Blippi's Zoo Adventure: Feeding and Playing with Animals! - Blippi | Educational Videos for Kids

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[Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to [Music] shpp hey it's me Flippy and look at where I'm at today today I'm at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle Washington have you ever been to a zoo yeah they're so great you can see big animals small animals even insects if you want yeah I am so excited let's go W we're in the back of a habitat this is so cool wo look at this oo looks like some animal snacks yum okay I'll put that down right there wow and this is this animal's real food yeah this is what they eat on the daily hey check it out see this right here yeah you just put some powder in right there swirl it around and this is what this animal loves to eat every day okay let me put this back right here but hey did you see what we saw right here wo looks like a feather this must come from the animal that's in this habitat H yeah feather birds have feathers and do you see it's the color pink whoa do you know what animal bird is the color pink yeah flamingos okay let me set this down right here and then let's grab the snacks and let's go see if we can find the flamingos oh hey it's John hey oh hi bippy how are you good Welcome to our Flamingo exhibit thank you what are you doing um just raking up the feathers and these are our flamingos oh do you see the flamingos wow do you mind if I get a closer look at them no go ahead all right hey let's take a closer look at the flamingos oh hello flamingos hey wow these flamingos are so pretty well did you know that when flamingos are born they're the color white yeah gray yeah whitish gray and then when they get older they turn the color pink because the food that they eat has a lot of pink in it wo that is so cool and you see how tall their legs are W they're so long an adult Flamingo the legs are taller than the whole rest of the body wow that is so crazy hey and do you see how their legs are bending backwards yeah as humans our legs Bend forwards W but then flamingos their legs Bend backwards and you're probably like wao those are some flexible knees but hey let me tell you a really cool fact do you see that little area right in the center of their legs yeah looks like their knee that is actually the flamingo's ankle wo that's crazy well hey I think we should throw some of these snacks in the water and see if the flamingos come okay all right here you [Music] go it's the animal Ambassador show wo another great animal this place is awesome hey what's your name I'm Susie oh nice to meet you and who is this this is Harry and Harry is a striped skunk wow striped skunk yeah I see black in white why are they striped like that well those stripes allow them to alert any predators in the area that he is a skunk and if they've been around a skunk before they definitely would not want to get sprayed again oh yeah wait you said spray is that the smell that you sometimes smell when you're driving you've got it yeah it's a really strong smell and you can't mistake it if you smelled it before and you definitely can't mistake it if you've been sprayed yeah so why do they spray again it's their way of Defending themselves so if a skunk feels threatened the first thing that Harry might do is do some forward charges or some handstands and that says hey don't mess with me more bad things are coming and if the animal proceeds to come forward they might get sprayed oh so it sounds like Harry's a gy gymnast with its handstands that's funny what's Harry eating today he is eating eating insects he loves bugs he loves vegetables fruit he even eats meat too wow Harry is so cool I love [Music] skunks W check it out another cute animal W this is Eduardo hello Eduardo whoa Eduardo is a three banded armadillo wao and it looks like he's eating some insects those look so yummy for him I actually got permission to go inside but he's actually probably going to think my shoes are really cool because they smell so let me go inside and see if he is curious hello hey how are you who do you see him w he has a very hard shell yeah three banded armadillos are ones that can go all the way in a ball but he's not doing that right now because that is a defensive mechanism yeah he's actually really comfortable right now hey do you see how he's just sniffing around oh he is so cute and his fingernails are so long or toenails and he has some cute little hair is coming out the bottom W look at him go whoa check it out look this is a hawk but wait a second who are you my name is Lindsay I am an ambassador animal keeper wow what what's the name of this Hawk this is Cisco he is a 32-year-old Harris's hawk wow Cisco is so pretty wow I love the Wings does it have big wings or thin or small or he has big broad wings that are good for soaring but not very good for diving fast oh wow do they live together or alone Harris's Hawks are very special because they live in family groups with other Hawks most birds of prey live by themselves oh wow and I like Cisco's eyes what's unique about them Harris's Hawks and other birds of have really great eyesight that is so cool and I like it be look at it it's like looks so sharp can I take a closer look at him sure whoo check out Cisco wow wo so Majestic wow hey Cisco wow [Music] wow another amazing animal wo this is a burrowing owl wo what's his name this is papoo oh nice to meet you papoo I'm flippy do you see papo's eyes they're so big in yellow wow does that mean they can see good owls have excellent eyesight wow and Pap it's so small is it a little baby no papoo is full grown wao is it like other owls where they go out at night and look for food so other owls are nocturnal which means they're awake at night but papoo is dial he's awake during the day waa that is so cool papoo is so cute wow I just want a pet him he's so cute but I'm not going can I take a closer look sure wow check it out this is anahi yeah she is so pretty wow do you see her tongue poking out yeah she pushes her tongue out of her mouth every now and then to smell isn't that crazy we use our nose to smell but she uses her tongue to smell yeah and she is a red tail boa constrictor wo look at her just wrapped up in a tree like this all comfortable W hello wow I hope she is having a great day oh she is so big right now she is about 7 ft tall yeah that's about 2.3 M long wow but she actually gets a lot bigger she'll even get bigger than this wo yeah she can get about 12 ft tall that's about 4 M long wo that is so cool wow check it out this is blue and blue is a blue tongue skink she looks like a snake does doesn't she yeah snake with legs but she's not she's actually a lizard wo she is so cool looking wo do you see her tongue yeah it's the color blue that makes sense I bet Predators think that that tongue could be poisonous yeah wo and do you see her ears wow I bet she can hear really good whoa jeez how are you are you having a good day wao wow look this is Tut and this is Cairo wo look at them hey they are Egyptian tortoises yeah when I hear tortoise I think of a big turtle but these are actually full size wao where are you two going I wonder if they're hungry they actually live in the desert yeah W that makes sense because Egyptian tortoises wo look they're following each other W that looks [Music] fun W Hello Penguin hey did you see that that was a cute penguin W hasn't hasn't this been so much fun at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle Washington today yeah I had a lot of fun seeing all these great animals hey what's your favorite animal W what a great animal well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job all right see you again [Applause] byebye hello hey it's me blippy and look at where we're at w yeah today we're at Moonlight rollerway in glenvale California wo this is a place where you can roller skate wo yeah have you ever roller skated before it is so much fun but first I have someone really important and special to introduce you to it's Ma and she is my best friend heyy Hi everyone I'm ma yeah m is my best friend oh but you're my best friend oh ma you're my best friend hey M do you want to know what we're going to do today yeah check it out Moonlight rollerway does that mean we're roller skating yeah it does have you ever roller skated before yeah it's kind of tricky you have to have really good balance yeah you do I bet you were going to do really good W we'll see I bet you're going to do really good all right let's go yeah come on [Music] I'm so excited let's [Music] go wow look at this place ma it's fabulous yeah it is wo and look at the carpet it's so colorful yeah I love all of these colors it's so fun yeah it is wa check it out the roller rink yeah it's really really big and look at the floor it has colors on it too yeah ooo and look at that ball up there a disco ball yeah like a real party W woo and what's the floor made out of M well roller rink floors are made out of wood and they're really smooth yeah kind of like ice rinks that's wo do you know the difference between ice skates and roller skates yeah yeah an ice skate has a blade and roller skates have four wheels two in the front and two in the back yeah you're right ma hey should we go get on our roller skates yes I can't wait yeah whoa look at all these skates W there's so many hello hi hey who are you I'm Pedro I'm Na and I'm blippy nice to meet you nice to meet you what are you up to I'm disinfecting these skates wao disinfecting oo can I see yes you can wao check it out disinfectant W that way it can get all of the germs out of the skates and keep them nice and clean yeah so then they're not really [Music] stinky oh here we go Pedro you really want to go roller skating what's the first thing we should do we first need to figure out what size skate you wear oh do you know your shoe size if you know your shoe size that's a roller skate size yeah hey do you have big sizes and small sizes or what size do you have we have from toddler sizes oh so cute very big size W check it out this one's so small yeah and this one's really big wow so cool what's the largest size you have have Pedro this is the largest one at a 16 W up to 16 that's a lot of sizes yeah will you count to 16 with us awesome 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 w wow woo I got these for you m thank you and these are for you budy woo thank you so much Pedro yeah wow shall we go put on our roller skites yes I can't wait yeah let's [Music] go this is going to be so much fun we I'm so excited sopy yeah look at these cool skates wow and there's so many parts on the skate yeah Oh look The Wheel W let's count them together okay one two three four wow four wheels so cool and what's this up front oh this is the toe stop it helps you break so you can stop wow cool oh and check this out yeah looks like we have some brown shoelaces so then you can tighten it up around your foot so your foot doesn't fall out yep nice tight and secure wa and look it kind of looks like a shoe but it's not called a shoe yeah it's called a boot yeah woo but before we go out and skate we should probably get on our safety gear have safety gear okay what do we Havey oh let's see we have oh look this do you do yep yeah wrist guards yeah you put them on your wrist so then it keeps your hands nice and safe yeah do you have also have some elbow pads wow yep they go right here on your elbow all of these things will protect you in case you fall down yeah woo and these kind of look like elbow pads but they're bigger these are actually for your knees so then your knees are nice and protected wo woo and last but not least helmet yeah mine's the color blue that's one of my two favorite colors yeah and I have all sorts of colors on here blue pink and orange your other favorite color oh M you're so silly well shall we gear up so then we can roller skate yes I can't wait yeah okay all right let's go now we have our skates and our helmet on we should probably put on our KNE pant [Music] oo and they match my helmet yeah they [Music] do El [Music] elard wow wow we have been so safe yeah we are safety is super fun all right now that we have our safety gear on let's go ride yeah W wo wo wo wo you okay we have F all right it's going to be slippery wo this is tricky here I go W it's really oh wo I almost fell it's so slippery yeah it is w w we need to work on our balancing oh no I can't stop watch out are you okay yeah I'm okay m w I'm glad you're wearing a helmet well all the safety gear really helps us stay safe yeah kind of makes it less scary if you're going to fall down w w w w this is awesome who what happened M I fell down you did do you need help up oh sure thank you all right [Music] W thanks flippy you're welcome wow this is really hard huh yeah it's pretty tricky trying to keep your balance up here yeah it is wo wo do you see that wow wo this really good yeah wa hi guys how are you pretty good how are you what's your name I'm doing really well my I'm coach JC here with moonlight rollerway and I would like to teach both of you to skate better wow you're a coach that means you must know a lot about roller skating just a little bit but let's get started what I'd like to do is teach you first see how you're losing your balance we want to get you both in the T position so you're going to roll your skate behind put it in a tea and look you can stand up nice and tall and hold your balance so yes see and I noticed that you were just fed and so let's see if we can go over that let's go over practice falling and getting back up wait we're going to practice falling yes okay awesome so let's all sit down okay we're going to get down just like this okay and the first thing you always always want to do when you're on the ground is get your hands off the floor so that no one can roll over them oh so hands in the lap and then we're going to roll over on two knees so we're going to go two knees down and then we're going to go one knee up we're going to take both hands put it on that knee and we're going to look up because we're going up we're going to push straight up and look we're going to go right back into that tea we just practiced w now Ma you can get up on your own if you fall again yeah wow thanks for teaching us that no problem that's great so now can you guys both say one two three roll yeah yeah 1 2 3 roll awesome that means you can skate okay so we're going to put action to all those words you just said so we're going to now take our T and move it into a letter V and by putting a letter V with your skate see how we can touch the back wheels yeah we're going to put our hands in front we're going to keep our knees bent and we're going to keep our hands nice and straight and our heads up and we're going to go one two three roll okay let's do that together all right ready yep 1 2 3 roll see and if you lose control what's the letter we go right back to the T oh letter T that's going to be your favorite letter today okay so from the T we're going to go back to the B and we're going to try rolling just a little bit further this time all right ready 1 2 3 roll and we're going to keep going and this time we're going to try and put our heel back and lift and get that toe stop into the surface oh wao that was cool we just stopped with the toe stop really just stop toe stop and now watch to the tea to the te our favorite letter and then we're going to go right across and we're going to keep going with our marching and our hands strong in front one two three one 2 3 roll wow look how good you both are getting I'm so excited yeah we are getting really good huh M yeah I feel much better about skating now W great job you guys and you're skating safely yeah look at us shall we show us your stuff now yes you guys go on enjoy your skate all right nice job [Music] one two three roll yeah we go W and go out and in and out and in I love skating wow this is awesome we got so good after those lessons woohoo yeah this is is awesome wo nice job flippy wao you too Ma you're going so fast yeah so are you yeah wo this is so cool it's like I'm flying because of the wheels [Music] W that was awesome was so fun yeah hey Pedro thanks for hooking us up with these awesome roller skates no problem yeah it was really fun and na did really good her balance is great A thanks blippy you did really great too what a fun day glad you guys had a good time yeah than see you later Pedro wow that was so much fun we learned so many cool things today and really got to practice our balance and skating skills yeah we did well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b l i p p i blippy good job wait Ma how do you spell your name oh I'll tell you it's m e e k a h wow ma hey why don't we go on some more fun field trips together soon yes I would love to flippy yeah let's go all right bye-bye [Music] he [Music] hey it's me blippy and look at what's behind me wow this is a snowmobile and this snowmobile belongs to my friends Magnus and Hans and today you and I are going to learn about snowmobiles yeah [Music] [Music] hey I forgot to ask you what colors do you see on the snowmobile yeah I see the color red black black white and hey look down here there's some silver hey come back here wow look at this tree what color is this tree looks like icy green and brown and what else yeah the snow is white let's go I love playing in the snow but it's so cold woohoo yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] W this snowmobile is so powerful do you know how the snowmobile gets all of its power yeah yeah the [Music] engine W check that out looks like we have oh this looks like maybe the engine oil W that's what helps cool the engine um let's see ooh looks like the flywheel some gears oh and look at this this is a front shock yeah this is part of the suspension of the snowmobile wo and look down here this snowmobile has two skis one right here and one over there wo that is what's on the front to help steer the snowmobile come on to the other side [Music] wo the other engine compartment W looks like we have the exhaust in there you definitely don't want to touch that that is really hot oh and we have the intake and we have the engine way down in there wo this engine is so compact acted with so much power all in the front of the snowmobile come to the back check this [Music] out wow this is the track of the snowmobile you see these big things poking up wow that helps it grip into the snow so it doesn't slip and slide yeah that's kind of like the tread on a wheel and tire but this snowmobile does not have a wheel or a tire oh come check this out all right this is the dash of the snowmobile right here this is where it tells you how fast you're going your engine temperature oh and look it right here yeah the key yeah you know what that does when you have that in then you turn it and that is how you start the snowmobile but it's not like a car where you just start it with a key you have to pull this check this out yeah here come here so for safety we have the brake and not for safety we have the throttle here we go [Music] this has been so much fun riding this snowmobile oh jeez I sure do love the seasons don't you yeah it's so cool how you can do fun things during the Spring and the summer and the fall and the winter yeah let's go [Music] [Music] wo check it out look at what we found yeah we found a river W this has been so much fun exploring with the snowmobiles and finding this River hey do you know what animals live in this River yeah probably some fish W I definitely don't want to be a fish right now and swim in that water that water looks so cold woohoo [Music] wo check out this yellow vehicle W do you see something unique about it yeah check this out just like how the snowmobile has tracks yeah it doesn't have wheels in tires yeah the Jeep also has tracks it doesn't have wheels and tires as well just like the snowmobile [Music] [Music] wooo that was so much fun snowmobiling at lven worth snowmobile tours at the Mountain Springs Lodge in Plain Washington do you like snowmobiling yeah I do too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job byebye [Music] [Music] [Music] hey it's me boy and today we're here at Great Explorations Children's Museum in St Petersburg Florida and I can't wait to see what's inside and start playing whoa come on W look where we're at the Sandy Shack yeah it's a really big sandbox and you and I get to go inside but first we got to take off our shoes one two okay I'll put these to the side and we can go inside don't forget your bucket W look at it wo W it's so cool in here it's really sandy there's so much sand here and it's a good thing we have our pale and shovels yeah we have two blue shovels we pick up [Music] sand and we have one two three different Pals yeah this one is the color yellow this one is the color orange and this one is the color red yeah these are really helpful for scooping sand up wo and making a a sand castle okay let's try it out uh-oh it looked like our sand castle didn't stand up but that's okay sometimes when you're trying to make something it doesn't work on the first time so you got to just keep trying whoa this is pretty cool wo but do you see these animals wo do you know what kind of animal this is he's kind of hiding in the sand yeah this animal is a crab he's feeling a little crabby so silly well this crab is really cool hey you know how crabs like to move uh-huh yeah they don't like to walk like us they like to go side to side hey will you act like a crab with me yeah okay here we go let's do our crab walk wa moving side to side like the crab is so much fun yeah oh look at this there's another animal wo this animal is really big and likes to live on beaches just like a crab in the sand this yeah this guy he's a sea turtle wo and look how big his shell is wo it's bigger than my head this is so much fun playing in the sand wo woo woo maybe we can make a s sand Angel okay here we go wo that was so much fun playing in the sand with you got to dust myself off cuz I'm pretty Sandy now let's go keep exploring but first we got to put our shoes [Music] on now that we have our shoes on all we have to do is tie them yeah do you know how to tie your shoes yeah they can be really really hard tieing your shoes but this is how I like to tie them so I take my laces and first I cross them over and I take one of the laces and I put it through the center yeah like that and I pull it tight once I've done the first step then I take the laces and I make cute little bunny ears yeah just like this you see my two little bunny ears hop hop hop hop hop hop it's so cute yeah and then I take the bunny ears and they give each other a little hug they wrap around then I pull that tight too okay this time I'll do it a little faster okay we take our laces we cross them and then one lace goes under then one bunny ear two bunny ears woo and we cross them we then wrap that one through they give a little hug we pull it tight wa look at that we tied our shoes and sometimes I like to do it again to double knot my shoes because I like to dance and I like to run and play and you don't want to play or dance when your shoes are untied then you might trip on your shoelace that wouldn't be very fun well there's so much more to explore come on there are so many cool things here look at this really big circle hello woo woo wo and look at this over here there are so many cubes W there are so many different colors on these cubes look you have the color white and the color red and the color purple and the color blue wait a minute if I turn it this way my two favorite colors blue and orange hey and look over here there's like a little diarama playset and there's all kinds of cool animals like a little piggy oink oink oink oink woo he's going to walk on the bridge W and look there are two sheep yeah one two you know what sound sheep make yeah they go go like [Music] this and they're also going to be on the bridge cuz they're friends with Mr Piggy okay right there wo and look at this there are three animals here one two three do you know what kind of animals these are yeah they're little lambs and they're so cute and tiny woo they're going to hang out near the bridge too woo and look at this there are four really big cows moo moo yeah one 2 three 4 wo four really big cows and they're going to go they're going to go in the water they're taking a little bath cuz it's really warm out hello Mr Pig hello Mr Cow hello so silly that was really fun playing with all those foam cubes and seeing about those animals hey look over here wo and look at this have you ever seen one of these before yeah this is called an abacus mhm and it's really good helping do math or arithmetic mhm look you can do it like this one yellow lemon plus one yellow lemon H how many lemons does that make yeah two lemons okay that was pretty easy and now you can do a even harder one what about two apples plus three apples wo that's a lot harder let's count them 1 2 3 4 5 wo 2 + three apples is five apples wo yeah Abacus is really helpful for counting and math these are really really big there's a watermelon and a pumpkin and the Pumpkin is my favorite color orange H I wonder what these [Music] are [Music] wo did you hear that yeah this isn't a watermelon it's a watermelon drink drum well that means that the pumpkins are drum [Music] too wo they sounded really cool wo those are awesome fruit drums yeah wo look at this over here who look at all these different fruits and vegetables yeah we have lettuce onion corn potato carrot wo and tomato those are so many different kinds now what we can do is play a really fun game where we take all the foods in this basket and we have to match them to the right word so first we got some onions so let's see one onion two onion yeah we got it that was pretty easy next we got two red red tomatoes o h where should the red tomatoes go here here yeah that's right we'll put him right over here okay here we go one two okay we got a couple more wo what about this wow there's a lot of things here wait a minute where should we put this lettuce it says lettuce here but there are four parts and only two holes wait a minute these are halves so if you take one half and another half you put them together you get one hole one whole head of lettuce and we have two over here so one half and 1/2 1/2 and 1/2 two whole heads of lettuce we put them in the holes one two and we have two heads of coin wo look at this we have yummy yummy carrots I love carrots and so do a lot of animals like rabbits and horses woo it looks like I have bunny ears with my carrots woo wo woo that's so fun okay we'll put two carrots one carrot and two carrots H what's left oh yeah a potato who look we got one potato right here and we have another potato right wait a minute is this a potato that's not a potato that's a donut so silly well I guess we'll put it in the potato cuz we only have one potato but this not a potato wo we did a really good job matching all the fruit together well there's so much more to explore come on wo I just came out of this really awesome Tree House hey let's explore it a little wo look at it this is so big this tree is enormous yeah look it's so big that they built a house under the tree or in the tree and a house above the tree W this is such a cool Treehouse I think you and I should go up in it come on W look at this place it's so amazing and let look at this this isn't any Treehouse this is Longo's Cove and look at this this is a pirate ship wao someone put this big pirate ship up in the tree hello Pirates W I'm so excited let's climb up but I have a really good idea how about you and I count all the steps on our way up here we go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 there's some more over here 8 9 10 11 wo 12 he made it up all the stairs and it was 12 that was a lot wo check this out do you know what this is right here yeah this is called a spy glass and this will help us see really far away wo I can see so far from here and hey look at this can you find these birds yeah there's all different birds over on the wall and hiding in all different places and we can use the spy glass to see if we can find them okay we want to find an osprey a rosette spoon Bill a brown pelican blue herand sandwich turns and anhingas oo that sounds like a really cool bird let's see if we can find him okay I'm looking wa I think I found the anhinga he's right over there wo and I see a blue heron hey right up against the blue wall and yeah look there's the sandwich turn wo that was amazing looking for all those different birds hey do you know where all those birds like to live yeah they live in a place called an estuary wo Estuary is a really fancy word but it basically means where the ocean meets a river W yeah hey I have a fun game do you think that an estuary has salty water or fresh water without any salt h yeah you're all right because it's both salty and fresh it's kind of kind of salty yeah and we call that barish water wo that's another big word but it's amazing because all these cool birds and some really cool fish like to live there yeah W this treehouse is pretty amazing let's see what else we can find W look at this place do you see above me whoa It's a captain's wheel who I bet this came from the pirate ship wo that is so cool I wish we could ride a real pirate ship into the ocean wo hey it looks like there's a lot of types of trash in this treehouse huh yeah and it says over here don't pollute mhm have you ever heard of recycling yeah it's really good because recycling helps to take care of the animals that live in the ocean and on land yeah if you ever have trash make sure it goes in the recycling bin or a trash can and not in the water mm- well this treehouse is pretty cool but I'm going to see if I can go climb up to the top I'll see you soon wo [Music] n [Music] that was so much fun but I'm a little bit dizzy wa hey I have a really fun idea how about you and I go up to the pirate ship in Longo Cove and ride the big yellow slide yeah come on let's go whoa it looks like we've been here before okay we went that way so now let's go this way this is so cool look at this place this treehouse is kind of spooky woo well I had so much fun with you today exploring the Sandy Shack and Longo's Cove it was so much fun and now for the very best part we go down the big yellow slide okay I think I'm ready on your March get set and go blippy woo bye-bye [Music] woo W that was so much fun wow I had a really great time playing with you today here at Great Explorations Children's Museum in St Petersburg Florida and we had a really fun time playing in the sand in the Sandy Shack and climbing all the way to the top of Longo's Cove wo well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me b l i p p i bppi good job well I'll see you real soon bye-bye [Music] woo let's make learning fun so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout
Channel: Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids
Views: 693,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Blippi Videos, Educational videos for kids, ballpit, blipi, blippi, blippi dance, bloopi, blop, blopi, brush teeth, brushing, challenge, christmas, colors, dance, dinos, dinosaurs, excavator, fun, game, glow in the dark, holiday, indoor, kid songs, kids tv shows, learning, meek, meeka, meekah, meka, mekah, morning, night, nursery rhymes, play, playground, rainbow, receess, sink or float, slide, slides, songs, songs for children, songs for kids, toy, toy truck, toys, trucks, water, water park
Id: wLHea35h90Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 31sec (3451 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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