Flipping Pages: Animation In Blender | Easy Step By Step Tutorial | Books | Magazines | Diaries etc.

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in this tutorial we'll discuss how to create an animation for flipping of the pages from a book and we'll use very basic and simple tools and blender to create this animation this tutorial was requested by one of our viewers so here we go we can start with a flat plane like this and in order to give it a portrait shape like a page let us change its X scale factor to maybe 8 and we'll also change the X location to the same point 8 so that the left edge of this plane aligns perfectly with the y- AIS in the next step we need to move its origin point to this end where we have our 3D cursor so while the plane is selected go to the object menu and set origin to 3D cursor now we can hide this cursor since it's no longer needed for this tutorial and we'll get a clear viewport then we have to go to the edit mode while everything is selected right click here and select the subdivide option we can change the number of subdivision levels from here let us go with 32 which should be good enough for our purpose and then go back to the object mode we have to add a rotation or a rotary motion along with a bending of this plane in order to create the flipping page animation so we need to add two empties here one for the rotation and another for the bending this first empty is for the bending so we need to change this x rotation to 90 and remember that these values will depend on the orientation of your axis we can also reduce its size to say 0.25 so that it looks a little better in the viewport then only need to add one more empty for the rotation of the plane so let's go to the add menu and we'll pick up a cube this time to distinguish between these two empties we can reduce its size like before but since we are going to use it as a parent it's important that we apply its scale factors from here in fact we can rename this empty to parent since we'll later need to duplicate it multiple times for the other Pages now for this plane expand the section called relations and here we need to select that parent empty then the same thing has to be done for the empty that we are using for the bending now for our Cube empty which we can also call as the parent if we animate the wire rotation the page will rotate like this let's change it to zero and for frame number one we need to insert a key frame for this value then let's go to frame 100 because we will use 100 frames for complete flipping of one single page here we need to change this angle for the rotation let's make it perfectly 180 and we need to key frame this value if we now play the animation from the beginning we'll see that the page is turning over but this is not complete yet we need to also bend the page realistically while it's flipping so select the page and go to the modifiers tab we need to add a modifier for the bending and this is blender version 4 so the options may look a little different if you are on an older version but the modifiers are the same we need to add a simple deform modifier let's go to the bend Tab and then in this origin field we need to select select our first empty now for the bend axis we have to select the z-axis because although we want to bend this page around the Y AIS remember that we have rotated the empty by 90° but the bend direction is wrong it should be the opposite so we have to use some negative number here in order to bend it this way in the next step we need to animate this action the page should bend throughout the turning and it should finally become flat so for frame number one let's change this Bend angle to zero and key frame that value then somewhere in the middle of the animation say frame 50 will change this Bend angle to minus 135 with a key frame as usual then at the end of this flip action the page should again become flat so we'll change this angle back to zero and key frame this let's play the animation and verify at once the flipping looks good and realistic but it needs some improvements because the page should ideally Bend much more in the initial part and then gradually become flat in the later part so what we'll do is let's go to frame number 15 although the present value is just 26 we'll increase it to say 75 for a larger Bend during the first few frames of the flipping action now the bend itself may look better but the problem is the page is now penetrating the floor so we need to control the rotation of its parent so that no such penetration can happen let's first select this parent object the first key frame for this is at frame number one where its value is zero we'll go to frame number five and change this value to minus 5.5 there is no formula for this we derive this value through trial and error then we'll go to frame number 10 here the value should be minus 22 with a key frame finally for frame number 15 we have to change this angle to minus 38 and insert a key frame now the page should turn perfectly without any penetration through the floor so the animation part of a a single page is now done and for a smooth display we can turn on the shade smooth option using this same technique for a bunch of planes we can flip several pages from a book Let's hide the two empties that we have added so that our viewport remains clean you can also add a suitable image for both sides of this page so that it looks like a real page when we render this scene now we'll discuss how to apply this for a complete book or how to do this for several pages of a book flipping one after another first we need to create a bunch of static papers starting from a single plane we can attach a geometry node to this plane to create a stack of papers like this the geometry node that we have used here looks like this we have discussed this node setup in another tutorial and the link is given below where we have created a stack of dollar bills so we can skip this part here but these are static papers they won't turn or flip so let us unhide the original page that we have created earlier which will turn from this side to this side but it has got hidden under these static papers and the height of the stack is 05 unit so we need to move it up by that 05 in order to bring it on the top of these papers but we'll actually move up this parent so that the page as well as it's empty both can be moved up together with the parent so we can see that this page has now come to the top but it is still overlapping with the top surface of the static paper Bunch so we need to again move it up slightly this time we'll move up the page directly by say 001 a very small amount and we have to do the same for the empty which is linked to this page this will ensure that the pages are in the reverse order when they come from this side to this side now in the outliner right click on this plane and select copy then again right click here and select paste and you have to ensure that this is your active collection so we'll see that a new object has been created here called parent one and under this we'll see that a new empty and a new plane got created for these new objects we can see that the original values got copied as well for both of them and we can also verify that they have got the same animation key frames like the first page since this is our second page we need to move these animation keys by 100 frames so that it starts after the first page similarly for the new parent we have to move the key frames by 100 frames now we can hide the parent and the empty and one more thing since this is the second page and this is our first page this first page should lie just above the second page which is this one so we need to move up this page by a small amount say we change this to 0.2 and the same change needs to be done for this empty which is tie to that first page that almost completes our setup for two pages and if we now play this animation we'll see that the pages are flipping just as we wanted you can add more such Pages or you can even automate this for many pages using a python Pyon script there are some more fine-tuning possible here like you may want this first page to properly touch the ground which means its left Edge should come down a little bit more instead of hanging in the air so we have to select its parent object and then go to its last key frame we'll increase this angle to say 182 now the page will perfectly touch the ground which looks more natural and don't forget to refresh the key frame from here then similarly you may want to change the second page you may want this page to remain slightly folded instead of being completely flat so let's select this page and just like before we'll go to the last key frame for the page itself and let's say we change this angle to 20 we need to refresh or replace this key frame then select its parent object and we need to change its rotation angle so that the page does not penetrate the other Pages we can use one 72 for this and then replace the key frame so now if we play this we'll get our fin animation where the pages will flip most realistically you can add more such pages and add some pictures for these pages in order to get a result like this demo if you are a member of this channel you can also download the blend file of this tutorial which can help you to create this on your own so I hope it was fun and you'll like this tutorial thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to this channel
Channel: 5 Minutes Blender
Views: 86,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender 3.1, Blender 3.0, Blender Tutorial, How to use blender, Blender basics, Blender tutorial for beginners, Blender 3.3, Blender 3.4, Blender 3.5, Blender 3.6, Blender 4.0
Id: ijRabIP8GnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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