Blurred Lines and Dim Minds | Ryan Day (SDA Sermon)

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[Music] hello friends and welcome to three a be in worship hour where we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth that's right the Bible says that God is indeed worthy to be praised and worship and that's exactly what we're going to do here today and I just want to thank you for joining us and taking time out of your day we want to encourage you to grab your friends your family your children your aunts uncles enemies anybody that you have gathered them to gather get your Bibles get your notepads we're gonna dive deep into the Word of God today and we're going to worship Him as we said earlier in truth we're gonna pull out the truth of God's Word and we're gonna learn something powerful today a little strange title but I think you'll get it in just a few moments the title of today's message is blurred lines and dim minds but until then we've got our good friend Tim Parton with us he's here at the piano and he's going to lead us out in a time of prayer and song Thank You riot we have a wonderful group of people here in pastoral department who head up the prayer warrior email and I have a couple of prayer requests that I think many of you can relate to and we just want to take some time to pray about those this one prayer request comes in that says lately I started to share some views and information on my social media page about the current situations and after sharing information continuously I have become very fearful of the future I'm now feeling very anxious they say I would like prayer for peace and deliverance from fear anxiety and worry would love to be able to rest at night I think of Ecclesiastes 1:18 it says for with much wisdom comes much sorrow the more knowledge the more grief sometimes we think that living in a day of information and easy access in the on the internet would be just a great thing but unfortunately the more we know the more we can be overwhelmed so Lord I'm asking that you would help us to be wise in how we handle the information that we know that we would not focus all of our attention or our time on sharing on those social media pages that we would not dwell on on the news but we would dwell on your word in fact Colossians 3:2 says set your minds on things above not on earthly things so Lord we thank you that we have an alternative you are our alternative and I pray that you would become the main focus another viewer sent in this prayer request it says I have been having terrible severe anxiety and panic attacks which have made me sick and I can't sleep at night I'm a mom and a wife and I'm always afraid maybe you find yourself in that same situation I love Isaiah 26:3 that says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you speaking of God father I thank you that I can have perfect peace when my mind stays on you and I trust you God to be my peace so lord I pray for those who are watching right now they're having anxiety and lacking peace Lord I pray in Jesus name that you would give them the wisdom and the heart to trust in you to look to you for peace Oh soul are you weary and troubled no light in the darkness you see there's light for a look at the same and life more abundant and free turn your eyes apart Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and brain his word shall not fail you he promised believe him and all will be well then go to a world that is done is perfect salvation [Music] just turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the themes of Earth will grow strangely [Music] in the light of his glory and [Music] let us pray father in heaven Lord you are so wonderful you're so mighty you are truly our God nor we want to pause today and give you worship and praise and the glory and honor that you deserve we thank you for singing we thank you for prayers and praying we praise You God and thank you that the lines of communication are open for us to talk to you and to communicate with you and so Lord as we continue on with our worship our I pray father that you will fill me with the Holy Spirit right now in Jesus name that every word every passage every text everything that is communicated is according to your will and heard by your people this morning including myself save us O God today draws closer to you a ask in Jesus name Amen amen thank you too as I mentioned before today's message is entitled blurred lines and dim Minds I would like to begin this message with a couple of quotes from a couple of different sources and I want you to pray for me pray for that clock because I have lots of information to share in such a short time but I know the Lord will see us through it I want to start this message by reading from the fifth volume of the testimonies to the church page 214 and it says not one of us will ever receive the seal of God while our characters have one spot or stain upon them it is left with us to remedy the defects of our characters to cleanse the soul temple of every defilement then the latter rain will fall upon us as the early rain fell upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost now much like the quote that we just read I want to read another one right in behind that one dealing with the same subject this comes from maranatha page 240 and notice what it says now is the time to prepare the seal of God will never be placed upon the forehead of an impure man or woman it will never be placed upon the forehead of the ambitious world loving man or woman it will never be placed upon the forehead of men or women of false tongues or deceitful hearts all who received the seal must be without spot before God candidates for heaven I chose to start this particular message with those quotes because I believe it provides a clear foundation of some of the content that we're going to share this morning I love how that last part ends that we just read that we must be without spot before God candidates for heaven isn't that what this this lifetime is all about right here to prepare to meet God in heaven he is coming back soon we know this to be true the Bible tells us thousands of times that we can look forward to the soon return of Jesus but today my friends I would like to communicate such a message that I believe is again another awakening message it's not a message of worry it's not a message of doubt it's not a it's not a negative message to cause anxiety or fear but a message to spark within us a heartburn for Christ a good heartburn for Christ's much like the men on the road to Emmaus as their hearts burned within them after they just had that encounter with Jesus I hope that this message sparks within us heartburn so that we come to know Christ more and more we draw closer to him and we prepare for the soon coming of Jesus you see we are living in a time of urgency we were living in a time of preparation and it should not surprise us that we are also living in a time of judgment we need to approach the times that we are living in in these last days with a no-nonsense mentality the devil is like a roaring lion the Bible says and he is seeking whom he may devour each and every hour of every day he is working hard to make sure that you do not make it into the kingdom of God but at the same time we have the Spirit of God that is warring for our hearts and souls as well God is still pleading for you he is still pleading his case for you the Spirit of God is still working on you time is not up but time is diminishing quickly my friends in 1st thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 through 3 we sense this sense of urgency in paul's writings in fact i want to just go there right now this again is 1st thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1 through 3 notice what the Bible says but concerning the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape when we read this particular passage we see two groups of people mentioned there is the you notice here brethren you have no need that I should write to you but then there's a second group that he refers to as they he says for when they say peace and safety we're talking about two separate groups God's remnant his people his elect and the people of the world and we're reminded here in this particular passage as Paul says that we should not worry as we are connected to Christ we know that his coming is like a thief in the night but yet the people of the world their hearts that are in the world they say peace and safety with an indifferent complacent attitude that says oh well if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't but yet they're seeing peace and safety but then Paul says then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and here's what's interesting if you read the original Greek here he uses the Greek word boom a for the word not here where it says and they shall not escape the Greek word boom a and if you understand what that means and you know that Paul is using a double negative here in the Greek to emphasize a sense of urgency and the importance of this message he says and they shout in the Greek no not escape in other words he's not scratching the surface he's not sugarcoating or watering down the message he's saying look if you do not prepare and you are not ready for the soon coming of Jesus if you are not awake if you are a few are sleeping and slumbering but you are not watching the signs of the times then this sudden destruction may come upon you as the labor pains upon a pregnant woman and you shall know not escape but it's interesting that we live in a day and age where people are now starting to murmur and say now have they been saying that for a long time my great-great-great grandma and grandpa thought Jesus would come back in their day and he didn't my great-great grandparents taught that Jesus would return in their day and he didn't and of course my great grandparents and also my grandparents and he goes on down the line even my parents before I was born or at least in their lifetime believed that Jesus would come back in their day and they would scream from the mountaintops Jesus is coming Jesus is coming very soon but he has not come back the Bible says that there are scoffers in the last day that will say where are the signs of his coming you see there is a proper term for this type of mentality it's called a normalcy bias mentality and those who have a normalcy bias mentality let me describe this to you for a moment this often results in situations where people fail to adequately adequately prepare for a disaster or a certain event the assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred or this particular warning event has never occurred before then it will never actually occur it also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster or an event once it actually does occur people with a normalcy bias mindset have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before people also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic and careless way possible ceasing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation normalcy bias those people that are saying oh you know they've been saying it's gonna happen for years they've been saying that Jesus is coming but is he really coming and you know what there are even many Christians that I have personally met that have said who what is it but does it matter who cares if Jesus comes today tomorrow six years from now 18 years from now 100 years from now who really cares if you're ready then you're ready if you're not then you're not again a normalcy bias mentality who really cares you see this type of mentality is expressed many times throughout the scripture that we read many instances in Scripture we see a great example of this normalcy bias that I'm speaking of I would like to show you one passage now or take you to one passage in scripture that I believe is most relevant for our time it's dealing with the signs of the times it's dealing with the last days prior to the second coming of Jesus and I'm going to take you now to Luke chapter 17 verses 26 through 30 of course this is Luke's version of the great Olivet discourse where Jesus is giving the signs of the times and he's helping the disciples to understand exactly what is gonna happen prior to his second coming so I'm gonna start in Luke chapter 17 verses 26 and we're gonna read on to verse 30 this is a passage that you've heard many times but nonetheless sometimes it helps then we take a second a third a fourth or even more looks than that so then we understand what it is God is saying to us Luke chapter 17 verses 26 to 30 the Bible says and as it was in the days of Noah so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so Jesus says will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed normalcy bias it's describing a people that much like the days of Noah who approached the coming flood the coming warning that there would be a worldwide destruction a flood that was coming much like those people in Noah's day Jesus says that the last days prior to his second coming will be exactly the same way they will have the exact same mentality with very with a very indifferent and complacent attitude the people of Noah's day did not heed the warning messages again we're talking about a normalcy bias mindset but in other words because it's never rained before Noah what is this rain rain you speak of rain God's gonna allow it to rain and destroy the world surely not it's never rained here before and so that's why we have many many people even today they doubt they scoff they hear that Jesus is coming soon and you start to see a degradation of their spiritual mind you start to see the doubt take control of their thoughts their decisions their ideas where they become almost desensitized to the world over time and when the warning message is given each and every time to be prepared arise trim your lamps go out to meet the bridegroom because he is coming they are not prepared they don't have enough oil in their vessels and of course sudden destruction comes upon them as the labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall no not escape how can we make sure that we don't adopt such a horrible normalcy bias mentality in these last days how can we make sure that we are grounded and rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ that we stand firm like many of God's servants in the days of Scripture then we can stand confident at the appearing of Jesus and know that we are ready I would like to take a look and examine that passage that we just read if you have your Bibles and you know it's there in Luke 17 I'm just gonna reference a couple of things but I want you to notice that when it speaks of the days of Noah it says that they ate and they drink you see there's some clues here and often we approach this passage where it talks about the days of Noah the days of lot where they ate they drink you know they were married and given in marriage and we look at that passage we go oh it's describing how life just went on as normal and then Jesus suddenly appeared and while I believe that we can pull from that that particular sentiment or that particular conclusion I want to suggest you this morning and submit to you that there are some clear clues and that if we studied deeper to allowed God's Word to interpret itself there is a much deeper meaning that Christ is trying to communicate to us and the question we're asking is how can I make sure that I'm not like these people in the days of Noah or these people in the last days that will not be prepared for the soon return of Jesus we're gonna be asking that question right now we're gonna be answering it so notice here the days of Noah they ate and they drink they also did this in the days of lot they also married wives and were given in marriage I want to just take a moment and talk about that they ate and they drink that concept of eating and drinking now again a lot of people where he read that and think well Ryan you know is it a sin to eat and drink is it a sin to you know participate and take in the food the daily food that we need obviously that is not what Christ is talking about here obviously we do need food for nutrition and we do need to drink water and healthful lift liquids to make sure that we are nourished and taken care of but there's something about the eating and the drinking in the days of Noah and in the days of lot that Jesus is talking about in a negative context here and now I want to take us to Luke chapter 5 in reference to eating and drinking I want to look at Luke chapter 5 because I believe that there's an answer here given to us as to why Jesus was talking about this in a negative context we're going to Luke chapter 5 and we're gonna read verses 33 to 35 notice what the Bible says here Jesus is having an encounter with the Pharisees and notice what they're saying to him it says then they said to him why do the disciples of John fast often and make prayers and likewise those of the Pharisees but yours there it is eat and drink and he said to them this is Christ speaking now he says can you make the Friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them but the day but that notice but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them when they will fast in those days then they will fast in those days my friends so notice the scenario here when Christ is speaking of the days of Noah the end of time prior to the second coming of Jesus and he's saying that they're eating and they're drinking and they're marrying and they're given in marriage when they're speaking of the eating and drinking we have a your understanding in connection in Scripture that tells us that when we are eating and drinking in this particular context it's talking about a spiritual application a greater spiritual application that goes to or is connected to the concept of fasting and preparing and praying in the last days during the days of Noah these people were eating and drinking in the sense that they were not fasting in praying and I love what Jesus said here he said look I'm with them now I'm with them now and therefore they don't have to fast but there's gonna come a time when I'm no longer with them and in those days they will need to fast and pray my friends God had been teaching me Ryan and I just want to say right out throughout this entire message I'm gonna be stepping on my toes I'm gonna be stepping on your toes or should I say the Word of God is gonna be stepping on all of our toes but that's okay because the truth shall make us free amen God has been convicting me lately Ryan you need to do more fasting you need to need to surrender that portion of your life to Him and I have been praying I have been fasting I've been practicing intermittent fasting and you know what there's more types of fasting than just food and drink yes we need to practice more temperate lives when it comes to what we eat and what we drink but there's also a spiritual a deeper spiritual message here my friends that there's many types of fasting that we can do in our lives and in these particular last days we must learn to fast from the cares of this world in order to prepare for Jesus soon return there may be someone at home that is dealing with I don't know spending too much time on their computer or on media or you know having too much fun or doing all these different types of things I'm not saying it's wrong to have fun but my friends certainly the message that we're seeing here is Jesus saying life was going on as normal that they were just eating and drinking carelessly there was no sense of self-examination there was no sense of afflicting the soul like you would see on the day of atonement aren't we living in an anti-typical day of atonement aren't we living in a time of judgment in which we should be afflicting our souls examining ourselves and saying Lord purged the sin from my body purged the sin from my life that's what he's saying here he's saying they're eating they're drinking they're not fasting they're not praying they're not seeking me earnestly that they might surrender all their life to me but then notice the second part very interestingly they married wives and they were given in marriage is it a sin to marry well obviously not right God established marriage in the Garden of Eden so God isn't talking negatively in the sense that no one should marry in the last days but I do believe that there is a deeper maybe deeper message here and obviously we see that it's in connection with the days of Noah so I want to take you back and I want to show you that actually the root cause that brought about this great gigantic flood that would take out the majority of the world in the days of Noah was actually connected to this marrying and given in marriage I want you to go with me to Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 6 and we're gonna read the first couple of verses there notice what the Bible says and we're talking about this marrying and giving in marriage there's a deep spiritual message here my friends and we need to comprehend this it says here in Genesis chapter 6 verses 1 & 2 it says now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for them of all whom they chose now I just want to ride off front I don't really have a lot of time to unpack this but I want to say very clearly and very boldly and straightforward there's some teaching out there that refers to these sons of God as some type of Nephilim like you know where they basically the Fallen Angels that came from heaven that fall that fell from heaven they somehow procreated with women here on the earth and they created these giants that would come about in Scripture and throughout all the lands my friends there is absolutely no scriptural basis for that and I want to make that very very clear the question is who are these sons of God because we have a contrasting group of people here we have the sons of God and the daughters of men so who are these sons of God I think we have a very clear answer in multiple parts of Scripture obviously the sons of God can be they can be angels but they're there they're good angels right they're good angels and we know this because notice what it says in Romans chapter 8 verse 14 here's a very good clear clue as to who the sons of God are in Scripture Romans chapter 8 verse 14 the Bible says for as many are led by the Spirit of God these are the sons of God so if you my friends today are led by the Spirit of God you are sons of God so the contrasting view of that would be anyone who has not led by the Spirit of God are not sons of God in fact they would probably fall into this category this contrasting a different category that we see here the daughters of men now we don't have to go very far as to know what these two groups are because we see very clearly this is Genesis chapter 6 if you go back to Genesis chapter 4 you see a very clear genealogy two different seeds obviously when Cain killed Abel he killed the righteous seed so you would think but obviously God had plans he brought about Seth and so the holy lineage of the Lord in which the lineage in which Christ would come through would be that of the lineage of the line or the bloodline of Seth but then there's another seed group there's another line or lineage and we see that that is the lineage of Cain now I want to spend a lot of time on this but I want to unpack this I'm showing you something spiritually here that is powerful when you take this in when Jesus says over on the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 Luke 17 mark 13 and forward when he's talking about how in the days of Noah they ate they drink they married wives and were given in marriage he's create he's very very much communicating something powerfully spiritually to us that we need to comprehend in this case it's interesting to know that while the sons of God are those that led by the Spirit of God the daughters of men are those of the world it's interesting to note daughters of men right daughters I mean when you follow that that woman's seed back you trace it to the lineage of Cain and it's interesting in the latter verses of Genesis chapter 4 specifically verses 16 through 22 there are three daughters mentioned or three women mentioned that came from the seed of Cain that are mentioned in that chapter and if you know anything about names in the Bible then you know that they hold meaning they mean something it's many times often revealed character the character of the person for instance these three women their name there in Genesis for the names are ah de Zilla and Naima and when you look at the meanings of their names ah da means get this decked with jewels and ornaments Cielo means tingle or quiver to musical instruments or sensual dancing and namma means to be lovely delightful or beautiful in appearance now you put all this together the sons of God are going out and marrying the daughters of men this is what brought about the judgement of the flood my friends God's church is going outside of the elect they have stepped outside of the spiritual will of God and they now turn to the world to mix and mingle their seed with those of the unrighteous and when we look and see the type of women that God's men begin to marry and begin to mix and mingle with we see that it's women that were decked with jewels and ornaments tingled and quivering to musical instruments sensual dancing and of course delightful and beautiful in physical appearance this is what drove them and of course this drove God to make a very difficult decision in destroying all of the righteous because he saw how much out of control it was getting my friends so when it says that they were eating and drinking gotta sing the spiritual state of these people their minds were blurred they were murky they couldn't see spiritually they had become spiritually blind to their own condition they were they were eating and drinking they weren't fasting they weren't praying when this judgment came upon them though they were marrying and mixing and mingling with the world they weren't staying within God's people they weren't staying within the holy will of God that's what this message is and what's even more interesting is when you go study about lot what about lot we have a scripture that it says remember Lot's wife well I'm gonna ask the question this morning remember lot what about lot No the Bible tells us here in Genesis chapter 19 now you know the story of lot very clearly now what we let me just kind of set this up you basically have what is called a christophany here prior to this particular text that we're about to read a christophany is basically when Jesus Christ appears in the flesh before or after his virgin birth or after his earthly ministry and so there's clear evidence in Scripture that God himself and we believe in fate that is Jesus Christ in the flesh that he comes and shows up many times in physical human form in the Old Testament one of those would be during the time of Abraham and lot and then we read there in scripture to set this up very clearly that that God actually appears in the flesh Christ Jesus Pearson devised to Abraham with two angels and so at the very end of this conversation or this occurrence that he has with Abraham Jesus sends on two angels to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah you know the story very clearly and he warns Abraham that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will meet their fate that they're going to be destroyed and of course you can imagine the the conversation that Abraham had there with Jesus as he's pleading and saying will you find if you find 50 righteous where you save the city will you find 40 and for 35 or 30 and 20 and 25 all the way down to 10 if you if you find ten righteous people you saved the city and in all of the mercy of God Jesus says sure I'll save it if I find ten righteous people but of course he wasn't able to but where I want to pick up is right here in Genesis 19 verses 9 through 17 notice what the Bible tells us Genesis chapter 19 verses 9 through 17 a rather lengthy passage but I want to show you something here just like we have three angels messages or three angels warnings given to us in the last days did you know that God sent lot and his family three warnings by angels notice this it says then the men said a lot this is where they finally showed up we've had the encounter with these evil men of Sodom and these two men who are angels are now speaking to lot in his family and they're warning a lot and notice what they say in verse 10 then the men said to lot have you anyone else here son-in-law your sons your daughters and whomever you have in the city take them out of this place I want to pause there we're gonna come right back to it but I want to pause there emphasize this my friends do we have a message warning from an angel that says come out of her get out of this place yes revelation 18 come out of her my people God had people in that city and he was warning them so he's warning a lot notice what he goes on to say in verse 13 for we will destroy this place because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it now notice this in verse 14 so lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters and said get up get out of this place for the Lord will destroy this city but notice how they respond here but to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking he seemed to be joking notice verse 15 make note of that when the morning dawned notice he was supposed to get out immediately but now the morning is done he's been waiting on line he's been lingering it says the Angels urged not to hurry sing here's the second message all rise take your wife and your two daughters who are here lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city and notice this and while he lingered notice lot had spent so much time in in the city of Babylon or excuse me in this case Sodom and Gomorrah we might call it spiritual Babylon that he's lingering he don't want to leave so notice what the scripture continues to say we're coming to a great point here so while he lingered the men who took hold of his hand his wife's hand and the hand of the two daughters so they had to actually physically remove them the Lord being merciful to him it says and they brought him out and set him outside the city outside the city emphasized that and then here comes the third message so it came to pass when they had brought them outside that they said escape for your life do not look behind you nor state anywhere in the plain escape to the mountains lest you be destroyed I love that my friends he said get out of the city have we heard that before get out of the cities go to the mountains go to the wilderness get out here and don't look back my friends the message that we need to understand today is that we have people in God's church in God's remnant movement that are still there physically in the church they're physical members of the church their names are on the book but their hearts are still in Sodom and Gomorrah they're lingering in Sodom and Gomorrah their hearts are still in Babylon and God is saying get out get out while you can escape to the mountains as he says here get out of the cities so we see how the sin of the world began to erode at the spiritual mind of lot and his family and this is happening today my friends and yes don't think for one moment that it's not happening in the church where Jesus said there is week there's also tears there are people in our church all around Christianity today that have at some point claimed the name of Jesus they have prayed out and cried out to Jesus but have not been completely spiritually transformed by the gospel their minds are being eroded away in the city of Babylon their hearts are still in Babylon their negligence these people lot in his family their negligence led to the spiritual lines of demarcation being blurred and their minds becoming foggy with the sin of the world they became desensitized to sin normalcy bias he heard that the city was going to be destroyed but he's still lingered he heard that the city was going to be wiped out but he still lingered this same dim minded state this prophesied for our time now we do know that lot was saved but did you know his family wasn't the Bible says that only lot was saved now you know that his daughter's came out obviously his wife turned around and she turned into a pillar of salt and his lot his daughter's made it out of the city but notice this notice just like his son in laws that were destroyed in the city la had become so desensitized to send my friends while I'm living in the world he had broke away from the truth he had been living in a sinful atmosphere he had become so desensitized to sin that even his own witness to his own family became tarnished and in the end even though his daughters made it out of the city we know that they were so too far past gone in the world this they started committing sins and things that would bring them to their demise you see this as I said before this same dim minded state this cloudiness this this this this blurry line state the lines are blurred the truth is blurred this is the same thing it's prophesied for our time notice 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 5 the Bible says but know this that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despises of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power and what hurts my heart more than anything my friends among all that list there all of those things are horrible all of those things are bad and we don't want to make one more worse than the other but the one that always catches my eye my is disobedient to parents we are living in a strange time the parenting of today is not like the parenting of yesterday my parents were not abusive but I tell you my lived in a very I grew up in a very conservative strict home they did not abuse us or beat us but they certainly didn't mind giving us a spanking when we needed one or a whippin where I'm from the south so it's a whuppin where I'm from we got whoopin right but nonetheless you know I'm not saying that all kids need weapons or spankings or whippings I'm not saying that that's necessarily the perfect type of parenting style but nonetheless we know that there's a state of the youth the state of the minds of the youth of today have changed to the point that it's prophesied that they will disobedient to parents and my friends have children and youth will become disobedient to parents how much more disobedient will they be to God what type of generations are we raising here what can be said about the spiritual state of our youth in these days why does it seem more and more young people are desensitized to the ways of the world and have no interest in spiritual things and I just want to say for the record I'm not shoving all youth or all young people under the bus here I recognize that God still has a young people that he's leading I recognize that there are still wonderful young people who were led by the Spirit of God in these last days so I'm not throwing everyone under the bus but nonetheless it's prophesied then not only do we have to worry about the spiritual state of what was before us and what is now but we've got to worry about the future my friends and when I say where we understand them I use that loosely we must be aware that's probably a better word we must be aware of the future and the state of future generations notice judges chapter 2 verses 7 through Tim and I'm going to emphasize versed in here just for the sake of time I may not read all of this but this is talking about after the days of Joshua Joshua has died and there have been several generations that have come after him but notice verse 10 of Judge Judges chapter 2 verses 7 through 10 this is Judges chapter 2 verses 7 through 10 but I want to go to verse 10 so right there on the screen of 7 and 8 let's go on down to verse 10 there it says when all that generation had been gathered to their fathers another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which he had done for Israel and I asked the question why because doesn't the Bible teach us in proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 that if you train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it right why are these generations growing to the point to where they don't know the Lord and they don't know the work of God it's because the generations before it although maybe a spiritual type of people they were not grounded and led completely by the Holy Spirit because in their day the lines of spiritual demarcation had become blurred and now in the minds of the youth who are now coming generations after the lines of truth the lines of the truth in the lines of the spiritual demarcation they're blurred now it's kind of you know how do we know what is really the truth truth is what you want it to be truth is what you perceive it to be notice second Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 I want to go on there 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 Laodicea needs an examination right we're living in Laodicea notice what the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 it says examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith test yourselves do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless indeed you are disqualified you see sometimes we need a little bit of self-examination sometimes we need to afflict the soul like on the day of atonement we need to ask God to reveal to us our personal condition that he can change us he can renovate and do an overhaul of our spiritual mind so that we might stand confident at the appearing of Jesus and know that we are indeed in Christ I remember years ago I listened to an old sermon by CD Brooks he's one of my favorite speakers CD Brooks and I used to listen his sermons a powerful speaker and there's a sermon that he once preached entitled I want my church back and he says that many times I want my church back and he preaches from second Timothy chapter 4 verses 2 through 4 not in just this sermon but many sermons that he preached and I want to preach it today because it goes right along with our theme 2nd Timothy 4:2 through 4 this is from the King James Version notice what the Bible says it says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables my friend we're talking about a people who believe they are saved when they're really not we're talking about a people who believe they know God when they really don't we're talking about a people who believe they know the truth all the while they are rejecting the truth you see the very essence of deception is that you are unaware that you are deceived and that's the state of Laodicea they think they're rich and abundant in everything in need of nothing but yet they're miserable poor blind and naked and wretched right are the spiritual lines of demarcation blurred in your life has the truth become something that maybe it once was not right is it different do you perceive it differently do we seem to be in a spiritually inebriated state drunk on the minute on the mentality eroding wine of ballot Babylon are we drunk on babylons wine my friends you see Satan wants your mind he wants to take control of your life he wants to blur the truth from your life he wants you to not be able to see clearly spiritually he doesn't want your spiritual eyesight to be anointed where you can see clearly the spiritual things of God's will notice manuscript 1 1890 powerful statement powerful statement notice what it says either the devil excuse me either the evil angels or the angels of God are controlling the minds of men our minds are given to the control of God or the control of the powers of darkness and it will be well for us to inquire where we are standing today whether under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel or under the black banner of the powers of darkness and with that one I gotta also add letter 8 coming from 1891 this is a letter here powerful words notice the quote it says when the mind is not under the distinct influence of the Spirit of God Satan can mold it as he chooses this leads to controversy with those who are trying to walk in the way of the Lord they that is those who oppose truth will call light darkness and darkness light and good evil and evil good now you might be asking here we're coming close to the end of this but I want to just line something out very clearly my friends you might be asking Ryan how in the world does it seem that we come to this spiritual state how does it seem that the lines have become blurred and the minds of God's people so dim why does it seem like the spiritual nature the spiritual mind of God's people is fast changing or being fastly altered and I would say that while that's not happening in everyone and I want to be very clear I recognize that God still has a people he still has a remnant that his own fire for him but nonetheless we know that the devil is also attacking God's people in the last days and I'm here to call warning to it I'm here to bring some light to it but I heard also tell you there's there's great news there's great news you do not have to remain in that state and we're going to talk about that in just a few moments but I want to list you three clear reasons now I'm not I'm not limiting this particular situation to just three reasons I recognize that this is a very complex subject but I believe there are three main reasons while people begin to drift or wander off into this very dim minded state where the lines of spiritual demarcation are blurred where the truth seems to be unclear number one we live in the age of opinions and personal philosophy we are living in a time where everyone's got an opinion and everyone has their own personal ideologies and philosophies now I want to say for the record I praise God that I live in in a country that allows freedom of speech I believe in that right and I praise God that you know we can listen to other people's opinions people have a right to their own opinion so I'm not trashing that understand that but I also want to be very clear you can have an opinion my friends you can have your personal theories your personal ideologies your personal perspective on things you can even have your own personal philosophical approach to many of the truths of God's Word but if it is not in harmony with the the Splane saith the Lord then it is not in harmony with God's philosophy it's not in harmony with God's Way of thinking it's not in harmony with obvious the truth of God's Word so we have to make sure that is clear notice Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 powerful let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus well yes we have every right in the world to think for ourselves make sure that we're thinking in harmony with the way Jesus thinks make sure we're thinking in harmony with the way the Word of God actually teaches the truth to us rather than how we might perceive it I mean brothers and sisters all the time they say to me well rhyme that's your way of seeing things and I've got my way of seeing things you know that's your personal perspective and I've got my perspective or you know that's your interpretation of things but I've got my interpretation of things no my friends at the end of the day I'm not saying that Ryan day perceives everything perfect or everything right because I know the Lord is still working on me but at the end of the day my friends we are all held accountable there are two different types of interpretation in reality that's right and wrong a right way to interpret things and a wrong way to interpret things make sure you fall under the right way led by the Spirit of God to understand what the Bible teaches I'm going to skip the next verse for the sake of time I want to go to my second point number two it's kind of all connected even though we have our own opinions and philosophies the second one is we have drifted away from the Word of God and that's why the Bible tells us in Psalms 119 11 your word I have hid in my heart that I might not sin against you my friends are you in the Word of God are you allowing the Word of God to lead your life are you allowing the Word of God to be the only rule of faith in your life we need to get back to the word because when we drift away from God's Word we are also drifting into blurry areas we're here drifting into a dim minded state we want to make sure we're of the mind of Christ my third point and and this is a big one we could spend in fact I might even do an entire and sermon on this one in the future this is a big one don't miss it number three why are we why are we why are we drifting why does this seem like more people are drifting into this this blurry state this murky mindedness here it is the everlasting gospel of Jesus is under attack due to the disregard of truth and the lack of surrender in the lives of Christians everywhere the devil is attacking the plain truth of God's Word my friends it seems like the church is flooded my friends with men and women who don't even believe in victory over sin anymore this is false for lack of better words evangelical gospel has flooded the minds of people throughout the Christian Church and we have reached a point that we believe more it's where it's least it seems that we have reached a point where many believe more in the power of the devil to cause them to sin than the power of God to help them overcome sin my friends the everlasting gospel is all about victory over sin why did Jesus Christ down the cross not that you just might have forgiveness praise God that we've got forgiveness right praise God that I can go get on my knees and I can pray and say Lord I'm a sinner I don't deserve righteousness I don't deserve everlasting life the Lord I'm a sinner and confess those sins and repent of those sins praise God that I can ask God to forgive me of those sins but my friends Jesus did not die on the cross just for forgiveness he died on the cross that we might all have complete victory over sin Jude 1:24 what does it say now to him who is able to keep you from falling or stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory and exceeding joy let's continue on Philippians 4 verse 13 notice this have we stopped believing my friends that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me notice we can have victory over sin and how does that victory over sin come not by my work not by your work not by my efforts not by your efforts but by Christ notice it is Christ that strengthens me have we stopped believing in what Jesus told the woman who was caught in adultery when he told her in John chapter 8 verse 11 go and in no more that's powerful we can have victory over sin in closing here I've got to read this this is powerful I'm gonna skip down to the upward look page 303 the upward look page 303 notice what this says powerful it says Christ took humanity and board the hatred of the world that he might show men and women that they could live without sin that is powerful my friends but we got people deceived into believing that Jesus doesn't mind that they just keep on sinning and sinning and sinning and sinning and sinning all the way up until he comes my friends I don't think we'll ever reach a point where we say to ourselves I'm perfect I don't think we're ever reach a point in our lives we're so arrogant to say I'm without sin because the Bible says if you say that then here a liar right we're all sinners but nonetheless I believe that as we started with this sermon the gospel is the gospel that devil is attacking the gospel and we see that God's people some of God's people with our members upon the church books but they're just going through the motions as if God's church is a club I want to I want to make an appeal in closing today give your hearts to the Lord let the true gospel of Jesus Christ transform your life put your hand in the hand of Jesus let his mind Christ's mind be in you so that when he comes back we can stand confident at his appearing and know with certainty that we have ran the race that we have kept the faith and that we have always always trusted in what Christ can do through us rather than what we can do through us my friends that's the message that's the gospel I don't have any more time but take that take it to your family take it to your friends get back in the Word of God give your hearts to Jesus today praise the Lord thank you for joining us we're gonna have a closing prayer father in heaven thank you so much for allowing us today to hear your truth and to be transformed by the truth take us away here safely today Lord and bring us back again safely in the truth molded in the truth grounded in the truth that we may know Jesus Christ and be with him for all eternity we s in Jesus [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 28,091
Rating: 4.7763977 out of 5
Keywords: seventh day adventist, 3abn, Ryan Day, seal of god, sermon, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, worship hour, bible, Christianity, god, jesus, heaven, second coming, sda
Id: j1OdRq1B3jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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