SCAN TO Animation Ready 3D Character - Easy & Fast!. [ HeadShot 2.0 ]

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[Music] foreign you can easily create characters with Character Creator and today the focus of Revolution have announced character creator headshot version 2. the headshot version 2 is a brand new version of The Amazing headshot character creator add-on which allows anyone to create 3D models based off an image but with headshot version 2 users can now bring in a 3D scan a sculpted model or even scan themselves and convert this to 3D digital avatars the beautiful thing about headshot version 2 is this isn't limited to realistic characters but as well you can use this for very stylistic and monoid characters and the process to this is as simple as aligning wrapping and refining your model and that is how easy it is for you to create your own models for sure we're going to do a simple walkthrough of how this works and for those who like to get further with this there's going to be a link in the description that will bring you right here where you can check out headshot version 2. and with that said let's take a look at how you can work with headshot version 2. so a character creator opened right here if you already installed headshot you would notice that you have it right here and you also have it right here so if you click on headshot version 2 you would see that we have headshot version 1 and headshot version 2. version 1 simply deals with image to 3D model which we explained earlier and version 2 deals with mesh now once you click on mesh you would see the meshes that this supports so for you to get started what you need to do is to load in a mesh now the mesh which we're going to be working with has gotten of sketchfab and I'm going to put a link to this in the description now with this mesh which we have here of course if you scroll all the way in you'll see that it's pretty small so to get things going I'm going to scale these and position it exactly how we want it to be it's Paramount that you get the position right but for scaling this is something that you can Overlook but because we like to get this to match closely to the proportion of the model that we're working with we're going to Simply scale this by a certain number the next which we need to do is to click on Start Head generation now once you do that this is going to pop up a new window within this window you find the reference mesh and the scan so the first part of this is to align it and we have to align based off points the total number of points I get to work with range from 24 all the way to 35 and for you to start adding points to this you can simply navigate across the model and you can start placing point so in this case you might want to put a point here as one and we can proceed to put another Point possibly two and three and all that but by default the folks at Revolution have also made an auto detection so what this does is automatically it takes a look at the model and it dictates where it believes that this point should leave but in most cases you might need to go in and actually position this exactly how you want it to be so once you have this going if you like to increase the points to 35 say for example you would like to capture certain regions of the face yes you can so you can set this all the way to 35 and use the points just simply make sure that each point is corresponding with the reference point on the model now once you have this ready the next in which you might want to do is to click on head gen AI so this would load us into a new page with a low poly wrap of the model and unapplied diffuse texture now from this point you can choose to keep some parts and you can choose to discard some so we can choose to keep just the face if we like to keep this if we like to keep the whole head we can also do that you can choose to have the whole head which has to do with the neck and the Builder path selected but in this case we're just going to keep this particular part which is the face now at certain points you might want to preview this against several things if for example you want to see the topology guide you can also see that if you like to preview this with wireframe or maybe you just want to see it normally you can do all of that from here you can also show some hidden parts and this is exceptionally good if you have sections you might want to select and grow click to select and we can click some more to select these ones and once we're done with them we can click on grow to grow all of them now once we have them fully grown how we want them to be we can proceed to click on show selected now these parts will be retained with our model we can now go ahead and turn this off and we now have the pub which we like to keep if there are more parts you like to keep as well you can also go ahead and select those ones too and once you're happy with the results you have the next thing is to refine the mesh so once you click on refine mesh what we would get is a set of sculpting tools which you can use to align our mesh properly the reference mesh on the scan mesh will be placed one to one based off the Align point and head generation and what we need to do is to use the four brushes that is made available here to make sure that they are projected properly and the brush includes the move smooth clone and also project you can turn on symmetry if you like to work with these and if you right click and drag all the way out you can increase your brush size so for this what we would like to do is to Simply project so I'm just going to go ahead and right click all the way out and then we can project these by back to where we would like them to be you can also use the move brush which you can scale all the way up and move sets in part and once you're working on these one thing which I would simply suggest is don't spend too much time trying to get the back of your model the most part which you need to work on is the head and the neck so these brushes are basically the brushes you want to work with if you like to keep the next size or the head size you can simply turn this on or off and once you're done you can proceed to click on attach to body and this brings up a dialog box which automatically suggests the gender and then suggests the mask type so if you like to fiddle with any of this you can do that furthermore you would also notice that the diffuse on the normal has automatically been set to Source mesh which is our default scan model we're going to keep the texture size and click on generate this automatically proceeds to create a fully functional 3D model that we can animate dress up and do whatever we like with it and you can see what we have here that we have a perfect representation of the model that we're going for other things that you can do includes playing with the morphine and you can also so use Skin gen or even apply some very interesting hair features to it you'd also notice the headshot version 2 pushes to be exceptionally Adept at collecting my new details which includes matching the full characters skin tone to that of the scan model the pore size wrinkles and even micro expressions and of course if you like to test animations with this you can proceed to test your animations and get started making Jonas virtual character for your games animation and even films now some other things that you might want to know is if you do have problematic regions for example you're working on a character and this character doesn't have a complete scan with headshot Vision 2 you can approximate the other parts of the model and you can use the refine mesh section to actually get it to work how you want and for problematic regions they are hair mask eyelid mask mouth nostrie and neck mask which are simply Within Reach and they help you clean up and produce a more unified seamless texture blend across your entire model and for those who prefer to retain mesh hair especially for games or optimized characters you can simply sculpt and retain your meshe artists can also have access to making textureless models to check the forms of the normals and either side of the model to get sculpted or painted on or simply use texture projection to apply Color information on the model and for sure you can use tools like skin gen to create a more authentic look to your character's look and feel so this is it for those who like to start creating some amazing characters or probably you'd like to create your own scan and create your own digital Avatar and use it for your game's animation or films then you can simply go over the link in the description that will bring you right here where you can check out all of this additionally there is a free CC phase based topology UV guide which is pretty informative and useful to all regardless of the tool of choice that you're working with tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section a huge shout out to the folks at Revolution for making this possible and of course if you like this video or you like something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and until I see you guys in the next one peace foreign
Channel: askNK
Views: 50,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3DXchange Pipeline, character creator, Character Creator 3.3, character generation, character rig, content pack, digital human, head generation, Headshot, Headshot 1.1, Makeup and SFX, Realistic Human Skin, Reallusion, rendering, skin texture, SkinGen, SkinGen 1.0, Substance Painter, subsurface scattering, T-pose, topology, Ultimate Morphs, Unreal Engine, realistic character, 3d character creator, facial animation, machine learning, two minute papers, 3d tutorial, headshot 2.0
Id: jNpLkTjvqzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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