Blocked Drain 908

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beautiful view block toilet Baby R hello how you going where's ready bludging yeah he's a good for nothing bludger these days he'll probably come at the end when it's all done all right so there's another toilet over there that's all right so the problem is on this Junction it's probably Toes or something this has all been this is all brand new this bathroom so you jump down baby right okay good baby right um I got to pull out this pan already [Music] [Music] that's [Music] see [Music] try [Music] [Music] try and use this hacka a little trick and cut through CU I put it in really deep [Music] [Music] that's that [Music] sword [Music] [Music] [Music] off you want to take that seat off um does it come off yeah yeah let's do that thanks mate that way you could really grip it yeah yeah beautiful nice and easy that's a good idea there we go think around here to see what's in there this paper tow like um well CH probably just a little bit of tile or an off cut thank you I couldn't have done without [Music] you yeah not a problem all right so we're going to go down here here clear it and then see what's blocking it we might just pop it with a little spinner there we go pressure on [Music] problems are way down go we're on the blockage now on the count of three one two three there it goes beautiful okay we'll leave the Jetta there so we know when we get to the to where it was [Music] blocked oh it's really flying down there let's see what it was that was blocking maybe what it was that was blocking it's gone down through the [Music] system same down we go bit of payer more paper there's our head but there's nothing actually stuck in the line down the shaft that looks pretty good so whatever it is that's gone through the system but what you can see here is some uh looks like toilers grouting or rendering from the walls now if that was thick that would be enough to catch paper and it was pretty thick as you can see there it's a bit of a cross there and where I've stopped with the jetting nozzle is where it was blocked which would indicate that this mud here was the issue quite thick it's enough to catch waste paper when it comes through you made it mate yeah I made it just show traffic after after I've done all the hard work mate I'm just filming this for you yeah you might want to do it on your camera actually yeah um what was it to me it looks like see see how there's that render sitting at the bottom there yeah there's a bit of a um I've jetted down I've cleared it I've left my nozzle where where it cleared yeah and that's what I can see there there's no other objects in there there a big hker Tom come a look at this so we we can easily clear that out now no just my per is on point okay never picked on time yeah so we're on YouTube here by the way the fam YouTuber this how many followers have you got uh 30 40 so what's that is that render or tall glue okay what's the brown stuff yeah I'll clear that out now I had a funny feeling so what do I need some my clamps and some silicon quick respond to all of that yes love it I put off till tomorrow what we can do today mate I knew that was the casez what happens they come in they P the Caps off yeah yeah they War proofy screen [Applause] [Music] let's see how that looks when the uh dust clears IO you there yeah yeah so there's a huge hunk in this IO hunk off h of render really you can see it okay well that's all clear now but Simon tells me there's a big hunk of render further down the line now so maybe that was pushed through the system we're going to have a look at what he's talking about that looks much better there anyway I see there goes so that ISO under there somewhere that gets direct rolling access to P that's been buried okay so got that's why he said it's easy to pop that this one now is one line all the way to the boundary Trap Is it okay and this is where you saw the render right just is a drop off here to that level okay so yeah maybe just um we just have a quick look back up the line here all right there's our nozzle what's what nozzle that's our nozzle there yeah right you clean there so that was good to there yeah it's pretty good down here to here we'll just go down here and see if we can find that uh that render you were talking about there you want there it does it hard yeah we might just have to jet it I can't get the camera all the way I think oneth while throwing it all the way go all the way to the Bounty truck where is the Bounty truck Salon I'll just have a look at it so that when we're done we can do a toilet paper flash test oh that's it there is it yeah got you okay I'll come back down I'll bring the jet around and I'll jet from up the top down to here yeah there's like a funny come old as hell all right will you give us a scream when uh when I get here we'll put the spinner back down cuz it's negotiating those bends really well there a lot of bends on the way down we J all the way of that 6 in draw offall that [Laughter] quick all right so whatever render was in there has now gone through the system yeah all right all right so I'm just going to put the uh toilet back in I'll take my tools out I just take some of this away for C what we need to do is just double check this SC clear sure will let's go [Music] here that's already for [Music] sure [Music] all right s's just testing the shower drain making sure that's clear before we uh continue any further give a bit of a show at the same time right that doing that brand new stuff back on hopefully she just slide straight in Ling it up hello mate I've got to get to can you do me a small favor depends what it is I feel like I'm doing lots of favors yeah yeah but you do feel that way it's okay mate FL protection things if you just throw them in a pile outside the down yeah you leave it with me I I now what you're going to have to do I'm putting a finishing bead on this so I'm putting I'm going to stick it in looking guy back yeah he's going to have to come back back so if you just we go it's going on YouTube what have we got it's dry she's D bone she's flushing yeah but usually do a 10 10 flush test but it will St the time yeah huh what we'll do one more for good luck oh 100% we're definitely do three yeah last thing you want to do is get called back for a leak behind the toilet yeah yeah okay it does take a while to travel out if there is a can do it's good to see the water going around the Bender it is mate yeah means you've done no look look look look you've done what we ask you to do okay I'm pretty happy that's good as go all right mate going to plop this into there if you can give me 10 seconds I'll run down the back to the boundary trap I'll give you a Hoy yeah all right Simon yep there's Baby R yeah ready when you are baby r got hello baby right hello want to do the countdown yeah all right off you go 1 2 three what you believe four perfect B right don't fall in there it's a long way down that's what we like oh good now that's a view I'd like to wake up to that every morning beautiful all good mate I'm going to clean up you get going on that freeway all right thanks for your help mate always a pleasure M good to see you all good
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 80,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: 0EW7IImJejs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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