Create an Underground Subway Scene in Blender - Part 1 of 2

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g'day guys and welcome to part one of this underground railroad train track tutorial this is the finished result that you can see right here of breaking this tutorial up into two parts I recently was gonna combine it all into one big long tutorial but I figured that would be way too extensive and cumbersome so I'm gonna drag it out over to tutorials just so I can cover everything properly but yeah this is the finished result so I modeled this off a whole bunch of reference images which I found off Flickr and things like that to try and get a really authentic looking subway feel so yeah so that's what we're gonna be doing now this is the finished scene in blender that you can see right here now it's it looks quite complex but believe it or not it is fairly simple to put together I wouldn't be doing a tutorial on it if it wasn't you know that simple because I wouldn't have time to but yeah basically all we're gonna be doing is modeling our small segments so one small segment of the railroad track for example and then by using a raise which I'm going to show you how to do and a curve modifier as well it's going to be duplicating that segments along a track which we can then bend and twist however we want so and then basically all the other elements are completed in the same fashion and yeah it's a really easy simple way to create a rather complex advanced looking scene so this tutorial this is part 1 of this tutorial we'll be focusing entirely on the modeling side of things and then part 2 will be focused more on the lighting and the materials so as well as that we're also in part 2 going to get into the compositing as well so you know how to do that atmospheric fall-off effect the light glare glowing effect a bit of color balance lens distortion and stuff like that so yeah hopefully gonna have a bit of fun and hopefully you'll pick up a few things which you can use in a variety of different things for any future projects that you create so with that out of the way let's go ahead and open up a new scene in blender now before we get started because it's the start of a rather big project it's highly recommended or I highly did all of you to just spend you know five minutes having a look at some reference photos so I'm just gonna bring up a couple of photos here which I found off Flickr myself this is a photo which I you know my scene was heavily modeled off which is I don't think it's actually a a train kind of subway the parent according his description it was used as a Nazi tunnel shelter I don't really know what that means but I really like the feel of it kind of like a really nice clean but grungy looking effect and then you've got these lights that go all the way down and then it's kind of got this foggy kind of atmospheric feel to it looks quite eerie but it also looks some yeah quite i catching so i like that and then i've found another a variety of other photos so this is one you can see is a lot more complex it's got a lot more things going on pipes and cables and all along the top and there's all this tracks and gravel and things like that so you can go for that sort of scene if you like and then there's other ones here this is one that i think is being built but you can see it's got like a nice really clean looking kind of yeah it doesn't have too much stuff all over the walls and then there's this one here from paris which is um really dark and freaky looking I see there's a I think a documentary which I'll link you to which is really cool I've put a link to it underneath this video if you want to check it out but it's some guys who like go and explore the Paris underground railroad system and it's just it's really eerie actually when you have a look at it's kind of freaky but yeah quite cool as well anyway that's uh that's another story so we've had a look at some reference photos now we sort of got a general idea what we want to create so let's go ahead and get into it so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create the tunnel so I'm going to delete this default cube here and I'm going to replace it with a cylinder now in the tool bar here you can see we can change the options for this cylinder so the first thing I'm going to uncheck cap ends so that it's a hollow cylinder and I'm going to turn up the number of vertices from 32 to 64 like so and that's just so it's a lot more smoother and you don't have any visible choppy artifacts showing up okay so with that done now I'm gonna rotate it by 90 degrees so that it's flat like that and if you go back to the toolbar we need to turn on smooth shading so don't have that jaggedy effect and I also need to flip the normals if you don't know what normals are if I just turn on normals this you can see them normals are basically the direction in which the faces are facing so with these blue lines it shows that the normals are facing outwards which means that it would render fine if the camera was you know from this angle for example but if the camera was from inside the tunnel which is where it's going to be then the normals are facing in the wrong direction so that could cause problems later when you add textures and the lighting doesn't work properly so we need to flip the normals so in the toolbar just go here under normals and click flip direction and you can see all those blue lines are now facing inwards you can check which way they're facing by the way if you press n to bring up this little toolbar thing here and then just select mesh display normals but anyway okay simple now what I want to do is I want to remove a segment of this of this tunnel right here so just about that much right there maybe might a little bit more mm about there I think should be fine yeah okay yeah like that oh yeah make sure you select the other side as well okay and so we're gonna select that and then remove it okay so it's now cut off slightly and now what I want to do is go into edit mode and move all the vertices up keeping the origin point centered right there okay very important keep everything centered and I'm gonna position it just so that it's slightly underneath that red line so underneath the grid floor okay now I'm gonna add a plane and keeping it again exactly on the center line there I'm gonna scale it along the x axis just so it meets up with the edge right there okay pretty neat and yeah so now we've got the floor and the tunnel very simple now if you wanted to create you know a really long looking tunnel what most people would do or at least before you know this feature was added is they would just extrude this tunnel out and you know although that works fine if it was a straight tunnel and you know you didn't have much detail going on or whatever if you want to add some you know like a curve or kind of like a yeah a curve um then it would be a problem because you then have to go on you know move the vertices around or whatever and so it's just yeah it can be a little bit ya cumbersome so to fix that there's a feature added called the array modifier so if you go to modifiers then select array now what the array will do is it'll add basically it'll duplicate that that segment as many times as you say and it'll place it end on end now currently it's it's doing along the x-axis so I'm gonna turn I change the x-axis from one to zero and then set the y axis to one okay I know it's going upwards I need to make sure you get the rotation right so if you get this problem just hit control a and then select apply rotation and it should now be on the right path so I'm going to do the same with this plane right here so turn on array I feel like that and I'm gonna make it let's go for T okay so it's quite long and I don't do the same with the tunnel as well for T okay now the cool thing about this is I can tell you another feature now which is called the curve modifier okay now the curve modifier will allow you to make any object follow the path of a curve which you put in so - yeah so to demonstrate that we first need to put in a curve so I'm gonna go shift a select curve and you've got a number of different curves that you can choose here I always choose path just because it gives me a straight looking curve to begin with doesn't have a kink in there or anything I'm now gonna rotate that by 90 degrees and going into edit mode I'm gonna move all of those anchor points up so the bottom anchor point is in line with that origin point right there okay now I'm going to scale this up just so that it's the length of the railroad like so okay now I'm going to select my tunnel here and I'm going to go add modifier select curve okay now this curve here will ask you for the name of the curve and you can see you've only got one curve there so if we select NURBS path then you should see the tunnel move just very slightly and I'm going to do the same with this plane right here it's like curved NURBS path and now it doesn't look like anything has changed however what we can do now is if we go into edit mode with this curve here selected I can now move one of these points like that and you can see that the tunnel and the plane all move yet in line with the curve so this is how you can you know create a rollercoaster scene or a mineshaft or whatever and have the camera follow along this really complex route because you've basically you've modeled one small segment then had it use a raise and then a curve modify it's just curve it and just follow it around everywhere so it's a really quick and easy way to create a rather complex looking scene so I'm yeah you can create however you know what type of curve you want I'm gonna make this just slightly lower like that maybe make that about there move that up a bit like so okay so it's now got a slight kinky to it now what I want to do is I'm going to position the camera just so it's inside this tunnel here so you're gonna grab my camera and then I'm gonna hit in the front view now I'm gonna hit ctrl alt number pad zero and I'll just move it downwards okay I didn't do it exactly what I wanted to okay it's alright okay just position it about there okay should be fine okay so now we've set up the basic tunnel and the floor now we can get into the complex stuff and that is modeling the rail and those kind of yeah things that are going to follow the tunnel around so I'm going to jump back to the the internet now and I'm just gonna go to Google typing in train tracks section just so we can have a look at how an actual train track looks so this is giving us kind of a cross-section kind of look at what makes up a railroad track so that's really handy that picture right there so you can see it's it's rather simple it's got just a yeah like a small base there then there's kind of nobody bit on top and then this kind of mid thin section right there so rather simple so to create that what I'm going to do is go to a new layer here and I'm going to add a plane like that and where is it what am I looking at okay there we go I'm gonna rotate it by 90 degrees okay and I'm gonna remove the face from it okay so I'll remove the face only faces okay now what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually maybe I should have kept that face all right just so we can add these loop cuts easily I'm gonna add a two loop cuts there like that and I'm going to create another two loop cuts within it so let's go troll our lute cuts like that and I'm going to scale these two points in there like that okay and I'm also going to just move all of these vertices here just to the right hand side of that origin point and I'm going to add a mirror modifier okay that's just so that it saves us time having to model things twice turn on clipping and then just make sure that they're touching like so and I'm gonna move these vertices here in words like that and move these ones up just so it's a smaller base and I think that that is pretty close to what is right there maybe this is a slightly more out okay all right cool all right so now we've got the basic look of it um I'm going to remove the vertices from that which is what I did the beginning but I messed up so I'm just gonna select only faces I'm just going to remove all these edges here actually might as well yeah remove all these vertices there - uh-huh okay so now what I'm gonna do is just going into edit mode now I'm gonna extrude this shape outwards to about there okay and now I'm keeping it again on that origin line there and I'm just going to up hang on no into edit mode I'm just going to move all the vertices just so it's sort of in the center there and then scale it outwards like that so this is going to be one segment and right here in the middle of this segment of this railroad track I'm gonna add a clamp okay so I'm gonna jump over to the intern just to show you what the the railroad clamp does so the clamp basically is just bolting the at all yeah track to the ground so if we have a look at these pitches here you can see there's there is different types of clamps that gets the job done but it's essentially it's got two bolts in it and it keeps it down on the track you also got these fancy ones here which I found that used more for indoor type railroads so subways and things like that so that's the one we're gonna try to model this one right here so going back to the blender scene now well learn the scene there we go going into edit mode so we've still got the same object selected I'm gonna add a cube okay and I'm gonna scale it down to about there all right and we'll move it out a bit so the first part is going to be modeling this sort of bottom segment right there okay so I'm gonna extrude or position these vertices there a little bit outwards and let's see grab that anti cube and squash it down a bit so this is going to be where the track is actually sitting on okay and I'm going to create a cut here and a cut here and I'm going to extrude that cut upward so we should have a piece that's looking like this at the moment okay I'm now gonna just grab these just move them out a little bit and what I want to do is create two bolts right there now don't need to go into too much detail with the bolt because you know this segment is gonna be you know duplicated you know on an array system and you know hundreds of times throughout the scene so you don't want to go into too much detail so I'm gonna add a circle change the number of vertices of that to five so it's this kind of shape turn on fill like that and make sure the mirror modifier is set to clip clipping off before you try and scale it downwards otherwise you'll have it yeah get stuck on that middle line there okay position it about there and then extrude it downwards okay and then with that then selected I'm going to move that across there rotate them slightly just so they're not identical to each other all right so it's looking fairly good so far the next segment that we're going to do is this kind of swivel II what's swivel Iker kind of spirally thing which is gonna be clamping it down onto the tracks so to create that again I mean you're gonna be able to see this in too much detail in the final render but I'm just gonna create a plane like that position it about there and extrude it there and extrude it there okay so this is just really roughly just creating the shape of this thing and then I'm just gonna grab these vertices move them in I know there's a new tool in 2.57 which allows you to do some instantly create these faces for you but I'm not gonna use it for now cuz it's pretty simple well when to fly mode there don't do that okay alright so that's uh that's the basic clamp I might add a little bit more detail there okay just to break it up slightly okay okay cool all right so that's the the clamp pretty much finished now so now we can go to back to our scene here back to the scene I'm going to scale it down so it's not enormous of course and position it about there just so it's flat with the plane and now I'm going to actually enable or click apply for this mirror okay so now all that is one solid object and I'm going to move it across to the kind of yeah on the right-hand side of that origin point and I'm going to turn on mirror again and what this will do is it'll create a duplicate track right there so now if I add an array modifier turn it onto the y-axis as we did before make sure the rotation is correct like so then we can now turn up the number of counts for this array and it should all work I know something you're probably wondering why I don't just go fixed-length and choose fit curve because you can do that make it so that it follows the length of that anti curve there I've always found that to be really troublesome and it never really follows the exact amount of the curve like to do with the size of the curve etc so I just you know for the sake of keeping it easy I'm just gonna yeah just do it by hand just by selecting the number of counts there but you know you can do whatever you like so now I'm gonna make it follow that curve so adding a curve modifier now and then select NURBS path and there you go you can see that it's now following the curve I'm just going to move part of this curve up a bit just so we can still see everything maybe grab these parts here move them up slightly okay cool all right so I might just move this camera forward a little bit just so that it's in line like so cool now there's one other thing to note and that's that the railroads generally have what's called a third rail I don't know the purpose of it but I was watching that documentary and they'll saying that if you touch the third rail then you die pretty quickly because I think that's kind of like like where the electrical vaults are grounded or whatever I mean I'm just talking I really have no idea but basically there is a third rail so kind of a duplicate of one of these that just runs alongside one of the tracks so I'm just going to duplicate this entire rail here move it to about there and turn off mirror okay so we've now yeah basically got that I want to make sure this origin point is exactly where it should be so I'm just gonna make sure it goes to the right point okay origin point is in line now and just to break it up so it doesn't look identical to the railroad I'm gonna scale this down a lot maybe change the shape of it slightly so it's like that these points can go inwards a little bit all right cool and make sure it's flat with the plane like so oh and also just scale that out of it as well okay so now we've got that third rail so now what I'm going to create is the pipes so if we go back to our reference photos over here you can see you've got these pipes running along the sides of the of the the the walls of this subway so I'm assuming the pipes have cables and other things in them pretty much every photo has some kind of pipes running along the sides of it so I'm gonna create that now so let's go back here and this is going to be pretty much you know doing the same sort of methods that we did so adding a cylinder I'm gonna give it let's go 20 vertices no capped ends I'm gonna rotate it like so scale it downwards and extrude it out about there okay turn on smooth shading for this turn on array like so turn the count of that all the way up to whatever is necessary something like that give it a curve nopes path and there we go so I want to add obviously a little bit more detail to this pipe so let me just scale it down for start with extrude it about there so for the one of these end points here I'm going to extrude it like so hoping you can quickly see how I did that just yeah extruding like that and make sure you select merge so they're all merging together those end points when the arrays meet and also turn on edge split so that you don't have that weird kind of effect that was there before okay and I also want to make it so it's bolted to the wall a little bit so easy way to do that if I grab these vertices here and then a 5 press shift D and then just move it to about there extrude it out a bit then extrude it that way and then if I grab these vertices right here like that and then just extrude it that way or just move them that way like that turn on smooth shading again then it's kind of created that bracket which is bolting it to the wall there now if I want to create an exact replica of that so that it's on the other side as well what I can do is with that cylinder selected if I just with this track selected so you can see where the origin point of that track is they're directly on that centerline so if I hit shift s then select cursor to selected and then select my pipe object there then hit ctrl shift alt C then select origin to 3d cursor if I now add a mirror modifier then it's automatically created one on the opposite side now make sure that the mirror modifier is above the curve like that so that it's yet otherwise you'll have it kind of that kind of problem happening so yeah make sure it's above the curve okay cool all right so oh yeah with the edge split modifier make sure you set it to 60 or 80 whatever just so you don't have any kind of weird artifacts showing I think that's let me just have a look array mirror curve if you have to move that edge split up a little bit okay well that's alright anyway let's go ahead and save our scene now before something happens okay so that's saved all right so now what I'm going to create ah I might just move that town again anyway it's not perfect but you know you get the gist of it so I'm going to create some more pipes along the side there so going back to the reference photos if we have a look specifically at this one here you can see we've got these kind of like a series of six really small lines which are just going along both edges of this tunnel here which I presume are the power for those little lamps that you can see there on the side there so the first thing I'm going to do is actually model the one of those fine lines so let's jump to over to another new layer now and I'm going to add a circle now this circle needs to be very low res because there's going to be actually six of them which are extruding across you know the rest of the scene so we're going to give it a number of vertices out of eight okay and make sure fill is unselected okay just so it's like that you've got to rotate it by 90 degrees scale it downwards and now what I'm gonna do go into edit mode and I'm gonna duplicate that and so that there's six of them like this okay I don't have to be you know the same distance apart they can be a little bit random because Y is a like that and now I'm going to select all of them and then it goes just extrude them like so okay now I want to create one there on that kind of grid point there another one here and another one here and another one here now what I'm going to do is just randomize these points right here because what I want to make it look like is there's a bracket holding these ones up a bracket here and a bracket here so I want to make these ones that are these vertices here and these vertices here just slightly sagging a little bit just to add a little bit of random variation to it so some of the lines are tighter than others but yeah you can see the kind of effect that we're going to go for okay so it's something abound about like so okay like that turn on smooth shading and you can see it gets a very weird looking effects so just make sure that you've also select let's see recalculate normal so they get them nice and smooth like that now to create that bracket I'm just going to grab one of these endpoints right here duplicate it rotate it and I'm gonna drop one just scale it down a little bit extrude it like that and let's also just rotate this one just to create this kind of bracket which is actually going to hold it onto the wall so position it about there and make sure it's actually above that okay so it's like that alright and same with this bottom point here duplicate that okay alright so now I'm going to there's a lot of duplicating in this tutorial but it just saves time duplicate that there and then we can leave that there so now if we add an array point and array modifier making sure you clear the rotation you could see that we get this kind of nice kind of wire looking effect now it's important that these brackets that you've got one right here for example particularly this endpoint here that it doesn't overlap that point there like that and the reason for that is that if you do that then you'll see that the array modifier kind of cuts there because the way the array modifier works is it takes the very end point the end vertices and then the V will the very start vertice and then the very end vertice and then it places them in to end so if this vertice is there then it's going to use that end point which is then going to make it look like it's all broken up so make sure that it's um yeah basically the line is the end vertices like so cool all right so I've got that set up let's jump back now to the first layer I'm gonna move it to the first layer actually okay scaling it down and I'm gonna leave that origin point where it is but I'm gonna go into edit mode and then just move this up to the wall about there okay so now if I turn up that array count so it's going all the way to the end of the tunnel and then I add a curve modifier NURBS path and make sure you turn up the array again all the way up to the end cool and then I'm also gonna add a mirror modifier as well so mirror make sure it's above the curve modifier and now you've got them both going up the sides there now you don't want to have everything kind of symmetrical like this side is identical to that side so at the end of this you might want to apply one of the mirror modifiers and then go in and then shift these around a little bit so they're not identically aligned but you can save that to the end because otherwise you can only click apply once basically and then it's set in concrete pretty much so I try and keep things right to the very end before I do stuff like that might just move that in slightly closer to the wall all right that's cool all right let's bring back the railroad now so we can see it that railroads looking a little bit out of scale too so I'm just gonna scale that down to about there and move that in a little bit which I think because the the clamps are just recurring a little bit too quickly I'm just gonna increase that scaling like that okay so that's a little bit better all right cool so now comes another part where we're going to add the lamps okay so I said in this tutorial we're just going to be doing the modeling side of things but we're also going to be adding the the lamps as well just because this is also ties in with modeling lamps and we want the blender lamp so the lamps that are actually going to light the scene to also match up with the lamps that we're going to model so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take this default lamp here and I'm going to position it in the tunnel here just so it's on the wall okay like so and I'm going to holding down shift I'm gonna select that curve right there hit control P and then select follow path okay so if I now select this lamp right here well I see if I just hit alt a right now that lamp should now follow the yeah follow the train track all the way down there if I go to our duplication I'm going to turn on frames and make sure you uncheck speed okay and what that's done now is it has now duplicated that lamp on every single one of those frames all the way down to the end of the tunnel now I'm using this you're probably wondering why I'm not using an array system that's because with lamps you can't use array so the you knows there's no modifier Stuckart here so unfortunately you can't use arrays with lamps so kind of annoying but that's just the way it is so this is a way around that now this used to be the way you would do kind of things like before the array system you would make the tube and make it follow jou pervert but they kind of fix that up but yeah it's kind of an old-fashioned way of doing things but it's the way to do it for lamps at least currently anyway so with this lamp selected I'm also just going to just turn on sphere and set the distance to three just so it's we can see it a little bit better and it'll light up a tunnel a bit better as well all right cool all right so now what I want to do is I want to actually model the physical lamp okay so I'm going to jump over to a new layer again now the the kind of the reference photo I'm going to use is actually this one right here I'm not sure if you can see or not but there's kind of a grill which is surrounding this lamp here on the side so I want to sort of go for that look now it's not going to be very clear to the camera so it's doesn't this kind of point isn't really like that essential to getting the lamp kind of modeled perfectly but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a UV sphere rotate it by 90 degrees remove half of it like so remove half of it again what mmm let's go vertices okay and then remove another half okay so kind of like a magic trick cut it in half three times cool I'm now gonna add a mirror modifier mirror like that and then turn on Zed as well okay cool all right so now we've got just this one segment here and it's making up half of this sphere what I'm actually going to be modeling is that grille okay so if you ever look here it's kind of that real kind of shape so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a cut that goes right here another cut that goes right here another cut that goes right here and then another final cut that goes there and I'm going to do the same for this segment going vertically so I'm leaving kind of one point that's in between them at one sort of cut whatever kind of line they're in between them like so and yeah that should be fine okay so now if I select these vertices which are in the middle like so I'm sure there's other different probably better ways of doing this method this was just the way that I found worked so that's why I'm doing it so if I select all those vertices there if I go to delete vertices you can see we've got this nice grill looking effect so I mean it's not perfect it's not we're not you know getting it really accurate to a reference photo but it's fine for what I want it to do so I'm now going to go to scale and then type in 1.0 no scale why so scaling along the y-axis like like this if I go if i type in 1.5 then you could see it's given it kind of an elongated look there if that's the right word elongated all right so I'm going to add another UV sphere here rotated by 90 degrees cut it in half again and go to Y then select 1.5 and then just scale it down slightly you can see we've now got that inside that grill shape there okay so pretty cool yeah I'm gonna give it a material just really basic just give it an emit value of 1 just so that we can actually see it in relation to the rest of the scene okay and I'm also going to just add a cube and this is going to be kind of the kind of a point where the the lamp is kind of sitting on this kind of box while the electrical parts are stored and they're really technical but it works so that's gonna be the box so just go back to the modifier stack err here for this grill here and just click apply for the mirror just so that it's one solid object now and now select that but that's fear and the cube and then hit control J and that should be now one solid object unfortunately it's using this one material I only wanted that cylinder in the middle I mean that sphere in the middle there to be that material so I'm just going to add a new material here let's just make this black okay so elect one vertice from each of those hit ctrl L and then hit assign okay alright so that is one lamp okay let's jump back to the tunnel scene here I'm gonna rotate that by 90 degrees and let's just position it about there now I would use an array system for this because I can but because I want this to exactly line up with these lamps here I'm going to do the exact same method I did for the lamps so kind of that old-fashioned method I'm gonna do doop levert so with that lamp selected gonna select that curve going along the middle there I'm gonna hit control P and select follow path okay and then go here duplication frames turn off speed and it should now be lined up provided this first one here is lined up with the lamp it should be lined up perfectly with the rest of the scene I mean with the with the lamps themselves okay move that about there should be perfect alright cool I'm gonna add a mirror modifier and I'm gonna make this apply oh yes okay the origin point needs to be on that center line there so if I select that lamp hit ctrl alt shift ctrl alt shift and then hit origin to 3d cursor now if I add a yeah mirror make it apply it's good rotation to the x-axis you can see that we've now got that lamp along the outside there along the other side there sorry so you know if you're thinking that's a lot of lamps and you're right so actually if I wanted to create less of them what I would do is I would go to the gist so I'm just moving this around while I'm talking if I go here to the duplication option if I select off if I turn this number of off amount basically that means every second or third frame it's gonna place one so the more I set that up then the less lamps are actually visible so I think for my scene I used off value of three and you're gonna want to make sure you do the same for the lamps as well they have the same off value so yeah that's how you get less of them showing up and if you want the lamps on the other side of the tunnel as well which I'm assuming you will because you want a realistic scene just grab those lamps there hit shift D duplicate it and then drop it on the other side like so okay and then also if you want to make sure those lamps share the same data hold down shift select the other lamp hit control L then select object and you'll see the lamps now have this - next to their name which means they're now sharing the same data so that's handy as well okay cool so what have we got at the moment let's check it out if I can grab it okay cool all right so the scene is almost complete I'm gonna create one final thing just for my scene I found that it was kind of bare just having the ceiling with there with nothing on it so you know having a look at this reference photo here there's nothing really along the ceiling at all but I found that this ceiling looked quite bare so what I did was i just added a plain rotated it by 90 degrees scaled it down considerably positioned it on the ceiling like that making sure it's quite small okay and now to make it follow and well duplicate it first of all add an array system and one thing with this you'll note that if you set this to 1 or let's go 1 you'll notice that you can't actually see it like there's no there's not two planes down if you set this to 10 you still can't see it or 20 you still can't see it that's because the plane is paper-thin so basically it's trying to pile this really tiny infinite tiny number and then scale it along 20 which is not doing anything so you actually need to turn off relative offset and then turn on constant offset so if I set this amount here to 50 then you'll notice that it's now actually appearing so that's just one way to get around it and I think I only really use that for planes so that's just something to note okay so I'm just increasing that count and then going to curve doing exactly what we did with the other ones like so so what I'm going to show you in the part 2 of the tutorial is I gonna put like a little number on that like a little texture which is gonna make it look like you know how trains have those kind of numbers along the top so that's basically what that's going to be I'm also I might just think there's a hundred just so it's not occurring too much yeah I'd say that looks pretty good alright so just so we can actually get a rendered scene here what I'm going to do is I'm just going to very quickly make a yeah just render this out but just so that we can actually see the lamps because the lamps are inside this physical lamp here what I'm gonna do is just select these materials for this lamp and just turn off traceable as you know for the black it needs to be turned on but for the white material turn off traceable so basically what traceable does is it means that it's saying that yes to use that material to cast a shadow so if the lamp is inside it and it's trying to cast a shadow you're not going to see any of the lamp coming out of it so by turning off traceable it means don't cast a shadow through that object so that's why we turn it off so just quick little announcement there okay all right so making sure these align up okay I'm also just very quickly going to I'll just give it a soft size for this lamp here as well so go 1.3 turn the samples up to 6 and I'm also going to turn on ambient occlusion set it to multiply maybe turn that down to 0.6 and the distance for this if I'm really going into some advanced settings I just want to get some kind of finished result here just so I can render it out before we go to next week's segment so let's render this now and see how it looks okay so not bad um the railroad has actually lifted off the ground there so I'm just going to quickly fix that now and move that down there and I might also just select these lamps here and turn off specularity just so it rings a little bit nicer but there you go guys so that is that concludes part 1 of this tutorial so just get covering the basic modeling of our underground subway here as you can see really easy to create a very complex looking scene just by just Sheila using a raise and the curve modifier and you can create a really advanced complex looking scene just by modeling a few different segments so next week in our tutorial we're gonna I'm gonna show you guys how to add those textures the correct lighting get kind of nice reflections off the floor the things like that so gonna get into advanced texturing and lighting next week so I hope you enjoyed part one and stay tuned for next week for part two so thanks for watching
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 321,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial
Id: sROnLfkPgzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2012
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