Blippi Makes Fruit Popsicles! | Learn Healthy Eating For Kids | Educational Videos for Toddlers

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[Music] oh hey it's me blippi and i was just dancing but it's really hot outside i wish i could take a break well no time for breaks when you're dancing [Music] oh do you see that whoa it's a popsicle cart and i love popsicles i think you and i should get a popsicle let's go hey hi blippi how are you what's your name i'm julia would you like a handmade popsicle yeah i love popsicles what flavor do you have this is cha-cha-cha it's mango pineapple and chia seed that sounds so yummy mango pineapple and chia seeds that is so yummy okay glad you like it do you want to see how they're made yeah that would be so much fun let's go let's go welcome to my kitchen wow look at this place it's so cool thanks now first thing you need to gear up oh check it out this is an apron here we go wow okay well what do we have here so these are all the ingredients we use to make our popsicles oh it looks like a bunch of fruit and vegetables yep you got it we actually use a lot of superfoods in our popsicles so you'll see kale and avocado and spinach and chia seeds what's this this is a coconut wow that's cool a coconut cool what flavor are we making i thought we could make popeye popeye yeah all right that's why i call it popeye um i don't know why i use spinach okay so here we go called the spinach i was making a batch earlier so i thought we could just add to it okay so here's some spinach and what do you have strawberries strawberries and to sweeten it we use dates dates all right come on back okay so here's the batch i was working on earlier oh look at it all right that looks yummy go ahead let's add it in okay bye-bye spinach and then here's some strawberries and dates yum now what might be different about your kitchen is we have some big equipment we use here really i'm excited whoa look at that that thing is massive what does that thing do this is our immersion blender wow so you put it in whoa you hit the button [Music] whoa you go so that just blends it up into a liquid it sure does wow that looks so yummy well now what do we do now we're gonna put it in our molds okay i'm gonna get my trusty picture [Music] all right so it's basically three ingredients all blended up to make one yummy tasting liquid so now what we're going to do is we're going to pour it in oh and then you kind of just have to feed it through shake it around yeah may i of course okay here's some more whoa we got some chunky ones in there that's okay there's some more okay and then next what we need to do is we'll just put in our sticks whoa yeah like a popsicle stick have you ever eaten a popsicle and you hold on to the piece of wood yeah that's what we just put in there so it makes them so handy okay and now we put it into our extra special popsicle machine whoa what does this thing do it makes it super cold it freezes a popsicle in 18 minutes wow i'm so excited i sure do love popsicles hey check it out let's put it back whoa so is that just really cold in there yes it's actually made out of a special popsicle freezing liquid whoa all right maybe for later well now what do we do well usually when i wait for popsicles to freeze i like to dance okay let's go [Music] [Music] whoa does that mean it's done it sure does [Music] all right let's shake off that good popsicle liquid get it dry all right i'm gonna grab this house so we don't slip on it that'll make a fun dance move yeah we have to put it in the liquid okay and what does that do it kind of softens it up so it comes right out last one there they are those look so yummy i am so excited go ahead try one okay how about this one wow yum that is so yummy [Music] yum that reminds me i gotta go back out and sell more popsicles okay do you think you could watch the kitchen for me feel free to make your own flavor make our own flavor that sounds like fun see you blippi thanks for showing us around no problem but did you hear that you and i get to make our very own flippy flavor let's do this [Music] did you hear that all right you and i gonna make our very own flavor and i am so excited all right let's see what we have to work with all right you know what kind of fruit this is right yeah this is an apple okay looks like we have some grapes yum oh what are these check these out yeah these are lemons lemons are the color yellow wow and then we have some greens over here whoa spinach wow whoa it's like hair whoa oh this is kale and kale is really yummy and it doesn't like containers that's silly okay let's put these back in here so then we can continue to see what type of fruits and vegetables we have like this whoa this is so heavy whoa whoa oh yeah this is a watermelon and watermelons are so big and yummy do you know what color is on the inside of the watermelon [Music] yeah red and the outside is green okay just a couple more bananas and [Music] pineapple no okay so you can see we have this big bucket right here and we need to put a lot of the ingredients right in here can't forget about the strawberries we'll start with those here we go that kale whoa let's put some in there [Music] you're doing so good oh apples okay we could put the whole apple in there but i think we should probably slice it have you ever had a slice of an apple they're so yummy okay here is our red apple slicer and then put it right in the center just like that and then you push down whoa look at that that is awesome slice the apples so then you pull them out and then you can put them right in our big bucket wow and you keep the cork you keep the core which is the center out of it because there's a lot of seeds in there speaking of seeds watermelons have seeds okay let's cut open the watermelon whoa i'm gonna be very careful because i'm a grown-up with this knife ready okay here we go chop it in half just like that flip it around [Music] wow look at that that looks so yummy our popsicles are gonna be so yummy okay um i have an idea here we go all right we have some bananas open those up here we go bye bye banana and we'll do another banana yum here we go look at it is that looking tasty or does that look tasty [Music] whoa and remember we learned what fruit this is yeah the coconut all right these are a little tricky to open but it's worth the trouble so let's take the coconut opener we did it look at that whoa wow look at all that liquid i just want to drink it all up okay we'll put that in the bucket fur the popsicles whoa oh yum okay use this little coconut device and pull out some of the coconut meat yeah right in there yummy there we go all right perfect let's bring it right over here yum all right oh spinach right here and then we have a bunch of grapes we'll do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven grapes all right and then remember these we used these earlier these are dates here we go wow okay can't forget about the lemons we have so many types of fruits and vegetables in here here we go wow okay let's take these and give a little squeeze have you ever tasted a lemon before okay let's try some whoa that's sour okay let's wash our hands and then last but not least we have a pineapple we cut the pineapple just like that and see that yellow that looks so yummy so now we take this pineapple tool put it right on top and then give it a little twist wow look at that and then you pull it out check that out then take it off just like this and that's gonna give it some nice sweetness to these yummy popsicles all right i think that's plenty look at whoa that's so heavy come on back here remember that next step that we do yeah she taught us that you put the bucket whoa right here you take the big blender whoa whoa and we blend it up here we go [Music] whoa all right now it's all mixed up wait a second though we need the magic tool this is a giant whisk check this out all righty it's adding some color okay let's put this right over here and then we can bring this up and grab this pitcher remember from earlier we need to scoop some out i am so excited pour some in let's grab another scoop okay here we go okay whoa all right i think that's plenty so let's give it a shake okay yes these are gonna be so yummy and let's take these sticks wow that's a lot of popsicle sticks put them right in there oh perfect okay now we need to bring it to the cooling station here we go set it down we did it all right now remember what we had to do earlier it's gonna take a long time so we get a dance while we wait did he carry dean oh you sure did the popsicles must be ready let's check them out all right whoa i am so excited hey we gotta drain them i can't wait to see the ingredients you use me too wow my two favorite colors yeah check them out blue and orange shall we try them yeah do you like them these are delicious flippy you know what you need to take those outside and go sell some pops awesome all right let's go try some sell some popsicles popsicles popsicles who wants a popsicle i love popsicles and that was so much fun learning about how to make popsicles with you at mom and pop shop in costa mesa california well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job well see you [Music] shout later hello hey it's me blippi and look at where i'm at whoa today i'm at young chefs academy in covington washington this place is so cool yeah where young chefs kids just like you can come here and learn to cook some delicious treats let's go hi blippi hey who are you my name is jeff riley oh nice to meet you chef riley hey do you mind if we go explore the kitchen go for it i'll see you in a sec okay let's go wow look at this kitchen it is so bright and colorful oh come on okay the very first thing that i need to do when you enter kitchen is wash your hands okay i'm gonna turn on hot water and then i'm gonna rinse them okay get them nice and moist and then we need some soap okay and we need to scrub for 20 seconds and one way to do this is to sing the abcs ready a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z okay now we're gonna rinse off our hands [Music] get them nice and dry now once our hands are dry clean now put on an apron [Music] yeah an apron is used so then clothes not get dirty when you're cooking with some food all right and can't forget my young chefs academy chef's hat how do i look [Music] all right check it out this kitchen is so colorful do you see all these cabinets yeah whoa these yeah are the color green oh this over here yeah that cabinet is purple pink yellow [Music] and blue whoa i bet there's a lot of cool things in these cabinets whoa look at this some yummy vegetables hey you know what kind of vegetable this is yeah this is an orange pepper look at these yeah some green beans i sure do love vegetables all right i'm so excited [Music] whoa i am so excited this is gonna be tasty i am looking at the recipe of what we're gonna be making today looks like we're gonna be making crispy green beans whoa those look tasty and creamy ranch dip oh this is gonna be so yummy and healthy i love vegetables and i love ranch dip i wonder if we're gonna be able to dip the green beans into the ranch tip yeah okay so it seems like we need a lot of tools and a lot of ingredients so uh let's get to it all right see what's in here that we need okay looks like we need some measuring cups what small one a medium-sized one another medium-sized one and a big one put those right back here perfect then we need a juicer this is where you can put a lemon or an orange or a lime squeeze it on top and then all the juice comes out the bottom okay we'll set that down right there alrighty let's see what's in here oh we definitely need some measuring spoons whoa yeah same thing just like the measuring cups measuring spoons of four different sizes from small to medium to medium to large okay put it right about right in there perfect okay oh let's see how oh oh wow a measuring cup this is what you put liquids and you could do solids but this is primarily for liquids and this is what you measure to see how much you have okay put that down right there oh let's see is there anything in here hmm there's a lot of cool things in here whoa look at this it's a rolling pin so cute this is a small rolling pin and this is a big rolling pin well they're used to flatten things out i don't think we need those today but they're pretty cool because we can use them for drums okay not plain let's get to cooking [Music] all right let's see um probably right in here oh yeah two ingredients that we need bread crumbs [Music] and flour perfect okay we'll shut this all right there we go and uh let's see how about some cold ingredients wow look at this fridge it's so organized okay looks like we have some cream probably for the ranch dip we'll set that down right there some cheese parmesan cheese okay we'll put that down right there and then we have some eggs yeah check this out whoa okay put those down right there for later probably shouldn't do that at home and then we have some mayonnaise put that down right here and some sour cream okay put that down and now i think we're ready looks like we have most of the ingredients and tools but this looks really hard oh no if only i had some help huh want some help with me oh sure hey hi i brought the rest of our ingredients that we need oh perfect okay well here's the recipe what do we do first first we're going to preheat the oven to 425 okay i know how to do that okay preheat the oven to 425 perfect good job whoopee thank you all right first we're going to want to do a tablespoon of flour into our bowl okay we're going to want to make sure that we get a true tablespoon because that is not accurate so we want to scrape off the extra flour okay okay can you do that sure okay looks like we need some flour let's do a little scoop and there we go and perfect great job lippy all right next we're going to want to crack an egg okay let's see so at young chefs academy we crack an egg using the table not the edge of the counter so that it doesn't get all over the floor okay you want to crack hard and use your thumbs to break open the egg just like that perfect you'll want to put the shell in a separate bowl okay here we go let's use the table there we go great job thank you we're going to want to wash our hands because we touched a raw egg [Music] all right there we go let's rinse them off it's really important to rinse off your hands and wash them completely after touching raw eggs or meat or anything like that now we're ready okay all right next we're going to want to do a cup of panko okay [Music] so this looks about right yeah this is panko just like breadcrumbs it is dried breadcrumbs okay all right let's use that okay one big scoop all right in the same bowl yeah oh so sorry in a different bowl okay thank you okay here we go perfect all right next we're gonna want to add the rest of our spices which is garlic salt and salt okay so we're going to want to use a tea a fourth of a teaspoon of garlic salt in our panko okay go this one okay and put it in the panko perfect and then half of a teaspoon of salt thank you [Music] wow salt is so yummy there we go can you use your whisk and whisk that up yeah check it out this is a whisk yeah how do you do it whisk with your wrist okay [Music] this is a really good way to mix it all up yeah you want to use it like that [Music] all right next we're going to want to put our egg into this mixing bowl the clean mixing bowl that we have okay here we go put the egg in this bowl all right and we're going to want to use a little bit of water [Music] in with the egg thank you all right put some water in with the egg [Music] perfect can you whisk that egg up with the fork for me with the fork forks are easier to whisk eggs than a whisk is oh you want to whisk it just like that okay so let's take the fork and let's whisk the egg whoa did you see how the yolk broke up and now it's all mixed up perfect perfect we're gonna grab a couple handfuls of green beans right in here right perfect and toss it in our flour all right make sure you get them all nice and mixed up and coated in flour okay toss it wow this is gonna help the egg stick to the green bean okay interesting look they used to be green but now they're green and white hey remember how we washed our hands yeah good thing we did because i'm touching food with my hands you don't want to touch anything after you touch egg or raw meat you want to make sure you wash your hands okay all right now we are gonna touch the egg we're gonna put the green beans we're gonna use two different hands we're gonna have our dry hand and our wet hand so we're not gonna touch the egg with this hand we're gonna put our green beans in here and toss it around okay take the fork out now tossing here we go whoa i'm spilling that's okay okay wow look at it there's so much egg on these green beans [Music] all right great now you're going to want to put the green beans into the panko toss them around real quick okay wow that looks fun and once they're nice and evenly coated in panko you want to put them onto the tray okay whoa these are gonna be so yummy know i'm excited let's put them a little bit nicer so that they're not so messy okay that way they'll cook really evenly when they're spread out on there you go that makes sense oh i see because if they're on top of each other then the heat can't touch the whole green bean huh exactly you want to make sure that the whole thing is getting cooked we're ready for the oven okay go here you go thank you perfect those will take about 10 to 12 minutes to cook whoa that was really fun making those green beans with you wasn't it yeah let's make some ranch to decorate what ingredients do we need we need mayonnaise sour cream buttermilk wait did you say buttermilk yeah oh i said cream earlier okay so we need buttermilk yeah they're very similar but buttermilk smells different and it's a little thicker okay all right lemon juice dill weed parsley chives onion powder garlic powder salt and black pepper okay perfect looks like we have everything i think we do all right next we're gonna wanna so i have mine all mixed up can you put the mayo and the sour cream into your big bowl okay here's the mayo then we have the sour cream all right there we go awesome now we're going to want to do half a cup of buttermilk into your bowl alrighty there we go perfect all right now we're going to want to get our fourth 1 4 teaspoon perfect i'm ready and we're gonna use that for our dill right here okay parsley and our chops okay dill parsley and chives here we go good job next we're going to want our half teaspoon okay a little bigger all right all right and we use that for our garlic powder and our onion powder all right let's give it a little scoop and then this one perfect this is going to be so yummy all right perfect let's mix that up with our whisk don't forget we whisk with our wrist all right oh this smells so good once it's all mixed up we're gonna cover it and place it in the fridge to cool all right we only have three more ingredients okay what are they lemon juice salt and pepper okay first we want to juice our lemon so we have a lemon right up there perfect we have it cut in half and we'll use our juicer here we want to make sure we squeeze really tight pushing down and twisting it around get all of that juice out okay yes i'll try oh there we go good job yeah when you take it off your lemon should look something like this yeah it's almost empty perfect okay and then we'll want to pour our lemon juice into our ranch okay here we go awesome mix that up all right we want to do 1 4 teaspoon of salt right like this [Music] okay put some salt in here there we go and a pinch of pepper so we'll go about three twists okay one two three perfect all right let's mix that up all right mix mix mix remember to mix with your wrist oh yep oh wow this is gonna be so yummy delicious did you hear that i did does that mean the green beans are done it does you want to grab them sure oh this is gonna be awesome oh yum wow they look delicious whoa check them out oh my gosh [Music] all right blippi it looks like our green beans and zesty ranch are all ready oh good those look yummy check them out whoa i am so excited thank you so much for teaching us how to make these of course you did such a good job coming back any time oh well thank you see you later see you wow i'm so excited here we go yum that is diplicious so silly yeah you'd think because they're greens they're not good but hey trust me it's really fun to try new types of foods yeah like these yummy green beans that we made [Music] yum even healthy foods can be really yummy good job cooking [Music] wasn't that fun making those green beans and that ranch dipping sauce yeah it was so tasty hey if you want to check out the exact recipe you can go to young chefs academy website and check out their blog well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job alright see you again [Music] hello hey it's me blippi and today we're at the hands-on children's museum in olympia washington this is gonna be so much fun i love learning with you let's go [Music] hey this is the build-up gallery this is where you get to build things me anywho you put things together these pieces of wood and then that is how you build things in the building gallery yeah i almost completed this house do you see it i have a roof right here and the framing of the house and the walls and everything except for the remaining roof and some grappling that's what we need gravel to go inside the house yeah the floor needs some gravel yeah we're not gonna use carpet tile anything like that we're gonna use gravel so let's take this shovel and uh first let's drive the dump truck all right i think we're close enough to the job site that we can get all the gravel out of the back of the dump truck all right let's take the shovel put it in the wheelbarrow and then wheel it up ah there we go oh all right now we need to shovel some of these big rocks [Music] this is some big rocks that's gonna make some for some really good flooring in our house okay one more scoop there we go all right now we need to take it over to the house all right wheel barrels are super nice to use it makes hauling things a lot easier oh how are we gonna get it in there wait a second i have an idea maybe we can use one of these boards that actually should go on the roof but for now let's lean it up like this and then let's take this wheelbarrow oh up and let's dump it in ready here we go you see the floor in here nice stone floor now perfect all right now we can put the rest of the roof on just like that hard day's work right there there we go that looks like a great house i'm tired hey but before we go to another room i think we should check out the rest of the tools like this yeah there's a lot of tools in here you know what tool this is this is a jackhammer watch how it works whoa it goes up and down super fast and breaks the ground up whoa and look at all of these looks like we have a tape measure so then we can measure things looks like we have a cordless drill so then we don't have to go really slow with our hand this just goes and a big mallet yeah they're kind of like a hammer but with bigger heads on it and check this out an air framing nailer this is what you use to secure the roof yeah with nails [Music] ah hey i was just acting like a bear in hibernation bears love to hibernate during winter time keeps them nice and warm under snow oh speaking of snow check it out this is an ice rink yeah when water freezes it turns into ice and i think you and i should go skating oh but first we need to pick out some socks hmm let's see which socks oh these look nice oh wait a second i don't think these are gonna fit so let's put this back and how about uh these look pretty cool all right okay let's take off my shoes yeah i already have socks on but that's okay these are really cool and i'm gonna put them on the outside of my feet are you ready ha ha three two one it's so slippery whoa ice is so slippery [Music] remember earlier how i said this as ice it's actually practice ice for the sport of sock skating hey i have an idea why don't i do a dance for you a figure skating routine are you ready hit the music [Music] [Applause] okay let's go downstairs now wait a second the cool thing about this children's museum is you can go downstairs with the stairs as well as the slide yeah i'm gonna go down the blue slide ready see ya down there whoa what a fast way to go downstairs yeah whoa i'm at the port of olympia whoa and check this out this is a giant and look we have some logs yeah two logs that turn into lumber later alright let's hook him up to this hook one log two logs three oh two three logs all right now i'm gonna go hoist it up [Applause] there we go [Music] oh that was awesome good job all right let's go hey check this out whoa this is so cool put the rubber duckies on this end and then the water flows downhill and then they go look at him hey whoa oh whoa i bet lou is going to win green got step see you later green [Music] [Applause] whoa check this out when water does this when it's really smooth it's called laminar flow oh but check it out there's actually smoke on the inside whoa oh now i'm all wet whoa look at these two they have smoke coming out check this out whoa when you add these pipes you can direct where the smoke goes whoa that's so cool oh check this out what is this it looks like a water tornado its name is the volcano hey speaking of balls whoa we have one ball two balls where are you three balls four balls okay now just three balls let's get one more ball four balls okay let's go over here whoa this hole is where you put the balls one yellow ball one pink ball one red ball one purple ball whoa where did they go i don't know check this out we did it wait a second that was five balls what [Music] whoa checking out i'm driving this police car yep we have the steering wheel whoa and we have the siren can't forget about the lights it's so loud in here all right wow oh i sure do love police cars and i also love fire trucks fire trucks are great because they go to houses and buildings and pieces of land with fires and put them out hey yeah look you can sit inside this fire truck do you hear the siren whoa whoa and i just turned on the lights i love fire trucks most of them are the color red hey look this is an ambulance whoa the back is a big cube hey yeah check it out come on whoa let's go for a ride ambulances are great because they show up if anyone needs any help yeah with their health problems whoa oh okay and i think the front also has some lights and some sirens whoa smooth right around here oh my location my location is at the children's museum whoa and we got the lights let's go let's go save some people whoa okay and there's actually another emergency vehicle way up top do you see it it's really high in the sky let's go get it yeah it's not an airplane but it's kind of like an airplane because it flies in the air but it has rotors not jets and propellers well some of them have jets but anywho this is a helicopter whoa let me fly the helicopter whoa whoa all right here we go yeah even helicopters can save people yeah they're emergency vehicles and they even can put out fires there's so many uses for helicopters [Music] that was so much fun learning while playing at this hands-on children's museum in olympia washington well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is spell my name yeah will you spell my name with me b-o-i [Music] flippy good job all right [Music] so much
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Cartoons & Nursery Rhymes
Views: 5,923,872
Rating: 3.6261899 out of 5
Keywords: Baby Songs, Cartoons for Kids, Little Baby Bum, Moonbug, nursery rhymes, Songs for Kids, Cartoons for babies, baby shark, boo boo song, baby cartoons, songs for babies, best cartoons, best nursery rhymes, wheels on the bus, ABC, 123, cocomelon, Bus, education, children learning, sing-along, videos for kids, morphle, superhero, kids, english, cute, children, for kids, baby, learning, educational, educational videos, kids songs, home school, Learn online, kids tv, wash your hands, school
Id: Za6zh9aVIMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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