BLUEPRINTS & UPDATE 7! - Let's Play SATISFACTORY Update 7 - Ep.35

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome back the satisfactory and boy do we have an episode today Update 7 is being released onto experimental bringing with it blueprints overclocking changes Speedy zip lines conveyor roof mounts and a few other quality of life improvements too I know what you're thinking the conveyor roof mounts are the best thing and quite possibly they may be so let's jump into the episode there's so much to do that we gotta get going quickly so on the right side of the screen we have the to-do list we're going to unlock some stuff in the mom check out the new DNA tickets in the awesome sync obviously get the milestone for blueprints set up our very first blueprint a nine-way splitter that should be kind of fun to do have a look at the railway and apply some new blueprints so we can just copy and paste these archways throughout the railway so I don't have to go around painstakingly building them unlock Super computers in the mom and then power boost our oil facility and set up a Refinery with smokeless powder production so at the end of the last episode I ventured out into the wilderness I encountered many info I came face to face with my fears and I questioned the very reality of this whole playthrough itself what is fix it why am I on this planet why can't I read tooltips correctly all of these things I had to wonder but we did pick up a lot of hard drives and we were scanning them all the way up to the end of the episode and we've got the results of our last second to last hard drive that we have not very good in my opinion I'm just gonna go with the steel rod that turns steel into four iron rods at 48 per minute plastic coated iron that's kind of okay but obviously you're using oil and then I don't know why you'd ever want to make automated miners automatically why you'd ever want to automate that but maybe there's a reason I don't know either way we're going with this one boom now we have another hard drive but before we use it there's a few different things in the chains here namely power poles Mark III so at the end of the last episode we had just set up high speed connectors I changed one of my manufacturers from computers to high speed connectors now we've made several hundred and they're storing up in the box at Circuit City we'll go back and get more later but we can get power poles right now because we needed 100 just for that and then I'm very eager to get these super computers later on in the episode I just don't quite have enough high speed connectors right now so we'll get some of it later and then hopefully even able we'll be even able to get programmable Splitters and geothermal power which apparently is not that strong but it's fun so I want to try it out and at the level I'm at now actually I think it will make a difference so the other things to get are Mycelia we have the vitamin inhaler and the therapeutic inhaler so not much stuff there but might as well get it while we're dabbling around with the mom anyway so I'm just going to dump a bit of Steel in there free up my inventory we need this this and this and this all right let's go back open up alien organisms another one we need to get is this hostile organism detection scannable object enemies so when I was out in the wilderness facing my fears it would have been nice to know if we were going to come across a massive spider and now we can do that if we really wanted to by flicking this two enemies luckily there are none around so we are safe for now next thing then in the micelia tree we'll just get these oh I forgot to actually pick up the mycilia silly darn my silly darn okay unlock so I believe these inhalers are all the same they have different names but they basically just give you different recipes to get any medicinal inhaler which is a one pump full health sort of thing again necessary when you're going out into the Wilderness and I think that's basically it for everything I wanted to get in the tree today we'll get the super well not today but at the moment so we'll get the rest of that stuff later let me just put any of this crap back actually we'll keep the alien things the alien DNA capsule so you basically convert the alien protein into those had I known that we would have been able to sync these in order to get DNA points or sorry um awesome sync points and get tickets I wouldn't I would have picked up a lot more of the animals and not eaten them or whatever a lot more and just converted them into that I'm also going to deposit my batteries here because I don't need them anything else I don't need nope all right let's just put the hard drive in and let it do its thing we can see that in 10 minutes so on the to-do list we can now tick that off the Box that is the mom stuff done for the early game next thing is checking out the new DNA points so we need a thousand so I think you do get a thousand for each capsule that you send in there and we've got eight so we'll see how many tickets we can get we're on ten tickets right now and we have eight capsules and we'll pop them in just really quickly though I wanted to just pick up all the AI limiters in here throw them up there and then basically just make a belt that leads from here into there 1A limiter can go in that's okay and then we'll put in eight capsules and we can watch it rise yes I wonder if they were gonna allow you to automate this because it kind of seems like the fact that they have DNA points per minute would make it seem like you know there's some future in which this could be a thing all right there we go we just basically got five more tickets right off the bat just like that so we'll just print those out I do actually have like 30 tickets or something left back up at the oil plant I don't have them with me it's gonna take two of these we can leave them where they are all right so let's continue so that's the DNA tickets it's basically just another sort of way to get tickets and it's really nice because the obviously if you're further into your campaign you're struggling to get some for whatever reason um or it's just even in the early game actually it's just a quicker way to get them by going out exploring killing some animals converting them etc etc so the next thing is going to be actually to unlock the blueprint Milestone so at tier four we have Fix-It blueprints a new Milestone that's been inserted behind where we are in terms of progress so we have the blueprint designer and the build gun upgrade for blueprints so you don't have a separate gun or anything it's just part of the one that you have it's just considered an upgrade which is nice so we've almost got everything we just need to go fetch some cable okay so we're lacking a couple hundred cable now we make cable over here so we can use our trusty new zip lines which are faster than ever now I actually really like ziplining and I always have and now that we're like I didn't even really get to see it there but we are way faster now especially if you hold shift that's in that's how you go faster all right we'll just fly back the speed nice love it all right so let's just dump in our cable and hit the big red button boom all right off to fix it it goes we have the access to the blueprint designer I have the materials already I know where I'm going to build it we're going to build it right over here in this big open area it will be nice in the future to build a sort of a blueprint room I think I'll probably have a few of them around the place not just one because you can have multiple buildings if you want and uh depending where you are you might just want to set one up when you're about to build a new Factory and then go like yeah I've just made a row now I'm going to copy and paste this row all right so blueprint designer first things first we'll put down some foundations of course uh in fact let's just switch this to concrete foundation four snap into the world grid because why not go across to four so that's six across I'm a bit too far out this way I'll just chop that one off add this one on all right let's go to six a plant might be kind of in the way yeah maybe I'll just build around that plant instead all right I'll just add on to this side man if only there was a way to do this without having to do it manually every time if only there was some sort of blueprint designer where we could copy and save the foundations in a Big Grid oh wait there is let's build it so uh we'll just move it over to the left tilt it around so it faces me and Center it doesn't need power or anything it just works it's amazing all right so I've obviously played around with this a little bit before but for those who don't know and I'm sure people who are Keen I've already looked up information about this or played with it themselves but basically we have a 4x4 Grid in terms of foundation size 32 by 32 by 32 rising up and anything we build in here essentially gets saved if we choose to saved as a blueprint that we can then put under Hotbar or in our build menu and build it again in future so everything that we can fit and cram in here it's a little bit of a tight squeeze obviously especially for some of the bigger buildings like refineries or for manufacturers um so I would like to see it maybe increase just ever so slightly but I do like the idea that it is constrained I actually really like that you end up building sort of puzzle pieces and have to fit them together but for the type of builds I do I actually don't think I'm going to be using it that often so I tend to build things spaced out just to make them look nice and this sort of encourages you to build everything in a really really small space so don't know if I'll get that much use for like actual Factory building but what there's great utility in it for is building um Cosmetics at least for me so those Railway arches for instance that will fit inside there and then I could just copy and paste them all along the railway which is what we're going to be doing so the first thing I thought I would do with building a new blueprint is making a nine-way splitter so let's just toggle off the blueprint Milestone that's now done have it forever and I'm gonna make a nine-way splitter because I had mentioned before that I'm thinking of building a hyperforge there are nine types of ore in the game that could be kind of smelted and so I want to train to be able to deliver or on any type of ore on one belt into a sorting section that then spits out all the different ore along different belts so we need programmable Splitters to do this we don't have that just yet we're about to get that maybe at the end of the episode but for now I'll just leave them as regular Splitters and we can upgrade them later on we can always just load back into this blueprint and re-save it if we want to alright so there's our nine Splitters basically or at least our nine outputs but now we need to configure it so that it fits within a two by two well not a two by two but a two width of Foundations because the train platform the freight platform that unloads things if I want to Stack a freight platform here and then there and then they're all touching next to each other it means that we have to have these sorting facilities sort of in the range in the borders of these two lines here so that was the challenge split something nine ways but fit it within two foundations and I've done it so I mentioned I've done it before but I haven't actually blueprinted it yet so that should be fun so we're just going to get our elevators we stick them at the back here and then we need the elevators to happen at the sides but unfortunately we will be clipping over the edge and we can't have that so we got to fix it so we'll just move to here raise this up to two I think it should be here actually yep and then we'll grab our elevator again and we'll start from the the pole bring it down flip it and reverse it okay there we go now we are just about in that line perfect all right we'll get rid of the poles if not needed okay then the next thing would be switching to the mounts the con the stackable conveyor poles and just creating a sort of a line so we can bring everything out to the same place and they're two in height all good now we'll get our actual belts use mark IV and just link them all up pretty straightforward pretty simple yeah all good then we'll get this one drag it out here and tuck it underneath the pole and we'll drag this one rotate it so that's in line push it as far back as it goes to get the best kind of curve and then stick it there do the same on this side oops just rotate with the mouse wheel obviously result all right just bring that forward to here and then the last thing to do would be to hook up the actual insides and have the actual input somewhere there okay and then just to save on materials slightly we can chop away at some of the poles I'm actually happy with those poles they look fine but these ones can go and that is it ladies and gentlemen that is a nine-way splitter one input putting out nine things if we make them programmable we can then tell them what to actually do and that's it done so now what we can do is go over to our blueprint designer and say this is now a splitter uh we'll call it nine-way and then a splitter that evenly distributes um what we say one belt nine ways basically right not the best language for every you get the idea I'm the one reading it so I think it'll be fine uh splitter we'll use the programmable image we'll save it we'll set the directory so you may see that I've actually been working on my own blueprints as well so it's not my first one but it's the first one I thought I would do in the episode and then I'll show you the other ones I'll be working on in a second but now we have it so now we just click this go to blueprints click it and there we have it so now we have this little blueprinted splitter thing this nine-way splitter done all right cool and we can even categorize it and stuff now if we want to I'm just gonna wait for the auto save Boop okay that was a big one right let's just clear the designer take back our stuff right the place is empty and we can have a look at what else I made so we're going to load the blueprint for the railway pillars I don't know why that didn't work I don't know the resources I don't have the steel oh I forgot to pick the steel back up oh my God I have to go get that well we kind of have to go up here anyway because the mom is finished we can go check what recipe we just got I totally forgot to pull all that steel back out of the box that I started with hey there's our the hell alrighty we're here steel I left it down there didn't I yeah there we go all right cool what do we get we have recycled plastic rubber and fuel into plastic at 60 per minute steel canisters which actually came before and I had tossed around the idea of maybe getting that maybe because it cuts out the need for plastic so yes I guess so right cuts out the need for oil plastic you just go straight from steel into something else let's do that I won't need it anytime soon but good to get all right let's head back and quickly just check our blueprint designer and check the other blueprints we made and then we'll go out back out to the world and get a bunch of new things alrighty we're here so let's load up our Railway pillars top part yes so there we go so that is the exact design that I made of these things over there and it's CR it's done with whoa it's done with the same power setup the light switches they all stay the same color everything works so it's really really good so let's just collapse that back down load another blueprint let's check the refinery times three this is a standard little setup for three refineries in a row with elevators and pipes feeding in I have this little red section on the left to let me know which way to face it when I'm putting it down because I was getting confused with that so I've done that in a few of my builds actually put a little bit that you just have to chop away after you put it down and then you connect things up it actually does create this weird extra box like coming out the front of it I don't know why it does that it's just some sort of weird symptom of the Blueprinting system but that's it so we'll be using this a little bit in future as well just every now and then good to get one done and then let's clear that the last one would be the foundation so it's just straight up 4x4 foundation so I won't struggle as much when I'm building it like I did at the beginning all right so that is basically blueprints the only other thing I guess you're missing then would be this one I don't think I'll ever use this I was just messing around when I saw it and this one this is a Refinery manifold so if I wanted to feed those refineries I just have a thing that's these the exact width of a Refinery so that I could do that quickly as well so that's how you can modularly kind of put things together I guess sort of all right we'll leave it let's take everything back out of here and let's get going so we're gonna build at least one of these Railway things so I can just show you how quick that is so we'll just mark this off the list that the nine-way splitter is now designed now we can put them in the categories and make them look a bit nicer I've only got one row right now so I really don't need to do that I'm fine I've colored Cosmetics are blue and um logistical stuff is red for me at least in the blueprint designer so that way at least in the menu it's like at a glance I can quite quickly see which things I'm looking for but obviously you can create your own categories and everything it's great I think it's an awesome awesome system alrighty here we are so I'm just gonna throw down a train and we'll get moving so we're gonna head back up to my oil processing plant but on the way we'll add in one extra maybe two if I can afford it I don't think I've got enough steel to build two but next you're one of these like archways and then if we pass by at night time we should see that it's pretty much powered uh working and looking the same as the other ones no need for an archway here because there already is one stop slam on the air brakes all right cool so basically I'm building them every I can't remember how many tiles it is but it's every time uh we have signals every time there's a break in the thing so what I've done with my blueprints for this the railway pillars top I have written top because it's like the top part not the bottom part I did have the bottom part originally done but it wasn't really working the way I wanted to so I was also struggling to know which facing Direction I was having but if you see I should just get out of the way before I get hit by a train the train coming that way as well okay it's getting busier I have this little thing here so I can see I just have to look at where I'm putting it down because obviously it's awkward to kind of build in 3D but if you have a focal point that you can stare at and know where to snap things onto helps helps massively so I know that tilting out to the left is the right way to go and just like that it's done so now I can just get rid of this bit and this bit it even retains the color and everything so I'm going to do is this is where things will get a bit awkward for building these but I do power the lights by uh basically being down here so the power thing is just right there just hook it up to here and I'll just run along and connect it to the other one basically I can usually stomp it about halfway and then connect it oh my God it's so finicky trying to stand on the tiniest little pole there we go the wire is too long oh my God all right this one should be long enough just to reach the other way and that will give it power bunk all right good and that's it now obviously it doesn't have its legs and like I said I was experimenting with the idea of like making a blueprint for its legs but I couldn't get it to attach on when looking From Below it'll only attach on from when looking down so it's like I couldn't attach it to here I can only attach it if I was looking at the ground and it's hard to line things up that way so but it's not a big deal I could just copy these and like drag them all the way down thank you know this bit's like super easy it's not like I have I'm so lazy I need to blueprint that it's the top bit that's the kind of really awkward bit anyway and this is all just purely cosmetic anyway so get something like this do the same for this side and then we need our big support on the bottom that actually takes concrete to support weirdly and then I just painted black and that's basically it that's how I do them and uh oh yeah the only thing we're missing then would be a ladder so that can just go pretty much all the way up here that'll get us back to the top of should we need it oh nice they fixed this this wasn't latching on before they seem to have fixed it in that hot fix it's nice foreign it is there we go done and just like that I mean you you've no idea how long these take me normally so this is a great feature I'm able to build it super fast it has my settings and everything in place it's awesome it's really good so I'm very happy with that and we can just make loads of them but uh unfortunately I'm very low on steel so I can't really make any more so what we're going to do next is get our supercomputer started and we're here at Circuit City where we can do it so I'm just going to go and say that the rail design is now done so you get the idea now I can go Place many of these around that pretty much all the Junctions I have but in the meantime let's get in here and get super computers unlocked so for those who don't remember this is Circuit City I've got um well basically we make computers here and high speed connectors we bring in all the materials that the upstairs such as quick wire plastic screws that kind of thing cables all right main facilities here we are so this is the one that's doing uh the high speed connectors and they flow out underneath the floor here and we made that sorting room in the last episode for that so let's just make a mum somewhere here it's facing the wrong way but whatever going to katerium and we need 30 more high speed connectors let's see if we got him yes we do we have 182 excellent how many computers do we have we've got a thing full of computers and then that's our overflow box so that's fine all right so Criterium super computer so now we need to make super computers we need 50 to get geothermal generators and 50 to get programmable Splitters I want the programmable Splitters so let's switch this manufacturer which isn't even part of it on to the recipe for super computers which needs computers AI limiters high speed connectors and plastic we've got plastic feeding in already so we can just feed everything else ourselves I guess is that a big deal not really we make computers here in this place I have loads of AI limiters with me we have high speed connectors we make them here and plastic is going to be flowing in itself anyway but this isn't on this isn't turned on yet so I'll just cut that as well because we don't want it going into the awesome sink because it would because I haven't set the splitter up to tell it not to programmable split his would tell it not to because you can list multiple items this is manufacturer e power it on maybe and you can see the letters above of course c d and e e is now online and we fed it manually so it should be totally fine for quite a while and we can even overclock the crap out of it so overclocking has changed it's now less severe so something people had mentioned in the previous episode actually about overclocking was well I'm getting ahead of myself but effectively overclocking isn't linear yeah if you put in if you overclock something to 200 let's say you're consuming I don't know five power and then you double the speed you're not consuming 10 power you're consuming way more than that I don't know what the exact rate is but it's more it's exponentially more the more overclocked it is the more and more and more power it consumes Beyond a reasonable rate and then vice versa if you were to lower the rate down below 100 you actually save more power then it would be even required for 100 but they've changed both of those thresholds now to make it so that's not as extreme in either direction so you can overclock a lot and you save more power than you did before the update so update six it costs you more power to overclock update seven it costs you less power to overclock that's the important thing really um so we'll do but when it comes to overclocking power itself like fuel generators it is linear and I didn't actually know that and that's I don't know if that's changed or what they've done with that but now we're going to go over to the old processing plant and just overclock the crap out of my field generators because we were making too much fuel anyway so this is going to be making them in the background right we've got six right now we needed 50. uh I think we've got enough in there for 50. if not let's just top it up a bit anyway can I could improve that belt as well couldn't I just so it gets this plastic a little bit quicker it needs 130. it's about 120. so at least it's almost there and I'll just pick up some extra computers and make sure it's top fed okay and then we'll come back here later in the episode and see if we've made 50. I haven't worked out the rates so I'm assuming it will work so we just I'll just pick up eight now just make sure they've got everything they need okay cool let's have a look at the super computer we never looked at them before there it is I mean it looks like is it just a computer with a box on top so I think that's what it is sure super computer there we go we've got eight we need another 42. all right let's get moving so we're gonna go to the oil processing plant we'll just take the uh we'll take the train we'll be there in no time so that is the mom secret computer done by the way we're flying through the list today what an organized episode eh all right Circuit City station here we are I was trying to also blueprint roofs roof tiles with lights and stuff on them but I couldn't get it to work in terms of placing it down but maybe that's been fixed there was the update did say they fixed a bunch of little small things like that the hotfix that is uh okay electric locomotive boom all right we'll just bank I'll take a hard Bank on the right here I think I can go all the way around sweet all right easy off to the oil processing plant we've got a lot of stuff to do here probably stick around this place for the next couple of episodes actually building it up although there is a little bit more I want to do with going out and finding more hard drives and the geothermal vents I'd like to go out and set up as well we could do both two birds and one stone with that thing let's just slow ourselves down because this whole area is a disaster Zone that's why I want to like clean it up make it look a bit nicer all right cool just put that train back in my pocket and away we go so um if you remember in the last episodes if you watched it we built these extra turbo fuel refineries so we've got a bunch in a row now loads of them all in the line and this should be probably full by now if the turbo fuel almost it's getting there we're overproducing turbo fuel and I had said at the end of the last episode oh my God I need to build like 30 more generators when we worked out the numbers but turns out we don't need to do that at all we can just stick in a bunch of overclockers and Max this bad boy out so we're gonna go from 4.5 turbo fuel to 11.5 oh sorry 11.25 and 375 output instead of 150. so it's 200 250 you know I mean it's linear it works just like it should now so we'll just go down the line and uh add all of these in I luckily have quite a few power shards because I don't really overclock machines too often and after we went out last episode finding bugs and stuff we just have loads now I assume I don't know if I've actually worked this out to have enough for all of these machines but I should do so it's really cool we get to see our line our black line here is just Rising the amount of stuff we're producing the black line is the important line that's our power output right now the orange line is what we're consuming the blue line is what we could be consuming if we were to power on every machine we have all at the same time that's like the potential capacity the max consumption I should say um I believe the motor Factory is basically stalled because we just have a box full of motors and I do not have an awesome sink there to keep it running so as a result we're actually below we've been below the amount of power we could have for a long time but now with all this this seems like we'll still even have more turbo fuel left over all right just eight more to go it's very loud in here can't hear my Minecraft music I get a lot of people asking in different episodes like oh my God I'm so sure I heard Starcraft music it's like nope the only soundtracks I've ever played are factorio and Minecraft under the base game soundtrack as well all right looks like it's gonna be a fine do I have six left oh yes I've just got enough to power everything on and then I'll just quickly add up the amounts to make sure that this is sustainable I think it is so we have to work our way back to the beginning to check this out and actually just really quickly can I check a power supply there's no power anywhere it's all tucked away damn efficiently let's fly up here for a second I just want to check the power oh I'm not allowed to check it oh my God all right whatever I'll just leave it oh that's cool all the lights are white on them now so I wanted to see what we were on before but we're now producing 8 850 megawatts so that's good I think we were on something like we were just above this line weren't we so probably about five thousand so we just gained like 3 000 probably either way big gains so let's work our way all the way back out to where fuel if you remember we added all this turbo fuel from an excess of heavy oil residue that we had and they're very hand-fistedly added in here because this place was expanding so let's see are they operating okay 12 it's not operating it's backed up but with all the increased power demands I imagine that it won't be backed up anymore but that means that heavy oil residue has been backed up which is not good ah okay well that's all right let's fix this so um low in plastic damn it let's just go grab some plastic very quickly there's actually something right here I need about 60 I think that should be enough because you're going to build two fluid buffers here and handle the heavy oil residue in these all right we're going to cut that pipe which cuts off the heavy oil residue Supply actually for a moment and we'll put down a couple of Junctions here and then just grab the pipe connect this into this connect that into there this one into this one so now we're feeding into this buffer and this buffer is just going to feed into this buffer so we've now got two buffers of heavy oil storage just in case there is some uh I don't know backup and then feed this into here okay so heavy oil we'll just color it now so we can clearly identify it load the preset heavy oil residue not that it matters but make the other one black and then color these pipes so purple purple color the things as well I leave the Junctions black just to have a little bit of a nice trim okay and we know that they're orange because they're doing fuel basically so I've got a little bit of heavy oil building up in here that's all right so let's check it out so we have 4 8 12 16. it's 160 fuel plus another 40 there and 40 and 40. so 160 200 240 280. so we're making 280 fuel which is running along this pipe below me and one other thing I'd like to do actually is put down a valve if I could because I noticed things were back washing a bit there's not I mean it affects itself over time but no big deal having it there leaving that to flow freely so that's 280 Fuel per minute flowing into this room to be fed into all of these machines these machines then are consuming 22.5 so 280 divided by 22.5 means you've got 12.44444444 so what we'll do is we'll underclock the last machine here because there's 13 of these this is number 12 and this is number 13. this needs to operate at 44 percent 44 ideally 0.4444 just to get it right okay so that turbo fuel is then going to go out and go into here all right so that balances that now what we can do is check okay how much power are we making how much turbo fuel we making 18.75 times 12 is 225. I'll just write that down two two five turbo fuel plus the extra little bit that comes out of here 8.33 so it's 233 0.33 turbo fuel that is what we make in this place and we have enough charcoal or um compact coal for it too all right so now we'll just calculate really quickly how much turbo fuel are we consuming 11.25 and we have 18 generators that's 202.5 202.5 so obviously that leaves us with about 31 leaves us with an excess of 31 but that's not the only thing that uses turbo fuel we also make packaged turbo fuel in this room and it goes up there we can just see it heading out so that means that this thing is consuming 20. now we could overclock this bad boy should we wish and really try to balance this out because that 20 so ultimately what we need to do do 233.33 minus 202.5 that leaves us with 30.38 so if we could get this to 30.38 that'd be pretty good let's just leave it at 30 right a little bit extra so that only leaves us with 0.38 extra and we're making more than enough plastic as well so yeah there we go that's 30 canisters need to come into here so we need to overclock the oh it's running at less so let's say 30 per minute feels smart man right I think I hesitate to say that but it feels like that should balance it should balance everything so that heavy oil residue does not get backed up now we're consuming every little bit of fuel that we make now maybe one day if we do get a little bit of extra fuel we get toss it into a packager and get myself some um fuel for the jetpack that we have that would be nice okay uh so what else that's uh so we want to set up smokeless powder so the way we do that is we'll set up a Refinery here a bit temporary I'm not really too sure how this is going to work in the future but we'll just make it something like this well actually we could face it this way it's not a big deal just fly up to this okay so that's one refinery and then we have our pipes can feed straight in there so a little bit of heavy oil residue will go in here and we'll tell it to make smokeless powder ah yep bastard I forgot to actually bring this smokeless the powder with me so I can't power that on I'll have to run back and get some um but yeah let's just hook this up somewhere there we go yeah I meant to just put it in my inventory it was right there at the beginning I remember planning this out thinking like oh yeah we could do that if I just bring the black powder with me uh there may be some in the car so I'm just gonna quickly check that car is just around the corner we've got fuel in there crap and fabric the car is just over here any powder in it ah unfortunately no but we do have our coupons in here so there's another thing we can do let's grab those coupons turbo fuel we've got another slug actually nice oh we've got more steel and everything could build another Railway Bridge do we need anything else uh yeah let's just take a bit of everything probably need something eventually all right so just really quickly we're going to open up the awesome shop how could I forget because we're not yet getting the conveyor poles that's hanging from the ceiling so let's go to there it is conveyor ceiling mount Oh weird before the updater is in the center anyway I wonder why it moved foundations let's get the corner ramp back the inverted Corner ramp pack we now have 50 tickets actually tilted walls ramp walls all of that that's great let's give it to me give it to me all stairs Corner rooftop glass roof steel roof tar roof all good have everything down here how much is all this 38 throw in the fix it Factory cart and we've got room for two more um we could get the coffee mug still don't have it so yeah 49 tickets let's go boom uh so how do we get that so we'll just maybe get rid of the Boombox for a sec uh yes we have our coffee mug does that mean I've beat the game am I am I done though I finished the game can I wrap up this series now I don't have to do it anymore oh yes no no no no you can actually hear the metal Clank I heard it there a second ago didn't I said a first time used thing I've never used it before to be threatened it's actually useful to have those remains now okay so uh now we can basically hang oh my God the conveyor wall mounts off the ceiling I wonder does it work excuse me with rooftop stuff is it in yeah I don't know where it is logistics I guess conveyor ceiling mounts oh it does work and can we drag it down you actually can't but you can just attach it to other ones cool yeah it is what it is I mean it'll help with um designing our bigger factories for sure now that we have that now that we know that we can use it we've definitely make use of it if that makes sense there's no really use for it in a place like this but in sorry in future places there will be use for it oh my God that's just way worse isn't it he's loose inside my own Factory now sorry man it has to be done how much health did these things have Jesus Christ what's going on do you have any remains is still making noise all right well anyways enough of that we'll get the that's what I was gonna say we'll get the cleaning crew to take him out of here uh so I gotta go get some smokeless powder wow what we're gonna have to do yeah I guess I'll drive back actually get to smoke this powder and drive back up here so I'm gonna go to Circuit City first and we'll get the super computer see how many we've made top it up if it needs more things in fact yeah I don't need to get plastic so I'll see you in a bit we'll be at Circuit City alrighty I've just arrived at Circuit City let's go see how many super computers we made so we needed 50 in order to get programmable splitters uh We've made 26 plus the eight that I that I have so we have to top this machine up let's see what are you lacking computers if I wasn't so lazy I would go upstairs and just feed these computers in because we do have we make computers here but I'm too lazy uh so yeah I'll leave that we'll go get some more AI limiters and come back with more stuff I'll just take these out so we've got 35 in total so we're pretty close yeah the trip back down to the um the main starting area I guess and then the trip back here should be done by then I think so I'm gonna be driving back down now I want to go pick up some black powder all right I'm just the top of my base I decided just to continue here because I have to quickly run out and get the get some more Steel but I thought I would show how fast zip lining is now with a bit more of a long distance Journey pretty much faster than the drive was down here it'd be nicer just to create like a zip line that goes all the way home basically it's super fast when holding shift now look at look how fast I'm going all right cool so this is where we have Steel in a big containers here I'll just grab as much as that as we can and then head back so I picked up the smokeless powder oh sorry not smokeless powder black powder I'm not going to go all the way out to the sulfur factor and get even more that should be enough to create what I need for a few of the things in the mum let's pick up some speed here I feel like the traversal is like really underrated in this game it's quite feels quite good to move around you know let's see if we can make the whole oh yes oh my God the speed keep the momentum going kind of that's pretty good all right gonna get back at the Explorer we're just gonna head straight back to Circuit City see how many super computers we've made and uh get the refinery up and running as well alrighty I'm at Circuit City we have made 15 computers or super computers so we'll just grab those that gives us a stack of 50. we'll just allow this machine to continue doing what it's doing uh it needs more high speed connectors we need to make another 50. and then we'll unlock some stuff in the mum all right 60 high speed connectors uh boom all right that should keep it running for a little while because it needs more AI limiters it's got all the plastic it needs more computers good all right I should keep it running for quite a while we're actually wait a second how's that happened what's happened here high speed connector go forward computer go to the right uh I think I've got a bug I did see this actually someone posted this before where they said like the belts are just stopping with weird gaps on them like there's no reason this shouldn't just go keep going through like why wouldn't it you know oh that's a that's a rough one that's a pretty bad bug I think well it is experimental I guess I can go clear them and allow things to run a bit later uh but anyway let's just check for the month and see what we got well what could I yeah should we go with the programmable splitter I think so or the geothermal vent I won't be doing that in this episode I'll be doing the next one so I'll go with this one because I can mess around with this now all right cool so that gives us access to the programmable splitter now I have seen this before effectively a smart split we'll just put both down actually so smart splitter there got a programmable splitter here what does it need it needs one super computer to just get it real quick oh we've already made Seven wow that was quick I'll just copy this programmable there we go so you can see it actually has a little visual difference as well it's got little computer dials and stuff on the sides it's kind of cool this just has lights and a regular splitter doesn't have any lights so it's cool all right so a regular smart splitter has a left Center and right output and you can determine what good that is not the amount but what it is a programmable splitter as far as I know is the exact same except it can have many different things on one category so you could say you know a bunch of different things and that's what makes it an upgrade and I guess that's it and that will allow me like I said I'll be able to add up all I have to do is type like or and I'll go iron ore copper or criteria more and then they'll be like bauxite whatever whatever coal whatever whatever and in the hyperforge we can have these things handle all of our nine types of War I guess so I'm gonna see if we can fix this bug real quickly or just get it to kick start it really like reactivate it if possible just while we're here so I'll get rid of this belts get rid of this get rid of that because it doesn't seem to be happening anywhere oh it is happening back here is it oh no not necessarily well yeah it is happening here it's getting all backed up that's what a damn shame maybe it just needs to be rebuilt well that's got it flowing again so that's good that's something so instead of this can I upgrade this to us um a programmable no not allowed to upgrade it so what's it doing to the right is computers to the center's high speed connectors okay so we'll get rid of that box okay that was the slowest way ever of doing that but it's done so let's go programmable splitter with an input from from me to the right we want computer to the center we want high speed connector and now we can add this new thing supercomputer and left overflow okay and then we'll hook this back up hope for the best and now we can feed this in and it'll send out these super computers and it should know what to do with them now whereas before it didn't it'll get a little bit jammed at first but it should be okay nah nothing is a black hole in there how deep in did they go before they come back out there we go geez like seven of them went in there little vortex in there all right cool well we still have one thing left to do oh actually I guess I should wait and see it come through right and after looking away at the most satisfying point which is seeing our things go through and out the right way although it doesn't seem to be working what was this this is Overflow right it should be flowing out to the left now then maybe I'll try this again let's just not put a joint in it just do it straight like that uh high speed connectors right there at the front it should go straight damn I don't know should work uh let's just get rid of this for a second see if that makes any difference let's see the super computer go through first see if it was just a bug with a high speed connector so in you go you should go right out the center yeah there's something wrong um that is correct I've done this before I've played with this before not in this episode or whatever but when I was testing out how I could do a split of nine or types of ore I'm pretty sure I've got it right I just don't think it's working this is the center output let's say um Annie as well let's just see if that'll do anything yeah something's not right with it oh well I don't know that's a pretty severe bug actually hopefully that can be fixed in the next hotfix uh either way though for now we are producing all this stuff I might just have to get rid of this just feed it into a box then for temporarily to keep things flowing if you think I'm doing something wrong or whatever you absolutely let me know but I don't think so at least they'll all just flow into this one that's not going anywhere so it has lots of room to store up all this crap so and by crap I mean computers high speed connectors and super computers this is still making stuff it is alrighty so with that done let's head back over to the oil facility and finish off our last task today which is to power uh do the power boost we did the power boost that seems to be working fine power hasn't tripped or gone off or anything wrong and then set up the smokeless powder Refinery and then we'll open up the mom and see if we can't get ourselves I think it was the rifle which is locked behind smokeless powder you might have made might be able to make enough to do that well actually I'll have to wait for it to be produced so probably just activate the machine then leave it and just check over everything one last time make sure everything's working all right here we are my truncated Factory we're gonna make this place look good in the next episode right smokeless powder so let's just hand in the black powder the heavy oil residue is actually filling up which I'm a bit perplexed as to why because these if these four run all the time that's 64 yeah so they must the field must be getting backlogged what I could do as well is just drain the fuel so that fuel is going to completely empty out there's a bunch in here that's going to flow back out to it to keep things running I'm sure no doubt it shouldn't be getting backed up though we did the math you saw it we did the math I think it might just be a hangover from when it was backed up before I think this is definitely more than enough of these machines and they're not even full of Turbo fuel which is which is good I guess oh I know the problem valves my biggest enemy yeah just let it open up open it up open up all the valves I totally forgot that in the turbo in the power room power it probably is fluctuating quite wildly actually because I'm limiting the amount of fuel that could come in here yeah it's going crazy oh my God what a mistake but yeah these don't need to be locked anymore at all we just let them free flow there's your problem that's it it's just the two valves that control turbo fuel that's fixed now so this should stay consistently at about eight and a half thousand or whatever it was yeah that should do it and that should prevent fuel getting backed up and heavy oil residue should never get backed up really it should be if anything we shouldn't really be able to make anything in the uh first Refinery there but obviously right now we can 34 smokeless powder so the last thing I'll do is making it pretty quickly actually can we just overclock this machine really quick and then we'll throw down a mom and then we'll go into sulfur and this is it here so we need a 200 smokeless powder and 200 iron rebar in order to make explosive rebar and then eventually we can get our so it's only 50 more now we can get the rifle and they'll have to make one and then all the way down at the bottom the most important thing six extra inventory slots which I need so desperately and we've almost finished all these chains then we'll be able to do the geothermal Vents and then with the ammo types that we're getting we'll be able to do the bullet guidance system so looking forward to that we should be able to do in the next episode really um there'll be a few things left in there that we won't be able to do just yet but most of the stuff we'll be able to get alright guys that's gonna be it for this episode jam-packed full of stuff looking good though right I think so anyway unfortunately we do have that little bug over there with what seemingly feels like a bug but in terms of power we've like at least doubled our output if not more right 250 of our output really the power output's Goods turbo fuels balanced I think we now have access to super computers programmable splitters feels damn good man we're making good progress all right that's gonna be it for this episode thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the channel directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty Badges and emotes to use in the comments you'll also get exclusive access to my Discord where there's dedicated channels for each series I'm doing and it's a great place just to meet others and make some friends [Music]
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 34,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory what darren plays, satisfactory darren, darren satisfactory, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory blueprints
Id: q8TJMso24DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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