[Blender Tutorial] 손 모델링하고 리깅 적용하기

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Hello, today I made hands and even rigging. let's apply And the blender file you see now is the lighting and basic settings in the future. having applied I will link the file, so it would be nice to download and use it. So let's model the hand Please delete this monkey file here. and create a cube Create a cube and look only at this cube To work, if you press the / button, it is set so that only objects can be seen. I will work like this Go into edit mode and with all selections like this scale down the y-axis Then, make the loop cut vertically with Command + R. Please add 3 and enter In the slide state, just press ESC And one more Command + R loop cut horizontally Add it and create it slightly above View in x-ray mode with option + z Select all the faces below in vertex selection mode Scale the size on the x-axis I'll raise it up a bit Bring out the X-ray mode. Select the second face in face selection mode, I'm going to lift it up with the grab, but press O turn on professional editing Move up on the z-axis using the mouse wheel While adjusting the area affected by the vertex make it Four faces will make four fingers. Press O to turn professional editing off. Please choose 4 noodles And I'm going to extrude with Option + E. With an extrude individual face If you extrude, each side separately It can be extruded and extruded in a form with no gaps. In this state g > move up on the z-axis And the pivot point at the top If you change it to Individual Origin Selected object when editing here each can be edited S > If you enter the number 0 for the z-axis This face will be modified horizontally Now let's adjust the length of the finger You can make the length of your finger with the grab z-axis. Select the face on the left in face selection mode Please look at the front and extrude raise it a bit Option + Z to X-ray mode please shape it The thumb will come out here, choose the pace please extrude Choose 5 noodles below You can delete the x face and make a hole here. Go to object mode and press command + 2 Please apply subdivision surface I'm going to make hands that feel plump and stubby. So here's a loop cut with Command + R I'm going to make a word by adding Similarly for the rest of the fingers I'll add a loop cut Then go into edit mode Turn on professional editing Click the icon on the right to Connected Only here if you check Only where the vertices are attached Professional editing is applied For example, when reducing the size here Fingers on the left are not affected. Only the fourth finger can affect the size. So, select all 4 sides Scale down the size on the y-axis Similarly, let's reduce the salt map to the y-axis. In this way, I made the shape of the finger to some extent A little detail of these parts of the fingers and the back of the hand I will make it go into edit mode Select Vertices and turn off Connected Only And after looking at it from the side view I'm going to make the back of this hand a little round by moving it along the y-axis with grab. raise the mouse wheel to face select mode select the tip of the finger Rotate and bend your fingers and along the y-axis Move and rotate again This will allow you to bend your fingers thumb as well I will check this connected only and fix it please add loop cut here Command + R add a loop cut And turn off professional editing. I'm going to select two edges here and move them. If you press g twice, you can edit the edge slide state So press g twice I'll edit this part and crave it a little here too And turn on professional editing here slightly on the y-axis And I'll put this part inside Option-hold the face below this Click on the bottom in edge selection mode Then all connected edges are selected I'll grow it a bit on the y-axis Then select the front and back vertices Turn on professional editing I'm going to increase the size with the scale y-axis, so change the pivot point here back to the medium point. And as scale y-axis this part Select 4 vertices at both ends, and this part I'm going to scale down on the y axis to make the lower part a little rounder. Press the edge selection mode Option for this side part select the edge Select these two edges and reduce them to the y side I'm going to round the angular part like this. And I added a loop cut on this side too I'll make more knuckles on your fingers The fingers are a little more clearly separated. This part is a bit more square than the other fingers I craved it a little with the edge slide Then go into edit mode and hold down Option on the bottomby clicking Please extrude. Extrude in z-axis. s > z > 0 to level the edges I will size down a bit So while looking at it, the shape of the hand is naturally can you trim it The hand finishes the modeling like this With Right Shade Autosmooth please make it soft Now this part is the mesh I think this is happening because of lack of Reduce the subdivision viewport level to 1 and apply. Then If you reapply Command + 2 Subdivision I made a lot of noodles like this, so there is no phenomenon like before It applied smoothly I think it would be better if my fingers were a little fatter, so I'll try to fix it. go into edit mode Select all with a and Option + s If you increase the scale You can increase the volume of the object itself Can make your fingers feel fat this part take a little forward I felt a little square I will finish editing this And let's make the sleeve part on the clothes just as a cylinder I'll make it round, add a cylinder reduce the size And select the face on the face Please delete the x face Make it like this and Command + 2 Please add subdivision Select the bottom face and add an inset with I I'll make another one And add a loop cut to the horizontal part and pull it downward I made this corner more angular And by adding solidi pie Put Solidify above Subdivision. Increase the Thickness with a negative offset. I will add a loop cut to this part as well Then duplicate it with Shift + D and press ESC and increase the size I'll get down Then, select all with a and soften the face with Shade Auto Smooth with the right mouse button. I'll finish it like this. Then I'll do the rigging so that I can move my fingers. shift + a add a single bone in armature Next, click on the icon above the bone on the right and click here In the viewport display tab If you check Infront, this bone will be visible in the forefront. So please move the bones to the bottom And go into edit mode and circle on this make a choice Grab like this with g By adjusting, you can reduce or increase the size of the bone. After moving to this point, if you extrude it, here One more bone is added, so in the z-axis at this point please create And extrude again here and add a bone at this point. Also select the circle here and extrude it By creating this all 5 fingers the same You can also do it as an express After doing this and viewing it in a side view, move this part slightly Move the bone to the center where your finger starts. and From the bone in the thumb area, extrude again here to match the tip of the finger You can extrude it, and here you can use the grab You can add bones to match the shape of your finger. as well as other fingers create like this If you select the middle part of this bone, the entire bone is selected. So, after selecting all the bones for the rest of the fingers, right-click When subdividing, the number of bones is equally divided, and here Please enter two cuts And after selecting all the bones in the middle and looking at them from the side view location If you move to fit the curved shape You can edit the pattern So select the hand object and the armature object and select the armature In the state where the amateur is active by last selection Command + P Parents Please select with automatic weight Then, based on amateurs, weights were created in the hands. Then, when the armature was moved, the hand moved as well. So change from object mode on the left to pose mode and here If you rotate and move the bone like this The object will bend according to the bone However, by moving the bones one by one, Rather than bending a finger anyway This is because the fingers are shaped to bend together. let's work Choose a pattern below Hold down shift and select the bone above it So, the bone above this must be in the active state Here, press Command + Shift + C and in the transform line Please select a copy rotation And if you select the icon here Copy rotation has been added, and the target here Local Space The owner here can also change to a local space. so this work Similarly, select the lower bone and select the upper bone last, so here is in an active state Command + Shift + C copy rotation Change target to local space owner to local space The pattern at the bottom of this If you select and rotate, The same rotation is copied to the bones, so they are bent. So, you can apply this with all your fingers. After applying all the copy rotations like this, I selected the 5 bones below next time Lotte Blender bounced and remade, so the shape may be a little different. The habit of saving while working seems to be important In pose mode, with copy rotation applied here and now Select the 5 bones in the third Press Rotation x twice to do this When I bend over, I clenched my fist like this can be made in the form In the case of the thumb, here is the rotation z-axis Move and press Z twice this way You can make a clenched hand shape In this way, you can make the shape of the hand you want using bones. Finish the hand pose like this You can make the hand pose you want. And now let's apply the material I will finish the pose like this And now we're going to add a material. Add a material to the hand object base color And here we are going to add a subsurface color. The subsurface is when light is projected onto the actual skin. It is a function that plays such a role that it looks red, so I changed the subsurface color I'll put it in red, and I'll put in a subsurface value of about 0.3 here. I'll raise the roughness a bit more 0.7 Lighten the base color a bit Sleeves are white, roughness 0.8 Add and Roughness 0.8 and / here If you press it, it will return to its original state. Let's add a material to the plane Raise the roughness to 1 base color is do this size up a bit I will render like this. Click Render > Render Image. Today, I applied simple hand modeling and rigging. thank you
Channel: Sens 3D
Views: 32,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, modeling, 블렌더, 모델링, hand, rigging, 손, 핸드, 리깅
Id: ZwsDZNP5m2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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