Blippi's Earth Day Bash: Eco-Fun Extravaganza! 🌍🌿| BLIPPI | Kids TV Shows | Cartoons For Kids

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so much to learn about it'll make you want to [Music] shouty oh M would you like to play a game sure blippy okay let's play a game of I spy yeah H okay I'll go first I spy with my blippy eye something brown and Barky oo hey is it the tree trunk yeah it's the bark on the tree trunk oh hey it's me bippy and me am and today we're here at tree people in the Santa Monica Mountains we're going on a nature height yeah and we're having so much fun enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air and the really tall green trees okay it's my turn okay I spy with my ma eye something big and blue oh something that that's big and blue H do you see something big and blue yeah that's right it's the sky that's right oh hello Sky okay my turn go I aspy with my bluffy eye something red something red hey is it this flower yeah look it's a red flower Bud a yeah pretty hasn't bloomed yet no not till the spring then it will be a beautiful red flower wao What a Beautiful Day flippy did you know that today is Earth Day I didn't H I wonder how do you celebrate Earth Day let's sing a song and find out look at what it's worth to live on planet Earth it's the place that we call home yeah it's it's pretty great we're the buzzing of the bees the wind blowing through the trees it's the place that we call home and we must protect it so the plants can grow so Lippy what can we do to help the Earth I'm glad you asked actually hit it instead of throwing this away we can make it into a house where a bird can stay tweet tweet birdie here's a new home for you wait before you throw that in the trash give it to me and in a Flash I'll fix it up for you it's brand new helping Earth is what we have to do when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party it's the planet Earth party so blippy what other things can we do to protect the Earth we can sort the trash into different bins bottles cans and cardboard yeah throw them in sort them out recycling is what it's all about woo but don't forget the Buzzy Buzzy Bees we need them to pollinate the flowers don't you see so the plants can grow come on little bees this way when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party it's the planet Earth party what are you doing Ma I'm planting a tree see the world is full of plants flowers and trees the plants help the Earth [Music] breed when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be come on everyone join the planet Earth party but it's not just our home is it blippy exactly we share our home with so many different animals and we need to keep the Earth healthy and happy so all the animals can be happy and healthy too from the elephants on the Savannah to the the Bears at the North Pole the monkeys in the jungle yeah we all call the Earth our home when it's the home for you and me planet Earth is the place to be planet Earth planet Earth planet Earth planet [Music] [Applause] Earth it's the place that we call home well that was so much fun singing thanks for dancing along with me oh yeah but after all that singing and dancing I'm definitely in need of a snack oh look there's a picnic table over there wao let's go eat a snack there [Music] okay this is so nice well what snack should we eat Ma I have some fruit in my jam pack well I love eating fruit yeah I especially love fruit because it's an always food yeah you can always have a healthy snack by eating some fruit M look at this bright red apple oh and I have a bright orange banana wait a minute Orange it's a yellow banana one of my favorite colors oh well this definitely is going to be a tasty snack for me yeah oh got I just peel it and then take a bite oh how's your Apple d delicious how's your nana that is so yummy and sweet I certainly love eating yummy fruits and vegetables me too especially with my best friend do you like to eat fruits and vegetables too awesome well ma when we're done eating we're going to have some leftover food scraps we should probably find a place to put them I don't see any place nearby yeah we don't want to and just throw them out in nature we need to find a place to put our banana peel and our Apple Core maybe we can keep going down the trail and we'll find somewhere okay okay here we go woo okay let's keep going down the trail eating our yummy snacks and keep on the lookout for a place to put our scraps woo Who Ma look at this wa I wonder what it is a trash can maybe but it doesn't quite look like one hey do you know what shape this is yeah it's a triangle is two triangles oh yeah it is one two oh hi I'm flippy I'm M nice to meet you hi I'm Hillary I'm an Eco educator here at tree people o Hillary Hillary what is this triangular thing that's a great question this is actually two different types of soil whoa yeah check it out look looks like there's some sandy soil in this one m and some mushy green brown looking soil in this one so one of these sides is actually six soil can you guess which side is our six soil uh this side um your close is actually this side oh oh yeah well you think we need to take that dirt to the doctor well this side is our six City soil because it doesn't have a lot of nutrients in it there are some concrete blocks on the top that probably is not too good for the soil no that actually represents our sidewalks in the city oh and what about this one over here so this is our healthy soil that's the type of soil you're going to see out here at tree people or around on Hikes yeah look there's some leaves and some bark and it's definitely green looking yeah looks nice and healthy well Hillary we also have some food scraps from our snack and we were wondering what we should do with them or where we could put them that's a great question you can actually put that in something called a compost bin what's a compost bin that's a great question when you add your fruit and veggie scraps to a compost bin it breaks down and it adds nutrients to the soil wait so putting our banana peels and apple cores in a compost bin it would make the soil really healthy like that yes exactly wao we eat it and get healthy and then we make the soil healthy that sounds fun actually you guys should follow me up the hill I know somebody special who can help you compost your food scraps oh that sounds fun that sounds so fun okay we follow you okay I think I'm going to go check and see if the Dirt Doctor Is In okay see you soon Hillary I'm the Dirt Doctor W hi Dirt Doctor hey he a minute you look awfully familiar well any who it's nice to meet you well why don't you guys follow me okay wo what's all this these are all the ingredients that we need to make our compost oh wo yeah it looks like you have an awful lot of cool things here oh and can we add our food scraps to the compost yes you absolutely can we need half Parts greens and half Parts Brown do we have enough you know I think we actually need a little bit more of bow both okay well I think we can go find some okay sounds great okay we'll put our food scrubs here and be right back see you soon well ma what do you want to try to find some Twigs ooh and maybe I'll find some green leaves ooh perfect oh and look there's some green leaves here oh but we should pick from the ground yeah we don't want to hurt any of the trees or plants nearby W and look at all [Music] this yeah all these green and brown things would be great to add for the compost mhm well it looks like we got a lot of leaves and twigs and organic things ooh Some berries too oh yeah let's take this back to the dirt doctor wo ready [Music] yeah we brought it back Dirt Doctor okay sounds great why don't we start off with our greens okay all right well how about on the count of three three we do our food scraps and our green leaves and uh let's do a rainbow toss into the bucket great all right ready one two [Music] three well what do we do after we add all the green things now we got to add our Browns so why don't we do a little bit of all the Browns that we have okay well we have an awful lot of leaves yeah can you pass me some yeah there you go and I'll grab some spk and some Twigs all right great now on the count of three I want you guys to do a slam dunk into our bucket compost basketball all right ready one two three we did it well what do we add now now I'm just going to add a little bit of water so that we can have some moisture in our compost bin and why don't we mix this up can I stir of course yeah stir stir stir well that's a good mixer oh yeah and it looks like that water is helping to break it down right exactly and in 2 to 3 months this is going to break down into a soil that's our compost and then what do we do use the soil for that's a great question you can put it in your Gardens and you can give it to your trees and your plants yeah so they can grow big and strong speaking of plants maybe we could uh plant something yeah well I'd love to plant something actually I have something for both of you I have white sage which is a native plant wow check it out this white sage is so beautiful and the leaves are kind of fuzzy well I would certainly love to plant these white sage with my best friend well thank you so much dirt doctor it was really nice learning about so many things from you oh and we'll see you soon okay okay sounds good thanks bye bye Hillary I mean Dirt Doctor [Music] wa I can't wait to plant our plants here you go M I have an idea let's name our plants wa that's a great idea well Ma what are you going to name your white sage M buttercup buttercup oh I like that name I'm going to name mine Charlie oh Charlie and Buttercup I hope they're very happy here yeah well ma these are actually native to California which means they're from California uhuh that means they can grow in California even if it's dry and hot yeah they're going to grow nice and big and strong a this is so great well I think mine's looking pretty good yours looks good too let's put this flag here so we know that Buttercup and Charlie live here yeah we don't want anyone to step on them and we want to remember where we put them well this was so much fun celebrating Earth day that was awesome meeting the Dirt Doctor Who taught us all about composting yeah and what healthy and not so healthy soil looks like well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for our names hey can you spell our names with us okay here we go ready b l i p p i f good job will you spell my name with us m e e k a h that was awesome well we'll see you soon happy [Music] Earth Everybody Take 10 steps back we're going to launch in three 2 W wo w w that was awesome did you see that paint can shoot up like a rocket yeah who hi I'm BL what's your name I'm Emily Kelli nice to meet you well it's so nice to meet you Emily that was an amazing experiment you did right do you think you could teach us how to do it I would love to awesome well wait a minute Emily how do you know how to do a science experiment like that I'm an aerospace engineer wa and aerospace engineer I know engineers build Bridges and roads but what does an aerospace engineer do well Aerospace means I study to how things fly through the air like an airplane woohoo and like that paint can mhm and fly through space wow that's amazing well I definitely want to try this experiment let's go woohoo flippy are you ready I'm ready are you ready too awesome okay well what do we need to do the experiment we are going to need baking soda oh okay some baking soda and some vinegar woo that's kind of smelly W and a paint can and a paint can that's right waa wait a minute well why will we need vinegar and baking soda to do this experiment well baking soda is our base vinegar is our acid when we mix the two together you Kickstart an acid based chemical reaction that creates carbon dioxide bubbles bubbles yeah wait and then the bubbles build up pressure so it launches the paint can like a rocket woo exactly exactly okay well I think we're ready to start the experiment what's the first step okay so first you're going to want to put your baking soda in the paint can just pour it all in okay here can you help me yes absolutely here we go woohoo it's snowing snowing in the pink can woo oh it's a little messy doing science experiments okay now you want to put your vinegar in this cup very carefully oh and then we put the cup inside exactly okay here we go don't want to spill any on the baking soda before it goes in yes be very careful we don't want to Kickstart the acid-based chemical reaction too soon so just softly Nestle it into the baking soda just like that exactly exactly yes looks pretty steady perfect now for the fun part okay we're going to hammer on the lip oh that's why you were hammering before exactly okay here we go is this okay yep [Music] perfect and Emily you want to hammer some absolutely you need to put a little bit of oomph behind it w that's some ooms w okay I think it's ready okay and now we just flip it over exactly okay everyone take 10 steps back here we go 3 2 one did you see that yeah flippy do you want to see what was going on inside the paint can well that would be awesome yeah we saw it launched like a rocket but I want to see those carbon dioxide bubbles okay so what do we need to do we can make them right here so we have vinegar that's our acid and we have baking soda that's our base so what we're going to do is at our food coloring first because everything is more fun in color you blue and you have orange I have orange yeah huh I wonder why we're using those two colors I thought they might be your favorite so go ahead and add a a few drops just like that and let's stir it in okay give it a good stir now in one of these I'm going to add some soap my hypothesis is that the soap is going to trap those carbon dioxide Bubbles and make this one a bit more frothy and soapy wa hey have you heard the word hypothesis before yeah it's a really long word for basically a guess and Emily I think you made a really good guess I think so Let's test it out though okay okay here we go ready 3 2 one wo check it out look do you see how mine looks a little bit more frothy that's the soap trapping those carbon dioxide bubbles yeah it looks like yours has a lot of teeny Bubbles and I have really big bubbles exactly oh that's cool and Emily we use this experiment using cups we use a different container absolutely we could oh what about that water bottle this would be perfect huh I wonder how the bubbles will shoot out of that I know my hypothesis is because this one is going from a large area to a small area it's going to shoot up faster and maybe go a little higher H another good test it we got to test it oh and what color should we make this well my favorite color is pink can we make it Pink yeah let's make it pink one two three there we go stir that in wao it's like a pinky red color oh yeah oh that's going to be some fun bubbles okay so now we're going to pour it in and let's see what happens Let's test that hypothesis okay get ready these are going to be some big bubbles [Music] woohoo your hypothesis was right it shot up higher that was great wao that was really cool bubble launch now it looks so pink look at that w yeah we have some pink and we have some orange and some blue woo look Emily we have a fun little elephant in some blue water just taking a bubble bath oh wait a minute we tried a cup and a water bottle what if we try something a little bit silly okay what did you have in mind an orange let's try it yeah I love the color orange and I love eating the fruit and orange okay so we have an orange and there's some baking soda inside and here's some vinegar for you thank you and this one I want to be extra silly so let's make the vinegar green oo I like it we haven't done green yet wa perfect I'm going to stir that up all right let's see what this one looks like okay I don't know what it's going to look like I'm going to try to hold it my hypothesis is that this is going to be messy 3 2 1 [Applause] go it's so fizzy Emily that was awesome that was great who yeah look at that so many bubbles those carbon dioxide bubbles went everywhere that's a great acid-based chemical reaction right there well this was some fun experimenting do you think we could do another one I think so okay I'm going to go clean up my hand flippy are you ready for the next experiment mhm I'm really excited but I think we should take a little break first and look a swing set come on go woo wao I just love swinging uh but Emily yeah is there something scientific about swinging oh my gosh yes there's science all around us with swings gravity is bringing us back down and our legs are giving us momentum to bring us back back up yeah and my legs are really strong from dancing so I can go really high on the swing wo wao good thing we have gravity to bring me back down or else I might fly all the way to the Moon that would be fun oh yeah astronaut flippy here I come woohoo oh oh Emily I have an idea follow me okay here we go [Music] wow I had so much fun taking a break but Emily I'm ready for another experiment all right we are going to make o oo fun oo is is a non- neonian fluid and all you need for this you can make this at home is two parts corn starch to one part water oo so let's go ahead and mix those in WoW put your cornstarch in here okay go ahead corn starch just like so good good good snowing now add your water okay just like that and you're going to want to just get your hands in here whoa this is really fun mixing it up with your hands and you said it was a non- neonian fluid yes so a non- nutonian fluid is just a special name for a fluid that doesn't follow the normal fluid rules oh yeah so a normal solid has its own shape and a normal liquid or a fluid takes the shape of whatever container it's in so if you have water in a cup the water is shaped like the cup exactly but o because it's a non- neonian fluid sometimes acts like a liquid but it sometimes acts like a solid depending on what we do to it oh wo so are there other kinds of non neonian liquids exactly so one you might be familiar with is ketchup ketchup yum I love that on my French fries and when you're trying to get ketchup out of the bottle what do you usually do you normally need to tap the end of it a little bit exactly because ketchup when you hit it when you add Forge to it it acts more like a liquid oh and when you don't hit it when you're not doing anything to it it acts more like a solid and it's harder to get out of that glass bottle wo that's so interesting how it can be a solid sometimes or a liquid sometimes exactly just like o so watch this when you squeeze it together squeeze squeeze squeeze it acts like a ball but watch this as soon as I stop squeezing it it acts like a liquid flowing through my fingers wo it melts that's so cool wo and why is it called a non neonian fluid that's a long name that is a long name so I Isaac Newton was a physicist and a mathematician and he set up some rules for fluids and this doesn't really follow them it likes to break the rules yeah and I've heard of Isaac Newton that's so cool that he named this fluid whoa oh I have an idea how about you make a little ball again and I think our friend Mr elephant wants to play in the [Applause] oo here we go woo uhoh he's getting stuck well that's okay yeah if he just moves around a lot he doesn't get stuck see he's just walking over the oo if he Stomps on the oo he can stay on top look stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp yeah but if he's not stomping he'll sink like water here we [Laughter] go who oo black well it looks like Mr elephant needs to go take another bubble bath W Emily this ooac is super fun woohoo okay flippy now that you know how ooac works I have a surprise for you you have a surprise for me well where is it go ahead and slide down that slide okay here we go see you at the bottom [Music] woohoo wa w w this isn't oo black this is ooh blippy blippy that's a corny joke a corn starchy joke whoa I had so much fun today and it's so cool learning about non- neonian fluids how they can be liquid ID wooo or solids W Emily I had so much fun doing science experiments would you like a really big hug maybe later blippy okay I get that well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with us okay here we go ready b l i p Pi I blippy good job well I'll see you later I need to get out of this Oleck woo w [Music] w w [Music] yes hey it's me Flippy and today we're here at the Kennedy Space Center yeah and I am so excited because we get to learn all about astronauts planets and maybe we can go into outer space woo today is going to be out of this world and what better place to be than the Kennedy Space Center yeah this is where scientists study planets outer space asteroids and they even build rockets that Blast Off well I am so excited that you and I get to learn about space and learn about what it takes to become an astronaut this is going to be awesome come on waa check it out we're here at the Rocket Garden and these are real rockets they're so big let's go take a closer look come [Music] on [Music] W check it out it's the Delta 2 rocket W it's so big W do you see it yeah the Delta 2 rocket is 128 ft tall wo that's a really big rocket you notice anything about it h yeah do you see all the way at the top it's a shark wa hello hello Sharky wao the Delta 2 rocket is an amazing rocket it was used for Missions to Mars yeah Rovers that would go on Mars yeah a Rover is a little vehicle that would drive around on Mars and help scientists learn about the planet and the Delta 2 would help those Rovers get to Mars W to get all the way to Mars you mean means you need a really powerful engine I think I see the engine now let's go take a closer look come [Music] on wa check it out it's the engine of the Delta 2 do you see it yeah wa it's so big yeah this cone in the center is the engine and one two three cones on the sides yeah those are the boosters it would help give the rocket an extra boost to Mars wa and these engines are so powerful yeah they're really powerful we call that power that helps a rocket take off the rust the thrust and the Delta 2 has over 1 million lbs of thrust w W that is one amazing [Music] rocket waa check it out it's the atlas aena rocket wo it's so big and it's the color silver it's so shiny well the atlas aena rocket had a very important job it was a photographer yeah this Rocket's job was to take pictures of the Moon and did you know this rocket also really loved teamwork yeah lots of teamwork that's because it had two parts the atlas and the aena wao yeah in order for it to take pictures of the Moon the atlas the big part was a powerful engine that would shoot into space and then the aena or that teeny tiny part on Top would take over yeah it would shoot a Rover on the moon and then the Rover which kind of looks like a little car would drive all over the moon taking Moon pictures Moon pictures yeah 11,000 moon pictures just like this or like this one or even like this W those are some pretty good pictures this rocket is [Music] [Applause] amazing wa look at where we are Planet play in what better place to play than in the solar system W check it out it's a planet it's Mercury that's one of the planets in our solar system woo Who it's starting to feel a little bit toasty in here woo it's really getting warm H I wonder why whoa It's the Sun uhoh the floor is lava wait a minute the floor is the [Music] sun I wonder where this goes come on who check it out hey it's another planet and it's a really windy and chilly Planet oh that's because this planet is Saturn yeah Saturn is really windy and chilly H but it looks like it's missing something huh Saturn normally has rings Rings like a hula hoop wo wo that's cuz we're standing on the Rings w so colorful oh and did you know the Earth has one moon but Saturn has 82 [Music] moons wo look it looks like we're on Jupiter now wow and this will help power our Lander yeah we have our Lander but we need to give it power so we can get back to Earth okay we need to use stomping power o here we go [Music] stop who we did it we restored power to the Lander now we need to get back to [Music] Earth come on I'll see you there who it looks like we need to visit some more planets first wooo who check it out this place is awesome look at this who wo W [Music] wo wa you made it through the planets who a did it I'll see you at the bottom bye-bye woohoo whoa we did it we went through the Wormhole W this place is amazing hey and check it out we found the rest of the sun no wonder it was so warm the sun is so big EG it's so hot and it's so orange hey will you pretend to be a son with me okay it's pretty easy first make yourself really big yeah and then we need to make the shape of the sun it's a big sphere so we can make a big circle like this and then did you know the sun has solar flares yeah that means they there are explosive rays of fire and light what well we can do solar flares with our Arms by wiggling who W whoa that was pretty fun be in the sun yeah did you know the sun is the center of our solar system yeah a solar system is where planets all live together and the Sun is at the center of ours yeah all the other planets like Earth circle around the Sun woo woo wo yeah and when planets circle around the Sun we call that orbiting wo I'm getting dizzy from all this orbiting oh come on oh look at this whoa do you see what I see yeah these are satellites planet's orbit and satellites orbit it's time to do the satellite dance woo keep [Music] spinning woo I'm pretty dizzy from dancing like a satellite yeah orbiting around and around and around in a circle oh I wonder where this goes come on let's find out here we go Hello whoa we climbed all the way up here here we [Music] go who who that was awesome I had so much fun here with you at Planet play [Music] W look at where we are we're standing in front of the Saturn 5 rocket W it's so big wow do you see it yeah at the bottom of the Saturn 5 rocket there are five engines one two three four five wo the Saturn 5 rocket was enormous and really really powerful yeah they used this rocket on the Apollo missions wao that's a fun word to say have you heard of the Apollo missions yeah the Apollo missions were to help get a person to stand on the moon wao yeah they were for 17 Apollo missions and on Apollo 11 the 11th Mission they made it to the Moon Yeah and Neil Armstrong in 1969 took a step on the moon wow wow that sounds so amazing imagine going into space being an astronaut and even standing on the moon wao that is so awesome and Rockets like the Saturn 5 are so awesome well luckily where we are there are all the different parts let's keep exploring come [Music] on W you see this yeah this is another part of the Saturn 5 rocket this is the Command Module yeah right here at the front of the Command Module is where the astronauts would sit yeah they would sit in the front and this is where they would stay when they were blasting off into space well look it's so shiny yeah it's really shiny and the color silver that's because it needed to reflect all of the sun's really hot Rays it insulated well basically protected the astronauts so they would be nice and safe when they were in space wo it would be so cool to ride in the Command Module wao and do you see this come here wo look at this H I wonder what this is it kind of looks funny maybe it's four trumpets so silly those aren't trumpets no those are boosters yeah look 1 2 3 4 yeah and that would help guide and steer The Command Module if they needed to go up one of these would blast off if they needed to go left another would blast off so they could drive it around wa The Command Module is amazing yeah and look it has a really big engine it's so big woo yeah the Saturn 5's main rocket had five engines but the Command Module only had one engine but one really big engine yeah the Command Module is how the astronauts would get back home whoa it would blast off of the main rocket and then the very front of it would separate just where the astronauts were sitting then it would float back down to earth once it got to the atmosphere it would crash land in the ocean but because it had a parachute everyone would be nice and safe whoa and check it out come [Music] on check it out do you see what's up here look it's a circle and a shield W looks like a lot of circles yeah these are the astronauts patches every astrona that was a part of a crew of an Apollo Mission or any space mission would get to design a very special patch and then it would go on their space suit waa and they're so cool look at this one this one it has the Command Module on it and look at that one Apollo 11 it has an eagle woo whoa look at it this is amazing did you know that the Saturn 5 yeah it had lots of different parts and when it would separate the next part would take the crew and the astronauts further into space and closer to the Moon who it's so amazing learning all about space and Rockets wo and I think I see some something at the end yeah at the very top of the rocket there were three things the service module The Command Module we just saw that and the most amazing the most incredible lunar module yeah the lunar module is what the astronauts would use to get to the moon and I think I see it right behind me come on let's take a closer look [Music] whoa check it out it's the lunar module wa look at it it's so amazing and do you see look it's two astronauts wearing space suits in front of the lunar module oh W those SPAC suits sure look amazing they also look really [Music] heavy yeah that's right you were an astronaut you had to be really strong and really smart yeah sometimes astronauts would be scientists or maybe even engineers and you see what they're doing it looks like they're cleaning up yeah cleaning up space rocks yeah they're collecting Space Rock samples from the moon so they can study them and learn lots hello hello Mr Spaceman hello they're pretty busy at work who and do you see too it looks like there are lots of footprints on the moon oh well the moon it's not like Earth when you make a footprint in the sand it stays there yeah there's no wind or Breeze like at the beach no when you make a footprint stays there for a really long time and it looks like these two astronauts made lots of footprints whoo a lot of them wa and do you see the lunar module itself it's amazing H something looks familiar yeah it's all the boosters you see the boosters on the lunar module kind of like the Command Module were used to Speer it around W yeah and the lunar module also had a really big engine yeah yeah H it's kind of hard to see but it's right there in the middle of the lunar module this would help it descend which means go down so it could land on the moon and that engine helped it Ascend which means it made it go up off the moon whoa and the lunar module was amazing had so many other parts yeah do you see down here the orange reflective material well behind the Orange is where they kept materials and supplies that they might need or for any experiments oh oh and look right there you see it that's the door that the astronauts would come out of yeah it would climb through the door and down the ladder to the Moon W this is pretty amazing learning all about the Apollo missions the Saturn 5 astronauts I sure wish that one day we can meet a real life astronaut H maybe we can ask him questions maybe that astronaut had an amazing experiment or maybe they needed to repair something I don't know but it sure would be amazing to one day be an astronaut and to blast off into [Music] space [Music] wo look at what it is space suits wo these are amazing yeah when an astronaut goes into space they can't wear their normal clothes they can't wear their orange and blue suspenders and shirt no they need a spacit because there's no air in space it helps them breathe and it keeps them protected W look at this one this one looks like it's made out of fabric yeah the colors White and gray W and look at this spacit this one looks really cool it's made out of metal it looks like a knight with a suit of armor well this one looks really cool but might be kind of hard to walk in that space suit yeah whoa look at this one it looks like an accordion wo have you seen someone play an accordion before yeah kind of sounds sounds like [Music] [Applause] this yeah just like that wa check it out yeah it looks like this one would be a lot easier to walk in huh W come to think of it there are a lot of SPAC suits yeah that's because the people engineers and scientists making space suits sometimes they would make a suit and go I think I can make this better so they would practice and make lots of suits that's kind of like if you play a sport or a game and you try the first time might be kind of hard but if you practice you'll get a lot better wo and look at it wow it's an actual space suit from an Apollo Mission this is amazing yeah it looks very easy to move around it and walk so they can walk on the moon definitely sounds like these engineers and scientists got a lot better by practicing W it would be so cool to get in one of these suits you see yeah you would strap in here and you have a little bubble helmet to keep the air in so you can breathe and different tubes and nozzles so you can move around and also get lots of oxygen to breathe wow this is pretty [Music] amazing W check it out it's an astronaut hello that means we must be here at The Astronaut Hall of Fame wo yeah did you know that some people go to space for their job what that sounds like a really fun job to me yeah people who go to space are called astronauts wow and check it out there are so many astronauts in this room yeah they've done really amazing space missions so they're here in The Astronaut Hall of Fame well I really wish I could meet an astronaut in real life that would be awesome oh there's a person back there maybe they can introduce us to one come on hi I'm blippy what's your name oh hi I'm Bruce melck oh it's nice to meet you Bruce Melnick well we've had a lot of fun learning about rockets and astronauts do you think you could introduce us to an astronaut that's going to be real easy I'm an astronaut no way did you hear that Bruce melck is an astronaut yeah well that's amazing and are these astronauts too yes they are these are all the Hall of Fame astronauts matter of fact that one right there was the pilot on my first flight wow that is so amazing I can't believe I am standing next to a real life astronaut well Bruce was it amazing going up into space Oh it's the greatest ride in the world you're laying there in your back and when the boosters light off it's just a rough loud Wild Ride wow that sounds like a lot of fun do does it go really fast when you take off well when you first take off it's fairly slow but you're already going 100 m an hour when you clear the top of the Launchpad wo 100 Mil an hour wao and then 8 and 1/2 minutes later you're going over 17 ,500 mph wao I can't imagine going over 177,000 m in a space shuttle that's so fast it's so fast that it only takes you an hour and a half to go around the earth W did you hear that wao 1 hour and a half and every 45 minutes you're seeing a sunrise or a sunset wow that's amazing it takes me a whole day to see a sunset but if you're in space going really fast you see one every 45 minutes m that's amazing it's really cool and when of course you're on the dark side you see 10 times more stars than you do when you're on the surface of the Earth because there's no clouds in between you and space wow that's amazing I love looking at the stars so going to space you can see even more stars wow this is so amazing sounds like I want to be an astronaut and it sounds like you do too and we can go to space uh but first Bruce what is the first thing we need to know about being an astronaut the very first thing is is do the best you can in school okay we can do that the second thing is to be a very good person oh well that's easy we'll just be a good person and what's very important is to be very adventurous W adventurous I love Adventure yeah if you want to be an astronaut when you grow up you need to do well in school be a good person and be really adventurous well I think we will definitely go to space someday soon well thank you so much Bruce for teaching us all about space and being an astronaut well it was my pleasure and you have a lot more to learn here at the Kennedy Space Center okay let's keep exploring thanks Bruce I'll see you soon bye bye wow I can't believe it we got to meet and talk to a real life astronaut that was amazing well I think there's a little more exploring for you and me to do come on [Music] today was awesome here at the Kennedy Space Center we learned all about planets space Rockets and astronauts you and I we even got to meet Bruce a real life astronaut but it looks like I'm back in my space suit H I wonder why I know because we get to go to space will you blast off into space with me okay here we go come [Music] on yeah I am so excited to blast off into space wa and check it out it's the blippy mobile oh we can use the flippy mobile to go to space let's climb inside check it out I can't believe we get to blast off but before we make it to space we need to go through the atmosphere I'm going to need a rocket booster okay let's countown to lift off 5 4 3 2 one wo [Music] wo when you grow up there are so many different professions to choose from you can even be an astronaut and go to space it's out of this world I wish I could fly to outer space in my shuttle I will race and shoot and zoom and whz to Mars until I reach all the beautiful [Music] stars [Music] way up here I feel so free cuz out here in space all the stars are in reach I'll orbit around like a satellite cuz out here in Space the whole world looks so [Music] bright I'll get in my rocket and touch the sky across the Galaxy I will fly being an astronaut is such a blast exploring the universe flying so [Music] fast in my rocket ship I can see the beauty of Earth sitting way below me it's blue and round and ever so green I'm floating up here cuz there's no gravity I wish I could fly to outer space in my shutle I will race and shoot and zoom and wh to Mars until I reach all the beautiful stars who [Music] who who check it out we landed H but I wonder where H well there's dust rocks and [Music] craters it's really gray wao wo I also feel much lighter here oh I know we're here on the moon yeah and the moon has different Gravity from Earth yeah on the moon it's very floaty and bouncy [Music] [Music] wo [Music] W yeah it's really fun being on the moon and I brought the perfect thing a [Music] flag one small step for blippy one giant leap for flippy kind w wow well the Moon is pretty amazing yeah pretty cool here did you know that the moon goes around the earth yeah and the Earth the Earth revolves around the Sun wao and all the planets that go around the Sun are part of our solar system yeah and there are eight planets in the solar system you know the planet in our solar system yeah they are Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune yeah eight planets they are very different Earth hey why don't we explore all the planets learn how they're all unique and different but think I just the thing help us get to all the planets who check it out the blippy space pack yeah and it has a rocket booster whoa okay I think we're ready to go and explore all the planets blippy space pack rocket booster go whoa look at me go wa wao check it out it's Earth hello yeah that's where we live Earth is a pretty amazing Planet yeah it has everything we need air water food and our family and friends well we'll see you soon Earth yeah we're going to keep exploring some more planets here we go [Music] wo wao on another planet H this planet is really small and it's the closest to the Sun it's called Mercury and Mercury is really sunny and really hot yeah because it's so close to the sun we definitely want to wear sunscreen yeah you don't want to get a sunburn on Mercury good thing I have some right here in my space pack [Music] perfect yeah not going to get a sunburn now W check it out woo W look a volleyball yeah this volleyball it's so lightweight yeah gravity is different here so wao yeah look at that wao when I let go of the volleyball it floats away W here we go bye-bye hey that gives me an idea if the volleyball weighs less on Mercury maybe I weigh less too [Music] wa did you see that yeah it's so bouncy here but after all that bouncing I'm kind of tired oh well good thing I can take a rest right over here oh look it's a beach chair a tasty drink M tastes like pineapple wo that is one tasty drink oh well already put on my sunscreen just need who check it out some Flippy Shades whoa yeah it's so relaxing here but it is pretty hot so it's good to have a cold drink I could get used to [Music] Mercury w we made it to the next planet wo and this planet is really really hot yeah this planet is Venus wa yeah it's the second planet from the sun and it's not as close to the Sun as mercury but it's way hotter yeah this planet it's really hot I think that's because this planet is covered with lava yeah have you ever played the game the floor is lava it's a really fun game but it's just pretend this planet the floor is lava I don't want to step into lava lava is really really hot woo woo wo woo yeah the lava here makes Rivers well like a river of water but it's a river of lava wo W woo don't want to go swimming there yeah there are volcanoes all over Venus and the lava shoots out of the volcano yeah and when it goes down the side of the volcano it turns into different kinds of rivers underneath a volcano there's something called magma yeah it's really hot and it's kind of a liquidy thing yeah and then when it explodes out of the volcano it's called an eruption woo a volcanic eruption yeah and then it goes down the side of the volcano and it's lava yeah you don't want to touch [Music] that wo and check it out yeah the gravity is also different on this planet too that was pretty fun a this baby volcano is so cute hellooo well I don't think this volcano is going to erupt anytime soon yeah this volcano it's probably dormant yeah that means a volcano will not erupt yeah it's just being here nice and cute yep you're really cute well good thing it's not going to erupt because if a volcano erupts you don't want to be anywhere near it yeah it can be dangerous wa look there's steam uh-oh maybe this volcano will erupt need to stay a little bit away from it wao look at it go it's erupting wo it's getting real really hot in here I think it's time to move on to the next [Music] Planet W it looks like we're on another planet H good thing this planet doesn't have any lava but it also doesn't have water or forests like Earth h o yeah this is a pretty rocky planet it's very red there are a lot of craters H I know what planet we're on we're here on Mars wo look at this wo Hey look it's red sand wa woo yeah this red sand is just like the red sand on Mars check it out oh do you know what this is this is a Mars Rover oh these are really awesome yeah scientists use Mars rovers to collect information so they can study a planet yeah look it has six wheels 1 2 3 oo 4 5 6 yeah six wheels that's really important because Mars has lots of bumps and hills and craters yeah also a a satellite yeah so that it can communicate with her yeah if it collects information or maybe Rock samples or maybe even takes a picture it needs to be sent back to Earth whoa hey do you see what's on the back of the Rover o yeah blue and black panels those are solar panels whoa yeah this Mars Rover doesn't take batteries no it's solar powered that means it gets its power from the [Music] Sun W I have an idea look take some of this sand take sand and our Mars Rover we make some samples for it to collect and some rocks that it doesn't want to hit oh one rock two rocks three rocks four rocks W and maybe Mars was hit by a really big asteroid yeah an asteroid is kind of like a rock but it's huge and it's flying through space whoa maybe we can make another one whoa this one's a bit bigger look at it Go W yeah and on Mars the Mars robber dve around it would find rock samples and then pick them up so that scientists can study them and learn what that planet might be like kind of like what we're doing [Music] yeah who good job little Rover a he's so cute thanks a you're welcome W Mars is a pretty amazing Planet H and I've been noticing something yeah a lot of these planets are different from Earth in one way yeah they have different gravity W on Mars wo it's also bouncy yeah woo hey I have an idea will you bounce with me like it's Mars okay let's pretend by using our imagination that we're on Mars bouncing around here we [Music] go Mars is a pretty cool planet but there are so many others to learn about H let's go find another one okay get ready for the next planet here we go wo we made it to the next planet whoa this planet is really big it's so big yeah this planet is Jupiter wa hey will you pretend to be Jupiter with me okay first move your arms out like this and then be really big W whoo yeah Jupiter is really big but you know that Jupiter not not made of metal or ice or Earth no it's made of gases yeah hydrogen and helium wo yeah it's called a gas giant yeah because it's so big and it's made of gas H and because Jupiter is really big it has a moon but not just one Moon it has 67 moons wo that's a a lot of moons yeah woo woo woo woo [Music] wo that certainly is a lot of moons who Hey look it's a little Jupiter hi little Jupiter oh hi blippy oh hi hey how are you today oh I'm fine but I'm missing my red spot oh yeah little Jupiter is missing his red spot that's because Jupiter has a big red spot on it h maybe we can find it somewhere oh here it is there you [Music] go thanks flippy yeah see the red spot right on Jupiter see you later little Jupiter bye-bye blippy bye yeah on big Jupiter there's a red spot too it's huge yeah it's so big because it's a really big storm all those winds and gases makes a really big red spot it's kind of like a giant hurricane well this is a pretty amazing Planet but I think it's time to move on to the next one okay let's helicopter to the next one woo wo we made it to the next Planet W this planet is also really really big it's called Saturn yeah but Saturn is not as big as Jupiter it's the second biggest planet and it has 882 moons wo that is a lot of moons yeah Saturn is also really really bright woo yeah if you were to look up at the night sky on Earth you wouldn't need a telescope to see Saturn it's so bright you could see it it might look kind of like a star whoa let's play a game yeah this game we're going to need to use our imagination let's play Sinker float but let's play Sinker float with the planet Saturn H what do you think will Saturn sink or will it float who no way check it out Saturn floats yeah Saturn does not weigh a lot at all it's not very dense so if you took Saturn yeah the planet and you took a bathtub just a bathtub and you put Saturn in the bathtub it would floot but it would certainly need to be a big bathtub wo and Saturn has a ring yeah wo kind of like this hula hoop yeah it has a ring of ice and rock and asteroids that goes all the way around the planet woo wo woo woo woo oh looks like we have some hula hoops here maybe we can make a really big four ring asteroid field around me okay here we go asteroid field away W uh-oh think I need a little more practice W it is really chilly here yeah it's really cold it's so cold I'm freezing that's because we're on the seventh planet from the sun Uranus it's so far away from the nice warmth of the Sun that gets really cold here yeah don't think I would want to live on Uranus but it's nice to visit hey can you think of someone that might want to live on Uranus H they probably love the cold yeah a penguin would like to live here H will you be a penguin with me okay here we go water water water whoa yeah I like pink penguins they're so fun woo well yeah it's really cold here but did you know that Uranus has Seasons yeah but it's a little different from seasons on Earth Uranus has summer winter spring fall but instead of lasting only a few months each season lasts 20 years that's a really long time but the seasons aren't that different it's always still pretty cold yeah so cold that there's snow cones ooh thank you oh and look there's snow cone syrup wo look it's the color blue well not only is blue one of my favorite colors but blue is the same color as Uranus yeah CU it's so cold it's blue M blueberry this is one tasty snow cone I almost forgot to say there's something really unique about Uranus yeah instead of rotating or spinning like a normal Planet it's on its side maybe because it bumped into another planet wait a minute who my other snow cone [Music] woo hey we're here on the eighth planet from the sun and it is really chilly here I feel like an ice cube yeah also kind of dark w that's because Neptune the planet we're on is really really cold it's made of ice I think I need to put on some warmer clothes before my teeth freeze looks like there's some clothes over here let's go put them [Music] on a ski jacket one hat two hats Three Hats a scarf another scarf and some [Music] gloves I did it I'm dressed nice and warm now it's okay we're on a really cold Icy Planet but I'm nice and cozy and warm yeah Neptune is really cold but do you know that Neptune it's not the coldest planet that's Uranus but it is the furthest from the Sun H that's kind of like Mercury yeah Mercury is the closest to the Sun but it's not the hottest that's Venus oh that is interesting hey and do you know that Neptune is also the color blue yeah it's the color blue and has some gas on it too well it's pretty dark and it's pretty cold here think it's time we make it back to the Moon think I need to go back to the blippy mobile okay here we go hello it's me flippy can you name all the planets Mercury is the littlest Planet it goes around the Sun in just 88 days Venus is so bright and beautiful Earth is the next one our home sweet home with breathable air and water too mars is red and we want to explore it [Music] all in a rocket Shi let's blast away so much to discover when we're out in space we could fly right up to the Moon see the planets and the Galaxy too let's learn all the planets with flippy today Jupiter is a gas giant the biggest in our solar system Saturn has a ring of asteroids Uranus is the chilliest bur it's made of ice and spins on its side Neptune is the furest no way of all [Music] late in a rocket shift let's blast away so much to discover when we're out in space we could fly right up to the the moon see the planets and the Galaxy too let's learn other the planets with flippy today thanks for singing and dancing [Music] along I just love dancing and thanks for learning about the planets with me see you soon W check it out woo we're back on the moon I had so much fun with you today had so many amazing things we got to meet a real life astronaut saw Rockets we learned about all the planets and we got to explore space hey where should we explore next oh that's a good idea well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go b l i p p i flippy good job well I'll see you soon bye-bye here we go 5 4 3 2 1 w w hey it's me whoppy and can you guess where I am today yeah that's right we're here in diggerland in Kent England whoa and do you see what I'm writing in yeah this right here is a tandler mhm yeah they're really big vehicles that lift really big heavy things but hey it's not lifting a big heavy thing it's Lifting me woo here we go [Applause] woo diggerland is awesome and I wonder what kind of construction vehicles we'll see today wait a minute do you hear something H I think I hear a vehicle do you see a construction vehicle behind me wa check it out it's an excavator yeah I love excavators oh I have an idea let's pretend to be excavators and dig in the dirt together okay I'll Teach You How just bring up your arm to be the arm the boom and the bucket and start start to scoop whoa look at a scoop that was so much dirt good job hey wait a minute I think I see someone in the cab maybe they can teach us how to operate the excavator let's take a closer look come on whoa It's so muddy here good thing I brought my rain boots oh hey there's a person come on let's go say hi okay hello hi hi I'm blippy what's your name my name's Brad oh Brad it's nice to meet you can you teach us how to operate the excavator of course I can Okay cool so Brad can I climb up in there yes okay here we go let's get into the cab so seat belt first for me oh yeah Safety [Music] First that stick over there I want you to pull it backwards for me and that's going to go all the way up okay here we [Music] go if you push it forwards for me it should go all the way down for you now if you go side to side on that one it's going to open and close your bucket for you to do big Scoops whoa check it out now on this one here if you go forwards and backwards for me that's going to go in and out okay wo so this is controlling the arm yes and then the last bit if you go side to side on it that will turn the whole thing for you okay here we go watch out awesome watch out wo W check it out wo yeah I can control the arm right here and the boom over here here we go [Music] woo wao this is awesome wo let's scoop some more dirt here we go whoa look at all the dirt we got here we go did you see that excavators are awesome [Music] it's so bumpy woohoo wo that was so much fun learning how to operate the excavator huh but excavators are really cool but I bet there's some pretty amazing construction vehicles we can go find come [Music] on [Music] W this place is so much fun W and do you see what it says it says stack attack hm wait a minute I think this is a game we can play together well let's go inside and play this place is awesome wa check it out yeah so muddy and dirty here I bet this game is definitely going to be messy W and look at what it is they're giant tires woo wo look at all the tires here it looks like there are 1 2 3 4 5 six Six Tires hm well I bet the the game is we need to stack all the tires up stack attack stack the tires okay we can do it okay we just need to get a tire and stack it on another and we can make a tower of tires okay here we go whoa that tire is way too heavy to pick up H but I wonder how we're going to stack all of those tires no way look at what it is it's a compact loader wo this is going to be perfect for stacking those tires yeah do you see in the front this is a hydraulic claw yeah look at it waa and it uses these little claws here to grab the tires and stack them up woo I think we should get inside and try to stack up those tires this is pretty fun hey it's kind of like any other vehicle safety first you need your seat belt okay we'll buckle up and hm who we also need to know how to drive it so first we have pedals one pedal goes forward and the other pedal goes backwards it has a key just like a car so we can turn it on and a steering wheel so we can change direction W and do you see what this is yeah this right here this is the control for the hydraulic claw yeah when we move this it will move the claw so we can stack up those tires and have lots of fun and win the game okay I think it's time to stack those tires here we go woo look at it go look at it go okay here we go one tire [Applause] [Music] okay we stacked three tires but we need to stack the [Music] rest we only have one more Tire W this is so fun let's do it wooo [Music] okay waa did you see that we stacked all Six Tires but they fell over that was pretty fun and a little bit silly come on let's go [Music] woo hello check it out do you know what I was just driving yeah that is a backo yeah it's a little bumpy to drive but so fun and I thought we could go on a ride together but first I wanted to show you this yeah do you know what this is called it's called the front bucket yeah and on a back ho it helps to dig up all the dirt so you can make it a really big hole and help to build something if you're on a construction site wo and check it out a back ho has really big wheels and tires look it has medium size front wheels and tires and really really really big back wheels and tires it's a little bit muddy yeah look big Treads help to get all the mud so it can go really fast and so that it doesn't get stuck W and do you see what this is yeah it's an excavator arm wait a minute a back ho like this has an excavator arm attachment just like the blippy mobile has an excavator arm [Music] attachment yeah it has an arm a boom and a bucket so it can dig all the dirt in the back or a the front bucket can dig in the front well that was really cool showing you the exterior of the back ho now it's time to get inside and go for a ride come on here we go watch your [Music] step wa I am so excited to go on a ride with you but first things first need to buckle your seat belt and I'm going to buckle up too safety first okay okay and now we get to start the back ho and kind of like a car it has a key right over here okay here we go W yeah check it out we're inside the back ho it has a wheel just like a car and look a windshield wiper hello okay but it's not raining right now so we don't need that and it has a gear shifter so we'll put that into the right gear and take the brake away okay okay we're all ready to drive oh but I forgot another important thing yeah if we want to move the front bucket you just move this knob right over here here we go check it out whoa up down up okay I think we're ready to drive here we go woohoo [Music] wo do you see what it is yeah there's a bunch of tires maybe we can try to pick one up okay here we go who do you see it look we grabbed a tire with the front bucket and I have an idea let's take it with us on our journey woo here we go wa that was a big bump yeah but it's so fun driving in a back ho because the Tires and Treads are so big that even if we drive over a couple bumps it's okay yeah can't hurt us here we go we're going to make a big turn woo and threw a big puddle woo wo oh good thing we have our seat belt on wait a minute look up ahead it looks like there are two really big hills one two one of them looks really really Steep and really big you think we can make it over it good me too okay we're going to go really fast and go over the big hill let's do it here we go here we go woohoo who W whoa yeah yeah that's pretty fun it's really raining now which means we get to have lots of fun in the rain and the mud wo and look at what it is it's an excavator look there's the cab where workers sit to control the Boom the arm and the bucket wait a minute that's not the bucket those are seats you know what I bet we can ride this excavator yeah this isn't any ordinary excavator this is spin dizzy and it's a ride yeah it's called spin dizzy because you spin and get really dizzy okay let's get on it woo here we go here we go woohoo okay whoa wo look at me [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] go [Music] who wa that was so fun woohoo did you see that W that was so much fun spinning in the excavator I got a little bit dizzy wo that was so much fun today at diggerland we saw so many construction vehicles and we got to operate them we even got to see an excavator well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay get ready b l i p p i philippy good job well I'll see you soon [Music] bye-bye 3 2 1 woohoo hey it's me flippy hey guys I'm Sean Johnson hey did you know that my good friend sea Johnson is an Olympic Athlete yeah she won a gold medal W yeah and today we're going to have fun playing woo I love having fun but I love moving my body especially since I was a gymnast yeah I love having energy and being healthy so I thought we could play a game oo well what game do you think we should play I was thinking charades W I love playing charades have you played charades before yeah it's a really fun game right yes so I'm going to act something out and see if you can guess what I am oh okay I'll try my best okay I'll go first can you guess too okay here we go okay ready okay well you're holding your nose looks like there's some swimming water are you a swimmer yes woo we did it okay now it's my turn to act out something and let's see if you and Sean can guess what I'm doing okay okay okay a ball mhm okay you're like hitting it are you dribbling it mhm is it volleyball basketball yeah good guess okay next one this one's a little harder ready okay this one's tricky okay uh okay eating whoa maybe who eating competition close close Okay knocking on some wood uh oh oh stirring wait someone who stirs and maybe likes people to eat a chef yes well that was fun good guess okay now let's see if I can go H I know um okay okay skiing no running okay you're running really fast oh you're jumping over something throwing oh throwing something track and field cuz you hurling right hurdling and shot put and all the things okay I have another one ready okay step back ready let see check it out stand yes I know what that is you are being a gymnast yes oh that was an easy one okay now let me see what should I do I know okay here we go okay dancing are you a hip-hop dancer a ballet dancer yeah that's right a ballet dancer woo have you tried to dance and do some B La before that's so fun yeah I like it too W that was so much fun playing games together so much fun yeah well Sean that was fun playing charades think we could play another game I would love to woohoo let's go yeah woohoo yeah W look at this place wo this is so colorful hey Sean I think this would be a great place to play some games I agree it's like a trampoline but it's really high up I was thinking we could play Simon Says wa I love that game have you ever played Simon Says before yeah it's a really fun game where one person says Simon Says and then the other person has to do whatever they say but if they don't say Simon Says then you have to stay really still yeah you don't want to do it yes and then it's the other person's turn uh how about this time though we play Sean says yeah and when I do it it can be flippy says I like it that sounds like fun okay you want to go first yes so here we go Sean says be a flamingo okay woo Sean says to Jumping Jacks who look at us go woohoo okay do a somersault do a somersault yeah wait Sean didn't say oh yeah that's right yeah you need only do it if it says Sean says yes okay blippy do you want to go yeah okay now it's my turn are you ready Freddy okay here we go blippy says jump up and down woohoo woohoo yeahoo so FY woooo okay flippy says have a blippy dance party [Music] woohoo woo okay stop blippy didn't say Okay Sean now it's your turn Okay Sean says touch your toes okay here we go yeah can you touch your toes with us well Sean says sit down Sean says lay down stand [Music] up Sean didn't say uhoh well it looks like I made a mistake so now it's my turn okay now I'm going to make this round really tricky okay okay Lippy says spin around in the circle woohoo [Music] yeah okay Lippy says do some high knees and kick your legs in the air woooo okay now act like a bird TW TW TW flippy didn't say Sean well that was really fun and that was a lot of exercise yes and did you know when you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you happy oh yeah endorphins are so awesome yeah that is quite a long name but just something in your body that helps make you happy and I'm really happy now yeah so happy in fact that I want to play another game's do it w Sean it's time for another game okay and I think I know the perfect game for us to all play together hide and seek I love hide and seek oh you do yes well will you play with me yes please okay hm well who should hide first and who should seek uh how about you hide and I'll come find you okay you count and make sure you close your close my eyes ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come did you guys see where he went H can you see him flippy where'd you go wait you see him [Music] where I don't see him let's go find him flippy are you back here no blippy where are you H are you under here where'd he go guys Flippy [Music] huh flippy wait is he back here H where are you he's a good Hider I found you you found me you're a good Hider who you're a pretty good Seeker too but I was hid hiding under the stairs okay now can I hide mhm okay and it's time for me to count okay are you ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come let's see if we can find Sean who I bet she's a really good Hider see if you can find her anywhere it's kind of tricky cuz it's so colorful here H who maybe she's in the slide hello are you in here not in there she in the window nope not in there either hello where are [Music] you wait a minute do you think Sean is buying those blocks do you see her anywhere you do behind me I found you that was really fun yeah it's so fun to hide and seek and you found a really good place find all these plocks wa oh I have an idea okay how about let's play another round of hideand-seek but this time you and I hide and you seek oh I like that okay get ready to count and make sure you close your eyes guys let's goo get in [Music] closer nope not fa keep on looking we not over there keep going getting closer [Music] keep going keep going keep going oh you're almost there H do you see me you found me you really good at seeking and hide and seek and I was pretty good at hiding in all the ball pit balls woo yeah but wait a minute you found me but we still need to find Sea H do you see her anywhere nope I don't see her anywhere maybe she's in the balls here we go wooho are you over here hello Sean Sean where are you she's not here H well I bet we can find her together keep on looking h Huh she's not at the top of the slide do you see Shawn anywhere H wait you see her hey Sean you found me good job seeking we found Sean W that was not an easy place to hide whoa yeah that was really tricky and being under all the ball pit balls that was also kind of hard piling them up I had so much fun yeah I had so much fun too to celebrate hideand-seek let's have a 10c dance party woohoo wo wow that was so much fun playing today yeah we played some fun games and we did a lot of exercise which was so much fun and it made us so happy because of the endorphins we released yeah remember we learned that endorphins is something in your body that helps make you happy and I feel so happy right now yes me too well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with us okay here we go you ready b l i p p i philippy good job do you want to spell my name with me oh yeah I would love to okay are you ready ready s h a w n Sean that was awesome well we'll see you soon byebye [Music] hey it's me blippy hi and I'm Ma look at where we're at we're at artist at play yep in Seattle Washington and this place is so cool you can play like an artist that's right you can climb You Can Dance you can even make music that sounds like so much fun mhm shall we yeah let's go W cool this looks like the Yellow song fence wo a song fence that sounds cool I wonder how you do it wow look at these balls [Music] interesting W that sounds great yeah they sounded a little different yeah let's hear it again oh this one was higher than that one yeah mine was a little lower wait a second let's widen out and see what that sounds like good idea ready [Music] yep oh yeah my side is higher pitched yeah and my side is lower let's go even wider okay ready yep oo that was really low W this side is high and that side is low yeah wait a second since you're good at singing let's check check your pitch okay ready yep yeah good job M you're a great singer D let's check your pitch still up here ready yeah not bad close wait I have an idea why don't we start down there and go from really high wait that side was low right yeah that's the low side okay go from really low down to up to really high yeah we can hear all the notes come on all right ready yep here we [Music] go beautiful great job thank you shall we keep playing yeah let's do it this is fun you want to go higher yeah I'm going so hard yeah do you want to turn yeah all right here I go yeah that was awesome that was so cool thanks ma W all right all righty how high do you want to go well maybe not as high as you I might fly right over you're so funny ready yep here we go the swing is making sounds like a bell oh yeah it is wow it's so peaceful yeah a little higher sure all right wo look how high I am yeah you are going so high are you having fun yeah w w we make some great music together yeah this place is cool yeah W speaking of cool check this out what is this WOW wo a really big rock wo and really small rocks wow what are these maybe you just play with rocks but there's things dangling inside oh you're right wait what if we drop rocks on them try it wo what a fun way to make music oh yeah and there's some over here oh let's try it out wa this one only has two a big one and a small one yeah I wonder if one will be high and one will be low all right let's try it out all right ready yep okay so the small one made a high pitched noise yeah and this one the bigger one made a lower noise hey I have an idea for a very very very very fun game what is it okay I will drop rocks on these two items and then if it's the high pitched you jump high okay and if it's the low pitch you squat down real low awesome oh will you play with me awesome okay are you ready yep I'm going to just use my ears and listen hey mhm [Music] yeah really good you got every single one right nice you did a good job too good job well shall we yeah let's keep looking who ma check that looks like so much fun wow this is a jungle gym and it looks like it's made out a rope yeah and you can climb up the Rope which is so cool yeah wait a second why don't we climb up higher than where we're at right now yeah and things will look differently up high that sounds like fun let's go W this is going to be fun to see what we can see up here yeah we could climb really high W you're doing a great job you too bliffy oh thank you wo this this is cool we can see so much from up here yeah we're really high up we can see the whole playground oh yeah there's the swings woo and where we made some music yeah hey guess what I have what I brought my telescope cool scar gotcha and check it out the Space Needle wa it's so high up yeah hey what I wonder if we can get even higher as high as the Space Needle oh yeah if we go to the top of the Space Needle I bet we're going to see things differently from way up high I can probably see even more cool let's go okay W fliy check it out the elevator that will take you up 52 floors wao that's really high I'm excited I know me too wait a second I have an idea are you thinking what I'm thinking yeah a race I'll take the stairs I'll take the elevator all right and we'll see who wins yes let's do it ready yep 3 2 1 [Music] go I can't believe I get to go to the very top of the Space Needle I wonder if I'm going to be flippy this elevator's really fast did you know that the Space Needle is over 600 ft tall that's more than 180 M very very tall W we're so high up now oh I think we're almost to the top 830 831 832 yeah I made it to the top of the Space Needle I am very tired though that's a lot of steps but wait a second where's ma hey flippy oh oh hey M he made it to the top of the Space Needle yeah I can't believe you got here first well I am pretty fast you are really fast yeah wow what a beautiful view yeah come look and it looks like there's a deck right here oh this must be the observation deck you are so smart ma shall we go check it out yeah let's do it w w this place is awesome yeah check out this incredible view wo and do you see all that water oh that's called the Elliot Bay oh it is y w I bet there's a lot of fish in there oh I bet you're right oh I see a lot of boats oh and buildings and green trees oh yeah so pretty yeah did you know these trees are called evergreen trees they stay green year round so cool yeah some people call Seattle the Emerald City because of all of the green trees cuz Emerald is Green City yeah hey na why is this place called the Space Needle it's not like we're up in space that's true well in the World's Fair a really long time ago it was space themed so they built this tower that looks like something maybe you'd find in space right oh yeah it does yeah we're so high up I feel like we are getting close to [Applause] space well shall we keep exploring yeah let's go yeah wow this has been so much fun yeah W cool amazing W what M watch out you almost fell through it's okay it's a glass floor W are you sure it's safe and strong it's actually 10 layers of glass which means it's as strong as walking on concrete see W be careful do you think it's safe enough for me to come on too absolutely okay yeah it feels kind of funny you got got this wo all right there you go all right see W yeah I guess that is safe W this is really cool I know right W and look down there yeah you can see all the way to the ground yeah everything looks so small uh-huh shall we lay down oh good idea w wow they look like ants but they're actually people yeah it's so teeny tiny hello hey wait a second ma do you see what I see we're moving wo a rotating glass floor yeah and it's the only rotating glass floor in the world W cool this is awesome W it's really fun yeah and if it rotates and goes all the way around we can stand right here and see the whole city 360° a so cool yeah speaking of cool look at the view yeah look at all of those houses wow that building is so big W really big but not as tall as this Tower yeah W and that's a big lake over there oh yeah what do you see oh I see some traffic over there oh there's a football field wo cool that looks like fun yeah oh and speaking of fun the playground we were on earlier yeah oh there it is a hey do you want to get a closer look uh yeah how do we do that I brought binoculars who cool M yeah you want to share yeah okay oh hello hi W let's look out there wo waa look at that person oh cute bag hello sir well I wonder where he's going in a big hurry I guess yeah oh look up here wo a rainbow it's so colorful yeah oh I love rainbows yeah do you know how Rainbows are made oh tell us well light shines through a bunch of water molecules and then it creates a rainbow yeah they're so pretty wow this has been so much fun up here yeah what a cool way to see the city yeah let's go do you know what da it is Rainbow day it's rainbow day fliy how you doing red and orange yellow green and blue and indigo and violet do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all smiling look around you at all the happy faces so much to see so many different places and all the birds are going twet tweet tweet and we're smiling at whoever we meet paint the world and make it shine it's rainbow day FY how you doing red and orange yellow green and blue and IND Theo and violet do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all smiling rainbow de F me how you doing red and orange yellow green and blue and indigo and Fin do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all smiling there's so many different colors all around us like the yellow of a taxi or Red Bus on this Blue Earth the grass is so green bowies every color that you've ever seen paint the world and make it sh it's rainbow de fliy how you doing red and orange yellow green and blue and in it Go and Viet do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all SM rainbow de flippy how you doing red and orange yellow green and blue and in it Go and file it do you like it it's a colorful world and we're all smileing wow I love Rainbow day it's so colorful [Music] that was so much fun yeah I had a great day learning and playing with you Lippy oh me too M wow wasn't that so much fun playing at the artista plate yeah we made such cool music with those sound machines and it was really fun racing to the top of the Space Needle in Seattle you were really fast well it was really tiring that's a lot of stairs yeah I was impressed yeah speaking of impressed yeah the vi was incredible yeah and this glass Flor was so awesome yeah I love the Space Needle yeah me too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with us yeah b i p p i flippy good job hey will you spell my name with us cool m e e k a h ma all right see you again bye [Applause] bye who hey it's me blippy and today we're here at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego California can you guess what animal I'm pretending to [Music] be I'll give you a hint they like to Waddle and they live in the snow good job a penguin well I'm so excited to be at the zoo because today we get to see all kinds of animals let's [Music] go wo I am so excited because we're going up in the sky on the sky fari wa hello down there we're so high up in the air wo do you have a favorite animal I like that animal too animals are amazing they're so smart and so cool to watch I love learning about them especially learning about conservation yeah conservation is really important so we can take care of the animals and that way they can be around for a really long time whoa speaking of animals I see some right down here it is so fun being up in the sky you can see so many animals from up here h and a lot of different plants M yeah it's really important for animals to have all types of plants yeah where an animal lives that's called its habitat and if you take really good care of an animal's habitat then the animal will stay nice and healthy hey I want you to meet one of my good friends her name is Lisa and she's a wildlife care specialist oo come on hi Lisa hi blippy welcome I am so excited to see some amazing animals but I had a question what is that what is conservation oh my conservation is so important it's how we save the animals that live on our Planet the places they live and we can help them right here from our own homes W it sounds like conservation is really important well I had another question Lisa what's your favorite part about being a wildlife care specialist well you can guess it's the animals I love working with the animals there are so many different kinds I didn't even know and they're very special each and every one oo that sounds so amazing hey can we see some an animal now we certainly can I wonder what kind of animals we're going to see H this is Peanut she is a [Music] beaver hello peanut that is an amazing Beaver hi peanut you going to pet it right here on her hips if you like w what does that feel like it's so soft yeah is it dry m it's a little bit wet good because she's a water animal whoa that's amazing can can peanut swim really fast very fast and she's very strong and those teeth are used to knw on wood chew the bits wao and now let's feed her some lettuce hey peanut look I want the crunchy part do you want a crunchy piece of lettuce o ooh I bet you'll like a carrot as long as it's not a look at her wo Peanut's holding on to the carrot and munching it it's so crunchy wao uses those hands wo and her nose is so big here you go look at how much bigger her back feet are than her front feet wo her back feet are so big come take a look where's my where's my went up here yeah little front hands and pause and a really big back foot and look over here peanut has a really big tail look at her got really big tail and some really big feet she's so cute I love see cool animals like peanut what do you think that tail is used for hm I don't know do you know what the tail would be used for swimming swimming huh that makes sense because peanut is a water animal her tail helps her swim really [Music] fast wow peanut is so amazing thank you peanut thanks peanut well you got to get back to the water so I'll see you soon bye-bye H I wonder what this next animal we're going to see is it's going to be it's a bird H I wonder what kind of bird it is let's [Music] ask whoa hi Bobby hi what kind of animal is this so Taylor is called a yellow naped Amazon he gets the name yellow nped because he's got that big patch of yellow on the back of his neck whoa do you see H my favorite colors are blue and orange but it looks like Taylor yeah Taylor the bird it likes green and yellow is that funny is that funny hello hello hello I love you I love you too who wow Taylor can talk he can mimic what he hears so he's not actually talking but it's pretty close wow is that funny is that funny no not today is that sad oh it's not sad at all wow that is amaz amazing what else can Taylor say so Taylor likes to MIM the sounds of other animals the best since he lives here at the zoo do you want to show them your kitty cat yeah kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty good let's go bigger and louder on this one you want to go bigger and louder how about your tiger yeah wao that's a better Tiger Tiger than me but his favorite thing in the whole world is history he loves have a lot of fun that's so silly oh my goodness Taylor do you want to show them some more cool stuff yeah you want to show them how you warm [Music] up yeah it's important to Wing up to warm up before you start singing anything that's amazing Taylor likes to sing and I like to sing you want to sing a song for them today I'll be your backup Dan we'll be your backup daners okay here we go we're going to go this [Music] very nice thank you so [Applause] much yeah wow a lot of fun amazing thank you Taylor for performing for us you're are so welcome everybody say goodbye I love you yeah a well I love you too Taylor I'll see you later all right we'll see you later wa oo what is this H it's really bumpy kind of Rocky this is a termite Mound hm but I wonder why it's here hey maybe Lisa knows let's ask her hi Lisa hi Lippy why is there a termite Mound here well Bobby is going to introduce you to Zola our arbark who eats termites whoa an arbark wa look at this it's an artbark I've never seen one of these before wa hi hello so this is Zola and Zola is an artbark they're found out in Africa wa Zola has a really really cool nose yeah she has a really cool nose and a really cool tongue I'm going to show you exactly what it looks like too W they get a nice good look you ready sweetness look Bobby's showing us how long Zola's tongue is do you see that look it's this big yeah it is made for breaking into these termite mounds and eating all the termites inside wow that is amazing Zola you are so amazing she is a pretty amazing animal yep that's my by there you go wow and Zola has really big ears too she has really big ears so she has a really good sense of hearing a really big nose really good sense of smell really big eyes but you know what not a great sense of vision cuz they are a nocturnal species and they spend a lot of time Underground around anyway wo did you hear that Zola is nocturnal yeah that means they're awake at nighttime whoa that's pretty silly hey look it looks like Zola's still really hungry yeah she's always hungry for these termites and we're going to see if she can show you exactly what it would look like in Africa if she were to find a termite Mound just like this Yep they're right in there W look at her wow she's really big and looks really strong W yeah she's really big and really strong she is 130 lbs of almost all muscle hello hey there's zaa wao looks like she's liking to climb up tall yeah she wants to get to uh to give her some treats but instead you want to give her a couple pets on the shoulder here yeah yeah what does she feel like wao she's really soft it kind of feels like my beard yeah a little bit so people say they feel kind of like a pig which is how they got the name arvar cuz art barkk means dirt Pig oh who dirt Pig art bark so silly wow and her hands are those Nails those are nails they are really strong and sharp because in the wild they would break open ter termite mounts like this wao yeah do you see her nails her fingernails are as long as my fingers and that's because she needs to get into those termite mountains to get some tasty treats that's right oh you are an amazing animal M so yummy wow hello well Zola Z is my friend now we're just hanging out eating some meal worms W hey Zola come on over here look over here come on over here there you go wo very nice there we go so yeah like I was saying they have really big eyes but their eyes side is not the best cuz they actually sleep in a burrow underneath the ground wow so they actually use these nice big long hairs underneath their eyes to be able to navigate wow look there's all these hairs are those kind of like whiskers kind of like whiskers on a cat yep exactly W hello Zola is so beautiful she's pretty cool right yeah so cool well it was so nice to meet you today Zola waa that was so amazing meeting Zola the art bark hey hm I wonder where Lisa went oh hi Lisa hi blippy that was so amazing singola wasn't she amazing were you surprised by that tongue yeah it was so big and sticky and sticky yes exactly are we going to meet another animal today we certainly are we're not going to meet the fastest animal but we are going to meet one of the slowest animals this is Zena she's are two-toed sloth hello Zena can you guess why they call them two-toed sloths H can you guess why they're called two to sloths oh they're called two to sloths because they have one two toes so silly she sleeps during the daytime too and is awake at night so that when she's moving around slowly she can find the fruits and flowers that are have bloomed during the day wow did you hear P yeah I'd love to feel her W she's so soft and gentle isn't she what people don't know about sloth is that they can actually be really good swimmers too W I know they can swim absolutely and they here's one of your favorites so uh Zena hi Zena was that good so cute see how she's eating upside down sloths everything upside down they sleep upside down they eat upside down they even meet friends upside down wao it's like it's opposite day every day absolutely that is so amazing isn't she hey sloths are awake at night do you remember what word we use when an animal is awake at night yeah that means this animal this slot is nocturnal and really cute inside that's right and slow mhm that's not forget that part Zena is so slow she is and showing us our her best upside down face I think oh did you swallow another one time to give her another treat wow look at those teeth they're so pointy yeah they look like triangles that's right that's nice and sharp to to cut through the peels of any of the fruit that she might find in the trees where she lives ooh I like to eat fruit Zena fruit is good just like a sloth fruit is so sweet and crunchy and tasty indeed and she loves them all well it was so nice to meet you Zena bye-bye slowly I'll see you [Music] laterly walking away from Zena yeah I think Zena is getting a little sleepy she had a lot of snacks too wow we learned about so many amazing animals yeah they were so amazing and wonderful well I think that's why it's so important to work on conservation yeah we want to conserve the habitats these animals live in and also the animals so that we can see them and see how amazing they are for a really long time well thank you so much Lisa for introducing me to so many amazing animals and for teaching me and my friends about conservation I am so glad that you came because conservation is not only important to me it's important to all of us so tell a friend I will you too tell a friend well I'll see you later bye Lisa bye blippy bye-bye W so silly I had so much fun seeing all different kinds of animals with you so many different kinds here at the San Diego Zoo well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay b l i p p i bipy good job well I'll see you real soon bye-bye whoa hey it's mey and it's me m and today we're at Candyland indoor playground in Sherman Oaks California wooho and guess what today is opposite [Applause] day do you know what an opposite is yeah an opposite is one thing that is way different from another thing just like up and down or big and small or happy and sad or hungry and full and blippy and Ma oh yeah oh and since today is opposite day that's when you do everything in an opposite way so instead of walking forward you walk backwards whoa look at this go that silly and look I'm wearing your favorite colors today blue and orange oh yeah and M I'm wearing your favorite colors purple and yellow oo oh and M I have an idea yeah you normally want to start your day with breakfast but today is opposite day so let's start it with dinner because breakfast and dinner are opposite hey I saw Supermarket back there let's dance backwards okay let's go find some tasty food w we made it to the grocery store ooh let's go grocery shopping mhm we need to find all the ingredients to make dinner w oh and look there's a little shopping cart here but since it's opposite day we'll drive it like this oh would you like some rice wa upside down rice I would love some oo and we should probably get some upside down crackers M that $4 thank you there you go uhoh it's supposed to go that way W well opposite day is pretty silly here you are peaches free of charge a free peaches yum but we also want to put some vegetables in our dinner too so we have vegetables Y and some corn oh and some other stuff too thanks M here they come well M we have a lot of food here but we need to cook it now oh let's go to the kitchen oh yeah who oo let's put your apron on oh yeah Chef blippy needs an apron where's my apron M it's opposite day so it's on your back oh that's so silly wa there it is w h well we want to see if there's any other fruits and vegetables maybe in the kitchen we can use ooh let's check it out in here [Music] oo oh oh check it out fruit and vegetables wo and look at these na they're your two favorite colors well they're your two favorite colors today oh yeah today my two favorite colors are yellow whoops and purple well there you go we'll put those into our dinner and look there are other fruits and vegetables that are different colors like red green definitely want some of those and orange oh one of my favorite colors oh yeah orange and blue are your two favorite colors today M okay well now we just need to put some on some plates and we need to put some in the oven here we [Music] go may I have some Pepper please oh yes you may there you go tasty so yummy wo dinner's looking like it's almost done Lippy I have a great idea oh what's that what do you usually eat after dinner H do you know what you usually eat after you eat dinner yeah that's right dessert I love dessert since it's opposite day let's have dessert before our dinner W that's a great idea but we should probably also bring our food so we can still eat dinner yes okay here we go here we go ready let's go who here we go well M we made it hey and before we eat dessert before dinner because it's opposite day you should probably pick out what we want to eat for dinner M what are you going to have uh I would like some mushrooms please o there are some mushrooms and a carrot as well oh and a carrot for you thank you I think I'm going to have some tuna fish with a lemon well we'll set this here for later because remember it's opposite day we're having dinner for breakfast but we'll have ice cream first okay now let's make some ice cream waa check out all these flavors there's so many oh they're so colorful too o what flavor do you think this is H it's brown so it's probably chocolate tasty yum and look this color is the color pink mm what flavor do you think this ice cream is H how about strawberry I love strawberry green ice cream wao ma is that broccoli flavored yeah yeah extra nutritious well it maybe probably kind of sort of might be mint chocolate chip yeah can I make you an ice cream cone yes please how many scoops would you like four four scoops of ice cream yeah okay here we go one two three and four scoops and I'll give you a little bit of caramel on top ooh tasty thank you friend and Ma could you help me make an ice cream cone of course how many scoops I think I'll just have one scoop of ice cream okay I want to have room for dinner later whoa one scoop and how about some sprinkles okay whoa do you hear that oh yeah kind of sounds like shakers W and I love music I love ice cream I love ice cream too it's so tasty tasty that a good ice cream song well ice cream songs are so fun to sing before you have some ice cream oh so M here you go but be careful remember it's opposite day so cold ice cream on opposite day is actually lava hot W it's really hot in here ready here we go Cheers Cheers hurry before it melts yes and now that we had our dessert before dinner d e dinner here's your dinner thank you yummy yummy dinner here we [Music] go that was pretty fun eating dinner are you ready to play yeah me too h I wonder what we'll do today let's go explore okay come [Music] on W this fire station is pretty cool hey check out this truck wao this fir truck looks so fast and loud wa and look at this ooh safety gear oh yeah after a fire you probably need to repair some of the homes or buildings that caught on fire m is that a megaphone yes it is MAA firefighter ma it's time to save the day coming coming to save the day okay firefighter blippy will help you out thank you very much oh but wait a second ma it's opposite day remember yes maybe instead of being really loud we need to be really quiet oh yeah fire fire me yeah we need to go save everyone from the fire re re re on opposite day Sirens that are normally very loud are actually very quiet that's silly W and look at that an actual firefighter helmet ooh wa and good thinking M backwards since his Opposite Day W oh and since we're in the fire station I don't need to have an apron anymore put this over here check it out W what's that it is a vest wao a fire vest oh but there's only one you can have it a that's nice but then you won't have one H I'll let you have it okay actually I have one in my jam-pack for you wa that was really thoughtful and good planning ma yes I love to plan okay firefighter helmet on and my fire jacket on too and now we just need to go find a fire okay let me grab my extinguisher okay and I'll grab the megaphone so I can be really quiet here we go here we come to save the day H but firefighter ma wait a a minute it's opposite day instead of going forward I think we need to drive backward okay here we go the [Music] way whoa Ma look at this ball pit oo so colorful oh yeah it's all different colors like green and pink and blue and green whoa hey and look purple and yellow hey just like those slides oh yeah those slimes are also purple and yellow my two favorite colors today at least since it's opposite day let's go up the slide okay you normally would go down but it's opposite day let's do [Music] it okay wait let's check to see see if anyone's coming down mhm h no one's coming down and remember always go down a slide we have special permission from grown-ups to go up the slide today yeah okay we'll see you at the top this is pretty slippery I made it wa and I come on so close woohoo oh I made it too hey this calls for a 10c dance break yeah we did it we did it we never ever quit it we did that was really fun but I think I know just what to do next what well we went up the slides let's go down the stairs yeah okay we'll see you at the bottom [Music] woohoo [Music] ready friend ready here we [Music] go that was pretty fun whoa it sure is fun playing on opposite day yeah and since it's opposite day let's jump out of the ball pit instead of into theall it okay but who should go first me okay okay first you want to get covered with all the ball pit balls yes please cover me up okay there we go ready set okay okay you're next now it's my turn okay I'm going to try to get totally covered with ball pit balls here we go see you soon woo all right all set three two one W that was so much fun and I had a really great time celebrating opposite day with you oh you came up with some great opposes you did too oh thanks Ren yeah well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of our videos all you have to do is search for our names hey since it's opposite day can I spell your name and you can spell mine mhm yeah here we go b l i PV i b and can you spell my name with me M's name m e e k a h m good job well we'll see you soon byebye [Music] hello hey it's me Flippy and today we're here at Dogwood Canyon Nature Park in lampy Missouri yeah here you can go trout fishing woohoo yeah it's so much fun to see Fish catch fish and release them safely back into the water so they keep on swimming and having fun let's go find a creek and some fishies whoa we did it we found a creek W you see any fish in the water I see a leaf and see some bugs oo and some plants H but don't see any fish well I think if we keep looking keep your eyes open and we're sure to find a fish okay let's keep looking come [Music] on W look at this place it's so beautiful here you see the waterfall wo yeah it's a small waterfall in the creek I bet there are some fish down there keep your eyes open maybe we'll see a really big fish or maybe a teeny tiny fish I don't know let's look wo look at what it is it's a waterfall W I bet some really big beautiful fish live by this Waterfall oh let's go see W check it out W rainbow trout wo you see how big those rainbow trout are yeah these are some really big fish yeah rainbow trout can be up to 30 lb woo yeah that's really big and do you know why rainbow trout are called rainbow trout H look closely they're so colorful see there's blue on that one and some red on that one think I see some green on that other one oh and yellow too yeah they're so colorful I like to be colorful too oh and that reminds me rainbow trout love cold water well that makes sense why they like being next to the cool water here in the creek and by the waterfall I like the cold but I need a jacket oh look at him swim who hello fish hello fishies W yeah they're going really fast rainbow trout are the fastest freshwater fish oh they love swimming around and jumping they can even jump 4T in the air oh wait a minute I like to go fast and jump and I do like to be colorful hey how about let's act like the rainbow trout woohoo okay stand up with me and go really fast and jump and move like the fish woohoo oh yeah being a [Music] fish W that was really fun being a rainbow trout but you know what else would be really fun yeah going fishing and catching a fish hey that would be fun but I think I need a little help H bet we can find someone to teach us come on whoa it looks like there's some more fish over here maybe this would be a really good place to go fishing wo and check it out look I see someone I bet they can help teach us how to fish let's go say hi [Music] oh hi there I'm flippy what's your name hi I'm Jim oh it's nice to meet you Jim well we've been admiring all the beautiful fish and I was hoping to go fishing today do you think you could teach me how I think so okay great well what's the first thing to be a fisherman well actually you need some equipment um I just happened to have some here wa oh what's that this this is called a this is called a fishing vest waa oh thank you and it goes on and have a little pockets so you can put your your tackle in there oh check it out my very own fishing vest well now I really feel like a fisherman you look like a fisherman well what other equipment will we need well we need a fishing pole oh okay wao and I like this fishing pole cuz look it's orange yeah wa that's cool yeah and this is called a spinning reel oh check it out yeah you see this a spinning reel right there whoa and is this the fishing line yes that's a fishing line and it's really almost clear so that doesn't the fish can't see it wa That's So Co so we can fool them and this is and this is called The Lure wa check it out yeah that lure oh that looks so cool and I bet when this is in the water it looks pretty sparkly it does the little spinner goes around and around and it flashes in the sun W I like that and it makes little vibrations in the water little no that the fish can hear yeah and I bet they like that a lot it come swimming over they do like it and is this where you hold the fishing yeah you hold it with one of your fingers through there okay and then one finger up here that can grab the line okay just roll that over and then you push it forward and when you go forward you release your release the finger and it lets the line come off the Reel oh well that sounds easy you can do that I think so but I also saw this it's a net whoa who uhoh well I think this is for the fish right well yes actually it's so that we can get them out of the water that's kind of far down there to get them out of the water and sometimes you can't just lift them out because they might break the line oh yeah and you don't want to fall in either so you use the net to scoop them up in the water and then you can get them out and take the hook out well maybe you could show me how to cast the line and I can hold the net and help Net it out of the water oh sure I would like that okay here I'll hold the net and let's see if we can catch a fish all right are you ready yeah I'll stand over here okay here we go going to grab the line going to cast whoa look at it Go waa it's spinning through the water wo looks like the fish are liking it w we got one W that so mess oh it came unhooked oh W that was close yeah oh there's another one oh we got one yeah going to see if I can catch him in my nety look at him splashing jumping yeah here we go there you go good job wa look we got a fish oh here we go yeah wow that's amazing it looks like it's a rainbow trout yeah here I'll let you you allow me to take the hook out yeah that' be great yeah rainbow trout are really really colorful fish they're all different colors like we got the hook red and green okay let me get my hands wet a little yeah we don't yeah we want our hands wet if we're going to touch a fish there we go W look at him yeah look it's the fish's tail and wao what are those right here that's called his Gill plate wow and it's a male wo it's so colorful see the red gild plate they get like that in the fall when they're spawning the males get really colorful wao and look it has a lot of spots so we're going to have to get this guy back in the water though W uhoh whoa Dan a fish get him back in the net we go better put him back in the water okay here you go just watch him swim away here here you go there he's doing better who look at him go a bye-bye little fish yeah those rainbow trout they really like swimming through the water and it's important for them to be sent back into the water so that they can breathe through their gills well I'll see you later little fishy W you are really good at catching fish with your fishing rod well I bet you can do it well you think I could try sure okay maybe I'll try this time and you think you could help me it okay here we go so the first things first we have to hold it like this see is that right Jim that's perfect and then we want to put our finger on the line and flip this little what do you call that the baale the baale the Bale wa yeah see the bail oh that silver part and then uh uh-oh we want to cast the line here we go ready oh good cast wa that was really far okay we put the bail down and we start to slowly bring it back okay and now we want the spinner to spin and this time I'm going to hold it up oh you got him who W there you go here we go him in reel him in wa boy he's fighting here we go oh he's coming you got him yeah we got him who here I'll hold a net you could help take out the hook okay W I caught my very own fish you did it you did it yeah it's really fun catching the fish and it's really nice too to release them back into the water so they can keep being really swimy and going really fast wo that one's so shiny look yeah but this is a female you notice he's not as red as the other one oh yeah he's kind of white colored on the belly kind of white on the belly who well we better put him back bye-bye little fish oh Jim I see there's a little waterfall over there where does all the water come from well we have Springs in this park the water comes right up out of the ground W and and Bubbles up and it's nice and cold wa so I bet the fish love it that's what creates the whole Creek is the Springs wow that's amazing and rainbow travels love cold water so that's why they're here well Jim I also noticed you had some other fishing rods yeah right over here there's one and whoo two yeah what kind of fishing rods are these well these are called fly rods oh fly rods and because they call the lures flies and flies are very small so this is a special Rod designed to throw little tiny flies like this oh yeah look there's a lure right here see it's a teeny tiny little lure just like a little fly buzzing around whoa and it looks a little different right the this part right here the fly reel that's the Reel that holds the line yeah it looks a little different from that other Rod yeah and the line's different too it's bright bright green and it's big really fat oh yeah it's a little heavier too well do you think you could show me how to use a fly rod sure well first you just unhook it like you did and get it unwrapped there you go right on like there you go got a little bit wrapped up yeah it happens okay now once you get it up like that you lay throw the line out in the water a little bit okay just like that okay here let me un wrap it a bit yeah I can help you that thanks Jim yeah here we go now let some line out okay whoa there you go who there we go yeah whoa there once you have some line out you bring the rod back and you stop it right about here and then you roll it back forward like this until the fly goes right in the water like that oh okay there you go here let's see if we can try try once it goes down I just reel it back in while you watch that float and see if it goes under if the fish take it and grab it it'll go it'll go down and then you then you pull the fish in okay here we go we'll go up and then down yep that's it w that was a little tricky no I'll try again do it try again here we go go up yep there it is now just let it sit now watch that float and if you see it go down that's when you that's when you jerk the fish in go go we go pull it up hard pull it up hard who who uhoh he got he got away okay try it again definitely takes a lot of patience doing fishing yeah a little bit see if you can do that cast again okay here we go we'll go up and over okay that's it wo look at that big thing my goodness that's a big one whoo check it out whoa this is a really big one think I better stick with the net whoa here we go here we go whoa look Jim's reeling him in I'm gonna pick up the fish with myette so we can see him whoa this fish is enormous it's gigantic it's huge look who here you go wow I'm going to need a good net man W yeah oh look he's Tangled Up in the line he's coming in though you ready here you go hey little fish you got him he's heavy he's so heavy W check it out wao Jim how big is this fish this fish is about 4 lb or more W 4 lb fish yeah about 23 in wo 23 in look at him look at the size of this fish hi little guy well thanks for coming up here with us W better send him back to the water yep we better get him back in there here we go put there you go back into the net going to do it there and back to the water you go there you go just let him breathe a little bit and once he starts go starts kicking around we'll let him go back yeah just like that there you go perfect there you go little fishy bye-bye a who good job that was awesome yeah that was the biggest fish ever well thank you so much for teaching me about fly fishing and using a fishing rod I feel like a real fisherman well I guess what I have a surprise for you a surprise for me yeah I got this little rod for you to practice with whoa check it out it's for me my very own fishing practice Rod whoa and check it out it's flippy yeah wa it's orange and blue and this is probably a very good rod to practice with because it's it has a bow tie instead of a hook right well thank you so much Jim you're welcome I'll see you soon I'll see you woo yeah that was awesome I had so much fun finding a creek with some rainbow trout yeah meeting gym and learning how to fish and fly fish and getting my very own flippy kid casters fishing rod well this isn't a real fishing rod but it's great for practice yeah I don't think fish like to eat bow ties okay I think we're ready for some more practice I wonder if we'll catch something here we [Music] go who looks like we caught something I think it's I think it's a boot well let's try again see if we catch a fish here we go woo W wo it's it's a potato that's pretty silly but I think this time we're definitely going to catch a fish here we go and let's see it's a fish yeah a silly fish well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go ready the l i p p i flippy good job well I'll see you soon I'm going to keep practicing here we go wait a minute I think we got another one wa hey it's me blippy and look at where I'm at yeah Boise Art Glass yeah Boise Idaho and at this place they make art out of glass yeah you know art when you get a draw or color or finger paint oh gets kind of messy but it's super fun yeah they make art out of glass here this is going to be so much fun let's go wo look at this place W cool wo a lot of glass objects in this case wo cool oh look a very colorful jellyfish wo and there's an octopus right there wow it's so crazy to think that all of these objects are glass W look at this woo a Blue Vase who it says please do not touch all right oh blue one an orange one W cool oh yeah glass blowing was invented a very long time ago thousands of years ago over in Syria that's really cool look oh it looks like we have some jewelry right here oh wo some fake flowers yeah roses smells like glass wo oh can you think of anything in your house that's glass yeah like a window yeah so then you can be inside all warm looking outside the glass window window can you think of anything else yeah maybe a vase or a glass jar wo look at these wo look at all these cute animals W looks like there's an insect right there there's a bee oo looks like a penguin here's a frog ribbit ribbit ribbit what's that wo look at this one this one is so beautiful yeah it's my two favorite colors do you see the bottom yeah it's the color orange yeah in the top right here it's the color blue oh no I broke the beautiful blue ornament this is not good maybe that's why it said please do not touch well good thing I know the owner of this place so why don't I go find him and let him know maybe we can replace it together yeah oh no hey Phillip hey blippy how are you well not the best I actually was in your gallery and I broke one of those really pretty blue ornaments oh no big deal we'll get someone to clean that up I'm so sorry you're not mad no really but I do want you to help me make another one oh really I would love to help you make another one awesome that sounds good all right are we making it here no no over here um we're doing a different type of glass blowing oh What's this called um it's called Flame working flame working cool can we see how it's done absolutely but you're going to need to put some safety glasses on first oh safety glasses wao they're really dark why is that because this flame is really bright oh yeah it is darker now yeah cool so I'm going to need you to get this colored with the blue I was about to put some blue on there which I know is your favorite color yeah you know me you're going to grab it in the middle okay and hold it in the flame and get it hot and then you're going to add some color okay ready just hold it right here and turn it w turn it yep yep good all right there we go so we're taking clear glass and then we're heating it up and then we're going to add some blue color yes once the glass gets hot and you roll it in the color the color will stick to it okay is it hot enough about three more seconds all right three two one ready go all right whoa all right good job keep rolling it all right now back in the flame and melt it on there all right it's getting soft I can tell because looks like it's drooping gravity is pulling it down right that's correct wa wo now it's really hot again right yes and ready for another layer all right here we go wo wao nice job all right W it's definitely not the perfect circle that it once was that's okay yeah all right W how's that that looks perfect one more layer one more layer all right there we go yep now melted in once that gets melted in we'll set that down and let it cool and then let's go make that ornament all right that sounds like fun okay this is so much fun all right looking good all right let's pull that out and hold it for just a minute let it get cold okay keep turning it like this yep all right all right now we'll set it down okay give that a chance to cool down I'm going to turn my torch off and then we'll head over to the studio and make the ornament all right that sounds like fun thank you so much for letting me do that no problem all right let's make that ornament come on let's do it wow this place is so cool it is pretty awesome wao look at all of these W looks like a soap dispenser right that's correct and what's this one that's one of our tall soap dispensers ooh a tall soap dis dispenser and a short soap dispenser cool wo and did you make these over here too yes we did wow look at that looks like a slug who cool hey little slug wow you make some really cool pieces of art here oh and look woo is this glass yeah it's colored glass it's called frit frit and what is glass even made out of glass is made out of mostly sand um some some Limestone and some soda ash wow but mostly sand that's really cool and this kind of glass is called frit because it's really small and colorful mhm yeah that's just one way to add color Okay looks like we have some green looks like we have some red and also orange yeah cool all right so many colors to choose from well let's see what color was that ornament well it it was like a blue I think you said it was blue was it was it a see-through blue or a non-cr blue um well it you could see through it yeah okay so then I think it was this one cuz this this blue you can't see through okay yeah it was this one yeah it's kind of transparent and see through all right so is this the one yes the one let's do it you ready yeah let's go all first thing I want you to do is dump some of that into this little tin right here okay let's pour some of the blue in the container all right about half uh about half the bag okay we can always put back what we don't use there you go perfect okay look at that so colorful all right there now we need to put our safety glasses on oh yeah oh yeah yeah got to be safe awesome okay are you ready yeah I'm ready so I'm going to get some hot glass out of the furnace over here on the end of a pipe and then I'm going to show you how to add our color how to hold the pipe safely without burning yourself okay really important yeah exactly all right so this is our pipe okay it is hollow we do B blow through these okay so I'm going to get some glass out of the furnace which is in here in here is a big bowl full of liquid hot glass it's 2000° okay I'm definitely not going to go close to that wo look in there so I stick the pipe in here and I turn it and when I do that the glass sticks to it you see that oh wow yeah there's glass on the end now and it definitely looks very hot oh yeah so we're going to pull the glass off of the pipe just a little bit that's the beginning of the ornament there you see it coming off the end there oh yeah you're squeezing it or pushing it to the end so this part is the ornament this part holds this part on the pipe okay and you have to turn all the time otherwise you see it falling right sink yeah gravity falling it down when we add color we just kind of press it in here like this okay do you want to give it a try sure okay like earlier tur turning keep your hands away from the top of the pipe and press it in there give it a little more of a press press give a chance to stick lift turn and press again lift turn press again yep good oh there we go I'm going to have you go all the way around by yourself one time push a little harder now that the glass is getting colder yep you feel it getting colder right yeah it's getting a lot tougher not as soft so that means we need to reheat it okay so I'm going to show you how to do that we're going to use our reheating oven which is this guy right here cool really glowy hot it's also 2000° ooh very very hot so when you take this pipe and put it in there to reheat this glass so you can add one more layer of color you're going to go in here like this set it on this roller here Y and then you're going to slide it inside there and turn it just keep turning and count to 10 and then when you count to 10 then you'll come back out turning and you'll head over and do one more layer of the blue all right are you ready I ready all are you right-handed I am right-handed okay so you're going to hold it this way okay all right let's head over here oh all right set it on that Roller Slide it in perfect and turn 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one all right come on out all right remember to keep that point pointing down and go right in the color remember to pause a little bit there you go all right and again nice good look doing great one more time okay now we need to melt that smooth right you see how rough it is right there so we're going to go back to the reheating oven okay okay and this time we'll be in here for about 1 minute one minute one minute all it needs to get really hot Okay one minute here we go okay so come on back over here okay still turning the pipe I want you to roll it on the table keep the pipe down low level with the table there you go good and let's just roll roll roll yep all the way up towards me and then all the way back the other way okay good job am I doing good you're doing great all right okay now we're going to reheat one more time and I'm going to get a bubble started inside there okay so I want you go back inside okay the reheating oven one more time and once you get inside there I'm going to take over for a quick minute all right sounds good all right so I'm going to take over so now while I'm getting this ready I want you to go grab the blo hose that's on the bench over there okay I'll be right back okay all right who this looks like the blo hose so the black part of the blow hose is going to end up on here in a minute okay but first we want to look at our glass looking pretty hot right defin very hot now I'm going to give it one more roll like this and then I'm going to blow into the pipe and trap the air with my thumb on the end w and that's going to push air into the glass wa and it's going to make it bigger cool so just wait just one second and you'll start to see it get rounder you see that yeah it's expanding now it's a little bit bigger so now it has a little pocket of air in there oh but it's not is it it's probably not as big as the one you broke yeah no it was it was a little bit bigger it was like this big then you're going to need to make it bigger by blowing into it okay okay how do we do that so we're going to hook this up okay we're going to get this hot one more time okay then we're going to walk over here together and while I'm sitting down oh a little tangled up there you got it it all right so I'll be sitting down here like this y doing this okay okay as I'm doing this I will let you know when to start blowing but remember not to blow too hard because if you blow too hard this will pop like a balloon oh okay don't want that no no we want to be soft and steady kind of like blowing bubbles through a straw have you blowing bubbles through a straw oh yeah oh yeah me too okay here here we go are you ready oh I'm ready okay we're going to walk together okay all right and you can come a little closer if you want that way you can really get an good eye on the ornament are you ready oh I'm ready start blowing okay blow blow blow blow blow blow harder there you go there you go keep going stop take a breath and blow again almost there what do you think good size M and stop there perfect that look like the one that broken there yeah that's the perfect size okay well we have one step left all right let's take this blo hose off okay and we're going to go over here to our finishing station wow the finishing station finishing station so let's head this way okay luy won't you stand right here all right okay wow this is so much fun so now we're going to tap this guy right off of here I'm going to squeeze this area uhhuh with my diamond shears oh cool diamond shears and I'm going to give it a tap and it just pops off oh yeah you see that little hole there yep I do we're going to cover that up and make a loop out of that okay so I want you to grab these squeezers o freezers cool yeah I use these I'm going to get a little bit more glass okay I'm going to put some glass on here and together we're going to squeeze the top of this and pull it into a loop okay okay so you see how we've got that little doop on there yep we're going to pinch the very top of that yep okay pinch it we're going to pull it up yep now we're going to twist it off all the way around and push it right on there push it on there a little more then make any adjustments if you need any okay like that yeah that looks like it all right now it's stiff already see how fast it cooled down yeah ex this out W cool now you can hang it up oh we did such a great job it's still really hot you feel that yeah I definitely don't want to touch that don't want to touch it so it has to go in the oven to slowly cool down or else it will crack so I'm going to stick it in there okay all right wow this was so much fun replacing that beautiful blue ornament we did such a great job W there we go good job we did it we replaced the beautiful blue ornament wow I was definitely responsible for breaking that thing yeah and we had two options I could either purchase the blue ornament or we could replace it and that was so much fun replacing the blue ornament with you yeah and now I know definitely next time I'm in a store like this everything is very delicate and I'm definitely not going to touch anything anymore in this store w wow wasn't that so much fun blowing glass together yeah and hey wasn't it interesting how the glass started out as really hard but then as you heated it up it became really soft and then you could move it around you could squish it and then you can move it into a shape that you made a beautiful art piece and then when it cooled down it became really hard again W that was so much fun well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job see you again byebye reporting live from Hawaii Children's Discovery Center in Honolulu Hawaii wow what a beautiful day Aloha it's me blippy and today we have a special report yeah on jobs and professions are you excited to learn about jobs and professions me too let's go [Music] do you hear that yeah that's a siren there must be a fire around here come on who yeah we need to act like a firefighter so then we can put out the fire okay yeah check it out yeah my firefighting hat W and then you would wear these clothes to help protect you oh and look at the fire truck wow do you see this ladder yeah that's how firefighters climb really high yeah they use ladders wow I love fire trucks oh and look down here this is where you connect the water to the fire truck you know where you connect it from yeah a fire hydrant W cool but this fire hydrant actually has a hose connected to it whoa yeah W yeah I'm spraying so much water wow firefighters love to spray water yeah because then it puts out the fire yeah that's on the building all right let's put this back there we go and then what we need to do is we need to drive the fire truck yeah let's go yeah I love driving fire trucks wo they're so big whoa and the sirens yeah and the lights wow being a firefighter would be so cool because you know you get to help so many people all right check this out over here all right here we go perfect now that the lug nuts are off we can remove the wheel and tire you know what shape this is yeah a circle all right let's go replace it with this brand new one over here h all right w a nice brand new one and then we need three lug nuts one two three wow that last tire was flat but this one is nice and pumped up all right let's put it right here being a mechanic is hard work all right let's start the lug nuts just like this all right there's one here's two two and then the last one so what you do is you barely put it on just with your hands like that and then you take this and this tightens them up W that was so much fun acting like a car mechanic wow shall we keep exploring let's go W your town bank yeah many towns have Banks let's go act like we're a bank teller bank tellers sit down right here and then wait for people to deposit or to take out money you can act like one of those people oh hello how can I help you oh you would like some money all right hold on let me access your account here you go have a good day wow I love acting like a bank teller all right I'll be right over w hey now I can act like I'm a worker yeah at just a store yeah and I just went to the bank now I got to go to my job all right yeah I'm a grocery worker yeah also known as a grocer all right I'm at work now oh come into the grocery store W shall we get some groceries oh yeah how about some peaches what a yummy fruit oo and pineapple wow I love pineapple it is so sweet such a yummy fruit and they grow a lot on Hawaii which is one of our states in America okay I think this is enough wait maybe we should get a vegetable oh yeah like a head of lettuce okay oo and some pears yum Maybe we should go check out yeah so then I can act like a cashier at a grocery store all right we have some peaches we have green beans the pineapple okay a couple more woo and we have the pears yeah very healthy and we also grabb the lettuce also very healthy all right and your total wa that's a big number cool and the person that bags all these up is the courtesy clerk so then they can give you the groceries that you got and then you can go home well it's the end of my shift so maybe I'll go explore and see what other professions and jobs we can find woohoo I need to mail off this letter all right see you later have a fun Journey wait a second post office workers are very important they make sure mail and packages go from one location to the next what a challenging job that is but hey why don't you and I act like a post office worker all right first things first we have to dress like one check out my hat yeah keeps the Sun out from my face while walking around town picking up the mail and then I'll wear this shirt yeah now I'm looking like a post office worker right yeah the best post office in the world is me and my name's Sean all right and look at this this is what I collect my mail in all right let's walk over here and let's open this up whoa look at all those letters all right let me collect them all right and as the post office worker now we need to take them inside and put them in the bag all right here we go now I look official right all right so let's put them in the bag and then we can deliver them around town across the country or the world wow what an important job that is right I know anything physical that goes from point A to point B yeah is going to be delivered as a post office worker if if you send it in the mail W hey and here it is yeah the veterinarian's office needs their mail here it is all right you folks enjoy wow that was so much fun acting like a post office worker and speaking of fun jobs why don't you and I act like a veterinarian W this is going to be fun all right check it out now we're in the vet's office yeah betet is short for veterinarian oh and check it out this is what they wear yeah doesn't it look like a nurse or a doctor's outfit yeah because that's what they do but they do that for Animals wow what an important and fun job oh speaking of fun oh hey Kitty hey kitty meow meow meow oh so cute why are you here oh you're here because you have an upset stomach well I'll help you out oh and do you have a dog friend look at the dog friend oh they love playing with each other all right let's help the kitty out all right let's put the kitty right here oh and then it looks like we have wow look at this and look at this and look at this a lot of tools that veterinarians use okay there we go looking inside the ears the eyes the nose what else do we have here who these don't look like they're for kitties well we won't use those I definitely will use this though let's see here he here you go kitty oh how does that feel we helped the kitty now it's tummy feels a lot better okay we'll put the kitty right over here and check out these yeah didn't what these are yeah dog bones dogs love these remember our friend from earlier let's see if he wants one hey doggy here you go wow that was so much fun acting like a veterinarian W I sure do love different types of jobs they're so fun who wasn't that so much fun I know I had a great time and hey did did you know a TV reporter is another job and profession yeah they talk about the weather they talk about the news hey yeah the news today is we had so much fun wow isn't it cool how different jobs do different things in town to make things run and every job is very important great I wonder what you're going to be when you grow up well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i p p i blippy good job all right see you again [Music] Aloha it's me Flippy and today we're here at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia Pennsylvania woohoo yeah this is a ballpark home to the Philadelphia Phillies yeah and I just love baseball so much fun to go watch a game at a ballpark or hit a home run woohoo oh and you know there are a lot of different jobs to help make a baseball game happen I'm really excited because today you and I get to learn about those jobs and play some baseball woohoo wo look at where we are the yard hm I wonder what this place is let's go [Music] H whoa check it out a real life baseball player let's go say hi hi Hi blippy how are you oh hi it's nice to meet you what's your name I'm Mickey mandini and I used to play for the Phillies and I played in a World Series no way a real life professional baseball player that played in the World Series series and for the Phillies W that's amazing yeah that was pretty cool playing in the World Series that sounds so fun well today we're learning about different jobs at the Ballpark do you think you could teach me a little bit about being a baseball player I know I can great well when you played baseball what position did you play now I played second base that's one of the guys that's in the infield and my job was to catch ground balls and throw it to the first baseman so we could get the guy out yeah you don't want to make the other team get a home run it's very important to be an infielder or an outfielder absolutely yeah well do you think you could teach me how to play some baseball I know I can great well what's the first thing to be a baseball player the first thing is you have to learn how to throw the ball and catch the ball oh okay well H oh maybe we could use one of these I think we can use that this is called a whiffle ball so we don't have to throw it really fast cuz it's really light and it's easy to catch and it's easy to throw oh great yeah looks like there are little gaps there so it slows it down so it doesn't go too fast okay well what's the first thing about throwing it first thing about throwing is you want to put two fingers over the top of the ball okay if you have really small hands you can even put three fingers well like that like that that's perfect and then you just bring your hand back and then you let it go okay just like this two fingers or three fingers if it's easier bring the ball back and throw woohoo perfect W that was awesome that was very good M A thanks Mickey okay so now that I know how to throw it what about catching all right catching is pretty simple too the most important thing is you have to keep your eyes on the ball you cannot catch the ball if you're not looking at it m that makes sense so you throw the ball it's coming and you want to catch it with two hands oh with two hands so you one hand to catch it and the other one to secure mhm you don't want it Falling Away absolutely oh and also I see baseball players wearing gloves do we need gloves for Whiffle balls not for Whiffle balls cuz they're really light but for a baseball you definitely need a glove okay great well could we play a game of catch I would love that okay here we go let's back up a little bit and play some catch ready I'm ready good catch yeah okay here we go good throw oh nice W this is so fun whoa whoa that was awesome yeah I'm starting to feel like a real baseball player Oh but Mickey when I watch a baseball game I see people running around the bases and hitting the ball how do you do that well hitting's a little more difficult in throwing and catching but we're going to teach you how to Hitch so the first thing you want to do is grab a bat and you are right-handed is that correct yeah I used my right hand there you go so you put your left hand on the bottom of the bat and you put your right hand right on top W then you spread your legs a little bit more than shoulder width apart okay raise your hands to shoulder level hands back and then you swing okay here we go time to swing the Whiffle bat here we go one two 3 perfect W that was awesome well now that we learned throwing catching and hitting the ball with a bat you think we could play a game together I would love that okay let's do it [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] wo run well that was so much fun you were awesome a thanks well I had a really great teacher and you were a very good student ah thanks so much but after all that hard work I'm starting to get a little hungry well if you're hungry I know the perfect place for you to go oh where's that you can go in the stands here and we have all kind of vendors that come and they bring food to you w well that sounds amazing and yummy see you later Mickey see you [Music] bye I just know that we can find a snack somewhere around here maybe we can find a snack that's spicy or sweet or salty H well keep your eyes and ears open for a snack popcorn popcorn here can you hear that popcorn popcorn could be a really really tasty treat oh and look oh hi I'm blippy what's your name hi blippy I'm Samantha oh Samantha it's nice to meet you nice to meet you is that popcorn on your head it is W that's fun well I was looking for a snack could I have some popcorn please of course wo thank you you're welcome here you go W some yummy popcorn this is a great snack oh and Samantha we're learning about different jobs at the Ballpark what do you do for your job well here I walk up and down the stairs selling popcorn to all the fans oh that sounds fun wait a minute you sell popcorn to all the fans on all the stands in the entire ballpark I do wo that's a lot of popcorn and a lot of people too oh this is really really yummy oh and I saw you had the popcorn on your head did that take a long time to practice it did it took about a month but I've been here for 7even years well you're really good at your job thank you oh also I Love Popcorn but do you have a favorite snack well I Love Popcorn just as much as you no way you love popcorn and I love popcorn popcorn party well it was nice to meet you nice to meet you too blippy bye Samantha bye wo I can't wait to eat some popcorn yeah it was so nice of Samantha to give us some for our snack it's going to be so tasty yum what's this H it landed in my popcorn a hot dog that's so silly huh I've never seen a hot dog flying through the air before H I wonder where it came [Music] from wait a minute I see the f fanatic yeah that's the Philly mascot wonder if he knows where this hot dog came from okay let's go hi Philly fanatic I'm flppy oh I really like your eyelashes they're so blue wait a minute did you launch that hot dog oh yeah you did but how did you launch it with that you want me to get up there okay let's go oh thank you wa check it out it's the Philly Fanatics hot dog launcher wooho time to go for a ride and make some hot dogs [Music] fly right there woohoo check it out woo wa that was awesome wooo yeah [Applause] [Music] woo [Music] w [Music] that was so much fun ftic yeah it was really fun launching all those hot dogs and playing but you are the mascot for the Phillies so one of your jobs is pumping up the crowd right yeah it's really fun to get the crowd so excited and I heard that you're really good at dancing do you think you could teach me some of your moves okay let's dance whoa check it out do the dance with us some twists yeah twist like The [Music] Fanatic oh good job that's fun oh there's another move okay that's silly Yeah dance with us just like you're playing with the hula hoop okay here we go time to dance W wo w whoa yeah well that was really good thanks for teaching me how to dance like the phonetic but did you know that I like to dance Too would you mind learning some of my dance moves a okay try dancing along with us okay now we're going to do jiggly arms wo yeah here we go whoa whoa you're good at that move oh and sometimes I also like to dance like a robot flippy [Music] robot waa W those are some fun dance moves yeah I'm already so excited to watch a baseball game yeah wo well thank you so much for teaching me what it takes to be a mascot woohoo I'll see you soon oh but wait I think we can dance a little more and put it all together okay here we [Music] go W that was so much fun today yeah we got to learn baseball from Mickey Mor and deie yeah we learned all about vendors and popcorn from Samantha and we even got to launch some flying hot dogs with the Philly fanatic well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go ready BL l i PP philippy good job well I'll see you soon I'm going to keep watching the Phillies practice they're pretty good bye-bye
Channel: Moonbug - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 247,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Antiks, Cartoon Kids, anime fun, anime kids, arpo animation, arpo english, arpo robot cartoon, best anime, blippi, desenho animado, family, fun animation, fun cartoon, fun story, funny cartoon, funny cartoons, funny video, hoạt hình, kartun, kids cartoons, kids funny, kids show, minibods, oddbods, robot, एनिमेशन, कविता, कहानियों, कार्टून, गीत, नाटक, बच्चों की कहानी, संगीत, सीखना, কার্টুন
Id: Xr7WaT8H8_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 0sec (13440 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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