Blender Medical Animation and Visualization [Blender 2.8]

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hey this is kevin from blender binge back with another video for you this time we're gonna be making this really cool red blood cell and white blood cell animation medical thingy that just looks really cool and it's gonna be done in evey so it renders fast and all that ready let's go so the first thing i'll do is set up my environment to do that really quickly i'm going to get rid of this default light delete it right click delete then i'm going to go and make sure that I have no Wrangler turned on for that I'm gonna go edit preferences I'm going to type in node make sure node Wrangler is on because without this shading can really start to suck so turn that on now we are ready first thing I'm going to do is start creating the red blood cell I'm gonna make use of digital default cube that everyone likes to delete but not me cuz I'm gonna use it so what I'm gonna do is select it I'm gonna hit control 3 on the keyboard and what that does is if you look over here and you look at this little modifier thingy it gives me a subdivision surface it just turns us on with the three corresponds to the view 3 so it just does that so with that I'm gonna hit apply and then I'm going to select this thing and I'm going to shrink it down so you can go over here and use scale or you can hit shift spacebar and you can say scale and I'm just gonna pull it down and then maybe because it's all like faceted looking I'll just go up here to object shade smooth now it looks all like a mento freshmaker alright now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to sculpting and now it doesn't look like a Mentos that looks like a big red thing so what I'll do is I'm gonna turn on this little negative thingy over here turn up the radius of my brush a bit like that's too much maybe like there and I'm just going to go and start just in the middle smashing it in cuz every picture I've ever seen of a red blood cell here has the kind of smushy smushed in thing with that yeah like that that's good enough now I'm gonna go back to layout and I'm gonna look at my thingy and oh look I'm very proud of that you should be proud of that too I'm very proud of that so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna start shading but shading is kind of reliant on lighting so I'm gonna put a light back in the scene but it's gonna be my light not the one I was given so I'm going to hit shift a on the keyboard or you could just go add light and I'm just gonna say area light alright I can choose the move tool over here or once again I can hit shift spacebar and just hit the move tool or G grab it whatever it doesn't matter move it over and then I can hit shift spacebar again and hit rotate or are there's like a million ways to do this right and just kind of pull it up you can hit G pull it up and I'll just turn on the shading this ball right here so now I have a light hitting my red blood cell that's not red yet cool what now well I'm gonna set up evey so to do that I'm gonna go over here to render because I want I want to set up this so it looks pretty good so I'll go to render this little kind of back of a canon camera and I'm going to turn on ambient occlusion I mentally bloom off for now I'll turn on subsurface scattering I'll turn on screen space reflections I'll turn on volumetric while I'm here and you see now that we have something a little bit better looking so what I'll do now is start giving this guy a shader so to do that I can use this shading tab here but I just I don't know I lately I just kind of want to use blender the older way so I'm just gonna go down here to this little area where my mouse turns into a plus click and drag up and then this little icon here hit that and change this to shader editor or shift f3 now if I select my guy my my red blood cell which is called still called cube I'm gonna rename that in a minute I now have the principal shader so I can go ahead here base color and just turn it to red reddish and there we go so it's starting to look like a red blood cell so now I can go over here to cube double click type in red blood cell mm-hmm wonderful so now I think I'm gonna give it a little bit of a bump color your bump so to do that I'm going to go to add or you can hit shift a either one some people love this work keyboard shortcuts other people like that I don't use your keyboard shortcuts it's fine I'm gonna do both whichever and go to vector and hit bump okay so we have a bump we're gonna take the normal you know zoom up here so you can see it the normal of bump to the normal and then here's where that having that node Wrangler thing comes in if I click on bump and I hit ctrl T on the keyboard it gives me a nice little set up and the only thing I'm gonna change right off the bat is UV because this was made from a cube and it's gonna look a little funky when I start doing this so I'm gonna change that to object for now and just leave it like that now here's another cool little shortcut for you if you're on say like image texture I don't want to use image texture because I'm not going to be using an image for this I'm gonna be using a procedural texture that blender has built in to do that I select image texture and I can hit shift S on the keyboard and I think that means like swap so I can swap this out for something else so I'm gonna go to texture and we need to go to Voronoi and now that image node turns into a Voronoi texture pretty cool shift s that does that cool shortcut learn it love it use it it's wonderful saves the world so with that okay so I'm gonna take factor and plug that into height and now you see I got bumpiness but that doesn't look like a red blood cell that that looks like I don't know terra cotta clay I don't know something baked in the Sun so we're gonna take that and change it to do that what we're gonna do is first I'm gonna up the scale a bit because that's about kind of the scale I want for this right about there and what I'll do is I can hit invert right and that's going to kind of invert it so it looks more bumpy not not concave but convex right bumpy so that's kind of cool I kind of like that but I don't like these like nipply pointy things here I don't like that so here's what I'm gonna do to get rid of that I'm just gonna add in a ramp in here that's going to change that now watch the magic happen see I can play with strength right but I'm still getting that little nipply stuff right I don't want that I want that I want what I want so to get rid of that I'm gonna add in a ramp and I'm gonna do that between the Voronoi texture and the bump and that's going to smooth this out so to do that I can hit shift day or I can go to add either way right converter color ramp and if I drop the color ramp on top of here if I click when that when that line turns white it wires itself up very nicely and now you could see that this ramp is gonna control my texture right so oh I can pull this in push it in do a whole bunch of cool stuff make it look like flat or bumpy whatever I don't want to do that all I want to do is get rid of little nibbly thing here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on this white and I'm going to bring it down to some kind of grayish color and that smoothes it out and all of a sudden it starts looking a lot more like what I want and now I can take the strength down and I have something that looks like lots and lots of those cool shots you've seen of like red blood cells right it doesn't even have to be that strong but point is you can play around and make it look however you want so very cool now what we can do is I can play around with the color a little bit and what I'll do with this is I'm gonna change the color so I'm gonna add in a color ramp another one so I can just steal this one so I'm gonna click on this right cuz I'm about I'm just about like taking shortcuts here right you should be too because it speeds up your workflow click on this hit shift D move it up done so I don't have to go to add and shift a all that other stuff I just want to steal this I'm borrowing it it's my own ok so I'm gonna go to color I'm gonna take color and go into base color and look at that beautiful right that's just wonderful so what I'll do is just to show you what this does what I'm doing with this is I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna make this like a stupid iridescent green color Oh looks like lizard right ooh so maybe should do it like V and got like a lizard people maybe they have like green blood cells I don't know right and I'm gonna take this black okay click in there and make that light I don't know the opposite sure why not and now you can see that you can change this by the factor right factor I can go pure this way or I can go pure that way but I don't want to do it that way right that's that's boring I just kind of like mixing the colors in I want to control it based on angle so what I'm gonna do check this out shift a I'm gonna add in a input and that input is going to be layer wait what layer wait does is it gives us a friend now okay now Fornell shader or facing i'm gonna use for now take that in and if I put this factor 0.5 you could see on the edges where that where the camera is where the angle is most facing away it turns green this color and where it's where as facing directly on at like 0 so like from the camera this would be like plague head-on is like a zero degrees and this is like more toward like 180 degrees you could see that as it faces away it turns green and as it faces directly at it it's it's the red color right and if you pull this back you'll get more of that coming in right so that's what I want and as I move this that effect moves with the camera right so I can use this to my advantage and I can get like those kind of cool electron microscope look which I'm not really gonna do for this but I'm just gonna use this to punch it out a little more so what am I gonna do with that well I can switch these alright I could put a little more red or pink or whatever on the edge a little more white right hot and then here I can change the green color back to a red and you can play with this facing angle too and that brings in more or less alright so I'll go 0.7 here and play around with this until I get something that I like and that's kind of cool see so now like the this angle is helping me kind of sell it and it just kind of lifts it up and points it just it just makes it look a little cooler now I can play with specular or roughness the same way see roughness at zero is completely wet looking like a mirror right and roughness at one is completely rough okay it just all it does is it takes the light and it simulates micro facets on the surface it breaks up the light that's all this is doing this is the principle shaders a beautiful thing and it's the default shader that we now have in blender to that eight here so what I can do is I can play around with this and I can do kind of a similar thing here right so I could say white is completely rough like this black is completely mirror so if I took a color ramp all right if I just say I just took this black and white one already shift D all right pull that in here I can also take this layer weight and I can take fredle okay for now plug it in and then I can go color to roughness and now I get rough okay I get mirror straight on and rough on the edges and if I wanted to reverse that I could go completely mirror it out on the edge right and then if I make this white over here okay it whites whites it out so it roughs it up so if I pull that in a little bit more okay you could see that angle away more shiny angle in less shiny and that just kind of punches this thing out again right it's still kind of physically accurate but it's not really like going for anything scientific it's just making this look a little bit cooler so if I were to throw in another light in here alright I hit shift D on this light I bring him over and I rotate him around okay you could see that with more light here you could start seeing that effect a little bit more and all that is is artistic you don't have to do it okay you could have just like skipped the last like five minutes of this video and been fine but this shows you how to set up these cool little effects right and it just adds a little bit of zest to your shot so now I'll just turn a little subsurface right and what that does is it gives me just a little bit of light bouncing inside here and it looks a little more organic you can turn it all the way up and that starts looking really organic but that's a little too much so I'll just pull that down a little bit and now it's a little fleshy little meaty and we're still getting that cool effect and very cool and let me tell you this all that kind of goes away if you put metallic on okay metallic has none of that property so you leave metallic off for this okay and you can change the subsurface color if you want right you could push it down more maybe into yellow and then subsurface that gives it a much more kind of organically I gotta give blood kind of look to it orange yellow play around as you play around and feel it out yeah but this kind of gives it more of a an organic look so very cool wonderful what now what do we do now well now we can make our environment so I'm gonna take this world go to world over here and I'm gonna take the color and put it into a body right so I'm gonna say like I don't know just make it red and now we're kind of reflecting red and red and it just looks more like bloody and something red blood cells would be in it's in blood so that's kind of cool so I'll leave it at that okay so now I'm gonna make a bunch of these guys so to do that I'm just gonna hit add mesh ICO sphere make sure subdivisions all set to about three and then I'll go down here to particles add particle system number I'll put it about oh I see yeah I'll put about eighty start I'll put a start as one and is one now I see a bunch of these ok emit from faces that's good life time I'll put two about a thousand so they don't die on me even if I extend my time frame for a while and I'll say random I'm gonna uncheck random then I'm gonna say particles per face one and I know I have more than eighty faces on this thing so I'm not gonna get any duplicates now I'll shake velocity here turn that down to zero right you know we don't want that we just kind of want it to stick there I can turn on rotation hit randomize we're not gonna see it yet go to render and here's where the magic happens right so render as halo I'm gonna change halo to object and I'm going to change instance object to red blood cell and now you look at here we have red blood cells on faces of our object so I can play with the scale a little bit here turn it up just a hair alright so I'm getting quite a few of these things on here and I can turn on object rotation doesn't really matter global coordinates don't matter okay you want object scale to be on and under field weights down here let's just turn off gravity for now and that's fine we don't really need to worry about much we don't even need to worry about that so what we'll do is now go up to modifiers tab okay for I closed fear and I have a particle on here I'm just gonna hit convert now all of these red blood cells are in fact their own objects in the scene so you just populated my scene with more of these guys cool so I don't need to bet I closed fear I'm gonna get rid of I closed fear so I can just right click hit delete gone red blood cell that's the big one don't need him I'm not gonna delete them so I'll just turn off that and render and renders seem to be off for that so I'm gonna go ahead and turn render on for the rest of these guys I'll pause the video and come back okay so now all these are gonna render and you can see we have quite a few of these and they look pretty cool so what can I do with this well I can go ahead now and I can select so let me move my camera out okay I think I had some how I move my camera in there and it's moving out a little bit alright so I'm gonna go ahead and select all of these guys be select I'm gonna hold down shift let's see you hit B again shift D select all this B do you select deselect those just want these selected object rigidbody ad active so now I've added an active rigidbody to all of these which means that I can now control them with forces okay so now if I hit play they all fall so to get rid of that I'm just gonna go over to scene I'm going to go to you can uncheck gravity and they won't fall anymore or you could be daring and leave gravity on you can go to rigid world here and you can take gravity all the way down to zero and same thing they will not fall and they will not move so I'm gonna control this now all this movement with a force so I'm gonna go add force field and I'll say turbulence now when I hit play you'll see it's gonna take a little while but these are all going to start reacting to turbulence field so that gives it some motion and they should all bang into each other at some point and bounce around a little bit so that's kind of cool so now I could just mess with the field a little bit and just change a few little parameters so if I go field a Mont field I go here to physics I can take the strength up so I could say like strength maybe 10 I could put the flow up so they kind of follow a little path yeah a little bit turn up some noise and now I can hey let me go back to field let me go back to the scene and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna clear out the cache so I'm gonna turn all down hit back turn all up and I should see the reflected thing happening in here ok so now they start moving a lot sooner and there's some noise on it and I'm getting a decent look so now I can hit my camera I can hit 0 I can go in here like and it locked to camera view if you don't see this hit n there it is okay lock the camera view I can go and find a decent camera angle right there that's probably pretty good ok hit play I have some movement flowing around and what I can do now is I can go in I can grab some of these guys I don't want I don't want anything but my let me turn off lock camera view okay I'm gonna grab some of these guys make sure I don't grab anything else I don't want anything else but these guys go ahead be drag okay I'm gonna hit shift D and I'll bring them around a little bit shifty shifty shifty shifty shift D cool and now I should have a lot more in my scene okay so now when I hit play they'll react slower because there's a lot more but they're all gonna start moving around and I could I could fix my camera a little bit so let me go turn on a lot camera to view maybe rotate a little bit where you Minh and I have something a little more interesting to look at you one last thing is I can go to cache over here under scene and I can hit bake and then I'll bake all the motion of this so I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna pause it when I do that come back and we'll see what happens I'm gonna go ahead and add in an empty I'll say sphere that's fine that's huge so I'll scale it down by hitting s and pulling it down and now what I'll do is I can go to TV and I'll turn on depth of field and that just blurs everything out and now what I'll do is go to camera go to camera down here go to depth of field focus on object I will say empty and now I'll change f-stop from 128 which is really really really really far depth of field I'll change that down to like two okay so now I have a really cool depth of field here and it's giving me that nice shallow look and I'll take the empty and I can bring them forward and you see if I hit G for grab I can kind of position them by this guy there out here and you can float around and you can see you could start moving your depth of field so you could animate this guy if you want moving over time and get a different depth of field look so let me lock a camera to view unlock move this up lock it again here we go so G grab you can see that as you move you're getting different depth of field so we can go ahead hit play and you can see this rendering and now you got a cool cool look and if you want to extend the depth of field all you have to do is change this now f-stop you could do like 5.6 okay and that just gives a blur in the background this stuff's more in focus and you can play around and get different look I'll leave focal length at 50 millimeters or at nifty 50 and that should be pretty good so let's go ahead and render this and see what it looks like so to do that I'll just go render render image or hit of 12 see it renders pretty quickly pretty cool so we're getting a cool like nice-looking shot lastly what we can do is add in a little environment so I'll go ahead and make this environment a little bit more interesting by going from object to world I'll go on background here and I'm gonna hit shift s I'm gonna hit texture and I'm gonna hit noise texture and now I'm gonna throw this into volume and we get volume in here and that's kind of cool and then I'm gonna control the color by putting a color ramp in here so I'm going to hit shift a or go to add converter color ramp drop that in and now I'll say this I'll turn to kind of a red color would be a bit darker back here I can kind of pull that in and you see that you're getting this kind of noisy color so I can take the scale down a bit and just adds a little more interesting kind of goop back there alright so you don't have to go and model of an artery wall or anything just kind of have it really blurred out you can add some more detail to it or less detail to it and it just makes it just makes it more interesting looking and then some of this stuff back here kind of fades out as well so we want that we like that lastly what I can do here too is I can change my shadows inside of evie to a higher bit depth if I want turn on soft shadows and I get a kind of just a little bit nicer feel and we can go with that so let's render this out so what I do there is go to scene I go to output temp and I'm just gonna say RBC 2 dot mp4 enter except then I'm just gonna go here file format change that to ffmpeg video encoding I'll say h.264 and mp4 and that should be good and I'm gonna go to render render animation okay because we have 24 frames 250 that's good nineteen twenty by twelve eighty fine and we're gonna render it out and I'll come back when it's done so we're back and here's the render not too shabby you could see here that there's some stuff in the background that definitely needs higher sampling for for rendering but other than that you kind of get the gist and in and it works it works pretty well now the second one I did here I pumped it up a lot so I pumped up the lighting made it a little more contrast he added some more fog in there just a little more volume metrics and added in the white blood cells and stuff and I think this one is definitely more in line of where I want to take this I added me to the camera animated some of the background so so here I'll show you the white blood cells are simply just a subdivided cube again subdivided a few times with a texture on it and that texture is simply just clouds with just a normal very low setting and it just pumps it out and and pushes it all out and being it they're kind of in the background here a little blurred out it didn't matter too much lighting I just took it up and pumped up a little bit and then the world you could see here all I did was animate the rotation of it and that just kind of adds in adds a little more punch to it and then all I did to was animate the camera moving in and there you go so hopefully that helps if it does hit like subscribe share it and I hit that little Bell notification so you see when I make more of these and I'm just gonna keep going Thanks talk to you later bye
Channel: Kev Binge
Views: 21,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medical animation, blender medical visualization, blender medical, blender medical animation, blender medical imaging, blender red blood cell, vfx school online, beginner, blender animation, gleb alexandrov, cg geek, blender intro, blender eevee, eevee animation, blender modeling, blender enviornment, blender easy, blender easy tutorial, blender cycles, intro to blender, blender 3d, b3d, remington graphics, cg cookie, medical animation training
Id: pBjoQIGgwAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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