Making High Pressure Coffee With 300 Ton Hydraulic Press | Part 2!

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welcome to the hydraulic press Channel hi I'm L I'm Hana and this is our 300 ton press and couple months ago we tried to make a espresso coffee using this press and it didn't go as planned so I bought this well I am not going to drink any low pressure espresso like some filthy peasant no worries I have solution that I was just kidding we don't need this [ __ ] anymore this is the new solution for all of your coffee problems is a uh hyraulic press espresso maker 10 million and last time I had made all the parts except we used espresso handle like this and from Amazon and it couldn't handle the pressure so that was the weak point of the coffee maker thanks Jeff but this time everything is changed no more weak handles we have this solid ass piece of Steel there with 18 M12 bolts it's going to take a absolute [ __ ] ston of force to make this league and I'm confident that today we are going to make the best espresso in the world because we're going to use the highest pressure ever and that makes coffee good yeah okay so you want a high pressure of coffee and I think that's our goal today maximum pressure I think we don't care about the speed we already reached that on the last coffee video that was fast enough and today we are going to really dive in on like art of like fine quality coffee making so we are not in a hurry and that's good because this is going to be pain in the as to use and clean and clean I don't think about cleaning I just think about crushing so we don't use any more the like Twist on handle we have this with these bolts so like just bolting this down is going to take good couple of minutes and as you see there is no hole for the coffee to come out and that's going to be our biggest challenge today is to limit the flow rate of the coffee and separate the water and the like Grounded Coffee Beans and we are going to limit the flow rate with 1 mm hole and you have probably seen how Stuff moves through 1 mm hole at least we have with hydraulic press it can come quite out quite fast and there's going to two problems if we reach like Max 2 coffee first problem is that it's again too fast we want to like give bit more time for the process and the second problem is that it's going to like do a water Chet Challenge on the on the cup and everything on the kitchen so my greatest plan so far how to achieve all this is to use these it's like the like steel mesh that these handles have like this and we are going to if if I just put this then it's going to just flow on the middle from couple holes so we're going to layer these like one that couple papers one that couple papers so then we have really really much of resistance for the flow and I think this isn't going to go through 1 mm hole like the steel parts and the paper if you put just paper there it's just going to go through the paper like it's not even there so it's going to be a challenge but I think we are ready for it yeah I think we really need time for Taste also to come to the coffee yeah yeah yeah we we want to reach higher than slightly better than on the gas station that's our that's our goal today yeah so um now we're going to move to the challenging task of drilling a 1 mm hole that's not easy I think we first going to drill like maybe 2 mm like until it's almost completely through and then we are going to switch to 1 mm and re the all the way through and now it's probably drilled or I have run out of 1 mm Dr Wheels because they all snapped let's hope that we have the 1 mm hole okay now we are ready to load this up and this is already taken so far that I have already drink one cup of coffee and make it with this but yeah my plan is to shove one of these in small pieces here because it's like pyramid shaped bit there so it's like I think we have to fill it slightly also to get like yeah I think this like this looks really good looks really good that goes there okay let's put one couple of these Pro papers on top of that lousy paper like this yeah everything is by the way totally food grade on this this project that's now there and then uh I'm pretty sure that it's not going to leak through the sides because there's so much force pushing this down it's quite hard to do that then just couple more of these this also good for your cholesterol to use filter paper so this is not only best coffee it's Al so the most healthiest one ever yeah and now we are ready to add the coffee beins and uhoh uhoh we have peasant model of the grinder doesn't fit our Pro and this is on the setting where good life coffee roaster Lowry left this I haven't touched the settings so this is almost like coffee L is like made coffee so if it's bad it's not my fault it's the settings on the [Music] machine yeah no bit more also the coffee Buck needs to be really dense to be able to take the pressure yeah there's now like from this machine four cups of Earth worth of the coffee so I think we are done and I I think like coffee is one of those things that the more involved you are on the process the better it takes it's bit like sports car if you have like manual gears it's more involving and therefore better experience okay I I admit that this is not optimal design you look like like archaic L lot archeologic dinosaur finder that's the word this is really heavy and awkward yes yeah it's been only 15 minutes loading up the coffee maker yeah I was about to say that if your partner sleeps later than you uh she she is not sleeping after you load up the coffee maker but it's it's a really nice to wake up on smell of like fresh coffee and now they can wake up on sound of fresh coffee in perfect world you should go through this with the torque French but we are too busy for that and now we just heat this up load the water and next through the coffee yes we are finally ready coffee maker is relatively warm add some water I don't want to add too much and now we are going to crush it I have 24 tons that's going to resle 300 Bars hey yeah I think that's good I think that's good we had even the like the foam foam holy [ __ ] that's good because the doesn't look bad are there any hey this is much better than the last time okay crumps but not much not much okay yeah it it tastes coffee it's more like uh uh uh tasty yeah yeah The Taste is stronger uh I think what uh let's see what what happens if I switch on the second pump also now we have more speed I think we weren't hitting the pressure limit on the last are there enough water yeah yeah there's lot of water still okay now more speed [Music] hey it's stock oh but but the coffee was already really good it was really good M and now it's stuck so there is definitely more water but it's now backet better like I think there's now 300 Bars should we go with 600 let's try it so that was 24 tons so we're going to put 50 tons and I think the speed doesn't matter because it was stuck I use only the smaller pump it has the most precise pressure control because if you put all pumps on it might go so fast that it overshoots the actually has already over suited quite much it's actually 40 tons now so there is like uh 500 bars so let at like 75 900 bars we are really pushing the limits of the seals and the water is going to compress multiple persons now so this is like really extreme oh I like B speed or have we run out of water let's open that and have a look yeah and we're going to load it again for the next try it might no it can't be there is water because the Piston is so high I think we are going to pop this open yeah let's check what happened yeah and let's test this one more time nothing has come come there I would say that now this tastes like espresso like really really strong probably has something to do with the fact that we had four cups of coffee and got like 30 m in here like the leftover look look nothing almost nothing yeah uhoh yeah that's why it got stuck yeah the paper is in the [Music] hole Yeah uh I think we have to drill it out this yeah it's not going it's been pushed with thousand bars there it's pretty pretty pretty pretty like tightly there yeah but hey we found found why it got stuck now we are going to not add paper under the no steel only on top of the steel yeah now when I think it it was a clear mistake to put the paper here but it was so like it looks like it needs something and it worked for a like up to the like sun pressure and then it didn't work anymore but now we have steel and then on top top of the steel we are going to put these like this and then then we add the [Laughter] coffee yes we can fit more it's not done yet I'm amazed that the humble o-ring was able to take all that pressure and the bolts didn't snap yeah I wasn't specifically worried about them being going to be snapped but I feel such a snob when I'm like brushing my coffee snob yeah okay everything is ready cameras are on coffee maker is at 70° C so pretty reasonable water is boiling and I try to add the water and then quickly the piston and that stops IT from leaking yeah like that yeah just couple drops so we are definitely learning this game then I was a big brain and I shortened this so it now fits here nicely okay what we should order I think I ordered th000 bars that's roughly that then uh slow bre we are not in a hurry yeah it's been already 3 hours we have drink like one not very optimal cup of coffee so I'm not hurry at this point so th bars slow Brew do want to do you want to milk with that no I think we go with black we go with the black blackest coffee ever yep I think this is going to be big coffee then it's just downhill from here on for Humanity as an whole oh it's going in it's slowly going in yeah at the coffee hey it's working there's more and more coffee and less and less seals holy [ __ ] that's th000 bars and it's Brewing I think that's good amount uhoh yeah there was uh there was slightly air inside that's why it lifted because the bre has now released and that's also um Mark that it's safe to go in when the Piston comes up there isn't any more pressure I think this is big coffee mhm really nice foam quite nice color good smell okay hey th Parts it actually worked even better really yeah yeah yeah it's really soft and creamy yeah I don't it's a really good coffee yeah I don't I don't see anything wrong with that no I'm not sure is it like the is it any better than V bar coffee mathematically it should be 50 times better yeah pretty good yeah after like probably 40 hours of research and [ __ ] around and finding out we have the Thousand bar coffee and there is just two people in the whole world that have drinked thousand bar coffee me and Hana and 8 billion Unfortunate Souls that haven't had this pleasure yeah yeah I I I would say that this is quite like uh probably not scalable I think the uh number of people that have tried this is going to stay at tube for for for really long time but I believe that coffee low will approve can you even see like That's how little of stuff there is yeah yeah I think our work here is done there isn't anything that we can improve on Art of coffee making after this so hope you like this video this was excellent series and please let us know what we should do next with our magnificent 300 ton press but that is all for today thank you for watching and have a nice day
Channel: Hydraulic Press Channel
Views: 370,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hydraulic press channel, hydraulicpresschannel, hydraulic press, hydraulicpress, crush, willitcrush, destroy, press, hydraulicpress channel, hydraulic, hydraulic press man, will it crush
Id: FamCoxSQxU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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