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yeah what you gonna do about that now Gary oh everybody I am back in Barry's prison with power off I'm going to use him to be Barry but also go on the cover to stop other prisoners and here we go the power-ups that I bought was jetpack I can go up and down in the god Blaster wait how does this work oh I hope nobody saw that what I'm also gonna do is stop people from escaping and that's including YouTube look wait where did she go Oh I thought I thought she was out of the game I want to see where everybody is real quick stage six five four and three okay let's try to pass everybody okay open the vent open the vent I'm still gonna try to play regular because I don't want people to notice that it's me with the power up stopping them I remember these minds they're so annoying but I gotta walk around oh okay come on I did not mean to step on that oh I keep failing but you know what I got the jet pack I could just go yeah I'm cheating I still remember how to do this I was pretty good at Barry's uh prison the first time around well I I did die a lot section A2 Barry how's it going Barry maybe we should work together oh Barry I said we're gonna work together yeah what now you can't touch me now Barry can't touch me look look at Barry oh hey he farted but how am I supposed to get down now is he gonna touch me oh he can't touch me look at him okay Barry I want to walk but can you get away from me okay Barry give me give me a second I'll I'll do your job for you I'll do it for you I'll do it for you hey you can't you can't go up there hey what are you guys doing out here oh we got a new person it's running okay okay chance to turn around let me tell you something let me tell you something okay you asked for it you know what Barry you're starting to annoy me what did I do I had to do it Barry you were annoying me wait where did she go oh she's over there I gotta stop her I gotta stop her she can't get ahead of me oh no we're not able to leave wait maybe I can blow up the door can I blow up the door and get out oh no I can't but that would have been cool gotta break the mirror oh I can't what am I doing look at me I don't think you have any idea how fast I really am I'm running backwards I'm gonna break my back oh I gotta fix my person I gotta fix myself I cannot be walking around like that what is this all right I did I fixed myself you can move your back with the god Blaster it's kind of funny I remember these lavas being really fast Oh I thought it was on my side I thought the lava was gonna come right in front of me okay you know what I'm just gonna go across I always wondered something if I have the jet pack why don't I just fly out I could just go out the window and just be gone I haven't seen anybody yet wow everybody's at 11 12 and 13. I'm gonna go stop them oh what guys you saw me standing still I did not touch that there is no way that even happened wait I want to try something can I can I actually go above them oh what is this oh I can see the entire Berry's prison wait can I fly over oh never mind this was actually one of my favorite games I actually liked fairy's prison when I first did it oh I forgot about that big bowl wait can I can I fly over I want to see if I go fly over it what I I was I was definitely above it that is that is not Oh I thought I got I thought I started back at the beginning I would have been so mad wait let's try that again I definitely flew above it look see it can't touch me it can't touch me let's go that is so cheap oh Barry chill I have to I have to open the lever they open the lever no they didn't I got the lever no very chill okay you know what Barry I'm tired of you you're cheating by using the speed boost I'm gonna cheat too come here Barry yeah you don't like that right Barry you don't like that but I jump on you now why are you bullying me oh I forgot about that oh he's back yeah you can't touch me now Barry pinky can't touch me now Barry wishes you can fly but he can't fly like me wait what are you doing how did you get out no you're not going anywhere wait does he start back at the beginning wait why am I using the elevator I could just fly up I actually forgot about that I could just fly up wait I want to see something since I'm going really fast can I like Fly Fast oh I can't fly fast but let's see what's over here wait what is this is this a vet where's the guys this event right here but there's nothing above me you can go over here but I don't see anything and that looks like a light all right let's go back let's go back is there anything over here maybe an Easter egg oh it's just a wall I'm lucky storage room I'm stuck hello oh okay had to go sideways that's awesome is there any visitors no nobody visiting me well I'm gonna ruin your chairs yeah throw your chairs out the way wait I keep forgetting why do I need to get the ladder I can literally fly I can't open the vent well I can't open the vamp so I gotta open it like this I opened it now I can use my Jetpack wait since I can fly I can skip all of this I see somebody I see somebody I'm gonna catch up to them but I gotta make sure that they don't see my Jetpack but what are you doing here I can't believe you've done this I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry wait what are you doing what are you looking at wait there's no climbing here you need to go back to your prison cell bro what is wrong with my back the color I run look how I run what are you looking at wait wait I gotta I gotta turn around what are you looking at oh my God what oh it's a chef it's a chef Chef relax I just want to go get the food zuka he slowed me down no you can't slow me down you're cheating I'm gonna go get the fuzuka can I pick it up no I can't pick it up stop how is he hitting me okay I think I'm stuck I'm literally stuck stop hop bro okay you know what I'm gonna go down that's it I'm gonna deal with you myself yeah what you gonna do about that now Gary oh what just happened baby don't worry I got you I got you Barry I think this is the final door ah Barry we meet one last time but this time I have the edge issue from the air I guess you're from the air oh wait I could go up here there's no way I can go up here wait let me land let me land it ah I could just stay up here what I just got pushed off oh Barry Barry relaxed no Barry oh you know what Barry I'm tired of you I'm gonna use my superpower yeah how you like that now Barry well that was easy Barry didn't stand a chance thanks for watching guys and I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Panic Button
Views: 179,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JJ1181M-KAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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