Blue Mage Solo Progression Guide

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so you want to be a blue mage if for whatever reason you didn't realize this yet blue mage is not a job this is a limited job and that distinction has many important implications our level cap is below that of every normal job and even if this one day changes to be equal with all other jobs we cannot do normal content you can mix and match with normal jobs but you cannot enter cues like roulettes or just random duties you may only enter duties with a pre-made party and unsynced this includes solo this means stuff like palace of the dead and such are also off limits ultimate raids as well but savage is available in exchange bloomage is extremely overpowered in most situations the capabilities and special actions you get more than make up for the limitations if nothing else the overworld becomes an absolute stomp anytime doing fates for something else people swap to their blue mages and decimate entire maps for these reasons and many other reasons you should treat blue mage like side content side content that is only fully enjoyed with friends or raid members at a random there are plenty of skills at level cap that are all but unavailable to you without some form of pre-made party you are overpowered but you are not omnipotent you can do most of the fun stuff without these skills or friends however the strongest attacks are more useful for raiding as a blue mage if anything which fight to fight bases is often much harder than your normal raid encounters the absolute end game for blue mage using the opener and raiding with it is harder than raiding normally for many reasons you still have to do all the same mechanics but often more of them for example will raids usually ask for two tanks you will have zero tanks while there are skills to make your bloomage tankier you are still a very poor excuse for a tank your healers will need to heal you a lot more than they might have to heal a normal tank and as for off tank mechanics the off tank will be chosen at random often not even based on number two on the aggro list to that end end game stuff for blue mage is its own topic this guide will instead focus on being a solo player everything from leveling to gaining skills is better with friends or even random players willing to help some people will just prefer to do as much as they can solo so that is how this video was made and how it is structured i leveled the 70 solo got many skills that i could get solo and completed the entire masked carnival solo within these constraints and keep the following in mind and walker is around the corner later this year and we are getting a stat squish this theoretically should not affect anything within this video but i like to future proof when i can please check the description for additional info and any correction videos i must make but i believe that's everything to discuss before going into this video so let's get started blue mage is unknocked at level 50 after completion of 2.0 the ultima weapon while you can start bloomage at this point you may want to wait until finishing 4.3 in storm blood as that is when the current final trigger point to unlock every section of blue mage is done you will also need to obtain a lot of poetics or otherwise save a lot of mage gear since he is still going over a leveling curve and hitting level caps poetics just ends up being the easiest gear source but anyway finish the quest put on the given gear and bask in your own glory and then head into the character menu and down to the blue mage spellbook it's empty at the moment but it goes to show we have over 100 possible spells to learn and we can only use 24 at a time so be prepared to pick and choose only the ones you need we also can see we have mage roll actions like normal i also recommend making sure you equip any special exp boasting items like the brand new ring from the novice hall and the pre-order earrings and walker is going to be pre-orderable very soon so perfect time to level up bloomage after you get your earrings when you're ready talk to martin and get him moved to ul'dah our base of operations for the majority of our time as a blue mage he'll also give you a task every job quest for bloomage not only requires a specific level but a specific new skill to be learned this will be marked inside the blue magic spell book with a little star icon you can select any empty spell slot and be given a location for each new skill i'll be going over most of the extremely useful ones to learn including the first requested spell blood drain but let's talk about how we level up bloom age we'll head back to lenotia for now since that's where it all started just go into the field and kill stuff that's it there's a huge exp multiply attached to overworld mobs all other leveling methods previously used for normal jobs are not to be used at all just go on a killing spree of normal enemies this makes blue mage a perfect excuse to level your chocobo up he's extremely helpful for pulling off a trick or two as well if nothing else he'll up your survival by healing you but also note i said normal enemies fate enemies and fates in general are not worth your time the enemies themselves give very little exp and the fate completion bonus is tiny as well only normal enemies give you the huge chunks of exp be careful not to blindly wander into a fate enemy and have to kill that and risk your time and blue mage already takes a lot of time to do as it is but that's not the only source of exp if we head south of summerford farms in middle inosia we have a goblin camp these goblins like to use the skill bomb toss an action we can learn learning actions in itself gives bonus exp to learn an action watch an enemy use it and survive the attack then kill the enemy and you have a chance to learn it head into your blue mage log equip the new skill and have yourself a good aoe spell with an attached stun not all skills are worth the exp boost not even bomb toss is but this is a skill we want either way also know that skills usually aren't guaranteed you may have to kill several enemies before you learn the skill make sure the enemy uses the skill before they die too another skill is to the far north with killer wisps you're going to very much want a tank chocobo for this one but a healing chocobo will work as long as you're high enough level the goal is to survive long enough as you kill it for it to begin to cast final sting unless you come back at a very high level you cannot survive this attack and you can't learn magic too well from the grave if he kills your chocobo instead you'll land the skill just fine final sting seems like an extremely bad skill right now since it kills you but don't worry we'll come back to this later instead of killing ourselves let's move over to the caves in lowe and lenosha instead here are bats bats have blood drain the scale martin asked us to get this also makes for a decent grind spot since there are so many bats in the area but we just need blood drain which recovers mp with every use later on this too will be very important but for now feel free to use the spot for exp and get the blood drain skill by accident but okay i know i said this is about solo but if you have a friend who is willing to grind you up to level cap to the south of costa del sol is a bunch of apkaloos aggra one of them then kite it around so it doesn't kill you if your chocobo takes the aggro even better after it uses flying sardine have your friend kill the apkaloo repeat until you learn the skill also make sure the friend is not in your party they have to be alone then head over to your preferred high level grinding spot and repeat sprint around and use flying sardine on any enemies that won't kill you immediately ideally ones without magic unlike in this clip also notice that there's six of us in this party the seventh person doing the actual killing is solo in the north east of the lox there's a graveyard with boots they don't auto attack with magic so you can run by them safely throwing fish or your friend murders them after you aggro them so again step one throw a fish step two have your friend murder the enemy if you get tired of the grinding solo here's your out this is your one warning there's gonna be a lot of grinding you have to do to come back into the normal leveling journey we move over to horizon for a similar skill to final sting self-destruct is an aoe version of final sting you must weaken glide bombs to very low hp and then they will begin to cast self-destruct don't be hit and you should now be able to do the same this makes two deaths so far if nothing else this skill means that you can now get that annoying sightseeing log in kugane on top of the light pole assuming someone is already up there to raise you and since we're talking skills if you want to be collecting as many as you can which we do want to collect at least a number of them trickster imps over in central shroud have ice spikes for us nothing too great but it is a spell we can add onto the count and you will want to at least learn the spells i'm telling you about if not replacing some of them with other ones like replacing ice spike with a different skill you'll see why soon if you've been following all of this return to orda at level 10 for the next quest the talk to gaheel jaw for wallachy totems upon learning your fifth spell you should have gotten an achievement certain achievements are tied to totems further skills so now we have off guard a debuff we can use to kill very slowly faster it's not too amazing for our solo leveling experience but notably this little page icon tells you which achievements the skill is tied to any time you come back to martin check the heel for more stuff now blue job quests are kind of throw away in terms of their contents no solo duties all story so expect me to always just skip ahead to the end of it and the next skill you are ordered to get to which our next skill is mind blast and is a bit of an issue tamtara deepcraft which is a dungeon if you don't have a friend to take you through you have to brave an entire dungeon alone we'll come back to this in a bit for now just grind up however you can you can face enemies around your level or slightly above it for increased gains it's about striking a balance between stronger enemies and less kills versus weaker enemies and more kills you do less damage miss more and have more chance of dying the higher level the enemy gets from level 10 the enemies outside swift perch are a decent spot to grind up striking an alright balance between level and survival but keep going into your level 15 which at level 15 you may want to grab a new set of gear either by buying it at the shops in airport are by doing the novice hall stuff on a mage if you've already done the mage novice hall stuff before and got rid of the gear i'll tell you which ones to do if you don't already have a mage and are not a free trial player go grab red mage for this the novice hall of duties you want to do are avoid area of effect attack assist allies in defeating a target avoid engaged targets interact with the battlefield and the finale if you don't have the brand new ring personally the brand new ring alone is enough of a reason to do this if you didn't have that already otherwise go the lazy route and just buy gear from vendors that might be ultimately the best choice of them all or use old dungeon gear if you have it because blue mage does not have stats on their weapon which if you didn't notice weapons have no stats every bit of stats on the rest of your gear is extremely important for reference a level 70 red mage will do 7k damage with a 220 potency attack blue mage over 5000 damage with a 220 potency attack and this is without the bonus of weapon damage and stats on the weapon this should emphasize pretty well how important it is to regularly update your gear while solo leveling blue mage when you start getting close to level 20 you can head into the western half of upper lenovo for more leveling but more importantly here is another skill that was added with the level 70 update to blue master curls over in the waterfall area have a skill called basic instinct its chance to learn seems to be pretty low but it more than doubles your power when attempting to solo duty content like dungeons it does nothing in the overworld but it's so worth it and we will need it shortly keep leveling and when you get into the 20s maybe 22 or so depending on how strong your chocobo is walk outside little alamigo in southern thanolan for sabatendo bellors and the skill 000 needles this skill will now carry you all the way up to level 50. even for its massive 6 second cast time this is your strongest attack bar none the only issue is if you have it miss from fighting a higher level enemy you can even turn this into 2 000 needles by slow casting it then immediately swift cast a second one just again pace yourself with how high a level an enemy you choose to try and kill this diminishing returns on how much extra exp you get you may be able to theoretically kill something much stronger thanks to 1000 needles but don't bother going more than six levels above your current level at around that point the exp you get is about even with the lower level stuff when you hit level 24 atkalooz the same anime we got fish slap from make for a perfect farm spot if you didn't get fish slapping abilities the cheaty way get it now while grinding toward level 30. this should get us up to exactly 10 skills learned which means we can now return to gaheel jaw for two new totems mighty guard and white wind white wind is useful no matter the context well mighty guard is a bit more specific it reduces your damage but not the damage of 1000 needles because it is a fixed 1000 damage so use this up to level 50 for nearly no penalty depending on what tactics you use to farm but let's not forget what we've been putting off all of the skills we just learned are all for a solo trip into tam tara deepcraft open your duty finder and click the gear icon select undersized party to unsync and optionally hit the level sync option for the extra challenge our goal is the final boss of this dungeon once inside put on basic instinct for high speed and damage mightyguard to make our defenses near impenetrable and then get spamming one thousand needles to kill everything white wind when you reach half hp to top yourself back up i did this levelsync just to prove while being super safe it is doable but when you get to the final boss take it slow and steady and eventually he will fall and with or without the level sync you will then learn yourself the level 20 required skill mind blast this is also useful crowd control too talk to martin advance the story and get told to learn faze which will send us back to costa del sol anyway to the west is a camp of cocoon which cast phase the learn rate is pretty low too but eventually you should get it it's a pretty useless skill all things considered especially with bomb toss around but we need it no need to return to martin yet though come back at 40 because he's just going to ask you to get 1 000 needles which we already have from above level 30 we can start heading into the kurth and territories for goo-boos and sheep south of dragon head we have 35s and 36s and to the north 37s and above if you need a good area of over 40 enemies the burning wall in eastern thanoland has a lot of golden fleece and mirror knights return to martin and we'll get our final task for the arauma boy instead of skills glower our options for this one are limited and so the best source of this is arum veil remember how i said you really want poetics gear if you didn't heed the warning do so now get amassing a set of level 50 gear for your blue mage if you want any hope of making it any further or you know get a friend to get you glower but anyway let's go on a spell collection spree some of these are going to be absolutely required in some way in the optional content or are very very nice to have around among the things we could use or need let's head to easton shroud wild boars have a very low use and learn rate for the skill boost it took me a good while to get it but it is so worth it this will boost your next spell's damage by 50 and this is going to combo very well with a pair of moves that murder the user next is north shroud clay golems will eventually cast planes cracker this isn't anything special for what we already have but it is earth-based and elements will matter later on while we're here head to the east side of the map near gridania triant saplings have the skill acorn bomb this is a sleep spell and we want it for one specific entry in the masks carnival back in central shroud near hawk manor we have stropers and bad breath this specifically isn't one we need but it is helpful in a few unique ways now to western thanoland north of the waking sands is two types of toads the smaller laughing toad is useful for obtaining sticky tongue to drag enemies around the large one will eventually use toad oil and gain evasion up and so those are the effects we gain the former will definitely want later for one masked carnival thing toad oil is nice to have but not outright needed for our purposes it's just good to have off to moydona now over near the thicket are atlantic mud puppies these will use peculiar light this is an aoe version of off guard essentially not quite exactly the same but can be useful in a spot or two and now we can get back to actual leveling i like mordona until about level 45 and then head into northern fanland till level 50. hope you liked spamming 1000 needles that much because we're finally at the end as you finish up in northern banalan head to the north near castro meridianum and fight the giant vanguard for drill cannon this is another skill we definitely want to have a round my chosen farm spot in northern thanoland specifically was this area with the doblins near camp blue fog after finally hitting level 50 put on your poetic skier if you already have it otherwise it's time to finally go farm some up or at least some high quality crafted gear don't bother with no quality from the shops the high quality is what you want to go for the next quest will give us gear but unless you can get a friend to help you with the next bit poetics or buying gear is how we are going to solo it once we are finally geared up we have two targets the first is coin counter in arm veil for his glower ability this is what martin told us to get if you forgot it should die relatively quickly thanks to a full set of poetics gear be sure to remember basic instinct mighty guard white wind and get rid of 1000 needles now 1 000 needles will serve you basically no purpose for general fighting from here on out it will get used in one carnival entry though glower will now also become your main attack basically limited reach compared to wada cannon but a little bit stronger it's also an aoe our other target is back in northern danaland attack b rank flame sergeant dalvik from a distance and he will teleport to you with the skill loom this is an absolutely required skill even if the skill itself is pretty dumb let's return to home base one last time for the level 50 quest and get some snazzy new gear from royce ultimately a waste of stats if you didn't have a friend and you needed to buy gear but it still looks nice if you want hrothgar or vieira at least you can use the new cane anyway off near the minus guild is now our entry to the major side content of bloomage the masked carnival 25 individual trials that are either pitched babbles or puzzles based on using your skill set you can get done most of them with the current toolkit i gave you but some of them are outright impossible at the moment without going through some level 50 duties we'll come back to that issue later but among needing specific skills you'll want specific elements because enemies have elemental weaknesses this is why we got planes cracker for example and on top of all of that this is a source of new skills too some otherwise annoying skills are available here even in our battle against azul magia we can learn new skills ram's voice and dragon's voice specifically no need to fight akmera as for azul majia himself it is possible to defeat him without ever taking damage every attack he does is 100 avoidable it's all about learning the dance to the best of your ability and keeping calm and you only need three skills on your hot bar to beat him glower for a mage spell drill cannon for a physical spell and loom for the third phase he will begin to enjoy casting web on you which gives heavy the only way to escape the media afterwards is to loom out of the way a full uncommentated rent against azumagia is down below in the description more on the carnival itself each duty has a one-time bonus of gill poetics and allied seals the around reborn hunt currency allied seals can now also be considered a bloom age currency but beyond the one time bonus there are weekly targets bronze you just must complete the duty while silver and gold require you to complete the duties with specific criteria such as spell count or not sprinting this is a fun and interesting weekly task for those currencies it breaks up the monotony of the normal grind sources especially since some of these duties can get tricky but with one azumagia defeated return to martin and round out the end of the around reborn blue mage quest you will be warned that to continue you must complete litany of peace otherwise known as the final quest of 3.3 but that's the end of that section let's get into heaven's word and get into progression and leveling if you want to start gathering poetics gear start with just the left side gear we will see why at level 60 why we want to hold off on the right side items our first request though is northerly's in carthus western highlands we have the small section of river surrounded by cliffs lone yetis make this their home these have the northerly skill you are looking for don't bother farming these for exp head back east to the deep eye spawn location these are tightly packed together so there's little to no down time in travel keep in mind chloe is an aoe too so you can fight multiple enemies at once just don't bite off more than you any chocobo can chew don't spend too long here either and move on to tail feather as soon as you can a little bit into the chocobo forest to the east there's a small area with three red chocobos they are pretty beefy but give more than double the exp of the deep eyes more importantly is the skill they have choco meteor as long as you have your chocobo out this is a 300 potency aoe this is way stronger than any of your other options for a spammable skill just again be careful of how much you try to take on it once as these guys aren't just beefy in hp but power too they can kill you very easily even if you take on two at once level to 53 off of these guys and then head off for your next order whistle this takes us to the sea of clouds and level 56 darmils near camp cloud top this is another good spot for grinding purposes and while in the area you may want to head east to kona dance in the water area electrogenesis is a longer range and potentially better glower for general usage i'll be sticking to glower though because i'm an idiot when you hit level 55 or 56 you'll want to move on again from doll mills but still within the sea of clouds area our next required skill is exuviation one of the most annoying skills for us to get south of oxandu we have abalethian wamura specifically appalachian the other types of remora do not count this level 58 one spawns next to the bridge these window memoria do not help to make the appalachian memorial use exuviation you must strike over a second enemy and damage it the window will mow a camper that spawn next to it specifically the wamura will attempt to heal its ally and open you up to gaining the skill far far to the north east meanwhile is a griffins and the skill alpine draft as far as having an elemental wind skill goes this is a good pick if nothing else i really like this as a grinding spot there's plenty of griffins around and if nothing else you can go further east to the taco tacos this spot should easily help you get to level 59 or even level 60 if you want to push that far another option for grinding is over in the gervanian hinterland and perogo's martin will actually send us to these guys anyway for this skill frog legs it's worthless to us as a solo player but hey whatever you say martin you're the master once again use these guys to level to 59 or 60 if you like as for where i think you should get to 60 make and pusee in aziz law your target if for the singular reason these guys have a skill we need for some carnival entries to get it to use eerie sound wave buff yourself in some way with something like bristle or whistle they can use it without buffing yourself but it's so incredibly rare it might as well be a zero percent chance just throw yourself a buff and wait for the skill to come out before you murder it once you hit 60 and have all the required skills return to martin for finishing up the story and he will also give you an extension to your blue mage spell book the blue mage log this is a static list of duties that you must get a full party of blue mages and level sync with echo off then complete them for gill tomes and allied seals as the solo player we're not really going to do any of this now talk to the tool jaw for his shop we have a set of i-270 accessories since the masked carnival is already giving us allied seals we can buy these and shift our poetic on the more left side gear for level 60 instead we're gonna need at least level 60 gear if we want to beat siegfried so now will be a good time to grind up on carnival fights and gain tons of poetics and seals and in some point in the future i want to also do a video of every single carnival fight so check below in the description if you want my take on the carnival as well after completion of any ten carnival fights we can get the wallachi totem from moon flute an extremely strong buff with a huge downside but we can turn it into nothing but an upside from now on when you get into a fight with one single big enemy you can't quite figure out everything for do the following whistle moon flute off guard and finish with final sting notice how much damage this does more than half of the health of this enemy and i didn't even get a critical hit you can also do this with self-destruct 2. swap whistle with bristle and off guard with peculiar light if you're doing it to multiple enemies this strategy is extremely useful for shortening some of the most difficult encounters and especially so if you transfer into blue raiding but for now it's a huge leap ahead for the carnival especially for the four non-secret challenges added there are now 30 challenges total and the heavensward ones are among the hardest trials within the carnival and now let's talk about siegfried himself for your fight bring one of each elemental attack bomb toss is actually fire element if you didn't realize drill cannon and exuviation and just like azumagia he has no direct way of harming you all attacks are completely avoidable even if they are often extremely difficult to once again i have a full run down below just don't expect it to be very smooth as he's a bit of a hard one to handle especially with such a minimal toolkit and none of the skills i was used to having at level 60. one dead secret later we can return to martin for the end of the heavensward line if you haven't yet you will be told to come back after completion of emissary of the dawn the end of patch 4.3 so now it's time to move into the stormblood section and this time when it comes to gear instead of spending poetics on left side gear only by accessories for level 70 we will get a left side set from the quests just like at level 50. his first task for us will be to learn basic instinct which i already had us learn long ago for other purposes so we're good on that front so now it's just back to grinding rather than immediately going after exp put on mightyguard and headed north of aligiri for kongamatos these have the ability to cast ultra vibration a skill that will basically carry us to level 70. you can't use it on enemies higher level than you but if you head north to the cocurin temple thing you'll find level 60 enemies ultra vibration is on a two minute cooldown but put on mighty guard aggro as many enemies as possible within a small area use ram's voice you definitely would have gotten from azumajia to freeze them all and then ultra vibration for instant murder when you hit level 61 you can move up to the mountain village of the cocoon you still have to fill the two minutes between ultra vibrations by just spamming on individual enemies with mighty guard turned off don't forget to do that or just do what i did play another game on the side it's not the most active grind choice and much slower but you're more than 60 levels in the lack of proper rotation is probably getting to you too when you hit level 63 you can head to the ruby sea and you can start farming on the snails in the underwater caves you may even end up spawning an s-rank hunt by accident these are what spawn it so be ready to switch gears for free hunting and honestly i stayed in this spot until level 67 that's right four levels i spent here because the next requested skill from martin is tingle kulu limpa this will lead us right outside of the house of the fierce for episode catfish we're going on a namazu hunt these guys actually have two things to learn and you can learn them both at once tingle which we need and triple trident a really good attack skill which will give you nearly 2 million exp over 2 million if you combine the exp from both skills together tingle kulu limp itself isn't amazing alone but triple trident is definitely worth having a slot for if nothing else i believe tingle kulu limpa is used in the level 70 opener for raiding and then there's time to start spamming ultra vibration on these guys i stay here until level 69 for when we can head off to finish up in the locks but let's take a quick note of martin's requests before we head off to the locks the level 65 quest tells us to go and get ultra vibration which we got just for easy grinding you're welcome and the 68 quest tells us to get ethereal spark which conveniently is over in the locks on the big bridge leading up to the palace are these salt druvas they use ethereal spark pretty often and i felt like this was a good opportunity to show off why i haven't brought up doom as a leveling option i think this clip says plenty enough alone on why doom isn't all that great for leveling up i'll leave it at that doom itself is gotten from wallachy totems for 20 carnival fights cleared but now we have come full circle the boot area i suggested for power leveling i now also suggest using for your solo leveling lots of boots around for ultra vibration and otherwise normal grind killing as well keep at it and you'll hit 70 in no time just be careful as these guys actually hurt pretty hard even with mighty guard on and finally finish the quest line and get back to uldah for completion of the questline up to the battle with gogo we get a coffer of brand new blue mage gear for level 70 and an expansion to the blue mage log and the shop this is why i said not to buy poetics on the left side accessories is all you need to buy this time around the exact opposite of level 60. further it doesn't have to be poetics if we check the allied seal shop again there are now i level 400 versions of accessories le tool and poetics will get us i-400 in no time i also recommend melding all of your items this time around we have no way of knowing when bluemage will rise to level 80 and the fight to complete this quest series is much harder than the last two gogo is actually pretty good of a challenge which means it's time to do some more prep work to start we have a diamond back with absolutely no required skills besides attacking ones our goal is final steps of faith immediately pull the boss and just dps him down to a low hp value soon after breaking through the second layer of wards before the three minute mark of the fight a horde armored dragon will spawn feel free to weaken it and then wait for it to use diamond back after it does kill it and then kill fishhapp if this is not a guaranteed learn i only needed one try repeat until you get the skill overall this takes only about five minutes with zero effort beyond having gear your other option meanwhile is the second boss of stone vigil hard this guy uses diamondback a lot sooner but he's basically immune to all damage unless you have a doom and death based skills which there are some easy ones to get you can't even use this option reasonably you'd otherwise have to just use the cannon over and over until it died it's not even much shorter than the very easy vishap option with diamondback now under a belt we have the ability to do multiple carnival fights we had no chance of doing previously this includes our fight with go go we could not beat gogo until now we are now ready to face him however let's make your life easier i will be fighting go go without these further skills but you definitely want to grab these first first go to thurin march hard and the third wave of mughals is the white mage moogle hit him once to weaken him to use palm cure then kill him to gain pom cure this will then combine with the next skill in pharaoh's serious heart is the first boss you will be tethered by these weird orbs stand there and let the mechanic resolve be sure to heal after and then kill the humanoid add keep doing this until you get ethereal mimicry this skill is potentially the most important one to all future blue content and blue raiding a theory on mimicry allows you to target any random player and copy their role as long as they are a dps healer or tank target a dps and use it you get the dps roll and some dps based buffs target a healer you get the healer roll target a tank get the tank roll and this boosts specific skills as well and in the case of the healer role palm cures power increases massively from 100 potency to 500 potency this is much more reliable than white wind and way more powerful in the right hands you become nearly invincible if damage can't straight up kill you between heels and of course this doesn't completely replace white wind but in general this is god tier and now you can bm go go while fighting him just be careful not to get killed there are also level 70 based totems but they're not too important for our fight so let's head in and get instantly creamed again here's a skill list of what we need once again a magic and a physical spell so at minimum glower and drill cannon flying sardine either ethereal mimicry powered palm cure or white wind for healing diamondback eerie sound wave though this one is technically optional as i will show but i wouldn't recommend it and exuviation blood joint is also extremely amazing for the second phase where mana conservation can make or break a run but if you went the palm care route it's not gonna be too important as with before the run i did will be down below it's not clean but it's probably pretty accurate to what most runs look like without practice and without all the many many skills you get from not just rushing to the end and then that's it talk to martin one last time for a fancy stick be told yet twice the savior of the masks carnival when he's basically three times i do count that level 50 guy royce and pick up any wallet key totems you have available and check the shop for any new goodies you would like to buy from this point forward it's about cleanup and optimization for your solo time you can solo all the aroma-borne extreme primals now unless the end walk is that squish makes it so you have to wait until 80. get their skills maybe even be able to get all the available skills up to level 60 dungeoning solo but level 60 trials raids and such you're gonna start to be unable to do it alone and don't even get me started on the level 70 stuff you need a team for those even if you're just throwing up a party finder or such you need some kind of group but yeah that about covers the solo experience of blue mage as i said at the start other than the casual completion of the blue mage log and the blue mage spell list savage raiding blue mage is some of the hardest encounters you can try due to the restrictions blue mage itself has and so you have the decision to make how far do you want to complete blue mage do you want the marble mount from clearing coils and alexander savage with blue mage the titles just completion of the skill log and carnival and as fun as the carnival is it's extremely limited in what it offers only 31 total fights the weeklies are really nice but that's three a week there's just this huge gulf between casual and and the hardcore end for this limited job and what it expects of you where you go now that's up to you me i think i'm hanging up my mask until the level cap goes up again this has been an experience thank you for watching like comment subscribe all that stuff if you like my take on blue mage guide as i mentioned i do want to do a carnival guide for bloomage as well but that one will be super fun to do and relatively easy think what i did for azumagia seagrade and gogo but much more long form and making it actually a guide and for every fight it'll be plenty long on its own right but that's for another time maybe even during this month but tell me how do you like this guide did i cover everything you felt worth talking about on the solo end do tell i'm always striving to improve and as a limited job blue seemed like it needed its own unique take but take care i made the power of anne and hogsley waste to your enemies and an extra special thanks to all my patrons over on patreon and an extra extra special thanks to amen al khatib benjamin hahn body clock ethan ethan olson evan jamie carterell kyle steinhauser meowfie scott stanley valle llc and yvonne the moose if you'd like to become a patron the link is down below thank you all for watching have a good day and join me in the discord if you'd like you
Channel: WeskAlber
Views: 379,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, shadowbringers, beginner, learning, guide, leveling, Blue mage, limited job, masked carnival, enemy skills, spell book
Id: st8Ay7uk74s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 9sec (3069 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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