blind holidate with a real hot book | Chanmas Day 15

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hello welcome back to my channel and welcome to i don't even know what day it is today one of the days of chan miss it's the last day of the merry and bright readathon i am in my car i got myself lunch today because i'm so tired and i feel like i deserved a little bit of a treat for all the stuff i've been doing lately i don't want to say i'm getting burnt out but after yesterday i am feeling a little bit of a little bit of a burn i filmed six sit-down videos yesterday and i am attempting to edit all of them today not my most brilliant moment but the cool thing is that now that i am like getting all this done it means less work the week of christmas like the only thing i'll have to do the week of christmas is film a couple of daily vlogs and i have to say i thought that this would be the most stressful part of chanmus but it actually hasn't been it's been the easiest part just getting to like sit down and casually film and read books that i'm excited about so i am excited to be filming this video and i am excited to get all of that editing done when i get home today my goal is to do some present rapping because wow i've been slacking i got hayden's gifts back in october i was definitely ahead of the game but i have not wrapped any of them it seems like my christmas spirit has been dwindling a little bit but i want to get back on it so i'm going to wrap his gifts today and then i think i'm also going to do some reading i know that that's shocking given that this is a reading vlog but i want to finish out the readathon strong i definitely didn't read a single book for every prompt i'm like using a book for a couple of prompts that's okay i will hopefully successfully finish the read-a-thon today i have two books that i'm like really really excited about i am currently reading good god bad by jonathan darling i have read this book before actually i had forgotten i had read this one it's the third book in the fallen men series and i'm just chucking along with the series i read the second book casually last weekend and i didn't film it because i was just having such a good time but i want to read this third book today and then i will be barking on a new adventure to read the rest of the books in the series that i've never even uh attempted before so i'm hyped i'm not gonna lie this series has really like stolen my heart and my attention i purchased all six of the paperbacks yesterday on amazon holy that was expensive for paperback books but you know what i needed them in my collection i'm very selective about the indies that i purchased but i needed these so and then i also want to read window shopping by tessa bailey if i can finish it today like that would be incredible i got a book box from hello lovely they did like a blind date with a book for the holidays and it came with three books and a couple of extra like goodies and honestly i'm so impressed i'm not a book box girl i tend to just steer clear of them because they just i don't know i don't need the extra stuff but i do like the idea of getting like exclusive covers especially if it's indie romances oh my god the cover for window shopping that hello lovely did phenomenal and i was pretty sure that it was going to be one of the blind date with the books in the book box spoiler i guess sorry if you for some reason also got this box but one of the ones was like marketed as a steamy christmas romance and i was pretty sure that it was going to be window shopping so i didn't buy myself a copy so i haven't read it yet i'm going to read it today the cover's so cute though i'll show it to you a little bit later when we get home uh the other two books one of them is a dragon shifter romance that i've heard really good things about but the exclusive cover is like way better than the mass market in my opinion and then there's one book that i haven't heard of and it is i think an ex-boyfriend's father romance which come on i'm into that i put one one of my most anticipated books of 2022 is that trope because i really liked birthday girl and i eat up that trope apparently so um yeah excited about that book box also just excited to finally get to window shopping today i've heard that the sex scenes in this book are spicy which is what i'm looking for so that's what i'm gonna be doing today i mean obviously like nothing super special but i'm excited about it so i'm gonna go home i guess the idea of that sounds kind of not that great since i have to finish editing i think i think i only have four left yeah four four videos i edited and uploaded two of them already and i think i'm midway through a third so i can do this i'm gonna rally i'm gonna get it done and then we're gonna read some smut okay um i edited most of my videos not all of them because uh my brain is scrambled eggs today like i i i can't function anymore filming sex videos yesterday and then trying to edit it just it didn't it didn't go as planned however this is so good this is just what i needed i possibly thank you so much um this cover is stunning this is from again i think i said earlier the hello lovely blind date with a book holiday box there are three romances in there all with unique covers and they're beautiful and i didn't realize until i had been reading this book for like 50 pages that it's signed which almost made me cry because i've just been having a day having a couple of days you know what i mean let me try my best to explain what i'm loving so much um don't think i can but the story is about aidan and stella stella has recently gotten out of prison and she doesn't really know what she's doing with her life when one day she's walking down fifth avenue and she sees a really really bad window display for christmas as she's looking at it someone comes up to her and is like what would you change about this she clearly has judgment in her eyes and she doesn't realize the person next to her is the general manager of the store but she gives her idea and he's intrigued and since he was planning on changing the window display anyway he invites her to come for an interview and hesitant because she doesn't think that she'll get hired since she has a felony on her record but he takes a chance on her she has a really good idea obviously for the window display and she's working on it and sparks are flying might i say between aiden and mstella and aiden is modeled after ted lasso who i adore i just love like this sweet i wouldn't even call him a cinnamon roll hero i don't even know what i would call him but like the opposite of grumpy he's so sweet and it's obvious that his family is shitty his family like runs the store in general like they own the store and having to deal with people who don't really respect you is probably really frustrating but he somehow manages you know to do it and to be nice and yet you can also tell that he's gonna be kind of a freak in the sheets and i'm very much looking forward to it uh there's already been some like sexual encounters or not sexual but like sexual tension i'm living for it and i'm loving it i'm not living or loving this hair situation cannot wait to take a shower tonight much deserved yeah i don't know i don't even know what to say i'm not even 100 pages in but this is just everything i needed it to be yeah we're right i mean i didn't doubt that you were right or that this book would be good but i've been putting it off so long just because i was waiting on this and today was that today was the day to read this i definitely won't be getting too good gone bad unfortunately um i'm like 20 into that one i love it i've read it before but this is my focus tonight that's all i have to say i'll be back once sexy things happen but i just want you to know that i've been kind of like going like this like multiple times as i've been reading because i just can't handle it i can't handle it i mean okay i don't want to make any bold statements but i don't think i've ever looked worse on my channel i don't give a though i mean i guess i give a since i'm verbalizing it but you know what but i need a man like ayden you know what i mean i guess i do have one and his name is hayden crane same thing but um yeah wow i love the juxtaposition of aiden's sweet personality with his voracious appetite shall we say it's just delightful it's everything that i ever needed i just how does she write chemistry like this i chef's kiss man my camera's shaking yeah it's on my laptop precariously perched on my bed so also if you were curious what pants i'm wearing they match this hideous p green sweatshirt this is from arie i'm gonna go read more of this okay things are happening conflicts are happening i feel like what i'm learning from this book is how to write a romance novel the fact that she was able to put together a successful holiday romance mind-boggling i mean i'm not finished yet i still have like a little less than 100 pages to go but i'm just so impressed with this it is smutty it is sweet it is the spirit of the holidays in my opinion our main character um you know she was recently released from prison after an armed robbery she doesn't feel like she's deserving of a second chance but aiden is willing to take that second chance on her and you can tell that they're both kind of learning things like stella is learning about the power of redemption and like changing and you know being around people who bring out the best in you and aiden is learning to kind of stand up for himself and uh maybe not be the nice guy 24 7 and i just it's a good time i'm having a great time and the the smut top-notch though i will say i'm surprised there has been no consummation yet but i'm not mad at it either i feel like it's appropriate given the sort of story it is like it is sort of slightly insta-lovey but it's not like over the top and i feel like had there been smut from like the first page it probably would have ruined my enjoyment of this book so i'm not like upset about the pacing i'm gonna just finish this book and i will give you my final thoughts and hopefully i will be reading a delicious muddy scene before that happens but i'll be back just what i needed today um yeah i mean it's five stars like i was just thinking like is this a five star read but like yes it is it just it had everything that i needed it had character transformation it had like reuniting with family it had dirty dirty sweat with filthy sexy talk and um i liked it i mean perfect holiday romance for me i would be surprised if you wouldn't enjoy this book that's it i mean that's really all i have to say this is not a very exciting vlog but we all know that i'm not very good at them so it is what it is i'm glad i got to read this it is my last read for the mary ann burke read-a-thon i think i technically read enough books to fulfill all of the prompts which i'm happy about i didn't vlog all of the books but i did read all of the books that i needed and most of my merry and bright read-a-thon prompts were fulfilled the fallen men series by janna darling which i'm sure was really not the intent of this readathon as if i didn't like help put it together but you know what it is what i wanted it to be which is just like me having a good time and reading the books that i wanted to read so thank you to everyone who joined us over the past week i've loved seeing everybody's pictures on instagram i definitely select this week with posting i didn't post a single picture but um i had so much fun reading and just getting to interact with everybody and yeah i had a good time i hope you all had a good time too if you participated uh but thank you so much for watching this video i love you all so much and until tomorrow [Music]
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 7,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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