Bluetti AC180 - It ran my full size fridge for HOW LONG?!? Outdoor Prepper approved!!

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hey guys welcome to the channel we've got something pretty cool here today this is the bluetti AC 180 power bank Power Station solar generator whatever you want to call it um I just bought this online I ordered it uh two days ago on Amazon and it just showed up today this is going to be an unboxing a quick review a charging and then most importantly what what I want to know is I want to test it out I want to see uh specifically if it can run my fridge and a couple of lights and for how long so this is an actual unboxing I have I've never owned one of these um I have not opened this yet and I'm this is actually the First Solar Generator that I have ever owned so I am super excited to have a look at this together with you guys uh and you know see how it works uh anyone that knows my channel knows that I'm definitely you know an outdoor prepper um but I also have several gasoline generators cuz I really do believe that there's going to be h a time all right this is double boxed I'm I'm struggling to open this um I do believe there's going to be a time where the grid you know goes down whether it's from a storm uh you know Cyber attack another Nation I have no idea um but I'm sure that time will come all right just for the sake of the camera this is like double box this is packed packaged really really well um once you fold all these side pieces down we've got instruction manual we've got a little box here assuming that is like cables but I again I don't know I've never owned a solar generator of any type let alone a bluetti all right this this is packaged I think really well uh let me try to take this out of the box guys this this is heavy this is no joke I carried this up the stairs and I was totally completely out of breath this is uh I'm also out of shape but let's get the box off the table let's get this out of the package and uh let's get some initial Impressions here all right this is 30 lbs um I so like I just said I ordered this a couple of days ago and and I actually ordered a little scuff mark or something U I ordered this the ac80 and I ordered the larger unit uh the ac200 L uh that is double the weight of this that is 60 lb that has not arrived yet um but I hope that that will arrive any day now let's see what's in this box here all right we've got the charging cable this is just like any uh any old computer charging cable this is the grounding plug this is to charge it from a cigarette lighter and these are the barrel plug to the I don't know the correct uh term for these so I don't want to butcher it but this is for the solar panels there's a name for that plug I'm again I'm just a little unfamiliar with it um I paid for this with my own money I bought this on Amazon it was on sale blue Ed had a a sale basically uh you know for the month of um March and I paid uh 650 bucks for this uh this is a AC 180 uh the specs are on the front so it's 1800 WT inverter 1152 wat hours you're not going to get 1152 wat hours because there's some power loss with the inverter itself um but wow all right initial Impressions I really like this it's actually very well made very high quality um I watched a review the other day of a gentleman who took the whole um solar generator apart uh the whole case apart everything and it was actually very very nicely made inside I was extremely impressed basically from here on down our batteries uh the inverter and all the associated Hardware uh is from this point up the screen and all this is one unit that comes out um I'll try to find that video and I'll link it uh like I said somebody else made it but they did a really good job um on the top here says wireless charging out put 15 watts so that's pretty cool um look I'm a big gasoline generator fan uh and the reason being I think a gasoline generator is what you need to power your house for a prolonged amount of time however I bought this for a reason and I want you to hear me out we had a pretty bad rainstorm uh last weekend where I live and we did not lose power but I looked outside in the whole yard the patio everything it I mean it was like submerged in water and the rain went on for hours if we had lost power I could not safely have brought the generator outside to start it up excuse me and place it basically in a puddle of water to use it so it got me thinking if there's a hurricane or if there's a storm and you lose power during that storm you're not going to want to go outside and it may not even be safe to go outside and start that gasoline or propane generator so a solar generator like this basically a battery bank has a real use case this would be great to power my fridge and a couple of lights for the duration of that storm until I can get outside and start that generator and then when I start the generator I can charge this right back up and this could also you know power the fridge at night maybe you live in an area where you know you may not want to leave that generator running outside at night cuz somebody might steal it you charge this up right before you know Nightfall and then you use this to run your fridge and a couple of lights and then in the morning when there's light and everything you go back out and you start the generator that's kind of my goal for this that's what I'm that's what I purchased this for um obviously I don't know if it's going to accomplish that goal because I've never owned this but let's uh let's charge this up and then let's do a test I'm going to plug it in uh to my fridge and two lights because I think that's that's my goal if there there was a a big storm I want to power the fridge and I want to power two lights obviously in different locations uh and charge my phone so I want to simulate that today well today into tomorrow uh it's 8:30 at night right now I want to charge this up it's probably going to take about an hour or so uh let's see let's see what it's charged with all right it shows 57% charge uh with this 57% charge and no usage it says 99.9 hours obviously that's going to drop exponentially once you plug in a fridge um I just turned on the AC inverter and it dropped to 65 hours guys this is really nice I have to be honest like I said I've never owned any solar generator so I'm very impressed I really I really am very very impressed um but let's do that let's plug this in let's get this charged up to 100 and then let's plug in that fridge and let's plug in those two lights and let's just let it run until it dies cuz that's that's what I need to know I need to know how long can I run run my fridge I have an average you know normal refrigerator it's made by a higher uh refrigerator on the top freezer on the bottom and I'm going to plug in two one lamp with two uh LED bulbs and I'm going to turn on both bulbs to simulate two lamps and two different uh locations so I'm going to go ahead and cut the video just for a second I just want to take a quick look through the manual I want to download the app on my phone uh and then we'll be right back we're going to plug it in let it charge see how long it takes to get to 100 from 57% and then we're going to do a test on the fridge and simulate uh you know a power failure so we will be right back so guys I'm back before I plug it in I just read the manual um and I just downloaded the app uh which is super easy I paired it right to the unit I just figured let me zoom in a little bit here I just took the camera off the tripod just so you can get a better look at it uh this thing is heavy it is meaty and I can only imagine what the ac200 L is going to feel like when that shows up hopefully tomorrow soon as I powered it on I heard a quick uh fan noise like the fan just came on um you know which is to be expected I guess um I just read in the manual just so you could see on the top that's the wireless output there's a sticker I can't really can't really read what that sticker says um I just read the manual and it said that when you plug it in it charges in standard mode uh which is best for the battery uh you could charge in turbo mode this is where you plug in the computer type plug uh that's the reset breaker and that's the grounding lug uh you can charge in turbo mode which will charge this up faster uh or silent mode I'm not really concerned about the fan noise if that comes on so I'm just going to charge this in in standard so I don't know right so that must be on I don't know if you just the fan right there and that's off so let's go ahead and get this plugged in and then we'll come right back and uh we'll see how long this takes to charge all right I'm back I got this plugged in this this is some seriously uh thick power cable here uh this is no joke this is not like your computer cable uh so if you can see on the screen here it's plugged in I'm going to stop talking for a second so you can hear the fan I feel the air I feel the air moving there's two fans here it must blow air through the unit um it was just charging at like 800 watts input now it's at 27577 it's kind of moving around a little bit uh and I guess uh from the number under the 58% there's about 2.2 hours until full charge so it is 850 right now so 850 950 so about I don't know 1050 uh this should be charged so we'll see we'll come back at uh 1050 give or take see if this is charged uh and that'll be a good test I'm going to plug in the uh the fridge and we'll see and two lights and see how long this lasts I'll go to sleep with this running uh initial Impressions really really happy this is a really nice unit I got to I got to be honest it's uh it's Hefty it does not feel cheap you know sometimes you get something on Amazon it feels kind of flimsy and cheap no way this has some heft to it this this feels like it picked up a 30 lb you know kettle ball this is heavy so uh let's let this charge we'll come back in about 2 hours and we'll see where it's at all right welcome back uh time right now is 9:50 so it's really only been 1 hour uh it was 850 when I plugged this in and started and we were at around 55% give or take let's take a look 1 hour later 99% that's that's pretty good um I got to be honest I was watching it while it was charging with the app uh the app is really really easy to use I actually it took me like a minute to download it two minutes to connect everything create an account uh very pleased and on the left side here you can see the input it's actually been going uh it fluctuates between about 200 it was up to uh 1100 Watts for a little while um so that's obviously very intentional and I think it's good for the battery and actually you can see it's ticking up there 5 600 watts 700 watt 800 this is the input 900 I hear the fan kicking on uh 1,000 1,80 so it it it varies the uh the input uh which obviously like I said I think is good for the battery um I actually tried uh a pair of airpods wireless charging those worked great obviously you got to hit the DC uh inverter to turn that on so the screen times out after a couple of seconds but so I think what I'm going to do right now uh we're almost at 100 we'll probably be at 100 within the next I don't know 10 minutes uh once this reaches 100% I'm going to turn it off and just let the battery rest for about 30 minutes uh I don't know if you need to do that or not but uh to be honest I think it's probably helpful uh you don't want to go from like an intense charge cycle to just immediately throw a load on it um maybe it can but I'm going to let it rest for probably 30 minutes then I'm going to take it into the kitchen I'm going to plug in the fridge uh in two uh one lamp with two bulbs uh we're going to time it out we're going to let it run the whole night uh and see what it does so we'll be back in about 30 minutes but if I could just ask you a little housekeeping if you could like And subscribe if you found this helpful it would really uh mean a lot to me and really help the channel out so uh I will come back in about 30 minutes uh once the battery has rested for a little bit uh and again this should be at 100 any minute uh and then I'm going to turn it off let it rest for 30 minutes and then we'll meet you back in the kitchen all right guys I'm back uh that last 1% it it took quite a while I thought it was going to take maybe I don't know 5 minutes 10 minutes to go from 99% to 100 it took me probably about a good 30 minutes 35 minutes maybe even 40 minutes uh it's 1054 right now almost 11:00 at night uh it's fully charged uh I really like the app uh it's very fast uh to connect uh just easy to use so I'm in my kitchen pardon the mess here everything's kind of all over the place I had to pull the fridge forward to get the plug out from behind it as you can see it's a full-size fridge uh freezer on the bottom fridge on the top so it's unplugged right now um I brought this light in here as well uh this light has two LED uh bulbs uh each one uh takes approximately 9 Watts but we'll find out when I turn on the blue Edie so the test that I want to run here uh and what I really want to see is how long will this power the full-size fridge and two LED light bulbs uh the reason I say two is in an emergency obviously I'm going to try to conserve as much power as I can uh but for Safety and Security uh to prevent injury or Falls I'm most likely going to keep uh two lamps on with one bulb in each lamp um so obviously for testing it's easier if I just take one lamp with two bulbs as opposed to two lamps with one bulb so let's go ahead and turn this on so we're showing a full state of charge fan Kicks On Let's uh turn the AC inverter on all right we heard that click uh let's go over here to my lamp we've got one light on let's do the other one just going to reset that all right so we've got both bulbs are illuminated just so you can see in the lamp uh and this is showing it's doesn't even show any output I'm sure it can detect this output but why is it not showing it not really sure to be honest I was uh anticipating that it would show some output there uh by my rough calculations the output should be approximately 18 Watts give or take let's plug in the fridge see what happens here I tell you these plugs are pretty tight all right let's go ahead and open the fridge all with the door open obviously it's consuming some power let's even open the freezer let's let it you know get a little warm in there so the compressor turns on and we'll see uh you know what we're dealing with I'm just GNA turn off these lights and see if we get any change all right both lights are off lights are back on all right so it is showing the uh the output from the lights presumably uh the fridge just has a couple of uh really small LED lights so I don't anticipate that that's going to take too much power uh the fridge is lit up though inside so let's see what happens it is 1057 I said the screen times out all right so we're showing output of between 16 and 18 Watts which Again by my rough calculations these LED bulbs are approximately 8 to n watts each so 16 to 19 watts is is what we're showing let's open the door to the fridge again see if that LED bulb really does anything maybe two watts two three Watts all right I think it's pretty accurate let's uh just show you here through the the seam of the fridge you can see it's lit up so all right it is 1058 and we'll go by the microwave clock 1059 uh and let's reconvene in I don't know five hours six hours I'm gonna go to bed pretty soon so if I wake up in the middle of the night uh you know to get a drink of water I'll come in here uh we'll take a look at it otherwise uh we'll reevaluate in the morning I'm hoping to get at least 9 hours from what I saw online with uh not the same unit other brands uh you know they were testing refrigerators with about 900 watts 1,000 watt W hour batteries looked like they were getting about 9 hours so we'll see we got the ac80 it's plugged into the fridge it's powering these two uh two light bulbs here in my lamp and it's 11:00 at night I'll see you guys uh in the morning hey good morning guys welcome back uh as you can see it's pretty bright outside it's it's daylight um this thing has been running all through the night let's check the time on the microwave clock it is now 9:34 in in the morning it's been 10 and 1/2 hours let's see where we're at wow still 23% left it's showing about 2.7 hours of runtime left this has been running for 10 and 1 half hours powering my two LED bulbs on my regular lamp and my full-size fridge guys this is an absolute slam dunk win for the blue 81 180 I am so impressed I mean basically what this means is during a power outage I've got a good 10 11 12 maybe maybe even 13 hours of runtime on the fridge and the two lights and you know what when I'm sleeping I don't need the two lights on so obviously I'll kill those I I kept them on to try to you know see how long it would last but if I were to kill those that's going to save me about another 20 wats an hour so this this thing is awesome and you know let me tell you I didn't really talk too much about it but you can charge this with solar the PV is photovoltaic and you know I checked it a couple of times during the night uh right now screen 's out right now it's running uh 65 Watts that's just maintaining the fridge uh with the compressor running I did notice early on that when I had the refrigerator door and freezer door open for some time to let it really you know warm up in there the fridge was pulling about5 110 watts of power and then it kind of eventually once it cooled down now when it's running it's around 65 watts of power well minus 20 because 20 are from the lights so you know if I were to plug in a 200 watt solar panel during the day I'd be bringing in 200 Watts I'd be you know using 65 Watts that's a win-win I've got the whole day to charge up you know I you can get long cables to the panels you put them in like direct sunlight and I can maintain in this fridge indefinitely on the panels you know during the day and then again at night I just run off the battery so listen if you're on the fence about the bluetti ac180 in my opinion this is a solid solid you know thumbs up buy it immediately I'm really really happy with it um and I am super stoked to get the ac200 L uh get that get that out of the package and test that out and see what that can do because that is double the size of this double the capacity uh the inverter on that one is I think 2400 WTS it's got a 2,000w hour battery but again super super happy with the ac180 thanks for watching do me a favor like And subscribe ask any questions you've got I'm going to run this through a lot more tests uh but yeah this thing is awesome thanks for watching
Channel: Outdoor Prepper
Views: 4,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluetti ac180, Bluetti ac200l, Bluetti ac200p, Bluetti ac70, Anker solix, Solar generator, Solar power station, Battery pack, Bluetti, Anker, Solar panel, Generator, Propane generator, American blackout, Blackout, Power failure, Battery booster, Lithium iron phosphate, Outdoor Prepper, Sensible Prepper, Yeti solar, Goal zero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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