Blippi Visits a Crime Scene | Cartoons for Kids | Childerns Show | Fun | Mysteries with Friends

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foreign [Music] oh hey it's me blippi I was just looking for Clues Clues are those things you find and you look for to solve a problem and the problem I have is who stole my lunch will you come help me figure out who stole my lunch yeah yeah come on hmm hey look at where we are we are at a beautiful Park and look at what we have yum a tasty lunch like this grape hmm this raspberry a red strawberry and we have some vegetables a sandwich crackers but we'll get to this in a little bit let's go play first come on [Music] wow this park is so beautiful like these plants they just look like plants but they're so beautiful to me look they're so green and alive and they smell so great wow hey I'm kind of hungry let's go eat some more wow oh whoa what happened where'd it go oh no my lunch is gone hey officer officer well hey there blippi what's going on my lunch was just right here I was eating it and it was so good and then I went over here and then I looked at some plants and then I came back here and it was all gone well it looks like we're up to investigate this lucky for you I have my crime scene bag with me I got a really good idea you want to help me blippi I would love to oh I got this special badge just for you whoa wow look at that even has my name on it oh I am honored whoa and look at what you wrote up on a police bicycle can I look at it of course you can't blippi oh cool okay look at this a helmet wow this keeps you nice and safe okay and oh look up here do you see that it's a light in the handlebars and one big giant Wheel and Tire and then a second big giant Wheel and Tire and then we have the pedals and the kickstand let's put that up right now yeah and look at this this is the crime scene investigation bag he said this is gonna help us find my lunch but first let's take it for a ride [Music] whoa whoa whoa that was so much fun it is isn't it blippi yeah well I think we should get started on Investigation what do you think yeah I think so too all right I think the next best thing send in the canine ooh canine that's another word for a dog officer featuring the canine everything he did it police dogs have really sensitive noses and police use those to help us track to people and evidence to help us with our investigations he did it he found some evidence [Music] that's Peter blippi this is the evidence of the canine tracks too oh look this is my glass this is my glass that had all the water in it what's it doing all the way over here huh well there's the glass what do we do we have to collect the evidence using the bag that we talked about earlier so the first thing that we're gonna have to do is put evidence tape up to secure the scene okay oh thank you look it says crime scene do not cross foreign [Music] [Music] go oh almost there good job Libby thanks okay it's nice and tied off now what that was a great job blippi now we have to take pictures using a ruler okay hey here we go so we have the ruler let's put this down right next to it then we have a camera let me turn it on whoo smile oh you are so beautiful glass okay close up okay turn that off and here you go all right now that we've taken pictures we actually have to collect the evidence okay but before we do so we got to put gloves on oh we don't want your fingerprints on it right okay so we have to put these gloves on and this first glove is the color blue and the second glove is also the color blue all right I got the gloves on now what okay now the gloves are on we can actually pick it up and put it into a bag okay the evidence back here we go pick it up wow okay let's put it in the bag all right so I got it in the bag now what that was a great job now we have to get it down at the police department to process it okay there well we're about to call in the motorcycle okay Officer feed check can you use it in the motorcycle for transport of evidence okay I guess I'll go meet the motorcycle oh they're waiting for you blippi okay [Music] look at what it is wow it's a police motorcycle and this is what's going to be used to transport the evidence here here wow look at it okay first things first let's put the evidence in the back of this motorcycle okay now it's safe back here oh and back here here's a compartment with a laptop see there's a laptop and a printer too what is this oh look it's a picture for me nice picture okay let's put that down right there oh okay oh so many cool things to show you but first maybe I should hop on whoa whoa this motorcycle is really big way bigger than the average motorcycle okay um let me show you this yeah kind of want to show you this first this is a radar gun see this is what's used to check the speed of everyone driving on the road so you should drive the speed limit or lower because that's the limit of safety [Music] um let's see what else can I show you oh yeah the lights watch this ready oh yeah red and blue lights that's to let everyone know that there's an emergency and what else is also used to let everyone know that there's an emergency is the siren here we go [Music] oh that's so loud and then also the horn yeah and then the police officer on the motorcycle took the evidence to the police station [Music] inside the evidence with our evidence hey how are you good hey that's the evidence what do we do so we're gonna process it for Prince okay how do we do that first you're gonna need your lab coat lab coat look look yeah it's the color blue wow I like the color blue it's one of my two favorite colors blue is one of them and orange is the other all right now I have my lab coat on now what now you need your gloves gloves are they okay they're right here looks like ooh look at these blue rubber gloves so we wear these so then we don't make our own fingerprints on the evidence all right so now I have the gloves on now what now you're gonna need to pull this brown paper down okay whoa here we go thank you whoa brown paper hey come on over to this side all right and now so we have this we have the paper right here and gloves on so now what do you need now you're gonna need some tools okay let's see first of all you're gonna need your quick dust oh that print dust it's the color black whoa okay next you're gonna need your brush brush look at that brush whoa so now what do I do so take your glass out of the bag okay hey [Music] now dip your brush into the dust okay just a little bit okay we got some dust do you see that now what now paint your brush on your fingerprint like a fairy dancing on the lake fairy dancing on the lake I like that you're funny okay here you go all right whoa it's showing something wow all right okay I'll take that okay next we're gonna need print winter oh print lifter so and print lifter looks like a sticker so can you hold this for me sure okay so now I'm gonna unstick this and this is really sticky and then I'm gonna put it right here whoa go oh okay and then should I peel it off gently peel it off okay okay just like that oh oh we did it wow okay let's close it up like a book and look at that wow we just pulled a print off of the glass yeah the evidence glass okay so I'll give you that and then what do we do with the glass now so the glass needs to go back into a paper bag okay so I'll go get a paper bag and here we go see perfect no okay now what now you need to seal it back with evidence okay evidence tape oh check this out and let's take it seal it up all right it's nice and sealed now what don't forget to sign it oh gotta sign it will you spell my name with me ready l i B good job all right let's put the pen back now that the evidence is all taped up and secure we need to put it in the evidence vault whoa here I go [Music] what is that hello happy hey I have some evidence for you oh okay we got the results back of those prints oh whoa look at this it's a photo of a raccoon so a raccoon ate my lunch wow that was so much fun problem solving with you it was so great finding these Clues and following the path to find the answer to the question of who stole my lunch or what stole my lunch after all it was just a silly raccoon hey I wanted to say how cool it is that I think you treat everyone really nice yeah I think it's really important that you treat everyone nice and you share because if you do that you are gonna have lots of friends just like me how I have lots of friends and you are my friend thank you very much for being my friend well hey if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is just search for my name yeah you know my name right spell it together ready bli PPI blippi that's my name alright see you soon bye-bye [Applause] did you see that I just wrote up in a police car look at what's behind me it's a police helicopter are you ready to learn about police helicopters today yeah let's go [Music] look at the helicopter it's so neat would you like to learn the parts of the helicopter with me come on [Music] come down here this this is a camera in infrared system this is where from the helicopter they can search and find suspects and then up here this is where the pilot and the co-pilot the TFO sit and the landing skids Landing skids are kind of like our feet you can land on the ground anywhere you want oh look down here this this is the PA system this is how you communicate with the ground really loud speakers listen ing yeah and right here this is a cargo compartment look I'll open it up [Music] that's where you store all the tie downs and the cover for the helicopter in one of my favorite parts this is called the night sun it's basically a spotlight so then you can point it at night and see what you're looking at whoa this is an antenna this down here is an antenna and this is an antenna this is the name the number and letters of the helicopter will you read it with me n six six eight p d will you do that again n six six eight p d great job come on whoa this is the horizontal stabilizer Fin and look there's a light right there that light on the left side is red and on the right side of the helicopter is the color green come on let's go to the other side [Music] and right here this is the tail rotor the tail rotor is what controls the helicopter's spin from going left and right whoa so this is the rear tail rotor I didn't tell you about the main rotor come on [Music] wow see up there that's where the helicopter produces all of its lift from helicopters are so cool [Music] [Music] hey this is the fuel truck in the back here there's a lot of fuel and she's gonna get out and hook the hose to the helicopter watch [Music] putting on gloves so she put on gloves so none of the chemicals in the fuel touch her bare hands oh hey there's the fuel cap [Music] it's getting nice and full [Music] now that the helicopter is full of fuel we can take it for a spin we're about to ride inside the helicopter we all wore seat belts and headsets and they even wore helmets I'm ready [Music] look what they're doing here is turning on the engine of the helicopter see see the main rotor spin whoa it's spinning so fast and there we go we we have left off [Music] [Music] flew past the Griffith Observatory [Music] [Applause] and you can't forget about the Dodgers Stadium [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Libby you want to go see the beach [Music] yeah the TFO asked me if I wanted to go to the beach so without a doubt I said yeah [Music] thank you [Music] we made it to the beach [Music] we're about to pass the Hollywood sign it was a great time flying in the LAPD helicopter there was no crime and everyone was safe [Music] wow look now we're inside the helicopter I'll tell you about what's inside the helicopter but first let me shut the door okay now that we're all locked in we need to buckle up okay one belt around my waist and two one two over my shoulders it's like a joystick this is the cyclic this is what you use to operate the helicopter in the instrument panel wow like the altitude the air speed the RPMs oh the aviation radios the Police radios what let me unbuckle to show you this look at this this screen that's where you see the camera the flear and this is how you operate it look at this controller it's so neat it's like a video game oh and last but not least binoculars these are used for suspects from far away so you can see them wow I can see so far whoa hey that's funny there's a superhero that can fly and it's here to keep please helicopter helicopter [Music] and that was shining down below [Music] [Music] please please [Music] got a bright Spotlight shining down below [Applause] [Music] watch it go [Music] whoa yeah police helicopters are used to give the officers on the ground another set of eyes also known as backup as well as help capture the suspects and so then all the citizens are nice and safe hey it's me Flippy and look at where I'm at whoa today I'm at iFly indoor skydiving in Seattle Washington this is so cool yeah indoor skydiving yeah normal skydiving is when you jump out of a plane then you pull out your parachute and go to the ground but today we get a Skydive inside yeah there's some giant fans that push air and pull air up and then you're right here and then you're flying yeah I am so excited let's go let's go go ahead and head on upstairs to the flight deck we're ready for you to fly all right let's go come on light deck viewing area oh the flight deck must be right up here whoa I am so excited [Music] whoa here it is wow this is the flight deck yeah yes where you can watch but this is the flight chamber I am so excited whoa check it out inside the flight chamber it looks like there's a lot of colorful balls and a couple toys hey I have an idea why don't we turn on the flight chamber and see what items fly in the air first come on whoa whoa whoa wait a second we need some safety gear on hey right over here we have the yellow lockers whoa yep it's this one all right we have the goggles oh they're nice and clear protects our eyes perfect then we have some earplugs put it in the ear perfect roll it and here's another ear and they're both plugged so now we can go inside and see what items fly oh check it out I have my tote right here and then I'm gonna see what items fly first it looks like we have some just normal wiffle balls a blue one and a pink one oh we have a rubber ducky Hey look and a rubber chicken all right hey look over here whoa a big basketball whoa all right let's turn it on and then we'll see what items fly do you hear that whoa the balls are starting to move okay [Music] hey I have an idea why don't I pour some of this water out and see if it floats in the air ready [Laughter] do you see them it's just hovering in the air see you later water droplets they're flying really high in the air I'll do some more oh a little bit more and then I have a secret toy [Applause] they're getting on me I'm getting wet okay check this out all right now I have this really cool squirter right over here I'm gonna suck it up [Music] all right now this is full of water are you ready whoa normally when I squirt this it squirts out really far but now [Music] [Applause] that is a lot of water that was so much fun playing with all those toys and seeing what water does when air is coming super fast from below but the point of this place is not to play with toys it's to use our bodies and fly in the airs ourselves so let's learn how to do this in the classroom whoa all right what do we do hey put me we're gonna watch a quick video teach you everything you need to know and uh awesome all right I guess we get to watch a video [Music] thank you [Music] all right blippi so now you know how to fly right yeah sounds pretty good A couple of questions okay what is this straighten your legs got it how about this one bend your legs and that's to relax a little bit got it number one rule chin up all right smooth sounds ready to go let's go get all your equipment on okay get your helmet your goggles light suit all right so I'm gonna put on all the safety gear on so then we can fly yeah all right looks like I have a lot of stuff to put on looks like I have my flight suit a helmet some goggles and some earplugs okay three two one oh check it out yeah yeah how do I look whoa I am ready five let's head to the flight chamber [Music] thank you [Music] this is a honey fly this is where we go really high [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] okay now let's let the expert go come on this is gonna be awesome whoa look at the whole machine wow it's so big okay here he goes [Music] oh [Music] look at him go foreign [Music] thank you did you see him he went up and then down and then spun around and wiggled just getting hit and wiggled he stayed nice and calm yeah he's so much fun and when I pushing against my chest and my body and when I went smaller I went down but then when I expanded I I because there's more more surface this area that was so much fun I cannot wait to do this again you did such a good job we have a flight certificate for you and we would love to have you back what is this light certificate well done thank you so much wow I just got a flight certificate because I completed a flight at iFly yeah please that was so much fun I fly indoor skydiving in Seattle Washington whoa it was so cool being able to have air push me from the bottom and make me feel what flying feels like whoa that was so much fun but the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready good job all right see you again hey it's me blippi and look at what's behind me whoa a really cool sign what does it say cart International Speedway today I'm at psychart International Speedway in Tukwila Washington hey and check out that and that what are those are go-karts today you and I are gonna learn and drive some go-karts [Music] did you see those those were Flags yep and when you're racing go-karts it's very important to listen to the flagger yeah because the go-kart engines are so loud they probably can't yell at you and through the helmet you can't hear them so you can communicate with colored Flags let's learn about them oh what color is this flag yeah that flag is the color green and this means it's the start of the race as soon as that green flag drops it's go time oh look at this flag yeah this flag is the color yellow yeah and the yellow flag when you see the flagger that means to slow down yeah do not pass that might mean that there's a little problem on the track so be very careful it means caution whoa look look at this flag wow yeah the color red just like a stop sign or a stop light it means stop immediately there might be a big problem on the track maybe a couple carts spun out and they're blocking the track yeah who knows this flag just means to stop when you see it oh another flag whoa what color flag is this yeah one of my two favorite colors this is the blue flag and when you see the flagger moving it up that means move over let others pass yeah maybe I'll be going really slow and that means if I see the blue one I'm gonna move over to let others pass yeah it's really important to be safe on the track oh look at this one Black Flag you are out of the race oh no that doesn't sound like fun yeah you might get this if you did something you shouldn't have like maybe bumped people yeah you're not supposed to bump during go-karts these aren't bumper cars they're go-karts oh yeah the white flag that means one lap remaining oh you know what this means give us some gas and go for the win and the last flag yep the black and white checkered flag that means the race is over and that you probably won yeah it's a go-kart yeah we're learning about go-karts hey let's learn the parts of a go-kart whoa this thing is so awesome hey you know what this is called yeah this is where you sit yeah and this is called a seat whoa look at what I'm holding free yeah this is the steering wheel pretty cool huh this is how you turn left and you turn right yeah just like steering a car or a Truck Yeah go-karts also have a steering wheel look at what my feet are pushing on yeah this see the red that is the brake pedal push down on that this is gonna stop the go-kart you see this one over here what color is this one yeah that's the color green and you know what green means green means go whoa check this out yeah one great thing about go-karts is they're nice and safe because they have [Music] purple you have to remember to always wear your seat belt yeah and then obviously we'll be wearing a helmet too whoa look at right here right in the center this is where you fill up the go-kart with fuel this go-kart takes gas let's open it up whoa it's nice and full in there I think it's ready to ride so hey have you ever seen the engine of a go-kart come check it out all right wow look at this let's pull off the cover whoa look at the engine of the go-kart whoa this is what creates the power the gas goes in here mixes with air and then there's a spark from a spark plug and then power is created wow what a cool machine I think it is time to ride the go-kart [Music] check out all of these go-karts I am so excited to beat the lap record whoa check them out whoa do you see all of these go-karts yeah all of these go-karts have a red number plate oh that's so cool whoa and look at all of these go-karts all of these go-karts have a black number plate whoa there's so many numbers come on look look at this number what number is this there's a one and yeah 16. yeah whoa two of the same number and both of the numbers are two two what number is that yeah 22. good job hey I I have a simple math equation for you let's see what is one plus two one plus two one two one two three number three yeah these go-karts look so much fun hey let's pick one at the front and then let's go for a ride hmm let's see how about this one all right let's hop in whoa whoa whoa not quite yet you need to be very safe while you ride a go-kart let's go pick out a helmet oh look at all of these helmets we can choose from whoa I am so excited check out this helmet yeah this helmet looks so cool it's the color green black white whoa and shiny silver whoa looks like we have one of my two favorite colors yeah a blue helmet wow this looks like a cool helmet oh look at this helmet yeah what color helmet is this the color pink I like this helmet helmets are really important to keep your head nice and safe while we're out go-karting can't forget about the color red whoa look at this [Music] and the last color helmet that we have is the color yellow yeah it's a nice color it kind of reminds me of the color of the sun huh yeah there are so many colors and helmets here hmm what color helmet would you pick oh I love that color but I need a helmet right now let's see I have an idea why don't I use some of my own safety equipment gloves yeah now I'm ready to race ah let's go yeah all right I think I am ready sit in the go-kart ooh safety first we have to wear our helmet and we need to make sure we're buckled up all right blippi you look completely ready to go the track record 23.3 you think you can beat that I've never been more ready in my life [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] that was awesome but wait a second what's my time 23.29 new track record [Applause] yeah yeah wow yes that was awesome did you see how fast we went oh I love go-karts wow this has been so much fun at psychart International Speedway in Tukwila Washington well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me [Music] flippy good job all right I see you again bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today we're at rolling robots in West Los Angeles this store is awesome come on oh check it out wow this place is all about robots and I sure do love robots oh hey here's one right here wind it up and let it go [Music] oh silly robot wow [Music] what else is in here please here's a robot it's like a brush I wonder what this one does I don't know but it's blue and gray wow oh this one looks like it cleanse oh what kind of animal does this look like yeah a crab and this one kind of looks like an insect wow pretty cool look at all the legs and here's one way over here huh this one must color pretty cool let's continue to explore whoa look at these these are all trophies check it out wow this team won this trophy because they took these robots and then completed this challenge really really quick wow good job team oh and there's some more cool things back here look at this area this area has a bunch of robots and a bunch of really cool objects check them out whoa what color are these whoa this one is the color blue and this one is the color orange two favorite colors all right time to operate some robots ready here we go [Music] foreign [Music] let's continue to explore [Music] you see these robots all of these robots were designed built and coded by kids check this out wow this is the blippi bot whoa hey Blimpy butt even my hat is on blippi and check this out the blippy bot loves to give high fives watch whoa watch this over here yeah now a double yeah [Music] whoa who are you my name is Sammy ooh Sammy nice to meet you I'm blippi what are you doing I'm working on code for my robot whoa code what does that mean code is like instructions that you give to a robot to tell it what to do wow that's pretty cool will you show me a robot that you've coded before Oh yes right over here is a robot that I built and coated with my team wow this is a really cool robot have you named this robot before no we actually haven't I don't know why well maybe you and I can think of a name for this robot after we see what it does will you show us what it does sure the robot makes stacks of Cubes did you see that oh that's so cool cool well I think we should name this stacky yeah stacky stacky the robot oh that is so cool and these blocks are so colorful well thank you Sammy for showing us check this out way back here I'll see you later okay bye see ya come back here did you see these robots I saw more robots and got excited and wanted to check them out look at it it's so cool that robots can do so many different things like this one do you see that what's that on top yeah that is a clock yeah what if you're like all the way on one side of the house you don't know what time it is yeah you program and code your robot to then go right to where you are so then you can tell the time that's so silly whoa this one check this out wow whoa this one has a little claw [Music] whoa this looks like you can probably open it up close it on something and pick something up wow whoa and look down here whoa what are these I don't know what are these I don't know just kidding these are Hollow cubes this one's a blue Hollow Cube and this one is a red Hollow Cube and kids that program these robots they program them to pick them up and move them yeah and tell these robots to help them do things yeah like these they can even tell them to put them on their eyes like glasses hello they can stack these or maybe they can tell the robot to throw them in the air in the air that's so silly oh check out this case over here see this case they told me that there's a lot of robots robot Parts in here yeah then maybe you and I can put all the parts together and build a robot this is gonna be fun here we go [Music] all of this robot stuff has been so much fun I'm excited to see what's inside whoa check it out it's a robot building coat wow how do I look yeah Team Rolling robots all right here we go now it's time to build a robot wow whoa a c channel whoa and big gears and here's the motor attached to a bunch of gears do you see that oh whoa this is the claw and we even have some nuts and bolts wow okay well I don't know where to start with this this looks pretty tricky well hey check these robots out wow look at look at this one remember it from earlier yeah it looks like an insect hello okay let's see how to do this let's turn it around turn like a circle all right here we go ready [Music] wow wow wow how do you see it wow you built up all the energy and when you let it go it walked like an insect yeah wait a second what's this robot do yeah remember yeah we talked about how it looks like it colors do you see the colors of these markers what colors are they yellow blue head yeah all right let's take off the caps oh here we go now let's put it on this white piece of paper right here and then let's turn it on whoa whoa look at it spin whoa whoa oh look at it whoa that's awesome hi oh look at your amazing artwork I know look at it wait I bought some robot for you you did what did you bring a robot a robot that can get we can battle oh but you have the first building really so if I build this robot you and I can battle our robots together yes okay watch your screwdriver oh a screwdriver and I bought you the battery oh that's the energy source for the robot okay here you are oh thank you have fun all right thanks oh here we go did you hear that so I built this robot she and I can battle our robots whoa we have the motor we have a gear oh and these look like the legs do you remember that robot from earlier that looked like an animal yeah yeah it was the robot that looked like a crab yeah so that's what we are going to build here we go [Music] we did we did a good job check it out it's a blippi robot and this one is a blippi crab robot woohoo good job good job lady oh hey bee you finished it yeah that was so much fun that's amazing so now it's a time for battling are you ready battling yeah I'm ready let's do this all right let's move this platform for us that's our Arena today okay so I have a robot okay and we're going to turn down here is a switch all right we're gonna turn on switch on look our robots are ready okay we're gonna put on each side of our platform okay last one to stay on the platform wins ready ready three two one go let's do it one more time okay all right okay oh I lost the little arm here we go oh my gosh but I can still I can still do the battle my arms are gone that's all right well you can just live without maybe without the arms maybe this time I'll win all right ready three two one go whoa your robot is so easy to follow let's try one more time okay ready three two one oh that was so much fun all right let's go continue to explore rolling robots oh hello hello hey remember Sammy from earlier yeah I think he's practicing practicing for a robot duel I think you and I should accept his Challenge and go in for a duel let's go whoa hey Sammy hi blippi all right what are we doing here we're gonna try to knock down all of these towers as quick as we can okay all right let me grab the remote are you ready yeah okay three two one go oh up yeah yeah I got one left here we go oh another one there we go whoa good job that was so much fun well thank you for having us at rolling robots all right well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search my name will you spell my name with me b-o -bo good job all right see you later bye-bye [Music] hello hey it's me blippi and look at where we're at yeah yeah we're at Santa which is in Seattle Washington and Santa stands for school of acrobatics and new yeah yeah have you ever been to a circus before [Music] circuses they are awesome and today you and I are gonna learn about some circus art foreign look at this place it is so cool in the floor that we're on pretty bouncy whoa okay the first thing I need to do is take off my shoes all right there we go let me put them right over here and now before we do anything with circus we need to stretch all right whoa it's really important to stretch so then our muscles are nice and loose so then we don't injure ourselves oh yeah there we go all right oh I stretched out my back my legs my arms now that I'm all stretched I think we should learn the rules of the circus check him out rules rules of circus yeah number one have fun that's pretty easy we love to have fun number two be safe yeah safety is really important we definitely don't want to get hurt do we no number three work hard yeah I love working hard because it's so fun to start at one point and get to another and the only way you can improve is working hard and number four be kind to each other I love being kind it's so cool that you are kind to your friends and family good job all right now it's time for some circus stuff [Music] this is awesome hey check out what I'm on yeah do you know what this is whoa yeah this is a trampoline check it out the bouncy part yeah what color is this yeah this is the color black oh and look at this [Music] a safety pad just in case if you go off the center and then you don't get hurt what color is the safety pad yeah it's the color red all right let me jump can you think of an animal that can jump real high oh yeah how about one that carries its babies in a pouch what about one that loves being the swampy areas and it makes it sound like ribbit ribbit whoa yeah dog yeah yeah jumping is so much fun [Music] did you see that was awesome how are you doing yeah that was awesome thank you so much what's your name my name is Max oh nice to meet you Max do you know how to jump on the trampoline I sure do will you show us yeah stay right here Neil right here and wait for me okay [Music] ready [Music] oh did you see that that was awesome [Music] hello hey these are called Ariel silks whoa there's I am in a green silk and Max is on a silk whoa check it out it's like I'm in a cocoon whoa yeah can you think of an insect that hangs out in a cocoon yeah they start as a normal insect then they go in a cocoon they go through metamorphosis and then they turn into a butterfly yeah I'm a caterpillar whoa look at that he's the butterfly whoa [Music] whoa check it out this is a tight wire yeah yeah this is where you can practice your balance yeah and balance is really important because yeah you might need it for things if you don't have any balance you'll just fall over whoa you see what I'm using on my hands yeah these are sticks just in case if I need a little help whoa whoa that was silly I just fell let me try it again [Music] that's tricky wow look at how good she is [Music] wow she is so good hey maybe now we can keep balancing on the balls thank you wow look at all these balls yeah this is another great way to learn how to balance whoa check it out look at this ball whoa yeah I'm balancing on my stomach whoa that's hard but hey let's count all these balls all right one two three four [Music] five six and seven do you see how this ball's in circle yeah this actually will stabilize the ball so then when I try and stand on it then it won't move around so much all right okay let's try this I am so excited whoa whoa whoa whoa it's harder than it looks whoa if this stabilizer ring wasn't here I probably wouldn't be able to do it okay let's see someone good do it thank you foreign this has been so much fun learning about all these things circus related whoa check it out wow looks like we have some really cool things like Rings whoa yeah they're so colorful hello hey looks like we have some really light scarves wow and looks like we have this wood stick whoa what is that for and a plate yeah a green plate I know what to do with this [Music] Maybe maybe I could chuck wait he's not juggling he's balancing let's try it out [Music] whoa do you see how he just spun it really fast yeah yeah all right I'm gonna put it on my fingertip whoa check it out whoa whoa whoa that's awesome all right get ready for this I'm gonna put it on my forehead and see if I can balance it ready [Music] whoa whoa that was so silly okay let's see what else we have over here remember the scarves is the color pink this one is the color orange and this one is the color yellow and you know what I like to do when I have three items yeah juggle whoa this is so cool yeah I love juggling hey speaking of juggling maybe I could take these rings and juggle the Rings first what color are these rings yeah a green circle [Music] an orange circle a red circle a yellow circle and a blue circle all right whoa [Applause] and that's awesome all right let's take three of them this is gonna be a little bit trickier here we go hey yeah a giant Circle whoa do you know what this is yeah this is a hula hoop whoa whoa check it out whoa yeah whoa whoa [Music] oh and watch this trick when you spin it backwards then it'll come back to you ready [Music] thank you whoa did you see that Max is writing a unicycle [Music] so cool yeah yeah kind of looks like a bicycle bicycle yeah but by means two yeah two wheels and tires but unicycle Yuna means one check it out all of these unicycles have one wheel and tire whoa that one and this one look at this this Frame is the color yellow [Music] wow whoa they are so hard to ride wow this one is so tall whoa how do you even get up on this I don't even know whoa okay maybe I should find one that fits me [Music] thank you how about this one this one looks perfect all right let me try and ride this unicycle okay bars next to me and so then I can hold on and when I'm learning I can learn this way and it'll help me balance whoa whoa yeah I definitely couldn't do this without holding on to These Bars yeah unicycles are actually harder to ride than bicycles than my my opinion whoa whoa whoa yeah it's probably because on a bicycle you don't have to balance forward and backward you just have to balance side to side but in unicycle whoa whoa you have to balance forward and backward whoa okay I'm gonna try it with no hands oh I almost fell let me try it I can't here I go [Music] that was awesome hey come on in here wow look at this place this is the fly room whoa and check it out see all this this is their trapeze setup it is so cool trapeze is awesome it's when people climb really high up in the air and then they swing while holding on to a bar sometimes they just fall down to the net and sometimes they grab on to other people hey speaking of the net check it out whoa that looks like a really soft Landing [Music] oh hey who are you hi I'm Caitlin oh nice to meet you Caitlin hey Caitlyn does the trapeze here and she is really good will you show us some trapeze definitely definitely [Music] [Music] [Laughter] this has been so much fun learning about circus training with you did you have fun I did too [Music] well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job [Music] wow this has been so much fun [Music] yeah [Music] come on in one let's make so much [Music] please hey it's me blippi and look at what's behind me whoa this is a snowmobile and this snowmobile belongs to my friends Magnus and Hans and today you and I are gonna learn about snowmobiles yeah [Music] foreign foreign [Music] I forgot to ask you what colors do you see on this snowmobile yeah I see the color red black White and hey look down here there's some silver hey come back here whoa look at this tree what color is this tree looks like icy green in brown and what else yeah the snow is white I love playing in the snow but it's so cold [Music] thank you whoa this snowmobile is so powerful do you know how the snowmobile gets all of its power yeah the engines [Music] whoa check that out looks like we have oh this looks like maybe the engine oil whoa that's what helps cool the engine um let's see ooh looks like the flywheel some gears oh foreign and look at this this is a front shock yeah this is part of the suspension of the snowmobile whoa and look down here this snowmobile has two skis one right here and one over there whoa that is what's on the front to help steer the snowmobile come on up to the other side [Music] whoa whoa the other engine compartment whoa looks like we have the exhaust in there you definitely don't want to touch that that is really hot oh and we have the intake and we have the engine way down in there whoa this engine is so compact with so much power all in the front of the snowmobile come to the back check this out foreign you see these big things poking up wow that helps it grip into the snow so it doesn't slip and slide yeah that's kind of like the tread on a wheel and tire but this snowmobile does not have a wheel or a tire oh come check this out all right this is the dash of the snowmobile right here this is where it tells you how fast you're going your engine temperature oh and look at right here yeah the key yeah you know what that does when you have that in then you turn it and that is how you start the snowmobile but it's not like a car where you just start it with a key you have to pull this check this out [Music] so for safety we have the brake and not for safety we have the throttle here we go [Music] this has been so much fun right in this snowmobile oh geez I sure do love the seasons don't you it's so cool how you can do fun things during the Spring and the summer and the fall and the winter yeah let's go [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] look at what we found yeah we found a river whoa this has been so much fun exploring with the snowmobiles and finding this River hey do you know what animals live in this River yeah probably some some football I definitely don't want to be a fish right now and swim in that water that water looks so cold [Music] thank you whoa check out this yellow vehicle whoa do you see something unique about it yeah check this out just like how the snowmobile has tracks yeah it doesn't have wheels and tires yeah the Jeep also has tracks it doesn't have wheels and tires as well just like the snowmobile [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that was so much fun snowmobiling at leavenworth's snowmobile tours at the Mountain Springs Lodge in Plain Washington do you like snowmobiling yeah I do too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i PPI flippy good job bye-bye [Music] [Music] thank you hello hey it's me blippi and look at where we're at yeah we're at The Funtastic playtorium in Tacoma Mall in Washington let's go hey we have fun yeah let's first thing we have to do is take off our shoes one shoe two shoes see you later check it out whoa [Music] that was fun spinning around hey a piano [Music] wasn't that awesome yeah whoa looks like we have a circle thing maybe we sit in here we can turn around and go upside down [Music] I just went upside down one time all right here we go [Applause] and last but not least let's keep spinning whoa I love spinning whoa oh I am so dizzy whoa whoa whoa [Music] check it out yeah I'm shooting these balls out of this toy gun oh go on the other side and let's see if I can hit the target [Music] whoa that was awesome I didn't hit the target but I was certainly close hey speaking of targets look right up there whoa do you see the colors of the target from the outside in there's red yellow green purple blue and red again hey do you know what the very center of the target is called [Music] that is called the bullseye whoa look at all these balls wow me all right I have an idea put them right in here and here we go [Music] oh that was so cool the air blew the balls up yeah from the bottom to the top okay I have an idea let's see how many balls I can hold oh I dropped one all right let's see the final number did you see that two just fell out so we'll start at two three four five seven eight balls wow that's a lot of balls that I was carrying in my hands all right let's see what colors they are here we go there's red purple and orange oh and you know what I can do with three balls yeah here we go whoa whoa yeah [Music] hey check it out I'm balancing on these circular things whoa wait a second what is this this is a spiky ball whoa oh yay all right I'm gonna spin it really fast okay now fast the other way [Music] okay now I'll spin it really slow ready that looks so cool here we go okay come on okay check it out I'm balancing on the cactus spines oh wow look at these oh I can barely fit in them I'm getting squished oh wow yeah these are two big orange cylinders here I come oh I did it oh okay let's continue on oh look at this it looks like a swing this is so much fun it's kind of relaxing oh have you ever been on a swing before yeah yeah like at the park in the playground yeah they're really fun see how I'm keeping my momentum by leaning forward when it goes forward forward [Music] now I'll lean backwards back forward back forward back forward that's awesome okay let's continue this way okay now I'm gonna try and jump over this spinny cylinder what colors are these first of all [Music] they are blue yellow all right here I go [Music] oh that was silly whoa hey check these out yeah you balance on them let's look at the colors whoa whoa okay all right these kind of look like targets don't they yeah okay what colors are these there's two of my favorite colors on this yeah let's start from the outside and go inward so this is the color orange yeah that what color is this yeah yellow and this Center Circle it's the color blue yeah two of my favorite colors blue and orange okay more balancing whoa whoa blue and orange balance each steps this is so cool wow more challenges I love challenges here I go I'm spinning here I go okay let's count how many times I spin on this last one ready here I go [Music] one two three yeah whoa now I'm all dizzy whoa whoa all right now it's time for me to bounce whoa whoa whoa whoa do you see how it spins it makes it really hard to stand on top okay here we go hahaha [Music] all right here I come red green [Music] yeah we have a yellow tube and a white dish gray tube whoa yeah all right come on hey look at this okay if you spin it to the right it looks like this that's actually the direction that analog clock spin this is called clockwise yeah do you see that wow and check this out whoa we're going the opposite way this is spinning it to the left see look left and this is called counterclockwise whoa here we go whoa oh here we go okay come on whoa all right let's say the colors red Gray green oh wait a second I just said green this isn't the color green what color is this [Music] yeah this is the color orange but hey look over here so silly this is the color green let's try that again ready orange green red [Music] good job whoa wow wow [Music] look at it it's like a web it's like I'm an insect and spiderweb [Laughter] silly whoa [Music] yeah good job check it out yeah what is this whoa this is a slide yeah I love slides because you start at the top and gravity helps pull you down to the bottom and depending on how steep it is will determine how fast you go as well as a lot of other things like friction and wind speed and drag and all that stuff anywho but for now I bet I'm gonna go really fast here I go three three two one whoa yeah that was awesome I love sliding down this slide it is so fast and I love learning I love jumping on the trampoline hey check it out I'm gonna jump really high whoa whoa whoa okay now I'm gonna jump really low [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh yeah this has been so much fun playing and learning yeah did you have fun yeah I did too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Laughter] [Music] hey look we're on a farm look at all the animals whoa oh look at this one this is a cow and a horse oh and a pig oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink ring ring ring okay now that we're on a farm let's see what other things we can find on the farm well we saw animals already let's go [Music] whoa bye-bye we lost the wagon [Music] whoa we found some we found a potato we must be on a potato farm today potato and what are all these a yellow hat okay oh there we go and some eyeballs gotta be able to see those are upside down okay and oh we have a red tongue nope that's the nose actually but we do have a red tongue put that right there oh it's starting to look like a potato head and green feet or shoes and pink ears [Laughter] are we missing something yeah oh look down here two white arms put one right there [Music] and one right there whoa hello okay you stay here Mr Potato Head let's go over here whoa whoa another Potato Head whoa okay oh we got a blue hat this time well I'm Optimus Prime oh no no no oh an arm with orange and blue goes on this side perfect and another one oh whoa two eyes one two put them right there oh look at that orange nose right there oh and oh look at this smile okay let's put that right here and last but not least some green shoes all right blue shoes I said they were green but these are blue [Laughter] okay see what else we can find [Music] here's another one book another Potato Head okay we have some great feet and a blue hat a police officer's hat see wow and whoa a really big beard okay and an orange nose again okay there we go oh what a cute nose and oh a couple arms let's put those up like this whoa it fell out did you see that okay let's put it right there hello okay and oh we forgot the ears oh the ears are falling out see okay and then the eyes okay it keeps falling out there we go all right now we're all finished hello hi okay here we go [Music] [Music] look at what it is whoa It's a tractor and a backhoe [Music] look [Music] it's a giant excavator oh it's so big [Music] scoop up the dirt [Music] and another Potato Head okay here it is now a blue construction hat for the excavator put that on top and a nose and an ear and another ear see oh and an arm ah another white arm okay green shoes [Music] that right there and two more things we have a smile red smile put that right there last but not least a couple eyes [Music] there we go oh okay let's keep on moving foreign [Music] look at all of these potato heads I need to sit down for this one okay look at this this one even has eyes on it already okay whoo nice little princess hat I know let's find some more princess stuff and uh nice high heels perfect right there and we already have the eyes so let's find a nose um where's a nose here's a nose a pink nose right there and we need a beautiful smile where is a beautiful smile let's see here oh here's a beautiful smile okay there she is nice and pretty and oh a really big ear oh that's too big actually a normal sized ear there we go and another normal sized ear [Music] s we're almost done we just need cute arms oh here's one this is just the hand that will look funny put it right there see short little hand here's another one high five foreign okay and there we go there is our last Potato Head whoa she's so pretty well this was so much fun finding potato heads on the farm if you want to watch more of my videos you know what to do just ask a grown-up really nicely to search for my name do you know my name yeah it's blippi let's spell it together ready bli PPI blippi good job all right see you again [Music] hey it's me blippi and today I'm at defy trampoline park in Tumwater Washington yeah did you see how I came prepared with these sticky socks [Music] yep they allow for me not to slip this is gonna be so much fun because you and I are gonna learn our ABCs yeah whoa look at this place this place is awesome hey awesome starts with the letter A yeah ooh this is really fun jumping in the air wait a second air yeah air starts with the letter A [Music] I'm bouncing in the air bounce bounce starts with the letter B yeah a b whoa whoa here we go whoa whoa did you see that that was a backflip I'll do it again back flip starts with the letter b a b [Music] check this out this is a black basketball black and basketball starts with the letter b foreign [Music] I made a basket also starts with the letter b whoa I'm getting really tired maybe I should crawl we I'm crawling hey crawl starts with the letter C a b c yeah C is the next letter huh wow hey I'm acting like a cat right now meow meow cat also starts with the letter c whoa whoa whoa look at this area over here this looks like a dodgeball area whoa looks like I have a couple opponents and the DodgeBall area dodgeball starts with the letter d dodgeball is a really fun game throw these balls at people oh okay here we go it's on looks like they are double teaming wow double team starts with the letter b whoa here's some more balls [Music] I'm dodging these balls let's get out of here [Music] wow so far we learned the letters a b c and d those are the first four letters of the alphabet what oh I was just acting like an eagle Eagle starts with the letter e can you think of another animal that starts with the letter e hmm oh I can one that's really big it's gray has a trunk and tusks [Music] elephant elephant also starts with the letter e whoa this trampoline park is so much fun hey that's our next letter f yeah fun starts with the letter f whoa all right let me fall into this foam pit foam and fall both start with the letter f oh that was fun all right I'm gonna go over here to this rock wall [Music] check this out there's a rock wall right here I'm gonna use my hands and fingers to grip these rocks hey grip starts with the letter G whoa it's like I'm a gorilla that's fun I love acting like an animal hey speaking of an animal gorillas like to hang yeah hang I'm hanging hanging starts with the letter H that has been so much fun learning all these letters with you [Music] thank you hey hey look at this this looks like a hand yeah hand hand also starts with the letter h this has been so much fun learning all of these letters with you hey let's recap so far so far we have learned a b c d e f g and H okay what's the next letter I yeah I love this place I it's getting really hot though I wish I had some ice cubes yeah those would cool me down or an igloo J is for jump yeah all right oh whoa hey another word that starts with the letter j is juggle might be hard with these Cubes but I'll try that was awesome hey let's continue on [Music] I'm acting like an animal can you tell what animal I'm acting like I'm acting like a kangaroo kangaroo starts with the letter k whoa and check this out it's like I'm flying a kite yeah kite also starts with the letter k and another word kick oh I'm kicking these foam cubes all right [Music] hey wait a second the next letter really summarizes what I think of this place L I love this place it makes me so happy here whoa do you love something maybe you love your sibling maybe you love vegetables maybe you love your parents maybe you even love ice cream thank you this has been so much fun learning the alphabet with you you okay let's recap a b c d e f g h i j k l and the next letter is M let's hit that music I love music it makes me wanna move whoa oh wow [Music] hey I want to talk to you about something really serious the grown-ups that you know told me something about you they said that you are really nice yeah that's the next letter I am so proud of you for being nice to your family and friends yeah good job be nice all right now it's time for me to jump whoa whoa whoa oh no I'm stuck I'm not able to get out of here oh no no oh all right there we go I got it oh I bet if I was an octopus I would be able to get out of there really quick because they have eight long arms or tentacles octopus starts with the letter o [Music] hey have you ever had an olive before yeah there's black olives and green olives and olive starts with the letter o ah hello hello yeah I'm a parrot yeah parrot starts with the letter p hey I just want to say thank you for being positive being positive is really important for our Earth yeah it's really nice hanging out with positive people like you positive and people both start with the letter p whoa speaking of birds one of my favorite kind of birds that's a little thing on top yeah looks like this do you know what kind of bird that is yeah it's a quail quail oh they are so cute and they actually make quiet noises yeah I'm gonna run around like whale [Music] I just ran up to you really quickly hey quickly starts with the letter Q yeah Q is such a cute letter okay let's recap all the letters that we've learned so far a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q yeah those are all the letters and we just recapped recap recap starts with the letter R yeah that's the next letter r hey and what is this whoa this looks like a ramp check it out ramp starts with the letter R come on up wow hey remember this area yeah we had some red pieces of foam and red starts with the letter R and whoa rope whoa whoa whoa that's awesome rope red and ramp all start with the letter R come over here [Music] whoa check this out you see what it is over there this looks like a swing swing starts with the letter S and that is the next letter of the alphabet okay let me sit down on this swing yeah sit all right here we go three two one whoa [Applause] oh whoa check this out this is a trampoline hey trampoline that's our next letter the letter T T is for trampoline [Applause] [Music] oh look I'm acting like the letter T right now my arms are the top of the tee my legs are the bottom of the teeth pets silly [Music] can you tell what kind of dinosaur I'm acting like a T-Rex I love T-Rex's oh I am getting very tired I should probably lay down I am so tired tired starts with the letter t okay I think it's time to keep playing come over here do you see this I'm acting like a unicorn sweet flying in the air yeah I'm a unicorn unicorn starts with the letter you I think we should recap again we've learned a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t U yeah good job all right we are almost done okay the next letter is the letter v do you hear that that's the sound of a violin violin starts with the letter V and violins are an instrument whoa such beautiful sound that is [Music] that's not a beautiful sound that's the sound of a vulture vulture also starts with the letter V okay I'll fly in the air like a vulture V is such a really cool letter hey look how I'm walking walk walk starts with the letter W I'm walking backwards whistle whistle starts with the letter w hear that yeah did you hear that my whistle you heard my whistle I'm whispering now well not now but right there that was a whisper and Whisper starts with the letter w the xylophone is another instrument a xylophone starts with the letter X yeah hey it has been so much fun playing at this trampoline park today and good thing we have been very safe because if you break a bone you have to get an x-ray have you ever had an x-ray before well x-ray starts with the letter X hey what are you way over there hello [Music] did you hear me yell at you from way over there yell starts with the letter Y and hey check out this Cube yeah this is a yellow Cube yeah yellow starts with the letter why [Music] please [Music] now I'm acting like a zebra zebras are black and white and they start with the letter z yeah Z that's the last letter of the alphabet [Music] another word that starts with the letter Z is Zip Zip means to go so fast watch this yeah did you see how I just zipped all the way down there and zipped all the way back wow this has been so much fun learning the alphabet with you well I think we should say every letter of the alphabet ready a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q R S T U V W X Y and Z good job that was so much fun learning all the letters with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me [Applause] and now you definitely know those letters all right see you again bye bye foreign
Channel: Moonbug Kids - Mysteries with Friends
Views: 6,032,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Wheels on the bus, baby john truck song, baby songs, blippi, cartoons, cartoons for kids, children songs, cocomelon, fix fix fix, for kids, friend, friends, kids cartoon, kids cartoons, kids learning, kids show, kids song, kids songs, kids tv, kids videos, learn, learning, learning show, math, moonbug kids, mysteries, mystrey, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, robot, sing along, song, songs, songs for kids, stories for kids, toddler songs, wheels on the bus
Id: mVBo4UVs8gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 56sec (8276 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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