Blippi Drives in the Blippi Mobile! | Blippi | Educational Kids Videos | Moonbug Kids

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so much to learn about it'll make you wanna shout with me [Music] it's me flippy wow what an amazing day it is it's so sunny but hey I don't know what I should do today I have an idea [Music] oh look at this that's a blippi mobile wow I sure have a lot of fun exploring with my blippi mobile don't I wait a second I have something fun for you foreign [Music] wow I love my flippy Mobile isn't it great yeah I have an idea why don't you and I take the bloody mobile for a spin and explore yeah [Music] yeah wow I sure do love my blippi mobile hey you want to see some of the parts whoa all right let me hop out whoa first of all check out these wheels and tires aren't they Massive Tires yeah there's no tread on them but that doesn't stop me from going off-road and look at my wheels yeah there's the color orange one of my two favorite colors yeah you know what my other favorite color is yeah blue whoa yeah that's why it's blue and orange oh and look at this yeah this is the blippi mobiles windshield yeah just like how you might have a windshield on your vehicle at home yeah yeah I do as well it keeps from all the bugs from getting in my face while I'm going super fast all right whoa and speaking of going super fast every time I'm driving the blip removal I make sure I buckle up first things first Safety First yeah hey have you seen that my blippi mobile has attachments [Music] like a rocket booster whoa whoa so cool it allows me to go places anywhere and everywhere oh and look at those wow spider legs yeah it makes me able to crawl and go around go on top of rocks go around things oh and look at those yeah Wings whoa they look like beautiful butterfly wings don't they whoa so then I can fly when I'm using the blippi mobile wow I do love my blippi mobile well shall we keep exploring let's go foreign [Music] yeah this is so much fun whoa did you see this drawing of the blippi mobile yeah you saw the two wheels and tires on this side and the other side has wheels and tires for four total oh and the big bubble the windshield oh and the blue and orange stripes on the back oh hey I have an idea why don't you and I paint the blippi mobile I sure do love crafts all right let's see here if we open this one up ah there we go yeah there's some black in here I know the Can is orange but there's black paint in here so let's uh give it a little swirl and what is black on the blippi mobile do you see anything yeah the big off-road tires yeah all right here we go oh it's gonna get messy all right there we go oh cool there we go [Music] wow good job those are some big tires all right let's see what do we have here oh yeah musical instruments just kidding yeah spray paint all right hey before I use any spray paint I'm gonna wear a respirator yeah a mask all right here we go yeah and only adults should use spray paint okay here we go let's start with the orange here we go let's see what part is orange looks like a little bit of the chairs are orange [Music] and the two stripes okay here we go [Music] there we go there's my chair all right and then that stripe and that stripe [Music] whoa this is looking really good okay all we need now oh wait a second yeah you're right the wheels are also orange can't put the orange away now [Music] whoa this is looking really great good job okay let's put this one away all right and now for some blue all right let's see what's blue on it well the rest of it's blue I'm not gonna color this though yeah because that is the windshield all right I'll start with the bottom right down here [Music] just a little bit left [Music] oh wow we did such a great job the blippi mobile looks amazing I sure do love crafts and art [Music] [Music] whoa cool check it out look at this house whoa It's really white you know what it looks like it looks like the White House yeah the White House is where the president of the United States lives whoa what a cool looking house I sure do love exploring with you shall we keep exploring yeah let's go whoa [Music] check it out yeah the party station wow this store is a place where you can buy party supplies yeah like balloons whoa streamers confetti whoa you also might be able to get a cake in there yum I love cake and party invitations so you can invite all your friends yeah cool store all right here we go [Music] around here yeah we know what this place is yeah it says Adventure City yeah I've been there before that is a very fun amusement park in California yeah they have some roller coasters slides and even some games here we go [Music] wow hasn't this been so much fun exploring with the blippi mobile yeah it sure has been me oh do you see that whoa it looks like a train why don't we park the blippi mobile right here yeah come back later but in the meantime take a ride on a train yeah All Aboard I'm ready [Music] thank you [Music] that was amazing thank you so much wow I sure do love trains wow it was great being able to sightsee oh yeah speaking of sightseeing yeah the flippy mobile let me hop back in so then we can keep exploring gotta buckle up [Music] all right here we go [Music] real is so fast yeah yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] what are these yeah I know what these are these are safety cones whoa and I love the color orange wow one of my two favorite colors whoa safety cones are used yeah to place on the ground like that to let people know that there's something around here yeah just so you don't hit it or you could also place a few of them yeah like that and then you can make an obstacle course check it out yeah you can weave between them hey I have an idea yeah why don't we place all of these cones out in a straight line and weave with the blippi mobile between them yeah hey let's count them first one two three four five six cones all right let's gather them up foreign [Music] I have an idea will you count them with me one [Music] two [Music] three four five [Music] [Applause] six six cones good job counting with me all right first you need to buckle up all right here we go ready three two one whoa yeah whoa we got it oh no whoa apparently oh no oh we missed it whoa whoa watch out cone oh no whoa did you see that yeah we got some of them but we didn't get all of them hey I have an idea why don't we head back to the starting line and then space them out a little bit more and maybe that will help let's try it again whoa [Music] foreign [Music] yeah oh we're doing it oh this is a close one oh whoa yeah we did it good job that was awesome yeah off-road capabilities wow isn't the blippi mobile awesome yeah I sure did have a lot of fun learning with you today yeah wasn't it fun going through the obstacle course swerving between those cones yeah and exploring and learning about the blippi mobile well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job see you soon bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi oh and look at where I'm at today I'm at Moxie in Santa Barbara California and this place is so much fun has a lot of cool science things in there yeah today you and I will learn a lot about some colors oh blue and orange and other great colors too and other fun things we can see with our eyes whoa like light cool this is gonna be so much fun let's go let's go [Music] this is The Innovation Workshop Innovation means when you take something old and you make it new or you make it way better this is gonna be so much fun I wonder what we're gonna make let's go okay who are you my name is Kevin oh nice to meet you welcome to the Innovation Workshop thanks for having me I'm blippi and what are we gonna do here well we're gonna design and build our own LED flashlight LED flashlight I love flashlights cool they allow you to see at night right yeah cool all right do you have one mate yeah this one's made already let me show you I'm gonna turn it on whoa cool can I check it out go for it whoa look look really small and it doesn't really look like a normal flashlight but I can definitely peek in the little cracks and crevices cool well how do we make one of these well first let's take a piece of wood sit down here all right and you got a piece of wood right there okay yeah and we're gonna take some of this conductive tape oh it's shiny yeah and we're gonna put a piece of it on each side of the wood okay so this tape is metal it's got conductive material in it like metal okay all right and so you got one side done yep and then do the other side too okay put one on the other side just like the first side there you go I got one on that side on that side great yours looks just like mine now let's take a battery okay here's one right here a battery little battery and we're gonna clip it to one side of our flashlight okay all right here's a clip a little clip okay now that's the fun part we gotta pick an LED a little light bulb and we've got all these colors whoa cool they're really small looks like they have red oh I could pick from a yellow one oh a blue one whoa a white one four a green one maybe I'll do the green today I think I'm gonna do red all right so now we're gonna take these little wires coming out of the light bulb stick it over the tape okay oh so it has to touch the conductive tape exactly all right mine's not turning on yet though is yours turning on no it's not it's not working so here's the last step we've got to flip these clips down oh that makes sense to complete the circuit to complete the circuit right check it out you got it yeah wow that was awesome thank you so much for teaching us how to make an LED flashlight thanks for building with me all right well I should keep exploring cool have fun out there see ya see ya whoa what is this whoa it looks like a white Cube stacked on top of other white cubes whoa and look at this looks like someone was here before me oh I have an idea why don't I try and make them connect all right how about like this yeah whoa all right there we go now maybe I can put another Cube yeah cube is just a bunch of squares you see yeah see a square and a square and a square and a square and a square and a square and you put a bunch of squares together and it makes a cube six sides to a cube all right there we go whoa we did it whoa whoa looks like someone made a really cool Tower oh no no well it was really cool well how about we rebuild it and make a new tower all right let's start with some squares like this blue square and this red square and this green square I don't see another big one but if you connect them look at that now it's a triangle whoa wow Square triangle whoa pretty cool all right let's flip it up all right now maybe we can put some things on the top some triangles whoa and then if they were really big you can put them all together and then it would have a roof all right what colors do we have orange oh we have green we have red oh we have purple wow so colorful oh look at this one yeah the color yellow whoa Hello whoa all right I'll lay these flat now someone else can build their own colorful fort oh so pretty and colorful whoa oh what does this one look like oh this one is also very colorful how many colors do you see in there I don't know but there's a lot all right whoa let's see looks like another one whoa there's even circles in there do you see all those little teeny circles wow it's not colorful in there oh here's one more whoa look at that oh cool that's awesome 996 997 998 999 . whoa cool this place is awesome whoa look at this whoa it looks like a steering wheel whoa like a steering wheel on a vessel like we're sailing in the ocean oh do you see that yeah when you spin this spins but when you stop it that stops alright let's spin it to the right oh now that's spinning to the right let's spin it to the left whoa now that's spinning to the left wow and did you notice how colorful that is yeah and sometimes when you mix colors depending on the color it makes a new color like say if you mix blue and yellow yeah when you mix them it makes green whoa whoa yeah all right let's keep exploring whoa whoa speaking of colors this wall is so colorful whoa looks like we have some green lights some red some pink oh and some orange what does it say I heart Moxie Museum of exploration and Innovation that's where we're at all right you see when I pull this out it doesn't light up but when you put it in it does light up it's because there's some light behind here and then the light bounces off the edges in the sides and then it comes out the end whoa there you go whoa look it looks like me wow see my orange glasses oh and my bow tie oh hello blippi all right let's use a paintbrush really big um let's use some green oh look at this yeah yeah I can draw with my finger whoa wow so great oh what about a spray can let's do red there we go whoa yeah this is looking really good oh wait a second why don't we make me a body all right there we go all right and then an arm another arm a leg and a leg there we go there's a hand there's another hand there's my foot there's my other foot whoa oh and my hat all right last but not least the orange on my hat oh whoa here we go how does that look really good all right wow yeah this you can actually draw on it yeah let's see let's test it out here we go okay yeah some spray paint okay let's actually uh make a red background actually you know what let's erase that whoa do you see it up there whoa this is so cool all right how about let's spell blippi yeah you know how to spell blippi right all right let's get a blue and what here we go ready and watch up there at the same time here we go b l i p p i blippi whoa good job all right this is so much fun are you having fun whoa cool wow what a cool glow yeah yeah a globe or a sphere is a circle but three-dimensional says my name wow wasn't this so much fun today learning about science yeah learned about some colors and yeah light things that we can see with our eyes whoa well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready hold on b-l-i-p-p-i flip flip good job all right all right see you again bye thank you foreign did you see how I was acting like an airplane we sure do love airplanes but hey today I'm at the Museum of Flight in Seattle Washington and today you and I are gonna learn about airplanes yeah let's go [Music] oh hello welcome to blippi Airlines where are you heading today wow that sounds like a great destination is it for business or pleasure awesome all right uh let's see you are all checked in do you have a bag okay perfect oh thank you okay let's put the bag on the scale all right looks like you're within the limitation so let me put this on the conveyor belt okay well have a great flight but wait a second that sounds like it's so much fun do you mind if I come all right now I have a ticket too okay let me come around I am so excited for our trip together hey we have to go through security all right oh did you hear that oh that means I must have something I shouldn't have on me oh I know what it is it's just my cell phone all right I'll put that there come on all right here we go perfect let's go [Music] wow look at the airplane oh look at the fuselage it's the cabin look at the tail up there whoa this is gonna be such a fun flight all right let me put your bag down right here there you go back whoa look at this yeah a few truck Whoa check it out fuel all right let's grab the hose and let's make sure that the airplane has a lot of fuel here we go let's connect it oh perfect it's full all right here we go okay now that the aircraft has a lot of fuel now we can buckle up okay let's put on our seat belt there we go okay now we'll listen first instructions for the flight [Music] nearest emergency exit buckle your seat belts and make sure it's nice and tight and get an air mask it will come down from above all right now that we got the safety briefing and passengers are seated now I think I should fly the airplane oh check it out wow so many cool gauges and instruments all right here we go yeah whoa check it out see this airplane it's so big yeah I am way smaller than this airplane and do you see what these are yeah these are called Wings most airplanes have two wings that go from the side but not all of them some have more whoa and look at this see the main body of the airplane is called the fuselage wow this airplane is actually used to put people inside and transport them from one location to the other location just like say a car or a boat or a bicycle but way quicker but hey remember how I said this airplane is so big here come follow me and I have another airplane for you and it is not very big [Music] remember how I said that plane is really big check one out oh yeah yeah this plane is well it's smaller compared to that plane but I'm sure there's smaller airplanes than that one but hey what do you see on it red white ew yeah oh and what shape is that oh yeah that looks like a star whoa this plane looks like it goes so fast whoa whoa check it out this engine actually goes to an aircraft yeah but there's no outside casing around it whoa it is so big look how big it is compared to me and do you see everything in there there's so many hoses and tubes and oh geez so the air goes in right here gets compressed fire and then boom wow these tires are so big and there's actually two tires right there yeah we're at the front of the aircraft so let's head to the back of the aircraft and see how many tires are back here whoa do you see him there's so many more tires back here wow this plane must be really heavy yeah that's probably why they have so many tires whoa and look how big this Wing is if it was raining I definitely would not get wet whoa check out this airplane it looks like it goes really fast hey what color of airplane is it yeah you're yeah you're blue a little bit of yellow yellow good job whoa look at how big that airplane is whoa do you see the colors of it yeah it's white red and gray let's go find some more colors whoa look at this airplane do you see something different with it yeah there's two Wings over here and there's two on the other side yeah so it has two sets of wings that's really cool but hey we're here to learn the color of it what color is this airplane [Music] yeah you're right said green job [Music] all the people they look like ants when we're off with the birds on the airplane the wings keep us gliding we're on top of the world I worry an engine and look out on the wings the sky and we're gonna soar right through the clouds gonna fly fly fly we're going way up high on the airplane in the sky we're going to fly [Music] [Music] your passport get your log into we're going on on adventure what you're seeing about if you're the plane taking off and take in The View [Music] without worrying and you'd better look out on the wing we're gonna fly fly fly fly to we can touch the sky we're gonna survive through the clouds we're gonna fly fly fly we're going way up high on the airplane in the sky we're going to fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah yeah [Music] we're going to fly [Music] wow that was so much fun learning about airplanes with you today at the Museum a fight in Seattle Washington do you like airplanes I do too they're so cool how high they fly in the sky and how they're small airplanes and big airplanes wow well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me bli TPI good job all right see you again bye-bye whoa hey it's me and today we are here at the Royal Air Force Museum in London England yeah I am so excited because you and I get to learn about Blaze whoa lanes are awesome yeah they're things that people have built so you can fly in the sky hey can you think of something else that flies in the sky hmm the herbs these planes are so cool because they let people fly just like birds today we get to see some really awesome planes come on let's take a closer look [Music] check it out this plane is so big it's called the short Sutherland mr5 wow and check it out it has massive propellers yeah two on each Wing two on one wing and two on the other Wing two and two means four propellers what what not so many whoa and this plane is really big yeah yeah it's 30 feet tall [Music] and 85 feet long okay and it has a wingspan of 112 feet and do you notice anything interesting about this plane hmm yeah it's the bottom of the plane it looks kind of like a boom Boot and do you notice the windows [Music] yeah the windows are circles and maybe you've seen those on a boat or a submarine before yeah do you know what that is that's because this is a seaplane yeah and there are two kinds of sea planes there are balloon planes and flying boats yeah a float plane is just a regular plane with floaties on the bottom but a flying boat is a boat on the bottom yeah wow whoa it's made of metal so Musical that is awesome it's really important that the short Sutherland mr5 is a flying boat because it was built a long time ago yeah and it would fly really far distances across the Atlantic Ocean yeah and there weren't a lot of places for it to land on the land so it could just land in the water this is so awesome hey let's go take a look inside come on [Music] thank you [Music] whoa that was awesome let's keep exploring [Music] oh [Music] it's a helicopter whoa a rescue helicopter hello whoa this is fun driving the helicopter [Laughter] whoa this is really cool whoa it's so bright and yellow yeah look at it it's a real life rescue helicopter yeah [Music] it is so cool and so bright so yeah it's color yellow yeah and it's really important that it's a bright color like yellow so if you need rescuing you can see it hello whoa and check it out this looks familiar it looks like the same kinds of floaties on a seaplane this is in case it needs to land it can float in the water wow you see up there look it's a really big propeller oh yeah a propeller on a rescue helicopter is so strong and so fast so it can go through any kinds of weather if it's really windy [Music] or really rainy it'll be able to make it through the storm [Music] and what's this there's a duck hello Mr duck hello blippi Hi how are you today oh I'm doing just fine just being a duck well it's nice to see you bye-bye so silly whoa no way it's the cockpit of the helicopter yeah and you see there's a window that window is really important because the pilot can look out and make sure the rescue is going great whoa and look over here come on [Music] look at it the most important part of a helicopter rescue mission yeah this is the winch whoa yeah the winch is what someone would clip onto yeah so they could drop down from the helicopter and save someone yeah they just grab on tight and whoa up they go back into the helicopter whoa once they were inside there would be a doctor and maybe a snack so they would be nice and safe wow look at it there's beds and lots of seats and floaty devices whoa helicopters are awesome free free [Music] look at where we are we're inside of a hangar yeah a hanger is a place where they store all kinds of jets and airplanes whoa and look at this jet let's go look at the cockpit come on [Music] check it out this is awesome this jet is called the tornado whoa and it goes really fast yeah look at it this right here is the cockpit that's the place where the pilot sits to steer the plane whoa look at it there's another seat right behind the pilot yeah that's where the Navigator sits and he makes sure that you're going in the right direction whoa it's so big and so cool hey and look here has really big wings whoa huh and it looks like the wings can open up yeah they open up so the plane can do different things when they're really open really wide it helps the plane be nice and stable to land but if this jet wants to go really really fast they close up Zoom away and that's really helpful because the tornado likes to fly low yeah really low sometimes as low as a tree well we better go see some more Jets [Music] there are so many planes and jets here in the hangar yeah whoa and look at the back of a tornado whoa this is where the jet engines are yeah look this one doesn't have an engine in it right now oh look this one does oh hello so shiny yeah these Jets can go so fast let's go see if we can find some more I think this is another jet yeah this Jet right here is called a Buccaneer yeah Buccaneer do you know why it's called that I wonder why well I bet it's called that because these planes take off from aircraft carriers do you know what an aircraft carrier is yeah they're really big boats that store lots of planes and you see this wing yeah look the wing they fold yeah they fold just like your arm can fold or a piece of paper yeah they fold so you can fit lots of plain tight together on an aircraft carrier yeah and look it has really big wheels and tires kind of like a car but that helps the plane land nice and safe and roll smoothly down the runway whoa so big I think I see another plane come on oh check it out wow this plane is awesome yeah wow do you see the plane hanging above me yeah it's called a Harrier yeah a Harrier whoa It's also called a jump plane hmm a jump plane I like to jump will you jump with me okay let's jump like a jump plane whoa whoa that was really fun jumping together do you know why it's called a jump plane yeah that's because it has really powerful engines that can change direction yeah instead of going out at the back of the airplane they can go under the airplane and it can take off straight up like a helicopter whoa that's pretty cool hey I think I see one last plane that we should look at come on [Music] do you see it do you see another plane hmm I see one too it's enormous it's gigantic it's the Hercules oh look at it it has a really big nose that's what the front of a jet or plane is called the nose yeah this one has a really big nose look it's the color black Hercules planes are so cool because they're so big they're so big that they can even transport and carry people and vehicles that's really big This Plane can carry cars and trucks what foreign wow these jets are so cool we should keep exploring come on [Applause] so much fun riding in the cockpit of a plane uh but this plane looks a little small hey why don't you and I try to find a real cockpit in a really big plane run let's keep exploring [Music] thank you [Music] whoa look at what I'm wearing this is an actual flight jacket yeah this is what a pilot would wear if they were flying in an airplane yeah [Music] and check it out come on it's one of my favorite airplanes it's a Spitfire yeah yeah oh look and there's a person let's go say hello hi I'm blippi what's your name hi I'm Chris oh it's nice to meet you Chris whoa could you tell me a little bit about this airplane yeah this is a Spitfire this is one of the most beautiful aircraft we have here whoa I love this Spitfire it's so cool and it's camouflage whoa is it green and gray on the top and bottom yeah it's a little bit blue on the on the on the bottom oh that's so cool I bet that's so that you're on the ground you can't see it in the sky that's right whoa blending in uh Chris would it be okay if I got in the Spitfire okay no way we get to sit in the cockpit of a real life Spitfire yeah okay let's go [Music] okay here we go check it out I'm in the cockpit of a Spitfire yeah this is so cool whoa Chris what are all these buttons and controls yeah there's so many buttons are in there yeah so they tell you like how fast you're going or how much fuel you have or even where you're going whoa that's so cool looks like there's all these different dials and levers and buttons oh and is this the steering wheel yeah it's called a spade grip it looks a bit like a small wheel whoa speed grip and does that turn the plane left and right yeah that makes it go up and down if you want to go left and right you have to press those pedals at the bottom whoa check it out yeah there are pedals so you can move the plane left and right with your feet whoa hey and what's this with my left hand it's not what's that what do you think it is well it says oh I see what that says throttle so that makes it go faster whoa faster and slowly wow this is so cool oh and what's this over here do whoa it looks like it's connected to to Wheels why does it need Wheels yeah so if you're in the air you can pull the lever and the wheels go up whoa that is so cool I feel like I'm ready to be a planet well thanks so much for teaching me about the Spitfire Chris you're welcome enjoy the flight I'll see you soon whoa I feel like a real life pilot [Music] it's a flight simulator we've seen so many cool planes and now we get to feel what it's like to fly in one yeah and this simulator simulates or makes it feel like they're really ultra low flights so you're in a plane really low to the ground and we're gonna be exploring the country whales okay let's go inside foreign [Music] whoa that was awesome whoa I had so much fun with you today here at the Royal Air Force Museum in London England we got to see airplanes and jets and Rescue helicopters even got to sit in the cockpit of a Spitfire plane yeah well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey will you spell my name with me [Music] okay I hippie good job well I'll see you soon bye bye hey it's me blippi did you see what I was just doing I was acting like a dinosaur that's so silly yeah and today we're at Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History in Santa Barbara California and I have a great idea why don't you and I go inside and see if we can find some dinosaurs yeah let's go do do do do do do do do do do do wow I'm having a lot of fun look at this prehistoric Forest wow prehistoric yeah that was a really long time ago and actually at a point of prehistoric times there was dinosaurs I love dinosaurs do you love dinosaurs yeah did you hear that yeah that was a dinosaur roaring oh [Music] what is this wow looks like a really colorful book I wonder what's inside whoa all right wow there's a letter a message it says find these five dinosaurs in the prehistoric Forest right now whoa then choose your favorite Dino and color it whoa cool all right looks like we have to find these dinosaurs whoa cool there's three dinosaurs oh four and five all right let's find all five of these dinosaurs and then we'll color one this is gonna be so much fun yeah [Music] thank you [Music] oh did you hear that yeah this dinosaur just roared so cool do you know what kind of dinosaur this is hmm it does have plates on its back huh I wonder if it's in this book all right is it this dinosaur no let's see oh what about this one definitely not could be this one close but that's not it huh what about that one no is it this one yeah you could tell by all those plates oh I know what kind of dinosaur this is It's a Stegosaurus yeah I could tell because the plates on its back every stegosaurus have at least 17 plates yeah or more so cool and they actually are herbivores that means they eat plants I like eating plants too yeah like lettuce or like salad and spinach yum so healthy okay hey we should probably check this box off so we can keep track of what dinosaurs we find all right made a little X right there wow perfect oh cool all right let's keep exploring and see what other dinosaurs we can find yeah see ya [Music] please do not touch or feed the dinosaurs okay I definitely won't touch or feed the dinosaurs whoa check it out another dinosaur whoa do you know what kind of dinosaur this is well it looks like it has some horns oh there's a baby right there hello hey all right let's see if we can find the dinosaur in the book is it this dinosaur oh you're right all right we need to mark it off right here yeah you know what kind of dinosaur that is yeah it's a Triceratops do you know how we know yeah come here I'll show you wow all right do you see the horns yeah let's count them together one two three three horns yeah its name is Triceratops try t-r-i try means three yeah so this is a triceratops wow good job well let's keep exploring and see what other kind of dinosaurs we can find yeah [Music] thank you foreign [Music] check it out another dinosaur wow this dinosaur looks so cool well hey let's see if this dinosaur is in our book whoa hey dinosaur all right okay well it's not this one yeah because this one's the Triceratops remember yeah all right what about one of these two is it this one definitely not what about this one oh yeah yeah it does look like this one good job we found another dinosaur all right let's check it off put a little X right there wow awesome well this dinosaur does look really cool but I don't know the name of this dinosaur huh I wonder what kind of dinosaur this is oh hey hi I'm Jenna I'm the Director of Education wow that's cool so that means you know a lot about dinosaurs I do know a lot about dinosaurs wow well my friends and I were just trying to think of this dinosaur's name do you know its name I do this is an eoplacephalus eoplocephalus that's hard to say wow do you know any cool facts about this dinosaur I know a lot of cool facts about this dinosaur wow it's covered in armor from its head all the way down to its tail it's got spikes on its back horns on its head and even a club tail oh yeah the club tail oh in the spikes and the horns wow and the really thick armor skin why does this dinosaur have all of that yeah this dinosaur has all of those features to protect it from predators whoa that's really cool well thank you so much for teaching us the name of this dinosaur and some fun facts is there any other dinosaurs that you could show us oh absolutely all right let's go [Music] wow another dinosaur yeah whoa this is a really cool looking dinosaur well should we check to see if it's in the book let's check all right all right let's see oh well it's not this dinosaur we already found that dinosaur oh is it this dinosaur no okay we found that one let's see what about this dinosaur oh yeah oh good job thanks so much for helping us find this dinosaur all right let's check it off there we go wow that's awesome well what kind of dinosaur is this this is a parasaurolophus Parasaurolophus whoa that's a hard name to say and what's that thing on its head is that a horde it's actually not a horn oh it's actually a sinus sinus like it connects to the nose it connects to its nose wow why do they have that well they use it almost like a trombone they suck in air and then they blow it out as a really loud deep sound I know what a trombone is cool whoa and look at its mouth it's really wide yeah so it can hold hundreds of teeth oh really like really strong big sharp massive teeth well actually more of a lot of little teeth oh that's cool what does it eat with its teeth it eats lots and lots of plants a lot of plants wow really and do they then grow in and then stay there forever well no they're constantly losing their teeth kind of like little kids do and then new teeth grow in and they eat more plants wow that is really cool thank you so much for teaching us about these two dinosaurs you're welcome Lippy I've got more dinosaur things to do today all right see you later thank you so much wow that was really nice of her all right so we found four dinosaurs but we need to find five dinosaurs so there must be one more dinosaur around here another dinosaur wow this dinosaur looks so big and Furious all right let's see if this dinosaur is in our book all right it's not that one okay is it this one [Music] it's our last dinosaur good job all right let's check it off there we go whoa all right hey do you know what kind of dinosaur this is yeah it's a T-Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex so big and fierce but cute teeny little arms whoa and do you see its teeth yeah they are very big and very sharp yeah and they're actually shaped like a banana oh wow T-Rexes are so cool because their jaws are so strong they're actually the most strongest jawed dinosaur that we know of wow and actually what we think now the juveniles the teenagers of T-Rexes actually might have had some feathers wow T-Rexes are so cool all right now let's go pick a dinosaur and color it in this is gonna be fun [Music] wow wasn't that so much fun learning about those five dinosaurs wow they were all so big and it was cool to learn about what they eat whoa and their teeth all right left side which dinosaur we should all right let's see the Triceratops from one of these two huh let's see how about I'm supposed to pick my favorite dinosaur out of these five the T-Rex is pretty cool but I don't know if I can pick my favorite because they're all so cool well hey why don't we color the stegosaurus so then we can color the plates all different colors wow all right first let's take the green one oh here you go stegosaurus oh nice green plate oh how about red whoa there you go whoa this is gonna be a very colorful stegosaurus yeah I used orange one of my two favorite colors oh we'll use my second other favorite color yeah blue there we go oh so colorful yeah do you remember what stegosauruses eat plants because they're herbivores how about pink there you go yeah pink and let's do the last plate as purple whoa look at that now that is a colorful stegosaurus all right last but not least a green scribble there we go oh hey I have an idea why don't we take green and draw a plant right here yeah like it's eating oh there you go kind of hard to see wow what a great stegosaurus very colorful they didn't look like this back then but it still looks really cool [Music] that was so much fun learning about dinosaurs with you I sure do love dinosaurs what magnificent creatures they were well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me yeah b-l-i-p-p-i flippy good job all right well I'm gonna keep this book right here so then the next person that comes here they can color one of their favorite dinosaurs yeah all right see you later bye-bye [Music] oh hey it's me Blimpy and look where am I whoa today I'm at Triple Play Family Fun Park in Hayden Idaho and this place has a lot of fun things shall we go have some fun yeah come on [Music] whoa cool a dinosaur whoa whoa cool yeah looks like a dinosaur hey I heard about you are you Stanley whoa nice to meet you Stanley I'm blippi and I I heard that you know a lot about the Family Fun Park here will you show me around yeah let's go [Music] whoa what a cool place Stanley is this Raptor Reef cool yeah this is where everyone comes to swim whoa do you like Raptor Reef yeah I bet you do you seem to have a lot of fun here hey I have a couple questions for you yeah whoa so are you a velociraptor yeah you are so cool do you love hanging out here yeah well I love hanging out here too it's so cool and it's so colorful hey I have an idea will you dance with me yeah here we go oh this is so cool good dancing well I'm Gonna Keep exploring maybe I'll see you later if not thank you so much all right see you later oh check it out yeah this is the wave pool yeah there's some mechanical things back there and that go up and down up and down and it makes them waves oh whoa what's this huh looks like a bunch of random things looks like there's a shiny cup oh a pale yeah for making sand castles whoa oh hello hey it's me blippi cool ooh look at this whoa a blue ball one of my two favorite colors cool it looks like there's a lot of other fun things in here I have no idea why they're here but pretty cool come on [Music] do you see those yeah there's two Raptors up there it looks like they're playing should we go say hi come on whoa look at this wow it looks like the end of a water slide yeah a yellow water slide so cool oh whoa look the Raptors whoa Raptors are so cool yeah do you see their claws whoa they're so sharp whoa looks like they're playing they're saying hey do you want to play the other one's like yeah yeah whoa and check out the feet right here whoa yeah do you see the big claws on the feet yeah come check it out whoa cool all right hey I have an idea since we're at a pool and we saw all those items earlier yeah remember all those random items yeah why don't we play sink or float yeah this is gonna be fun let's go [Applause] whoa whoa this is gonna be so much fun but first did you see how I was walking yeah anytime you're next to a pool you always want to walk you never run all right now it's time for sink or float yeah all right well let's do the blue ball first I bet you and I know what this is gonna do yeah it's really light all right here we go yeah it floats all right what about this pink pan it's like I'm making some eggs for breakfast all right see you later pan oh yeah it floats as well all right let's see whoa cool look a rhinoceros whoa rhinoceros is so cool yeah do you see that [Applause] corn on its nose all right rhinoceros let's see if it sinks or floats floats as well all right let's see here oh hey look a little spoon yeah a spoon is a utensil so then you can eat your food with utensil and not your hands sink or float bye-bye it sinks whoa that was our first item that sinks all right let's see here whoa so many cool items whoa look at this oh oh I could have used this with that Skillet yeah that pan yeah because this is a spatula so then I could have grabbed the eggs and put it on a plate but it's really heavy I bet I know what this is gonna do this sort of sinks all right we'll see here whoa all right check these out these look like bath toys whoa yeah an orange one looks like an octopus oh and it looks like a sea turtle wow octopuses and sea turtles live in the ocean all right see you later sea turtle yeah it floats and I bet you this is gonna do the same because it's a bath toy yeah it floats as well all right let's see here whoa another animal yeah do you know what this is yeah this is a cheetah wow do you see how it's running yeah cheetahs are super duper fast cheetahs can run about 70 miles an hour now that is fast that's as fast as you drive on a freeway all right let's see you cheetah go in the water super fast oh whoa that China toy whoa yeah some beach toys Wow have you ever been to the beach yeah it's so fun just putting your feet in the sand here in the waves wow yeah seeing the Surfers cool yeah these are beach toys because you could put sand in here and then make sand castles out of them all right here we go sink or float oh wow yeah all those toys float all right what else do we have in here oh cool yeah tennis balls looks like we have a green blue and orange tennis ball well should we see if they sink or float yeah but first whoa yeah those tennis balls oh hey oh all right let's see Stanley is this Stanley oh hello Stanley yeah looks like a Stanley toy all right Stanley is a velociraptor as you know yeah he's a very Fierce dinosaur but he's also very nice all right Stanley we're gonna see if you sink or float yeah Stanley floats looks like we have a few things left so shall I throw it all in yeah oh I can't forget this and this oh all right three two one yeah wow [Music] that was so much fun seeing what items sink and what items I sure do love having fun with you and learning with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for money for my name will you spell my name with me blippi good job all right see you later bye-bye [Music] Miss fire truck is so fast hey it's me blippi and today we are here at the Caton Children's Museum in Santa Monica California I am so excited because we get to learn about all kinds of things this is gonna be so much fun come on there are so many fun things to explore let's go [Music] whoa look at it you know what it is it looks like a garden it's really fun to play in let's go inside [Music] look there are so many different blocks and colors yeah we have a blue cube and a red rectangle and we have a green Cube whoa and they're so squishy soft it's a tunnel I'm gonna go through the tunnel see you on the other side that was a really small tunnel do you know what kind of animal this is likes to go yeah this oh this is a cow hello it's so cute oh look at what it is you know what that is yeah it's a giant rescue helicopter I think you and I should go inside and whoa look at this place so cool whoa and this is the cockpit yeah inside this helicopter there are all different controls of the helicopter we have different levers and gears that tell you how fast you're going and if you have enough fuel whoa and they're all types of switches on the ceiling okay whoa I wonder what this button does whoa whoa and look there are also a lot of really colorful lights that tell you what's going on we have a really bright white light and a green light and a red light well it's time to take off okay [Music] that was so much fun riding in this helicopter let's keep exploring [Music] giant fire truck uh-oh but it looks like it's missing part of its wheel maybe we can find the other side and there are so many cool lovers yeah vehicles are amazing helicopters are kind of like fire trucks because they have different gauges buttons that help control it and move really fast hey I love the horn on a fire truck let's go inside and see if it works [Music] I'm driving the fire truck make sure you buckle up okay here we go [Music] whoa that horn was really loud let's see what else there is oh whoa look at this it's a rescue boat [Music] this rescue boat is on some really Rocky waves whoa whoa and so much fun and it's squishy whoa the waves are going so fast and they're so huge oh whoa the water is nice and cool yeah because it's made out of a ball pit this is so amazing I really am having so much fun playing with you today hey and look at this [Music] it looks kind of like a really big picture frame yeah it's a big Square hmm and it has some pulleys and a steering wheel when I move this steering wheel whoa moves up and it makes bubbles Let's see we can make the biggest bubble with this giant bubble blower whoa we did it that was an amazing bubble but it popped because that's what bubbles do they get really big and then oh my God this is so cool it looks like mountains oceans and there's a little shark oh [Applause] this shark is having a really fun time going through the ocean it's so fast whoa it did a big jump whoa whoa and look at this this is really cool it's a submarine [Music] and it has its propeller that helps it move really fast underwater and it looks like it has a scuba diver driving it whoa I think it's gonna swim with the shark too look at this see when I press this big button something really amazing and really wet is going to happen are you ready keep your eye over here and your eye over here here we go I'm gonna press the button on the count of three one two me did you see it oh now let's press them really fast uh oh looks like they don't like to be pressed really fast there are so many cool things to explore with water [Music] there's so many boats so look at all of the boats there's so many yeah we have one two green boats and we have one two purple boats we have well we have one two three orange boats these are so cool and if you have an orange boat and a blue boat you have blippi boats [Applause] [Music] this is so cool just all these different water wheels and water whoa and looks like we can take this little Island and move it all around bye-bye octopus hey do you know what kind of animal this is yeah this right here it's a sea turtle and it's so cute whoa hey look I think I can get on the inside hello [Music] whoa there's water all around me [Music] this is a really silly crab so many animals whoa but I think there's a really cool wall that we should go explore let's go see what it is look at it this is a magnetic wall yeah it's a giant wall That's magnetic which means squares like this and have little magnets will stick to the wall so if you take the square and you put it on the wall no hands and sometimes the magnets are so strong you can throw it and it stays by itself whoa and you can make all kinds of cool shapes and pictures so let's see if we can make a picture move some of these out of the way start with a really big orange Square and we'll put it right there next let's grab two more orange squares [Music] color should I use next hmm we already used orange so let's use blue okay now we're gonna go with one two blue triangles and let's grab two blue squares we're almost done but I think we should make two let's use an orange and we'll use a blue one too yeah it's a blippi magnetic Castle King blippi [Music] so silly whoa and did you know what this is yeah look at it this right here yeah it's a gear whoa we gotta go yeah and when you take a gear and you put one gear next to another gear when you turn this one the other gear will turn two [Music] and now the really fun part when you take one gear connect it to another gear you have two gears moving but if you connect those two gears took all the gears then they all moved together teamwork is really fun especially if you're a gear whoa are you ready let's use a lot of teamwork with the gears whoa look at the go they're all moving together but I'm only touching this one right here see they're moving and helping each other out oh super fast this is so much fun this place is amazing and look above us it looks like there's a tunnel in the ceiling I have had so much fun but I think you and I should go up into the tunnel yeah okay here we go laughs [Music] whoa It's really tricky moving through these nets hey I think it looks like there's a window over by the Water Area Hey look it's a window hello and it looks like the water area is a giant spinner whoa that's so silly huh yeah so cool because when we were down there it just looked like some islands and some oceans and some water but because we have a different perspective Yeah a different perspective that means a different way of seeing it or a different way of looking at it yeah we see with our different perspective that it actually is a giant spinner whoa this is so cool foreign [Music] we crossed over the yellow bridge and now we're all the way on the other side okay [Music] this is so cool it's a giant purple triangle yeah cause look the triangle I three sides one two three hello hi there blippi my name is the amazing Andres ooh nice to meet you Andres whoa are you juggling oh yeah I am juggling all right Andres is really good at juggling are you too kind flippy you know it's actually not that hard to juggle three balls it just takes a lot to practice oh and practice great things start off with one ball like so see Catching it good and then when I'm ready I'll go too and then when I feel really good I'll throw in a third ball there we go that is amazing well Andres that is so cool but what else do you do here oh I do all kinds of fun stuff I get to spend most of my time coming up with really cool ways for people to have fun here at this Museum well that's really good because we want to have lots of fun too well is there anything fun that we could do you know I got something perfect for you you like to make art yeah I love making art hey maybe we could make an art project I'm so excited got just the thing come over here we'll go to the Art Crawl room okay okay I think I want to step in here first thank you Andres all right all right here we go [Music] whoa look at where I am we're inside of an art studio oh this place is so cool and look at all the things that are here we have all kinds of different a paint where we can paint it really beautiful pictures and make really cool artwork we have some pink paint and a lot of colors actually some black black and we have some green and it's got some confetti in it whoa and looks like we have a lot of other colors hmm we have [Music] this paint is gold and it's really shiny maybe we can think of something really beautiful to paint with this gold paint but first we need something to use as a paintbrush oh hey look I have a brush and some paint and we just need to think about what should we paint well you can start with something really easy Maybe make a goal Mighty face one eye two eyes and a really big smile oh he's so happy we can paint all over this room let's see how much we can cover and paint okay I'm gonna paint all over the room it's gonna be so fun okay I think I'm gonna need two rollers and a lot of paint let's go thank you [Music] okay now let's do it with some pink paint okay eating is so fun especially when you can paint all over the place and get a little messy but just make sure when you're painting It's Paper you're painting on and not the actual walls I like to paint on the paper but not on the actual wall [Music] this was so much fun painting with you [Music] it was so much fun playing with you here at the Caton Children's Museum in Santa Monica California well that's the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name hey can you spell my name with me okay here we go good job well I'll see you real soon bye-bye [Music] hey it's me blippi and today I'm at Discovery cube in Los Angeles California and I am so excited to show you around but first I have someone really special to introduce to you hey poopy everyone this is Mika and she's my best friend oh blippi you're my best friend oh no Mika you're my best friend I'm so excited to go in and explore a discovery Cube yeah let's go [Music] whoa crazy what are you doing Mika I'm being an airplane oh me too I'm acting like a big plane that carries passengers [Music] now I'll be a jet that goes super fast [Music] yeah I love planes oh check it out wow we can make paper airplanes cool oh shall we yeah all right okay let's start with blank white pieces of paper [Music] I don't know probably yours we'll have to race them you're really good at this type of stuff Mika oh thanks blippi yeah I love making paper airplanes whoa just warming it up yours looks so good right and I am almost done whoa does it look good I think your plane's gonna go really far really check it out wow all right shall we go see whose plane is more aerodynamic come on whoa cool launch pad and look at these Rings wow maybe this launch pad will launch our paper airplanes and we can make it through the Rings oh okay all right three two one go yeah [Music] let's do that again wow yeah do you want to switch launch pads sure okay I'm gonna see if mine can go through the Big Orange Circle okay I'm gonna aim for that Circle too okay ready yep three two one [Music] [Laughter] yeah should we go over there yeah it looks like we can put some things on our arms and and act like airplanes together yeah here comes the wind whoa [Music] [Music] oh it's a lot harder to stand up with these on yeah I think the wind was catching it it was and it was pushing us back a little bit yeah that was awesome yeah [Music] whoa check it out we're at the competition Zone yeah he built our own cars and we could raise each other yeah who you think's gonna win I don't know I guess we have to see I'm guessing you're gonna win Mika you're really good you never know you're pretty fast all right okay so the first step we need to choose a chassis or a base yeah okay what base are you gonna use let's see well a blue base with an orange stripe yeah kind of like my blue shirt with an orange suspender that is a great choice with me what about you Mika I really like this one with the two different color blue see a light blue and a dark blue stripe in the middle whoa cool I like that all right now for the top She's a Body for your car top a body cool you have a car I like this blue one oh cool you're gonna go all blue huh yeah oh and then this yeah the body I will do an orange card with a blue stripe yeah the opposite of the bottom so cool all right really nice together oh thanks looks like we connect them like this huh oh cool magnetics do they stick really well together yeah and what does every car need well yeah all right let's pick out some wheels and tires right here okay yeah yeah it looks like we need four of them probably the same number that your car has yeah okay here we go all right check it out yeah they're ready to race oh Mika looks like we can add some weight to make it heavier remove Weight make it lighter wow I wonder if that will help should we try um sure I'll try a really small one what are you gonna try hmm I'll try one okay two all right I guess oh a scale okay let's see mine weighs 101.7 grams wow all right what about yours let's find out [Music] 106.5 even though my car is way bigger yeah all right shall we yeah let's race her wow check it out this is the race track [Music] hey in the car really well oh yeah wow all right here we go wow all right now we're at the start of the race track so let's get our cars ready and here's the launcher we have to pull it back can you want to come down with us yeah yeah three two one go whoa whoa that was awesome who won I don't know I think maybe Mine by just a second oh yeah Lane one that's me four point one lane two three point seven two wow shall we try it again okay wait since your car won do you mind if I try taking this weight off oh yeah let's see if that helps all right all right and I'll keep mine on let's see if anything changes okay ready to count down three two one whoa oh okay oh thanks Mika wow here's another race track shall we try this one out yeah this one really cool there's turns wow do you want to go first sure thanks [Music] yeah three go wow look at it go [Applause] so fast whoa last Corner whoa yeah that was awesome Mika wow 12.96 seconds that's right now it's your turn what here we go are you ready yep hey three two one go yeah yeah oh look at it go that's really cool yeah keep coming yeah just a little bit more okay whoa [Applause] 18.22 oh Mika you totally beat me so wait I don't know might be the cool looking blue car [Music] hey one okay who can I borrow it sure no wait all right and I'll have one wait [Music] here we go yeah three two one go yeah yeah go blue car go blue car go blue cars that was awesome wow so fast all right try it out ready three two one go go yeah oh yeah it made it whoa whoa that was awesome shall we keep exploring yeah [Music] whoa did you see that yeah it went all the way up to the ceiling and it made a circle it really yeah so cool whoa whoa smoke it's kind of cold yeah it's colder over here yeah shall we try and get in okay all right okay it's gone now oh check it out some windmills they're so so long yeah and they're spinning because wind is blowing into them it's really cool Wind Blows through the propeller type of thing it harnesses the end yeah it's really good for the Earth yeah speaking of Earth yeah there's a lot of rocks around the earth and this is a fake rock wall yeah have you ever tried one no you want to yes yeah all right okay let's see active very healthy for you whoa wow cool all right I'll follow you all right should we go that way sure all right [Music] [Music] yeah and look a red scarf oh and I have a blue and orange one tied together blippi these are your favorite colors oh yeah you're right oh and look a yellow one do we have more colors purple one oh my God you love purple I really did one of my favorite colors yeah it's the same color as their shirt and oh last Halloween check this out when you push these buttons a lot of wind comes from here all the way up any wind in mind we'll try again yeah all right yeah now you know what to do yep here we go [Music] [Music] all right wow the wind is so powerful whoa yeah and these scarves are so light and they just fly up in the air yep whoa whoa all right there we go three [Music] two one go yeah that was awesome wow a wind machine oh I want to try it have you ever been inside one huh oh well it gets really windy all right okay all right baby take these whoa what's this [Music] laughs [Music] get ready foreign that was amazing yeah that was awesome yep I sure do love learning with you Mika we did so many cool things yeah we learned about some science and some history yeah we raced cars and we raced airplanes wow what a fun time yeah well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me good job wait a second see you later bye [Music] oh hey it's me blippi and today I'm at Chase Field this giant building it's a baseball stadium and this is the Diamondback stadium and today you and I are gonna learn about baseball come on [Music] I am so excited wow wow whoa hey check it out this is The Dugout this is where players hang out before it's their turn you have to wait your turn let's clean off our shoes okay come on look at this place [Music] so beautiful whoa and look up top whoa do you see the roof one side is closed and one side is open they can close it if they want shade and they can open it if they want Sun pretty cool [Music] look at this this is a giant camera hello hello this camera is used to be able to see all the players really far away the players in the Outfield The Outfield whoa look at how far away it is oh and then the infield whoa that's a lot of cool dirt and over here [Music] this is the batting Circle this is where the players warm up and back [Music] whoa hey who are you hi blippi hey I'm Luis Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez do you play baseball I used to play baseball now I win baseball he win baseball will you teach me some tips and tricks sure let's go okay come on [Music] okay back to the dugout whoa pretty cool well blippi to play baseball you need a bat ooh a bat check it out it's pretty cool and a helmet oh a helmet sweet all right a ball ooh a baseball wow and a glove oh and a glove pretty cool now what now let's go to the sand lot so you can play baseball all right let's go foreign [Music] [Music] what is this place [Music] well blippi this is our sand lot this is where we're gonna teach you how to hit ooh this is The Sandlot he said it's a small version of the baseball field and I'm gonna learn how to hit okay you ready yep cool what do I do here this is a tea okay a t now you grip the bat okay no not that way blippi okay this way oh put your hands together all right and now [Music] check it out we put a ball on the T okay for you to hit okay here we go whoa okay let me try again look put the helmet back on keep your eye on the ball blippi okay eye on the ball [Applause] so much fun thank you looks like you're ready to play catch now oh catch okay all right oh yeah the mitt the glove okay uh let's take this off and let's put this on no blippi the glove goes on your hand oh the glove goes on my hand okay go out there okay you ready ready okay what did I do wrong you have to try to catch the ball in your glove oh the ball goes in the glove okay all right let's try again ready yep nice oh yeah I did it oh that was awesome thank you so much for teaching me blippi looks like you're ready for the big leagues oh the big leagues what does that mean where do I go to The Big Field let's go to the cage and get ready all right let's go oh what is this thing hey blippi this is the pitching machine oh the pitching machine what does it do it teaches you how to bat oh teaches you how to bat how does it work you put the ball in the machine whoa what's cool will you do it again sure when you put the ball right here these spinny things throw it out really fast and then what do I do you gotta go hit okay [Music] all right I'm ready okay blippi here we go good job [Music] [Music] yeah that's like a whole run [Music] yeah you got a hold of that one [Music] whoa did you see that I missed it oh what'd I do wrong you gotta keep your eye on the ball [Music] yeah I did it whoa that was awesome great job blippi yeah thanks so much you're ready for the big leagues oh all right now what now it's time for cleanup clean up clean up clean up clean up come on that sounds fun I hit so many baseballs okay it's really important to be nice and organized stay clean [Music] and pick up after yourself look at all these balls that was so much fun I kind of want to clean up again [Music] hey did you see that that says The Sandlot oh and check it out The Sandlot is a place where kids just like you can play at the Diamondbacks game whoa this is awesome oh hey look there's a bobcat right here hello Bobcat meow meow oh and it's a slide check it out whoa all right here we go whoa whoa that was fun I want to do it again whoa all right here we go oh this is cool here we go whoa whoa and look wow plane you can even watch the baseball game hello down there hello oh that's awesome whoa what is this whoa hello hey what are you doing down there look it's a baseball man yeah a glove [Music] you got the ball whoa I'm gonna crawl through now [Music] hello hey this is so much fun I am getting so tired but all this plane [Applause] you see what I see come here look look there's a bobcat over there let's go meet it so excited a real bobcat [Music] whoa whoa hey how are you I'm a hug whoa this is Baxter and Baxter is the mascot for the Diamondbacks whoa and what are you oh this is a bobcat are you a bobcat oh Wow meow is this your house Baxter whoa it's really cool check it out oh what's this oh it's Baxter's Mouse hello where are you oh I guess it's not here right now who is the mouse your pet oh that's pretty cool do you feed it cheese [Music] mice love cheese oh speaking of food check it out is this your fridge ooh this is Baxter's fridge what's your favorite thing to eat in here oh [Music] yummy fish so fish Baxter's mouth that's silly oh and here's the door right here oh does this go inside to your house whoa pretty cool oh it's locked hey let me ask you a question you you like to dance awesome can I teach you the baseball dance okay all right so you act like you grab a bat okay and then you just dance yeah good job Baxter whoa whoa what is this this is your bicycle oh this is Baxter's bicycle this is really cool can you show me how to ride it okay whoa whoa okay whoa look at Baxter rice okay see you later bye-bye [Music] oh hey whoa check out these seats there's so many seats in the stadium hey I have an idea why don't we count them okay let's start down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's count this row of seats ready one two three four five [Music] six seven eight nine ten oh eleven well 13 14 15. 16 17. 18. and 19. whoa that's a lot of seats in this row okay to find the total number of seats in this whole stadium you just take this row and multiply it by the total amount of rows okay let's see whoa okay it looks like there's 48 618 seats in this Stadium yep that's right that's a lot of seats oh [Music] [Applause] baseball fields are so cool oh come here that's a lot of grass one food that every baseball game has show you [Music] yeah it's over here oh yeah popcorn oh look at all of this popcorn oh okay let's go enjoy the game foreign [Music] hey I have another thing to show you come over here this is the Fox Sports Arizona set s so cool this is where they do their show oh look a camera come over here [Music] hey what's your name my name is Kate Longworth oh nice to meet you nice to meet you too so what do you do I'm a reporter I go down and talk to the baseball players and then put it on TV so Folks at home can see what they're doing whoa what's that thing this is a microphone when I talk in here it helps people at home hello can you hear me even when you whisper they can hear you hello can you hear me oh that's silly well cool thanks for showing me your spot yeah anytime stop by our desk and uh I'll send you down to interview some players oh cool hi hi Mom okay here come over here whoa look at this a giant camera hey what's your name my name is Rusty what do you do I'm a cameraman oh take videos of Kate and I take videos of the players when they're playing oh really here's a little tip he's really nice to him he's gonna make you look good oh did you hear that that's silly well cool thanks for showing us your really cool camera Rusty anytime all right whoa here's another person whoa hello hey what do you do I'm in charge of our social media Network so everything they do on TV we try to put on Facebook Twitter Youtube and Instagram whoa that's really cool hey look he's on his phone on the job that's a No-No unless you're him all right nice to meet you oh look there's people up there whoa there's so many people watching us film right now must be pretty nerve-racking being on camera all the time well it wasn't the beginning but if you practice it's really fun and you're not scared at all oh okay practice makes perfect I guess oh check it out it's like a miniature dog park here Chase Field even has a place for dogs hey you want to come in and meet Sadie whoa come on in whoa hey are you a Sadie hi Sadie whoa did you see how high Sadie jumped hey Sadie I'm Blimpy how are you are you having fun yeah what's your name Sarah ooh this is Sarah and Sadie both of them start with the letter f okay let's see you running around Sadie yes [Music] whoa good job Sadie yeah [Music] oh yes [Music] hello oh baseball is so cool oh and this is really cool this Stadium even has a pool over there and a hot tub whoa you can sit in these and watch the game whoa it is so hot here in Arizona hey let's put our feet in the pool and cool down oh wow check it out look at the field look at how green the grass is oh and there's people out there water in the grass hello okay oh [Music] wow I am so excited I am so warm this is gonna feel so good okay first let's take off our shoes one shoe [Music] here is the second shoe check it out one two because I have two feet all right okay oh one stinky sock [Music] two stinky socks because I have two stinky feet all right let's roll up my pants perfect okay now let's take a dip oh yes oh yeah I just feels so good oh I hope someone hits a home run [Music] check it out this is a bullpen cart it's pretty sweet huh yeah you can take players out to the field with these cars and the stadium is so big you can even get around with them super fast all right I gotta go get Dr Evil now [Music] thank you oh I was just watching the players warm up whoa pretty cool hey hey check it out this Stadium rocks oh come on [Music] whoa look whoa we're so high in the air what a great view all right now let me go down the slide okay here I go [Music] oh hey I'm just waiting for a churro dog it's their specialty here you go flippy enjoy thank you oh check it out it looks so yummy okay let's go take a seat oh check it out they're warming up okay let's take a seat oh this looks good all right oh look the roof is closed remember earlier it was open yeah and all the players are warming up okay this is the perfect time to try the churro dog [Music] yum wow that's so good this is gonna be fun [Applause] [Applause] this is so much fun being here oh geez are you having fun oh hey I'm on the field and look at who's here oh a bunch my friends wow they're all so nice for coming hello [Music] some of them are even dressed like me this is so cool whoa foreign yeah check it out [Music] okay all right we need to get ready this is the exact Bowl I'm gonna throw I don't know where to go [Music] gotta warm up [Music] how do I look do I look pretty good I'm I'm so nervous I hope I make it all the way to the catcher that was really good really good [Music] oh Baxter's gonna catch the ball okay here we go this is our time to shine [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa oh that was so much fun learning about baseball with you did you have a lot of fun I did too well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me all right b l i p p i blippi good job all right see you soon [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Blippi & ARPO The Robot - Kids TV Shows
Views: 3,343,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arpo, Blippi, robotcartoons, educationalvideos, preschool videos
Id: LRaohHgXO8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 22sec (8902 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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