Blood at Sundown | Western | HD | Full Movie in English

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[Music] [Music] [Music] no has these men have vowed to get even one way or the other old MC's life is Happ well you better get a gasket ready for [Music] him [Music] w [Music] [Music] do you remember this place McDougall it's exactly where we met the last time my friend better have a look at what you did to me you Chang me into a man's sentence to life in a wheelchair paralyzed and each one of us has a bullet to remind you to make you wish you had never been born McDougall this is your finish I'm going to make this A Day to Remember remember Roo what's holding you up [Music] [Applause] Roo L [Music] is [Laughter] is [Music] [Applause] to his to [Music] [Applause] his [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] father to his to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] his [Music] oh Senor Sam I just saw Steven magal St I'm an old damn fool you won't P me no heed now Senor Lopez Senor Lopez Steven McDougal's back in town so he's come back get back into town come [Music] on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] three would you mind telling me what in tarnation you're up to now Jose this makes no sense sen your Sam putting all those names on a blank wall only to cross them off later like you do it's no business yours you know ain't no one these here part has the authority I register everything that goes on the deaths and the births now get back those cases right away hold up boys we got to say hello to the only Authority in this St Manuel what on Earth could the liks of you want with me since you are the only representative of the law we got to pay you our respects I won't have you making fun of the law you [Laughter] hear I let me down you you sh rers it [Music] [Applause] down someday I'll show you for to laugh last when I H you off to the [Music] graveyard [Music] Steven Uncle Andy Steven's back oh Sten you been I've been wishing with all my heart you come back I was as [Music] well [Music] he must be tired and I guess he's hungry too I'll fix him a bite to eat been to the cemetery did they give you a Furlow did they Stephen right that without authorization yeah nothing but then how you can see for yourself Steven we're saddened by this just as much as you your Paul was my brother but what you're intending to do will just bring us all disgrace Revenge son will only cause more sorrow for us in the cemetery three of lopes' men tried to kill me this afternoon how long can Lopez get away with it the money is all there and the rifles have already been delivered I've been worried about you son what took you so long Hernandez he tried to hold out on us claimed he wasn't fad enough and I good work my Sona why do you look so sad fer I brought you something they will look beautiful on you take them Manuel Steven mcdougall's back Steven so he's back he's already murdered three three of our best men first thing tomorrow morning we'll have to pay him a little visit and then we'll put steepen out of the way once and for all I know I could count on you to take care of it I'm proud of you you are always a good son and now let's have a drink I want to talk to you about Jerry the American he's coming today with a new shipment but this time I don't count on paying him well we don't pay him [Music] then ly did you have any trouble getting here nah I bet you die flam hot but aside from that okay and cool up thanks howy Lopez how are you today jry I hope you're going to offer me a fair price come on get those won unloaded Senor Lopez this job's a pretty risky business you're aware that if I get hey I'm well aware of this any left two more you boys take a rest the others will finish the job ain't no about us I'll show you fellas where you can wash up yeah but I'm allergic to water don't worry we got plenty of wine too now you talking my lingo I guess you like a drink Jerry no your father don't want to pay the price he promised I made up my mind and besides last time I was cheated I am just getting even I ain't cheated no one Lopez pay me the price agreed upon or else I'm running out of patience I'm going to have to take back the guns load it back up boys [Applause] don't anyone touch [Music] anything [Music] oh [Music] [Music] Steve what do you want around here I want you to listen to me Ste before there's more Bloodshed I came here because I love you my father's been killed and I'm going to give the Lopez is the same chance they gave my father you might as well go nothing you can do will change my mind you speak as if I had a part in his murder is it my fault that my name is Lopez I pleaded with him not to do it but I couldn't make him listen and I can bear to think that someday it might happen to you one man cannot fight him alone Steve that's enough I've listened to your seron now leave me in [Music] peace [Music] a what do you want seor Lopez uh I just want to say it has been a long time since I have seen my family would you let me go see them a few days what's the matter does mdou scare you you're a worthless rat Roo you're being paid to stay here and do as I tell you and don't forget you swore with arrest to put a bullet in McDougall but you know yourself Sor Lopez I never wanted any part of me it it is going to be difficult to get rid of St that's no Affair of yours Roo he'll be taken care of if you try to escape I won't take pity on you or any member of your family St St it's me my come on out you hear me [Music] Steven look Landing take cover no Steven stay here keep out of the [Music] way [Music] overhead he's going to trap my way [Applause] m [Music] all [Music] he [Music] he [Music] yeah [Music] w you are fast when it comes to shooting an unarmed man aren't you men Sam Sam pick up that stone over there it's a very old custom in this town remember it you ought to I want to see just how Brave you are now you got your chance St throw it in the air Sam and take cover [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] oh [Music] Lopez do you hear me Lopez it's Steven McDougall I brought you your son can through you you swine you murdered my son you never thought I'd do it did you Lopez if you came here to murder me too do it right now course you won't get another Dan but you'll have to murder me first it takes a real coward To Kill a Man In Cold Blood he's got a real point there right Lopez Lopez you got two days to pack and leave these parts and if you listen to what I tell you you better go too pillar I'll make you sorry for this McDougall you can better on what are you doing with those things it'll be better if we get out right now listen to me Steven stop before it's too late Lopez will kill us all if we don't leave now please come with us Steven I'm begging you I'm so afraid I'm sorry it has to be like this Judy something's known away inside of me I couldn't make you understand nothing can make me change my mind now not even you you can go ahead with Uncle Andy I'll catch up with you when I'm finished Steven if you stay here and go through with this you're no better in my eyes than Lopez what you're planning is impossible we'll all be hunted down like dogs but why do you have to go onkill [Music] him [Music] yeah [Music] please forgive me of course I didn't mean to hurt you Sten I didn't mean all those things I said outside I'm sorry I know try to forget it everything will be all right I want McDougall dead don't forget it you murdered my son Manuel so be careful he's dangerous well that ain't no problem at all senior Lopez you know us better than that don't you yeah it'll be buzzing bit before you go back ey I'm going to like this job Lopez and get going come on boys I think it's time for a little celebration take this for now here good hey ain't you coming with us to town no I'll see you boys after a while okay [Music] done [Music] [Laughter] you're blocking out way Grandpa two BS now hurry up this s is like a cemetery aren't you boy [Laughter] superstitious [Laughter] Steve mcdou how long you've been in town boy how's it been going F get back to the ranch tell my brother to get down here and be quick about it there's something here I think would interest him have a drink on a house Steven thanks I could use something Steven there's something important you should listen to how's business been John things been a lot different since the last time you came in here [Laughter] [Music] Steph would you be Steven mcdou I'm referring to you Mr [Laughter] Stu me another bottle John I think it's time for a little fresh air I'll go too you ain't going nowhere what come again you heard what I said you come abily Lopez tells us that you killed his son with a bullet in the back so that's what Lopez says is everybody's got to look out for his own half not everybody is as fast as you are when it comes to fancy play with a gun that's how come Lopez is paying his good money to get you out of the [Laughter] way Gringo Gringo what do you want we found Steven McDougal where in the saloon your brother is waiting for you to finish him off come on it looks like there's nobody better than you shooting bottles but a moving Target isn't the same thing what do you mean you know what I [Music] mean just toss that bottle in the air [Music] [Music] why are you hanging on to me Steven oh Steven there was a time there was a time when I was young Sam come Dr this everybody's heard your story before come on take it Steven [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you know where we can find Steven McDougall no sir hey there old come try to rest you you better get out of here as quick as you can son get out there and stall them all all right wait hey if anything goes wrong you can find me at the big rck leave everything to me I know all about him this guy you better tell me where he's hid where is Steven where you don't talk or break your nose that ain't all I'm running out of patience all right what's going on here who did this it was Steve McDougal did it it was only in self-defense and I'm a witness hey you what are you doing this gun belonged to my brother Lieutenant it's got a sentimental [Music] value forget your hey Sam you heard anything yet no ain't heard nothing if anything happened around here and you don't know about it you make sure nobody else knows about it why you know I don't know nothing John but if you got something to say be quick with it cuz I a can sit around here gossiping all day all right s you get on when you wor so long slim slim I'm coming sir you will go along with them you can me S Lopez head straight for the Border but take the South bypass so you won't have to go through tow continue on South till you get to the river right sir that's where you'll find seor Rodriguez and don't turn over the guns till you get all the money all right I'll pay you plenty slim as soon as you get this little job done thank you sir all right boys let's go [Music] by [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I I'm lieuten RIS I regret to say that it's my duty you don't have to tell me but C's not here now and nobody knows where he is sorry it's orders Sergeant search through the house and check the out buildings so you're Steven mcdougall's sister huh can I make you a cup of coffee Lieutenant no thank you I can't figure out what made him dessert like that he was always a good soldier the Lopez gang killed our father 17 men and each one put a bullet through him Steve came back to get even I'm sorry I would have liked to got to know you better it's unfortunate we had to meet this way the house is empty Lieutenant Miss McDougall I'm sorry but I got orders to arrest your brother and ERS or ERS Denning stay and watch the house yes sir I'm leaving you in charge here [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going answer me tell me where your brother is spit it up tell me where he's hiding better talk you hear answer me or I'll beat it out of here playing Captain Mouse huh you should have took my advice you know now you're going to come with us then he'll come to [Music] me get rid of the old man's body and catch up with us [Music] get looks like Lopez's man Lieutenant come over here now I'm beginning to understand about Lopez Drew Mount up and right out to mcdougall's Ranch relieve denning's guard and tell him to come back out here yes sir I've got a little present for you Senor Lopez I'll brought you McDougall all right get out last time I laid eyes on you you were no more than a child yes you have the face of your father where is your brother where is he just don't give us any trouble or I'll be forced to ruin that lovely face put her in the back Ro and stay with her that was a pretty good idea Gringo there's something else I want to talk about toor Lopez but right now I'm real thirsty why you offer me a bottle of wish or [Music] [Applause] [Music] thing [Music] [Music] go inside keep on playing Welcome to my rench lieutenant is there something I can do for you yes I think there is then may I ask you and your men to have a drink while we talk about it no thanks it's against our orders we have important business to attend to do you know Steven McDougall you came looking in the wrong place he murdered my son he wouldn't have the nerve to come here he's a man who thinks only about revenge he would do anything for blood so take my advice Len be very cautious is's a murder that had put a bullet in your back thanks a lot for telling me you're welcome whenever you want Lieutenant thanks the fiest is over for now you had something to say where is he [Music] [Laughter] he stand up I'll make you talk tell me where I'll keep on beating you if you don't tell me where your brother is I'm going to kill you with my bare hands stop it if you go on taring this helpless girl I'll make you sorry for I was just trying to make her tell where Steven is if it's any of your [Music] business you turn Judy over to that filthy vulture stop it before they kill her let's hope she talks before she dies don't blame it on the girl father she had nothing to do with it my son was was murdered by a McDougall so don't you expect any pity and compassion from me what possible good can come from this violence why is it so important to you to take revenge on Steven how much longer can this Feud go off it seems so completely senseless I thought by now you would have forgotten about that swine and now you take his side against me I despise th just as I despise everyone who has no respect for Humanity father why are you so determined to continue killing don't make things worse nobody can bring back man get out you've got a customer bartender so pour me a drink make it a double Mighty ugly Affair Sam your whole life's an ugly Affair I'll tell you lieutenant Driscoll says Steve murdered one of his soldiers St what do you think of it no ST wouldn't go murder no soldiers I know it I'd stick my life for it he didn't do it Jose where's my rifle wake up I need my rle ain't you got nothing to do better than sleep I thought you were supposed to finish off L's coffin you look so comfortable yes up you better be busy fixing that Carriage how you going out late it's none of your business that girl's as stubborn as a mule could beat her to death before she talk besides Lopez seems like P's always butting in for McDougal you had the perfect chance to kill him right in your hands and you let him trick you it'll Steven mcdou kill my brother and don't you ever forget it so if you're counting up your losses just counted I paid as much as you I forget nothing I just want to get this business over with I do will gave me a time limit before I have to get out we'll be waiting for him I don't believe he'll come here now I'm sure he's probably keeping low to avoid those soldiers Lopez s Lopez I spotted Steven McDougall up around the old mine I might have known it's the only possible Hideout for miles around Gringo take some men with you and make sure he doesn't escape don't you worry Senor Lopez come on [Music] [Music] no [Applause] I shots are coming from over there let's [Music] [Applause] [Applause] go soldiers are coming let's get out of here [Music] bov come [Music] [Music] on [Music] he [Music] [Music] there is something I must tell to you JY no P there's nothing to be said it's about th when he murdered my brother I despised him I never wanted to see him again but now I know I could never stop loving him JY I'd give up my life to save his I did everything I could to make peace between our families but the Lopez and the Mugo still kept on killing this foolish struggle of hatred and blood has got to stop Judy tell me where to find Steven no you must it's the only way out for us well we found Steven with do well well what happened he'd be dead right now if it hadn't been for that fool Lieutenant nosing in can't you do anything right can't you you're nothing but a worthless rat I'll get someone else to do it you trying to tell me the part's over cuz if you got any ideas that you want to ditch us first you got to pay me for my brother I already gave you more than you deserve now leave [Music] here [Music] hello dirty [Laughter] scum come on I'm the new boss and I pay plenty we better get out of here before somebody comes Steven St where on earth youve been hiding yourself I've been looking at Old Carn for I'm talk out i't as young as you are you know and what are you act like such a hotthead for what do you mean by that Steven it was a damn full thing to kill that poor soldier boy I said what did you mean that what soldier why the one that Lieutenant left to guard your house don't you remember that boy but if you didn't work then some other B must have done it Julie and Uncle Andy but I thought you took them all with you Lopez but whatever makes you say that you don't think the L Pleasant ever turn Nation St what good will it do to take that girl with us we can use it when we get to the board and after that I'll kill her myself just like M kill my brother come on hurry up you're keeping us [Music] [Music] company [Music] e look [Music] [Music] I pray that you would come to me St me please please it's better then it's done Theo do the to the Border they talk the B to this dying please St hold me yours please please kiss me for the last St [Music] Sten see I finally got even one those S PES I deserved it you're wrong I didn't yet that damn Gringo did it they've taken Judy prisoner and headed off with it toward the Mexican Bo catch up with [Music] [Music] him [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you sure about this Sam of course I'm sure and remember Lieutenant that nobody can say that I lie hey you better hurry up cuz stepen might be in bad trouble let's go hey hey wait wait Lieutenant wait for me stepen might need my help okay I'm coming with [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you hear that yeah [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] ah [Laughter] [Music] stay right re McDougall throw your guns on the ground or I'll kill your sister MC Google you are plenty are you're going to settle it with me this time get down off that horse I said get down keep him covered [Music] Roo now we we going to have a little fun McDougall you take a deep breath cuz you ain't going to be breathing much longer you know that trick you used to kill my brother that is a real interesting little trick with them bottles wasn't it when I do I'm starting first no [Music] I'm going to watch you suffer slow I going to watch you squirm in the dust begging for mercy on your knees Steven Roo better say your prayers Roo and now it's your turn [Music] McDougall one more bullet left friend to put between your [Laughter] [Music] [Music] eyes [Music] D thank you you've been very brave [Music] JY your finished killing now MCD hand over your gun okay I'm ready to go with you but he's hurt Lieutenant he needs to be looked after don't you worry about it Miss Judy he's not serious he'll be all right in a few days that's who killed Uncle Andy and one of your soldiers yes I know for a moment I suspected that Ste St was guilty too well come on St hey St so you finish from haven't riding this Rattle Trap all day but seeing you alive is worth the FP out here Julie s bring you home don't worry about it Miss Julie it won't be long until you have your brother [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there
Channel: Movie360
Views: 802,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eV0eEsCZqRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 0sec (5100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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