Blippi's Dazzling Glass Creations| BLIPPI| Kids TV Shows | Cartoons For Kids | Fun Anime

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so much to learn about it'll make you want to shouty hey it's me blippy and look at where I'm at yeah Boise Art Glass yeah and Boise Idaho and at this place they make art out of glass yeah you know art when you get a draw or color or finger paint oh gets kind of messy but it's super fun yeah they make art out of glass here this is going to be so much fun let's go wo look at this place W cool w a lot of glass objects in this case wo cool oh look a very colorful jellyfish wo and there's an octopus right there wow it's so crazy to think that all of these objects are glass W look at this woo a Blue Vase wo it says please do not touch all right blue one an orange one W cool oh yeah glass blowing was invented a very long time ago thousands of years ago over in Syria that's really cool look oh it looks like we have some jewelry right here oh wao some fake flowers yeah roses smells like glass wo oh can you think of anything in your house that's glass yeah like a window yeah so then you can be inside all warm looking outside the glass window can you think of anything else yeah maybe a vase or a glass jar wao look at these W look at all these cute animals W looks like there's an insect right there there's a bee oo looks like a penguin here's a frog ribbit ribbit ribbit what's that wo look at this one this one is so beautiful yeah it's my two favorite colors do you see the bottom yeah it's the color orange yeah in the top right here it's the color blue oh no no I broke the beautiful blue ornament this is not good maybe that's why it said please do not touch well good thing I know the owner of this place so why don't I go find him and let him know maybe we can replace it together yeah oh no hey Phillip hey blippy how are you well not the best I actually was in your gallery and I broke one of those really pretty blue or ornaments oh no big deal we'll get someone to clean that up I'm so sorry you're not mad no really but I do want you to help me make another one oh really I would love to help you make another one awesome that sounds good all right are we making it here no no over here um we're doing a different type of glass blowing oh What's this called um it's called Flame working flame working cool can we see how it's done absolutely but you're going to need to put some safety glasses on first wa safety glasses wo they're really dark why is that because this flame is really right oh yeah it is darker now yeah cool so I'm going to need you to get this colored with the blue I was about to put some blue on there which I know is your favorite color yeah right you know me you're going to grab it in the middle and hold it in the flame and get it hot and then you're going to add some color okay just hold it right here and turn it w turn it yep yep good all right there we go W so we're taking clear glass and then we're heating it up and then we're going to add some blue color yes once the glass gets hot and you roll it in the color the color will stick to it okay is it hot enough about three more seconds all right three two one ready go all right wa all right good job keep rolling it all right now back in the flame and melt it on there all right W it's getting soft I can tell because looks like it's drooping gravity is pulling it down right that's correct whoa who now it's really hot again right yes and ready for another layer all right here we go wo wo nice job all right W it's definitely not the perfect circle that it once was that's okay yeah all right W how's that that looks perfect one more layer one more layer all right there we go yep now melted in once that gets melted in we'll set that down and let it cool and then let's go make that ornament all right that soundss like fun okay this is so much fun all right looking good all right let's pull that out and hold it for just a minute let it get cold okay keep turning it like this yep all right all right now we'll set it down okay give that a chance to cool down I'm going to turn my torch off and then we'll head over to the studio and make the ornament all right that sounds like fun thank you so much for letting me do that no problem all right let's make that ornament come on let's do it wow this place is so cool cool it is pretty awesome wo look at all of these W looks like a silk dispenser right that's correct oh and what's this one that's one of our tall soap dispensers ooh a tall soap dispenser and a short soap dispenser cool wo and did you make these over here too yes we did wow look at that looks like a slug who cool hey little slug wow you make some really cool pieces of art here oh and look woo is this glass yeah it's colored glass it's called frit frit and what is glass even made out of glass is made out of mostly sand um some some Limestone and some soda ash wow but mostly sand that's really cool and this kind of glass is called frit because it's really small and colorful mhm yeah that's just one way to add color Okay looks like we have some green oh looks like we have some red and also orange yeah cool all right so many colors to choose from well let's see what color was that ornament well it it was like a blue I think you said it was blue was it was it a see-through blue or a non see-through blue um well it you could see through it yeah okay so then I think it was this one cuz this this blue you can't see through okay yeah it was this one yeah it's kind of transparent and see through all right so is this the one yes the one let's do it you ready yeah let's go first thing I want you do is dump some of that into this little tin right here okay let's pour some of the blue in the container all right about half uh about half the bag okay we can always put back what we don't use there you go perfect okay W look at that so colorful all right now we need to put our safety glasses on oh yeah oh yeah yeah got to be safe awesome okay are you ready yeah I'm ready so I'm going to get some hot glass out of the furnace over here on the end of a pipe and then I'm going to show you how to add our color how to hold the pipe safely without burning yourself o yeah okay really important yeah exactly all right so this is our pipe okay it is hollow we do BL blow through these okay so I'm going to get some glass out of the furnace which is in here in here is a big bowl full of liquid hot glass w 2000° okay I'm definitely not going to go close to that who look in there so I stick the pipe in here and I turn it and when I do that the glass sticks to it you see that oh wow yeah there's glass on the end now and it definitely looks very hot oh yeah so we're going to pull the glass off of the pipe just a little bit that's the beginning of the ornament there you see it coming off the end there oh yeah squeezing it or pushing it to the end so this part is the ornament this part holds this part on the pipe okay and you have to turn all the time otherwise you see it falling right sink yeah gravity is falling it down when we add color we just kind of press it in here like this okay do you want to give it a try sure okay yeah kind like earlier turning turning keep your hands away from the top of the pipe and press it in there give it a little more of a press press give it a chance to stick lift turn and press again press again yep good oh there we go I'm going to have you go all the way around by yourself one time push a little harder now that the glass is getting colder yep you feel it getting colder right yeah it's getting a lot tougher not as soft so that means we need to reheat it okay so I'm going to show you how to do that we're going to use our reheating oven which is this guy right here really glowy hot it's also 2000° ooh very very hot so when you take this pipe and put it in there to reheat this glass so you can add one more layer of color you're going to go in here like this set it on this roller here Y and then you're going to slide it inside there and turn it just keep turning and count to 10 and then when you count to 10 then you'll come back out turning and you'll head over and do one more layer of the blue all right are you ready I'm ready all right are you right-handed I am right-handed okay so you're going to hold it this way okay all right let's head over here oh all right set it on that Roller Slide it in perfect and turn 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 one all right come on out all right remember to keep that point pointing down and go right in the color remember to pause a little bit there you go all right and again nice good job doing great one more time okay now we need to melt that smooth right you see how rough it is right there so we're going to go back to the reheating oven okay okay and this time we'll be in here for about 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute minute all it needs to get really hot Okay one minute here we go okay so come on back over here okay still turning the pipe I want you to roll it on the table keep the pipe down low level with the table there you go good and let's just roll roll roll yep all the way towards me and then all the way back the other way okay good job am I doing good you're doing great all right okay now we're going to reheat one more time and I'm going to get a bubble started inside there okay so I want you to go back inside okay okay the reheating oven one more time and once you get inside there I'm going to take over for a quick minute all right sounds good all right so I'm going to take over so now while I'm getting this ready I want you to go grab the blo hose that's on the bench over there okay I'll be right back okay all right who this looks like the blo hose so the black part of the blo hose is going to end up on here in a minute okay but first we want to look at our glass looking pretty hot right M very hot now I'm going to give it one more roll like this and then I'm going to blow into the pipe and trap the air with my thumb on the end W and that's going to push air into the glass W and it's going to make it bigger cool so just wait just one second and you'll start to see it get rounder you see that yeah it's expanding now it's a little bit bigger so now it has a little pocket of air in there w but it's not is it it's probably not as big as the one you broke yet no it was it was a little bit bigger was like this big you're going to need to make it bigger by blowing into it okay okay how do we do that so we're going to hook this up okay we're going to get this hot one more time okay then we're going to walk over here together and while I'm sitting down oh a little tangled up there you got it it all right so I'll be sitting down here like this y doing this okay okay as I'm doing this I will let you know when to start blowing but remember not to blow too hard because if you blow too hard this will pop like a balloon oh okay don't want that no no we want to be soft and steady kind of like blowing bubbles through a straw have you blown bubbles through a straw oh yeah oh yeah me too okay here we go are you ready oh I'm ready okay we're going to walk together okay all right and you can come a little closer if you want that way you can really get an good eye on the ornament are you ready oh I'm ready start blowing okay blow blow blow blow blow blow harder there you go there you go keep going stop take a breath and blow again almost there what do you think good size MH and stop there perfect Wes that look like the one that you broke in there yeah that's the perfect size okay well we have one step left all right let's take this blo hose off okay and we're going to go over here to our finishing station wow the finishing station finishing station so let's head this way okay whoop you won't you stand right here all right okay wow this is so much fun so now we're going to tap this guy right off of here I'm going to squeeze this area uhhuh with my diamond shears oh cool diamond shears and I'm going to give it a tap and it just pops off oh yeah do you see that little hole there yep I do we're going to cover that up and make a loop out of that okay okay perfect so I want you to grab these tweezers oh tweezers cool yeah I Ed I'm going to get a little bit more glass okay I'm going to put some glass on here and together we're going to squeeze the top of this and pull it into a loop okay okay so you see how we've got that little doop on there yep we're going to pinch the very top of that yep okay pinch it we're going to pull it up yep now we're going to twist it all the way around and push it right on there push it on there a little more then make any adjustments if you need any okay like that yeah that looks like it all right now it's stiff already see how fast it cooled down yeah ex check this out wa cool now you can hang it up w we did such a great job it's still really hot you feel that yeah I definitely don't want to touch that don't want to touch it so it has to go in the oven to slowly cool down or else it will crack so I'm going to stick it in there okay all right W this was so much fun replacing that beautiful blue ornament we did such a great job W there we go good job we did it we replaced the beautiful blue ornament wow I was definitely responsible for breaking that thing yeah and we had two options I could either purchase the blue ornament or we could replace it and that was so much fun replacing the blue ornament with you and now I know definitely next time I'm in a store like this everything is very delicate and I'm definitely not going to touch anything anymore in this store w WAOW wow wasn't that so much fun blowing glass together yeah and hey wasn't it interesting how the glass started out as really hard but then as you heated it up it became really soft and then you could move it around you could squish it and then you could move it into a shape that you made a beautiful art piece and then when it cooled down it became really hard again W that was so much fun well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job see you again byebye hey it's me Flippy and today we're here at the Rhythm Discovery Center in Indianapolis in IND this place is the world's only interactive percussion and drum Museum and I am so excited to go inside and learn all about drumming wait a minute do you hear that it sounds like someone's already drumming let's go see who it is come on wo it's a real life drummer let's go say hello hello hi I'm blippy hey blippy it's nice to meet you what's your name Rob oh rob you are really good at drumming thank you w we're looking to learn all about drums today but I've never seen a drum that looks like this oh well this is called a log drum because it's made out of wood oh that's cool how does it work so it has these two Tong C into it that you play with these mallets do you want to try it oh I would love to try okay we're going to use these mallets and play on the tongues okay here we go W the log drum's pretty fun that was great do you want to see some other instruments W I would love to all right I'll take those and let's uh let's go further into the museum wow wao look at it this looks like a really really really big drum what is this one called it's called a Gong drum a Gong drum wo wo do I use this Mallet to play the gong drum you do okay here we go woo it's really fun playing a Gong because a really big gong drum makes a really big sound oh thanks for showing me this you're welcome so you played a couple instruments now do you want to learn how to keep a beat o well what's a beat a beat is a rhythm that plays in the background of other music that repeats over and over again W yeah I'd like to play a beat okay well let's try a really easy one we'll do this by clapping our hands okay so we're going to clap and we're going to count up to four we're going to do it twice okay I can do that count to four with us and we'll clap and make beats together all right ready I'm ready 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 good job yeah that was great do you want to try it on the drum yeah you can make beats on a drum absolutely give it a shot okay let's make the Beats on a drum you can do it with popping at home here we go 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 wo making beat it's a lot of fun especially with a big drum wow I never knew drums had so many different shapes and sizes are all drums made out of wood and material like this no I have a bunch of instruments over here made out of metal do you want to see them yeah that would be great all right let's do it I'll take this oh look at it yeah all of these drums are made out of metal uh but they don't really look like drums oh these are part of a bigger family of instruments called percussion instruments wa well what's a percussion instrument percussion instruments are anything any instruments that we play by hitting shaking or scraping oh so percussion means it's an instrument that you hit Shake W or scrape that's exactly right wow wo and what are these instruments names oh yeah so we have a desk bell like you would see in a fancy old hotel ding ding we have have cowbells there in the back oh cow bells like the animal yeah you put them around their necks so they don't get lost oh you don't want to lose your cow uh we have alter Bells which are used in Old churches oh that's cool they're so shiny oh and Rob what's that instrument in the back that instrument back there is called a thumb piano or A Cima A Cima cimba Cima Cima Cima that one's funny to say yeah it is wow those are some pretty amazing percussion instruments do you want to try this one back here that one's another really big one let's try it wow what's this instrument called this instrument is called a tam tamam wa hey and look at this it has a big Mallet just like the gong drum hm and the Tam tamam is Big just like the gong drum too huh but is there something different about this one yeah it's made entirely out of metal W it's just like the gong drum but because it's made of metal maybe it'll sound different can I play it absolutely okay here we go Tam Tam whoa Tam Tams are really really loud can I hit it again maybe this time a little Softly [Applause] W wo wow there are so many amazing percussion instruments made out of wood and metal hey can you show us some more instruments sure come with me I can't wait to keep drumming come on W look at this place there are so many amazing instruments Rob where are we we're in an exhibit called evolving sounds where I keep instruments from all over the world and from different styles of music wo they look so cool wow and this one's really big what's this instrument called this instrument is called a Vibram do you want to hear how it sounds yeah wow oh that sounds so beautiful and spy wow and it kind of looks like a piano yeah it has bars here that kind of look like the white keys on a piano and and bars here that look like The Black Keys Lippy I know you play a little bit you want to try okay let's try playing the Viper phone here we [Music] [Music] go whoa I really like the viop phone because it can make beautiful music or silly sounds W oh and Rob is this also a viop phone yes this is actually a very special viop phone it's got it's got its own name it's called the celestaphone O and it's actually made out of meteorites or space rocks wa no way that's so cool look it's just like the other Viber phone except this viop phone is really sparkly and reflective kind of like a mirror hey I can see myself wow would you play a song for us [Music] sure wow that was great wo you're really good at playing a lot of instruments thank you wow that was so cool hearing the celestaphone oh I think I know what this other instrument is oh yeah it's a drum oh yeah this is one of my favorite drums this is called a snare drum wa you've probably seen it if you've ever seen a parade wow could you play it for us so we can hear out sounds [Music] absolutely [Music] [Music] wa I love a snare jump it sounds so cool like I'm in a marching band marching along and I know what these are too oh yeah these are symbols crash symbols but I didn't know they were percussion instruments yeah cuz you hit them together oh yeah if something is hit together or you scratch it or you shake it it's percussion you mind if I crash these symbols please here we go it's going to be really [Music] loud that was really loud hey I have an idea how about you play the snare drum and I'll play the crash symbols and we can be a band that sounds great let's try it out okay here we go [Music] [Music] wa we did it wa we played together hey we were a band yeah that's when people play music together wow well thank you for teaching us about these amazing instruments and playing the snare drum with me oh I played the symbols well are there other instruments we can learn to play sure let's go this way okay wow look at this place it's so cool there are so many percussion instruments and drums yeah blippy this is group space so this is a place where you can take any instrument you want and play whatever kind of music you feel like good well I feel like playing all kinds of music today all right well I actually have to go practice do you want to stay here and play a bit it yeah that sounds great you go practice and I'll play with some of the drums and instruments all right I'll see you later I'll see you soon wow I am so excited to play some fun drums and percussion instruments but do have one problem H which one should I play first we'll just have to decide well there's a lot of drums wo look at this there are drums that are really big and this one is a circle woo W but drums they come in all sizes and shapes like this yeah this one right here look it's a rectangle yeah it's a rectangle with four sides two of them are a little longer so it's not a square it's a rectangle w h and what else should we play with well look at this yeah have you seen one of these before for this is a Shaker you just go on the side with your hand and Shake w we have a small Shaker but if you want we also have really big shakers wow yeah this one's kind of silly looking yeah it's covered in beads and is the color red and black but the Shaker under it is the color white wo I wonder what things we can use to make beats and really fun drum sounds W look at this this instrument it kind of looks like a drum but it has all these little things on the side yeah so when you shake it it jingles and rattles this is a tambourine wo oh and I love playing tambourines they make such a fun sound that is so much fun playing all kinds of drums and percussion instruments but we should probably find Rob [Music] h wow rob you are really good at playing drums thanks BBY W what kind of drum is this this is a drum set so it's a bunch of drums that you play as one instrument wa there are so many drums and symbols yeah looks really cool you want to give it a shot I would love to give it a shot all right sounds so fun there you go o so first I need my drumsticks and do I sit here mhm okay all ready to play uh but Rob do you have some tips on playing a drum set yeah do you remember the counting we did earlier when we were clapping yeah remember we counted clapped our hands and made beats all right so this time your right hand is going to do exactly what we did with when we clapped earlier it's going to play 1 2 3 4 and then your left hand is actually going to uh stay in the same time but it's just going to play on two and four oh cool okay we're going to play on this right here with our right hand and go one 2 three four but only play on two and four with our left hand but the tricky part is doing it at the same time let's start one at a time one 2 three four one two three four and now just two and four one 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and now together 1 2 3 4 1 2 three 4 that's really fun that was great well I don't want to just play the drum set I want to rock [Music] wow that was awesome wow thank you for the tips rob it was so much fun learning about drums and percussion instruments and showing us around today oh you're welcome I do have one more thing we could do though one more thing yeah I have some friends coming over to play music would you like to join us oh I would love to join you all right let's go okay let's go hey everybody whoa this is my buddy blippy wa hello wow this looks like an awesome drum circle is it okay if I drum with you what do you guys thing yeah yeah all right I think we're ready to start all right I think we've done this a couple times let's try this can we do an impression of a thunderstorm all right let's start the wind is picking up I'm starting to hear a little bit of rain you use your fingers starting to hear a little more rain it's a lot of rain woo all right it's just raining a little bit now really quiet rain oh it's getting a little heavier and a little louder [Music] and all right W that was good I think it's dying off okay all right do you guys want to try to play a rhythm together yeah that would be great okay uh I'll play once and you guys play it back to me we'll try it out okay okay that was great let's try it [Music] together that's good [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody give me a big drum roll w W that was awesome great job everyone great job you guys that was so much fun it was [Music] awesome wow that was so much fun learning all about drums percussion and being in my very first drum circle I'm glad you liked it I got something for you if you want to keep playing drums after you leave really I would love something to keep playing drums all right there you go wo my very own drumsticks give them a try okay here we go wo they light up they're my favorite colors blue and orange well thank you Rob you're welcome I'll see you later okay byebye bye hey I had so much fun with you learning about drums and percussion instruments here at the Rhythm Discovery Center in Indianapolis Indiana hey what was your favorite instrument that we played today really I like that one too well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me great okay b l i p p i blippy good job well I'll see you real soon oh and I need to do some more [Music] drumming [Music] n hey it's me Flippy and check out where we're at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis Indiana and guess what happens here the world's largest single day sporting event it's a really really big race the Indie 500 I am so excited to go inside and see all of those really fast race cars in real life hey do you like to go really fast too great me too well let's go and start your [Music] engines w w this place is awesome I I am so excited to learn about so many different things like race cars and racetracks and what it takes to be a professional race car driver this is so fun wa but do you know where we are right now we're on the track yeah I am so excited to be on the actual track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway wo and there's so many cool things here come on whoa look at it hey do you know who that is it's me they even have my name here wow and look what's under me a lot of seats yeah this is a really big track so they have lots of seats so they can have lots of people 250,000 people that's a lot of people wow this place is so huge I bet a lot of people people and a lot of cars we'll go [Music] here wow it's so big this track is really big and really long it's 2 and 1/2 miles wo yeah 2 and 1/2 miles and the drivers do 200 laps that means 500 Miles wo wait a minute 500 miles in the 500 oh that's why they call it that so silly wow this is so cool you see what's here yeah look they have different lines drawn on the ground because we're in the pit Lane yeah this is the part of the track where drivers can they can come to the side to get new tires or more gas and get ready to keep racing yeah and each one of these boxes has a different car and team wa it's so cool here well maybe if we get really lucky we can ride in a real race car W and look at this it's a real life race car and professional race car drivers Alexander Rossi and James hinchcliff hi it's me blippy heyy how are you doing I'm doing great it's really nice to meet you so good to see you man yeah thanks for coming out is this your race car sure is wo it looks so fast and really cool and hey do you notice something you have my name on it you sure do man just for you a thanks hey will you spell my name with me can we do it yeah Jo in let's do it okay here we go b l i p p i flippy good job W there are so many cool Parts could you tell us a little bit about the race car I'd love to blippy why don't we start right here with the tire tires now this race car has got four tires just like your car at home but the tires are very different you notice how it's really smooth on top no treads on it we call it a slick tire that gives the race car more grip in the corners which is obviously really important very special tires for these cars and like the tires on your road car they're going to last you a while 6 months a year these are only going to last us for 25 laps so we have to come in a lot and change tires all the time cuz they don't last very long wo that's a lot of tires and a lot pit stops and a lot of money a set of tires on your road car might cost you a couple hundred one of these tires is $1500 and we've got four every time we come in what $1,500 that's an expensive tire but it sure looks cool W and this race car is really colorful do you know the colors on the race car yeah we have the color yellow the color red the color blue and the color white let me show you one of my favorite things blippy so this is the steering wheel do you want to hold it yeah okay so kind of looks like a video game it's very different than your mom and dad's you know Car steering wheel it's got a lot of buttons it's got a screen that gives you a lot of information about the engine how fast you're going on the back you have the shifters so that's to go up that's to go down and this is the clutch so very very complicated very very cool um and it's it's all part of what makes a race car go as fast as they do oh that's so cool yeah do you see that look the shifters they're little little switches on the back little switches little paddles do you want to know what else makes the car go really fast James will show you up front come over here B have something I want to show you hey James so you see this part right here you don't see this on a road car do you mm- nope my car doesn't have that this is called the front wing and what the front Wing does is generate something called downforce so what downforce is is when the air pushes the car into the the ground and it gives you more grip in the corners So the faster you go the faster the air hits this Wing the harder it pushes the car in the ground the more grip you have wa that's really important we don't want our race car to become an airplane no we don't want it flying away we've talked a lot about what's what makes a race car different than your car that you see on the road but one of the things that's very similar is we have what's called an AOS screen an indie car and it's it's basically a windshield and it was designed and introduced in 2020 to help protect the drivers you know go over 200 mph with over 30 different cars on the racetrack with us at the same time and sometimes accidents happen and so the number one thing for for the series and for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is to protect the drivers and make it a safe sport so this was a major introduction the first in all of motor racing to put a screen on an Open Wheel race car so that's very very similar to a windshield that you'd have on a road car and then you also have mirrors so this is so we can see what's behind us that's so cool yeah look at this this is a really cool AA screen very cool and very very strong it can withstand up to six pickup trucks of the weight of six pickup trucks on top of that so incredibly strong the weight of six pickup trucks that's really heavy yeah oh well Alex I wanted to ask since you have the Aeros screen do you still have to wear a helmet you do still have to wear a helmet you know ultimately we're still driving in an open cockpit you you can see there's no roof on the top so there are still potentials to have things come and hit your head and as fast as we're going you want to make sure you're as safe as possible Safety First is really important wow well thank you Bo for teaching us about all these different parts of this really cool race car of course but I mean it's not just about the car and the driver there's a pit crew too do you want to go meet them I would love to go meet the pit crew all right let's go come [Music] on look at where we are we're in the garage and I'm so excited to meet the F crew flippy I want to introduce you to two of our mechanics we got Brad and Brad hi nice to meet you blippy hi Brad nice to meet you so blippy the Brads are going to show you how to change a tire whoa Brad and Brad they both have the same name that's so silly Brad that would be really nice if you to show us how to change a tire sure can blippy this is a wheel gun you take the wheel gun you put it on the wheel nut pull the trigger it comes off take the old Tire set it down pick up a new tire slam it on change the gun and you're done wao that was really fast you take the wheel gun to take off the wheel nut to take off the tire really really fast Brad how fast can you change a tire a good one is under 5 Seconds wo under 5 Seconds wo that's really fast well you think I could change a tire sure I'm going to have Brad the other Brad help you oh thanks Brad oh hi Brad first thing you want to put on some gloves okay first we want to put on gloves Safety First safety one glove and two gloves now that we have on our gloves I think we can change the tire wao that's really heavy I'll give it to Brad and we take the other Tire we put it on the race car yeah now we need to put the wheel nut back on the car and here we go now we put it back on there you go there it is nice work good job liy W that was really hard I did it a little bit longer than 5 seconds but I just need a little practice wow that was so amazing well Brad what else does a pit crew do for a race car or a race car driver the P crew guys clean the car build the car make the car for the drivers each race weekend wow that is so cool feels like they have a really important job to have a great race oh and that reminds me what else do you need to do to get ready for a race well blippy driving a race car is incredibly physical we have four to five g-forces which is four to five your body weight pushing against you in either a forward and back motion or a side to side motion so we do a lot of stretches James and I before we get into a race car to do a race sometimes the races are 2 to three hours Vol so you want to make sure your body is nice and warm and ready to go so the first thing we focus on is our neck you know we have the helmet on that weighs five or six lbs so we have a lot of load this place on our neck with all those deep fores so let's just grab one side of our neck and and kind of pull it gently to the side and we'll do that for a couple seconds and then go to the other side wow just want to make sure you do it all and then push on the back to kind of get the the back of the neck warmed up and then push on your forehead and push push against to get that that part of your neck warmed up so this really good to help make sure that you know you don't get tired in the race the next thing we can do in a in an indie car there's no power steering so the steering wheel is very heavy it's very difficult to control the car so you want to make sure that your shoulders and arms are warmed up probably need really strong arms too yeah yeah sure forward forward backwards yeah you can make circles with us too W and the last thing you do is you know you are sitting for for a long period of time right so you want to make sure that your legs are as warmed up as possible so what we can do is we can do a couple we can either do jumping jacks or we can do lunges James what do you think we should do I think we should try a lunge should try a lunge think it's a lunge okay here we go who can lunge with us too okay here we go step forward here we go switch switch legs good guys make sure you get both yeah do one more all right so now you warmed up your legs good job your arms and your neck so you're ready to drive race car it ready to drive a race car but I think there might be something else I'm missing there are a couple rules when you drive the race car and so you have to make sure you know those rules and those are really based around the flags now the flags all have different colors so I'm going to go grab those flags and I can show you what each one means okay okay all I'll see you soon W there's a lot that goes into having a really good race I'm really excited to see all these flags and what all the colors mean so here we go here's a couple Flags first one right here what color is this clippy wo this is the color red a red flag the red flag is when there's a stoppage in the race and that happens if we have bad weather or a bad accident that they need to clean up okay I'll hold the corner thanks next we have the yellow flag oo yellow flag yellow means caution either in the corner or on the whole track if there's just one car that's maybe off track You' got to slow down and be cautious in that corner but then once you're past that corner you can move on to hopefully see this one I know this flag the green flag yeah the green flag and I bet I know what this means too let's hear it it's okay to go as fast as you can as fast as you can that's the one that everybody really loves seeing at the start of a race but at the end of a race this one's my favorite this is the checkered flag and if you see this one first it means the race is over and you won woo the checker flag that means this is a really important flag and one day I hope I can see it if I win the race woo hey BBY I've got an idea how about I show you what it's like to win the Indianapolis 500 you would I would love to find out what it's like all right follow me okay let's go follow Alex and see what it's like to win the Indianapolis 500 see you soon woo whoa look at where we are liy do you know you know what this is whoa this is it the Borg Warner trophy in real life so the Borg Warner trophy uh was created in 1936 and every single winner of the race their face is engraved onto the trophy wa look there's lots of little faces they're right here wow and they're from so many different years hey look it has their name and the year that they won and their average miles per hour average average M hour for the whole 500 miles and so while we're down here Lou Meyer in 1936 when he won the n500 he requested a glass of ice cold buttermilk when we got out of the race but we've we've kept that as a tradition and now every single year the winner gets a glass of milk W that sounds like a good tradition do you know what a tradition is yeah a tradition is something that has been done for a really long time and it's important so we keep doing it sounds like there's lots of of traditions if you win so here's your glass of milk as if you won the race it's not buttermilk keep in mind but it's kind of cool it's kind of special you're at the victory Podium you have a glass of milk it's almost like you won the race it's almost like I won the race flippy wins time to drink the victory milk here we [Music] go like a pro wo excuse me and the next thing that you get if you win the race is well because this trophy is 5 1/2 ft tall it's worth over $2 to3 million it's worth a lot of money they give you a miniature version of the Borg Warner Trophy called the baby Borg which you get to take home with you and keep it at your house yeah W I can't believe I'm holding a real Borg Warner trophy a miniature one wow it is so beautiful it has wings on the side and it looks like it's made of actual real silver thanks Alex you're welcome thank you so much for coming and learning about the Indianapolis 500 and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and we really hope to have you come back next year so you can see the race in person wo I would love to come see the race in May it sounds so fun and exciting thanks for teaching us about all these different things absolutely it was so nice to meet you enjoy the rest of your time here and I can't wait to see you again I'll see you bye Alex wow can you believe it we met an actual per professional race car winner and someone who won the Indie 500 I'm so excited hey maybe we can keep exploring and learn some more things about the racetrack or another race car come on look at what we found well right now we're inside turn one at the garages and it looks like we found a race car look not just a race car but a Race Car Driver well I've had so much fun learning about racing and racetracks with you maybe we can ask them about being a race car driver and learned even more come on let's go wo it's professional race car driver Sarah Fisher hi Sarah I'm blippy hi blippy nice to meet you well it's really nice to meet you we've been learning all about racing and being race car drivers what's it like being a race car driver it's a lot of fun but it is sure a lot of work well it sure looks like fun we love going really fast running and driving well have you been a race car driver for a really long time I have I started in go-karts when I was just 4 years old wa 4 years old riding a go-kart I love go-karts hey have you ever ridden a go-kart before uh but this looks a little different from a go-kart this is really really a big race car wo look at it it has really big wheels and tires wow and all kinds of parts to it oh Sarah do you have a favorite part to the race car oh absolutely I have many but one of my favorites is the rear viiew mirror it was actually developed here at Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 1911 the first race wo 1911 that's a long time ago yeah you see look it has a rear view mirror just like your car so if you're driving along you can look in the mirror and see what's behind you this one looks different from the other race car we saw it has two seats one two two seats hey what's the second seat for well this car is purposefully built so that I can give people a ride and they can see just how fast an indie car can go W that sounds really really fun well I've never been in an indie car before but they sound really fast well what's it feel like to be in an indie car do you get really nervous or shaky because you're bumping along really fast well just like any other sport sure you can get a little nervous but once you're in the car all buckled in it's time to go that's so cool and this car is really colorful too oh do you know what colors the race car is yeah look it's the color green and the color blue dark blue wow this is a really cool race car I wish I could drive in it well I'll tell you what because it has a second seat why don't you come for a ride with me and see what it's like me ride with you in a race car you bet yeah I would love to ride wo do you think I should ride in the race car okay we'll have to do it well let's go get a uniform and a helmet and get buckled up and ready to go okay great time to get suited up wow it even has a bow [Music] tie who I have two bow ties I think we're all suited up let's go come on H I wonder where Sarah [Music] went good thing I have my binoculars I don't see her anywhere I think I hear something who I see [Music] something W that was really really fad I can't wait for her to come around [Music] again I think it's time for us to ride come [Music] on [Music] [Music] e that was fun H whoa that was awesome wow W that was so fast wow thank you so much Sarah for driving us around the track did you enjoy yourself I had the best time ever super fast and I hope you had a lot of fun too watching us drive really fast good job a thanks well I'll see you later Sarah all righty nice you [Music] bye look it's a flag stand let's climb to the top come [Music] on I'll see you at the [Music] top hello wao we're up so [Music] high who today was awesome here at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway we learned all about racetracks race cars and even got to meet some professional race car drivers Sarah Fisher James hinchcliff and the winner of the 100th running of the Indie 500 Alex Rossy well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me great b l i p p i philippy good job well I'll see you [Music] soon he look at where I'm at now right now I'm at car's in buan Washington yeah c a r e s cares yeah cares is an animal shelter yeah this is where the animals live until maybe someone like you comes down to then adopt the pet these pets need a new home let's see what pets are [Music] inside do you see this dog yeah this is a really small dog it's kind of like a baby dog yeah really small dogs like this these are called puppies here you [Music] go woo o this is sapphire wow she's such a cute kitty hey Sapphire how are you oh she's so [Music] soft this is cuddles she loves the cuddle a she's so soft and she loves to [Music] play wow that was so much fun spending some time at my local animal shelter well hey even if you can't adopt a pet you can still come down and volunteer your time yeah you can come on down and pet the pets maybe they'll even let you walk a pooch or play with a cat in the little cat room well that was so much [Music] fun check it out right now I'm at pause and relax in Bean Washington yeah it's a daycare o Lio does that feel good yeah a daycare that has a playground you know a playground that you get to play at yeah this is a doggy playground and Lio and I are playing here hey I have an idea why don't we let Lio run around and playgrounds are a lot more fun when there's a lot of friends let's bring on some doggy [Music] friends who look at how many friends loo has [Music] Lio okay now it's time for Loo's bath and haircut oh I bet he's going to feel so clean and so fresh after this all right let's take them inside here we go [Music] wio [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey whoa check it out look at this pink platform yeah this is what all the pooches stand on and this is a nice purple belly strap right here and then a neck strap yeah this is called the Groomer's helper so then it makes sure that the pooch doesn't fall off the table while it's getting groomed hey come check this out whoa see this toolbox there's a lot of things that the groomers use inside this toolbox wow that is so cool all right first we have some shampoo this is plum flavored shampoo o and looks like we have some clippers up here wow that's what you put on the dog's hair and then it trims it ooh this files down the nails of the dog let's turn it [Music] on that's silly okay wow yeah these yeah these are like scissors yeah but they're actually called shears wow a dog's hair is a lot more fine than a human's hair and these scissors can really cut a dog's hair really good so let's put these on the platform let's put the the red colored ones okay got to be really careful if you use these shears perfect okay what else do we need to cut Loo's hair H let's see oh hey do you want a haircut hey you want a haircut looks like their hair is already cut oh look at this WOW a comb yeah just like how you and I comb our hair yeah and brush our hair dogs need that too wow oh hello okay let's put this on the platform okay next to the pair of shears all right what else is over here here wow looks like we have some sanitation spray so then when Loo's done you sanitize everything so then the next dog can get its haircut whoa sugar cookies I love sugar cookies this is sugar cookie dog perfume this definitely should go over [Music] there check this out another drawer wow oh there is a lot of cool things in this look at that that kind of looks like a brush but it doesn't look like a normal brush or a comb this is called a Slicker brush all right we'll put that over there as well wow this is going to be so much fun let's see remember from earlier these Clippers up here yeah see this these are Clipper attachments you put them on the top and then that is what determines the length of hair see that compared to that that one's way shorter okay let's bring this and a green attachment wo all right I think we have everything we need to cut Loo's hair all right so we have clippers shears scissors a comb some dog perfume and a Slicker brush there's a lot more things in there that we'll probably use but for now this is good yeah wo look at Lio they took off so much hair look wao this is a bunch of Lino's hair wow it's so soft ah yeah I can make a pillow out of this woo wow hey you like Loo's hair does it smell good so silly [Music] whoa look Lino's all done how does he look look at his big fluffy ears wow wow oo and look at his spooky bandana oh there's some pumpkins on it oo and it looks like a llama with a cape wow all right Lio we can go home now all right bye-bye bye well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i PPI blippy good job all right [Music] bye-bye hey it's me blippy and today I'm at Moxy in Santa Barbara California yeah it's a really cool Children's Museum of exploration and Innovation so today you and I are are going to learn a lot about science yeah maybe some stuff like hearing yeah sound W and speed whoa slow fast this is going to be so much fun come on what are you doing come on come here come on hello wo check it out this is a massive guitar wo cool yeah have you ever seen someone play a guitar before yeah yeah guitars are so cool o and when you strum the strings Make Some Noise hey let's listen all right here we go tighten this [Music] up little loud to tune but it's still sounds really cool all right now let me move this up yeah and when I move it up it'll tighten the strings who who which effectively makes it tighter and shorter and now listen to how it [Music] sounds whoa higher pitch cool let's keep exploring who what's this who another guitar right here and more strings pretty low but watch this I'll put my foot right here to tighten it out now listen W that sounds a lot better and watch this whoa I spin this drum and check out the streams you can actually see the wavelengths basically do you see that check it out no closer W cool oh hey who are you hi I'm Simon oh nice to meet you Simon I'm blippy what are you doing here well this is our sound machine sound machine doesn't look like a sound machine it looks like a table well I got these special little squares with some shapes on them that makes some sound for you whoa that sounds like a guitar I just played the guitar over there wonder what this [Music] does whoa every single shape has a different instrument and now Simon and I just made a really cool song all right let's [Music] [Applause] see I think we should have a dance party are you up for it sure come on let's [Music] go this is the Innovation Workshop Innovation means when you take something old and you make it new or you make it way better this is going to be so much fun I wonder what we're going to make let's [Music] go cool The Innovation Workshop wow look at this place this is fun whoa it looks like a car whoa cool oh look right here looks like some compact discs CDs yeah back in the old days people used to use these to play music and movies all right woo some bubble wrap listen to this oh what else do we have here woo rubber bands I like rubber bands hope we get to make a craft with some rubber bands all right here we go wa there's someone right over there oh hey who are you hi I'm Kevin oh nice to meet you Kevin I'm blippy what do you do here well I build stuff in the Innovation Workshop ohow cool well I'm very excited what are we going to build today today we're building a rubber band powered car wao cool can I check it out definitely wo a rubber band powered car yeah rubber bands and a car so this gets propelled by the power of a rubber band exactly whoa cool how do you do it so uh do you want to see it go first oh yeah yeah let's do that all right so first you pull the rubber band back okay and then I'm going to twist the wheel three times ready yep one two three and then we let it go W that was really cool pretty cool right all right I am very excited let's do this first step is to build the body of our cars okay we're going to make a little triangle out of these wooden sticks okay by putting a brass Brad through the hole okay there we go make a triangle look at that looks like a triangle perfect and then we have a body of our car like this one okay that makes sense now we've got to make something to hold our wheel the wheels are held by an axle oh yeah just like normal cars and trucks on the road they have a piece of metal that goes from one wheel to the other to hold them to the body of the car exactly so we're going to use a straw to hold our axle to the body of our car oh cool so we've got some straws and then a wooden stick we're going to use hot glue to attach it now okay all right so before we use hot glue we got to put on our heat resistant gloves so we don't hurt our fingers okay wow Safety First first hot glue is definitely something that only grown-ups should use cuz this is very very hot that's why we're wearing this these gloves yeah even grown-ups have to be careful yeah exactly okay so now we're going to put our Wheels on the back here okay so let's put the big wheels on the back so it goes really fast oh yeah stick it through the hole there okay so you put a piece of wood between these right okay here we go perfect wow nice all right here here's one wheel and tire here we go and then oh your looks really good looks like half a car yeah it does w cool wow and same thing the front we're going to put the axle through okay it through and for the front we've got little wheels to put on okay that makes sense big wheels in the back for more traction and then little wheels in the front for great steering waa now it definitely looks like a car look at this so we're just missing the last piece which is our rubber band to make it go oh all right so to wrap the rubber band around we need a little piece of wood on our back axle all right that looks good now are we ready we're ready to add our rubber band all right this has to dry for a little bit so when we wait for that to dry We'll add our rubber bands all right let's wait for it to dry all right I think it's about dry right yep mine's dry Perfect all right well how do we do the rubber band let's add our rubber band we're going to attach to the front of our car okay by putting it around that brass Brad the shiny thing ooh yeah there we go is yours attached like that yep it is and now we do that last step where we wrap it around the back okay and I do remember three rotations that's right ready one two three all right mine is ready are you ready to race I'm ready to race all right almost ready and on your marks uh-oh get set no all right let's try that again all right here I go 3 2 1 go wow well sometimes we have to embrace our failure ex it didn't work today yeah so maybe if we sit here for a while and then we figure out what went wrong then we can improve on it and then they will go super fast like this one let's try that one again that one try again wo and look at this one wow wow this is still a rubber band powered car that's still a rubber band powered car it works the same way all right I'll try this one okay ready yep three two 1 go W that was work good job thank you so much for teaching us how to make a rubber band powered car thanks for building with me all right I'm going to keep exploring so see you later have fun bye-bye [Music] who look at this did you see this car wow it looks so fast yeah it has wheels and tires oo and it has a green front a blue middle yeah and then a yellow [Music] back whoa look in here looks like a lot of parts of cars hey why don't we make a car whoa all right looks like we have a lot of parts to choose from all right let's see ooh we have some black wheels and tires ooh and some green wheels and tires okay so let's pick a body whoa look we have some long bodies we have some short bodies oh I think yeah right here yeah and that one had a short body so let's pick a long body and look my two favorite colors I wish I could just use both but I need to pick one let's pick orange okay and then we need a front and a back let's see here why don't I use a blue front yeah oh and we can use a blue back there we go doesn't that look good yeah all right now we need to pick our wheels and tires we have the green big ones and the black small ones so now we have two black wheels and tires and two green wheels and tires all right let's compare these two all right so the one we made is definitely longer it also has green wheels and tires while this one doesn't hm hey look looks like there's a scale all right we can weigh them and see what one's heavier all right this one says 1 lb 3 oz all right let's see what this one says 1 lb 5 oz so that means this one is heavier wow I wish there's a place where we could race them at wo look wow a RAC trck wo then look at these you can raise and lower the track come check it out wow see this wow that looks pretty good all right maybe we can race them and see which one's faster okay here you go on your marks there you go there you go all right here we [Music] go W they're going to the top so then gravity will pull them down down I wonder who's going to win there they go 3 2 1 [Music] go we did such a great job building the faster car yeah faster slower that's speed W cool yeah W now we're on the roof of the museum wa look at this looks like a lot of black pipes huh nothing in side hey what are these doing here looks like the bottom of some shoes who we have orange we have green we have blue and we have purple hey I have an idea huh not really doing anything did you hear that yeah look down here who kind of sounds like musical instruments [Music] yeah when I hit these sandal or parts of a shoe on this pipe it then pushes air out here and dependent on the height of the tubes it makes different sounds all right let's hear it [Music] again yeah hey I have a great idea let's hit that Baseline and let's make some music with these tubes [Music] [Music] woo wasn't that so much fun yeah I love science knows so much fun learning about sounds with you did you hear that yeah and I sure do love dancing woo yeah you got some pretty great dance skills yourself you can't forget about the [Applause] [Music] cars yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b l i p p i flippy good job see you soon bye bye see you hey it's me Flippy and today we're here in London England and I am so excited because you and I get to go on a red bus tour yeah we're going to get to see and explore different parts of London come on let's [Music] go W check it out it's a London bus I am so excited to go on a bus tour today but before we go on a bus tour we need to learn more about the bus W come on oh hi I'm blippy what's your name hi my name's Ian I'm the bus driver oh it's nice to meet you Ian meet you too wo will you show us around the bus I certainly can W okay let's take a look wow look at this bus it's so big wow and do you know what color the London bus is H yeah it's the color red wow wo and check it out it has really big wheels and tires wo they're so big and Power yeah W and look at this it looks like the back of the bus has a trunk wo what's in that trunk luggage this is a bonnet W under the Bonnet in England it's the engine wo a bonnet in England a car or a bus has a bonnet and in the Bonnet is the engine W that's so interesting in America it's called a hood yeah in the hood under the hood there's the engine but the hood in America sometimes is in the front but with this London bus it's in the back W can we see the engine we can okay here we go W check it out it's the London bus engine yeah wow it's so big and looks complicated and it's really warm who time to close the bonnet wa Ian are those windows up at the top yep cuz it's a double decker bus there's two floors a double decker bus two floors wo that's just like a building or a house and can we go inside yes we can come this way come on I am so excited to go on the double deck the double decker bus step aboard [Music] whoa check it out we're inside the London bus this is awesome wow and look the ceilings are so low W my head can touch it and why are the ceilings so low the ceilings are so low to keep the height of the bus down so you can get under bridges oh oh that makes sense yeah because there's two decks you don't want to make the bus too tall and is it okay if I sit behind the wheel yes you can sit in the cab W wo woo and did you call this the cab the cab Yes W the cab that is awesome hey do you know another vehicle that also has a cab H yeah it's an excavator that's where you can trol all the the scoop and the bucket and the boom yeah W this cab is really cool oh we have the steering wheel and Ian what's this this is your gear stick to change gear W and are these also gear sticks that's part of it this is so you have to pull that down to put it into reverse so you don't accidentally put it in wa you don't want to go backwards accidentally wow and uh where do you put the key uh there's no key start on this bump oh so do you just press this button yeah you push the start button W that's so cool oh look and this lever is that the it's a handbrake handbrake yeah there's a button for the doors o and I think I know what this button does is it okay if I press it yeah okay here we [Music] go who I is it okay if I Explore More of the bus yeah of course you can give me a shout when you're ready okay wow this London bus is awesome W and look at the seats they're a reddish brown yeah very burgundy [Applause] hello W and look at the windows yeah you remember the windows are really big so you can see all the sites of London wo hey I bet we can get an even better view on the upper deck let's go up the stairs come on wao check it out we're on the upper deck of the London bus wo you can see everything from up here wo 360° wow wo wao I'm a little bit dizzy now I'm so excited to go on the London bus tour yeah wa you see this binoculars hello wow I can see everything with these hey and a sightseeing guide and a map wow I think we're all ready to go Ian wo look at that building it's so big wow it's called The Shard and it's the tallest building in England yeah it's so and it's made up of triangles it's not like a normal tall building or skyscraper that's made up of rectangles or squares mm- it has really big triangles hello Shard hello hey we're here on Paul Mall wo this is a road that is very famous yeah and I was looking with my binoculars and I saw a palace we definitely need to get closer to this Palace W I can't wait wo W here we go wo I'm having so much fun on the London bus tour and look at where I'm at wow yeah it's Buckingham Palace this is where Queen Elizabeth II lives wo it's so beautiful and do you see the fence yeah the fence is the color black and the color gold wo it's so pretty hey and look there's a flag flying at the [Music] top did you know there are two kinds of flags that can be flown there yeah there's a Union Jack which means the queen is not home and there's a Royal Standard which means the queen is home wow W and you see these people yeah on the other side there are royal guards they are so cool and have really big fuzzy hats wow this is so awesome I want to get a better view come on wa this has been so much fun here in Buckingham Palace do you hear something clip clop clip clop yeah it sounds like horses H wo check it out there are h horses wo and not any kind of horse they look like they're very Royal hello yeah look at that wao they're all in red and they have golden helmets this is so cool yeah it looks like we're here for the changing of the guards [Applause] wo hello horses [Applause] hello wo that was so cool seeing all of those horses yeah they were so Royal and red and gold it was beautiful this is so much fun watching the changing of the guards do you hear something yeah it sounds like music H I wonder who's playing the music music W check it out it's a marching band yeah marching bands have so many instruments and play really loud music this is [Music] awesome hey why don't you and I March along to the marching band [Music] wo look at him that's so cool they're all dressed like a royal guard yeah do you see they're wearing robes or jackets coats that are gray yeah they're wearing gray coats and they have fuzzy black [Music] hats bye-bye woo that was so nice listening to Beau full music wow we've had so many amazing things we got to see I wonder what we'll see next WoW there are so many amazing things to see around Buckingham talance you see what's behind me it's Canada gate on the edge of Green Park W and you hear that it sounds like another band is coming let's get a better view wo that was awesome awesome we listened to the first band and now the second band is playing a new song and this song feels Majestic so Majestic it makes me want to dance it looks like they're on the other side we'll be coming around soon keep your eyes and your ears open wa the band is leaving look at them hello wow they look so cool with their instruments and their coats wow look at them marching away this was so much fun learning about the changing of the guards they look so cool wo and they're marching so well together look at a March and there's police officers on horses [Music] wow that was amazing the guards are Marching away bye-bye and I think it's about time we March away back to the bus come [Music] on W it's St Paul's Cathedral wo so beautiful yeah it has a really beautiful architecture yeah beautiful architecture it's just a fancy way of saying really pretty designs someone did a good job building this building yeah look it's covered in all kinds of statues and shapes yeah look it has arches triangles wo rectangles squares and do you see those columns yeah those columns are cylinders W do you know the shape of the top of the building yeah that's C it Dome and on the top of the Dome covered in Gold oo gold so fancy wow it is such a beautiful building it's so old hey maybe we can learn more about architecture and other really cool designs by seeing some other buildings oo well look it's the fer square and look it's Nelson's column it's 169 ft tall and Nelson at the top as hello Nelson he is 16 ft tall wo he's so Big W look there's Lions yeah four Lions right around him wo look it's a construction vehicle hello wo wow that was awesome who look at it we're about to cross Tower Bridge yeah wo it's a really old and really long bridge yeah it's 800 ft long and it's called Tower Bridge because look there's a tower in the middle wow yeah a bridge like Tower Bridge is a basule bridge yeah that means that the bridge can open up wao it can open up and that lets really big boats float under it so that the Mast or other parts of the boat don't get hurt wow look at it this is amazing this bridge is really cool it's made out of stone and metal oh look and it's blue and white wow and it has some red on it too bye-bye Tower Bridge bye-bye wa I'm having so much fun on the red bus tour yeah we're seeing so many different things here in England wo but all this touring is making me really hungry hey why don't you and I try some food from here okay we need to stop and go try some yummy delicious food W wo we've seen so many amazing places on the bus tour but I'm getting a little bit chilly hey let's go inside to get warm and maybe get a bite to eat come on W oh it's so cozy in here it was a little chilly outside so it's always nice to go inside to get warm wow look there's a fireplace hello it's so nice being here in London but I'm getting a little bit hungry hello there oh hi what's your name my name is Simon oh it's nice to meet you Simon I'm flippy would you like to have a sit and try some traditional food wo I would love to thank you wow I can't believe it I'm here in London and I'm going to try some traditional British food wo what's this Simon this is a fish and chips served with Mushi pees and tartar sauce wo fish and chips that sounds so delici delicious H but I don't see any potato chips oh I just see french fries here in England we call them chips and you're feeling adventurous try with vinegar wao that sounds so tasty thanks Simon enjoy wow huh that's so interesting in the United States we call french fries french fries but here in the UK they call them chips oh yeah look they're a little bit thicker than a french fry you might find in America okay time to dig in where to start H I think we should listen to Simon and get some vinegar yeah we'll take some vinegar and pour it over the food w w and it looks like there's a lemon we should try some of the lemon too woo that was fun time to dig in woo oh and I almost forgot we need to use some of the tartar sauce yeah okay dip a little in wo that is so tasty I think I'm going to take another bite oh but wait we forgot about the chips o I've eaten french fries before but I've never had a chip from London that is so delicious yeah it's a chip with vinegar but I think we can try it with the mushy peas yeah see it's peas but they've been mashed kind of like mashed potatoes but [Music] peas wo that was so tasty yeah peas are vegetables and these vegetables are so sweet and tasty hey would you like to try something else mhm the fish and chips were delicious yeah glad you enjoy thank you there you are look at this it's another traditional British dish there are potatoes and cabbage hm Simon what's this this is a chicken hum and leak pie wo thanks enjoy it's a pie but this pie has chicken in it yeah it's not a sweet pie it's a savory pie yeah Savory means it's not sweet it might be a little salty you can eat it for your meal wo and do you see this gravy it's time for a gravy party woo here we go wao here we go W woo woo that looks so tasty I'm going to eat this with a fork and a knife and make sure have a grownup help you with a knife you don't want to use a knife by yourself okay here we go we'll try some potatoes yeah these are mashed potatoes but in London they're just called Mash that is so good and the gravy it's so tasty maybe we should try some cabbage yeah cabbage is really good for you because it's green did you know that some foods are green yeah a lot of times they're vegetables and really healthy here we [Music] go yum that was so good and now the main event the pie oh here we go time to break it open w wo this looks like like a really big bite here we [Music] go wo that is so delicious it's so salty and it's so tasty yeah has a flaky crust like a past Tre but it has a salty and amazing flavor on the inside wo I really like sweet pies and I really like British pies ooh I'm going to take another bite do you still have room for desserts of course wo Simon these have been so tasty thank you you're welcome there you are Simon what are these desserts so over here you've got a sticky tofe pudding W and just in here uh apple and blackberry crumble wow that sounds delicious and wow look at it yeah do you see this this is called sticky toffee pudding wait a minute this doesn't look like pudding it looks more like maybe a muffin or a cake yeah that's because in London in the England yeah they call Pudding something else but they call this yeah pudding it kind of looks like a cake it looks so Del delicious and it looks like it has a caramel sauce too wo oo time to try the desserts going to need a fork and I'm going to try it with a spoon okay here we go first maybe just a spoon W and I want a little bit of ice cream oo m M wow that's so tasty the flavor is so interesting yeah it tastes like toffee and it tastes like caramel and it's nice and warm but it's so tasty with cold ice cream it's time to try the next dessert this one it's really fruity and it's colorful oh wo look at that so yummy looking do you know what color that is yeah it's the color red and the crumble on top it looks kind of like a yellowish maybe khaki color Okay choo [Music] choo wo that is so delicious H that is not what I expected it to taste like yeah it's really sweet but it's it's another flavor it's sweet and sour yeah it's really tart ooh it's so good I definitely need another bite of this would you like a te to finish your meal wo tea yeah wow normally I would be finished with my meal but tea is a great way to end it oh thank you you're welcome wo thanks Simon this is so tasty wow tea is really really tasty and it's something really fun to do when you're in England yeah look we have a teacup and a little spoon and a teapot time to pour some tea whoa look at it go wow this tea looks so beautiful you see it has such a pretty color and I bet it's really tasty but be careful it's also really hot oh so silly I forgot something when you're in England they don't just just drink tea sometimes it's very good and tasty to add a little milk so here we go and and once you add your milk or whatever else you want to put in your teeth you can stir it [Music] up so tasty uh-oh I drank all the tea I guess I'll have to pour some [Music] more wow it is so much fun trying new new foods and new drinks and being able to explore London wow that was so awesome we tried so many amazing and delicious foods W let's go to the next place wao check it out that building looks just like a walkie-talkie that's funny because it's called the walkietalkie hello look at where we are Downing Street and this is a very important place because 10 Downing Street is where the Prime Minister lives wa yeah see right behind that black gate whoa whoa the prime minister is a very important person in England yeah very important to the government the prime minister in England is kind of like the president in America who this is so cool it's almost like we're outside the English White House wow W look at what it is the British museum wow this place is amazing look the outside is so beautiful with big columns yeah columns do you know what shape a column is it's a cylinder and inside is even cooler yeah inside the British museum there are 8 million objects wo that's a lot of objects oo I can't wait to go inside and see what there is H well maybe another time we're too busy sightseing on the bus stour I can't wait to go somewhere else come on waa look at where we are pickadilly circus yeah but this isn't a circus no there's no animals or clowns here no it's called Picadilly circus because it's a roundabout yeah that means it's a big circle a big circle to drive drive around so they call it Picadilly Circus Circus Circle wa bye-bye bye-bye pilly circus whoa check it out it's a giant Ferris wheel wo it's so big it's fun looking through my binoculars but let's go up and stop and take a closer look come on wa check it out it's the Ferris wheel this Ferris wheel is called the London Eye yeah it's so big W well actually this Ferris wheel isn't a ferris wheel it's an observation wheel wow yeah an observation wheel helps you observe things so you can observe all of London did you know that observe is just another word for looking woo and I love looking around London W and look there are different places for you to sit and it moves really slowly in a [Music] circle yeah and it gives you time to see everything did you know that there are 32 compartments for you to sit yeah 32 for the 32 Burrows in London did you know Burrows it's just another name for neighborhood there are 32 neighborhoods and 32 compartments I think we should count them all 1 2 3 4 maybe it's too many to count right now wow and do you notice anything else W there are so many shapes yeah the London Eye is a giant Circle but if you look at the face it's a triangle one two three sides wow the London Eye is so amazing but we better get back on the bus and go see some other sites come [Music] on wo look at what's behind me it's hide Park yeah do you see all the trees yeah did you know that there are over 4 4,000 trees there that's a lot of trees it's so green but right now it doesn't look very green no that's because of the seasons yeah the leaves are green during the year but during fall they start to change color then they turn brown and then they fall off the tree during winter yeah and you can see all the trees yeah the leaves are turning brown getting ready to fall off for [Music] winter wo look at it it looks like a castle Yeah it's made of stones has a moat waa it looks so historic W it's so cool being here in England yeah everything is so old and looks so cool W let's stop and take a closer look wow it's been so much fun riding around on a bus with you but I wanted to hop off get a closer look at this Castle yeah it looks just like a castle and it's called the Tower of London yeah and it's a fortress a really big fortress H and do you notice anything yeah do you see those animals do you know what kind of animal that is yeah they're Lions hey let's act like lions [Music] I am so excited to go inside the Tower of London and explore and keep your eyes open looking for any other animals we might find come on wao come on let's go explore hello W look at this place it's so big yeah and the towers are so tall look at this yeah the walls inside the Tower of London really [Music] tall [Music] oh wa look at this it looks like someone was carrying some treasure woo W look coins H but these coins aren't gold they're brown H look that's so interesting this table has coins bags of coins and bowls of coins H I wonder [Music] why wo oh check it out do you see all the coins yeah we had the carts with chests of coins we had the big chests filled with coins and a table covering coins yeah this area is even called mint Street and that's not because this place tastes like peppermint no no because this is where they made coins yeah that's what you say they minted the coins or they made the coins [Music] wo wo this place is amazing it's so big and so old hey do you see any other animals around [Music] H there's an animal behind me whoa there is it's a polar bear whoa did you know that a polar bear a real life Polar Bear used to live here yeah he would swim around in the moat and E lots of yummy fish hey we can be polar bears but we have to pretend like it's really cold outside that's pretty silly hey I bet we can find even more animals come on wa I did it I found another animal wo do you know what kind of animal that is yeah it's an elephant and it has one two tusks yeah woo and it has a really big trunk hey will you act like an elephant with me okay take your arm and make it an elephant's trunk this place is so much fun wo we've seen so many animals do you see any others yeah wow do you see at the top of the stairs there there are some Ravens W do you know what sound a raven makes yeah they car and they're the color black did you hear that yeah that's a raven King wo yeah and all the animals we've seen so far were just pieces of artwork but these Ravens are real Hello Ravens [Music] wa look at where we are we're in a bedroom we've had so much fun exploring and seeing all kinds of animals but did you know that people used to live in castles yeah all kinds of people and guess what kind of person lived in this bedroom the king we're inside the king's bedroom wo yeah and this bedroom was from a really long time ago it's a little different from a bedroom you might have today well look at this do you see what this is yeah they're candles back then they didn't have lights or electricity you couldn't flip a switch no they had candles and that's why it's a little bit dark and a little bit spooky in here waa and check it out it's the king's bed it's so fancy look it has curtains and it even has a roof what a roof on a bed it looks really cozy though yeah cuz it would be really cold in here wo speaking of cozy look at this fireplace wao it's so big yeah a bedroom like this could get really cold so cold that a polar bear lives outside so you needed a fireplace like this keep you nice and warm and when you were done being warm you could go to work and have a very nice kingly desk to write notes to very important people wow this place is so cool but we better get back to the [Music] bus wa look at where we are it's Royal Albert Hall wa this is a really big Hall where they perform music yeah they have a massive organ inside yeah an organ is a type of instrument it's really big and really heavy yeah it's kind of like a piano but it has pipes that play The Sounds wow it is so cool yeah and this organ in Royal Albert Hall weighs 165 tons wo and has 99,999 pipes can play a lot of music with those pipes yeah you can come to London and you can listen to beautiful music by going to see an orchestra have you ever seen someone play music before W that's so cool maybe you saw a piano [Music] or a clarinet or maybe a [Music] violin music is so fun and I'm having so much fun exploring and looking at all these amazing buildings W look at what it is it's Westminster Abby wow it's so beautiful this building is really important because this is where kings and queens were crowned yeah all the way since 1066 wo it's so old and so Royal yeah this building also has really beautiful architecture oo that's a big word architecture that's another word for a really pretty design yeah whoever designed built this building did a great job do you see there's so many shapes look in the center there's a triangle wo and on the sides there are one two circles and the towers are [Music] rectangles wow this is pretty cool we want to see if we can can find some awesome buildings to explore here in London let's get back on the bus come on wo I'm having so much fun on this bus tour I think I'm ready to sing a song H well what song should we sing well we're on a bus and we're driving around really fast I know let's sing The Wheels On The Bus yeah the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round through London Town the driver of the bus says sit up top sit up top sit up top the driver of the bus says sit up top on the London bus what can we see a big town a big town a a big town what can we see a big town a top the London bus Buckingham Palace we see the guard see the guard see the guard at Buckingham Palace we see the guard in London Town the double decker bus drives near and far near and far near and far the double decker bus drives near and far through London Town from the top of the bus see the London Eye London Eye London eye from the top of the bus see the London Eye in London Town the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round through London Town bye-bye London I'll be back [Music] soon wow that was awesome I had so much fun today going on a London bus tour saw so many amazing sites and we got to explore an amazing City London well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me okay b l i p p i blippy good job well I'll see you soon bye-bye hey it's me Flippy and today we're here in Santa Ana California and I am so excited because you and I get to check out a smash my trash truck and learn about what happens after you throw away your garbage come on W check check it out it's so big this is a smash my trash truck and it looks very familiar H it has a cab and a boom it looks just like an excavator but it's a little different an excavator is yellow but this smash my trash truck is the color red and this truck doesn't dig like an excavator it smashes trash woo let's get a closer look W hello hey this is the cab yeah that's where the operator sits and look that's operator Max yeah he has all the controls to control the boom and he can see everything that's happening so he can keep people safe whoa and look at this it's so big yeah this is a really big and important part of the smash my trash truck it's the Smashing [Music] drum not that kind of drum so silly no this drum helps to smash the trash yeah it's really big and really heavy and chew up trash or wood or metal wo basically anything but not concrete wo and do you see this yeah look the Smashing drum has really big teeth run run run yeah really big teeth to get into all that trash wo it's so huge and it's so heavy to move this truck around you need really big wheels and tires wow they're so big they're as big as me woo hey look this truck it doesn't dig dirt and it doesn't just drive around because it has to smash trash we need the trash and we have it right here W this it's kind of like a garbage can but this it's not a garbage can it's a 40t hauling bin wo that is so big yeah it's so big that it can hold up to 10 tons of trash woo and they use these to take the trash from a garbage can to the bin and to the bin a landfill yeah or a dump but when we're smashing the trash inside the hauling bin we need to use wheel checks wa see yeah these bins can be moved around but when we're smashing it the wheel trucks keep it in place so it doesn't shake or move when we're smashing the trash yeah W this is so awesome it's so big H it would be really cool and fun to see some trash KS smashed oh look there's a person let's go say hello come on [Music] hi I'm flippy what's your name hi I'm Steve oh it's nice to meet you Steve nice to meet you too is this your truck yes it is whoa well we've had a lot of fun learning all about it but I have a question why do you want to smash your trash well it's simple it's a couple reasons one let's talk about the environment for a second oh okay well this trash has to go somewhere correct yeah like a landfill or a dump exactly so what this truck does it comes down it's going to smash it it's going to tear it it's going to rip it it's going compact it so it doesn't take up so much space in the landfills W did you hear that by Smashing the trash it makes the trash smaller so it doesn't take up as much room and you can put more trash in the landfill but keep it nice and clean absolutely also what we do by Smashing it down now we able to fill this bin a second and third time so we eliminate the trucks on the roads that haul The Trash Away wo no trucks on the road means it's better for the environment and you can refill this bin two times three times woo that's a lot of trash and most important we save the customer money so they don't have to haul away as frequently that's important too uh do you think we could see some trash get smashed absolutely oh great I'm going to just go run over there and start the truck up and you'll watch Max start smashing wow I am so excited to see the smash my trash truck Crush some trash it's kind to make it so small and Compact and it'll make it better for the environment who and check out the bin wo there's so much trash here look there's cardboard and paper wo and it looks like a really big metal bin okay it's getting started let's back up a little so we're not too close and nice and safe [Music] okayo oh check out the boom it's so tall check it [Music] out look at it go whoa whoa whoa yeah the Smashing drum is [Music] awesome [Music] whoa check it out do you see that the Smashing drone is turning and grinding up all the trash to make it smaller yeah it's more compact wao whoa check it out the trash was this high and now it's really low [Music] wa no way there was a big plastic barrel and it chopped it in a lot of pieces wa check it out W that's so cool W this truck is so powerful [Music] yeah who that was awesome hi Steve hi blippy that was so fun smashing the trash well I hope you enjoyed it cuz you know what we have another bin to smash right now wa we have another bin to smash do you think I could smash it I'm thinking you should be smashing it oh that would be so great let's do it okay let's go smash some trash all righty oh hi Max hi blippy hi do you think you could show me how to smash some trash of course hop on in the cab okay great who wao whoa check it out I'm climbing into the cab of the truck who close that for you we'll close the door safety first wo W I can't believe it I'm in the cab yeah well Max I really want to smash some trash but I don't know how to start okay first let me go ahead and show you how to turn the machine on okay grab that key and flip it to the right wa it uses a key just like a car wao that's really cool and then once I turn it on what do I do next you're going to go ahead and lower the Boom by pressing the left joystick wo take the left joystick press it up and I'll move it up yes and then once I lower the drum what do I do next you're going to go ahead and start rotating the drum by using the second joystick okay and then this second joystick going to move that forward and backward and forward well I think I know everything I need there you go wow that was awesome crushing trash with the smash my trash truck and it was really interesting learning about where garbage goes once you throw it away well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me okay b l i p p i flippy good job well I'll see you soon bye-bye hey everyone it's me Ma and today I'm I'm at Sky Zone trampoline park in Anaheim California oo look at these blocks they're so fun and light they're made out of foam and look this one is orange and oh there's a blue one there too and it says welcome that's so nice I'm really excited because there are trampolines here and foam pits that you can jump into and I really want to learn how to do a flip I wonder if there's someone here who can teach me how to do that let's go find out hi I'm ma hi I'm Priscilla nice to meet you nice to meet you welcome to Sky Zone oh thank you I'm so excited to be here awesome okay first we do need to pick out some wristbands in order to go inside the park I love wristbands H so which color would you like oh let's see there's orange green yellow yellow is one of my favorite colors I want this mine too all right here let's go thank you so official and now we have to pick out some socks okay why do we need to put on special socks the special socks have grip on them so that when you're on the trampoline you don't slip oh that's so smart H Let's see we have some orange socks and ooh Some blue and black and pink socks hm I think I'm going to go with the orange I love this color and my best friend flippy really loves orange I'm going to wear these all right perfect thank you so what brings you in today oh I really want to learn how to do a flip on the trampoline all right perfect we have Quincy in the park who can teach you how to do a flip wow okay let's go find Quincy thank you of course W look at all of these trampolines and this huge foam pit behind me wow I've never seen so many trampolines before will you count them with me awesome let's go okay ready one two three four five wow five trampolines huh I wonder where Quincy is that's who's supposed to teach me how to do a flip oh I'm so excited where is he though I wonder if he's in the foam pit should I jump in and see let's do it woo wow Quincy Quincy quency I don't think anyone's in here except me waa it says foam Zone that's where we are in this big foam Zone check out these blocks look you see a square when there's six squares together that makes a cube and these are made out of foam so it's soft and Squishy so it feels really fun and nice to jump into a foam piit and you don't get hurt look there's [Music] orange blue and black this is so fun I can't wait till I learn how to do a flip I wonder where Quincy is maybe he's over there come on let's go look wa this is cool but I still don't see Quincy anywhere huh wa I know what this is it's orange it's round and oh it bounces this is a basketball but why would a basketball be at a trampoline park hey there's a basketball hoop and another trampoline I bet jumping on a trampoline and throwing a basketball into the hoop is a lot easier than if you're just on a regular ground I'm going to try it okay let's see on three one 2 3 ah didn't get it in oh here's another one it's yellow maybe I'll try and throw it backwards one 2 3 whoopsie oh there's another one H maybe if I do three big bounces to the hoop that will go in ready one 2 three ah there's one more ball okay how should I do this one H maybe I'll do one giant bounce and a turn for finesse ready one a I still didn't get it in that's okay I'm going to keep looking for Quincy I can't wait to learn how to do a flip Co Y no Quincy H let's go over to the other side wo wo do you know what this is this is a balance beam it's called that because it's a beam and you have to have really good balance to stand on itoo you don't want to wobble and go side to side did you know that there are a lot of animals who have really good balance and mostly because of their tails squirrels have really good balance because of their squishy tails and cats meow meow and kangaroos yeah kangaroos have long tails that help them balance and they're really good jumpers will you jump with me hey let's jump over there woo W more trampolines look how many are in here wo wow that has to be Quincy he's so good at jumping wa wow are you Quincy I am Quincy hi I'm M nice to meet you m how you doing thank you too I'm having so much fun here I'm so glad to hear that M so I heard that you are really good at flipping you might have heard right oh well I want to learn how to flip too can you help me I can take good care of you awesome what do we need to do first all right first and foremost we have to warm up oh right it's important to warm up our body so we don't get hurt exactly ma okay so what do we need to do so first things first you know we're just going to touch the ground oh okay tou the ground you know then we're going to lean to the left and then we're going to lean it to the right okay you know once your legs feel all good you get some jumping jacks in oo you know you know have some fun with it wo wo wow it's kind of like making a snow angel in the air exactly wa wow okay I'm feeling pretty good I'm getting warmer and looser all you feeling warm and loose I think so all right let's see if you can do a jump twist then wo a jump twist okay ready wo like that just like that wow I got what else can we do well you ever done a a somersault yeah have you ever done a somersault before okay let's do it together all right you know how to do a somersault M yeah so what are the first steps just as a reminder step visualize your platform oo okay visualize you going to put your hands out okay and fall okay so hands out and what do I do with my head you're going to tuck your head in like a bowling ball oh tuck your head in like a bowling ball you going tuck and roll and then become the ball become the ball here I go wo just like that M that was so fun let's do it again let's do it again okay ready all right visualize visualize head tucked head tucked and become the ball become the ball wa that was really fun it was really fun now I got a question for you yeah think you can do it in the air oh I've never tried before you want me to show you yes please all right so first you going to get a whole lot of air whole lot of air and then next you're going to do you tuck your chin again so once you get all that air you going to tuck your chin and remember only try and do a flip if you're with a grownup W did you see that he just did a front flip in the air that was amazing I thank you how do you jump that High basketball helps what W sometimes he got to have fun with it in there H over your leg wow you're so good at jumping wo wow that was so fun but Quincy I don't know if I'm ready to do a flip in the air like you just did well you got to keep practicing M and then you'll get it I got it so I have to remember to jump really high stay in one spot tuck my head and go forward like a ball exactly it's just like a somersault but you're taking away the ground got it thank you so much I'm going to take all of these things and I'm going to practice and then one day I'll get to do a front flip just like you Quincy I hope so M thank you so much of course I'm going to go bounce now all right me too see you later wa wow that was so much fun playing and bouncing at Sky Zone trampoline park I really wanted to learn how to do a flip today and Quincy was an amazing teacher he knows a lot about flipping and bouncing on trampolines oh and it was so fun jumping into the foam pit the foam pit was nice and soft and Squishy and oh made out of blocks like this wait a second do you know what this says it says me that's me that's my name well I had so much fun playing and learning with you today if you want to see more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me awesome m e e k a h ma we'll see you next time bye hey it's mey and today we're here at Easter Seals Southern California and we get to visit one of the therapy centers I am so excited come [Music] on whoa check it out this room is awesome look looks like there's so many fun things to play on this is a basketball hoop W check it out there's the hoop the back [Music] board and the net wo and we want to try to get this ball in the net okay here we [Music] go uh-oh we missed but that's okay if you try something the first time and you miss that's okay you do it again and again and again that's called practice and if you do lots of practice then you're sure to get better and I want to get better at basketball [Music] woohoo uh-oh we missed again but I have a really good idea slam dunk woo wo W wo I wonder if there's anybody else around here that I could play with h you know a good way to make friends is to introduce yourself hello it's me Flippy and then just ask them to play would you like to play with me see it's that easy and now you and I are best friends wo check out this slide okay here we go [Music] three two one wo whoa hey do you hear that huh what's that noise oh hey check it out hello hi whoa hello there wow do you see it it's a real life robot hi I'm blippy what's your name hi my name is H whoa did you hear that hi Hans it's so nice to meet you oh hey maybe we can ask Hans a question Hans would you like to be our friend hey did you see that Hans did a little dance that means he's happy and it must mean yes yes whoa well Hans now that we're friends what should we do together over there please wa did you see that yeah Hans put out his hand and he motioned for us to go with him H I bet Hans has somewhere fun to take [Music] us wow wa hey look Hans was pointing at the table it looks like there are some healthy snacks over there Hans did you set those out for me to eat yes flippy a that is so nice of you thank you hey did you hear that I said Thank you do you use words like please and thank you too oh good it's really important when someone does something for you to say thank you because you appreciate it and you appreciate them ah thank you Hans that was so nice Hans would you like to go sit over at the table yes where would you like to sit over there please a okay here we go thank you whoa did you hear that Hans said the the words please when I asked him to come over to the table and he also said thank you because he appreciated what I did a you are so nice and this food looks so tasty W look at it yellow bananas tomatoes and broccoli I can't wait to eat it but first I need to make sure my hands are clean we need to wash our hands okay I'll be right back [Music] Hans yeah it's always good to make sure your hands are squeaky clean but Hans he doesn't need to wash his hands he's a robot oh check it out this is a sink where we can watch our hands and look it's all steps to properly wash them step number one says water on okay here we [Music] go okay step number two hands wet okay woo woo now that my hands are wet we can go to step number three rub hands with soap and because we want Squeaky Clean Hands we want to make sure we rub our hands with soap for longer than 10 seconds W okay here we go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and wo 10 wo and because we don't want soapy hands we want to rinse them off okay next we turn off the water you don't want to waste water and last but certainly not least we dry off our wet hands [Music] woo now that our hands are clean we can eat a delicious and healthy snack okay here we go W look at all the amazing snacks here we have yellow bananas H I wonder how these taste oh look it looks like I'm [Music] smiling and H we have some other yummy vegetables here but let's start with the bananas okay time to peel the [Music] banana W check it out look how cool it is when the banana is peeled yeah and it tastes sweet mhm and this banana is soft soft and sweet oo I like the taste of that waa let's try some Tomatoes wo W I wonder what these Tomatoes will taste like wo those tomatoes have so much flavor they're kind of salty and they certainly are juicy M yeah they have a very interesting taste who and look they kind of look like little bouncy balls boinging boinging bounce bounce bounce [Music] whoa those are fun to eat wo look it's a little tree it's a little Forest of trees wo hello trees oh wait a minute these aren't trees they just look like trees These Are broccoli hello broccoli [Music] hello wo that broccoli is so crunchy W hey look some green celery H I wonder how this will taste wo the banana was really soft but this celery it wasn't very soft it was definitely crunchy and kind of tastes a little sweet I like that celery W and check it out it's an orange carrot M orange carrots are so cool looking do you know why they're so cool looking because it's orange one of my two favorite colors okay here we [Music] go yum now is so tasty yeah the orange carrot is sweet and crunchy wao wow Hans these were some really good snacks to pick out for me thank you oh wait a minute Hans can we play together did you see that Hans did a little dance sounds like he wants to play together well do you know of any place that we can go and play W check it out he moved his arm in this motion yeah that means he wants us to go with him okay let's go let's go [Music] play wa this place is amazing look there's a slide a rock climbing wall and a really cool swing Hans do you want to ride the swing yes please okay here we go here you go Hans W check out this swing waa there you go who Hans and I are riding the swing woohoo woo this is fun this is fun hi Hans hi blippy oh hi what's your name my name is Michelle I'm a speech therapist here at Easter Seals oh it's very nice to meet you Michelle nice to meet you too and you said you're a speech therapist oh well what does a speech therapist do we help kids learn to talk play and just learn new things well I love playing and learning new things and so does hun we've been having so much fun playing together today I'm glad you're having fun in this room we help kids learn to move in new ways we play games and practice things like taking turns W games are so fun hey maybe we should all play a game together but what game should we play hide and seek whoa great idea Hans let's play hide and seek but we need to remember to take turns so who should go first Hans would like to go first okay Hans will go first and count to 10 Michelle and I are going to hide okay we're ready to play okay Hans you counted 10 and Michelle and I are going to go hide see if you can find us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come there you are Hans You Found Me hooray I know you're around here somewhere blippy I see you blippy a h You Found Me Oh I have an idea now I'll count to 10 and you and Michelle hide okay let's do it okay I'm going to count to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here here I [Music] come [Music] H I bet she's there Michelle flippy You Found Me [Music] I found you you found me good job that was so fun wa that game of hide and seek was so fun it was oh well thanks for playing with us Hans thanks for playing with us Michelle yes it was so nice to meet you today blippy bye by bye Hans byebye was nice to meet you w that was awesome and Hans do we have time for another activity what is it Hans likes to shake his tail wao me too let's have a dance party let's go hun loves the blippy dance let's dance do the flippy dancey do the flippy dance follow my lead do the flippy dance do it with me come on clap your hands to the flippy Dance come on clap your hands do the flippy dance are you ready to move can you hear that sound get ready to dance and move all around are you ready to move around the room and shake shake shake to this flippy tune get ready clap your hands Shake It Out Feel The Beat do a dance and sing it loud get ready clap your hands Shake It Out Feel The Beat do a dance and sing it loud do the flippy Dance all day long move your feet to the flippy song do the flippy dance follow my lead do the flippy dance do it with me come on clap your hands to the flippy Dance come on clap your hands do the flippy Dance Now the music's up and we're having fun moving our feet along with everyone raise your hands to the sky now back down low do the flip dance wherever you go do the flippy Dance all day long move your feet to the flippy song do the flippy dance follow my lead do the flippy dance do it with me get ready clap your hands Shake It Out Feel The Beat to a dance and sing it loud get ready clap your hands Shake It Out Feel the feet do it dance and sing it loud wa that was some awesome dancing Hans I had so much fun with you today thanks for being my friend Lippy a thank you for being my friend Hans I'll see you soon bye-bye bye-bye Lippy wow that was so much fun and we got to make some new friends H the robot and Michelle well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me okay b l i PPI flippy good job well I'll see you soon [Music] byebye hey it's me flppy and today is a beautiful day I just love being outside outside soaking up the sun peeling the breeze and I love being outside because I get to play sports like soccer or baseball what other sports can you play outside W wo football yeah I love playing football hm but football's a lot more fun when you play with someone else woo [Music] hey blippy no way it's professional football player Joe Hayden Hi D hey blippy how are you I'm doing great will you play football with me of course I'll play football with you great well let's play wo wo first we got to warm up oh that's important when you play a sport you want to warm up first okay let's [Music] go yeah time to warm up so what should we do first first we should probably stretch I would say high knees okay you can do it with us make sure your knees go nice and high okay how many should we do 10 okay here we go let's count to 10 ready go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wo good job that was some good stretching yes so what next uh next we should probably stretch out our arms okay stretch out those arms H and what should we count to M 10 okay here we go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 now the other side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yeah now we have our leg stretched our arm stretch H is there one more stretch we can do do uh yeah let's spread our legs okay and go both hands to the right leg okay here we go wa and Joe do you stretch like this before every game oh every single game wa nice other leg other leg wa and have you been playing football for a really long time I've been playing professional for 12 years wo 12 years that's a lot of football and a lot of stretching I feel really warmed up now so are there any other things we need to learn or maybe drills we could do before we play I got my favorite drill it's called The W drill the W drill just like the letter just like the letter okay let's do the W drill yeah okay so you're going to go backwards okay and then forwards and create a w oh like a w okay I'll make a w going all the way that way here we go woo good job good job good job I did it wa that was fun now we should switch okay it's your [Music] turn who that was great than well Joe's really good at it because he's a professional woo oh I had one other question how do you win a football game um whoever scores the most points oh oh and how do you score points you either run it or pass it yeah and then you get a touchdown could we try some passing yeah let's practice passing okay here we go here you go good pass W do you see that yeah the football spins wa yeah that's so the that football can go really far and really fast yeah you don't want to pass it like this you want to spin it okay here you go Joe po [Music] pass yeah nice [Music] sketch yeah that was great I think we've done so much practicing I'm ready to try for a touchdown yeah think we can do it I think we can do it okay here you go I'm going to go really far one deep here we [Music] go yeah he did it touchdown wo and what happens when you get a touchdown my favorite time I know you like to dance so you can do a touchdown dance no way will you do a touchdown dance with us great okay what dance my favorite touchdown dance is the gritty okay let's do the gritty you do it with me yeah let's [Music] go that was awesome whoa and check it out Joe and I are wearing jerseys and pads W Joe do you always wear pads when you play in a game oh yeah always wear pads to protect my shoulders and to protect my chest yeah and do you wear anything else to be safe oh I wear a helmet to protect my face and to protect my brain that's really important it's fun to play sports but really important to stay safe I'm really starting to feel like a pro football player hey I wanted to become a pro football player what's the first thing I need to do you need to play football all the time practice and get really good grades waa practicing playing football getting good grades yeah that sounds super fun oh and I've seen a lot of football people throw throwing the ball catching the ball kicking the ball running with the ball wao what position do you play I play cornerback so I stop touchdowns oh did you hear that Joe is a cornerback that means he stops the touchdowns oh can you also intercept the ball oh yeah I can get interceptions anybody on the defense when the quarterback throws it we intercept it wa did you hear that have you heard of an interception before yeah an interception means when someone from the defense catches the ball it's their turn yeah woo and if you're trying to get an interception what's the best way to catch the best way to catch I call it Diamond hands Diamond hands hello woo can you do diamond hands with us yeah and is that so that you can catch the football with it going in there nose of the ball comes right in here and you catch it it sticks wo the nose goes through the diamond and hello wao that sounds super fun well I think it's time for us to play some more Football let's go get our helmets perfect okay yeah check it out we have our helmets on and we're all ready to start playing okay let's start woo okay here we [Music] go whoa did you see that [Music] wo wa that was a lot of hard work I didn't catch any of the footballs I think I need some more drills oh I got a lot more drills for you okay cool can we do one oh for sure okay which is the first drill we should do I got you B so the first drill we're going to do since I'm a cornerback and I like to always Shuffle side to side I don't don't let the receivers bu me and I always got a back pedal too so I'm going to do both drills first we back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal we get to the ball Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle get to the other ball run forward and then we Shuffle again all the way across wow that sounds so fun can I try it please do okay here we go start with backpedaling then we're going to shuffle and then run and Shuffle some more okay here we go Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle run Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle yeah let's try it again okay here we go we did it yeah great job so what's the next drill we can do okay the next drill we got is called the X drill wa the X drill H kind of like the letter so this is when you back pedaling and you're breaking on like a comeback route so you back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal plant here run straight back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal back pedal plant here run straight and I'm going throw you an interception okay wa that one looks a little tougher and we have to catch a pass we need to make an interception let's do it okay here we [Music] go we made an interception nice good job it looks like I'm getting a lot better yeah it's a playing a sport like football or really any sport and you make a mistake that's okay if you keep practicing you're sure to get better yeah that was awesome seeing a real quarterback in action must take a real athlete to be so fast and good at intercepting and blocking wooo that reminds me what was your favorite play you've ever been a part of my favorite play I ever been a part of I had an interception on Sunday Night Football versus Tom Brady oh against Tom Brady he's one of the best quarterbacks of all time that makes you one of the best cornerbacks yeah that is so awesome huh I wonder what that looked [Music] like well it's been a lot of fun playing together but I bet it'd be even more fun playing with more people you know what I think I have just the people to play with us oh I wonder [Music] who okay I got to be fast wa look at him go wow oh look at this he's so fast whoa whoa whoa hey do you guys want to have a dance party who keep those on spetti Joey spaghetti [Music] woo wow today was awesome thank you so much Joe for teaching us about football and what it takes to be a cornerback man blippy it was my pleasure thank you so much for coming over and playing football with me yeah it was so much fun well we're both a little tired from all this playing and football but do have one more thing to ask what's that would you dance with me of course yeah let's dance [Music] after all that practice I am certainly getting the hang of things and it helps to have a great Coach Joe Hayden woohoo well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go b l i p PE I blippy good job well I'll see you soon bye-bye [Music] woohoo hey it's me blippy and look at what I'm doing yeah I'm on a hike wo I've been hiking for a very long time today yeah and I think I made it it to the top of a mountain wo this mountain has a lot of bushes shrubs trees wo in really big rocks so cool wow I love going on Hikes because you get out in nature you smell the fresh air wow and look at how high we are up here on the mountain you can see so many mountains hello mountains hello mountains wo did you hear an echo that's so cool look do you see that that looks like a big dome yeah that must be where a telescope is yeah today we're at Mount Wilson Observatory on Mount Wilson in California and this is going to be so much fun let's go explore [Music] who check it out this Dome is massive wow it is so big there's definitely a telescope inside there yeah do you know what a telescope is yeah it's a piece of equipment used to peer out into outer space you can see planets you can see stars and all sorts of cool things yeah the people that go into outer space are called astronauts yeah but the people from Earth that study outer space are called astronomers today you and I can be astronomers let's go [Music] whoa did you hear that Echo yeah that's because we're in the dome so cool yeah and speaking of cool yeah check it out this is the telescope oh I sure do love that color yeah it's the color blue you already know it's one of my two favorite colors do you know how a telescope works yeah basically there's an opening up top way up there some light enters say from a star or a planet and then it bounces off some mirrors and then it goes to the eye piece the eye piece yeah check it out yeah this is what you look through to see things at night with a telescope wo yeah do you want to see what you could see with this exact telescope if it was nighttime yeah woo yeah do you see that that is the planet Saturn W and I Know It Saturn because of all those colorful rings so cool woo and what's that yeah that's our planet Jupiter that's the biggest planet in our solar system wo it's so big wo and it looks like Jupiter has a lot of of moons wow yeah planet Earth we only have one Moon W wo look at that yeah looks like Andromeda galaxy that is the closest galaxy to our galaxy our galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy W oh and what's that oo Orion Nebula yeah that is where all the stars are born in our galaxy W this telescope is awesome and how it sees all these things in outer space since they're in different locations that means this telescope moves maybe we can go to the control board and move the telescope ourselves yeah let's go [Music] wa W so many stairs wo oh who are you hi I'm Tom oh nice to meet you Tom I'm blippy what do you doet I'm the telescope operator ooh the telescope operator so that means you push buttons to make the telescope go left right up down that's right wow why do you have a computer here Tom this uh tells me the address of what I want to look at I want to look at this star uhhuh it tells me where to look wow that's really cool he needs a computer to have the address of say a planet or a star and that tells him where to point the telescope at w that is really cool and why do you have a clock way over there well I have to tell the time this is star time ooh star time exactly it's called a siderial clock o a siderial clock oh that makes sense yeah you can't look at stars during the day o and what are all these buttons these are to move the telescope I have to point move the scope to the star or object I want to look at ooh n s w north east south west that's right wa cool and Tom do you mind if we like operate the telescope and maybe make something move sure let's open up the Dome first cool would you push that button please this button yes all right here we go W what do you think that was really cool thanks for letting me do that and uh what else does the telescope do well we have to move the Dome around we have to point it in different directions wait here a second let me let me show you [Music] okay are you ready [Music] yeah [Music] what do you think of that wow that was awesome thank you so much for showing me this awesome telescope glad to have you here all right see you later so long bye-bye [Music] bye whoa check it out we're at the astronomical Museum yeah and at this place they have a lot of really cool old gadgets that they used to use to learn about outer space shall [Music] we W look at these wo they look like Wheels yeah like Wheels on the car but actually these are wheels that are on the Dome so then the Dome can spin around so cool wo yeah yeah I know what this is it kind of looks like a telescope doesn't it yeah oo yeah W you can see stars with this planets wo other galaxies maybe cool excuse me wo look this is a really big piece of glass wow yeah remember how telescopes work yeah you have a mirror and another mirror and light bounces back and then eventually after it bounces off a couple mirrors then it goes into the eyepiece and this piece of glass used to have silver on it so then it was really shiny like a mirror oh speaking of mirrors look there's a mirror right over there wo W hello yeah this mirror came from a real telescope a very old one of course course yeah because we're at a museum well shall we keep learning about telescopes and outer space yeah wo check it out another telescope and this is the 150t solar telescope solar means Sun yeah this telescope you can look at the sun okay before we go in I have to tell you never look at the sun unless you have a solar telescope okay it's very important it's not good for our eyes good job all right let's [Music] go wow W cool check this out W look at all of these charts wo and graphs woo and some pictures of the sun yeah we're definitely in the right place to find the solar telescope let's see where could it be H whoa cool here it is W it is so cool and remember how I said it's 150 ft solar telescope yeah that's because the telescope itself is 150 ft tall yeah that's really tall that's about 50 m wo all right you never want to look directly at the sun okay and the only reason why we're going to be able to see the sun is because we're using a solar telescope not a normal telescope a solar telescope all right are you ready oh wo check it out wo do you see this yeah this is a live image of our sun yeah this light is coming down and hitting this white piece of paper yeah so we can see our sun right now this is so cool wo I love solar telescopes yeah wo I think we're in outer space 5 4 3 2 1 Blast Off Blast Off thousands of miles an hour using all of that big rocket power it's so loud oh you just can't ignore it see you later as we fly out of orbit I'm a rocket that can take you into outer space maybe you and Aliens will come face to face I'll take you on a journey to the stars and back making our own way cuz we ain't got no track and so we need to use a seat belt there's no gravity we are searching for something planetary heading home for Earth we do it gradually got to get back home to humanity last off thousands of miles an hour using all of that big rocket power it's so loud oh you just can't ignore it see you later as we fly out of orbit fly my rocket far away flying far away in outer space Blast Off from the base taken off to out of space fly my rocket far away flying far away in outer space Blast Off from the base taken off to outer space w hasn't this been so much fun learning about outer space and telescopes together yeah hey do you know how many planets are in our solar system yeah there's actually eight all right so first we have our sun yeah and then we have Mercury Venus Earth that's our planet Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune W and all of these planets rotate around our sun and we are in the Milky Way galaxy oh so [Music] cool wow wasn't that so much fun today yeah I had a great day with you learning about outer space yeah aren't telescopes really cool yeah so cool being able to see into outer space seeing some planets stars and all sorts of cool things well this is the end of this video what if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i blippy good job all right see you soon [Music] bye-bye w who hey it's me whippy and today we're here at Sun buggy Fun Rentals in Las Vegas Nevada and I am so excited because we get to learn all about different kinds of vehicles that go really really fast and if we're lucky maybe we can even drive one come on let's go [Music] explore whoa look at this place what's up Lippy hi what's your name I'm Matt nice to meet you oh it's nice to meet you wo and what is this vehicle you're working on right here we have a dune buggy w a dune buggy well why do you call it that we actually specifically designed these machines for the dunes for Hills Bumps and Jumps W I love Hills Bumps and Jumps this vehicle is awesome wo and check it out it has a really big Wheel and Tire yeah and you see this tire has lots of really big Treads to grab the sand in the dirt so it can go really fast up those Hills Bumps and Jumps and also has shocks W hey and check it out it's also my favorite color one of my two favorite colors orange uh but Matt this looks a little different from a regular car I can see through it we actually make it like that so the roll cage keeps you safe and you have fun oh that's always good be safe when you're having fun W and look at this it's the engine W it's so big looks like this dune buggy can go really fast these Doom buggies can go 35 mph in the sand wo 35 mph in the sand that's really fast well I really wish I could ride one of these dune buggies well do you want to go out to the desert and try one would I that would be awesome wo look at this place it's so big and really Sandy and sunny Matt where are we we're in the Mojave Desert W the Mojave Desert awesome it sure is Sandy here and it looks like there are lots of hilly sand and looks like sand everywhere really yeah those Hills are sandunes oh sand dunes did someone make them nope just nature wind and sand oh that's so cool wait a minute Sand Dune dune buggy do we get to ride on the sand dunes just you today awesome I am so excited to ride on a sand dune and drive a dune buggy W check it out look at all these vehicles hey I know this one it's a dune buggy M but Matt what what's this vehicle over here this one over here yeah this is a UTV a utility vehicle wo a UTV awesome it looks kind of like a dune buggy it has four wheels 1 2 3 four but you can't see through it and it looks a little bit different it also has uh one of these what's has a roll cage just like the dune buggy oh cool a roll cage so it's nice and safe uh but Matt what's this back here is this a trunk this is a bed like a truck W that's really handy so I guess if you're on a farm and you need to put tools in it you have a trunk so yeah that's pretty cool oh hey and check it out there's another vehicle over here W this one is our ATV this is an allterrain vehicle ATV allterrain vehicle awesome wo it's a little bit smaller than the other two right mhm it looks super fast and has four wheels but Matt it doesn't have a steering wheel no steering wheel these are called handlebars wa just like a motorcycle or a bicycle this looks pretty fun but I want to ride the dune buggy over the dunes I'm also really excited to ride it cuz it's one of my two favorite colors orange okay Matt I think I'm all ready to start driving but what's the first thing I need to know before I drive the dune buggy the first rule for driving dune buggies is always safety safety first okay I want to be really safe so what's the first safety thing I need to know so we're going to get you inside of the dune buggy and we're going to put your seat belts on first okay seat Bel first all right so the first thing we're going to do is get your seat belt on awesome we go and this Buckle here is going to connect your two seat belts go all strapped in so what's the next thing I need next and this dune buggy is going to be your hand straps these keep your hands inside of the ride at all times okay there we go great okay and uh but how do I drive the Doom buggy so this Doom Bugg is automatic just like a car ooh so where do I put the key no key to today you just have a switch and a button okay so when you're ready to go switch goes up you hit that button and you're good to go okay I'm all ready to go first let's get your helmet okay okay we'll put on the helmet woohoo okay helmet on all right make sure your helmet is strapped tight pull the strap through the loop perfect and goggles okay we want to put on our goggles so we don't have any sand in our eyes it looks like I'm all ready to go all right have fun blippy woohoo see you [Music] soon [Music] wooo that was awesome you did great yeah you want to try the ATV now yeah come on let's try it out all right so this one little easier than the dune buggy to start so you have your key on the right side there go ahead and turn your key for me okay keys on all right so now with that thumb press that button there for me this one right here yep okay and where's the gas pedal so where your thumb is that's your gas pedal okay here we go [Music] wa that was awesome you did great that was so much fun well we rode the dune buggy and the ATV you want to try the UTV yeah all right don't forget your seat belt just like your car here we go and this one is like the ATV turn your key to the right and it'll go ahead and start okay right have fun here we go bye-bye [Music] h wo do you hear that do you know what kind of vehicle makes that sound yeah a truck or a car hey for this next song Let's Dance like we're driving a car hit the gas hit the gas hit the break hit H the brake hear the engine hear the engine do a figure a do a figure eight Take the Wheel Take the Wheel hold it tight hold it tight flippy boogie blippy boogie all day and night all day and night well you can tell when your car needs to go fast you want to put your foot down and hit the gas if there's something ahead and you need to make a sudden stop then hit the break it's all right and it's okay make sure that you look both ways with your hand at nine and your hand at one let's go for a drive Let's Have Some Fun hit the gas hit the gas hit the brake hit the brake here the engine here the end do a figure eight do a figure eight Take the Wheel Take the Wheel hold it tight hold it tight flippy boogie blippy boogie all day and night all day and night now you can see from the mirrors on my car from behind I can see very far this is important if I need to break or especially when I overtake it's all right and it's okay we take it at our own pace one hand to 10 the other at two go for a ride you know what to do hit the gas hit the gas hit the brake hit the brake hear the engine hear the engine do a figure eight do a figure eight Take the Wheel Take the Wheel hold it tight hold it tight Lippy Boogie baby boogy all day and night all day and night that was some good [Music] driving W that was awesome I had so much fun with you here at sunbuggy in Las Vegas Nevada and we learned so much together we learned all about ATVs utvs and dune buggies well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me okay b l i p p i Lippy good job well I'll see you soon let's ride [Music] [Music] a
Channel: Moonbug - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 1,429,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Antiks, Cartoon Kids, anime fun, anime kids, arpo animation, arpo english, arpo robot cartoon, best anime, blippi, desenho animado, family, fun animation, fun cartoon, fun story, funny cartoon, funny cartoons, funny video, hoạt hình, kartun, kids cartoons, kids funny, kids show, minibods, oddbods, robot, एनिमेशन, कविता, कहानियों, कार्टून, गीत, नाटक, बच्चों की कहानी, संगीत, सीखना, কার্টুন
Id: 95DmIkqlZQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 3sec (12783 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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