BlenderMeds Lipid Tutorial

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welcome to blend amides in this tutorial we're going to create a short musical animation showing a bilipid layer we will create all the models need it set up the scene with some animation and the basic particle simulation and render it out I hope you enjoy this tutorial and please don't forget to like the video and subscribe ok so we can start off by modeling the objects we need for this scene so the first one will be the leopard style for that we just need to create a cube go into the modifier tab either subsurf at one and just click apply now we want to go to the underside that's a sphere go into edit mode select that's probably gone and this one and just go eyes and sit and just unset it down to about there the exact same for the other side i unsee it to about there those two select it right-click go to loop tools in circle and do the same for this side ok select all four polygons go into orthographic view and just move them down to about there and then with for your pivot points it's under the jaw origins and just scale all these down slightly to about there so never run do is flatten these um these four polygons so hit the space bar just go into scale and just go down on the seed like this into the reasonably flat okay move this up on your screen efore extrude and extrude the legs down hopefully be up there and then the same again and then one more but this time was far to about there and then with your pivot points it and fertile origins as before just scale scale this deer okay let's take the object get an object smooth shade and then we will just add a subset from modifier okay so these are lipid I'm just going to do a couple more things to get on some orthographic view either mode we get add a couple more edge loops here into the legs one there same on the other side down here okay and either mode edge just Alt + left click to select okay so yeah transform tool and just move them off give it a little bit of Marines and shape to them like that you don't have to follow this exactly just do your own thing here we're gonna select them all loop select clip select object mode there's just a bit more to this fun just bring it on maybe do the same here bring the up an object name that looks fine okay so we can duplicate this and just put one underneath so it just ctrl-c and ctrl-v copy and paste great the second one r for rotate on the Y and hold ctrl to snip it just go to 180 yeah confirm that here 180 degrees on the rotation and then we just want to move that down that's fine okay if you wanted to you could go into this lower one get up mode and just grab these edge loops just so they're a bit different to the top one okay and these are main lipids so we're going to join those together we just want them to be one mesh just lick them both and go ctrl J to join them you see I've joined into one object here and just rename it lipid also I apply a material to it now let's call it great so we are also going to want to just create a lipid head this would be for the background lipids or instance and I'll show you where you do that later on in that it's a swirl so just select lipid you complete it slip the new one going to get up mode and polygons just loops we're going around grow your stick sure so control in the numeric keypad plus it's about their late faces select that bottom one ctrl L too slick linked delete faces so we'll rename this refer the hit and we'll just go the same material as leopard okay so there's a lipid and a lipid hit done next we want some molecules for the background we're just going to use a simple focus fear they're just cracking it up to just create me up to 3 just like the object this meat shade you can either subsurf modifier to it if you want these are we in the background so you may not need it should we just leave it off for now and we're just gonna call that and also give that a surface material okay great now next object we're going to create will be the channels they go through the lipid layer so to do that again start with a Taurus it's a little bit skinny so we're just going to play around but until we get the kind of shape you want so major radius about point five five five six that's fine so that is going to be a background love it I'm sorry a background channel so just select it and get object lets me show this prop this will need them up subsurf modifier here we go it just mine's fine and then we will give it a material channel and we will serve it name it DG channel for background channel okay now we also need a cross section of the channel for the front part of the lipid layer that we're creating so to do that we will just duplicate this okay this FG channel the foreground channel turn the background channel off and go into edit mode and we're going to grab maybe going to do this go to vertices wireframe to the orthographic view let's just try to square these just move these down we want this to be tall enough that foot something lipid layer so we'll just view the lipid in the background so remove that it's just about there just about there okay we can change the scale of this later and eight sections so this for the other one to eight again the outer surface of the channel we're gonna need to scale this up quite a bit so we going to go to object made scale just scale up like that to be a few little bits : wide that should be fine now we need to chop up in half so we're just going to polygon mode bleep slick there yeah delete faces just like that twelve slick linked in delete faces okay great so now we just need to create these flat front edges so just go into edge mode select that edge and the corresponding edge on the other side which it should be fine and then go to point and select the two lower points and just keep heading if and we want to have three edge loops to match up to these points it's a control our scroll your mouse cool to get three and then go into each mode split bed edge the zoom a little bit this bit easier to see so we stick them this edge and this edge give to make the face just like the points just keep if until it closes up that's fine and we'll do the same down the problem let's lick those two edges make a face and do the same and then we go do the same on the other side so there's a cross-section of your channel come to sharpen these front faces up so just going to hit up mode control outer edge at the edge loop and just bring that up to the front do that on both sides it looks okay right there's foreground channel background channel don't worry too much about the scales or things will will change that when we set up the scene we've got the lipids so we've got the lipid their lipid head you know simple sphere for a from molecule the last thing we need to model is the main grid that we're going to be using to instance all these objects so just create a grid you need a lot of polygons here so 100 500 and change it 10 meters so we're going to get emergency we've got a lot of detail here when we need this for as each each polygon is going to have a lipid on it to go in object mode and we will name this plane now we're going to come across a performance problem problem here once we start at instance the lipids so I'll show you that now so we can't in Lippitt on okay and we're gonna parent net under the plane so great Leopard hold down shift and see it see there's a child of the plane and slip the plane go into the object tab instance thing and go faces and that's way too big so grab the lipid and we'll just scaled it down there okay now this is obviously come right off the plane here so with the leopard selected just zero that out and never bring that back to where we want it to be okay now in this particular case it's actually the viewport performance is pretty good but what we're going to do is for anyone with an older machine is we are going to send the instancing off go into edit mode point selection and we're going to grab the first few rows of these points here maybe go to fire we're going to separate that into the new mesh so we've got the call this background plane and we will call this from the ground plan okay so the foreground plane is going to instance the lipid the whole lipid the background plane is just going to innocence the lipid head okay so we're going to grab the lipid head and parent net to the foreground ice or the background plane we're going to grab the lipid grab the leopard we can just repair it net to the foreground plane okay so you see this lines up again great Bluford much with it zeroed out zeroed out and go the background playing grab the lip adhered zero that out background playing tune our faces see got that same eschew issue where it's a way too large so we scaled the deferred to point zero six nine so we'll do the exact same thing for the leopard head do we have it so it's a lot easier on your computer we're not going to see the legs at the back of the lipid layer around here so there's just no need to have them there these lipids are all facing up a fear if they turned 90 degrees facing the camera the lipid verite sit on his head right there base below that's good okay so go ahead lipid layer sit-up we're now going to place our channels we want them to be sits in on the foreground channel and just move that to the front of the scene and as you can see it way too big so just scaled it right down just remove to about there that's fine now we have an issue where we have the lipids poking through and we don't want that so grab the lipid for ground plane go into edit mode go into polygon select this is ten years something off you want to select these polygons here so these three polygons maybe that one there we go into wireframe to see a better just like one of those and just delete them go back into object mode and turn them back on end up disappear so that's great now the background channel and turn that on okay we will move that let's just scale it down so it matches yeah bill there move that anywhere you want in fact we'll set up a camera now so we know where those shots kind of look like what camera to view zero number P gonna Kim review and just move it up and see the camera up could be somewhere yeah and it looks okay for now so we will move this channel sit over there and duplicate it we have another one to another position maybe in the background that that'll do for now save the same okay so we've got the basics of the of the scene setup we don't need the molecule just yet you'll see that we have the same issue here with the lipids in the center so you go through the same process as you did here if we go our chem review is not really evident in the moment so I'm not going to worry about them but if you need to if you came review is different just go in there and delete those polygons and get rid of those so next thing we're going to do is just make this look a bit more natural the lipid layer is just too linear you can see the lines going down there it's not organic it just doesn't look right so I'm changing it off a bit to go into your background plane you know the modifier tab add modifier and go to displace texture add a new one and then go into the texture tab and change that to clay outs now we only want this to happen on the Z onion water we're going to have multiple displacements on this to give it a nice look so this one is for the Z's only so up and down and we are going to make it quite a bit bigger so get some nice kind wavy feel to it like that even bigger again maybe eight similar thing okay go back into your displacement tab just play around with the strength and for there's something you happy with I think mine's fine leave it leave it at that and we also want some kind of lifting right movement to these to these lipids so again go into your ED modifier another displacement okay we're going to do this on the Y I'm going to grab a new texture texture mode slick that one with clouds again but this time make it really small something like that and go back into your modifier tab and go to the displacement on the Y and just ring it right down so maybe okay so I don't know if this is a bug with blender 2.8 but this seems to have taken on the second texture just sit there back to the first texture we made and the second one we'll just play around with us see how we're getting some rice left and right move from there and go back in here and select that one and go even smaller if you want it needs to be reset back to there and then just play around this value don't want to go too far that's fine it's caught point two okay and then we can do the same thing again let's place the second texture we're going to go on the what's the first one listen the voice we're going to go on the X and my debt point two as well so it just looks a little bit more natural modes it before and we can play around tweak these she might make that one a bit smaller so we go back into the texture I have five yeah it's bit more interesting and then we'll just tweak these again kind of why he's popping out on the back there I don't want to let's just go into the texture and we just play with this on the button it looks like this needs to be reset again back to that play around with these and you see that's beer and we'll just wick this one let's use protection that's better like point two so that I live with it I think that looks fine and then we want to do the same thing for the front or foreground lipid plan select the foreground plane displace on the Z just lick the first texture we'll just add all these up and they won't match them like match them together this one goes second texture it's gonna be the wire back into the second texture and it's gonna be the X okay so the foreground sorry the background plane it was set to minus 0.4 for the Zed so we just match these up I think the others rule just point to yeah okay so that's a bit more interesting but now we want to animate it so there's a few ways you can do this quite often I'll just use the texture to create an application like fusion but we'll do we'll keep this all in blender so you want to create a novel or empty okay let's just call that displacement control we're then going to want to go to the background channel background playing and for the zr1 is it displacement go object and pick the displacement control and do that as well for the foreground plane Z object displacement control okay so now if we sleep it displacement control you can just rotate it and just get nice little bit of movement of me okay keeping off go too far with it nice and great so so anyway there we want it to be quite subtle we don't want a huge amend movement and we can do this animation over this a 250 frames it's a grab you know grabbing over there and just click on 1 May the keyframes create a keyframe and then go to 15 and just give it a very very small amount of movement you can even few different X's and if we play that through that's way too small let's try again leave this I have to play around with this and get get something that you'd like better play that through I'll give it to fast so let's go into the chair just move these down we get something that we like trigger these random ones floating around I'm not sure what's going on there yet just play around with these until we get something that we like we're going to make these linear as well cuz what's happening was the effect is slowly ramping up so you don't have much going on there and then suddenly it just goes really fast in and slows down again we want it to be the same way through so a slip away and change that to linear there we go there's gonna be the same speed the whole way through and move those around a bit to speed things up just go to crazy energy weapons so I'm just going to go to the front you can see up here and I'm playing I'm not getting the full frame rate so it's not a really good indication of what it's looking like so I'm just going to speed things up I'm going to go to the foreground plane object instancing and just turn the instancing for that off and in fact we can turn off the channels as well let's just see what it speeds things up now there's a huge amount so this try something else just go to the lipid head and there's just two subdivision off how does that help again not much so let's see what's going on here we just changed out to 30 frames per second there we go so having two view ports on was really slowing me down there so let's just play that if we can try and ignore what's going on down here I think we moving oh that's okay it's through the front one on now and see if we can get that showing I hit there we go and we've got 30 frames per second so that's great that looks fine to me we just got to work out what's going on with these random ones floating around okay it's going to be to do with the displacement just throwing them normals all over the show as you can see here so we need to wait a bit a way to work there there fix that at minus 4 yes okay so there you go it's the Y texture that is causing the issue let's drop that down to the point 2.15 you look through the camera view it's okay it's kind of fix that oh that through and ears came to the front to the front instance geometry you can see we've got some rogue ones going on there it's a foreground plane that through I'm not worried about the ones going off here because they're not going to be seen so yep that's fine okay so they're just hit up save the scene now the problem we're going to come across is with the channels we turn those on and we have to play they're not moving with the layer of the lipid membrane okay so we're going to work on that so the first thing we're going to do is to turn off the background plain background channels we don't need them right now go to the foreground plane object and just turn off the instance thing now we want to parent this to one of the points on this mesh here which would be either one of these points here okay so go into object mode select the channel just lick that instance and layer go to edit mode and select that point right there on the membrane layer okay and then we go vertex make vertex Piron make vo6 Puran okay and then we go back to object mode and you'll see it'll disappear so just crappy Channel and zero those off okay if you play through that this now matched up to the membrane so beta foreground playing slick that and turn your faces and your instancing back on grab your channel and just move it to here we had it before okay it's great so we're gonna do the exact same thing for the background channels so turn off your foreground flame or ground channel - on your background flame and your to channel background channels the background plane turn off your instancing again okay let's lick that object and this object so select select the channel and then select the membrane edit mode select that point vertex make vertex parent made to make a vertex parent object mode that'll fly off again just into that with zero your location out okay and exact same thing here again slipped the channel ship select the membrane bit mode vertex stick the vertex in the center vertex make vertex parent maybe make a vertex period and object mode and then zero out the location okay so you can see this they're stuck right on the membrane surface which doesn't what we want so we'll go back to the ground plane and turn and something back on okay I'm saying you see it's gone instance these um these channels as well okay so the easiest way to fix that grab that ground plane just turn nice and some off grab that duplicate the background plan okay and move these background channels as you know don't do that move the lippert hid underneath it second background playing and then turn on missing there and grab these and just move them it's really wantin to be let's play that and see what happens okay there works nearly moving together that's great okay now we're just going to use the molecule that we created and add some background particles okay so these we've got the same issue there but the channel so we'll just do the exact same thing okay select that duplicate it give the lipid into this one sleeve back and just turn that it solves that problem we're going to need an emitter for the background particles so just hear the cue and you just want to size it up so it covers what we see in the camera view okay we'll go the camera view justice on top yeah you don't need it to be that high so just great let's play gum here leave it right down go back and camera view in just my boat okay in fact we can shrink it down as well because we're not going to see any particles or the outside of this camera area there's no sense in heaven though if we're not going to see them yeah that's fine okay so grab that cube I call it molecule emitter current object and go to viewport display make it down to box okay and then we will add a particle system it's a new particle system we want the frame start to be one and the end to be one so it creates all the particles at once and then under render Peck object and then under object drop down there pick the molecule there we go and we will play with the size wouldn't be let's pellet at point zero three for the emitter we want it to emit from volume we probably don't need that many so this might back down to 250 look I think that will do for now okay you can see they're all dropping through so go unto the gravity just turn gravity off you're still moving up so selective particle system go to velocity normal said that says we're still moving okay that's working now okay and then we're gonna add on a force field just to balance a bit and see what happens too strong scrappy field there you go strength just make that point one our particles are popping off not lasting long enough lifetime do that for the link the animation 250 frames play that through yeah that's okay we'll go to the force field and make the size this you can play around these and try and get the settings I want looks okay that works for me great okay so we have the scene set up we've got the got the lipids moving got the channels tied to the lipid layer and we've also got some background molecules going on so now it's time to get into hopefully making it look good we're going to start with them using and should we can do it in cycles because that's why I use normally in production so if we go into shading and then we will just look through the camera and let's just see what we've got to start off with to tune their pocket off you want to go into your particle settings viewport display show emitter and that turns it off all right so we're going to set up some lights first so I'm just going to go into the world and make that black go down here just make this another 3d viewport and we're going to add a light area light let's just move this around so I'm trying to get a little bit of shadowing on the lipid heads with an angle there yeah I think what they've gotten over the shadowing happening with molecules in the lipid heads so we'll keep that there and I'm just going to add a another urea light try this out move this up make it bigger I'm gonna try something else we delete that area like I'm just gonna add an eighth background image background door and texture okay and we'll just lower the strength of that down you just want to see the shadow in from the white point one's fine okay you see we've got the geometry that sentencing the front lipids showing there as well so but for ground plane near which one is it that one there just like that go into render instant sir okay great so happy enough with that now we'll get into shading so to speed the process up we are going to turn off what we don't need so we're going to start on this channel so we don't need battery we will have the background channels on and we'll just turn off everything else for now so it's really quick turn off these molecules okay let's just slick the hero or the front chin on to shade it is etre let's get something hateful color looks let's go these background ones just while we're here and add them to the channel shader okay turn rush down to get the mice Pickler on there yeah just up some subsurface scattering nice and soft just shrink it down to her okay yeah a little bit bumped up so just grab the noise Victor bump scale that up to 15 change the height 2.1 I just drop this okay point three remember that while it just softens and bits nice okay let's call that done for now so let's do the easy one let's turn off the channels just make the molecule we're just gonna make that a kind of light blue color and it do huge amounts of us so double do for that you can tweak these waiter all right now let's take a look at the lipids so we'll turn the lipid head off just focus on the lip of itself it's create just add some subsurface scattering very cool let's change that to white that's right Russians down this might get a little bit of a hot spot there there and with this I'm trying to quote this subsurface together on this see how that looks the lipid head should have the same just turn everything out and see what we got we're still seeing this for for ground plane here so which one is that got that latch molecule in the background so we'll just grab that move it down the other way and why we got was in my heels to key on that play I'll color I want just make it rich for their okay not taking the lipids away from those bit more okay for more and that's a bit better something like that okay that's okay all right save the same now we're going to add some depth of field so select the camera camera properties okay for the focus object we can just have the foreground Channel and just play with the settings so you want to be blurred in the background but you still want to see what's going on there I think that's too strong still too strong I think that's a bit better okay save that I'm going to do a test render so I'm going to shrink it down to 50% Rinda we're gonna try 128 just for now see what happens so let's render that okay so that's looking alright that's obviously way too noisy and still got this foreground emitter showing up so let's try and fix that okay is that the issue there so I'm gonna do a quick rear Enders like this I always sit my dude down so I'm really loaded like five just okay store that let's try again yeah yeah it's gone now okay he's just that so I'm happy with that so I will set this off to render I'm worried I'm not happy with that sorry so what I'm going to do is just refine the middle sample so I'm going for there 256 and we'll go into the layers and put on to noising sure what we're going to do is we can just set that to 128 little noise and we'll see what it looks like so we render that again I think that looks pretty good okay I'm gonna call that done and I send this off to the farm so I hope you've gotten something from this tutorial and I'm look forward to seeing you next time thank you
Channel: Blendermeds
Views: 19,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medical animation, blender, blender3d, bilipid layer, blender training, blender tutorial, blendermeds, biomedical animation, 3D training, 3D tutorial, medical video, medical, science, science animation, rendering, 3d rendering, 3d modeling, animation, cycles, eevee, beginner, learn 3d, blender 3d training, 3d animation blender, 3d animation blender 2.8
Id: yj5JhhrqISM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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