Blippi Explores a Firefighting Helicopter | Learn Vehicles for Kids | Educational Video for Toddlers

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[Music] look at this this is a fire department helicopter toy oh and today we're at the los angeles city fire department air operations and let me tell you i have a surprise for you [Music] look at this whoa this is a real fire department helicopter i am so excited to learn about fire department helicopters today with you are you ready let's go [Music] okay now let's check out the inside of the fire department helicopter come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have to open up the door whoa do you see in here this yeah is the cab of the helicopter come in here whoa there's so many cool things in here first let me show you the cockpit whoa look up there there's so many cool instruments gadgets radios whoa [Music] [Applause] okay for now i'll show you the cab there's a lot of seats in here see i'm gonna go to this one whoa hey the seat has a seat belt i'm gonna put it on all right buckle up [Music] you see i'm in this seat and there's another seat there's another seat let's count them one two three four and there's actually another seat in the back yeah five you're sitting on it that's funny whoa look at this look at this giant backpack there's a bunch of medical supplies in here whoa this is what they take down to the ground to help people whoa look at this light it's the color blue and it's shining on my face so these light lights are really dim so then from there you can use your mvgs your night vision goggles and see at night so it doesn't blind you whoa this is a headset wow you put it on your ears and then has a microphone right here but i have to plug it in first check this out get ready listen [Music] whoa can you hear me i sound funny i'm talking through the microphone right now whoa flying in a helicopter okay i'll i'll show you more of that later but for now look at this this whoa it's a med deck i can pull it out it's nice and flat keeps the spine of the patient nice and flat okay kind of put it back in here okay there we go wow it was so cool seeing the inside of the cap of the helicopter whoa so many cool things this is our hook for our rescue hoist oh a hook on the rescue wait wait a second who are you i'm pilot sharif what do you do well today i'm the hoist operator on our air ambulance at the lafd air operations oh that's cool wait what's in your hand this is called a pendant it's what controls our hook we can lower or raise it with this controller here whoa this is the controller of the hoist wow can you show me all of this that's an action i sure can would you like to try our hot seat this is how we rescue people who really aren't hurt on the ground in a hot a hot seat i wonder what a hot seat is well our hot seat looks like a jacket go ahead and put your helmet on okay and you already have safety glasses on so yeah look i'm wearing a white helmet this works just like a jacket and it's a simple harness that allows us to bring you up into the helicopter safely without falling through okay so this is a harness that if i'm on the ground you hoist down or someone hoists down to come save me right that's right and they'll help you put this on just like this okay they'll connect you to the hook once you get down on the ground okay we'll lower the hook down to you and then we'll connect it whoa you're ready let me bring you up okay i'm ready here we go well thank you so much for showing me this oh you're welcome all right it's nice to meet you blippi nice to meet you too wow this is so much fun hey wait hey wait a second come back i'm stuck hey hello hey [Music] hey look at me i'm riding inside the cockpit while the tug tugs the helicopter [Music] uh [Music] wow this is so cool [Music] that was awesome riding the helicopter okay just to let you know helicopters are at airports and also airplanes are at airports and if there's ever a problem at an airport they have a big truck called a foam truck oh hey look there's a foam truck right over there do you see it [Applause] yeah okay so what foam trucks do are they spray foam and water out the front just in case if there's ever anything at the airport like a fire so what we're gonna do is show you it's rain water out of the current see there's the first turret that's so powerful are you ready for the second turn all right here we that go one turret and there's two turrets wow look at all the water [Music] [Music] so what they're doing now is landing so then they can fill up the helicopter with water watch [Music] so now what they're gonna do is fly around and jump all the water [Music] oh did you see that there's so much water that came out of that helicopter [Music] looks like he's ready wow look at how high they are in the air [Music] where is he going whoa look at him dangling from the helicopter wow hello [Music] hey one of them is wearing the color blue and the other is wearing the color orange my two favorite colors [Music] remember that that's the hot seat okay here he goes whoa that looks fun oh wow he just got hoisted all the way up into the sky in the helicopter [Music] shut the door [Music] now it's time to learn the exterior parts of the helicopter wow what a big machine oh hey up here this is the cockpit this is where the pilot and the co-pilot sit so then they fly the helicopter wow and back here this is the cab yeah this is where all the passengers sit and this helicopter is so big that 14 people can be in sight here 14. that is so many people whoa oh look at this this is a spotlight ready [Music] yeah also known as the night sun this is used to shine so then anyone can everyone can see everything at night whoa so bright and back here these this is a water tank and you fill it up right here grab the hose then this fills up with water and then from there you fly over things and you pour water on things like fires so then you can save people wow what a cool machine let's see what else there is come on whoa look down there wait a second what's this doing here huh you know how some helicopters have landing skids this helicopter has wheels and tires wow that is so interesting cool whoa wait a second you've seen this before right yeah this is a number yeah one two three the number three wow oh let's open this up whoa check it out [Music] that's a cargo compartment it's pretty dark in there come on oh hey los angeles fire department huh they're pretty cool [Music] wow this is a horizontal stabilizer fin it keeps the helicopter stable whoa look up there that's the tail rotor it's so high up there and this it looks pretty big but in reality that's the smaller rotor but this one the main rotor come here it is so big do you see it up there whoa this main rotor has five blades one two three four five good job whoa it's so high up there oh anyways i was just trying to touch it whoa look at this the exhaust all the exhaust from the jet engine gets pushed out of there wait a second i just said jet engine yeah look whoa that's the jet engine there's two of them on this helicopter one on this side and one on the other this is where it produces all of its power and one of the places that it uses its power is the transmission whoa that is so cool looking up there oh hey look at this you see right here this is where you refuel the helicopter we won't mess with that okay let's see what else we have here check out my sweet dance moves okay anyways look at this this is the hoist whoa it goes down yeah about 300 feet roughly that is so much so then it can save people by going thanks so much for learning about the exterior parts of the helicopter with me [Music] yeehaw now it's time for the fire fighting helicopter song [Music] it can fight forest fires from the sky it can stop those flames from getting too high it can save the trees save your home it can even save your life it's a fire fighting helicopter fighting fires from above the ground a fire fighting helicopter on a mission to put those fires out lots of water when it flies lakes and rivers are its water supply it hovers above the burning flames it drops water from the sky it's a fire fighting helicopter fighting fires from above the ground a fire fighting helicopter on a mission to put those fires out machines it's red and white for the fire fighting lion day [Music] [Music] helicopter on a mission to put those [Music] it's a fire fighting helicopter [Music] it's a fire fighting helicopter [Music] it's a fire fighting helicopter [Music] that was so awesome learning about this fire department helicopter with you well sorry to say but this is the end of this video so sure i'll see you around bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and look at what's behind me whoa a blue and yellow airplane yeah did you see how i was acting like an airplane i sure do love airplanes but hey today i'm at the museum of flight in seattle washington and today you and i are going to learn about airplanes let's go oh hello welcome to blippi airlines where are you heading today wow that sounds like a great destination is it for business or pleasure awesome all right uh let's see you are all checked in do you have a bag okay perfect oh thank you okay let's put the bag on the scale all right looks like you're within the limitation so let me put this on the conveyor belt okay well have a great flight but wait a second that sounds like so much fun do you mind if i come perfect all right there we go now i have a ticket too okay let me come around i am so excited for our trip together hey we have to go through security all right oh did you hear that oh that means i must have something i shouldn't have on me oh i know what it is it's just my cell phone all right i'll put that there come on all right here we go perfect let's go look at the airplane oh look at the fuselage the cabin and look at the tail up there whoa this is gonna be such a fun flight all right let me put your bag down right here there you go back whoa look at this yeah a fuel truck whoa check it out fuel all right let's grab the hose and let's make sure that the airplane has a lot of fuel here we go let's connect it oh perfect it's full all right here we go okay now that the aircraft has a lot of fuel now we can buckle up [Music] okay first let's put on our seat belt there we go okay now we'll listen first instructions for the flight thank you for choosing blippi airlines please mind the isles and be sure to find the nearest emergency exit buckle your seat belt and make sure it's nice and tight and in case you need an air mask it will come down from above all right now that we got the safety briefing and passengers are seated now i think i should fly the airplane whoa check it out wow so many cool gauges and instruments all right here we go whoa check it out see this airplane it's so big yeah i am way smaller than this airplane and do you see what these are yeah these are called wings most airplanes have two wings that go from the side but not all of them some have more whoa and look at this see the main body of the airplane is called the fuselage wow this airplane is actually used to put people inside and transport them from one location to the other location just like say a car or a boat or a bicycle but way quicker but hey remember how i said this airplane is so big here come follow me and i have another airplane for you and it is not very big [Music] remember how i said that plane is really big check this one out yeah this plane is small well it's smaller compared to that plane but i'm sure there's smaller airplanes than that one but hey what colors do you see on it yeah red white and blue yeah oh and what shape is that oh yeah that looks like a star whoa this plane looks like it goes so fast whoa whoa check it out this engine actually goes to an aircraft yeah but there's no outside casing around it whoa it is so big look how big it is compared to me [Music] and do you see everything in there there's so many hoses and tubes and oh geez so the air goes in right here gets compressed fire these tires are so big and there's actually two tires right there yeah we're at the front of the aircraft so let's head to the back of the aircraft and see how many tires are back here whoa do you see them wow there's so many more tires back here wow this plane must be really heavy yeah that's probably why they have so many tires whoa and look how big this wing is if it was raining i definitely would not get wet whoa check out this airplane it looks like it goes really fast hey what color of airplane is it yeah you're right it's blue with a little bit of yellow good job whoa look at how big that airplane is whoa do you see the colors of it yeah it's white red and gray let's go find some more colors whoa look at this airplane do you see something different with it yeah there's two wings over here and there's two on the other side yeah so it has two sets of wings that's really cool but hey we're here to learn the color of it what color is this airplane yeah you're right you said green good job [Music] all the people they look like ants when we're up with the birds on the airplane the wings keep us clouded we're on top of the world [Music] [Music] fly fly we're going way up high on the airplane in the sky we're going to fly oh yeah [Music] get your passport get your luggage too we're going on an adventure where your seat belt feel the plane taken off and take in the view [Music] [Applause] [Music] fly fly we're going way up high on the airplane in the sky we're going to fly yeah [Music] we're going to fly [Music] wow that was so much fun learning about airplanes with you today at the museum of flight in seattle washington do you like airplanes yeah i do too they're so cool how high they fly in the sky real real and how they're small airplanes and big airplanes wow well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b-l-i p-p-i flippy good job all right see you again bye-bye [Music] [Applause] oh did you see that i just rode up in a police car look at what's behind me it's a police helicopter are you ready to learn about police helicopters today yeah let's go [Music] whoa look at the helicopter it's so neat would you like to learn the parts of the helicopter with me come on [Music] come down here this this is a camera in infrared system this is where from the helicopter they can search and find suspects and then up here this is where the pilot and the co-pilot the tfo sit and the landing skids landing skids are kind of like our feet you can land on the ground anywhere you want look down here this this is the pa system this is how you communicate with the ground really loud speakers listen and right here this is a cargo compartment look i'll open it up [Music] that's where you store all the tie downs and the cover for the helicopter in one of my favorite parts this is called the night sun it's basically a spotlight so then you can point it at night and see what you're looking at whoa this is an antenna this down here is an antenna and this is an antenna whoa this is the name the number and letters of the helicopter will you read it with me n 6 6 8 p d will you do that again n 6 6 8 p d great job come on whoo this is the horizontal stabilizer fin and look there's a light right there that light on the left side is red and on the right side of the helicopter is the color green come on let's go to the other side and right here this is the tail rotor the tail rotor is what controls the helicopter's spin from going left and right so this is the rear tail rotor i didn't tell you about the main rotor come on [Music] wow see up there that's where the helicopter produces all of its lift from helicopters are so cool [Music] hey this is the fuel truck in the back here there's a lot of fuel and she's gonna get out and hook the hose to the helicopter watch oh she's putting on gloves so she put on gloves so none of the chemicals in the fuel touch her bare hands oh hey there's the fuel cap [Music] it's getting nice and full [Music] now that the helicopter is full of fuel we can take it for a spin we're about to ride inside the helicopter we all wore seat belts and headsets and they even wore helmets i'm ready [Music] what they're doing here is turning on the engine of the helicopter see see the main rotor spin whoa it's spinning so fast [Music] and there we go we have left off [Music] it's downtown los angeles wow look at those tall buildings we're really high in the sky look we're higher than the buildings we even flew past the griffith observatory [Music] [Applause] and you can't forget about the dodgers stadium [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want to go see the beach the tfo asked me if i wanted to go to the beach so without a doubt i said yeah [Music] we made it to the beach [Music] and look we're about to pass the hollywood sign look it was a great time flying in the lapd helicopter there was no crime and everyone was safe wow look now we're inside the helicopter i'll tell you about what's inside the helicopter but first let me shut the door okay now that we're all locked in we need to buckle up okay one belt around my waist and two one two over my shoulders whoa look it's like a joystick this is the cyclic this is what you use to operate the helicopter in the instrument panel wow like the altitude the air speeds the rpms oh the aviation radios the police radios wow oh hey let me unbuckle to show you this look at this this screen that's where you see the camera the flear and this is how you operate it look at this controller it's so neat it's like a video game oh and last but not least binoculars these are used for suspects from far away so you can see them wow i can see so far whoa hey that's night and funny there's a superhero that can fly and it's here to keep us it's a police helicopter [Music] [Music] he's got [Music] it's super fast chasing criminals from the air [Music] a police [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch it go watch it go hey my name's blippi and look at what's behind me wow it's an airplane and today i'm at kenmore air and you and i are gonna learn about airplanes wait a second come here this is no normal airplane yeah this is a seaplane and seaplanes can land and take off from the water [Music] wow [Music] check it out the seaplane just landed in the water and now it's getting towed up this ramp to this forklift up here so then it can be hauled off and worked on [Music] [Music] whoa what a beautiful seaplane let's learn the exterior parts of the seaplane come on [Music] whoa hey up here that is the cockpit in the main body that is the fuselage and back here that is the empanada [Music] check it out come up here oh come to the front [Music] whoa now that is a big engine it looks like it has nine cylinders whoa and do you see this that is the propeller it spins around in a circle really fast whoa and down here this is the exhaust whoa check this out yeah seaplanes are really unique because they have these these are floats one on each side and that is what allows the airplane to land on water perfect and floats actually have cargo compartments check it out [Music] whoa you can put all sorts of things in there like the fish you caught some baggage like luggage or even if it's really cold like up in alaska you can even put coolant anti-freeze in there so then the water doesn't freeze around it [Music] we have some steps oh hey and do you see these things look these yeah cables these cables are attached they run all over the place and then they go in the cockpit and when the pilot pushes the foot pedals it moves this this rudder one on this side and one on the other side over there it moves it left and right so then you can spear the airplane while it's in the water whoa hey look look over here [Music] it looks like there's a paddle connected let's take it out whoa whoa see this paddle what it's used for [Music] is when you turn off the airplane you can paddle get nice and close to the shore or wherever you're going whoa seaplanes are so cool oh hey look at what's above me yeah just like a normal plane it has a giant wing one on each side oh and back here it has a horizontal stabilizer pin and a vertical stabilizer fin wow we cannot forget about the color look at how beautiful this aircraft is do you know what colors these are yeah it looks like red white and blue whoa look at the seaplane they have some big floats and powerful [Music] [Applause] [Music] propellers whoa hey look a giant hanger let's go check it out this hanger is the maintenance hanger this is where they maintain all of the seaplanes so big in here and the floor it's so smooth and shiny hey i know what that's good for dancing [Music] wow whoa check it out a seaplane and the seaplane's engine is exposed look wow yeah that looks like a really powerful engine oh hey and look floats oh i bet this seaplane can fly really fast really far and land on nice smooth water check it out there's so many cool things in this hanger like this no parts of an airplane wow there's so many of them oh i wonder what all these parts are hey we know what these are yeah these are the rudders whoa another seaplane but this seaplane oh look at it do you see something wrong [Music] yeah yeah wait a second there's no engine i bet this seaplane does not go far does not go fast and it does not go on water oh hey look yep every maintenance shop has to have a bicycle whoa whoa that is a nice bicycle i don't know whose it is but it's sure cool whoa speaking of cool look at this seaplane this seaplane has a motor and floats and a cockpit door wow it looks like it's ready to fly whoa whoa whoa whoa look right here a big red tool chest wow look there's so many tools oh geez there's so many i don't even know all of them look over here two giant floats these are called rivets there's so many of them i bet there's hundreds wait no i bet there's thousands that's silly look a bunch of bolts wow there's so many kinds of bolts wow and they're nice and organized that's really convenient how organized they are okay let's see what else is around here [Music] more parts of a bunch of seaplanes whoa i don't know if these are the flaps or the ailerons or the horizontal stabilizer fins i have no idea but they're so cool check this out another seaplane but hey they're all at different stages and this one it has a motor whoa that is so big and so powerful look inside oh but there's no propeller but look at the exterior there's no wings and there's no paint it's all sanded i bet they're redoing it to their liking i hope they pick two colors my two favorite colors to paint it can you guess my two favorite colors yep blue and orange good job let's keep it exploring [Applause] hello [Music] that's a maintenance person more floats whoa and another engine so interesting wow look over here it's so cool looking well this maintenance shop was sure fun to check out [Music] what simon is doing is fueling the aircraft this aircraft uses jet a fuel just like in the car you gotta put fuel in the engine [Music] now let's take a flight from the seaplane let's start on the water and then go up in the air let's enter from the back of the airplane okay be careful [Music] it's so roomy in here there's so many seats i'm gonna go in the cockpit [Music] oh here we go oh hey what's your name joe and this is our pilot nice to meet you this is gonna be fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look it's the seattle space needle [Music] [Applause] we did it we were up in the air and now we're back down on the water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was so much fun hey i have an idea why don't we learn some more about seaplanes [Music] whoa [Applause] hey what are you doing way out here come on let's learn the interior parts of the seaplane okay first you have to open the door so then you can go inside here we go come on whoa it's so roomy in here whoa there's so much room it's like you can dance [Music] check out back here [Music] wow this is a cargo area look oh hello hello you can put a lot of luggage back here [Music] and there's also a fire extinguisher oh and there's some uh motion sickness stuff we won't need that today oh a med kit so many cool things let's look up front wow oh there's so many seats oh it's like i could sit in this one or i could sit in this one hey or this one hello back there oh all right consider this one or i could sit up in this one come on [Music] wow this seat is for the pilot oh look at the yoke whoa whoa this is how you steer and fly the seaplane there's so many gauges and instruments wow there's so many of them oh but here's one right here that i know what to do with hello hello do you copy this is pilot blippi we want to take off from the water and go up in the air do you copy yeah all right thank you very much okay we have permission to go flying it can float on water and fly in the sky it's a sea plane a sea plane out on the ocean in the clouds so high it's a sea plane a sea plane it's a little airplane with propellers and wings and a float on the bottom so on water it doesn't sink whoa sea plane flying all around seaplane landing on water and the ground it flies to the places other planes can't reach like tiny little islands way far out to sea whoa sea plane flying all around seaplane landing on water and the ground [Music] take a seaplane when you're on vacation and fly to amazing destinations in a seaplane a sea plane it can float on water and fly in the sky it's a sea plane a sea plane out on [Music] sea plane landing on water and the growling on water and the ground it's a sea plane a sea plane it's a c plane a c plane look a duck ducks are like the seaplanes of the bird kingdom they can fly in the air and land on the water [Music] hello [Music] we're back at the mechanic shop there's so many cool things oh look over here [Music] whoa what's your name hi i'm maddie this is maddie and what do you do here i'm the seaplane mechanic oh a seaplane mechanic and what she was just doing was changing the spark plugs and what did you find but the engine was bad oh no [Music] hello seaplanes are so cool because they can land and take off from the water and go way up in the air special thanks to kenmore air for making this video possible well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i ppi flippy good job [Music] see you soon bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Blippi - Kids TV Shows Full Episodes
Views: 5,735,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Nursery Rhymes, kids songs, toddlers, children, kids, preschool, learn colors, learn shapes, learn numbers, tractors, fire trucks, learning, learn, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, kids learning videos, wash your hands, home school, online school, 123, abc, kids video, baby videos, kids cartoon, videos for kids, education, children learning, Baby Songs, toddler songs, babies, moonbug, kids tv, bus, animals, vehicles, videos for toddlers
Id: LR3rCanjHko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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