Blox Fruits EXTREME Camouflage Hide and Seek!

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I have five hiders perfectly camouflaged in this jungle I'm so skinny he's never going to find me I'm on white he ain't never going to see me let's go by the way the last Hatter alive wins whatever permanent fruit they spit at the Goa oh boys where y'all at I'm a feeling somebody's at the top up there guys I legit think he just passed me all right I'm heading up top yo did he just say he was heading up top I know someone's up there who's going to be up there though oh no oh no no no no bro BR bro he Tred to find me he tried to find me off rip bro what oh I just heard someone heard some a portal he said he heard me portal he said he heard me portal no wait wait wait he's getting kind of close he's getting kind of close no I need a better flying through there we go I know someone's up here wait wait no way he's coming up here no way he's coming up here bro what do I do what do I do wait hold on is that a person yeah yo hey yall see that spec hey run I'm going to run yo oh no they portal out who was that yo I think he's fighting someone my time to go all right bro oh I know somebody is on this island that's it I'm using speed yo he didn't see me I'm gone no way he finds me like I'd be so surprised if he finds me down here I ain't going to do him like that that'd be way too unfair he ain't never going to find me there so I'm going to go over to this Skull Island and I'll be HD it all the losers are going to stay on the first island you fool I'm out of here I'm about to win this challenge is that a flying boat oh no way oh there's no way who's on the boat oh no way y I got to get out of here I'm gone ooh who's over there okay perfect so now I just got to go and find a hiding spot moving at Temple Speed fiji's on his way to get clouds Al over there looks like he's about to get his first victim teleport get him off guard where where ooh I'm hiding in this corner you'll never be able to find me here and I know you're hiding around here where is you these guys must be camouflaged so perfectly oh just wait I can't wait to find someone oh that's him oh my God he's above me he chased me all the way here I didn't even notice my boat Escape wasn't as inconspicuous as I thought okay I don't hear anything anymore he should be gone now I got to make escap to my boat I am gone he still thinks I'm on that island too the hell yo yo what is cloud all doing bro he's flying a boat or yo Fiji is going to see you my boy hide better something tells me he left is the boat gone oh no way sail faster bro sail faster he's catching up bro wait is that a boat moving hard I see somebody no now somebody getting found oh no I forgot I don't know how to climb a wall uh-huh hey slow down there he's coming slow down I need some faster some faster the catch him let's go light yeah I wonder who that is they're trying to go underground yo wait they were just on this boat what we escaping to the next Island Boys I ain't waiting for nobody you're lying G bro what is you doing my boy what is you doing why are you walking out in the open they're probably hiding in the least obvious spot there is which means yeah I know where to look wait he knows where to look what does that mean I hear somebody oh yeah that's probably the same person they probably have portal huh this can't be real I'm being toyed with yeah yeah you are being toyed with bro he's right right there how you how you not founded me a he's right in front of you is that a name in the bush no way no way he's no yo kg run yeah ktg bro yeah you was running around in front of me the whole time I'm disrespectful bro name five cereals HG down you are the first out is someone flying through the air who would do such a thing dude what is you doing what is you doing oh wait why is it coming towards me why is it coming towards me I hear portaling over there go go go go no I got to reset I got to reset did that person reset did I mention every time I find somebody 3 second sea Islands closed down so no more winter castle no more snow and no more skull okay okay okay now I got to find somebody else but I have a feeling somebody's still on this jungle there's no way everybody left come out come out I know somebody's here H so I found my way into this Library oh 02 what's going on girl going on you know you my favorite in that show you was in perfectly camouflage with everything where is he what oh who's done y SL that you that you hold on come let me hit you come let me where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go no way no way where'd he go don't tell you went back up there there's no way there's no way come here come come here come stand in front of me come stand oh you're red that's crazy next there's no way he already got sloth that's the second person out already that only leaves me Cloud all and Sage Red one left we only have three people left all right if I open up my maps here one person found three more clothes you can't hide at the raid and you can't hide at the Mansion wait what did he just cut off the Mansion oh no are you insane I just spent all this time getting up on this mountain and he cuts it off okay okay I'm not at mansion I'm not a mansion about the fact he doesn't count who am I find the next okay let's go to Lava I haven't been here yet and chances are someone's always hiding here like it'd be perfect like there's lava there's everything what about the haunted ship oh n someone's here I no there's no way someone's not here Ace spot man nice spot this is actually like a a really good spot like there's no way he's going to find us bro I know somebody's in this ship reveal yourself demon Ain nobody in our ship what is he talking about oh boys I'm coming man I heard criminals usually come back to the crab scene is that a boat that's a boat I just I see somebody who is that uhoh uhoh what where they go that's not even a hiding spot hold on I got to go up I got to go up just in case uhoh Cloud's out going get caught oh that's him right there that's him right there oh my God he almost caught me bro I just saw someone I just saw someone oh no there's no way hey I know somebody here who's driving around a giant boat there's no way he's going to find me now I'm just got to keep running for my life bro he couldn't have gotten far he could not have gotten far who's here who's here no one under there bro us yep oh I don't see the Escape n no chance no chance this is crazy this is crazy he's so close why I haven't checked that one tunnel that you get V3 in that's a good place to hide right wait wait that's him right there oh no he's about to get ke keep's right over there bro oh no bro what all right man for some reason I can't find the door I don't know where the door is oh my God oh my y wait who who is that what a no way a no way you hiding in a flower no you not bro you is not God come here no come here boy no never you never catch me let's celebrate though is fast I will say but if I switch my fruit guess who's faster uh uhoh uhoh oh ke no I'm turning around wait no it's awakened oh no that is not an Oreo that is not a Oro stop stop y oh my God come here I'll go Oreo down you have to say for yourself bro I was supposed to win it's only just me and Sage left no kg is trash is it kdg trash bro this is bad this means the Island's about to close down again that means three more maps closed no more lava no more lab no more haunted ship okay okay okay I'm still chilling here I'm still chilling here all right I am here and something tells me I ain't going to lie if I was hiding I would probably hide in one of these windows a bro way no no no there no way come here come here I'm coming you ain't catching me I'm coming you is not coming hold on about to hit the quickest switch of all time hold on hold on hold on no you're not no you're not I see you let's go let's go let's go uh be faster be faster be [Applause] faster wa come here come here a The Jig Is up my boy how you feeling you you know I have to I have to kill you right I mean like you you can escape I got you hey I thought L killing you you know what that's fine that's fine I'll find him I will find that man Ain no way he left that F Well winter clouds was found but I couldn't secure the kill why why would I tell him I have to okay I'm not messing up again I just finessed that so hard bro I didn't know he had to kill me I thought he just had to hit me look at y'all look at y'all fou people how do y'all feel I don't want to do this no more all right since I got light fruit I got to make sure I can ensure the kill let's change my weapon uh-huh you know this the best blo fruit update 20 weapon shark anchor who's next and I did find someone even though I didn't kill you three more clothes uhoh uh-oh no more graveyard no more dogghouse no more doc four yeah I'm a find y'all he ain't finding nothing bro imagine I did a troll and just went to Cafe where the people that already were tagged went to there's no way he would look there yeah hold on yo let's do it let's do it let's do it I have a feeling Winter's probably still hiding where he was I don't doubt it I do not doubt it whatsoever he did not go far oh no he's around here somewhere secured secured all we in Cafe we in Cafe boys yes sir yeah never going to find me here oh yeah I'll W you here never going follow me here yes sir where would he be hiding there's so many places to hide here in a bush no not that bush this bush oh I know a spot it's like a glitch here oh oh where'd he go where'd he go yes sir what was that s damn that just leaves me left that just means Le left what ain't no way bro no way he was hiding in there three more maps closed down no more Jugo no more doc two and no more Dark Arena there's only one place left for everyone to hide and it's this town here they can't go in the mansion that's already done they could be in the Coliseum but they have to be somewhere on this map no no no no no now I think hold let me go to the cafe I I think my mouth is correct atg sloth don't find out please don't find out but he can't hit me here he can't hit me here so he can't get me out right Uncle Oreo and Sage wait one person oh it's the man I let Escape no way bro oh yeah all right I know exactly where he hided I know exactly where he hided no you don't you ain't never going to find me I have to Deep dive into the mind of the clouds H yeah I I I know I know exactly where he is bro it's winter clouds there's only one place he can be in the clouds yep no no no definitely not in the clouds definitely not in the clouds right here let the double down let's double down let's go back over here you thought I was going to the closet where you at oh he's not in here oh no you can't hide here this is the dog house yeah ain't never going to find me okay if he's not there oh I know doc one do one nope not there either buddy not there either bucko hold on no he's got to be under here he wouldn't stay in the open he's not that obvious winter I will dissect you mentally no you won't you ain't dissecting nothing bro would this well technically I already won right I'm The Last One Alive okay just a joke poppy come out come out and play nah I know he's here bro I know he's here I know he's here he has to be I probably would by him what was that did I see something what's that what's that over there no I'm seeing things I'm seeing things no he's going to be hidden for sure he's hidden he won't be in the open is he a shark is he in the water I should have thought about that I should have thought about that I could have hid in the water o the boat definitely not in the boat my boy no he wouldn't be in there no I will find you tripped him up with this one truly yeah he's clearly not here oh a fruit spawn m i I wonder what that fruit is wait I hear jumping no no no no no no no what the heck wait wait wait wait wait bro do I hear jumping I literally heard jumping bro I just going to go find the fruit no way hold on you're not going to get me buddy you are not going to get me where are you I did the portal glitch he can't see me now you did the portal no more portal no more portal you better hide for real oh you did the portal glitch oh you're invisible yep yo he knows he knows oh okay okay well yeah all yeah yeah I'mma find you right after I find this fruit what is it okay you know what wi you have an option since you seem to be the last one yeah do you want whatever this fruit is as your perfect fruit or do you want to roll for it uh M this is a risk I want that fruit that you just you just got are you sure are you sure you don't want to roll for it yes yes standing 10 toes down I want that one okay let's see let's see what it is I'm getting closer I'm getting closer it is what what was it you're going to be so upset now this is actually pretty decent though but now I must find you okay so he he wouldn't be up there no more he is that heo you're standing in the open what glitch did they patch it you did not do the glitch you did not do the did they patch it where'd he go where he go I see you I see you brother yo what's going on what the heck what bro what just happened to me was I abducted by aliens hey I see you where can I go where can I go let me let me keep shooting ktg is the Coliseum locked down when the The Jig Is up it's time to die it's time to die I see you there's nowhere for me to go bye hockey there's nowhere for you to go oh yeah you should oh wait where'd he go what where'd he go no there's no way there's no way bro you're not invisible bro who do you think you are bro what you think this is yes sir winner down are you ready to see your grand prize damn Winner's down man but matter of fact spinner fruit let's see what you get spin of fruit all right gotta all right let's see what I get let's see what I get let's see what you could have had oh a rubber you want to know what the fruit was what was the fruit bro what was the fruit no way what are the odds what are the odds no way what the heck take that give me that fruit gift perm player already owns subscribe jokes on you hey hey hand hand that fruit over hand that over
Channel: imFiji
Views: 189,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imfiji, roblox, anime, blox fruits, viral tiktok, blox fruits tiktok, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits tiktok new, blox fruit tiktok hacks, testing viral, testing blox fruits, blox fruits myths, secrets, blox fruits secrets, one piece, one piece roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 20, mammoth fruit, blox fruits admin, hide and seek, camouflage hide and seek, camouflage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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