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foreign [Music] took some pics sending them to a source for confirmation all right once uh snow reaches the side I'm team Dead Drop and we have confirmation that the suitcase is secure we can all breathe a little easier till then I'll settle for a visual confirmation on the device cops looks like the whole Department's Department right about now now we did leave a mess look kid I know what this office cost you and your team I know it's testing your faith in me right we do work for the same lady my orders are different than yours but fighting for the same prize getting open shot to take out eidolon [Music] it's gravy now the opposite success stop the loose nuke from being detonated on U.S soil I don't know about that I'm of the opinion that aylin's a smart guy I think there might be more than one bomb and the thing about smart people is as smart as they are they always just a stupid and uh they learn things you can throw down a lot of smoke nobody could see through it but you're wrong but look at the pictures we got a match one down tell you Ken I got your back see you know what people should realize when you're working together somebody moves independently I always need tracks in here [Music] we got company hold on thank you hurt help me all right man stand up let's talk I need to talk to you who's between you and Elon damn you what you did see I had the gun in his face man we gotta get out of here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you think eidolon was behind the hit on you tonight absolutely one million percent he knew everything beforehand and I kind of knew he knew but I just kind of want a confirmation and I got that now but idle I knew that we'd get the nuke why would he let that happen obviously there's a lot you know that you're not telling us obviously that's kind of the nature of the Intel game see that's what Intel is like We Gather Intel and we try to build a picture well one thing for sure elon's has somebody on the inside pulling string for a long time in the list of who that could be is dwindle down to just about nothing you hear on another note just wanted to come out and say this when it comes to Finch everybody's very sorry man it always hurts remember the thing over Disney when you join our team you pick up the gun you put on a flag Jack and you get out there in the field as soon as you make that decision you and your loved ones all know you might not come back you can walk into the kitchen you got to be ready for the Heat and that's the way it is so we're more in a loss but it's a few we all chosen here all right speak to me baby I had to put a system on automated search while she was in the field so the hashish teen team that returned to the hawala for Hassan did she get any hits on their identities well sort of kind of almost we uh have soft operators you know hard assassins we just don't know exactly where they came from yet but we're getting close wow there's something you said I don't want it only one shot at getting this nuke well yeah maybe one shopping at the same time we just don't know how many nukes there are let me guess you had her run a search on snow yeah she managed to do a pretty good work up on him you know it looks like anyway it could be five looks like the real deal Thomas Madison snow graduated engineering Administration School he had an illustrious career with special forces Airborne where he joined the Saturn team as a Halo operator tasked with finding an eliminating suitcase nukes left over from the former USSR specials arrived join the CIA five years ago but this is weird he uh he's not posted as an active duty operative and that was just switched a couple hours ago what does that mean what that means is uh somebody's trying to sabotage him with his hand there and destroys communication with a sander thing of it is it'd have to be real high up to do that and it's very dangerous before I was trying to do that someone is trying to set him up big time and um and that could be second in command on this Adam team well Richard Lynch he's still active so as far as CIA operations go They're Gonna think he's in charge right yeah it makes you wonder doesn't that what you're lucky sir the Luck's always a part of it roll it up boys um foreign how much time will you need for verification three components a couple hours we have transport team standing by so we don't have three components when we have two we're still missing the Army mechanism let me thank the Lord for that son sir are we secure here for two hours camera surveilling the interior and exterior of the building and you've mine the doors and perimeter Gates correct yes sir once that door closed anyone wants in they better have the code and the clearance otherwise boom I'd say we're good for a couple hours then all right looks like you're ready for a little silver up here all right here's the deal you're contacted the department gave me copies of the fingerprints that pulled off these guys I ran them but they're all friends players what about the guys who Ambush being Marcus nobody reported the incident whoever sent them clearly had a cleanup crew ready by the time a local PD broke off from the huala there's nothing left in the Darkness well I'm finished trying to nice big old light on about no yeah I promise I still need to know [Music] well I need to know you say that like you already do I might but I want a little bit of proof before I dropped the hammer heard something sketchy ones remember Glenn price yeah this type of the Bush Administration got in trouble in Iraq well apparently he's been working in the stock Community supplying pure mercenaries low level skill but to get a job done you got any specifics I'm gonna need a place to get work done all right well I'm gonna put together a little package of Intel for you and let's meet over at the shooting range in about an hour all right it's verified sir it's the real deal now we'll just make sure that it's the one we're looking for I'll call the CEO sir what are you doing let's get this thing secured in the van we've got 45 minutes before we caught off the transport team I let Russians forget about the Russians we're still missing the trigger [Music] all right we're late come on I want to show you something [Music] you call it a fifth column do the background check on prices organization I guess as I told you before he's more about Firepower than operatives connected his men back to our recent events all better than that guys that attacked you last night I chose him back to prices organization and to a cut out back in Vancouver ah you know what that means later on so who do you think the cutout is Marcus look if you think Marcus is crossed and I need to show you something else so this guy's name popped up we didn't think much of him he's supposed to be low level but turns out he's one of Marcus's informants Eddie gogel ring a bell thank you [Music] all right listen I want all eyes on this guy I want to know who eats with who he sleeps with I don't know how he fits in the elon's picture here [Music] foreign position hold until Eddie makes contact with his Handler you got anything Johnny don't be that he's waiting Eddie just pulled out a phone Sarah can you isolate [Music] not getting much get on and send me some signal where are you I'm right behind you you're late sir are you getting this I'm working on it whoa whoa they're on the Move stand by [Music] okay I got into Eddie's phone and it should work as a mic as long as he doesn't pull the battery Kane you should be receiving the signal now check yourself Sims what do you have nothing I think it's a guy you pulled up a Lynch right just give me the numbers 264-194 945-9 9483 for the trigger 994 okay I get the feeling things aren't going well listen man if all this stuff goes south you and I just might find ourselves holding the package I want to think about joining forces to find a buyer I don't know take a lot of balls sell it out from under him not if we're getting flushed down the toilet it doesn't you hear what I'm saying yeah think about it you're just the trigger man a piece of meat they want somebody else they'll get somebody else just like that thank you I am not just triggered man I am the triggered man there is big difference is that all no yes you left your battery that bring Recon now [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here gosh damn idiot what's going on did they make us unclear what do we do both Sarah and Eddie Sims Johnny Taylor Lynch Sims Lynch was leaving the parking lot got him coming to pick you up okay [Music] come on Eddie what the hell took you okay so I set the cigarette to Johnny and Sims recovered at the scene of the Saleem murder to a contact of the FBI crime land he ran it through Homeland Security database includes everything from U.S military criminal justice secret divisions everything let me guess you got a hit just need a second to tap in the DHS Mainframe okay I got some old access codes from my off days all right it's only going to give me 30 seconds to find a match and then I need to jump out in seconds I don't need it foreign just needed five got it positive DNA match from the cigarette where's your lunch one in the same he killed Salim and probably shot zero the second Commander before man Sodom team he's the Sergeant First Class 87 40 years old Marx and him have been working together from beginning or certainly for a long time Johnny says what's your 20. Taylor Lynch who's going south on 14th okay go ahead and jump in there's music to my ears there's his car where the hell did he go like this at all [Music] clear clear balcony clear drop the guns come down slow thank you [Music] all right come on [Music] [Applause] so you're gonna tell Kane or am I you do it I don't know what I thought you'd say he's heading north on Washington keep them covered any word from Sims or Johnny they went after Lynch last time I saw them okay like talk to your boy everything is fine we're on schedule no Eddie didn't go fine nothing is going fine you're alive no handcuffs it's fine let's get this done you know if you weren't black I'd say you look kind of Pale Man see a ghost don't play me a [Music] is so I happen to know where Lynch is going right now I have a Russian contact from the recent past that I brought in to help us with this I want you guys to go about the Dead Drop until the deal goes down hear me well I got one armed guard uncertain as to how many who's inside boss I'm able to verify number of occupants I paint the site with an RMB can report any movement copy that you're up [Music] there it is verified the conjective results we'll verify for ourselves as a person please stand by for verification I think it's time to do some banking once the origins of the device are confirmed the money will be wired into your account that device is going to leave your possession whether you like it or not you do realize that don't you darling as long as you realize that I get paid one way or another relocating the beacon signal there it is run a background on the property if I'm right it'll come back as a military Dead Drop which means that there's a good chance that Nook is being housed inside it's all there it's just a matter of time new plutonium in the trigger all wrapped up nicely in one of your only devices which I'll throw in for free since I'm feeling so gosh damn generous [Music] [Music] Sarah what's your 20. still Eddie guess who he met after he talked to Lynch Marcus yeah I got their convo but Marcus was looking a little afraid it's time to sort that out of that though wait here I'll be right back don't leave you know you guys remind me of some kind of an academy for junior spies but I don't think you're making the academy you're sitting here looking at the sensitive stuff on the parking lot who taught you this stuff who you work for no we work for Marcus right Marcus you know something Marcus is my [ __ ] which means y'all are my junior [ __ ] hold on Kane you got something to say to us huh I'm gonna hit you I don't hear [ __ ] cs15 I don't know okay still got a lot of friends around here oh I still got friends how you think I got here so easily man what's up I just want to let you know I appreciate you man it's like I appreciate the fact that all I've taught over these years in terms of not only the technique and the skill of being able to work people and Intel in the field and everything you've always sort of followed the golden rules I've taught you about you know loyalty and how to work together and treat each other so I just want to let you know I'm grateful about that oh and uh by the way I'm bringing in a friend of mine from Facebook who's going to help us with this whole nuke deal I thought I should let you know that that's bad what's his deal that's her deal and uh she's just gonna help us Network some of the folks and analyze some of the Intel we have all right you know I just want to say man I know you're a great friend and you and I we're gonna see this thing to the end [Music] foreign [Music] I'm on my way [Music] so I guess who showed up Marcus it's not like I didn't know he was going to come here what do you guys got not much just one armed guard and a black van about to roll out so you think the nukes in the building if Lynch is in there it's because the nuke is in there so Johnny here on the van don't make contact okay copy that Tims you got it interesting and exits are going to be mine which require aside there's no way we're gonna be able to get inside without them knowing Sodom team is usually five men but uh in this case since those killed snow that means they're at least one man down okay well we're looking at two to four armed hostiles what's the play it's a car behind me follow me transfers confirmed it's all there the Russians are taking possession of the nuke fish all right this is how it's gonna go down this is where it ends backup generator can't handle alone kill those monitors to use this now anyway to stabilize those lights everything in our favor you have no idea how many of us are in here no way of getting eyes on us without setting off a trip thank you I got Lynch I got Marcus [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what's up [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] it's too late okay the space is already gone foreign foreign but you're not that bad I sent it one to myself after all this how you could do me like this you may be a better shot than me you may be a better fighter than me but you ain't faster you damn sure ain't smarter we played you smarter don't mean how you can do people wrong and get hit like that smarter is all about how you can be straight you can get ahead not looking here if you faster than me just go like this here and that's the kind of thing my daddy once said you ain't know till you try sending a [ __ ] man you sure you wanna do this send a [ __ ] man foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] trust with you [Music] I want to do more do you understand what you're asking you have to go into the field be expected to do anything to get the job done so if there is even a shred of doubt in your mind Cain will know and more importantly someone could get killed so think about it it's downright depressing what am I supposed to do with all this use it not talking about our computer thank you hey hey I know what you're talking about Sarah keep it finches gone hey and I liked her but that's the brutal reality of it so I don't think she cares what you do okay I told you that if you took this stuff too personally you were going to get yourself killed and I'm glad as hell you didn't but you need to worry about people's feelings why they still have them Johnny's out there still so let's just stay focused foreign [Music] [Music] let's go through the protocols one more time four centimeters between the rivets on the metal casing trigger played offset into the device by one millimeter we don't have time for this the main serial number matched with the Tactical records the serial number tells us what the paper says the workmanship tells us that the paper is real it is real why is this American observing our protocols Kristoff I think it's time you start doing what you do best foreign core well it's only one way to find out get them only off removing the faceplate [Music] um Alpha 3 Bravo 2 Juliet Dash three one one is the moon the disarming suits foreign [ __ ] I know Anna you know I wouldn't stop you unless I was sure there was a problem this is the same on you Lynch switch the movie devices how do you know this is how I know how do you know for sure he needed to buy time it's the main thing he's smuggling two devices the other one's still out there everybody knows two devices were stolen from Tajikistan I need you to help me find the second one I didn't just bring in because I love you I brought you in cause you're good okay fourth call to Marcus's phone you see the pattern now Sarah four different ear codes four different numbers but all of them originating from one maybe two Cell release in the city so well it looks like he's near Highland I was heading into the city yeah that would be Eddie [Music] [Music] he didn't make it now so as you guys might have surmise Marcus was running at his double but that's not the real game because edelon goes far beyond that and it all goes back to the ghost did he go Rogue or was he part of another column in the company working off book it's definitely another column if I'm right about 80 then he's the ghost last cut out man anyway um I think they've just figured out the marks instead but right about now they're supposed to be delivering this nuke so there's two bombs what was it intelligence picking up on that because we have the intellimarcus gave us that'll unused distraction as his main weapons and that's what we're gonna have to look for the objectives is always disguised everything's a shell game that's right it's always a show game anyway Adela knows that more than one organization is interested in the bomb that can work to our advantage because he may think at this point that that's going to give him some breathing room and he'll make him relax a little bit which is what we want if he thinks that threat has been neutralized may give us a moment to kind of try to set him up there's only one bomb in the trunk of that car at the hawala the nukes all have a special ID number but um the casings for the money also have an ID number when the snow is checking out the nucleus of the casing number and I can tell you that the Russians also saw it they know that it doesn't match so it's going to get interesting I'll brief you guys two bombs I'm still out there and Eddie gogel has it another king cut markets are throttle on one of them gone Eddie will have to think of his feet so what's his backup plan there's only two players left lane tonight along well it's gonna go to Lynch I don't think eidolon wants anywhere near it so we cut all the other players out how do you want to track Lynch Marcus didn't trust any trust anyone you know Kane told me a story about how he taught Marcus to always track the doubles he had running so I bet Marcus was tracking Eddie God for the MI5 once oh that's right where you lived the end that's funny Sarah I mean even a tiny bit clever anyway these guys were Pros I mean they could pop a mini transmitter into anything as long as the target always carried it with him so like a watch cell phone shoes no when I stripped Marcus's phone I didn't find much but there was this tricky GPS device in it and I thought it was the CIA self-tracking system but he had it turned off yeah there it's still on and it's not tracking Marcus say hello to Eddie Google so whoever's on the other end of that delivery is gonna have to deal with us Mr steal oh yeah baby I'm on the phone all right well Safe House in 15-20 minutes what do you say yeah not my office not safe all right I see you there [Music] you know Sarah you got a great smile I think you should use them dude that's not a smile that's a nervous twitch see there it is see I saw it [Music] foreign a lot of random movement looks like he's trying to shake a tail with Caswell yeah he's just being careful he's got to connect with either Lynch or the ghost if Lynch does the pickup Kane wants us to track him back to the ghost well first objective we find the bomb second objective would kill the ghost well if we do it right we get them both he dies all right well we're on it keep us plugged in [Music] thank you [Music] okay listen up the range to meet with Kane's team at 1600 hours it's gonna cause the coordinates we take orders from him too Kane knows more about operational tactics than anyone were on his Turf we take his orders you really believe all this crap about the second bomb there's only one there only ever was one all our intelligence indicated one on one atom bomb Kane wouldn't lie not to me he wants the bomb back it's obvious this whole thing is a trap to delay us a primary objective is to take custody of the device and prepare for transport mission objectives shift based on information there's only only one it's your call I think maybe you're a little too close to Kane to be irrational about this why don't you say what you mean Kristoff I mean I think you were his lover so you're thinking below the belt and not above the net now that you've had your say you can shut your hole and you can follow my orders that's second in command my directive is to ensure completion of the mission in the event that my commanding officer is incapacitated yeah you're a joke we prepare one bomb that's got candy he knows I'm right foreign second position wrap up his body leave him here I don't want him stinking up the van when we go [Music] thank you what time you got here yeah I never seen you this group what's up son somebody took a shot at me last night missed my head by inches you have an idea who sent it that's why I'm talking to you in one of my contacts where it has there's a lot of soft operators hitting the beach well let me ask you this first what kind of background they got are they like high level high-speed guys as far as I can tell but I can't say for sure because none of them came from me as far as I can piece together they're all high level Pros multiple Specialties none of them local they're here for an operation dance these are serious players all bad apples all booted from the community it's a whole different level on the prices group that sounds like maybe Atlanta goes to Marcus got something cooking up together that's what I think brutal yeah that's how it is makes sense though I mean when Marcus flipped he started getting a little bit sloppy so now his moments are easy to detect he figures out I'm poking around trucks take me out that's what it is I mean in reality it's not your fight but seems to me like you're in the middle of it now so you got no choice Let's uh get cracking and I'll fill you in as we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Wheels it looks like the Madam's car that's confirmed Sarah can you run a plate seven five three six four Juliette yeah give me a second any sign of the second device not a clean so far it's down I'm Crystal and I are in route as we speak it is the Madam's car that's the one she took to the hawala with the nuke foreign must have left it for him that's one of the things they talked about at the park second nukes inside the car that's exactly what I think keep on top of them and uh we're right behind you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign for about 15 minutes we'll copy that standby I didn't meet anybody yet no he's still flying solo this guy could be anywhere he could also be going out the other side all right you two guys got to decide to be careful and um keep in mind that you're probably going to be at least one team in his vicinity so keep your hands on his field if it's Lynch we track them anyone else we take him out make sure that he gets paid a special present for me when the time is right yeah okay foreign why the hell wouldn't you use the elevator too exposed nervous as hell yeah well he should be his buddies keep dying wouldn't be us killing him off would it no it would that's what I thought go you know my sister she plays some ghosts I make fun of before she's convinced her Barn is haunted maybe she's not so dumb thank you visual on Eddie he's going for the roof keep on them don't speak how do you get your ghost man well like I said man takes one to catch one you know what that means you gotta think click one and I don't think you need to think like I mean you just need to know what they're thinking feel what they're gonna do next thank you foreign [Music] laughs Intel said there were three clear the rest of the floor team outside to make sure no one slips out we're looking for a large black duffel check the van on the loading Bay copy you're with me foreign [Music] I got a stiff looks like one of the alpha teams down terrify copy foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Southwest stairwell right behind you is that the special very easy I need him here now we got eyes on Eddie he just run their food with at least one other subject yd crime [Music] you going in not yet Sam's Johnny our Lynch is coming track them coffee special insight all right we might have trailers coming in after him if we do unfortunate guys to take them out of here we've gone [Music] thank you foreign [Music] found the device but we have a problem I need the off the team Commander alive [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] get the hell out of here let's go if we're here we got no backup negative Mission objective is to secure the second nuke I'm not letting these scumbags out of here alive we've been made must have fallen goggle to the drop get into position now I'm on my way all right [Music] what the hell shoot I'm here we're sitting ducks just shut up we're blown Kane's team is on site tell your man to clear the damn building now let's get this done person where's men position right behind us signed sealed and delivered he's been a good trip man but I am out got that right thank you foreign thank you so inspired trying to locate our team now foreign foreign [Music] foreign why the hell are the damn lights blinking on that thing they're not supposed to be blinking [Music] this is the good part honey in 10 minutes this is gonna feel like your happy place let's try this again I was told six LEDs solid red six damn blinking lights scare me darling so you're gonna tell me what the hell it means you're gonna die whatever you do to me you're gonna get yours who says Rush it's got no sex with you [Music] just tell me the gosh darn code what [ __ ] hahaha okay foreign [Music] foreign shut up foreign [Music] well do something we recognize him no [Music] shoot foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: V Movies
Views: 1,047,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies 2022 full movie, movies, english movie, movies 2021 full movie, free movies, movies 2022 full movies english, movie, english movies 2022 full movie, english movies, movies 2021 full movies english, full movie, english movies 2020 full movie, full movie english
Id: uxmSlKIW3s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 21sec (5421 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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