Blocked Drain 895

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blck dry so this runs we're in a basement car par we come all the way down here this here runs we're guessing somewhere that way there is a pit down here we don't know if it connects to this pit but this pit looks a little bit blocked itself we may even be below street level we're we're actually at the beach there's the pit there's a Inlet Inlet Inlet so one of these is going to take it out somewhere but that's that's holding water and it shouldn't be what towards this problem up here a car ran over the sprinkler system and it has all this black stuff in there to stop it from rusting that came pouring out it came running down this uh this uh road coming Downstream into here and it flooded the uh flooded the line so we're going to try and clear it we might try with the uh the mighty penetrator first something new see how we go with that make sure she's working yeah she's working all right pressure on any movement that go the other outside we're going to oh yeah there's movement is it yeah yeah okay so here you go so what happens with this water it goes down outside we got a big pum you know where our green valve is out the front where the stairs are okay in that corner we got a big pit there that must run into that pit with two um we' got an auto one the float switch that comes on and then another one for a um back up so that must go to that even that line look like was full ra like I can see the sand coming out of out of that line yeah like when the water was a bit clearer before oh Rocky so then is it the pump's not kicking in at the right time now or oh I think this is just like a little retention tank and the and the pump out in the street must this must drain out and then um yeah but that that's definitely blocked isn't it yeah yeah 100% but this is this is connected to here you can see the water going he had a he put p a bucket did he oh maybe that's the leftover from that all right I'll start it back up and you guys let me know if this starts to do its thing do you want a torch or you got one definitely has to go water that water looks like it's moving looks like it's rising okay pursing thanks Glen any movement I'm not sure yeah a tiny bit but yeah you can see some sort of a swirl in there yeah but I don't think it it may not come to here it might join in further down that way maybe if it runs that way but it looks like the Cloud's coming from there yeah well Rob reckons that this is connected to the sup pump so there's another oh no yeah there's there's one there should we go and see the sun check it yeah Nathan um this uh this looks like it's going back to its original level but I think it's like an air lock because it's joined to that thing down there but I've gone maybe 40 m oh really yeah but I can't get any further than that two pumps in it okay oh yeah look at that oh and he says he gets them service all the to okay oh well so we know that it makes its way to this point yep and it's not flowing now because this point here is submersed and we need to clear that and that should flow nicely but like this this pit out in the street that that might retain this much water you know what I'm saying and then it might fill until the pumps kick in oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah so I guess we can only pump from jet from here um fill it up to here if it doesn't kick in then I'm sure it'll it'll kick in well before that there is no tide line yeah it looks like you cleared well you know yeah yeah that's coming out that's coming out nice yeah but um it's got nowhere to go yeah all right yeah cuz I think once once we clear it this end we turn on that really um fast T it'll come pouring out I'll bring it up here Nathan to Jet and just go from here so now we're going to head that way with the penetrator you see it's still nice plumes of mud coming out go down here okay we're in see if we can clear it this way pressure on plan I'm just going this way now into the one outside doesn't it yeah get outside what would the distance be Rob it's from that okay I think I'm in the pit now then so because that P is just what I show you that wall so that hold here it's coming out this way all the blue from that gray is coming out this way so so that pump's just not kicking in until it gets to this level yeah that's right now look at that there we go or maybe the pump's not kicking in at all yeah I've got to get a check to get um pump i' got to BR you want put in okay like 12 months ago and then I've got a second one in there that's not when back up she say that my I guys that one there is all that one there that's that seems to be flowing yeah so it's slightly charged between here and there well that one there that sand back up from that there oh that pump must be kicking in now yeah there you go yeah so the pump's working just works at a uh certain height yeah that's it they got a float switch in there yeah so I think most of the blockage was back up this way between those two points I'm wondering if I can jet from here if there's an access point I don't know if there is from here to there and try and drag some of that mud back from this side look at that now that's just clear that's never been like that no that was full before I think it was okay maybe cuz the pump's kicked in yeah got you that's probably why and that obviously got to sump the pump so it's not going to ever get that silk is there a not clear there there that's clear yeah it's it's gone man look where was oh is it must be a junction down the bottom or something is it you there Junction from that bed to there and there yeah this be that's well if I run that sink full ball and it doesn't come back up then we we know we're sort of flowing yeah that pump must be kicking in there you go like it's oh beautiful mate you Legend and here comes the Clear Water been blocked for years Legend well done boys yeah tell him what actually happened about the car and the what the car did and oh one of the springler heads M up the yeah ran over it no up the top there we've got a chain like that the person tried to get around the chain upstairs yeah and he did a 10-point turnning firsted into one of our like lower ones of 2.1 must be a bit higher knocked it off and all these black carbon come out first because that's what blocked it up yeah right no that didn't block that up no no but didn't it come down through the no and then the sprink club flooded all upstairs okay and then I'm just cleaning it down there and I saw that that was blocked right it wasn't all the s that blocked it sand beforeand this has been blocked before the incident of the spr that makes sense it's got nothing to do with that that's just I had to get it cleared another job the chalk up yeah yeah okay oh that's good well I might do a um Little D test and uh we'll see if it comes through Flo yeah fluro Ninja Turtle juice all right nin Turtle ju all righty we'll see how fast it flows here now Rob absolutely a beautiful well we won't speak too soon we'll wait till we set the other [Music] end take well that looks better that helps speed things up oh good yeah it's just got to fill to that level again and then it's the uh the main pump's going to kick in or the Dual pump and it'll just do the same thing again that just there just there yeah let's let's do a manual uh pump watch how quick it takes it yeah it does kick it in there all right Rob's turned on the pump we should see some sort of movement here now there we go beautiful we might even see some green come out now yep there yeah right there's a lot of sand in there L see yeah but we're flying through now when we first went down it was really hard to get through from A to B now it just flies all the way to the end but I can't get beyond the T Junction there well I couldn't have done it up without Glenn and Nathan they they got this lit up I wouldn't have been able to get that up we can watch you all day Oliver B GRE yeah flow on through here it goes Jo this or what that's good that's flowing there now yeah just left it on there for a while so that can keep running holding holding [Music] there turn yes thanks Rob that's good just wanted to see that it's it's running nicely thanks [Music] guys a little bit of some holes [Music] po want if to get the bar under yeah give it a bit more leverage [Music] watch your power that's prob got that's how it was before beautiful job well done thanks guys
Channel: Drain Addict
Views: 95,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blocked drain, blocked sewer, blocked drain pipe, drain blockage, drain clean, blocked toilet, drain cleaner, blocked pipe, blocked sewage, pipe unblock, clogged drain, drain jetter, jet drain, drain, sewer, drain cleaning, clogged, toilet
Id: 8t1ZyVZacH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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