ChatGPT + NeuronWriter - Ultimate Blog Workflow? Neuronwriter Review

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today we're checking out neuron writer on appsumo it's a great deal it helps you write that's basically what it's for and it helps you write in a way that's going to help you outrank your competitors and we're going to dive into everything neuron writer does in just a minute I just want to show you the plans down at the bottom here and what you're actually getting so it combines NLP content optimization and AI writing and for the first level it has 25 000 AI writing credits per month and those increase with every plan that you get and the NLP caused an optimization that includes that's included in every plant and you can analyze up to 25 pieces of content per month on the single plan which basically means you add a topic for something for whatever you want whatever your Niche is you add a topic for it it goes out and it analyzes the serps and tells you hopefully how you can outrank your competitors and it helps you create content that does that for you and if you want to Dive Right In and check out this deal in appsumo click the link in the description down below it is an affiliate link if you click through that link and purchase I do get a commission from appsumo and thank you very much for that helps me keep making these videos for free on YouTube but it does not make it more expensive for you if you click through that link so it's a win-win for everybody so if you do buy through that link thank you very much and now let's get on with the rest of this video now let's dive into the dashboard pretty simple dashboard click on create new project let's add in a project not related to a domain let's make the topic AI Revolution or the project name I should say default search engine you can use Google in the US there's a lot of options that aren't Google us as you can see I think Google's the only one I don't have to type Google should have typed in United States I'll just scroll down so you can see which search engines are included and this would be where it pulls the content from so if you're creating content in Spanish for Spanish speakers in Spain then you probably want to use Google es if you're creating content in Swiss for people in Switzerland you might want to use because that's going to where that's gonna be where it's pulling the content from and comparing your content to the results on the specific search engine that you choose and there's a lot I don't know if it has all of the Google search engines around the world but it sure does have a lot of them United States that's faster default language a lot of languages I'm going to choose English then click on create now inside the projects is where we create the queries now the query for you recall from the plans here for the single we can create two projects we just created one project just now and this project this one project could be a website it could be a section of a website if it's a really big website it could be just one vertical so two projects might not be enough for you or it might be depending how you use it and the 25 content queries is what comes in the play now so if I click on new query and we type into this field I'd like to rank create content for how AI is changing the workforce so this would be the topic this would be maybe a working title for your blog post that you want to create United States for the search engine English language advanced settings allows you to include custom URLs when generating recommendations so that might be specific blog posts you really like about this topic that don't rank well in Google for whatever reason so you can add those in here they're going to be part of the analysis you can also add additional keywords to be included in the analysis and content management this allows you to assign it to people on your team so if we go back to our plans we have a sharing level of read only for the single read for the double for three codes sharing levels of create edit and read so if you have a team like for example a project manager right here at Alice is the example you could share it with them inside of neuron writer and then if they have the level of create edit and read they can then go in and create edit and read the content that or the query that our neuron writer is going to create for us if you don't have that level they can only read which might be what you need or might not be I don't know you can also create multiple analyzes at once meaning you can add the topics in here separated by Carriage returns or just stick with one I'm going to stick with one click on start and this usually takes a little while to be done and if you're finding this tutorial helpful click the like button because that helps this video show up for more people on YouTube so we can spread the knowledge and help more people with this information so make sure you click like if you like this video here it shows action of hard to see zero percent now it's ten percent so I'm just going to wait I'm gonna pause the video actually I'm gonna let this run through it usually takes about a minute because it's going pretty quick now to run through the chronic content make the analysis and then we can start looking into what we need to rank above our competitors so the analysis is done while I was waiting for that to happen I opened up chat GTP and I typed in please write a thorough blog post about how AI is changing the workforce and yes I use manners when I talk to the AI I feel like manners are good so why not use manners when talking to the AI anyway so it's writing the blog post I added thorough to hopefully have it write something a little longer which it looks like it's doing and we're going to use that inside of our content query here once this is done so when this is done we're going to copy it it's where it's thinking about the conclusion right now so it should be done pretty quick we're going to copy it into neuron writer to see how it scores for SEO okay it's all done let's highlight this so many words we have 500 okay copy that now in any one of our queries here in your own writer we can click on them to open them and it shows here a list of our competitors it auto selects the top 10 and these would be the competitors that it Compares our content to so naturally the top 10 are the ones who are ranking on the first page so those are the ones you want to beat in a manner of speaking you can also choose more so if you for example had one up here see what the URLs are these are all pretty solid Big Time URLs but if you had for example a Pinterest post showing up here or an Amazon listing which quite often happens you can unselect those and then come down below and select a different post that's scoring highly but it's not ranking on the first page even if these low scoring ones like 39 maybe you don't want to compare to the 39 because it's going to bring down what your targets are so maybe you want to replace that 39 with this 47 right here this depends on what you want to do or keep the 39 because it's on the first page and then add a bunch of the higher ranking ones down below then click on next Once you select all the ones you want and now we're inside of the content creator there is a lot going on in here a lot a lot first of all I'm going to paste in the content we just copied from chat GTP I'm going to click in this working area down here right click paste or command V Ctrl V however you want to do it it pastes our content in here runs it through the system takes a second or two it got a score of 18 which is not hot we saw from that linked list just a moment ago that scores of 40 or higher on the first page one of them was 39 but all the rest were 40 or higher so we got to get up to 40 or higher and the best score is a 57. top 10 in the Google the median which is the middle one is a 51. nine out of the top 30 the meeting is a 50. so you got to get it way above 18. luckily we can do that and as you're working through this you're going to develop a process I'm just going to show you you my kind of basic process I do and then you can use that and improve on that or whatever you want first click on save so add the content this could be from chatgedp it could be from a writer it could be an existing blog post on a website that I want to improve but wherever the content comes from paste it in save it over here we see our words 490 words our Target is 2157 we can change that Target if we want but this is based on the ranking content on the first page the median of the top 10 results is 2 is 21.57 so you might want to stick to that this is the readability readability of our current post here is 36 the median is lower getting the the readability lower basically means shorter sentences AI is known for writing long sentences in fact AI detectors pick up on long sentences and say this is probably AI That's one of the ways they did they detect the AI so you want to shorten your sentences and use smaller words whenever possible to improve the readability on the right hand side we see our content terms this is how many times we want to be in including specific terms because this is how many times they appear in our competitors for example AI appears 18 to 42 times and we have it 34 times so we're already in the green for that artificial intelligence we have it once it appears two to seven times we want to try to get it into the range that the first that the highest ranking articles have it's not super important that you get it exactly what they have but this is all the the content that is in the highest ranking posts so for whatever reason Google wants to see these things the extended isn't super important it includes more outliers as you can see these appear like one time one time one time one time whereas the basic includes the ones that appear a lot 18 to 42 two to seven two to four one to four one to three not a lot a lot but still it it's more than just one now that we check that out I want to come back over here and make some changes get rid of these numbers and change these to H2S because neuron writer cares about SEO it wants to see that you have H2S we see up here we have no H1s we have two H2S now we have nothing in bold we have no pictures this is how many characters we have so now we have some H2S let's add in a title which is our query here let's capitalize all that capitalize words paste that back in there that's keyboard Maestro in case you're wondering how I did that so fast make that in H1 and now we have our H1 click on save to save our progress and now our score just with those changes has jumped to 30. not bad now I go into the meta description let's add the title in here it shows the usage of various terms on the highest ranking sites and or the sites that we selected from that list earlier you can show usage info so you can come in here and it shows exactly which title is used on which document I don't think this is in ranking order and this one has no title at all from the white house so the White House can rank anything without even putting anything there so that's great it's a PDF so you can investigate what other people or what other websites are using for their titles for the description I often use AI in the chat GTP so ask something like can you please right now see optimize meta description for the blog post you just wrote see what it goes up with looks pretty good copy that paste it in here and we see we got the AI covered in job market covered and these again are based on our competitors so you want to try to include our competitors information if you're not sure well you won't be sure if you don't know what your competitors actually have for the title and the description you can click on usage info again and usage info for the description but you can also click on the craft article draft or sorry create article draft this is something we'll look at more in more detail a little bit later we're in the meta description currently or meta section we go to article layout over here but the meta section it pulls in all the meta descriptions titles and descriptions for our competitor and then we can click on description to see the descriptions and we can pop them into our little box here and edit them to our hearts content so instead of using the AI or whatever means you have to write your descriptions we can just pull in our competitors descriptions and try to improve those to get our comparisons working better so we want these all in the green ideally it's going to be possible but you want to get most of these in the green so you're hitting all the major touch points for your topic this is an easy way to see what your competitors are doing for the title meta description if you're happy with what you've created you can see down here what it looks like in the the search engines always click on save to make sure you save your work go back to content and the last thing I do before I really get into the meat and potatoes of working with the content is I add a Target URL you can set a Target URL or suggest a Target let's see the suggestion is only if it's domain related let's give a suggestion let's see if we can set out a domain yes so let's just copy this set URL let's make this replace character terms with commas no I play space with dashes to make everything a lowercase that's the one okay so this is our title in url form again that was keyboard Maestro helps me make that quickly and easily only allowed for domain related projects okay it's fine the reason you do that is because it's going to increase your score we're already at 45 with our content here we could have bumped it up to 50 probably by having our Target URL reflect our main keyword and now our job is to come in here and edit the content refine the content to make it match as closely as possible with the with the the keywords we see on the right hand side we have terms and headers this is H1s and H2S you want to try to match those throughout your blog post H1 you only have one of those but H2S you have multiple so you want to try to match these as much as you can and then terms in the Articles right here for the AI writing which can also help you I got open AI writing and it has a bunch of prompts like a lot of the AI writers have you can create content that way and the ideas is also questions and different headers that your competitors have that you can add to your blog post so if you click on questions click on the plus we see this is probably from Google suggest how is Agi changing the workforce that's the the main question we have here how is AI going to change the way we work change the job market should AI replace jobs that could be a good question that you could add in as a heading and create more content so you can go through you can find a lot of information on what you can add to your blog post to help you reach these targets I only have 500 Words we've got a long ways to go to 2000 which the questions really help with because you can answer the questions in your post and it goes a lot faster you can also go to create draft article go to article layout and you can see the questions here as well you can add the question and you can lay out the article in this fashion so if you don't use something like tragic DP or a writer you can lay out your article like this or even if you do use a writer you can lay out the article with the headings that you want let's go to headers and is AI the future of work let's move that to the top and you can figure out the layout of your blog post and then you can pop that in to the editor down here then your writer can come in and do the writing and try to match up all the terms and everything and try to score as highly as possible so there's a bunch of different ways you can work it but neuron writer provides a lot of help for you to make this happen and you can also import from export to Wordpress so if you're improving articles you can just import them from WordPress if you have a finished article that's ready to go you can export it right to Wordpress by clicking this button super slick so aside from these tools that we've seen so far for improving our content we also have these tabs up here we have top analysis which allows you to analyze your competitors a little deeper in tables and charts to make it easier to see what they're doing and what they're doing well you can see the competitor structure for the overview schema Explorer title description H1s H2 is h3s so you can see exactly what the content structure is competitor breakdown based on Moz stats you can see how your competitors are ranking for each of these things you can have multiple on one chart you can have Content Volume on here for example article length and you want to add the quality score as well so you can compare the readability to the content length you can see there's quite a bit of fluctuation but you can see where your competitors are doing and how they're doing for each of these different metrics sort of layout features so the top ones the top six only have images no videos no iframes no tables no forms and then number seven has a video and an iframe you so you can see what features they have on the blog posts so if they if everybody tends to have video you want to make sure or try really hard to have a video in your blog post as well related keywords this helps you with creating more content in the future content terms same ideas whether keywords but this is pulled from your competitors internal link suggestions if you link a domain and you have content there already neuron writer is going to suggest internal links for the content you're currently optimizing which is really really helpful next content ideas so you can find new ideas based on this current optimization which is how is AI generating or changing the workforce if I click on new ideas let's see what it gets see what it comes up with so here are some ideas where it gets these from I don't know but these are some content ideas that it thinks that neuron writer thinks you would want to do based on this topic you can click on ADD content plant ID has been added to the content plan and the plan is up here we'll get to that in a minute you can connect your Google search console so if your website exists already and it has traffic and Google search console provides a lot of data about keywords used to get to your site and other things as well but you can pull that information right into neuron writer and it'll help you create more content for comments this is just a comment not on the website but it's just common inside a neuron writer inside this optimization so you can talk to your team in this manner you'd also share it the editor where they can edit and save if you have three codes or more and you can copy a read-only preview link even with just one code so this is all everything we've done so far is under right which is the content writer in the queries and optimizing your content under plan you can plan new content this is when we saved just a moment ago so you could use this for a future query if you want you click on write to take it to write you can assign it to someone you could have an expected due date three additional keywords based on I don't know what this is based on but it must be based on this how artificial intelligence affect jobs in the future negative impact of artificial intelligence intelligence unemployment which is could be one of the results of how it's going to affect it positive impact the impact of so there's more keywords there so you can peruse those keywords that it's generating and see which ones will do well for you under manage we have our content planned so if I add a due date this for fun let's add a due date to this there we go this should show up on our manage there it is right there this is the due date for this piece of content and so you can manage your entire blog posting content calendar right inside neuron writer if you have your team in here and you're all optimizing your content based on the best practices neuron writer picks up on you can make your workflow super easy your team is where you add your team and you need to have you can start with I don't even know doesn't really say team specifically any of these just says sharing level see if it says team members up here stack up to seven codes and no mention of Team let's search the page for team so I don't know how many team members you can have it doesn't appear to say anywhere on the listing it doesn't say in here either so it might be that for the read level you can have unlimited don't quote me on that but since they don't mention it there might not be a limit it's just that you could only have them read you can't have them create and edit which you can do on three codes and above so that could be the the big difference there under our settings these are the settings for this project and this optimization specifically this project specifically those are all your options there this is where you connect to Wordpress so you can pull content from WordPress and upload it to Wordpress and here we have our Google search console connection and then a bunch of admin stuff there's the academy which has a lot of videos for onboarding and help updates roadmap wish list all pretty thorough the roadmap is always interesting working on a Content wizard with option full AI full create full articles from draft using meta descriptions paragraphs and keywords available in draft currently planned so now I think means working on because or it's done I'm not sure I'm not sure how they're naming convention here short term means in the near future long term means longer away and waiting means a long time from now so you can go through and you can vote on all these things you can suggest other improvements that you want to see then we have notifications of what you've done in your account or what your um your team has done and then we have our limits I think I have three code nope I have five codes five codes for neuron writer seven is the max neuron Diamond I bought this a while ago see what diamond is Diamond is the max five to seven which puts me at 150 analyzes per month 50 projects 75 000 AI credits and all those numbers keep going up as you go to higher code levels and then we have our regular account data nothing too impressive over there monthly usage limits clearly I haven't used it very much this month and that's neuron writer that's the whole thing but there's a lot to it so we we went pretty quick but there's a lot to it it's really really powerful so if you want to check it out there's a link in the description down below it is an affiliate link if you end up buying through that link I will get a credit and that credit helps me keep making these videos for free so I really appreciate any help of that nature and if you do want to check it out it's a great tool I use it I bought it I kept it the ones I don't use I often refund but a lot of the appsumo stuff I buy I'm pretty particular so I'm just buy whatever but I'm pretty particular there so I end up keeping usually the things that I buy anyway I use it it's great so if you want to check it out go check it out and see if you can up your content game with neuron writer next up check out this playlist right here which is all about AI tools on Lifetime dual websites like appsumo so if you like AI tools and you like lifetime deals this is the playlist for you so check that out if you haven't done so yet make sure to click subscribe and ring the bell so you don't miss new future videos until next time my name is Bjorn from Limitless LTDs keep crushing it and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Limitless LTDs
Views: 3,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: appsumo deals, best new content optimization tool, blog post optimization, blog post optimization and formatting, content optimization, content optimizer, frase alternative, learn, neuron writer demo, neuronwriter, neuronwriter appsumo, neuronwriter lifetime deal, neuronwriter review, neuronwriter tutorial, rank blog post on google, software tutorials, step by step, step by step tutorial, surfer seo alternative, surferseo alternative, tutorial, writerzen alternative
Id: 5zMaKalEoJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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