Blind Render of EMISSIVE BUILDING in 10 MINUTES - ep. 72 - Blender 2.92

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode this is going to be episode 72 of the 10 minute modeling challenge and last week someone put in the chat i think that i was going to model something and i said it was a good idea but i don't really remember who it was who said it and what the suggestion was so if you're watching again and i said something along the lines that that sounds like a cool idea let me know again and maybe i'll write it down this time so i will forget but this time around i'm gonna use blender for something totally different at least for being me and usually i use blender only to model low poly characters and objects for game engines and in my case it's for unity but this one i'm gonna actually render something so that i'm treading on deep water here i'm not really using blender for that and most of the people who are watching this video is probably going to be a lot more skilled at rendering than i am so i see it as a bit of a learning experience and it's about time i tried a few different things as you can see my startup scene looks slightly different first of all i've taken my gradient texture and i've created four more versions of it and to the right here is a desaturated version about 50 less and 75 less saturation in the colors down in the lower left and i've found that a lot of times when i model some stuff with the gradient texture it will be over saturated and there's no way to really desaturate it so i've created this alternative one and at the bottom right here there's another feature as well and that looks exactly like the top left and that's because it's the same pretty much but what i have done in the shading here if you look here i've created another texture here and this one has got the same palette down oh there's the camera this one has got the same colors down here from the gradient but i've just made it black here and i'm using this as an emission texture believe it or not so i'm going to render something in cycles so my 10 minute modeling challenge this week is i'm going to be modeling a building with some some glass windows that it's going to have like a blue light to it so it'll light up the scene with the emission and we can look at the shading here again we've got uh here's the infensia palette and it's the x4 so times four because it's the four versions and down here is just that emissive uh one and i've dragged that one to the emission and i've just set the mission strength here to four so it lights it up a little bit and here in the rendering settings as well a few more things first of all i'm going to use cycles and gpu to make it a little bit faster let's set this one to 512 because we're going to use emission i've set the denoise here denoising for the render and let's see did i change anything else nope i don't think so not in this one let's see here 1920 by 1080 nothing changed there this is all good but i did change one more thing here in the surface i changed it from just a plain color i've downloaded this texture here it's from and you can use they've got loads of cool textures here that you can download and i just wanted like a little bit of a night light because i'm going to make a night scene and the windows are hopefully going to be lighting up my building so highly experimental for being me we will see how this goes the i don't think i changed anything else so the plan now is oh yeah i did create a camera here as well and i've created a little orthographic view because i think i want to make a like a little uh orthographic uh structure here i'm gonna do some sort of a modern uh villa because then i don't have to spend so much time on the on the frames around the windows and stuff it'll just be like gaps into the building all right guys let's get started i'm gonna use blender for something it was designed to do and that is to render something but this could turn out disastrous we'll find ourselves ready steady go when we're off yeah i'm gonna do my usual shift d to duplicate that face scale it down and i can see in the preview there roughly how the big this building is going to be e to extrude so like i said i'm going to try to do something like a modern building of some sort maybe with a terrace here so maybe ctrl r again and we'll extrude this one fancy and here i'm going to be eye to inset and e to extrude it up let's create a decking up here and like a thing to come out here so i'll do uh item set e to extrude down little rail there this looks alright up there in the view item set this and e to extrude this down it's gonna be interesting to see how this render turns out up here i'm going to put like a little exit so shift d to duplicate it e to extrude and i'll put shift d to duplicate here and just do like a little exit like there we go exit entry i don't know same thing and here i'll also do i think i'm going to do shift d to duplicate this one and do like an exit coming out here should we do some stairs here i think so shift d scale z scale y and then here need to extrude that one that's too high i'm just going to do some slight step i've got no idea if i'm getting these proportions right here e to extrude that on and shift deselect and eat extrude that should be all right all right and uh here i'm actually also going to put like a little lounge area thing so maybe we'll do e to extrude that one just raise it up slightly could that be a thing i don't know we could put a couch here i think okay how am i doing for time 8 16 okay we need to put some windows and stuff maybe i should do that now so control r look up there control r control r this is adding a lot of geometry here that could be probably debatable how good that is but ctrl r two there this should be all right control r there we go and now i'm just gonna put the windows on here i'm going to do a luxurious window here let's put one here this could be a door coming out couldn't it here's a window and no more windows there should we do another one here i don't know i can't decide shift selector we'll do some on the back side here uh so it lights up the back ground of the buildings as well that should be and here maybe we'll put one we'll do it down double windows there that should be good and now i'll do i tin should i do i'll no i'll just do alt e to extrude long face normals in just slightly and here comes the thing i'm going to move g and move this one down now to the blue area here maybe like blue windows here that color that should be emissive now so we'll find out when we'll render this thing later on a to select or l to select everything actually i wanted these i think i want to pee separate that one the ground so i don't get that one confused l to select the link here and i'm gonna do like a desaturated uh we'll try one of these new colors like a bit of a pale thing like this i'm going to create a wood decking here so shift selecting a bunch of those and shift selecting these try to get the same color i'm gonna do a 627 g and like pale brown here that's it i want to try it with the paler colors a little bit to see how it goes item set here let's create a doorway scale y e to extrude in i should be all right this one needs to be that emissive color as well so make that one emissive blue here and here as well we'll do the same item set move it down or we can keep i have no idea if these proportions are correct same thing in there light blue i don't know if i'm using the same blue color and these have gotten a different color from the rest of the house so i need to just bring those down too there we go roughly the same at least i don't know if i like that color we'll find i'm a bit scared of rendering now let's go this clear instead all right this was going to be at the lounge area i'll do that different brown there and 523 okay maybe i'll put a little should put a little roof thing here you need to extrude that on bring it out and down nope nope i'll select a little bit darker there no that's good i have no idea what i'm doing though i'm starting to wreck this model scale why that should be all right okay here we'll put some air conditioning units anyway that'll look authentic probably so i'll do shift d scale it right and set it or eat extrude items there and here shift the hairs like just air con unit little discrete here and i think i'm gonna put one another one there too there just to make it look uh here i'm gonna actually put like some nice cylinder no not a cylinder i'm gonna do let's do a cone eight is okay and i'll do side view scale shift set scale down move it up i'm gonna put some uh like vegetation here as well so just super simple so project from project from view and here i'm just going to do a desaturated green color of the tree there and we've got 356 on the clock maybe slightly smaller shift d to duplicate shift the and we'll put some down here as well some evergreens here on top of the building which we put i'll put like a little pergola type of thing here does anyone know what a pergola is is that like a common thing it seems to be all over the place in sweden here because you are not allowed to build the with the roof on so you have like a fake group and shift the scale heat extrude l square scale is that scale x skin here scale z there we go okay this is taking a little bit longer three minutes than i thought there we go [Music] okay bring it out there l shift the duplicate that one these are some thick poles i'll have to scale shift set okay period individual origins scale shift set i should do it and here i'll have to do something here shift d e to extrude and then just this was supposed to be a luxurious place this looks like a little tiny thing though so here we go i'll put a couch here as well super simple that's gonna have to do shift the scale y this is gonna be the simplest couch ever and control r control r control r should we put a red couch here i think so need to extrude and eat extrude l and red like a desaturated red maybe there and 157 okay so it feels like i'm forgetting something here so maybe i'll put uh some utility thing or i'll put some edgings on the building maybe should i think so shift the scale maybe get a little bit more interesting corners here e to extrude this way so we don't get the hollow so this is going to be interesting now to see for the render i should 126. just do maybe i'll just do on the lower part here just for some edge details there maybe we'll change these colors darker all right shift d to duplicate them over to there all right okay i have to cheat a bit here the shift b i've got one minute to go let's put some little lights here as well then take this one borrow that on scale scale it down there eat extrude b to extrude control plus make that one the blue color maybe a bit more blue no just there scale shift set okay i've got 34 seconds so i'm just going to place this in a few places here place it in a few places uh shift the i have no idea what will this look like okay we'll see if those glow in the dark i have no idea could go either way shift the shift the shift the let's put some up here nine seconds okay i'll just put them by the door up there will have to be a little bit darker shifty that's it that's it time's up now i forget to i keep forgetting to switch this off okay here comes the moment of truth now i have no idea what this is going to look like when i press f12 no this is scary okay so i framed it okay i think it's a bit on the if i can move the camera slightly i'll just try to press f12 and we'll see how it goes f12 three two one f12 render oh okay it's gonna take some time because it's uh i've put 512 samples to get the emission usually creates a lot of the noise so we'll see how it goes that's a very strong those lights maybe a little bit too strong i think you'd be blind if you sat in there to watch this be like uh having some serious serious uh issues i think with your vision and out there in that pergola it's like pitch black so i've got the emission settings wrong probably or maybe it's the environment that needs to be a bit light and lightened up all right and this is orthographic view so if it looks a bit weird with a perspective it's because when it's blown up to quite a big size and it's an orthographic maybe it looks a bit off orthographic means that you don't apply perspective in the same ways sort of a flat so a lot of pixel art is orthographic mode i think the rendering process was a little bit heavy on my computer because i'm actually recording my screen and my hdmi input from my camera at the same time into the same computer as i was rendering and it just shut down my image so i froze like i don't know like a a yeti or something they don't freeze today they live in the cold so i just froze anyway and i was a petrified when i looked at myself i usually am every time i see myself in the mirror but i was more petrified than normal because this time i was just perfectly still but i thought maybe it froze during the 10 minute modeling challenge because i've had a few mishaps in the past where i've done some modeling and then i've realized that i haven't recorded the screen sometimes i haven't recorded myself sometimes but luckily enough i just had a quick look through the video and it looked like i was animated throughout the whole process and it was only during the rendering process that it froze so this is the final image uh very overexposed and i think they're having some insane issues maybe they've got sun beds uh in there maybe they've got some serious uh tvs i don't know i think the light turned out a little bit too bright if you ask me but and uh it's a very simple building though and i like simple the more i look at simple stuff i like it more and more and maybe this one as a small one if you shrink it down again keep a small style in the game it might work you never know you guys have probably rendered a lot more than i have in blender so i'm showing my true sides now of a lack of competence when it comes to rendering so i've got a lot to learn here but it was a lot of fun and i'm okay with the result anyway i thought it looked pretty neat anyway even though it's overexposed a little bit glared and maybe the lighting couldn't be a lot better that was it the bonus material this week was just to see if it would render in the end or not so no little tips this week but a few more videos are coming on that front so until uh next episode take care and i'll see you in episode 73 bye for now oh hit the like button if you liked the video and subscribe of course if you haven't already now i'll see you next week bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 29,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imphenzia, 10 minute modeling challenge, emissive, house, lowpoly, render, gamedev
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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