Original vs. New Flavors Taste Test

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Welcome to Good Mythical MORE. Products are never satisfied with themselves so they come out with new fangled versions to trick you into buying 'em. But are they better than the original? Like a Bouncer versus a Ding Dong? A Bouncer-Dong? And Insta-Bowls, I have never had- That's exciting. Cereal where you just add water to create milk. I'm so ready for that. But first let's listen to our latest voicemail. Rhett and Link, your refrigerator is running. Well, we better chase after it. Well, that's not really how you do that. Yeah. Doesn't really work in a voicemail. You have to ask. But I guess you thought about that and that's why you said- Gwynedd, come on in here. Gwynedd's gonna guide us through the old and new of snacks. And then afterward, can you check on our refrigerator? Oh, yeah. I'd be so happy to. Like track it down. Hi. Hey, Gwynedd. How are you doing? I thought there might be a second half of that voicemail. Great. So good. That was it, huh? I am intrigued by, I did not know that this existed. It's new. Yeah. So what you been up to, in relation to this? So like, we're always trying new products. Yeah, I heard that. At Sporked, then like a lot of the times, they are updates on foods that we know and we love. And then like, so this one I think is unique, because it's like, it's still just, it's Fruit loops, but- You add cold water and stir to create real milk. Yeah. Let's start with the Doritos though. Let's do it. Take us through it. We know what these taste like. So, yes. We got our Nacho Cheese Doritos and then Screaming Sriracha. There's so many flavors of the Doritos that- They're kind of constantly coming out with new ones. Well, my favorite flavor of Doritos is Tapatio. And so I'm interested to see how they're doing with these. Okay. I've never had these. I completely agree with you on Tapatio Doritos, too. It seems like one of those things that like maybe couldn't be improved upon because I think Nacho Cheese Doritos are so good, but the Tapatio ones are awesome. Wow. "Heat that gives you chills." Hmm. It's very good. Do we have chills? I don't think it's as good as the Tapatio ones. Okay. That is interesting, though. I don't know if it's as good as the regular ones. Okay, I just had a regular one. The heat is, it really kicks in. They have like a really powerful smell to them, too. Yeah, that sriracha garlic. It's weird. Yeah. Hmm. I'm looking for the chills, though. There's like a fish sauce in there. Mhm. I feel like I'm getting a little bit of the chills. I'm sorry. I mean they're good. I definitely would keep eating 'em. I think it's kinda good. I don't think that I would, I don't know, it's almost like too much flavor, if that's possible. If you like heat, you're gonna wanna try these. These are gonna sell well, 'cause I think sriracha, I mean sriracha has to be more popular than tapatio. Like, I think it's got more national recognition. Definitely. They didn't use the- The rooster. The rooster's not on here. Which is interesting because it is registered trademark. You have to pay extra for the rooster. Oh, my God. They use like, yeah, you can just see like the silhouette of the bottle. Yeah. It, this is like creepy, like, I don't know, post Halloween, I don't know how that's gonna work. I know. It won't work anymore. Mmm. I actually didn't, yeah, I didn't even think about them being like Halloween related. But they probably are. I don't know if they are. If you don't like spicy snacks, like me, you're gonna want to go back to this. Which I did. They are really spicy. I appreciate that. Yeah, and it keeps coming. Let's have some fake milk out of water. Yay, okay. Cool ourselves off. Can you pass the purple milk? Yes. For the original? Purple milk. Oh yeah, Rhett, we're gonna use your purple milk, buddy. And then we have, I'm excited. Oh, thank you. Sorry. I was really struggling. You know, struggling is welcome here. Thank you. My God, I feel so at home. We are friends of the struggle. Gwynedd, what's some like entertaining things you've done in Los Angeles lately? Because I feel like, you know, you know, we're kind of let's the same wave link. When you talk about like your weekends and the things that you do, I'm like, you know what. Like, 'cause we're not, you know, we've got all these like Don't pour that yet. These young whipper snappers around here and That's kinda my thing. They're doing all kinds of. You know, these young whipper snappers in their twenties are doing all these things that we just don't relate to and understand anymore. Is this a reverse compliment? No, a reverse insult. No, I'm just saying that Tell me what the older folks are up to. Every time Gwynedd talks about the stuff she does, I'm like, "I think that would be fun." I had, Okay, celebrity sightings. Are we into that? Oh, yeah. All right, I have a good one. But now you can't share 'em at the company wide meeting. No, I know. That's the first part of our company wide meeting. I'm spoiling it. Yeah. Okay. So I went out to dinner for my anniversary with my husband. Congrats. How long y'all been together? We have been together for 12 years. Married for seven. See what I'm saying? Seven's a good, seven's a good number. We're all in a different age group. Sounds old. We're all in a different age group. Sounds old to me. Yep, if it looks old and it sounds old. So, we walked into the restaurant and sitting at the table was Brian May from Queen. Roger Taylor from Queen and, Brian May the? Yes. He doesn't have that anymore though. I think he does, doesn't he? No. Oh, yeah. He never quits it. He still has the, no, the hair. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. She saw two people from Queen, y'all. Well. Y'all don't know what you're missing. No! No one knows who Queen is? We do. I do. We do, 'cause. Now, see, I'm glad I asked you. Everyone knows who Queen is. And what restaurant did you go to? But when you say specific names of people in Queen, that's the dividing. Freddy Mercury. Ya heard of him? That, come one. You're not gonna be seeing him. Yeah, he wasn't there. Only in my dreams. Okay. What was the restaurant? Angelini Osteria, on Beverly. You see what I'm saying? That's probably a great restaurant. It was a good restaurant. So let's- See Gwynedd's been there and recommends it. It's good. Let's take a look at this. We're all going to the Saddle Ranch. Yeah, see? Yeah, I like the Saddle Ranch, too. You guys don't know which way's up. Insta-Bowls. "Delicious milk and cereal in a splash, add cold water and stir to create real milk." So when I look at that, it's just, It's just cereal. Where's the, okay. Oh, the milk's in the bottom. It's in, oh, it's hiding in there. You need to pour water in there and mix it. But don't go too deep. There's just a white powder in it. Oh, is there a line? So there's a fill line, yeah. Go to the fill line. Right there, that little dark line. Is that? Yep, it's right below the bottom of the cereal. The top of the cereal. I think, okay. Well, we'll see what you guys think of it. I'm gonna go a little less. Just a little less. Oh. You don't trust the system? Well, I'll go right to it. It's engineered, man. I'm gonna go right to it. Doesn't it feel weird to pour water in cereal? You wanna stir that? I've already used this. This is a clean spoon. You want, you wanna, you wanna stir that? You gotta like, yeah. Really give it a jeuje there. And so when you highlight this stuff on Sporked, you're, if it sucks, you're not, you're pretty much not gonna highlight it. Or are you gonna highlight it and say it sucks? Yeah. So we still, yeah, we do new product reviews and we will tell you if something is not good. Okay. Yeah. But. Is it whitening? It takes a little bit to get it all mixed. But it definitely has become the color of milk. Almost a teeny bit, I'm gonna try to just get some of that milk in there to show you. It's really interesting and. Milk. Milk. I mean, it looks like milk. Okay, well. Grab a bite. I guess it is. I mean it's just dehydrated milk. And you've tried this before? I have tried this before. And what'd you just think, you were eating milk? I, yeah, I did. I actually thought, I think it tasted like a little bit better, almost. In a weird way. Maybe it like absorbs more of the flavor of fruit loops or something. It's a milkier milk. It's a stronger milk flavor. It is a more pungent milk. Whoa. Like they've compensated for your water, your water-ness. You got a milkier milk. Yeah, I wonder, I mean is that like, as opposed to 2%? Is it like, 110%? I don't know, it's very good though. I'm going back to purple milk, just to- Yeah, I thought this was a really neat- Do you want to try it? With a clean spoon before I- Yeah, sure. Go in there? So I thought this was a cool idea. 'Cause I'm gonna keep eating this. Okay. See? It's good. Yeah, I'm really, It is definitely different. Okay. Now. That's good as well though. Especially the purple part. Yeah. There's something like, I don't know. Yeah, there's something really good about like the milk flavor of it. I mean is it just condensed? But what, what, condensed like is like sweetened. It seems like, it's powdered. It's just powdered milk. Powdered milk, yeah. So like, yeah, reconstituted with water. But you can like send your kid to school with that and stuff without having to give them a thermos of milk. Yes. Milk, cereal for lunch. How come this hasn't happened until now? I'm like always suggesting things to go camping with. And that seems like a camping thing too. Very. That's a good one. I almost never go camping, you know. And you can put boiling water in there. It'd be hot Fruit Loops. My God, porridge. Okay. All right, so let's, we got Ding Dongs. I couldn't tell you which one is a Ding Dong. That one? That's a Ding Dong. Okay. They look so, they have like a really rocky terrain that I wasn't expecting. I mean, what's the point? Yeah, they do. Like they're really, oh. What's the difference in a Bouncer? So, I actually don't know. I was hoping we could discuss that. Okay, so it says "Snackable, popable shareable." So it's just like. Well, does it bounce? That's what I wanna know. I'll catch it when it bounces. Well, you know what. How does it bounce compared to a regular Ding Dong? Oh, that thing landed like a hockey puck. Yeah, it thudded. If you're throwing your food for Bouncers. Yeah, it bounced a little bit more. How do they sell- Excuse me. I'm gonna have to drink some more of this condensed milk. Yeah. What does it say on the front about Ding Dongs as the call out for Bouncers? These are Ding Dongs. "Chocolate lazed Ding Dongs mini cakes, baked with real cocoa." So, oh, there's a, they're packable for camping. Yeah, see? Or for kids. There's five pouches in here. And, Stevie you're asking how is, it's like a, it's just like a smaller rounder Ding Dong. In a pack of five. [Link And Gwynedd] Yeah. Being pretty honest about it just being a Ding Dong basically. It's a bag of Ding Dongs is basically. It's a bag of Ding Dongs. Eat a bag of Ding Dongs. But. I'm gonna try one. I like, I think they're, I don't know. They're a little dry but I think they're good. I like that the name Bouncer is actually kind of aggressive, 'cause it sounds like it would throw you out of a bar for being too drunk. Right. I mean, taste wise it's very similar. You feel a little bit less guilt in eating one Bouncer versus one Ding Dong. Mhm. Mhm. I think the Bouncers are a lot better. Oh, I love that. They're not nearly as- They have less filling inside of them I think, and I don't appreciate that. But. It is creamy, yeah. There's more icing in each bite because they're smaller. I think that the outside is different. These taste. I prefer 'em. Okay. I love that. And you can also get Bouncer Twinkies and Bouncer Cinnamon Donettes. They went all in on the bouncers here. Okay. We got some Oreo. So there's not a lot to rave about here. It seems that everybody wants to move on. I feel like, yeah, I feel like if you want a little bit smaller of a Ding Dong, and who doesn't? Mhm. Mhm. Right. Get a Bouncer. Mhm. Yeah. 'Cause Bouncers seem like they would have big Ding Dongs. They do. You know? Okay. That's not what they're hired for. I didn't think about, yeah. Okay, Bouncers, Ding Dongs. Love it. What about Oreos though? Now we have Brookie-o Oreos. Now, we're familiar with the regular Oreos. So we just need- Yeah we are. What is a Brookie? Is it a cookie dough? Yeah, it's like, Oh, my gosh, Link. A cookie dough Oreo. With chocolate and regular cream. It has a brownie and, okay, so like brownie dough and cookie dough. And then also what Oreo cream. What? Three layers? Yeah. Let's deconstruct this. Well it doesn't look nearly as cool in person as it does on the box. So I see those two layers. How do I get the, once it comes off on one side, how do I get it off the other side? Oh, I don't know that you can. I'm gonna try. Oh, I did it. I'm gonna just eat it all intact. You did it. I did it. There it is. Look at that. Look at that. And am I just gonna eat that now? What do you think? That's pretty tasty. Okay. Ew. It tastes like mapley to me, for some reason. I don't like it. I didn't really like these either. I thought- Something about it. I have a lot of trouble with these. It's that fake cookie dough flavor. Like, I don't like I don't even like it when I have to eat cookie dough that doesn't have the eggs in it. It is mapley. Can I have another one? Are you just eating your filling by itself? I just wanna have just the filling. Okay. I wanna just concentrate on it. I don't want your filling. I know. You just hurt my fillings. Yeah, after you ate my air earlier, I should probably just take your filling. I know. How was it? I'm just gonna, I'm gonna go back to the nachos. It was alarming once I realized what I was doing. I mean once air is in a balloon, you don't think about, that it's come from somebody. Who it belonged to? I know. I always think about that. Someone's filthy lung air. Anytime I see a balloon flying through the air, you know like one that's been like unleashed and it's like, I think about the air that's coming out. Okay. So we are saving Cinnamon Toast Crunch for last. I do wanna say one more thing about the Brookie-o's and it's that when I ate the cream by itself, it has like crunchy things in it. Which also seems like super unnecessary because the cookie is a crunchy thing, right? Yeah. That tells me people are dismantling these and eating the cream by itself. Yeah. Not, not a fan of this. Which is exactly what you did. I just did. I got excited. Not a fan. I'm not a fan. I'm actually not a fan, either. I think that you just are better off with like a regular Oreo. Yeah. Well, I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna disagree with that. Yeah. Oreo got it right the first time. Now before we see that last one, we wanna remind you that Gwyn is not over there just tasting everything under the sun just for kicks and giggles. For Ding Dongs and Donettes. Those too. For your benefit. So you can go over to Sporked.com and see all the things that they've reviewed. New snack flavors, the latest seasonal stuff, all kinds of new product reviews. So subscribe to Sporked on YouTube, as well. They got a YouTube channel. Yeah, we do. This stuff holds up. Okay. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. So, Cinnamon Toast Crunch. We know it. One of the most pleasing cereals on the market, as determined by us. I completely agree. Okay. And then the new variety here is CinnaGraham Toast Crunch. Oh. So it's like kind of like they're attempting to do a little bit of like it's, wait, what are, Golden Grahams, that's. Like a Golden Graham, Cinnamon Toast Crunch hybrid. I don't know about this. Sort of situation. Give us a little pour here. Let's each taste a little bit. Okay. We're gonna do it with purple milk. Now, ever since I tried the Cinnamon Churro Crunch, I think they're called Cinnamon Toast Churros, I've really perked up with anything that Cinnamon Toast Crunch is gonna cerealize. You want firmer milk? Because I actually liked the churro better than- The regular? Yeah, better than the regular. I actually didn't try the churro ones, but they sure sound good. They're crunchier for a little longer. The problem with Cinnamon Toast Crunch is that it, It'll really get sog, quick. Yeah, I think that's true. I agree. Did you pay attention to what the Queen Boys ordered for food? No, but I will say, Okay, so the lead singer of Def Leppard was with them too. And the table started getting a little loud as the party went on. Oh, yeah it did. It got a little hysterical. Yeah, it did. Little hysteria. Those guys know how to have a good time. They do. We old people. I might think I was eating Golden Grahams. Not an improvement. Too much cinnamon in my opinion. Okay. Too much gram in my opinion. The cinnamon is the thing that was always there. Okay. They added the graham, dude. I did, I agree with you that it is not an improvement. I think that Cinnamon Toast Crunch is perfect, and this is just like, eh, it has like another little- Try the churro. Yeah, I will try the churro. Something about the graham made the cinnamon stand out. It's exactly the same taste but then, it's just crunchier longer. I thought I was gonna whisper in your ear 'cause I'm just trying to cross my legs and it seemed like I was leaning in. I love watching Gwynedd's face as you guys eat something, 'cause I can never tell. Like I can never tell if you're gonna be like, "I liked it" or "I didn't like it." It's always like a reveal, but you always look very happy watching them experience eating something for the first. You watch the show? I am. This is my joy in life. You watch the show every morning? Yes. You just watch us eat? You ought to see her watch Queen eat. Oh, my God. It's all I do on the weekends is watch other people eat. Sorry What's your favorite Queen song? "Killer Queen", maybe That's a good one. It's a really good one. What about the one about the bicycle? There's the bicycle one as well. What about, "You're My Best Friend"? I think that song's a little corny. Aww. Well Link sends it to me every, every Best friend's day. That's sweet. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I ride over on my bicycle and then I play it for you on the boombox. Head on over to Sporked.com for reviews of new products, taste test rankings, and more.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 599,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: _5S9Aetv0OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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