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with you making the surge here today do you think it's your turn again to hold a blue trophy over your head tomorrow davey you know as well as i do you just never know when that's gonna happen i mean if you were to ask me that three days ago i would have said not a chance in the world [Music] this place is so volatile right now you never know which guy's going to land on them and which guy's not but that doesn't mean that i don't want to beat him [Music] hey where you been uh tanning you've been here the whole week yeah pretty much are we supposed to be filming oh that's this oh it's this week yeah who shot the intro how was your practice bud two days in a row zero bites [Music] zero it's definitely easier to find a thunderstorm than a bass this week at neely henry and ran out of fuel today yeah yeah my boat holds i found this out now holds 49.76 gallons feeling good about our chances tomorrow i think we're really gonna crush it yeah today was an interesting one postponed high water tons of debris coming down the river so safety first we had the day off as postponed so we went to b dubs kyle did the hot wings challenge all right let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the t-shirt that was good i i enjoyed it it was like it was kind of a day that i felt like reset my mind for this event so it was good i feel good about it i'm excited about it i'm ready ready for day one gets in on the water tomorrow i'm ready for this thing to actually start actually get this party started i think we're going to bed well yeah we're going to bed officially day one no more postponement beautiful sunny alabama neely henry lake i don't know i don't know what's gonna happen i don't know if anyone really knows what's gonna happen i did the blazing hot challenge last night or yesterday and you got the flip-flop tummy bubbles vandy hammer and the flip-flop tummy bubbles sounds like a good band [Music] these are the types of events that will make or break guys these are the ones that make you realize that you have to more than love it you have to physically and mentally not be able to live without this sport because these events will make or break you weather practice thunderstorms it's just a mental it's a mental head game this is where we find out as pat renwick would say proper bassin man day one we are bowed 95 so first couple flights are blasting off i don't know what's gonna happen it's gonna be it's gonna be tough i know that five keeper bites will be a positive for us so we'll see what's gonna happen just gonna go out there and grind it's gonna be like sabine river it's grind [Music] gonna be lots of b-roll today [Music] that's a pre-spawner oh my goodness that's the first bite i've had in three days we got us one [Music] good one get in here [Music] i haven't had a frog bite since i've been here and i've had three this morning throwing this little thing i got the perfect rod for it though little alpha power skit so hard for me to be like this slow and methodical no hey keep that's three i don't know how but that's three got a little confidence back [Music] feeling fresh can you feel it in the air confidence in the air [Music] him so far out of the water i couldn't catch up to him there's laying up there in like inches of water back up there too spin over and eat it he's going towards it going towards it he's looking at it come on it's like a two two and a half pounder gosh that one came back i'm not so sure he's not trying to set it oh my gosh i got it come on stay down there let's down there stay on there come on oh oh come on got him i got him i got him got him hey lisa uh i just had something really weird happen uh so i was looking at two fish one was closer one was further away i was fishing for the further one i made a cast on it it disappeared and then it started to come back and i went to reel up and it was like kind of on the back side of a mat and a and all sudden my line took off and i set the hook and i had a fish in the tail and i don't know like you weren't physically looking at it when you set the hook no i was not physically looking like could not see that fish wasn't looking at it i don't know if it was the same one i saw i'm just saying like i saw two i was fishing for the other one went to reel up and then i set the hook and when i got it it was hooked outside the mouth right right so if you aren't physically looking at it and you're not sure you know which one it is that's a legal fish okay i just i wanted to call and make sure because it i had seen two and i just i didn't want there to be any any weird stuff right right yeah because if you are physically looking at it and eating your bae you know you do so you're good okay thank you all right thanks 100 percent that one up there's on a bed no one didn't leave this time oh he's looking at it oh i got her thank you for coming out of there oh it's not as big as i thought it was but that is in the mouth i thought it was way bigger than that this five i don't know how that happened but it's five oh get it that's not me very big took him three times i don't know if he'll help or not oh that's a coil right there he's bigger than red you know we need like a three or four pounder to get us up over that cut line we're just not there yet down there that'll help get in here yes good upgrade huh we have 8.92 it's my thinking pose of what to do what to do wasn't expecting to have five by this time i wasn't expecting to catch five at all we need a three or four pounder [Music] glad i got five i'm trying to not be upset but we still got whooped but it wasn't a bomb and i'm nervous about tomorrow because it looks like i'm gonna have to catch this same amount tomorrow to cut a check and i have absolutely no idea how to do it i don't know how i did that today i don't know how i'm gonna do it again tomorrow we're gonna have to yeah got it guys always kind of semi sketchy on the swimbait trade is that is that how it normally goes that's exactly you can't do things in the daylight like with with paperwork it's not that's not what it's about it should come in a paper and it should come in a brown bag that's exactly like look at that that's how every swimbait should be delivered it's like in a brown bag like liquor we are here at river rocks landing which is the best place to stay in gadsden alabama if you're coming here make sure you hang out here but they've got pizza and live music going on tonight we're gonna grab a bite to eat then we're gonna head to bed and dream about catching nine to ten more pounds tomorrow swing slide in the cut and then we're gonna slide in the top ten give them the old bp sneak i like it go get some pizza it's free pizza by the way too if it's free it's for me that's what i'm talking about stay tuned i don't know what i'm gonna do bella doesn't know what we're doing she's freaking out thinks we're gonna leave her i'm gonna start where i caught pretty much all of my bass yesterday and then who knows from there i'm just gonna be free fishing cause i'm free free fishing i'm sure a lot of you said different words than that i need to we need to ask mccoy how much for the rights if you're open for hire billy we could use you in a couple of videos songbird of your generation still waiting on kyle hey i was almost there i almost got here on time justin atkins boat justin adkins what's your words of wisdom for the day dude don't suck don't suck yeah ready full ninja mode with the sim suit and i went sandals it's a bold move but i like my odds how are you feeling today oh you know we good talked to jp yet no i didn't i need to text him yeah you probably should we leave in two minutes the water has officially dropped [Music] can't be having that boys girls get in here you're not big i'm glad to have him man when i felt him thump it i said please be a vegan looking for a little clue not from a decoy bass either good one oh he's not that big she's gone they're gonna have to get bigger than that 185 7 30. he's got two in the box you need a couple big bites now [Applause] [Music] get in here uh 1.2 he's a little skinny [Music] yeah i'm hooked inside he's not very big i don't know where that next bite's gonna come from tiny oh she measures i bet he doesn't even weigh a pound if he weighs like point seven point five nine he going in the box though that's a half pound i did i looked i was looking at my 360. i mean we got i mean that is our second biggest one oh whopping old six pounds good one too oh get out of that grass get out of here get in here yeah get rid of that little half pounder uh yeah four more bites did you get that one really i even said right where he blew [Music] up stay on there you you oh so that sucker was dirt shallots too dirt shallow i mean i'm talking joe deer tay shallow see that movement up there i thought he was gonna be a lot bigger than that the one he legit scared me i like how they're eating it now [Music] fast that is oh my gosh there's like a three or four pounder right there catch this fish and make the cut i'm pretty sure that's a ten thousand dollar fish i got her i got her no [Music] i might have just screwed that all up no she's still in there oh oh gosh she bit it twice she bit it twice guys drop her stay on there stay on there come on come on come on get out that grass come on come on get out of that grass out of that grass come here come here no not that grass no you got to be kidding me oh why it's done now four pounder it's 10 grand and a dang lot of points [Music] those are fine words those are fine words give me a little bit of time i'll be [Music] good man that's a rebound that's a freaking coil not defined by that fish [Music] gives us 11 7. unless the weights go way up we should be in oh oh my gosh did you just roll up there and look at it [Music] i got a different one oh my gosh i was looking at a different fish oh it's a big one too come on come here yes dudes got it choked they're staring at a different fish gosh that's such a huge great upgrade that's i think that's bigger than the other one 416. i'll say you getting that ice cream this week kyle oh hit me right in the wrist [Music] [Music] little redemption from yesterday really wish we wouldn't lost that one big one but put that sneak on them five fish worth 14 pounds and 14 ounces are gonna jump brandon and all the way up to seventh place for the 14-14 bag today i'm just going fishing putting a couple rods on my deck and seeing what happens you know today i was fortunate i got some good bites i got a four and a three pounder and that's what you need here this week in these tough events to elevate you to that next level we're going to see what happens tomorrow but things aren't out of sight yet yes are you getting ice cream i'm definitely getting ice cream yeah 100 this is the classic bp sneak we're looking at tiff yeah yeah pattern this is and then guess where i'll finish 14th place you did say you would be ecstatic if you i think you said you'd jump in the pool what with your jersey on it's what you got 14 plates you did say something if you got 14th place yeah i mean top 14. yeah i would cut ice creams unite uh i think dinner's almost ready we snatched up 14 14 today somehow somehow i don't know how didn't know what we're gonna do the first day caught nine pounds didn't know what we're gonna do today caught 14 14. don't know what we're gonna do tomorrow mod zero might catch 20. we'll see the bp sneak vp sneak is in effect we'll see you tomorrow big bass dreams we have some big bass dreams yeah is it going down it's gonna happen i have no idea i don't know i didn't know yesterday i don't know today but we're going to go swinging so i can do i like that what day is it as my friend jackie buma says you're only as good as your last bat or you're only as good as your last cast it's day three we're going cast and hopefully catching ladies and gentlemen i am pleased to inform that we are indeed pulling out the rally claws for today this is probably gonna kill me because i wore my muddy sandals in sorry tiff if you're seeing this video it was me i'm i'm sorry hoping that i can make the right decisions at the right time to put us in position maybe we don't put ourselves in position to win but we put ourselves in position for a top 10 or a top 20. that's how you win aoy that's how you you turn events into what might be personal wins even though they may not be blue trophy wins wesley face words of advice uh in the word great words of brendan paul nick if you find yourself sucking suck less need another 14 pounds but i don't know about it today in here there's a good one stay on there [Music] that's the way it is that's a freaking chunk to start the 332 like the second biggest fish i've caught all week winds out frog it out four more bites all right that was one cast off got a second one not quite as big as the first i tricked him i tricked them i have what i call the deception worm how fitting x-zone deception worm you have been deceived my friend i said you shall be deceived number five he's not big either but he's number five 121. magnums you get that last one kyle gopro got it right there get in here that's a good upgrade right there 238. angel you're just a little bit too late here today do you think it's your turn to hold a blue trophy over your head tomorrow davey you know as well as i do you just never know when that's going to happen i mean i don't know i don't have that feeling yet like it's my time but if i make it tomorrow and i have a you know close the gap and have a shot then it might be a different story and i promise you i'll sit there and i'll congratulate every single guy this year but that doesn't mean that i don't want to beat them you don't really want them problems like i hear a shutter somewhere over knead it oh oh come on that's a big one oh don't swim off she kind of moved up there towards it [Music] [Applause] oh don't you do that come here come here come here oh no no no no gosh you got me nervous out of the grass she's in the mouth look in the mouth yes check that out i'll give us over 10. gosh dang two and a half pounder got me shaking we need to go get one or two more big bites though i think if we're gonna make it in i'm gonna need another three or four pounder i have no idea dave i had high expectations coming into it after practice i had low expectations i feel like i need one one more really good bite to have a shot but i don't know it could happen anywhere stay on there stay on there yes sweet nice little upgrade um that feels good it says we've got 1180 on my scale catch mg damn i got 11.80 i got a four pounder on a bed yesterday and it's like this much out of the water get you one you got plenty of time oh pressure is on to get one more bite [Music] i'm just trying to go through the process of figuring out how to do that can't win if you're afraid to fail [Music] oh yeah i can't win if you're afraid of losing not afraid of it i just really don't like it [Applause] let me just blow short it'll be ounces probably but i'm going to miss it but it'll be a good derby either way i don't think i was probably in until gerald just caught those last two 12 pounds even gonna take you to 35 14 with your today's bag and it's gonna dump you all the way up to fourth place for this rack from idaho angler brandon pollinick again with 35-14 fourth place right now it's gonna be tight it's gonna be ounces i i figured i was gonna finish 11th or 12th when i looked at bass track when we checked in you know back there standing in the line most of the guys probably didn't weigh them i actually weighed them today so i knew i was right there 11 and three quarters 12 pounds it's gonna come down to ounces like i said the first day i didn't get a bite the last two days of practice so to have a top 15 finish here this week is you know the whole reason i do this making decisions on the fly i love when we get these changing conditions because it moves fish around and it makes guys you know stay on top of their toes i don't know what's gonna happen well you're in fourth place cross your fingers but again we'll see if it works out for you nope 11th brock just weighed in he had eight pounds but i got fighter by an ounce that one point could come into play literally have been a bomb like i easily could have finished in the 90s like i had no idea what i was going to do and we just put it together every single day and that is how a y's are won that's the end of the video it's a wrap yeah we didn't i think we're missing some what i think we're missing one thing can i at least put shorts on and he said if i get 14th i'm going to jump in the pool with my jersey i literally i live for these moments these little moments of shame for brandon they bring me so much joy i was not expecting that i want to say this video should just be called the bp sneak because it's literally textbook day of practice comes out of the boat says i literally didn't catch a fish today then what does he do first is 11th place sandbagger not going down like that you think 11th place is all we got um but we don't fish tomorrow yeah we'll make up for it at the james river we're headed to the weigh-ins looks like wes might have it unless something crazy has happened in the last little bit west logan is gonna be taking home his first career bassmaster elite series victory this is west's first one so we're to show him how to do this now you know i'd have to just go ahead and put it on her finger but huge congrats to bass hat aka wes logan nice work dude that's a wrap we got a 10 hour drive to virginia so here we go taking off
Channel: BmpFishing
Views: 47,336
Rating: 4.9792595 out of 5
Keywords: bmp fishing, brandon palaniuk, Bass fishing, bassmaster elite series, Bassmaster, neely henry bass fishing, Neely Henry, alabama bass fishing, googan squad, scott martin, bass fishing tournament, bass fishing videos, fishing tournament, big bass fishing, bass fishing for beginners, fishing videos, coosa river fishing, bass fishing 101, wes logan neely henry, Skeeter Boat, alpha angler rods, yamaha outboard, coosa river bass fishing, how to, largemouth bass eating
Id: q0-HrbaJNZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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