Satisfactory Update 8! Upgrading to FUEL POWER!

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well hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to satisfactory hope you guys have been enjoying the series so far if you guys like what I'm doing give me a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode as always if you guys have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section below i' love to hear you guys' feedback and I definitely read every single comment if you've been following along in the last episode we completed Phase 2 of the space elevator which unlocked Tiers 5 and six giving us access to manufacturing and refining so we are able to build out some infrastructure with roads cuz we now have blueprints we are also able to build out our starter Refinery which does plastic rubber and packaged fuel so with all that out of the way let's get going in today's episode to get started today we're going to get going on phase three right away cuz we have a lot of versatile framework to make so let's get going on that let's look over here see what the recipe is for it uh burst stle framework I did some napkin math already and basically burti framework is going to take 15,000 steel beams and 1250 modular frames well we're going to have to go get those we're probably going to have to upgrade these so we'll go ahead and upgrade these storage containers to the big ones okay so our storage is a little upgraded in this one we're going to be doing modular frames we need 1250 of those which I think we have all right and you only need a bunch of Steel beams so let's go grab those steel Beams I might have to make a couple trips we'll be right back all right well it's all loaded up with 15,000 plus beams cuz I wasn't quite quite sure if I got enough but we're going to let that run in the background while we look at our power situation which is getting kind of scary our Max Capacity is almost 2,000 megaw we're only able to do 1870 megaw and that's with a few biomass generators running so we need to get that fixed and you might notice over here I have a bunch of blue print designers that's cuz I've been busy I've been making some Blueprints and I'm going to show you guys one right now the first blueprint that we're going to be using is a fuel generator because we are going to be utilizing that dinosaur juice oh I don't have the resources oh yeah that's right these are expensive hey that looks pretty nice doesn't it looks like a fuel generator to me I have three blueprints here one is a fuel generator that has a straight catwalk one is one that goes around to the right one's one that goes around to the left now you can look here and you'll see I've got some patterns put around here and then I got a floor hole so we're going to have our Logistics run along the bottom got some beams and some catwalks cuz these are all going to be relatively modular so it's a 4x4 and they're going to stack next to each other up top was a little bit more difficult because I had to connect the catwalks this one was pretty simple cuz it's just 90° just 180° I mean and this one I just had to turn you know sideways and do a little bit of Road barrier trickery but I got it all taken care of here where it got kind of difficult was on the left and the right this side connect did just fine went up to the edge of the blueprint designer however when I went around this way because the fuel generator catwalk isn't perfectly centered I went out this way when I went to connect it this was only coming back to right here so I did some trickery with Road barriers and I can show you guys how I did that so basically I had it hook up all the way to the edge and I ran ran it back to here as you'll see this is a perfect example so you can see how it doesn't come all the way to the center so it was only coming back when I come from this beam connector out it was only coming to like right here so I had to do some trickery to get that done and I'll show you guys how I did that it's relatively simple it can be a little tedious but um it is kind of difficult so actually let's go go ahead and show you that right now I'll show you on this blueprint designer so let's say for example you have a beam that is not connecting all the way this one is but for the sake of this we'll go ahead and say this is only coming back to here and I want to hook that up all the way to the edge but for some reason because not all buildings are perfectly centered and follow the Grid it's only coming to right here what I'll do I'll take a [Music] pillar and I'll put that I'll just show you over here right there and I'll put that right there so I have one pillar going up and down one going left and right and I'll take a road barrier and if you look you can move it along here so what I'll do is we'll have a beam that's coming out here and say it's not connecting right here like say right here is where it's not working out so it's only coming to here so I can't just connect from here all the way cuz it only comes like to right here so what I'll do is I'll grab a road barrier and it's kind of tricky but you get it to line up just right I don't know how close that'll be but yeah see that's pretty close you can kind of see it's just a little bit off but it's very very close close enough to where if you're going into a beam connector it won't bother you too bad so I'll take this I'll line it up with that one and then I'll take another one and I'll line it up to the edge then I'll take my beam and I'll connect it back all the way to wherever the beam connector is so that's how you can use a road barrier to connect all the way from the edge of a blueprint back to a beam connector or wherever as long as it's along this axis so I hope you guys find that helpful if you guys want me to do like a full in-depth example of this uh when I do some blueprints maybe I'll do a couple episodes where I actually just do blueprints yeah let me know if you guys want to see that and I can definitely do that you'll see I've got some signs so this actually looks pretty nice at night so let's turn some Lumen on let's go ahead and destroy our frame rate real quick and let's set it to nighttime there you go I think it looks pretty nice it's going to look really cool when we get it going and one of the things I wanted to do with this blueprint was I wanted to make it walkable so you can walk around it and you can also go up to the top and then you have access to the top these will be connected and you can walk around all the tops of the generators so I thought that was pretty clever and then underneath is where we have it lit up with signs and it lights up the generators really nicely and it doesn't cost us power which is kind of the problem right so those are our fuel generators and they are very expensive if we go into the to-do list here and let's go Blueprints and let's just do the straight one 60 of them we need look at this need a full large Industrial Containers worth of quartz crystal so it's going to be expensive but we're going to build it and 300 computers 600 heavy modular frames 900 Motors that's why we wanted to get Motors going all right so now I'm going to show you guys the other blueprint that I made roads you know I got to thinking and here we are talking about building a future city with these industrial looking roads let's just do the T intersection it's an industrial looking Road it looks super 21st century and we're talking like 25th 26th Century that's what we're after so not that we don't want to do that we want a futuristic road so let's see what a futuristic Road would look like if we can afford it a futuristic Road let's do the same thing let's do the T intersection now I think you guys are going to like this try to do the big reveal oh you could see that with Lumen huh oh that looks great that's the top yeah yeah that looks nice doesn't it a futuristic road with glass foundations look at that got some Lumen going on these are signs instead of using patterns these are all signs and I Ed the same thing the road barrier method to adjust the height of the sign so it fits perfectly with the road as you can see and let's load up a different one here let's do the stet here's a straight Road see that looks pretty nice this is a straight one and then we can do the straight road with a rail support so there you go rail support goes along the top and then also up here you just have a beam with some power connectors so how about that that looks pretty nice doesn't it looks kind of futuristic and I'm really excited to use these today if we can afford it cuz if you look here these are really expensive look at that ouch 360 quartz crystal per section almost a full stack and I think one of them does actually use a full stack of concrete so yeah very expensive but it's super worth it and I'm super excited to use it so why don't we get started on our fuel power and I think what we're going to do is we're just going to build out some platforms over there which is where we're going to go we'll build out some platforms over there and I'll take you guys over where I want to build this okay well that only took about a 100,000 concrete to get over here but we did have tons of it so we had enough to get over here and I'm going to show you guys where we're going to build so right underneath this Archway we're going to come through and right here we already got some foundations there so I can snap my blueprint to there and this is where we're going to build it we're going to have basically a set of 10 here 10 here and it's going to go back three times so we're going to have a total of 60 generators and it's going to be producing quite a bit of power for us so I'll take you for the mini tour so you guys can see how it's going to look we're going to have the road come in here and it's going to be this on this side and this on this side oh I forgot to do one thing we got to turn that Lumen on huh oh look at that isn't that gorgeous all nice and lit up okay so let's go for that tour you can come up here jump up on top of your generators there you go so it'll be up on top there'll be a nice road going all the way around and there's going to be 60 of these bad boys so let's go ahead and build that out real quick and I'll let you guys watch me as I do [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well there she is all of them built in all their Glory they're not all hooked up yet but if you look here I'll show you this is kind of the best I could do so this is how I made those Corners even so you can see how it doesn't quite line up but but with the use of Road barriers I was able to actually get it to line up perfectly well not super perfectly but close enough you can see right here there's a little bit there a little bit there a little bit there but it's not really noticeable and I still think it looks really good so each one of these is going to be sections it's going to have its own SE section probably a b c d e f or a a b I don't know we'll figure it out so that's the first part of it the second part of it is well these Don't just run on water they actually need fuel so we have to go over here and build a refinery right in this area so I'll build out these foundations real quick and we'll kind of go over what we're going to do well with the power of blueprints that didn't take very long at all actually took a lot less time than I thought it was going to but we got it all built out this is a total of 60 fuel power generators over here I've got some foundations built out and colorcoded in the purple section we're going to have 27 refineries making 1,080 heavy oil residue and 540 polymer resin per minute then it's going to come over here and it's going to take the that 1080 heavy oil residue and it's going to convert it into 720 fuel for our fuel generators over here the 540 polymer resin is going to come over here into nine refineries that's going to be making 180 plastic and we always need plastic so I'm going to hook that up to a truck station and that truck station is going to take it all the way back over to our starter base so I'm going to go ahead and get started on this and and we will get her all built out shouldn't take too long just a bunch of refineries a little bit of belt work little bit of pipes and we'll be right back when I get all the production [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well I hope you guys enjoyed watching the time lapse of me build this out I did the old school way no blueprints were required just built piece by piece didn't take that long cuz it's all pretty simple but over here we've got our 27 heavy oil residue refineries feeding our 18 fuel refineries and then over here we've got our nine plastic refineries we got water coming in crude oil coming in over there and all of this heavy oil residue is going to get routed right into these after that we're going to run some Logistics underneath and it's going to be fueling each one of these in sections so I'll meet you down underneath and we'll get that started too okay everything upstairs is hooked up now we just have to hook up the fuel to the generators and it's going to be coming down if you remember our sections this is where our fuel is being made the plan anyway is to have it come down here into the middle and then it'll go down and split off to each individual generator respectfully I'm going to have pumps basically right here before we get to the intersection and then I shouldn't need any more pumps after that but maybe I don't know pumps are weird sometimes let's get her all hooked up and we'll get everything powered up upstairs and then hopefully we won't have any issues all right there she is all of the pipe work for the fuel side is done now we just need to go upstairs connect up the power lines set up our awesome sink for the plastic until we can get the truck route set up and we'll check for leaks and see if she works well we got her all hooked up and I ran some power lines but I think I forgot to disconnect our steel factory so basically I'm just going to use all of our Coal Power to get our fuel power plant going so I'll see you guys over there and we'll disconnect stuff and I think we should be good to switch over to fuel power okay I got enough materials to make eight biomass burners and fuel them so hopefully we don't run out of juice I'll meet you guys over there all right let's build out our eight biomass generators till we get this up and running see if that's going to be enough oh still isn't enough all right let's try this again all right take three here we go oh man why am I losing so much power there oh well that's that's dumb it's not even hooked up come on we just need enough come on pins and needles ladies and gentlemen we're on the edge so close to getting this thing running see if we can get enough fuel to at least get one of these going oh just barely we get as much fuel in there as we possibly can we blow a fuse before then so be it but we will at least get everything running and then we'll fire up the generators and hopefully power won't be an issue at that point so I'll meet you back when we get some green lights here behold the power of dinosaur fuel that's right it's all done so we currently have 810 crude oil going in to 27 refineries that are doing heavy oil residue that goes into 18 refineries that's making 720 fuel the 540 polymer res that's coming out of the 27 refineries is going into these nine refineries which are making plastic for a total of 180 plastic per minute that goes into a truck station with an overflow and I'm going to set up this truck so it delivers all that good old plastic back to our base I went ahead and updated the future Road blueprint to where it only has the bottom part I kind of like the open an industrial look of this I still want to do some Cosmetics on it um I'll probably do that later after I build up a little bit more quartz and concrete back at the base but my versatile framework is done so we can start working on those modular engines now and check this out look at that beautiful beautiful curve everything's good nice even and balanced so we are producing 8650 megaw but we're consuming 21618 so that is plenty of power for now while that is done let's go ahead and head back to the starter base and let's get working on those modular engines okay let's see what modular engines they're going to take oh I think that's going to be a manufacturer Yep looks like it's it's going to be a manufacturer we need some smart plating so we need 1,000 smart plating 1,000 Motors and 7500 rubber so let's go ahead let's disconnect this let's get some smart plating going so we need 1,000 reinforced iron plates and 1,000 rotors well we have that that shouldn't be too hard there's 1,000 reinforced iron plates let's go grab those rotors there's our th000 rotors so while that's making the smart plating we need to probably get a manufacturer set up yeah we'll just do a little bit of spaghetti it'll be fine yeah perfect right through there doesn't even clip how about that modular engines we need th000 motors let's go grab a th000 Motors 7500 rubber there's 7500 Rubber and now we just got to wait for that smart plating I say we do a little bit of spaghetti action let's just run a belt from here over there huh perfect spaghetti I like it it looks good and then we'll get some smart plating not going into there oh that was close you can never lose the spaghetti you always have to have spaghetti I don't care what they say like I've kind of mentioned this but I want to kind of clarify as of right now all of this is just getting us to mark five belts I really want to get to mark five belts as fast as possible get through phase three and that will help us make large factories um and then we can start doing those Mega builds the fuel plants still pretty big build build for right now for what we have unlocked but I definitely want to start making some Mega factories and I'm talking like 10,000 plus parts per minute so like copper and stuff like that wire quick wire stuff like that we really need to get done modular engines are on their way into the space elevator let's get going on those adaptive control units I think adaptive control units are going to take autom wiring so we're just go ahead and build another quick setup here and it's going to take 750 sters and 15,000 cable let's go ahead and get 15,000 Cable in there that should be enough cable 750 Staters those are downstairs downstairs here I have temporarily just disconnected our motor production and I'm just going to use the saders that we're using and running it into a storage bin so I can use those to go upstairs we' got 400 so let's go ahead and take those 400 and at least get them going and we can take the other 350 back up and we get them made captive control un units so it's a 1:1 ratio for heavy modular frames and computers and we need 100 of each the 1 to five ratio of circuit boards so we need 500 circuit boards and we need to wait on that 750 automated wiring oh that's not too bad maybe we could just route it over here oh yeah cue the spaghetti music [Music] got to love the spaghetti but it's temporary once phase three is done I'm going to literally delete all this and we're going to do a proper phase 4 City it's sad sad Spaghettini like Josh from let's game it out he's so much better at spaghetti than I am but hey it's serving a purpose and that's to make adaptive control units dang it and we might as well make a little bit more spaghetti yeah there we go I'm trying trying my best to make some spaghetti let's set up our truck so we can bring some of that plastic over here and maybe get a storage bin over here just to store plastic and I think what we'll do is we'll just put it right here so let's put a floor hole in so we know where it is down underneath so let's grab a few circuit boards and let's make another truck and we'll set up that plastic line after Kirby the tractor here drops off his plastic we'll put our truck there so it automatically fuels up with coal come on Kirby we got things to do man get out of the way see and it's already filled up with coal all right let's go ahead and record this out real quick Mr Bean get out of the road man you're going to get hurt we're almost back to our starter base so thought I would mention I really like using tractors and trucks because it kind of gives the game movement and kind of gives it like life and I think that is really cool that's one of the things I like about this game things move there we go it's all made are waiting on that let's go shopping I need some retail therapy let's see what we've got woo 44 tickets heck yeah I'm going to spend them all okay retail therapy here I come what all can we buy what all should we buy let's get all the ramps let's get all the foundations display signs yeah always need signs lights control panel yeah might as well conveyor wall mount yeah pipeline wall attachments yeah that'll be good foundations all of the foundations let's see what that leaves us always still plenty and converted ramp wall bundle windowed walls tilted walls Fixit roof Corners Industrial railing there we go we bought it all now we're broke again as a matter of fact we should put some display signs so we can see what is what there we go they're all set so now we have some kind of visual of what's in them cuz I find myself getting lost sometimes with what we've got going on here eventually this whole Factory is going to be replaced buy something else cuz we have a lot of iron here but once we get all these bigger Parts automated we're not going to need some of the smaller ones we'll need some for building but it'll just be really really small so let's go check on our stator production real quick grab some more sters so we can finish up phase three so while we're waiting on our phase three to get completed let's go ahead and do some Cosmetics on our fuel power plant well would you look at that silly me didn't hook up a few things and I don't have all the parts to do it so I got to make a long trip back and go get the parts can't believe I didn't hook this up what a silly me I was wondering why it wasn't working maybe I should double check all of this let's get back to the task at hand making roads and let's set up a new hot bar for this one let's do a t [Music] Junction there we go such a clean looking Road all right we worked on the roads a little bit I think the last thing we need to do is just make this place look a little bit nicer so let's do a little bit of cosmetics and see if we can't make this place look [Music] nice [Music] [Music] oh [Music] well while I was doing the Cosmetics on our fuel power plant and Refinery set up the space elevator is full so we need to go send off phase three of the space elevator I will meet you guys over there all right looks like the space elevator is full let's send off phase three oh yeah everything from here on out is going to be awesome so let's check out tiers s and 8 real quick and go ahead and select what our first one's going to be obviously it's going to have to be box site refinement yeah box site refinement cuz we actually have enough to do that right now let's get boxy refinement going real quick boxy refinement oh yeah we've got the blender now so we can do diluted fuel sweet now if you look in our top right that is phase four that we have to get completed and it's going to be a while before we can do that so we're going to start building those huge factories that are going to be automating all those parts that are going to be required for phase 4 see if we got any tickets we got a few tickets let's go ahead and go on a spending spree with our eight coupons all right let's see what we can get management yeah I definitely want those those would have came in handy and ladders let's do that got some more cosmetics and we're well on our our way for Logistics Mark 5 all right ladies and gentlemen that's going to be it for this episode I hope you guys enjoyed when we built our fuel power plant I think it looks pretty nice I didn't do too much with it because eventually we're going to upgrade it we're going to use turbo fuel as always if you like the video give me a thumbs up and subscribe so you don't miss the next episode with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys next [Music] time [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Falcon Phoenix Gaming
Views: 770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 8 gameplay, factory game, factorygame, coffee stain studios, satisfactory game, lets play, update 8, lets play satisfactory, falcon phoenix gaming, satisfactory space elevator, satisfactory refinery setup, satisfactory oil setup, satisfactory roads blueprint, satisfactory roads, satisfactory road blueprints, satisfactory tips, satisfactory fuel generator setup, satisfactory phase 3
Id: Ehi8Kd-XifU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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