Blender Tutorial | Radial Details

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a lot of hard surface shapes have repeating details and some of those shapes have repeating details in some circular way so how do we get that set up so that we don't have to repeat the work we do on one portion multiple times plus what if we quickly change the rotational symmetry so that instead of three sites we want five for example when we first go to add a cylinder into blender we might choose a vertex count the amount of vertices value that we have here to be divisible by four so that our resolution the amount of segments that make up this cylinder can easily be rotated around and symmetrical in quite a few ways here I've got a cap fill of nothing so there's no other polygons at the top or bottom there and if we take a look from top orthographic with seven on the numpad and I'm gonna go all zette so that I can easily select through the mesh here because we have a value divisible by four it's really easy to just select a quarter or a half actually let's take just a quarter and ctrl I to invert the selection there and X to delete all those vertices and then we could just create any basic bit of detail let's say that's the sort of thing we were looking for it's really easy at this point since the object origin for this object is still going to be at the center if I let's make that a little clearer and turn on our origins and a 3d cursor instead of going shift D to duplicate I'm going to instead go alt B did you go K which will create a linked instance where the objects share the exact same mesh information and then go R and then 90 and enter to confirm that and then I got to go shift are a couple of times to get the last two corners there and then at this point I can just take this one take this bit of detail for example and we'll see that it's actually as we edit one quarter of it all the courses are getting updated at the same time if we wanted a cylinder which repeated around more like five times we might need to choose something which is more difficult by five so maybe something like 30 and then for every six faces let's get six of these and invert the selection delete those and then now what we do is come to alt D and then R to rotate and it would be somewhere around here now I'm just going to drop it into about there because we don't have to be perfectly precise with the maths on this we can actually figure this out by just going 360 divided by five and we know that's 72 so at that point was gonna go shift our until we complete the circle and then at that point when we edit one all the others get edited we don't actually have to think about the mass of it whatsoever though since we can actually just model our detail where it might be simpler on a flat plane and then use our multipliers to get what we need so let's take a look at that let's take this flat plane which i've subdivided and just convert this into a cylinder so I'm going to tap back out into object mode and let's add a modifier simple to form and then I want the bend option and now if we set the axis to be any one of these three we're not really getting that cylinder so what I'm going to need to do is go shift a and add in an empty for which to control that with so I'm gonna switch back to the plane and then choose that empty now the basic idea here is that we want this empty to have the y-axis of it shooting out perpendicular from this geometry so we're gonna need to see that a little bit better so I'm gonna come back over to the empty settings and display that actually as arrows so we can see Y is shooting off down that way so let's rotate all around X I'm gonna need to rotate 90 degrees so I'm just going to type in 90 in the non pad and press Enter and now we can see the plane is beginning to actually rotate around and resemble a little bit more of a cylinder so let's come over to the modifier settings and take the angle here all the way to a full circle 360 now when we do that it's basically rotated it round the wrong way so I'm going to set this actually to minus 360 I'm gonna grab both of these actually and rotate them so this cylinder is standing up rotate X and 90 and then if we take this and tap into edit mode again we can see we still have access to that flat plane and we don't need to be able to see this empty anymore so I'm just going to switch off the visibility of that in the viewport so we have access to this flat plane and that might make certain modeling objectives a little bit easier we could easily just take a part of this and move that over there like this maybe we might like to take a few of these faces in set them in and then just extrude them back something just super simple like that now it's all very flat shaded so let's right-click and shade that as smooth and if we take a look around the back we can still clearly see a very flat hard edge so to help with this let's use the weld modifier and now that goes away and then let's add a subdivision surface modifier take that up to 2 levels of supervision in the viewport and then from there we could continue to work now we can work flat like this or we could come over to the deform and click this last button that we have on our modifier settings here which is just going to allow us to actually edit with the modifications in place took there for example we might want to go ctrl R and reinforce this edge on the other side and it feels very much like just working on a regular model maybe let's just add another now this is just that one version of the geometry just being rotated around a good way to get some rotational symmetry here is simply have at the start of all this an array modifier I'm gonna pop that right to the top using this little arrow here and let's take our fixed count up to 3 now notice that it was getting wider but also notice that we're now getting 3 of those little indents that we made taking a look in wireframes may be a little bit easier - that's super quick and easy to just choose the amount of rotational symmetry we want there so for example let's just quickly take that to 5 and it's done if we want to change the overall size of it the overall radius of it we could just scale it in this case of that would be s and then shift Zed just to eliminate the z axis from being scaled now we've made it a little bit of a narrow diameter now but maybe we might want to go back to this detail maybe scale that down square that out a little bit more or whatever we like so that was the cylinder let's take a look at making a more of a disc with rotational symmetry so I'm going to go shift a and add in a mesh plane let's move that off to the side to have into edit mode right click to subdivide can I set that all the way up to 10 and then I'm gonna come over to the modifier bring in our trusty simple deform change that to bend change the access to Z so it's rotating as we look at it down here from the z-axis and let's take that all the way up to 360 now you can probably tell that that's overlapping quite badly so all we need to do is just press G and in this case I've middle clicked and gestured towards the left and right just to lock it down on the y-axis there and I could just drop it in about there we don't need to be particularly precise about it we can scale right where we are to change the thickness of this and depending on how far we move it down the y-axis in this case will depend on its general overall radius now at this point we're already able to just tap into edit mode find our flat plane and then maybe just drag down this edge loop G and then zet to create some inner detail there and for the outer detail here maybe I'll just go e to extrude Zed to lock it on the z axis and drop it to about there and we can already see some kind of disk starting to take shape I think we're going to need to right-click and shade this smooth though let's give it some subdivision surface levels so maybe about two and notice where it's wrapped all the way around on itself we need to weld that so I'm gonna add the weld modifier and make that above the subdivision surface modifier just collapse that a little bit and I'll also collapse this and then we're ready to just continue editing so I can use ctrl R to reinforce this edge loop and tighten this up if we want or I'll alt left select this one just go control shift R instead and that way will automatically create our offset loops required to tighten an edge up I think I'll take this internal loop and just slide it to the left a little bit more so if I take a look from an orthographic view we can see the actual profile of what it is that we've created there as we had before we have the option to instead of modeling in a flat plane like this we could just enable this feature to edit on the cage to edit in place where it's gonna feel a lot more like just working with a regular geometry and any changes that we make potentially a little bit more intuitive now notice that this isn't really creating any rotational symmetry it's just that one bit of geometry being bent all around so has again as we did before we just create this array and put that to the very top I notice with a fixed count of two we have two of those little details now and we could just choose how many times we want to see that rotation symmetry I'm gonna choose three and after doing that it changes its overall size so we might want to go in and change the general scale of it all right so I'm going to collapse this bit and for the simple deform itself I'm going to turn off that edit on the cage option and just edit as we see it here and take those faces that we just lowered let's just check where on vertex mode though so G's ed hold ctrl indicate to that vertex alt 80 deselect everything and then we have a nice clean disk ready for some more deliberate rotational symmetry they go just take these five polygons there I to inset them e to extrude them down and let's take a look at that that's looking pretty good I think I'm going to grab the edges just there and just slide them in double tap G somewhere around there now you can see in the top left just around this kind of area that it's around 0.8 that I want it so I'm going to type that in exactly and when it comes to the other edge that we have on the opposite side I'm gonna do basically the same thing so this time instead of - I'm just gonna go for the plus let's take a look at that I'm getting this nice little fading in detail and something that would be trickier to do is just sort of fading it in from these sides as well but with it flat like this it's way easier you just select these edges and scale them towards each other on the y-axis so s and then Y let's check that out and that's working pretty well something else that we could do and I'm gonna use the cage in this case is just take some of these areas in between the notches so maybe that amount and I'm gonna take a look from top orthographic take a look in wireframe one for vertex select I'm gonna shift select over more of the vertices that I want just to make sure we get them all and from there I'm gonna turn off the Edit on the cage actually and what I'm going to do is just squish them in so I'm gonna press G and then Y we can see what's happening very very slightly parts of it are being flattened out but I think this edge loop is in the way so I'm going to select it an X to dissolve it and this edge loop I'm going to slide further in as well and then I'm going to go back to vertex select and take these vertices that we've squished in a little bit and do that a little bit more and then we can see the effect of that so let's just take a look at how far we want that to go and I think I'm happy with that and here I've jumped forward to show the result of just a few more very basic modeling ideas at this point we could just go on forever really adding whatever details we like safe in the knowledge that all of this is neatly getting automatically duplicated and rotate it around
Channel: Aidy Burrows 3D
Views: 35,717
Rating: 4.9842176 out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorials, rotary, details, circular, modifiers, deform, circle, hell, modeling, hard surface, radial
Id: NkKtnBaQRww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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