Bloodbath | RimWorld Biotech: Vampire Survivors Ep 10

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New Haven has finally had a little bit of peace and in that peace we have prepared we now have better fortifications defensive positions out the front of our chapel and our place of worship has been separated from our place of rest as the two don't go so well together and out the back we've secured a little bit of warmth warmth to grow just some hay grass and some potatoes enough to keep our animals fit during this long long night and of course it is still a long night while the temperatures outside aren't all that bad we haven't had the sun in a long time and for sangrophages that's okay but it's going to have an impact on all of the life here on this planet some great entity some great force has blotted out the Sun a massive creature out there in the dark planet it's not safe and I think Jonathan knows that in his heart while the bevents have found some form of safety here they have also had a lot of loss the forces that originally guided them to this planet here and that gave them the gift of the blood it was everything that Jonathan Lillian and Edith could have ever wanted it's what they dreamed for back on Earth but now what is left Jonathan is to secure some kind of safety for his young ones and to allow that bloodline to continue he's going to have to make some pretty big moves in returning to hexam well that's just the start of it Kyoto legionnaires raikon here and welcome back to rimworld where we have two things right off the bat which we're probably going to want to have a look at first of all Charlie's wants to join us one of the folks who sought out Refuge here and while it would be nice to have her on board she's super passionate about plants and she is a worshiper of the blood I don't think that this is a place for humans and yeah we could turn her into a single phage but this is meant to be a Haven not a city and while they have helped us so far I think we are going to be saying no for now but we appreciate you wanting to stay I mean the thing is we do take care of our own here um it's just if you aren't one of our own well I suppose you're still taking care of just in a different way uh now we do have a combat supplier here and also a quest Ollie who was a stragoy is calling from nearby yeah I don't trust her Ollie I don't trust her and I'm also I have this feeling this sneaky suspicion in the back of my mind that's our boy Jack Dodge AKA Yannick is already making moves towards us who are Booker one of the strigoi is very much aware that we are here and that information no doubt has been passed back on to Big Daddy strawberry let's see if we can pick up anything from the combat supplier anyway as there is going to be blood spilled no way is there another Scarlet Edge there is if we could get Missy rocking that those two would be a deadly deadly combo together I'm willing to sell a lot for that we'll see if we can make it honestly the cataphract armor as well would be amazing but it's gonna take a lot for us to reach that point okay I think we can make it work without the cataphract armor but we have to sell a lot to be able to get there that's gonna be worth it we're even selling an advanced component here yeah we can just just afford that oh and Grace I appreciate you hauling that about there thank you let's see Missy I I want you to look up that now of course Missy is a fantastic shot that much is true but sang with ages they do their best work in melee and oh boy with Missy and picks using those blades they are going to be a deadly Duo and then of course we have Jonathan who has his uh yeah Masterwork charge sniper rifle hmm so good now I was making some combat knives we just had some Masterworks drop because I was going to have Missy just do wield them but Scarlett age that's gonna be very good now I don't think we're going to want to make a move just yet not until we've finished the current Quest that we have ongoing the Vagabonds they're going to be departing in 24 hours there's still a chance that they might turn on us before then but yeah we'll let that uh we'll let that go for now and checking back in on our little uh toxic issue down here they're just chilling out they're totally fine and we've got more toxic waste packs that are just wasting away over here yeah um the pollution has been spreading I think let's see um oh boy yeah no it's certainly spread um we can actually kind of see where stuff's died off a little bit I think yeah oh yeah those trees gray Pines yeah they're not doing so hot rip thorn cool I guess it actually twists and turns the plant growth that we have gray grass very cool and I mean you can kind of you can actually see it here just the smog nice little detail oh and you know what I think we can actually keep these doors open currently because it is summer and even though we don't have the Sun the temperature is okay outside and at the moment 52 degrees is a little bit too hot lifter um can I get you to move through that no I can't Freya we'll just get you to go and open those doors oh yeah you did it in the end for us anyway didn't you thank you lifter and so now the temperature in there should should start to drop down from you know the highs of 50. oh oh would you look at that a raid from the poison gang um arriving over here oh you you fools you fools are you gonna okay well they haven't activated it yet okay they're making their way on up towards us well it's literally gonna be Jonathan Jonathan out there with his rifle uh we could get some of the others as well they're sleeping right now we'll let them sleep we've got Missy impex ready to jump into The Fray but yeah we'll just see how Jonathan handles himself and obviously our friends here they're gonna be able to help us out too so Jonathan oh oh oh they were coming from up this way as well actually you know what Hold Your Position there that is perfectly fine yeah so they came from multiple directions and of course we know it's not going to go well for them oh yeah that is unfortunate oh there's another one there as well watch out for the grenade yeah looks like there might be a few bodies left over after all the said and done oh dear what a shame what a shame it looks like Jonathan's pretty happy here but we'll pop up a little bit further we'll see if we can get an angle on our mate back here can we not oh really yeah no you're able to you're able to get him and they are fleeing oh okay the auto Cannon finally got to do something it looks like they are all fleeing at this stage good get on out of here be gone and you know what we do have one drain casket we was you know ready for someone uh let's well I guess we need to capture you first yep there we go we'll start the capturing process the fight's still on going down here they're trying to make a retreat I don't think they're gonna get away oh lifter it's okay we'll see to you and Jonathan let's see can we um okay you can enter the dream casket we don't want that we'll see if we can put him in there there we go carry to the drain casket now even though um you're bleeding out I think that the drain casket is going to be able to take care of that because it kind of just you know keeps you alive death in one hour just in case just in case Jonathan let's go and heal him and we're gonna have to reject you to do that but that's fine all right so there are hey hey thank you Randy um there are quite a few people that are currently downed uh we want to make sure that we're finishing them off and I suppose it would make sense for us to go and use a psychic now on at least one of them right yeah Jonathan let's get you out here let's get you doing that Missy you're kind of okay at the moment but still I think it's worth it and we'll just let everyone else just go about their days okay so death nail here thank you and Jonathan death knell here excellent and of course let's get them finished off yeah so unfortunately a few of our allies didn't make it through that but you know such as life on the rim freyja Freya just dyed her here I think what I didn't even know that was something that you could do but yeah that's not free as a normal hair color um okay interesting new look for you Freya I guess we had enough dye to make that happen yeah okay and we do have The Styling Station down here but then it's not the starlings I thought it was like the barber table or something like that or maybe it's a glitch who knows but um good for you I have noticed something interesting about Freya she has proposed to Jonathan quite a few times now and it hasn't gone yeah which you know that's fair it really really hasn't been that long now what are you doing are you just dying equipment recoloring apparel okay you are I guess in the construction project that we have going up here is a deep drill which is sitting right on top of some place steel and there we are the refugees are leaving thank you you know you guys did a great job in helping this place get built you also help to defend it as well oh you're still you're injured huh you got into a a brawl with pigs I mean that that's gonna happen um let's just rescue you for now we'll make sure that you get a bit of treatment that we treat you okay and that will send you on your way as soon as you're good enough to walk but I suppose now now's the time that we need to start having a look outside of here of course we want to make sure that we keep our animals nice and fed and we want to make sure that we have enough food for the road we have more than enough simple meals at the moment and of course we are gonna have even more now that we have all of these folks down here picks oh boy you're going to be busy aren't you now having a look at our world map of course hexham is just over here are we ready to attack hexam I think we're close we gotta be right the longer that we wait the more that we let them prepare the more danger we'll find ourselves in interestingly enough the impedes that were the target of lilian's original Crusade have not shown up again so the Crusade was a victory except it was one that did not net a Ben the husband of Edith oh look at that we've got ourselves another horse now I think something that we need to keep in mind with the planet being in this kind of Perpetual Darkness even though on on the map it's it doesn't work there is something blotting of the sun some great thing over that right now and long term that's not great so we need a solution and there is a solution it's all the way down here at the ass end of the world a landed ship a ship that Jonathan heard about way back when he was in Hicks him a friendly A.I named Charlie Whitestone had sent a message oh and that's the Vagabonds gone so that's successful but that is a way off of this world however there's only so many seats it's something that we will come to but first of all first of all there's hexam and yeah those vagabonds they're safe and sound so then we are going to be hitting the road New Haven has been just that a Haven well sometimes not always oh free you've changed your tattoos as well yeah she's she's rocking these changes right now and of course we've still not found a way to bring dear grunt back and that is something that is present in Jonathan's mind I don't think he's gonna leave this planet not without grunt not without Lilian her remains he doesn't know what happened to them there's still a chance that hope is alive still in the back of his mind and so well how are we going to do this I think there's only one way to do it Jonathan Missy picks and even freyja will be leaving New Haven leaving it and the capable hands of Delilah who's going to be able to take care of Yuko and BOGO while we are gone we don't know how long we're going to be gone for and Freya she's non-competive she is a pacifist but she will be there for Jonathan for Missy for picks all the way and I feel like that solar flare that's a sign it's time to hit the road so it seems we can see it Riders and we still have carrying capacity left over that's good we're we're going to need it I do Wonder 44 energy is that enough I mean slows us down ever so slightly but it means that we can carry more I think we're gonna need every Edge we can get with a mark 30 meals to be taken with us and we're gonna bring hemogen 1.1 days to get there that's not bad it's time to get ready Jonathan Freya Missy picks pack your bags oh and they're already heading to the edge of the map Freya is so fast on that horse and Randy has gifted us a charge rifle uh just cuz okay well Delilah is non-combative but Yuko most certainly is combative uh once you're done resting that's all yours I think this is all of them there they go and thankfully the solar flare has come to an end which is good means our Bots can move about and also our two young ones have woken up Yuko go and claim your prize I'm just noticing that we have 88 packs in our human Network at the moment very nice I think for that reason we're gonna keep them all like topped off like near max amount of Imogen looks like our Travelers are about halfway at this point and they are ecstatic so happy to be out on the road we can see that uh well evening is chasing them but I think we're going to be able to get there before the end of the day having a look at our needs yeah we're not gonna need to sleep before then and we have arrived no no okay well I am just as shocked as I'm sure the rest of you are I did not anticipate this in the slightest and now look sometimes freaky things happen with room world and that's happened in this instance Freya is a stragoy again and she's in the same outfit it's like everything before was a glamor at least that's the way that I'm gonna look at it but hey welcome back to hexam it's been a while huh look at this place and well there are enemies here there is blood on the floor still there are oh so many enemies first of all there is Freya no picks Jonathan I'm sorry picks with Scarlet Edge in hand killed Freya missing heart yeah that'd do that this is the same Freya yup oh my heart no it's almost like returning back to here the influence that Yannick had over her returned she is literally missing her heart no pulse heart destroyed pics yeah Freya Valentine is no more okay well we need to do something there are enemies here we don't know exactly where they are yet we're not going to zoom in we don't know who we're going to be fighting we don't know who we're going to be facing it looks like some of the defenses have been destroyed since we've been here last the first thing we're going to need to do though is get through these doors and you know what we might just be able to get through let's start moving and I'm also thinking can we not Mount up poor condition yep okay well I guess not I guess we're doing this on foot through the gates we go our animals are just going to be roaming in as well let's stay focused we need to start moving down they might not be fully aware of what is here yet but if Yannick is as powerful as we think he is he would have felt that Ripple he would have felt his loss of control of Freya we still don't see anyone yet Edith Edith is the first and there's a blood Scarab attacking someone back at home really okay thank you Skippy that's the least of our concerns right now right now we have the Edith making her way out to face us she is carrying with her her Persona Hammer Justice bender and she's followed by everyone else okay now now I'm even more confused was the Freya that was with us all along just a doppelganger they're all here Suarez runestone shivo Salah ballet course sinus Prime Eric Bell rabbit ghoul malicept blint wine tomboy gazetto Angelica Elena rip went to Dallas oh boy well we have our work cut out for us I don't know if and when they're going to start attacking us but maybe the tunnels the tunnels would be the best way right lead them into there yup let's start moving if Jonathan is able to fight from the side here I think that would work out best for us as soon as they make their way out across the water I mean we might be able to get a few shots in beforehand that could be the smartest way to do it for now these two just need to remain back here Jonathan is going ahead we're gonna see what if any kind of a shot we can get he's gonna have to get a little bit closer before he can take a shot at his friend Edith she was the one who started all of this a headshot another good shot there her armor is thick but Jonathan Jonathan is very good at what he does Edith is already broken runestone firing back okay Edith runestone is down another shot clinking off of eat of sama but Yannick Yannick is the true threat right now Jonathan though the absolute Beast that he is is doing a fantastic job he can go invisible and he's probably going to need to in just a moment's time but right now he is doing good okay Jonathan that's it we're gonna jump back now time to move get some distance Yannick is making his way up to face them as well they're all moving out in this procession and right now it's working in our favor we can pick off a few of them at a distance here Jonathan has been clipped we're gonna need to send the others in soon back to the tunnels Jonathan we need to get you healed Freya Freya they're going for the tunnels as well are they fleeing they might be trying to we're not going to let Yannick get away Missy picks let's get you moving Jonathan we're gonna go for whoever's left down there where the heck is Yannick going he's just moving around at the moment these two are fast I think they're going to be able to get down there before well I hope before the others can make their way through here proper we're gonna jump down Missy PEX we're gonna be getting you to jump as well leaping down and leaping in we're gonna have to get into The Fray right into the thick of it we can't afford one of those shots hitting us messy up and over PEX we're gonna have to do the same with you picks again another is that a hard shot again it is right that's the second time in one day their pecks has killed Freya Valentine time to move up my friend time to move up as they are moving in shots are coming in from behind Jonathan is picking them off at the front Yannick is here as well but we have good Fighters here as well ah are they gonna be able to do this just by themselves I don't know seeing the piercing spine out Missy shoot Missy's down injured injured but not killed not yet hang in there bleeding out in four hours while she just lost her toe and janika's picks yannick's pigs in his eyes pix time to move it's it's smart about this wait be patient janak is near here they're jumping around now as well the opportunities are nearly here picks his execution ability is on cooldown at the moment he's got a good shot on Eric there okay Eric is down launch a spine a Jack come on okay that was towards Bell could have been worse for now we'll just have to jump ahead damn it his human is low that is not what we want Jonathan we're gonna need you to start moving picks you need to get out of there move now quick okay we still have a chance to get ahead of Yannick and there is also a chance a small one that will be able to get an execution off on him execute yeah yeah okay we just need to wait for that right opportunity to present itself looks like he's gonna have to come this way we will take it we will take it Missy hang in there Jonathan is bleeding but he's still alive oh pixel pics okay Belle's gone past okay this is it this is it this is the time get in there my son Yannick there we go execute take him out picks I think we can get one jump off here up and over he's down pigs is down Jonathan you better move and you better move quick let's get into that position there okay back over the other side you're the last line of defense now you cannot let you cannot let him flee come on not like this there is one thing yet that we can try Yannick you are the true threat the others what they would like but our fight is with you shot after shot Angelica just as old as Yannick wait here passing him by his fleeing we'll do what we can Jonathan Elena the Aryan Tyler wolf Angelica's armor is holding the others have made it away fell fall into the ground Dallas will get away Jonathan's not stopping not yet the Aryan you're not fighting back the others were fighting back the Aryan isn't fighting back you have a rifle you can't fight us [Music] I hate I hate to come to this let him go no let him go it's yeah Missy slipped into death rest a psychic death now a final note yeah ignite just like that his mind crushed by that of Jonathan's he is well and truly dead now [Music] but I suppose we have to be sure don't we well and truly sure the others fight is not with them not even with Edith the one who killed Lillian she's already in death rest was she acting upon her own volition or was it that of Jack Dodge even Angelica how long has this dragoi pulled her strings the rest of them will live picks you ain't gonna go into death rest yet my son you will live young one let's get to Missy too passing by passing by the remains of freyja what is that it's a Man Hunter pack it's a Man Hunter pack 50 one cougars tunnel you're staying out there [Music] I don't know if that's gonna come if they're gonna yeah they are gonna come for you I'm I'm sorry about this tunnel we're not moving anywhere not anytime soon Jonathan get your kids to safety as for the other as well ah well back here at least things are good there were visitors and everyone else is happy and well here we have two bodies belonging to Freya Valentine this one here though this one here had no care for Jonathan So within this prayer this was a Freya son grunt well then what happens to the others that are here if we can save them we will I think with Jonathan's Brilliance he will be able to do that lilian's Gene lab is still here ocarin safe and sound locked up and here for now and baby the child of ethereon and Tyler wolf you will be cared for but all of this all of this will take time how an ocarin you're really gonna try and fight us here no you're just gonna try and pass by Lord hey Jonathan what did we say about this no firing at will or well just ignore thank you or don't I guess let's go get picks so yes there is no way to leave the map from the north not with all of this not right now but Missy and picks they will not remain here as I was saying earlier this world is lost Jesse hey many of the members of this Colony are lost as well one by one Jonathan will be able to save them his own genome can be used to help save them because even with Yannick did he still seems to hold some form of sway of Therian still moving still trying to leave drawn to some distant sight leaving her child her baby behind so legionnaires it is with that we will be drawing things to a close today as Jonathan passes by a version of someone he had come to trust and care for and look at that picks us up and about after all and believe it or not right now of his own volition he has walked into the body of Freya one of the freyas perhaps even the original the one that he killed with his own hands he's laying her to rest I don't know where he will bury her but he is still showing this maternal figure of his care even after all the Betrayal and death ah yes there is a lone grave open in the caves to the Southwest still no sign of Lillian hit Jonathan's linked to her was strong the heart knows still lifeless This Is No Death rest a true death just like he's experienced with others it's been an episode of life and death the drones of Yannick those under the influence of his blood they failed today the blood of event still flows but as we know Yannick is only just a small part of that danger the stragoy that fell from the Stars when we first left hexham there's more going on above our heads than we know while Jonathan was carrying Leon to a place of well dignity away from that sarcophagus it seems It's All Too Much a mental break but there is no one here to kill the prisoners are locked safely away the blood rage will pass and when it does made to save the others instead his children off on a journey to True safety away from this forsaken World in on their way back home back to Earth but that legionnaires is for the next episode so please do join me then in what may be our final episode of this of the sang with age saga no doubt more twists and turns await us if you enjoyed today's episode please consider leaving a comment or a like to let me know if you enjoyed the show as for now I have been rikon you have all been awesome and until next time stay and finally I would like to extend a great big thank you to the Legion on patreon who continue to make this content possible
Channel: Rycon
Views: 2,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimhammer, Rimworld, Rimworld of Magic, Necromancer, Seeking Sovngarde, Manos, Lich, Warhammer, Modded, Solo, Chaos Wastes, Ironman, Skyrim, Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Lord of the Rims, Let's Play, Indie, Simulation, Rimworld Review, Rimworld Tutorial, Rimworld Tips, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Walkthrough, Rimworld Game, Rimworld Download, Survival, Survivor, Raid, Mods, rycon, rycon roleplays, medieval times, rimworld best mods
Id: VhZ6TXFig9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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