Bloons TD 6 - Carrier Flag Ship - Tier 5 Monkey Buccaneer | JeromeASF

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today we're covering a tower that fires so many shots at the same time that influenced our defense 5 you could literally crash your game for putting too many of these down that tower my friends is the aircraft carrier better known as the carrier flagship if you're talking about the tier 5 version now more or less the carrier flagship is just an upgraded version of the aircraft carrier allowing for two extra spots and added damage but if you know what the aircraft carrier is let me tell you a little bit about it's pretty much like having a monkey Buccaneer with the destroyer ship so it shoots out a minigun at all times and then has three planes that patrol it and protects it so if you're wondering yes it's literally like having a minigun tower on the water with 3 monkey aces make matters crazier the carrier flash it allows for two other monkeys on the deck and any additional water monkeys around it will deal more damage basically meaning if you have a fleet of submarines or monkey Buccaneers you're gonna want at least one carrier flagship so the big question is can we make it around 80 solely using the carrier flagship only one way to find out so let's go ahead I'm gonna pick Matt Cubism just cuz I like that little pool that it has at the beginning of the map and from there we're gonna put down our grand old friend the monkey Buccaneer now I'm gonna see real quick as well without using my normal strategy of cache drops are we gonna be able to take this tower to the bitter end there's really only one way to find that out so let's go ahead here and I'm gonna put him down like so and let's get going and making that cash or Unni so in order to get him started there's something to know about him we can't go the middle route which will get his grape shots oh you know what actually we're gonna actually need a monkey village as well so the main stag comes about because in order to get him to hit camel boons we need to upgrade the bottom route using crow's nest however if we did that then we couldn't use the lead balloon poppers right here which is through the middle room so we're kind of caught at a bit of a standstill now that being said we could Bank on the fact that the carrier flagship I guess the carrier flagship does have two spots upstairs on it but in order to make the money for that I mean talk how many thousands off that you know what let's just go for it anyway let's let's see what happens here if we just literally just go for the top route let's try and save up all the money we can and we'll just play it by ear from there so pretty much it'll be a race to see what'll kill his first LED balloons or camos now it's gonna be the lead then we know four factors you get hotshot if it's going to be the camos then we know we should go to the bottom route and then on one of the two upper decks that it gets let's go ahead and place down maybe like a sniper monkey I suppose I feel like a type of monkey would be a good little tester Unni of its powers but here we go still crushing on through here with literally no problem at all and we're making enough money that it's paying for this so that's good I mean 21,000 for a tier 5 is extremely cheap but I guess it gets most of its benefits from you putting towers on top of it so it's pretty much like just getting the ability to put extra towers down it's it makes sense why it would be a cheaper to your 5 but 1000 it's still mad med cheap I mean we're talking way bottom of the barrel here all right well here we go destroyer ship time that right there alone when I see it a bunch of tier threes just destroyers like that oh my goodness I mean back in bloons tower defense 5 this would just crush it like absolutely crush it all right let's keep saving up here we got our first camos coming in around 14 which will be a problem but at the same time I don't really know I mean I think when you get the aircraft carrier stripes I don't think it targets it but I think if it just shoots at all times and so I'm pretty sure if those planes are just shooting at all times technically speaking a stray bullet might be able to it some camos so let's hold out let's just see what happens like I said I don't really know we're gonna we're gonna play it by ear though it's an experiment for all of us involved I do know one thing though I think we put one down and put two tower actually not even think I know for a fact we put this down and put two towers on its top layer like you're allowed to do it's literally going to be a game over for round 80 like we won't be able to crush right past but let's see what happens on the way there it's more this one is a little different than usual where normally the excitement is can we make it past wave 80 the acceptant of this one is without using any extra cash drops will we be able to buy out all these upgrades in a fast enough time span that makes us sugu literally play with the monkey Buccaneer I mean that in and of itself would just be mad exciting I'm sure you guys could agree but IIIi don't know I don't know if that's what's going to happen so there we go keep it up there my good old monkey Buccaneer Tower well he's half way right now to getting the aircraft carrier so should be able to get that actually just prior to us facing off against the camel blooms which would be a good change of pace for us all right that being said though of lead balloons I don't remember the exact wavelength come Bob and I think it's coming up soon in fact I'm kind of scared it might be is it way they know it's not 18 I guess but I think they might come technically before camos so we might not actually be prepared for this which no come on scourge but we'll see what happens from here boom 50 100 I guess it also goes out saying that double cache mode definitely helps us out a ton without double cache mode I don't really know if we would have been able to do this but so far literally not even anything close to an issue so that's always a plus and we did it we're gonna get the tier 4 aircraft carrier blue that so it is just firing it just fires from which at all time so I wonder if they'll be firing just like that when the camel balloons come in in which case where we're set we've got it made at that point oh my god they are all but it won't let us it literally won't let us hit them though isn't that just an absolute shame so oh man now that means that we're going to have no choice here there's no way we're gonna save enough money because the lead balloons are the camos they're gonna kill us first one of those will take us out though before we can get enough money to get the aircraft carrier or the carrier flag ship I should say least I would think so maybe not who knows me who knows let's just play it out until we get to that point but it may be coming vastly apparent that unfortunately we are going to have to get that monkey village down instead which would be sad and actually Oh yep here we go well time to get hotshot going all righty all righty now on the cool side of things though I didn't realize we forget the extra platforms I wonder if they're big enough to put down a monkey village on him and if they are then technically speaking we wouldn't have to go through the lengths of putting on snipers or stuff like that and be more of a genuine test of the carrier flagships abilities just on its own you know I mean the monkey village literally would just be there to allow us to put down or to allow us to get the ability for him to see every type of tower out there so or every type of balloon sorry every type of balloon out there so we'll see what happens with this so far though we're doing good even without the ability to pop camos and apparently that is literally about to just change in a flash big oops here not pretty at all well I guess we have no choice if we want to test this out unfortunately we are gonna have to put this bad boy down and there we go now we know for certain you get it the camo balloons at least those make me sad I didn't want it to resort to that but otherwise we'd have no chance in the world all right we're now on wave 40 and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sell the monkey village now because that'll give us just enough money funny enough on the 40th wave to get the carrier flag ship and there he isn't all of his glory so let's keep on going here and who knows maybe he could actually pop camo balloons now that he's a fifth tier might be one of those hidden types of abilities Oh either way though we'll see because unfortunately the monkey village isn't able to reach it so we'll leave it be for now but as soon as I see any sign of trouble that it won't be able to pop camo balloons and we're gonna put it right back down but on the off chance well there you go that's all we needed to see there so it's not able to actually do it so we're gonna have to have no choice but to do that so I guess it's a little bit of an abbreviated challenge unfortunately just because he can't pull both pop camos and LEDs at the same time that being said though we're still able to do a tremendous amount of damage and that's gotta count for something right I mean I would assume so Oh right we're here on way 55 so five waves below at the end of medium mode and honestly he's holding all right at the moment but I am kind of afraid when BFBS come in and specifically multiple them so not afraid for around 60 I'm afraid once multiple BFD start pulling in that that's when we're gonna see some absolutely bad times come our way and I think it's gonna be a lot sooner than many of you may think here like this is uh I don't know things don't look mega promising from as far as I can tell but hopefully I'm wrong here I mean you never know every other way fifty-seven done and 58 should be coming up in a second here we're okay holding strong come on pop that other Moab thank you and geez how many Moab's are there my gosh this tower is really holding strong like very much so well here we go fifty nine and then one last one being sixty good ol wave 60 in like two seconds I wonder with a tier five of each of the Buccaneer towers how well it would do mean the merchant man one is virtually worthless but with with just the pirate Lord and this I really wonder how far the two could get by the way we have rad akkada that bfb with a snap of a finger is super easily right now see look they're throwing up multiple blue Moab's at us of traditional Moab's at us and we're able to pop them but when they're done in quick succession they get decently far imagine that with red once that's the problem like I have no doubt that we'll be able to beat wave 80 which is a Z oMG ground just wondering though without any towers on top which by the way let me show you guys real quick the towers on top there's smaller ones can fit so you can Francis put a ninja monkey up there if you wanted to it's just a cool little thing especially on island maps there's one archipelago map and I can't remember the name of it in blue 7-6 in blue seraphim's five I think it's literally just called archipelago which just if you don't know is a series of islands all together so I think they've renamed in this one though but that being said that map would be perfect for someone like this where it's predominantly water you don't have a lot of other places to put things down oh here we go look bunch of bulbs after each other and there's the reinforced ones see look if that's where reinforced modes do imagine having that many red Moab's coming at you it's not a pretty sight definitely not a pretty sight at all all right around 71 is here everybody and we are crushing throws look at all those Moab's all bunched up and although they did a lot of damage to us we definitely stopped them with a plenty of time to save now that's the cool part about this tower is that our monkey aces that come off of the tower could pretty much chase balloons all the way throughout the entire map so that means that all times are under fire there's no point where in the level you're black oh no it's out of range oh no we can there's no chance anymore that just won't happen even if they pass even if all these Moab's pass that aircraft carrier there's still things shooting at it which is really valuable but here we go we have stacked up a red Moab's here or BFBS and nothing really I mean an easy easy roast right there of course 70 and 79 if you watch my videos which by the way you totally should if we do these all the time these blues challenges and if you guys have watched before you'll know I'll say it before I'll say it again 78 and 79 are by far the hardest levels on the road to beating hard mode but here we go this bfb around 74 and it was stopped pretty easily mind you - that was not really that bad all right come on there we go and let's clock in the next one okay there we go stop them there and here's the fortified ones and right and there's another one perfect okay round 76 here can we stop them we did okay three more to go three more real waves to go 77 78 79 like I said 80 is gonna be a complete meme I wouldn't be surprised we're able to take out the Z oMG before it even makes it past this straightaway right off the jump so really not that concerned about it there we go though couple BFBS all stacked up on top of each other whoa this round a particular look that's 77 and I would argue that they're making it further than they ever have before so it makes you wonder also once again bear in mind on this tower you could put a bunch of things at the Ryu's you like to put on top of the top here is monkey apprentice and instead of just putting a normal monkey apprentice down with it what I'll do is I'll turn it into the necromancer so if you get Prince of Darkness not Prince of Darkness I'm sorry the necromancy Prince of Darkness Prince of Darkness which is the upgrade of the necromancer and you put it on top of that Tower I mean literally you're good to last till probably wave 100 plus it's insane I'd even test it out at some point the undead ship I mean it would be pretty tight okay well there we go and boom last real wave and then we just have the one single Z oMG that'll try to come in and ruin our day but I've got a good feeling about this I think I think things are gonna really go our way here in a second and okay see come on one fortified bf or two four two five be FPS to regular and the two regular ones are both pops there now and now we're just on to the fortified ones let's see let's see boom boom and there oh wow like I said furthest they would make it but not that far at all and now watch them completely annihilate the Z oMG I don't foresee this being a problem the slightest but alright there we go keep shredding the layers there is now 60% bed 80% and the final go of it boom and it's been popped and then you have all these BFBS and Moab's and then there it is GG with just the aircraft carrier and this to allow it to hit camo balloons we managed to crush pass what would be the last round of hard mode what an amazing tier 5 tower only 4 21,000 in-game dollars that's a bargain
Channel: JeromeASF
Views: 528,089
Rating: 4.8933539 out of 5
Keywords: Jeromeasf, Jerome asf, pixelmon, bedwars, fortnite, battledome, doodle god, copes and robbers, galacticraft, sky factory 4, Minecraft, risk factions, cookie camp, crazy craft, bloons tower defense 6, bloons, btd battles, btd 6, btd6 tier 5, strategy, btd6, bloons td, btd, btd6 round 100, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd6 impoppable, btd6 5th tier, btd6 best hero, btd6 best strategy, bloons td battles, jeromee, jeromeasf, jeromeasf bloons, jeromeasf bloons td 6, hilarious gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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