Blender vs Iclone - Which one should you start with?

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in today's video I'm gonna compare iclone and blender and see which one is the best software if you are new to 3D animation so stay tuned [Music] hey guys my name is Eon and welcome to my start animating YouTube channel the channel that is specific aimed at everyone that is new to animation and if that is you welcome you are at the right place so make sure you hit that subscribe button and also click on that little notification Bell so that you can get notified every week when I upload a brand new video now like I've mentioned in the beginning of this video I'm today I'm going to compare blender and iclone and the reason I want to compare these two is first of all iclone I believe is the best software if you want to start out in 3D animation it is the best software to start out with and I'll cover a little bit about it later in this video but I created a video just on that topic so if you want to go check that out I'll put a card right here so you can go watch that video specifically on iclone and then obviously you have blender because blender is free it is a great a lot of people start out their 3D animation Journeys with blender okay so the today I want to mention five key points that I feel is important that we can look at just to compare the two obviously there's a lot of different things we should look at and there's big differences between iclone and blender and again this video is for those who starting out this is not for people who who's been animating for a while because at the end of the day blender is a more comprehensive software um you it's more you know you can create your real Pixar type movies where iclone is a little bit um limited okay so it is very important just to understand that so this video is for someone who's starting out so I know if you're watching um this video and you are animating for quite a while now uh you will say blender is better and you will recommend blender and I completely understand it but this is not from a point of view from someone who's been animating for a while is for someone who's just starting out what is the best software if you are starting out so I want to focus on five key points um when I look at these two softwares just so that you know and obviously like I've mentioned there's a lot of differences but these are the five key ones so the first one is the price okay so iclone isn't free like blender like I've mentioned blender is absolutely free you can just go to the website you can download it and you can start working with it so it is absolutely free it is a great software if you don't have the money um you don't have money for Maya or all of those softwares so it is just a great that's why a lot of people start out with um blender and then later on move over to Maya or something like that so blender is free but iclone isn't and Iceland also comes with a lot of plugins that you also need to purchase extra additional software so iclone does end up to be quite expensive so if I that's the first point blender is free iclone isn't and it can become quite expensive at the end of the day so that is the first thing that you will need to consider between the two that's where blender is probably much better than iclone then the second point is the user interface and the learning curve okay now this for me especially if you are new to animation for me this is quite crucial is how easy is the software to use and how easy is it to learn the software because if if you really struggle to learn a software especially with animation that is so reliant on being creative if you struggle to learn a software or if you struggle to use a software then you will lose your creativity very quickly so um I'm I come from a music background so I've got my own recording studio and I use a recording software Cubase and the reason I use it is I know in the industry the industry standard is Pro Tools everyone all the large Studios use Pro Tools but all the recording softwares do the same things so they all have compressors they all have eqs they're all basically you you can do what you can do in Pro Tools you can do in Cubase the difference for me is cubase's user interface is much easier okay so um I know the software in such a way that if I want to do something I know exactly how to do it and where to find everything so that is a great thing to have in a software is is it user friendly and is it easy to learn is it because like I say if it's easy to use um there's nothing standing in the way of being creative but if it's difficult to learn if it's going to take you a whole year to learn the software you're gonna lose interest along the way especially if you do it in your free time it feels like there's so much to learn and you're just gonna postpone and procrastinate and you're not gonna start animating but if the software is very easy to learn you've learned it in a few weeks then you can start animating so for me that is very important and I say this just to lay the foundation for this point between iclone and blender iclone for me is very easy to learn very easy to use the user interface is very well organized it's easy to find everything wear with blender for me especially as a beginner I know if you've worked with blender for quite a while you'll know everything so then the user the user interface becomes easy because you know the software but that whole process in knowing the software and learning the software is so is much more difficult than iclone iclone you can learn it probably in a week to be quite honest and you can actually learn it yourself I learned iclone myself and with blender it's kind of impossible to learn it by yourself you'll have to take online courses or watch a lot of YouTube videos to see how they do things so the learning curve between blender and iclone is um yeah it is quite a massive difference iclone is much easier to learn and the interface is also much easier to understand so for me in this case when it comes to the learning curve and the user interface iclone for me is much better as a beginner if you want to start out in animation I would recommend iclan the third point is and this is also quite important um real time rendering and blender isn't so what is real time well real time is basically what you see in iclone is your end result so it does have um pros and cons the pros is it really helps with your lighting so what you see is what you get so you set up your lighting and you you can really set it up so that it looks the way you want it to look so that is a the pro the con is um you have to sacrifice on quality you're not gonna get a Pixar quality render um because it's real time so it does have to um compromise your computer and your graphics card must compromise to be able to handle the 3D Graphics that iclone is throwing at it we blender uh isn't a real-time render so what happens is with blender if you want to create an animation um to render it sometimes depending on the scene it can take up to 24 hours per second um some scenes can take quite quite a while to render depending on the complexity and the lighting and all of that in a scene but rendering takes very long and that's why it is a lot more crisp it looks more realistic it's much better quality so that's the difference between iclone and blender iclone is real time so you don't have that um perfect 3D quality look um in the in your end render but with blender you do but then again with blender if you do animation you'll probably have to render your animation at a render Farm which will cost you a lot of money where was iclone you don't have to you can render it on your PC it will also take quite a while depending on your graphics card but not as long as with blender so another big difference between the two is iclone is a real-time render software and blender isn't then the fourth one is with blender you can do your own modeling and sculpting you can create your own custom characters you can create your own um props and scenes and design it where was iclone you can't okay so iclone is very limited so if you want to create characters you'll have to get a extension which is Character Creator and even if you get character creator you can't sculpt or mold so how it works is you have a bass character and then you've got sliders and you can customize that character okay and then with here you'll have to maybe get or buy hair and clothing from the marketplace so you can't create your own hair you can't create your own clothing Etc so you'll have to go and purchase that and customize so basically with iclone and character creator you can only customize characters we with blender you can actually mold and sculpt your own characters and you can create your own scenes with iclone you can create your own scenes but again you are very limited you've got your different types of shapes like you've got rectangles cubes circles walls floors those type of things and you can basically use those shapes to build a scene but you are very limited in a way that you can't customize those shapes so you'll have to you can make make it longer shorter thinner you can do that but you can't Maybe divide it and then turn it and change the shape all of those kind of things so that is one downside with iclone is you are very limited when it comes to creating your own custom scenes and um props and characters but again if you are new to animation that is actually a benefit because the sculpt um your own characters is an artistic form in itself not anyone or any not anyone can do that so for me I just go to their Studio I purchase bass characters I purchase the clothing I purchased the hair and I can just with a click of a button import it into character creator I can further customize it and at the end of the day my characters are unique um and I'm pretty happy with the end result so it's much easier again to create characters and also the scenes I just purchased the scenes that I want I am not a sculptor so with blender you can also purchase on websites and import it so with blender you also have that option but um that that's another difference if you want to learn sculpting um then you won't be able to sculpt inside iclone blender is then the software for you and then finally my final point and I think this is the probably the most important one is um for me between iclone and blender iclone is beginner friendly now this doesn't mean when I say beginner friendly in you probably think oh it is just like an entry level software no you can really create awesome amazing animations with iclan believe me I've seen some of the users they create amazing um animation so you can really create amazing awesome looking animations with iclone yes it won't be the same quality as blender but as a beginner you can't go wrong with iclone so my final point is like I say is iclone for me is more beginner friendly it is easier to learn it is easier to use the interface um another thing that is great with iclone is the Motions you can purchase motions and you just drag it onto your character for instance a walking motion to animate a walking motion takes quite some time so you can just drag a walking motion onto your character and there your characters walking so you actually save a lot of time as well and that's why I say you can actually from day one start to animate you you can purchase iclone today you can drag a character on with a walking motion your character is walking and there is your first animation um it also have lip syncing so you can just drag a audio recording onto your character and it will do the lip syncing for you so you can make your character talk on day one the day that you've purchased your software so iclone is for me really beginner friendly where blender like I say it is quite difficult to learn the learning curve is quite hectic the user interface isn't as simple and easy to understand as iclone so for me again I would say iclone is the best software if you want to start out your journey and 3D in 3D animation you can always go over to Maya or blender later on because what iclone will do is it will teach you the foundations of 3D animation so that knowledge that you will learn with iclone you can then apply in other softwares later on so iclone is the perfect software to start out with but the one thing that blender has over iclone is that blender is free and the the quality of software just because blender is free doesn't mean it is not good I mean the blender is a top-notch animation software it is absolutely amazing it is right up there to Maya and Cinema 4D so you can really create um amazing amazing software so and it's free you you get a high class top notch software for free so that is probably where I feel the differences the one is very easy to learn and understand and the other one is free so I think that is the two main key points that you can look at which one is more important are you willing to take the time to learn a software that is free or are you willing to pay for something that is much easier and you can start off animating immediately I think it boils down to those two components so guys that is it for me I hope you've enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below if you've used blender or iclone what are the features that you like about the software's um let's help each other in the comments below um I'm sure there are people watching this video who's undecided who doesn't know which software to use so we can help each other by just sharing your ideas and thoughts on the software why you use blender or why you use iclone let me know in the comments below and if you are new to animation I recently launched my new online course and begin animation the complete course for complete beginners so if you are new to animation you're just starting out that course is for you whether you you want to do 2D or 3D animation that course will teach you the foundations the fundamentals of anime and from there you'll have the basic knowledge and you can just grow and continue so in the description below there's a link if you are interested that course will really really help you so guys that is it for me I hope you you've enjoyed this video I will see you guys next week so remember to hit that subscribe and click on that notif notification Bell so that you can get notified when I release my videos every week so I will see you guys next week um happy animating and God bless
Channel: Start Animating
Views: 2,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: start animating, animation for beginners, how to animate, animation, 3d animation, iclone, iclone 7, iclone 8, reallusion, blender, blender animation software, blender vs iclone, blender vs iclone 8, character creator, comparing blender with iclone
Id: wFMrnJO7yAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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