Toddler Learning Video with Ms Rachel | 2 Year Old Milestones, Speech & Social Skills for Toddlers

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friends look what's that ah it's a house it's my friend Mimi's house should we knock on the door [Music] yes let's knock on the door together help me not knock knock knock knock knock knock knock the door opened hi Mimi can you say hi to Mimi hi Mimi hi friends it's nice to say hi to new friends [Music] Amy said what's your name my name is Rachel can you say your name great job that's a wonderful name let's ask Mimi to play do you want to play can you say that do you want to play yes Mimi said yes how hey [Applause] [Music] hello friend do you want to play do you wanna play Let's go on swings let's go on swings let's go down the slide let's go down the slide [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello friend hello friend what's your name what's your name how old are you how old are you can I play two can I please [Music] hey lets me airplanes now let's be best now let's be firefighters fighting fire climbing higher [Music] [Music] I have an idea I have an idea let's pretend we're going to the playground you say go and we'll jump into the pretend playground ready set go we're at the pretend playground it's going to be so much fun what do you see what do you see [Music] what do you see I see a slide I see a slide wow [Music] Mimi wants to go down the slide let's help first say up up up up up up good job now we have to help Mimi go down let's say go Mimi and she'll go down the slide one two three oh Mimi she likes the slide let's do it again say up up up [Music] now let's say go Mimi oh Mimi [Music] what else do you see I see swings I see swings what do you hear I am here Birds I am here Birds [Music] oh wow I see another friend I see another friend let's say what's in your name hi what's your name my name is Olivia let's say hi to Olivia hi Olivia hi Olivia hello now let's say our name my name is Rachel say your name and my name is wormy let's ask her how old she is how old are you I'm three wow she's three years old [Music] how old are you foreign [Music] I want Olivia to go on the teeter-totter with me what should I do you can say let's go come on let's go to the teeter-totter come on Olivia and Mimi are on the teeter-totter together it's so much fun let's pretend that we're on a teeter-totter up and down up and down up and down [Music] thank you oh the city is great and the city is Grand there are lots of tall buildings on a little piece of land and we live way up on the 57th floor and this is what we do when we go out the door [Music] we take the elevator up take the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down then we turn around [Music] take the elevator up take the elevator down take the elevator up stick the elevator down take the elevator up take the elevator down then return around [Music] Mimi wants to play with the green ball can you point to the green ball [Music] oh you found the green ball Mimi is playing with the ball what if we want to play too what do we say hmm can I play two can you try that can I play two can I play two [Music] yeah I said yes we can play with the ball too yay it's fun to play with friends [Music] hey something fun you can do with a grown-up sometime is take a ball to the playground you can kick a ball you can throw a ball and you can practice catching a ball catch you got it nice go on [Music] yes what games do you like to play at the playground oh I like to play hide and seek at the playground it's also fun to play tag if we want a friend to play a game with us we can say do you want to play hide and seek with me hi do you want to play hide and seek see yes okay okay then I'll count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here I come do you see him he's not by the swing oh he was behind the turtle found you mitorno my turn dies who knows need friends too would you like to meet one of my friends yes okay this is my friend Elise hi Miss Rachel Hi how are you I'm good good do you ever feel shy when you try to make friends yes all the time what helps I like to ask people questions when I'm getting to know them that's a great idea yeah like um do you like to sing I love to sing to you like to sing I do let's sing together what song should we sing do you know the ABCs yes a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z now I know my ABCs time won't you sing with me [Music] much fun that's great good job oh can you say that uh oh Olivia and Mimi both want the swing what can they do [Music] I know take turns can you say that take turns it's nice to take turns foreign you could swing for two minutes let's set a timer then it's going to be Mimi's turn [Music] Mateo needs help getting on the swing what can he do yeah he can ask for help he can say help me help me he can say help me good job are you dummy help me [Music] and now he's on the swing hooray now he's happy it's good to ask for help go Mr Aaron stop Mr Aaron go Mr Aaron stop Mr Aaron go Mr Aaron about Mr Aaron Mr Aaron [Music] sometimes friends do something that we don't like let's pretend a friend is throwing sand that's not okay it's not it's not Let's Pretend We're in the sandbox stop I don't like that oh sorry I'll stop thank you what if the friend doesn't stop what do we do let's pretend again stop I don't like that no I'm going to get help from a grown-up or a teacher let's go he's throwing sand and I don't like that can you help me it's good to ask for help from a grown-up how many kites do you see yes two kites one two can you show me two fingers one two good job [Music] Mimi and Olivia both want the slide they both want the [Music] slide they can't climb up at the same time that's not safe we need to be safe at the playground what can they do they need to wait sometimes we need to wait our turn you were here first Olivia a go after you it's important to share and take turns at the playground I'm proud of you for learning about it [Music] three hungry Ants Marching and Alive they come upon a picnic where they can dine they March into the salad they March into the cake they March into the pepper uh oh that's a mistake two hungry Ants Marching In A Line they come upon a picnic where they can dine they March into the salad they March into the cake they March into the pepper uh oh that's a mistake one hungry ant marching in a line he comes upon a picnic where he can die he marches to the salad he marches to the cake he marches to the pepper uh oh that's a mistake [Music] what kind of games can you play on the playground with your friend ends we'll show you some games we liked when we were little here we go duh duck duck duck [Music] Aaron it's your turn okay duck duck duck [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was so silly sometimes when we ask your friend to play they say no do you want to play not right now but thank you oh they said no that's okay maybe next time [Music] it's okay if they don't want to play maybe another friend wants to play or maybe they'll want to play next time this is up and this is down this is up and this is leading to the side side to side and this is turning around up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down [Music] this is [Music] turning around up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down thank you this is turning around up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down [Music] [Applause] can you stand on your tiptoes [Music] tiptoes tiptoes we're standing on our tiptoes we're standing on our tiptoes wow good job you're standing on your tiptoes do you want to play a game with me [Applause] what animal am I pretending to be [Music] I'm on my tiptoes and reaching so high I'm a really tall animal and I like eating leaves off of really tall trees yum yum yum I'm eating the leaves what animal am I yes I was pretending to be a giraffe I was pretending to be a giraffe I'm on my tiptoes again what am I pretending to be now what am I pretending to be I'm pretending to be a dancer I'm pretending to be a dancer I have an idea I have an idea can you say that have an idea let's jump like frogs remember can you just like a frog I'm on a lily path what other animals hop great idea let's pretend to be bunnies ha ha knees foreign like bunnies playing at the playground is so much fun wow look at this picture of a playground can you point to the slide yes that's the slide can you point to the swings yes those are the swings where's the sandbox there it is good job let's play Follow the leaders [Music] be a bunny here we go [Music] let's go on another adventure count to three with me and we'll jump into a magical toy land one two three wow we're in a magical Toyland look at these toys we need we need to Hort them to get a magical prize can you help me thank you it's a red ball where does the red ball go ah on side next it's a blue dog where does the Blue Dog go [Music] ah over there we're sorting toys what's that it's a red phone where does it go hmm over there no over there good job we've almost got the magical prize what's that yes it's a blue bear it's a blue bear where does it go yeah over here it goes over here oh wow what is that yeah it's a red plane should it Fly too yes it's on the red side look look it's a blue car it's a blue car it's a blue car does it go over here no no no no no no no no no no no no it does not go over there it goes here we did it we sorted the toys and now we get a magical prize oh say open and it will open open we need to say it louder oh open wow that's a fun surprise yay foreign touch nose touch nose you did it great job hey do you guys want to play yeah let's play Mr Fox okay Mr Fox Mr Fox what time is it two o'clock one two Mr Fox Mr Fox what time is it uh four o'clock one two three four Mr Fox Mr Fox what time is it dinner time can you touch your head touch head touch head you did it touch head yay where is your nose where could it be where is your nose point to it with me yeah you got it where are your eyes where could they be where are your eyes pointed them with me yeah we have two eyes where is your mouth where could it be where is your mouth point to it with me that's our mouth you got it where are your ears where could they be where are your ears pointed them with me [Music] can you pretend to sleep I'm so tired good night [Music] wake up let's pretend to sleep again good night [Music] foreign [Music] that's our alarm clock before you need to wake up sleep wake up sleep wake up sleep wake up we're so silly let's play Red Light Green Light okay red light green light red light green light green light green light red light green light red light green light tag you're it green means go go go go go yellow means slow slow slow slow red means stop go go go [Music] slow slow stop [Music] green means go go go go go yo means slow slow slow slow slow red means stop go go go slow slow know stop good job point to the tree yes that's the tree I see a blue bike you see it too that looks like a fun playground good job let's play tag okay you're it foreign where are your eyes point to your eyes point to your eyes you did it we have two eyes one two great job Hello friends como esta I'm from the Philippines and in Filipino we say comusta to say hello can you say kumusta great we're waving we're waving we're waving waving waving we're leaving we're weaving we're waving now we stop did you stop good job let's try clapping we're coughing we're clapping we're clapping clapping clapping we're clapping we're clapping we're clapping now we stop let's try twisting we're twisting we're twisting we're twisting twisting twisting we're twisting we're twisting we're twisting now we stop good job hmm should we try jumping let's do it we're jumping we're jumping we're jumping jumping jumping we're jumping we're jumping we're jumping now we saw that was so much fun great job let's practice meeting a friend on the playground I'll pretend to be the new friend hi what's your name my name is Rachel let's practice in another way hi yes what should we play okay let's go come on can you draw a circle start at the top and go around [Music] start at the top and go around start at the top and go around [Music] start at the top go around good job I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my handle here is my spout when I get all steamed up hear me shout tip me over and pour me out let me see you do your teapot dance with me all right here we go I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my handle here is my spout when I get all steamed up hear me shout tip me over and pour me out very good do you want to play hide and seek with me yay let's play hide and seek with the teddy bear we'll count and the teddy bear will hide cover your eyes one two three four five ready or not here I come where is the teddy bear we need to find him is that the teddy bear under the bed no it's a doll is that the teddy bear Behind the Chair no that's a ball hmm where is that teddy bear oh do you think the teddy bears under the blanket yes let's check oh we found you we found you teddy bear now it's your turn to count hide and seek is so much fun can you touch your shoulders touch shoulders touch shoulders oh you touched your shoulders touch shoulders I'm proud of you [Music] oh can you say wow wow it's a shape sorter let's put the shapes in star star and I did it can you say I did it I did it triangle triangle in Square you say n put it in put it in put it in you did it you did it Circle Circle no no does it go here no no you say n and we'll put it in put it in put it in put it and we did it we did it [Music] do you know what shape this is what shape this is shape this is do you know what shape this is can you guess it a triangle that's right do you know what shape this is what shape this is shape this is do you know what shape this is can you guess it a circle that's right do you know what shape this is what shape this is shape this is do you know what shape this is can you guess it a square that's right now we know all of our shapes all our shapes all our shapes now we know all of our shapes let's shout hooray hooray we need to help these birds get back to their nests go across go across go across go across go across go across we did it it's a doll and a box wow can you help me put the doll in the Box yes you say in and the doll will go in the Box put it in put it in put it in thank you the doll went in the Box the doll popped out of the box pop and that was silly [Music] let's put her back in we need to clean up we need to clean up put it in putting in put it and now the doll's in the Box again the dolls in the Box again good job cleaning up good job cleaning up you did it let's stack some blocks these are blocks can you say blocks blocks up up [Music] [Music] [Music] up up whoa whoa oh come Boom the blocks fell down cup boom [Music] uh oh I dropped my toy this is the uh-oh song [Music] this is the uh-oh song [Music] this is the uh-oh song [Music] foreign we need to help the baby get dressed what does the baby need hmm what goes on his legs pants yeah he needs to put on pants nuts yay now what does he need here uh shirt say shirt with me shirt now he has a shirt oh he has a shirt what does he need on his feet hmm he needs socks yeah say socks with me socks sucks he needs socks now he has socks [Music] what goes on his feet after the socks shoes he needs shoes she was with me shoes now he has shoes yay he's happy [Music] should we give him a hat yes let's give him uh hat say hat with me hat yay what if he wants to go outside what does he need to stay warm uh jacket or a coat coat with me come coat yay now he has a coat now he's ready to go outside yay thank you for helping me get him dressed oh we are two Sailors come from more to see if you want to go away again come along with me oh wishy washy wishy-washy wishy-washy if you want to go away again come along with me oh we like to wash and screw up up in the tub so come right in and join us then screw up oh wishy-washy wishy washy wishy washy if you want to go away again come along with me thank you I'm thirsty I want more water more water what do I do say more say more say more oh wow more water more water more water thank you for helping me get more [Music] red orange yellow green blue indigo violet red orange yellow green blue indigo violet I love a rainbow I love a rainbow I love a rainbow [Music] I love a rainbow I love a rainbow [Music] I love a rainbow I love a rainbow I love a rainbow [Music] foreign milk want juice want water good job you did it well friends wow it's Mr Potato Head what does he need what does he need to see eyes yeah we have two eyes let's give him some eyes [Music] now he has eyes what does he need to smell [Music] friends he needs a nose can you say push with me we need to push the piece in push push we did it what else does he need on his face how about uh mouth yeah how about a smile and a tongue to taste [Music] say push with me push it in we did it what does he need to hear yes he needs ears help me push them in push we pushed it in now he needs one more push it in push hooray what do we wear on our head hmm uh what yay should we give him a blue hat or a green hat how about today we choose blue you sing on and I'll put it on put it on put it on put it on yay wow he looks great now let's give him feet push we put on the feet and now we need two arms can you help me push in the arms say push push we did it push we did it hooray thank you so much for helping me oh I'm so happy I'm so happy Mr Potato Head is so happy and I'm happy too [Music] here we go [Music] on a Saturday night put your right hand in you put your right hand out you give your hand a shake shake shake and turn yourself about here we go here we go [Music] all on a Saturday night you put your left hand in you put your left hand out you give your hand to shake shake shake and turn yourself about [Music] you put your right foot in you put your right foot out you you give your foot a shake shake shake and turn yourself about here we go here we go [Music] here we go [Music] if you give your head a shake shake shake and turn yourself about [Music] here we go [Music] all on a Saturday night you put your whole self in you put your whole self out you give yourself a shake shake shake and turn yourself about here we go [Music] foreign those flowers need stems let's draw some damn [Music] down we did it [Music] we're gonna get up some pretend bubble gum okay so get up some pretend bubble gum what color is yours mine's pink put it in your mouth we're gonna chew it are you chewing your gum okay now we're gonna blow a really big bubble are you ready laughs wow oh no our bubble popped and the sticky bubble gum is all over our hands [Music] stick to your head and you pull them and you pull them and you pull them away [Music] [Music] and you pull up and you pull them away [Music] [Music] are they on your knees and you pull them and you pull up and you pull them away [Music] [Music] that was so fun one more time makes your hands stick to your [Music] yay that was so much fun for this next song we're gonna sing part of it quiet music we call quiet piano the next part we're gonna sing loud and music we call that Forte and we're gonna pretend to be bunnies it's gonna be so much fun [Music] see the bunny sleeping shall we wake him with a merry tune you're so still are they ill wake up soon wake up little bunnies Hospital bunnies [Music] now we're gonna be quiet again we'll see the bunny sleeping till it's near me [Music] ding ding ding ding ding that's the alarm clock wake up little bunnies skip little money Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny skip skip skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip should we hop again let's do it are you ready time to hop hop little bunnies [Music] great job can you get out your two hands one two open shut them open shut them give a little clock open shut them open shut them put them in your laptop flap creep them crawl them creep them crawl them right up to your chin chin chin open wide your little mouth but do not let them in great job that was so much fun if you should meet an elephant upon a summer's day what would you do and what would you say say good morning elephant how do you do lovely morning elephant now may I dance with you [Music] la la la la [Music] la la la la la la la la la when we're at the place we have to say goodbye to our friend can you say bye to Mimi and Olivia bye Mimi bye Olivia it was fun playing with you maybe we can play again sometime bye bye bye bye it was so much fun learning with you today we learned so many milestones for two-year-olds and social skills for toddlers And preschoolers what a great day I'll see you soon bye bye friends [Music] thank you
Channel: Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos
Views: 70,990,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toddler learning video, ms rachel, miss rachel, toddler learning, 2 year old learning videos, 2 year old milestones, 2 year old songs, nursery rhymes, kids songs, educational videos for kids, toddler videos, toddler songs, toddler shows, autism social skills, autism learning videos for toddlers, social skills for kids, two year old, best toddler learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, videos for kids, preschool learning videos, blippi, cocomleon, playground, mrs, kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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