergency stop come on come on mercedes let's do this [Applause] no i didn't break early matthew maybe i just braked late anyway i really lost quite badly what one oh the porsche oh yanny anyway let's move on sam's mike's really bad you know when he's talking on the walker talk it's like echoing against you sorry what one two one two yanny one two you do realize that this is actually going to piece the camera don't you and there's just randomness over the radios jack's top editor mate he'll just have the camera on you mate just how you like it anyway i just want to tell you i've got a great deal on one of these cars through car wow nice big saving if you want to see what the car is and what the saving is click on the pop-out banner up there to go check out what it is and follow the link in the description below the video ah and as ever if you haven't already please follow me on instagram matt watson cars all right for loads of behind the scenes stuff what the heck was that it was me saying good morning who is it so nick you listening to our conversations on these radios how far are you from our runway i should say about five six miles by there so this is interesting our radios don't seem to be able to talk to each other for more than like i don't know 800 meters yet you can listen to us on them from five miles away i'll let you into the secret i'm not playing illegal i hope you're just talking about the about the radios i do realize you do do the filming so i did keep my mouth shut a lot of the time um i could hear you he was doing a long conversation there so he was prepping to get going okay so you just decided it was time for us to wrap up that particular video well that's good it's good to have the direction from wherever you are anyway hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like if you didn't give it a dislike if you want to see some of the races let me know over them in the comments below and if you click on that box there you can see how these cars quarter quarter-mile times compared to others with drag race car wow drag race leaderboard thanks for watching keep on listening nick we may talk to you again in future yeah i do watch you you used to watch your television program as well where you're wrapping your card so yeah follow you now you're now talking to matt um i'm the other guy the less interesting one um johnny is the one that you like most the superstar that's the job i've listened to yeah you're right okay bye
Channel: carwow
Views: 2,676,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, car review 2021, new car review, bmw, bmw m5, bmw m5 cs, fastest bmw, fastest saloon, quickest saloon, quickest bmw saloon, mercedes, mercedes-amg, mercedes-amg e63, mercedes-amg e63 s, audi, audi rs6, audi rs6 avant, porsche, porsche panamera, porsche panamera turbo s, german saloons, performance saloon, performance saloons, fastest mercedes, fastest porsche, fastest audi, bmw m5 cs race, bmw m5 cs drag race, m5 cs drag race
Id: 7u6s-BELKSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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