Blues Piano 101 (Beginner Piano Lesson)

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what's up friends my name is Kevin Castro and today we're going to be learning how to play the blues on the piano and so we're going to be starting off talking about our Blues progression talking about major minor blue skills how to solo over the blues coming up with the blues riff and everything else that you could possibly need to know to play the blues it doesn't matter if you've never played the blues before if this is your first time or even if you've never played the piano before this is a great introduction for you alright let's get into it okay there are just three chords you need to know G which is G and D so when I say G you play this C when I say C You're Gonna Play C on the bottom G on the top and when I say d just move that up DNA so here's g c and d let's try with the track one two three four so here's our G chord and you're gonna play this four times so here's the third time and the fourth time now we're moving up to C and I'm holding each of these for four beats and back to G one two three four one two now over to D two down to C and down to G back up to T U let's Loop that one more time one more time one two three four now move up to C [Music] back down to G up to D now down to Sea down to G up to d one more time and whenever you want to end it just end on this G right here okay so that was the 12 Bar Blues progression so let's actually go and analyze what we just played so let's play that with the track one more time and I'll explain it so one two three four start on your G in the beginning really easy you're just gonna hit G for four whole measures and now you're already done the first third now up to C for two and then back down to G for two the last four measures are where it gets a little tricky because we're gonna go from a d down to C down to G and back up to D and we do D to start over again and then you start over with that g okay so now that you've got the actual 12 Bar Blues progression now we're going to try and add some Rhythm into our left hand to make it make it jump a little bit more so here's the pattern I'm just going to show you really quick what your left hand has to do you're going to go from G and D but now instead of playing it with your thumb you're going to play it with finger two so that your thumb can move up one note and you're going to go back and forth just like that and each one of those is worth One Beat one two three four you're going to repeat that same pattern on on the C chord like this and also on D chord all right so we're going to slow down the track a little bit for you so we can practice this pattern so let's try it just left hand nice and slow one two three four one two three four one two and switch to C so it's that same pattern nice and slow back down to G foreign [Music] now up to d one more time and end on our G chord down here now let's see if we can put it back up to our original Tempo let's try that with the track here we go one two three four [Music] it's a little bit more driving now make sure that you're not holding them too long you don't want to be like this like just nice and short short nice and detached [Music] and they're just chord notes one [Music] three [Music] okay so now we're really starting to play the blues in our left hand because we have that nice Blues movement going on where it's not just holding whole notes now you're actually doing that quarter note movement so now we need to focus on the right hand what is our right hand gonna be doing okay there are two blue skills that we absolutely have to learn one is called the major Blues [Music] foreign [Music] it's really happy sounding if you just play G and D on the bottom [Music] sounds really happy there's also the minor blueskill which is my personal favorite sounds a little bit something like this [Music] and it has a more of a darker sort of sound to it you can already kind of hear it [Music] so we have both of these blue scales so how do you know which one to play well a lot of people say if it's a major Blues play your major blues scale and if it's a minor blues play your minor blueskill but I'm here to tell you that we can actually mix and match these two blue scales together so if we're gonna do a Blues in the key of G what we're about to do is play a G major blues scale and also G minor blues scale so we're gonna play we're gonna do a little exercise here with the track it's where we're going to alternate between our major blues scale and our minor blues scale just to hear what they sound like so let's just focus on the right hand so major scale first ready go now backwards now let's do the minor scale [Music] let's do the major scale up [Music] now let's do the minor scale down foreign [Music] I was playing different scales over those different chords that you could hear in the track so if you want to practice this really slowly you can always try playing those shells in your left hand like the G and D the C and G the DNA and practice playing over those different type of scales that g Blues Major versus the minor and see what sound you are more drawn to because there's no right or wrong answer here it's all about what sounds best to your ear and the reason is because that flat three to that major three that sort of sound this one's in the minor blues scale but this one's in the major blues scale and both of those notes are found tons in blues music if you go back in time and listen to all the blues music from Mississippi Blues the Delta blue Chicago Blues all those types of music they love to do that sort of band and so that's why both of those scales work really really well and it's kind of you know you get to have fun with it you get to mix and match and make your own perfect blue sound okay so we got our left hand now we've got our blue scales but now we actually want to start learning a pattern to actually start playing along with the blues so in our right hand we're going to start doing something like this we're gonna go from our G chord but we're gonna do it with weird fingers one two and four and that's because we're going to alternate between this chord right here G this chord right here which is a c chord but we're going to be going like this [Music] and we're going to be doing that for all the chords so for c chord same idea here's our c chord and you're going to alternate between CFA and ceg so it sounds like this back to G let's kind of get the idea D chord last one that we need to learn here's our D chord so we're going to alternate between these two d g and B which is a G chord [Music] so now that you've kind of got your shapes under your fingers that's the pattern that we're going to be trying to play along with the blues and if you can see if you can add this left hand moving pattern at the same time let's put it together and hear what it starts to sound like one two three four c g foreign [Music] [Music] and that's how you really get that swing in there there's our D chord c chord and back to G chord [Music] all right so now we've got our left hand playing that bluesy Rhythm we've got our scales but now we actually need a riff a blues inspired Riff to actually start playing the blues all right so I'm going to teach you two the first one is based off of our major blues scale and so whenever you have this G chord we're going to be using notes from our G major blueskill and so it's going to sound like this foreign [Music] a G chord B D and G at the same time and two and one and two and [Music] you're gonna do that four times when we get to a c chord and our d chord we're going to do a broken pattern this is really common in the Blues [Applause] that rocking pattern so I'm taking my C chord I'm moving between e and G and F and a and you'll notice I'm going long short long short long short long short and that's that swing Rhythm which really makes it sound like the Blues so if I put this pattern together it's going to sound like this [Music] there's my G pattern over the C chord [Applause] and the last one we need to learn is the D pattern so that's my D chord right here and I'm altering between F sharp and a and g and B so when we put it all together it starts to sound like this all right here we go one two three keep that second chord nice and short now rocking pattern ready go [Applause] [Music] rocking pattern on D back to G [Music] ore all right beautiful great job on the right hand we're putting this all together now so if you want to go the extra mile and get a little bit more out of this lesson make sure you join us on our piano members area because we do have an amazing practice feature where you can take the sheet music you can actually slow it down and you're gonna get access to the backing track as well so you can play this as many times as your heart desires alright let's put this all together now here we go one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all right there you go now you know how to play the blues so have fun with that it's a really fun style of music where you can improvise and really there's lots of freedom to make mistakes too so don't be worried if you're not playing it perfectly alright if you do want to take it to the next level and practice your soloing I have made a video on the minor blues skill you can also check out that we will link below this video in the meantime happy practicing and we'll see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Pianote
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Keywords: pianote, lisa witt, how to play piano, beginner piano lesson, easy piano, piano tutorial, how to play piano for beginners, piano tutorial medium, blues piano, blues 101, blues piano 101, how to play blues on piano, blues piano lesson, beginner blues lesson, beginner piano, easy blues lesson pian, easy blues lesson piano, how to play piano for kids, how to play piano chords, how to play piano with two hands, easy piano tutorial, easy piano tutorial for beginners
Id: jKhsacA76KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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