Bloomer 20 024 — Authority Abusers Part 1

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[Applause] abuse is everywhere when i say everywhere i do mean everywhere in politics in business in the church family and in relationships today we want to talk about authority abuses the true purpose is in the mind of god today you get back everything the devil's doing forge your sword sharpen your blade what we are experiencing here you can experience right there right now this is spiritual authority [Music] and now bishop george bloomer god bless your bishop george blumen and welcome to spiritual authority today we're going to be talking about a very very significant and important topic some years ago i wrote a book entitled authority abuses you can look at the cover of the book and see it was a big bloomer yeah and the authority that i had over the uh food that was afforded to me i abused it and we're going to talk about authority abuse from several areas today you're going to need something to write with we're going to give you a few scriptures we're going to have a discussion on how to deal with abusive people and you've heard it it's been said before that hurt people hurt people but i want to tell you that some hurt people heal people some hurt people are very very cautious and careful not to make that mistake and inflict the pain and abuse on another that has been hurtled at them so are you ready let's get ready and have a little talk proverbs 16 18 says pride goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before the fall ezekiel 28 13 tells us a huge story of a king of the king of tyre who is over an entire domain countries loyal subjects the head of the armed forces uh the head of the uh the the country's banking system and so on and so forth and god has to put him in place because at some point he begins to believe that he is equal to god and then starts believing that he is god and conveys that thought to his loyal subjects and so the lord says take up a lamentation against the king of tyre and tell him he's in a he's a man and not god now this is significant it's very very important and uh that you that you understand that what is shaping or happening in the natural is indicative of what is going on in the spirit realm by the time we get down to 28 about 13 13th verse we begin to see that the lord is not only speaking to a wicked king who is over the people but he's also speaking to lucifer who somewhere along the line began to believe that he was equal to god like god and now that he and then began to believe that he is god with loyal subjects bowing down committed to worshipping him this is all through the bible and so it says thou has been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was your covering the sardius the topaz the emerald the diamond the cabuncle and somewhere in it it says the workmanship of thy taberns and of thy pipes were prepared in you the day that you were created you are the anointed cherub that covereth and god says you where you are because i have set thee so you were upon the holy mountains of god you walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire in fact you were actually perfect in all your ways until you decided not to be until iniquity was found in you i looked up that word iniquity iniquity is willful deviations from what you know to be the truth of god's word so in order to commit an iniquity you got to know what you're doing and it is willful and intended you intend to do it and so lucifer now is trying to receive and deposit the praise that belongs to god this is ultimately impossible but when you're jealous when you're wicked when you're in the wrong spirit you can't hear see smell taste or touch you're in your own world so the scripture suggests that the beginning of an authority abuser is his or her pride pride goes before the fall and an uncontrollable heady high-minded boasters boast and proud blasphemous type of an attitude goes before destruction goes before the great fall authority can be as intoxicating as liquor in fact i think that authority many times is the worst drug that a person can take they say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely so the making of an authority abuser normally has something to do with a person who is not submitted to any authority and because of that they become a monarchy a dictator a king making their own rules and in many cases making it up as they go i want you to be set free from those devastating demonic chains of the enemy that wants to hold you hostage and place you under the authority of an abusive tongue a condescending tongue a a tongue of rejection a a tongue of inferiority a an insecure tongue and then curse you and you find yourself not be being able to find clear footing under your feet because you have come up under the powers of an authority abuser who is using witchcraft which is intimidation manipulation and domination and you're not free i normally wait a little while to pray but i sense in my spirit that this first segment there are a few of you that need prayer right now because while i'm speaking you're beginning to have physical manifestations because the demon that has been holding this authority and this abuse over your head now knows that he or she has got to let up and loose you from it so in the name of jesus i bind every controlling manipulating and dominating spirit you nasty spirit we bind you in the name of jesus the children of god are not cursed they're blessed for the bible says whosoever god bless is blessed and no man can curse them in the name of jesus we give your name praise the glory and the honor shall be dies the the the operator is going to tell you today how you can get the copy of this book listen victory is coming to your house i'll be back in a few moments to talk to you a little bit more about the making of an authority abuser lift up your head you've just been set free and that spirit has been returned back to the sender so there's going to be a little conflict coming your way because the witches and the warlocks know that the power that you were under has now been broken in jesus name [Music] i grew up under authorities that didn't nurture me but abused me i have to grow into trusting them as an authority so my ideal opinion of authority is damaged when the spiritual leader doesn't lead you to god but rather continues to lead you to himself then your view of god is that man or that woman that is standing before you and not god himself it's amazing how a person won't tell their father or their mother that dad or uncles such and such abused me but would uh go on the mari povich show and share with the entire world and i want to help you get back on target so that you can live a balanced life with jesus write us today and i'll get one of these to you authority abuse breaking the spirit of toxic leadership god wants you to walk free [Music] i wrote this book not so much to expose authority abuses and that was one of the reasons for it i'll tell you a little bit of the story about how this work has come about this has been a work that's been in uh progress for about five six years because i had to deal with several abuses but i also wrote this because i'm a pastor and i wanted to protect my congregation from me if a bad spirit got on me and i decided to go rogue they could identify the spirit of abuse witchcraft that is working or operating in the life of their pastor and say pastor we know that you're under a controlling spirit because you told us you were it was written in your book this has become a a guideline a god real a a a a a a boundary line of of of regard and respect for the children of god it's very very important i grew up in a in a seven-day adventist home and got saved in a pentecostal church grandma and grandfather uh pastor the church in charleston south carolina and the church never grew beyond 20 people or more at a time maybe they had 40 people that was really really good for them grandma operated in the spirit of divination sorcery witchcraft seances etc she had come from a zionist background when i say zionist i don't mean zionist in the um the um israeli uh way i'm talking about a pokemania church uh the the the churches that have some african uh uh roots attached to it they beat drums and turn tables upside down and put fruit in it to raisin of the dead services etc while my grandfather was submitted to god my grandmother i had her own agenda and functioned out of her own agenda she did for whatever reason my grandmother never really really liked me and there was things that was not correct with me like at 12 years old i couldn't tie my shoes at 15 years old i'm still wet in the bed if she would show up to the house she walked around with a heavy spirit that was on her and i was not only frightened by her but petrified by her i couldn't understand it and i desired her to love me but that was impossible for her to do and i guess a little bit of that ran off ran off on her son because i desired that her son which was my daddy would love honor and protect me but he couldn't either for he was an authority abuser he abused my mom he abused my sisters he abused my brothers he abused abused the system of our household he abused us in every sense of the word and so you have a an authority on abuse speaking to you today i can identify that spirit my grandmother started somewhat of a counseling business the women in the community would come because their husbands were doing wrong and wouldn't give them money and she would cast spells on them by putting their names on small little toys little toy dolls and burying them inside flower pots i began to find out that they were buried there retrieved them and i had tons of them in my bedroom the women were coming to the house saying how that that spirit had been broken the spell had been broken my grandmother would argue with them only to find out that i had retrieved those men from the place of bondage brought them into my room and the power of god that was designated for now kicked in then and every toy man that had a name on it that i touched the person who was under the spell was set free by the power of god i cannot begin to tell you what my grandmother said and how my grandmother was so upset she could not understand how for years and years and years spells that she was putting on people wouldn't be broken but but just by me touching certain things things would loose i'll tell you something that i'm not proud of i remember one afternoon grandma bloomer came to me and she said this lady is having some serious serious problems and what i want you to do is i want you to put this hat on and when i tell you when i shake my head when i move my head i want you to go over to her and i want you to put your hands on both of her shoulders stand behind her put your hand on both her shoulders and i want you to pray for her and i remember going i knew not much about prayer didn't know how to pray and i just asked the lord to bless this woman and then my grandmother would throw out words and the words she would throw out i would echo those words and the lady left my grandmother was very very happy and proud when she came to tell me a few days later that the spell the curse that the woman had been under for some reason it had broke and she had carried it through all different types of spell breaking and potions and the burning of incense and the bathing of teas and the bathing of ceremonial potions and so on so forth like that but i was able to touch her and break that curse over her life i send that same touch of the holy spirit through the airways right now that you be set free from every authority abuser that is in your life i grew up under authorities that didn't nurture me but abused me i have to grow into trusting them as an authority so my ideal opinion of authority is damaged when the spiritual leader uh doesn't lead you to god but rather continues to lead you to himself then your view of god is that man or that woman that is standing before you and not god himself it's amazing how a person won't tell their father or their mother that dad or uncles such and such abused me but would uh go on the mari povich show and share with the entire world and i want to help you get back on target so that you can live a balanced life with jesus write us today and i'll give one of these to you authority abuse breaking the spirit of toxic leadership god wants you to walk free [Music] jesus is the first one who is confronted or rather i should say god for those of you who likes things to be placed in order ecclesiastically god is the first one who comes in contact with an authority abuser and this authority abuser his name is lucifer he wants the position of god in heaven and he wants the position of jesus on the earth not only would he meet up with jesus in heaven but he would also meet up with jesus in the realm of the earth in heaven he is son of the morning he's confront trying to confront the bright and mourning star on earth he's the prince the power of the air and he's trying to confront the light of the world it is the conflict that went on from eternity to time it's in time where the battle will be won the battles fought the victory is won and christ will rise up out of the grave with all power in his hand and setting free and making good on every promise that he gave to every believer the three principles of our salvation of our walk with god is christ's virgin birth his sinless life and the resurrection when jesus uh had made his entry into the earth and satan could not kill him couldn't kill him in the womb he couldn't kill him uh at the end he couldn't he couldn't uh wipe out jesus he started going after jesus's assignment when jesus is baptized of john in the jordan the heavens open up and an angel uh comes and says the voice of god comes and says to jesus you are my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased jesus hadn't performed any miracles he hadn't turned water into wine he hadn't raised anyone from the dead none of those miracles had taken place but yet god says i'm pleased with you he said that because he knew that jesus was going to be led of the holy spirit to go into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and during this time of temptation he wanted jesus to know that no matter what you go through i am pleased with you and i'm telling every one of you who have had very very difficult times and have been tried by the enemy and the enemy has challenged you challenged your finances challenged your health challenged your family challenged your marriage challenged your worship inside your church and you feel that all of this is coming from a bad place i want you to understand that god is pleased with you and you already have the victory the victory belongs to you and you shall rise up and walk in the newness of life with power and victory over every authority abuser who has come into your life there are some pastors who are authority abusers they tell you stuff like if you leave this church you're going to be cursed you must understand the difference between the church organism and the church the church the organization and the church the organism if you are a part of the church the body of christ the kingdom of god then the church is within you you are the church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against you you walk in supernatural and unbelievable authority but the enemy will have you to believe that he has power and authority over you and i come to tell you this morning he is a liar and the father of lies and the truth is not in him nor has it ever been in him when the devil challenges jesus up in heaven there's war in heaven when he challenges him down here in the earth jesus says it is written thou shall have no other gods before me thou shalt not bow down to any to at any guard thou shall serve the lord god and him only shall thou serve he knew the word of god and because he knew god's word the abuser and the authority that the person was walking in could not bring jesus up under that authority and so jesus who was led of the holy spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil is now dragged out of the wilderness by angels and a season of refreshing comes upon him but now he's filled with the holy ghost and i want to tell you today that in the place of the abuse that you've been under god is going to send angels to you to refresh you and out of being refreshed by the holy spirit and by the holy ghost you're going to be able to return back to the devil and say to the devil say unto him devil you are defeated you are defeated every everything within your power to try to control me to try to bind me i'm not going to get nasty i'm not going to be mean i'm not going to holler at you i'm not going to lead a campaign against you i'm just going to tell you you have no authority over me in the name of jesus so i command you in the name of the lord jesus christ to understand his word and so the best way to get started is to get your hands on our product for today authority abuser toxic leadership and the effects that it has on you in your home the workplace and the church it's so much in here for you and i know you need it in a time where we are seeing the abuse of authority in politics from both sides democrats and republicans from the white house to the supreme court when you're seeing the abuse of authority in the church house from the catholic church down to the pentecostal to the nominal churches when you see an abuse in the workplace where people refuse to pay you the said wages you need to break free of these curses the atmosphere of abuse godly of godly authorities the making of authority abuser the making of the victim of an authority abuser recognizing authority abuse this book is full with all of the things that you're going to need in order to confront the enemy and i want you to have it as a part of your library and i want you to read it and i want you to pass it on to someone that you know that is under authority abuse that's about all the time we have for today our announcer is coming and when i come back i want to pray with you that we would break the spirit of authority abuse in your life i grew up under authorities that didn't nurture me but abused me i have to grow into trusting them as an authority so my ideal opinion of authority is damaged when the spiritual leader doesn't lead you to god but rather continues to lead you to himself then your view of god is that man or that woman that is standing before you and not god himself it's amazing how a person won't tell their father or their mother that dad or uncle such and such abused me but would uh go on the mari povich show and share with the entire world and i want to help you get back on target so that you can live a balanced life with jesus write us today and i'll get one of these to you authority abuse breaking the spirit of toxic leadership god wants you to walk free from the projects of brooklyn new york to the nations of the world i'm going to take this powerful ministry around the world bishop george bloomer is a best-selling author songwriter [Music] sought after conference speaker he touched two or three people around him and said i need you to help me stay in formation television host but he is also a local pastor in the heart of durham north carolina experience anointed worship prophetic teaching and powerful preaching breakthrough is in north carolina and most of all experienced family at bethel life family worship center life family destiny [Music] father in the name of jesus the word that we speak breaks curses and curses of things that are spoken so i free you from the spirit of abuse the spirit of witchcraft and the spirit of jezebel that have accompanied you and your life in jesus name i never like to leave a program without giving you an opportunity to come to jesus father today save souls lord jesus come into my life forgive me of my sins wash me in your blood you prayed that prayer you just got born again welcome to the royal family hold the number at the bottom of the screen get the product for it today and i'll see you another time on spiritual authority remember today is the beginning of the rest of your life starting now
Channel: AcesHighStudios
Views: 136
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zip0kvSLxOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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