Blender to Unreal tools, Part 1 | Live from HQ | Inside Unreal

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and then if you look right over here, my object name is cube, so that's the name of my Asset. So the name of my objects, the name of my Asset, folder structure-- if your folders don't exist, it'll just create those folders for you. So that's pretty simple and pretty self-explanatory. There is this setting here. I'm going to touch on this later in the stream and kind of explain that, but I'm going to go ahead and open up another example file, and I'll talk about updating Meshes in Unreal. >>VICTOR: Before you do that, James, one thing to note as well is if you'll look in Blender in the UI right now, under the scene collection, I assume that everyone in the stream has at least played with 2.8. So the changes to grouping, collections, layers-- things like that-- is pretty important. And so we should touch on the fact that these collections that this add-on adds are where you put the objects and Assets you want going to UE4. And it's pretty self-explanatory. Meshes, rigs, and extras. So, I don't know if you want to go into that a little bit more. >>JAMES: That's a good point. Yeah, so basically how this tool works is you can see that I'm exporting this and it's importing a Static Mesh, or later I'm going to show you how I'm importing Skeletal Meshes and things like that. The tool infers a lot of that information based on how they are organized in these collections. So we have Mesh, rig, and extras. So extras is not really for you guys. That's where we hide a lot of extra information that goes on in some of our other add-ons and other things. That's just an organizational thing. But the Mesh and rig collections are important. So this is obviously a Mesh, so I wanted to move this to the Mesh collection. I'll show you if I had this in the scene collection and I have nothing over here, and I tried to export this, it's going to say you don't have the correct objects under the Mesh and rig collections, because it doesn't know what I'm trying to do. So you need to have the appropriate object types under the appropriate collection names. Yeah. So that's an excellent point. Also, this right here, I'm doing using a hotkey. And that's just because I went here and I just changed that shortcut. So by default I wouldn't have a hotkey, but I just mapped it to Control-U because I like using the hotkey instead of the menu. Yeah. So I think we're good to go. And I'm going to move on to another example. >>VICTOR: We had a few questions, if you don't mind. >>KAYE: Let's do it. >>VICTOR: We'll answer a couple of them. They were curious in what format the Static Mesh is exported in. >>KAYE: So I've seen some discussion about this going forward, and to answer that question, it is using FBX, but we are not necessarily saving a file, per Se, to disk, and then having to go to UE for an import. We're sort of piping that data and the proper settings recipe for UE4, which is really where-- like that's sort of the secret sauce of this whole thing. That's not really so secret, but that's sort of what we're piping to UE4. And then the Python plugins that James showed earlier, that's actually what's handling that import information. Now you'll see a little bit later-- we already sort of let the cat peek out of the bag a little bit with one of those options that mentioned Rigify. You'll sort of see that we do have the ability to pull up the import options for things coming into UE4, but in the simplest cases, such as just a Blender cube, and color change on a Material, and things like that, you can just send it directly. And we've sort of set those settings for the best case scenario for what we do here making games. And so that sort of-- hopefully that answers to the question, but ultimately it's FBX. Like that's the transmission layer, I guess you would say. >>JAMES: Yeah. There's no magic. It's just FBX import, export. And we're just speeding up that process that you would do manually, and setting the correct settings for you so they work hand-in-hand. Another thing that I also should mention is-- this doesn't matter for Static Meshes, but this add-on actually will set your unit scale. So this is important when you start moving into Skeletal Meshes and you're taking Assets that were from the Engine, and you start putting them in Blender. Unreal is in centimeters. So we're just putting Blender in centimeters. And that way, there's not going to be any abnormal scale factors when you pull in Assets that were from Unreal. >>VICTOR: That was another question, if it has the appropriate scale. So 100 units in Blender will be 100 units in Unreal, right? >>KAYE: Yeah, that was one of-- that was probably the first thing that we tackled, was let's figure out exactly what settings match the scale in Blender to UE4, and back and forth, so that we can really have like a complete ecosystem, where it's not-- using Blender on things like Fortnite and other projects here that I worked on over the years, it's always a fight. Like I totally hear you guys when you're out there going, why does this come in all crazy? Why is this turned weird? Why doesn't this scale work? I was fighting the same things. And so we finally got it nailed down. >>JAMES: Yeah. So like you can see here that this is 0.3 meters just in Blender. And then if I go and I export this over to Engine, and I pull this in, that's 0.3 meters. So yeah. So scale should be one to one. Yeah. So the next thing I wanted to talk about was basically the UAsset information. So when you import stuff into Unreal, it generates that UAsset file, but we're reimporting an FBX file onto our UAsset. And it's like, so-- the stuff that I change in my UAsset, is that going to get overwritten? Or how does this tool handle that? So you can see here that I just have a modifier. And I'm just going to put this up here. And I'm going to export this. And let me just go in here and play. So you can see that these stairs here-- so it has that simple collision, just that default collision when you import Meshes. But say I wanted to modify those settings, if I go over here and I go to the actual Mesh settings-- >>VICTOR: On the Details tab just to the right. >>JAMES: Yeah. So I go to here to the Details tab, and set it from just the default to the-- right here. So I set it to use complex collisions. So that's just one example of a property that I changed on the actual UAsset. And so we have-- this is working as we'd expect, or has those new collision settings. I'm going to go ahead and just modify the model again, and I'm going to hit Control-U and export, and it's going to maintain those settings that I set, and it's not going to overwrite them back to it. >>VICTOR: Whoa. >>KAYE: Storm. >>VICTOR: Yeah. We're still-- chat's still up. >>KAYE: Are we still with you guys? >>VICTOR: Can you check tornado warnings? >>OFF-SCREEN VOICE: [INAUDIBLE] >>VICTOR: Yeah, I am. They can still hear us. Apparently they can still hear us. OK. >>KAYE: So we're in a crazy weather situation right here at HQ. It sounded like tornado warnings and such. >>VICTOR: We can actually hear the rain in the studio right now. >>KAYE: It's pouring outside. >>VICTOR: And this is the soundproof-- OK, I think. >>KAYE: If you see us dive, then-- >>VICTOR: All right. Now we just need to get the PC back up. Yeah. So I guess it's just us. We got Blender right now. >>JAMES: Do we have questions? >>VICTOR: We have lots of questions, yes. >>KAYE: Let's talk to you guys. >>VICTOR: Let's go through them as our demo PC here is restarting. Thanks for that. Kind of a little bit out of our control. >>KAYE: What are you going to do. >>VICTOR: First time for me, anyway, sitting here and everything just went boom. >>KAYE: I kind of wondered if that was going to happen given all the weather issues we had, but you know what, show goes on, right? >>VICTOR: Yeah, hand me over there. All right. Have to boot this up again. So they're definitely wondering a lot around animations, Textures-- sort of what level of support, and sort of how many types of bridges does the add-on support. >>KAYE: So here's what I'm going to say. We have more streams scheduled on the way. We're not trying to be cheeky with that or anything. It's just a lot to go over. There is a lot packed into this thing, and we can't fit it into just one stream and then sort of just give it out. There are a lot of factors that play into that for a studio. And so you know we are handling animations, and you'll see a little taste of that in the demo. I will say that you guys did see the buzz word for that one option of Rigify. And there is support for it, and it does work, and we are going to be demoing hopefully the sort of base level of that, as it concerns the Mannequin, in the next stream. And so, yeah, we hear you. I will say that Materials is something-- Materials and lighting is something that we have not tackled with this add-on other than simple Materials, would you say? As far as like a Material network and how that relates from Blender to Unreal, we have not gone there. So we're talking just sort of color-- >>JAMES: Basic FBX import, export. So anything you can do with that, you can do with this tool. >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>JAMES: And then just in general, the appropriate settings for doing the thing you want to do, that's what this is helping with. But it's just FBX export, import. >>KAYE: Yeah. And the thing that we are-- the sort of impetus behind what we want to do with this is not only open this software up for absolutely professional use by people who can make it sing here internally and in the games industry in general, but especially with our Engine-- but also the community. We have a Marketplace out there full of Assets, and there are so many questions that I've gotten for years and years on UDN about like-- I'm doing my project, how do I use the Mannequin? How do I use this weapon pack? How do I use this stuff that I just bought on the Marketplace in Blender? And it was fraught with issues. And so one of the things that we definitely want to do is say hey, this is going to work for your Marketplace Assets. That's why we're starting simple. That's why we're starting with the Mannequin. That's why we're sort of rolling things out to you guys in that order, in that way. I know it's a little bit of a different sort of path than we've taken in the past to sort of have multiple streams, but there's a lot of stuff packed in here, and it's really big. And we really want to do it justice instead of just kind of lobbing it over a fence and being like, figure it out. We really want to roll it out to you in the best way possible. And so that's sort of where our logic is. And it's still pouring rain, but we're back. So I'm going to turn it back over to James. >>JAMES: Sweet. Yeah. So in that last example, we saw that we had we just modified a property on our imported UAsset, and then we re-imported and it kept our properties, essentially. So that's basically how this would work. If you modify any UAsset properties, it should respect those. And when you re-import, all it is is just pulling in the new FBX data from Blender that you made. So with that, I'm going to go into some of these preferences in the add-on settings. So if we go over here to the Preferences tab-- we've covered all the basics here. And so we're going to go into the advanced settings. And you'll see there's a few extra things in here. And there's a whole new section, Asset Validations. This next example, I'm going to do an LOD import. And so, if I wanted to import LODs, it's not going to let me import them unless I run some Asset validations. And that's this Asset validation that checks the LOD names. So when you are trying to import LODs into Unreal, it needs to have a naming convention. And you can see that we have-- what I did here is I just added the default monkey head and then I added two subdivisions to one of them. And that's just my LOD-0. And then I have this other one that's just the basic monkey. And so that would be our second level of detail. But the Asset Validations are there to let you know that if you have some name that is not-- that is going to error out on the Engine side-- so it's going to look like it exports fine from the tool, but on the Engine, the Engine is not going to know what to do with that. And you're going to get a bad import. Basically, it's just going to throw you an error and say that this object Suzanne LOD, whatever, does not follow the correct naming conventions. Basically, all those validations are there to help you as a user not make simple mistakes. So a lot of those are beneficial to just keep on so that you can just kind of validate some of the stuff you're doing before you send stuff over to Engine. So, yeah. With that, I have my Meshes in the Master Mesh collection, and then I'm just going to export this to Unreal. And I'm going to go over to that folder. And so you can see here, by opening this up-- Pull this down. So if we take a look at our monkey that we just imported, it's in the auto LOD now, so this is LOD-0. And then if I take this down to LOD-1, you can see our LODs are coming in as we'd expect. So if you want to make your own custom LODs and not use just the auto-generate LODs feature in Unreal, you could totally make your custom ones in Blender and use this add-on to just send them over, modify, and whatever. So, yeah. That's LODs. I'm going to go into some of the other validations. So I'm going to open up another example file, and I'm going to do the Materials and Textures one. So I just have this basic cube here. And it has a Material, and it has a Texture on it. So I'm going to show you these other two validations in the preferences. You go to Pipeline, Advanced, Asset Validations, and I'm going to check on both of these. And personally, I think that you should probably always have these checked on, because this is just good practice. But it's going to check if your Asset has any unused Materials, and it's also going to check if you have bad Texture references. So right now, it's fine. So if I hit Control-U and send this over, you can see that we have our Materials in-Engine and stuff. And you know, it looks good. I think by default, FBX is just going to pull over your color and your normal maps, but nothing else is really going to be linked up. So if we wanted to, or-- let me demo how these validations are working. If we had a, say, unused Material in this, it's going to yell at us. So say I added another Material here, and I'm just going to call this Material blank. So obviously this Material is not affecting the object here, but we still have another Material slot, and so if I export this, it's going to say error, Mesh cube has an unused Material blank. And so, you could be like, oh, OK. And then I'll just go over here and I'll just remove my Material and then I can send it over and everything's fine. Another thing is the Texture references. So right now I actually have this on. It's referencing an image, this Unreal logo. So I'm going to just delete that Texture right there. And so right now, the image data is still cached in Blender's data blocks, so it's going to export fine now. But if I was to, say, close Blender, it's going to clear out those data blocks and then it's going to try to pull in the Texture reference again. And when I pull it up, and I open that project, you can see that we have this cube here. We have this cube here and it has a null Texture reference. Now, it's pretty obvious now, but let's say you were here and you're just working like that, and you're like I'm going to send this over-- and actually, let me go back to the Preferences and turn on those validations, because we restarted. >>VICTOR: They were asking if it was possible to do custom Asset validations. >>JAMES: Like, write your own validations. >>KAYE: That's an awesome idea. >>JAMES: Yeah, that is a good idea. There's no support right now, but I think, like we said, this tool is still under development. And we're adding features and fixing bugs and things like that. So a lot of that stuff might change, and that's a good idea, that maybe you could just put in your own custom little snippet of code that would validate something, and you could run it. So that's a good idea. >>VICTOR: And I know the launch plans are also sort of-- I mean this is in development, right? So everything could change leading up to that. But they were wondering if it will be open source. Will they have access to the source code of the add-on? >>KAYE: So, as far as I know right now, the thing that we are working toward, assuming that we can make it happen at sort of a larger business level, is to make the add-on available somewhere. And obviously, I mean, in the spirit of open source-- UE4 is open source, Blender is open source-- I can't imagine that we wouldn't at least have it open source and you guys can have the Python code right in front of you. >>VICTOR: And then they will also be able to look at how we're doing the Asset validations. >>JAMES: Yeah. All that code is right there just in the add-on. Cool. So, yeah. Now that this has opened up, it's not necessarily obvious that this has a bad Texture reference, but you know, I send it over, it says Material contains a missing image, Unreal logo. So you can see that that validation is working. So the validations are just there really to help you with certain things like that that can pop up. Especially when you're pulling stuff off the Marketplace and you have missing Texture references or unused Materials and things like that, this is just kind of a sanity check for you to keep you from having to deal with some of those situations. So I'm going to go over and we're going to move into Skeletal Meshes. Yeah. So now we have the Mannequin, and so I'm going to show you how you would handle, or how this tool handles, Skeletal Mesh updates. So we're just back in this folder here. And all this is just all the add-on default settings. I'm going to hit Control-U. And so it's going to import our Mannequin. So you can see it imports it with a skeleton. It imports it as a Skeletal Mesh, and then there's also those Materials there. So yeah, like I said before, it knows how to do that because of the actual collections. So I just moved this-- the rig to the rig collection, and I moved the Mesh to the Mesh collection. So if you put those in the right collections, it should know what to do. With that being said, if I had, say, my Mesh hidden, it would do a skeleton only import. Or if I moved the Mesh outside of the collections or say, just put it in the scene, it also is going to just do a skeleton only import. So I kind of like to work that way, because I like to see the Mesh and edit my animations, but just do updates on the animation if that's what I'm trying to do. So that's what I'm going to show you now, is how we would do animations. So for this, I'm just going to go over here, I'm going to pull this up, and I'm going to go ahead and actually just switch this over to the Dope Sheet. And then I'm going to change this to the Action Editor. And working with a limited screen and screen space here, but I think y'all can see. But I'm just going to hit a key rotation key frame, and actually I'm just going to actually going to key all of these rotation. And then I'm just going to key this one at say like frame 50. Or here. We'll rotate it, and then we'll key it. So we have this animation right here, right? So I'm just going to hit Control-U. And let's see, what does that say? OK. Yeah. And so here is our animation that we just imported. So it's called root action because if you look in the Action Editor, it is called root action. What I'm going to do is I'm actually going to rename this. I'm going to rename this to-- I'll do it-- leg raise. And then I'm going to create another action. So I'm going to create another action. I'll call it arm raise. And actually, I'm going to go-- I'm just going to go full screen here. Yeah. So I'm going to go full screen here. I'm going to pop over to the Animation tab. I'm going to change this to the non-linear time editor. And then this, I'm just going to flip over to the Action Editor. So you can see that we have this arm raise animation, which we want to basically take all these keys, and take all these keys and delete them. And then I'm going to go back to that arm raise. I'm going to key all the rotation. Go here, and then I'm going to go into the skeleton here. Let's see. Grab this bone, and then I'm going to just rotate it like that. So you can see that we have this arm raise animation, and then I go to the leg raise. We have our leg raise animation. So we have two different animations, and both of them-- both of these animations are stashed on this rig. So if we export this-- So we have-- let me go over to my preferences here. Go to these advanced. And so we are stashing-- we're auto-stashing-- these animations here. So what we want to do is we want to get rid of-- and actually, let me just pull up this full screen again. So we have two animations on our character. We have the leg raise, which is the active one, so that would be the only one that would get exported. So it's basically just auto-stashing your active animation. That's what that auto-stash setting is doing. Now, if we wanted to export two animations, let's go to our arm raise. So now you can see the bottom track says leg raise. The top one says arm raise. I'm going to push this down in the stack. So now we have arm raise and leg raise in our NLA stack. So I'm going to hit-- I'm going to put this over the side again. I'm just going to remove this old one because we renamed it anyways. I'm just going to hit Control-U. And you can see that we imported our two different animations. Now this is where we get into those extra validations. So I have some animation validations, and-- so right now it says stash and mute all animations. So you can see this little mute setting here. So I could see a situation where you as an animator, you might have a bunch of animations on your Asset, but maybe you only want to export one of them or just two of them or something like that. So you want to be able to mute those. So if you uncheck that option right there, you just have to manually make sure that you have all your animations listed here, and you don't have one active animation up here. So you have to just manually stash it. It will auto-stash the top level animation when you have this option on, which is why that's the default, But If we go here we just have two validations, so we can check if actions are muted. So if I just wanted to run that validation, you can see that I'm going to mute that animation, right, and I'm going to export, and it's going to say, error. You're trying to export animation and one of your tracks is muted is what it's saying. So if none of our tracks are muted, we can send them over, and, you know, there's not going to be an issue. And then also, if we wanted to-- like I was saying, just export one of these animations, all we would need to do is just unmute the ones you want to export, and then in your preferences-- if I can grab the preferences here-- you would basically have your validations unchecked, and then you'd also have your auto-stashing unchecked, because that's also going to unmute everything for you, so you don't want to unmute them if you're trying to work with just one active animation. So right now, if you can see here-- let me pull this over. Leg raise is the unmuted animation. Arm raise is muted. So if we hit Control-U-- and leg raise comes over. Arm raise does not. So yeah, let's just go over here to leg raise, and I'm going to go to my layout. And yeah, I'll just kind of show you just it updating animation. So I'll take this, put it over on the side here, and make this a little bigger for you guys. So we have our leg animation here. And if I wanted to say, let's just modify this animation-- and here, I'm going to rotate this. Add a rotation keyframe, Control-U, and there it is. We can see our animation updating, and we're rapidly just adding keys, changing it-- I didn't key that. Yeah, add a rotation, send it over, and then you can see that we're just rapidly changing this this animation. So that's basically how important Skeletal Meshes works. I mean, the Mesh itself, you could go in here and just say we went into-- let's just go into sculpt mode. And I'm going to say, tweak the shape of this guy's head, just kind of so you can see that there's some changes happening here. Yeah. So we have that. I'm going to send that over. And we don't have the Mesh re-importing, so I'm just going to move that to the Mesh. So now we're actually going to be updating both, right, so I'm going to send that over. And you can see the heads updated, but everything else is still staying intact. All of UAsset data that were modified in the Engines not getting broken . So yeah, that's Skeletal Meshes. If we want to go over. And for this last one I have animation updates, which is really just how can we update existing-- or overwrite just animation in the Engine. >>KAYE: So, while you're pulling that up, I want to do you just a little breather here between. So y'all, like, those bones, right? Like, it's crazy. Because of the way Blender handles bones and LRAs and how they define joints with head, tail, bone length, role things like that. The demo that we're showing, again, is the foundational base of what is being used and what we will be rolling out in the coming streams. So, yeah, we are in no way saying that you should animate these joints based on the way that we're demoing this-- this is a functionality as far as getting it to Engine. It's coming. So-- It's Coming. >>JAMES: Yeah, we have stuff to handle that. We just aren't going to dive into it now because we have-- >>Kaye: We don't have enough-- We have three hours. >>JAMES: We have plenty of time to cover what we have now. But, yeah, like a lot of DCCs handled those rotation orientations differently. And so we have a solution that should generically just fix whatever rotation gets spit into Blender. It'll fix it and things will be fine, but that's for another stream. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: So the next thing I'm going to cover is the importing on to the Mannequin. So say we wanted to modify the Mannequin's run. So what I did here is I pulled in the Mannequin character's run animation. And I will show you here-- let me just change this to the Dope Sheet. And then I'm going change to the Action Editor. I'm going to scroll over here. You can see this is called third person run, right? And if we go over to the Mannequin and we go to animations, we can see that we have this animation called third person run. So these two names are identical. So all we need to do is we need to import the animation on to-- on top of this. We want to trigger a re-import of this animation. But we don't want to lose all the other information, because this is tied to Character Blueprint and it has Materials and all that stuff. So we just want to basically tell this add-on to import the animations to this folder. And we have the name so it'll overwrite. So if I go to the Preferences-- and what I did there-- there is this feature called Copy Reference. And so it'll copy the internal reference of this or this Asset. I'm just interested in the folder, so I'll show you. >>KAYE: Yeah, let's run through that one more time once we get in here to the path. >>JAMES: OK, yeah. >>KAYE: So we can show exactly where you're copying from. >>JAMES: Yeah, so I'm copying the reference here. And I could literally copy anything in this folder, because what I'm going to do to this path is I'm just going to paste this in. And you can see it has this third person dot third person run. What this path is looking for is just a folder. So we're looking for-- We're looking for a game Mannequin animations. Because you can see Content, we're in Content Folder, Mannequin Animations and then see third person is there. And then that's what it's going to be named right there. So that's how that's going to work. So it's just going to overwrite that. Now, there's two ways that you could do this. There is in the actual character-- because we have we have the simple and we also have the advanced settings. So in the basic settings, what this does is it will go to this Mesh path. And it basically says, I'm going to import my Meshes here. But, it also says-- if I'm doing an animation only import, I'm going to look inside this directory for the first thing that is _skeleton. So that works in this case, because there's nothing-- there's no other skeletons in this folder. But if need be, you can do a direct reference with this advanced option. You can tick that on and you can copy a direct reference. You can copy this reference to the skeleton, paste that in. So that's the skeleton that we're going to import on. >>KAYE: I want to like triple emphasize what James just said. So, if you do have a directory-- much like AAA game studio would-- they might have multiple skeletons or multiple Assets in it for whatever reason-- and you don't specifically give it the Skeleton Asset. Just to reiterate what James said, it's going to find the first thing it finds with underscore skeleton and try to import on that. So if your project is not setup clean-- if you're doing a Jam, if you're just like working on a project or demoing some stuff, keep that in mind. My workflow, I would always-- I'm just that detail person. So I would always be like, I want the direct path to the skeleton. I want no choice. That's how I like to work, but you guys can make that choice. >>JAMES: And also this allows you to separate where the Mesh goes versus where the skeleton is. Because, say, in your project you're reusing the same skeleton in this game-- that one skeleton that you're using is in some arbitrary directory. But you want to put your all your different Character Meshes somewhere else, you still need to just map to that skeleton and then say that Skeletal Mesh UAsset just goes somewhere else. So it doesn't have to be in the same folder as that skeleton. So that's another way you could use it is a, I want to put stuff here-- put Meshes here. But I want to map to some hero skeleton or something like that. >>KAYE: Right. >>JAMES: And so, yeah, I put the Mesh path in there. You don't have to do that now because we're not importing a Mesh, but if we were importing a Mesh we would do that. So I'm just going to send this over. We haven't modified it yet. It's just-- it's the exact same, but I'm just going to just send this over real quick. So if we go here and hit Alt-P and just walk around, there's our Mannequin run animation. So we just re-imported this, but let me go here and I'm just going to-- or is it control-space? Yeah. I'm going to go here and I'm going to modify, actually. Yeah, that. I'm going to modify the actual keyframes on this. So if I select-- So I select the arm here. I select the arm here and I'm just going to delete the arm keyframes. And I'm just going to add a rotation keyframe here. And then let's just add a-- do the same thing with this arm. So I'm going to delete these keyframes and then I'm just going to rotate the arm up like that. So I'm not sure this guy's doing but that's our new animation. >>VICTOR: I like it. >>KAYE: Looks amazing. >>JAMES: And so I'm just going to Control-U. And so we just imported that and then what I'm just going to do is hit Alt-P and you can see there that's our new running animation. So, yeah. It's as simple as that. You just map to which skeleton you want to import on and then where you want to send your animations. We're overriding that one animation uAsset, which is tied to an animation state machine, but all that stuff is staying intact. We're just changing that FBX information. So I think the only other thing-- so I saw a comment about morph targets and I can show you how to do that. And also that will show you the last setting that I'm going to show you. And that's-- it pops up the UI, the import UI. So if you have something really custom or advanced that you want to do, you can do that on your imports. I'm just going to do a new file here and I'm going to delete-- I'm just going to delete all the stuff and just this collection. I'm going to delete this collection here. Yeah, let me add a cube. And I want it to be like two meters. I want to be like two meters tall. And I'm going to go over here to the actual shape keys. So my base shape, I'm just going to say two shapes here. And then I'm just going to extrude this like that. One thing to note about when you're making a shape-- well, it's going to find the shape keys when you import them as morph targets don't have overlapping vertices. If they're in the same position on the import, to Unreal, it might just merge those and then it'll break your morph targets. So you don't-- if you're having issues with that you might check and make sure that you don't have overlapping vertices. So that's just my basic shape right there. I'm going to add another shape key here and I'm just going to grab this up here and scale it. So if we tab back here and you just play with this value parameter, you can see there-- that's our shape key. So let's go back to this untitled Asset folder. I'm going to delete the stuff we put in there earlier. Actually delete this too. I'm going to go over to my preferences. So this is the other thing that I hadn't touched on yet. But I think this is the last. Actually, there is one-- there's one other thing here. There is the smoothing options. So by default it's face. So in your FBX export settings in Blender it gives you these three options. So if you need to change your smoothing options when you export from Blender, that's available in your advanced options. So if you need that then I think you would know how to use that. So the other import settings, right here. And this is kind of a catch all, because I have some of the basic things here that are automated. And then this Launch FBX Import UI-- if you can't do it with the tool launch this and you probably can do it. So this is just going to launch those import UI. It's going to launch the important UI the first time. The second time it will not. So if you're doing re-imports it will not relaunch the UI, it'll just maintain the same settings you set originally. So that's kind of nice. So if I launch this FBX import UI-- and this, I'm going to move it over. Got to always remember to move your Meshes over to the Mesh collection. And hit Control-U. You can see it pops up the import UI here. So it's suspending that and popping up this thing. When you're doing morph targets you want to import a Skeletal Mesh. You want to click this down to see more of those options there. And then you want to check this option that says import morph targets. So if you just click Import it's going to say there's no bind pose on the skeleton and that's just because that's a null skeleton, but you need it. And here is our shape key. >>KAYE: Nice. >>JAMES: So there's our shape key in Engine. And say we're over here and we-- oh, I want to change the shape of this-- that's my-- that's my new pose or something. Export over and then here's my shape, value over here. Or my morph targets in Engine. >>VICTOR: They were wondering about morph target animations. >>JAMES: Morph target-- I mean, you can animate those parameters. I think Kaye probably-- >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: --could talk more to that stuff. >>KAYE: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we should try it, right? We don't have anything in this demo for that. But as we get into the sort of Rigify and character sides of that, we'll definitely touch on it. >>VICTOR: Neat. We definitely have a lot of questions-- >>KAYE: [LAUGHS] >>VICTOR: --still outstanding. And so if you were done with your presentation-- >>JAMES: Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm good. >>KAYE: We're done. We're out. >>VICTOR: All right, all right. See you all. Does the pipeline export process use the only deformed bones option for exporting animations and armatures? >>JAMES: So is that in the FBX settings they're talking about? Or-- >>KAYE: Yeah. >>VICTOR: I'm not sure. >>JAMES: Yeah. >>KAYE: If you're basing it off the settings that we worked on, I never use only deformed bones. >>JAMES: Yeah, I believe that was turned off. >>KAYE: Yeah. Because-- >>JAMES: I could-- yeah, I would have to re-look at what the exact setup is, but-- >>KAYE: Yeah, I never use that as a workflow. I always do the entire skeleton just because we're talking about UE4. And that is more-- that option in the export is more informed by UE4 because of the way it deals with skeletons. And I like making sure that I'm updating the entire skeleton every time. >>JAMES: Yeah, what we did with the FBX settings is we kind of were like what are the most common or generic settings that we would need to do all this stuff. And then we just have those hard set to those values. I was tossing around the idea of just like, we could expose some panel that has every single FBX export option. And that could be in another panel that is just like FBX exporter or something like that. But, yeah, if some of those settings are important we can totally expose them and it would work with the tool. >>VICTOR: Cool. Does it work with a master scene that uses linked objects? >>JAMES: I haven't done any stuff with or tested out any of the linking stuff, but-- >>KAYE: Good call. Yeah, we could-- >>JAMES: Yeah, I mean, that's more-- >>KAYE: Add that >>JAMES: --look into >>KAYE: --to the list, for sure. Yeah, we'll check it out. >>VICTOR: And that's also why we're doing these streams, so that we can get a little bit of feedback and see what people are looking for-- >>KAYE: Yeah, well, like I said earlier, the spirit of all this is open source. And so we're over here making a really cool tool for us to use inside HQ as well for all of our games. So, yeah, that's a great idea. Cool. >>VICTOR: Will this support Alembic? >>JAMES: Like I said, right now, we are using FBX. Blender has several export options. Unreal doesn't have a ton of import options. So we have to use some format that is both going to work with Blender and Unreal. So FBX is the best one right now. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: If there's more Alembic support or something like that-- I don't-- does Alembic support bones? >>KAYE: I'm not sure of the Alembic support. I know that we have used it in the past for internal projects for various things. Currently-- and that's something that we can definitely look into on our side in the future, the near future. But, keep in mind too, that what we-- the one thing that we are trying to accomplish first with this is based on a lot of the UDN feedback that we've received for years, which is Marketplace, Marketplace, Marketplace. I'm trying to do a project. I'm trying to do a Game Jam. I'm trying to just get something off the ground using Blender. Very small studio. Very small group. And I don't know why this Mannequin is doing this. Or, I don't know why when I got this character off the Marketplace that's based on the Mannequin it's doing this. And so those are really the things that we're going to hit first. I know there was some questions about hair and Alembic and things like that. And those will definitely-- I'm going to actually turn this around too. I'm going to put some of this on you guys, because-- and I say this to a lot of groups that I talk to-- when I get questions about some of the sort of more advanced things like using Alembic for hair or anything like that. We need to hear your voice. We need you guys to scream at the top of your lungs that you want us to handle that, so that we can then scream at the top of our lungs and get resources to handle it. Right now the loudest voices we have been hearing for years is Marketplace and downloaded Assets and things of that nature. And that's definitely what we're handling first and foremost to get all of our indies off the ground and get smaller studios smaller teams. That's not to say the stuff that we're going to talk about in the coming weeks isn't going to solve your professional level work, because I believe it will. But, that's kind of what we're answering first. But we will definitely put Alembic on our list and check into it and see what we need to do. >>VICTOR: We should spin up a forum thread specifically for feedback and discussion around-- >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>VICTOR: --tool features. >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>VICTOR: Yeah, we can separate that and keep each forum announcement post for each stream, specifically regarding that stream and then another one that's-- >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>VICTOR: --for generic across. Just a tool. >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>VICTOR: Yeah, we'll get on this. >>KAYE: And the other thing too, I think, one of the other reasons we've been doing this and we're here is because Epic-- we want to have Blender as an option for our artists. >>VICTOR: Yeah. >>KAYE: And, so, yeah, we're not going away. We're not going to vaporware. >>VICTOR: They are-- there was a lot of questions around sort of moving Materials from Blender into Unreal. They were mentioning like, oh, what about procedural Blender Materials? And will it try to remake shaders like Datasmith? Could you talk a little bit about-- >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: Yeah, I think I kind of touched on this, but I'll say it again. It's just it's just your basic FBX export import right now. Theoretically, we could remap those Materials if that was something that we did. Right now, it doesn't. It's just if you export-- you say the principal and shader with the color in a normal map, that's what it's going to pull in. And that's the same thing that it's going to pull on when you export and FBX file and pull it in. So there's no-- there's no like shader node setup or anything that gets shared. >>KAYE: That's the other thing too is I know that there's other developers out there who are working on some of that tech-- as far as lighting and shading goes and rendering and the back and forth between DCC or Blender specifically and UE4. And that's not what we sort of set out to do with this at this stage we are we are again handling the very basics of Marketplace Assets, in and out, animations, being able to animate a character-- whether it's on the Mannequin or it's your studio's rig, and you want to get it get animation on it. That's sort of where we're coming at this problem right now. So, yeah but I believe that tech is definitely growing. And, yeah, that's going to be cool when it is just a push button one to one shader network. That's awesome. >>JAMES: Just the fundamental process is you have information on the Blender side. You have information on the Unreal side. We can make them talk to each other with Python. Both of them have Python APIs to manipulate that information. So if you had-- theoretically, if you had some kind of a mapping that was being sent over in Python and then rebuilt in the Engine side-- it's totally doable. It's just that's not there yet. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>VICTOR: Right, moving over. You did mention lighting. Are there any plans to support light export from lighting, and I believe somebody mentioned camera? >>KAYE: Yeah, that's definitely sort of the same answer we had before. Currently, we're handling modeled-- >>JAMES: Mesh. >>KAYE: --Assets. >>JAMES: Mesh and rig, yeah. >>KAYE: Meshes, rigs, animations. Again, the things that were the loudest-- the voices that were the loudest for the longest, they're sort of the first customers that we're getting to with this. That's not to say that we-- I would love to handle everything else. Or I would love to see the community handle everything else. And so, if we get to it, if they get to it, if we work together-- however that materializes. My personal hope-- and I think James too-- my personal hope is that we have all that. But this tool right now that we're demoing is very much related. Again, Marketplace, Meshes, rigs, animation, in a very sort of prototyping very quick turnaround sort of with those intentions. >>VICTOR: Is the process of exporting empties to sockets in UE4 the same? >>KAYE: Empties to sockets? >>VICTOR: Mhm. >>KAYE: Oh. So creating an empty in Blender and then making it show up as a socket in UE4? That is a great thing to put on our list. >>VICTOR: OK. >>KAYE: Absolutely. Awesome. Yeah, that sounds-- that is not something in my career here that I have had to deal with on any of the projects I've been on for Epic. Typically, we've always handled sockets in Engine. And then, of course, with Engine development that's going on-- I'm sure you guys might have heard of control rig and virtual bones and things like that. It can be handled in different ways there-- Blueprint offsets things for spawning to a socket or emitting from a socket. But, that said, obviously there's a million ways to handle the same problem. And so, I think that's a great item to add is how do we handle empties to sockets and things. That's cool. Great idea. >>VICTOR: Let's see here. Are the-- all the changes to the add-on setting save between Blender starts? >>JAMES: Yeah, so those are just stashed in the Window Manager properties, so that should be saved. When you save your Blend file, your preferences, in your add-on will be saved to that Blend file. >>VICTOR: OK. >>JAMES: If you open a new Blend file I think it's just going to be your default. Yeah. >>VICTOR: Let's see. Yeah, there was another a question as well, how to do it between Blend files. Is there a limit to how many objects you can export live through the plug-in? >>JAMES: No, so you can you can do multiple objects. So if I had-- so right now I have-- >>KAYE: Let's try and break it. >>JAMES: Yeah, let's. >>KAYE: Let's keep going with questions and we'll just try and break it. How about that? Because that's cool. [LAUGHS] >>JAMES: Yeah, and I'm just going to delete this. Let's add a cube. And I'm going to add a-- not a circle, a sphere. I was going to move it. But I'm going to move both of these into the Mesh collection. And then export them. And we did have that option, actually, I'm going to turn that off. >>KAYE: And I think the question, too, was like, how many is too many? To run through this, right? >>JAMES: The limitation would just be with-- if you can do it in a single FBX file, you can do it with this. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: It's just FBX. >>KAYE: We're not going to guarantee any processing time. Like, bring over millions of objects in seconds, like that's not happening. But, you know. >>VICTOR: They were also asking like how quick is 100,000 polys? But it would basically be the same amount of time it has to export that. >>KAYE: If it's an FBX-- Yeah, that really becomes like an Engine question, right? Which is, how fast can UE4 import in FBX with that much data. >>JAMES: It's just writing from Blender and then rewriting to Unreal. So, however fast you can do that, that's how fast its going to be. >>KAYE: It's API to API, right? Like Python to Python, so. Yeah. >>JAMES: Yeah, so there's multiple. Yeah, so the naming though, it's going to name it with the first object. So that is one thing to note. >>VICTOR: Cube, cube and cube, sphere. Can we use to re-import function in UE4 for an Asset or can it only be initiated from Blender as a push? >>JAMES: I'm sorry, can you say that again? >>VICTOR: So if you modify-- >>KAYE: That re-import Asset. >>VICTOR: Yeah, if you modified a Mesh in Blender, save, and then re-import-- if that works, is there a way so that you can actually re-import from Unreal rather than pushing from Blender? You would still have to export, right? >>KAYE: If you saved-- if you did something to the FBX and wrote it out to disk, yeah, sure. You could easily point your Asset-- you could point your Asset file path to the one that you saved out. But, I think, you're more pointing out like, if the Asset comes from Blender and then you want to re-import it. I have not personally tested that just because it hasn't come up in all of my tests in production. But that's totally valid. That's a valid thing to try. >>JAMES: So they want to write it to an arbitrary path on disk or? >>KAYE: Well, it would be more like after you sent these two, that sphere that's right there. If you right-click that sphere and hit re-import-- the right-click re-import options. >>JAMES: Oh, yeah. That should work. yeah. >>KAYE: Yeah. James says yeah. >>JAMES: Yeah, so you just re-import. >>KAYE: Yeah. So that data that data is getting cached. >>JAMES: Yeah, so it's getting it's getting cached in your app data folder. Yeah. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>VICTOR: Awesome. Someone just wanted for clarification the tool works in 4.23 and onwards, right? Due to the Python? >>JAMES: Yes. So that-- at the beginning when I was going into your project settings and there's that remote execution option, that's not going to be in Unreal until 4.23 and later. >>VICTOR: Cool. Strike that one off the list. How does the input handle object origins? Does it still use the scene origin or can handle moving the origin to object? >>JAMES: It uses the scene origin. So like, that cube is off-- actually, no this comes in as a separate Mesh. So this will actually be-- I take that back. Or, no, actually, it is the scene origin. >>VICTOR: Yeah, scene origin. >>JAMES: Yeah. >>KAYE: So there is an offset. >>VICTOR: There were some more questions regarding rig bone orientation between Blender and Unreal and we touched on that a little bit earlier. >>KAYE: Yeah. So, rig bone orientation. That's going to get handled. The next part of this-- once the foundation to our house is laid, which is really what this send to Unreal add-on is. And you saw, again, I'll throw the name out there where-- and it's not anything that we're sort of still working on. But, we will have a sort of Unreal to Rigify ability that does work. And I've been using it a lot. And so, yeah, you will not have to worry about all those crazy joints sticking out of the Mannequin or any other character. Like, I don't know, maybe a Paragon character? You won't have to worry about any of that. When you are doing your animations you will have the power of Rigify. And so, just sneak peek. Yeah, that is happening. And also, James and I have worked really hard to sort of also have the ability that, if you have a studio rig with your character, and you are happy with it and you don't use Rigify, it's OK. We got you. And so, again, I know it sucks to draw this stuff out like we're doing it, but there's only so much time in the schedule and there's only so many Blender streams that we can do as a studio. And so we are we are doing our best to get it to you as quickly as we can information wise. And then we'll talk about it as we get there. >>VICTOR: They're wondering if the streams will sort of act as the documentation or if there will be any accompanying documentation with it as well? >>JAMES: Yeah, so we-- >>KAYE: I hope there's documentation. >>JAMES: Yeah, we have some written documentation with this, at minimum. And then hopefully we can make some videos and things like that. >>VICTOR: Yeah, totally. Maybe a tips and tricks tutorial, which is a little bit more like-- >>KAYE: Absolutely. >>VICTOR: --stamp, stamp, stamp. This, this, this. >>KAYE: Right now-- right now the-- as add-ons go that I've played with, and I've used Blender since '99, 2000-ish. So I've been around it. And on multiple platforms. And this add-on, James and I have really worked hard to make it as robust as you need it. But not force you into a robust workflow if you don't. And so it's literally a few clicks. Or, if you want it to be 500 clicks, you can do that too. So we're trying to cover a lot of bases. >>VICTOR: Another one of those bases are a collision. And they were wondering if you add custom collision by hand if that will import like it does? >>JAMES: Yeah, so right now there's no support for collisions, but we could add that to the list. >>KAYE: Yeah, absolutely. Awesome idea. Keep them coming. >>VICTOR: Well, we got more. >>KAYE: [LAUGHS] Perfect. >>VICTOR: Take that one off the list. They were definitely now talking a little bit about the option of having a object origin being exported rather than scene. Is that something that might be possible? >>JAMES: Yeah, it would be the same thing as like when you use your FBX settings, you say export selection as opposed to export all. The selection is just going to go to the selections origin. So you could have-- >>KAYE: Expose-- >>JAMES: --an option-- >>KAYE: --that. >>JAMES: Have an option that's just like, yeah, object origins versus scene origins or something. >>VICTOR: Root animation was always a problem for me. Is root animation working? >>KAYE: It should be, as far as I've tested. >>VICTOR: OK. >>KAYE: We will make sure that it is, obviously, shipshape. But, yeah. >>VICTOR: Let's see. We asked that one. >>KAYE: And honestly, guys, James and I are super excited to show you the other stuff. Like, we really want to show you the other stuff. And so I'm like chomping at the bit to do it, but. >>VICTOR: We got 10 minutes left. >>KAYE: I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. So. >>VICTOR: But that's why we're doing-- and I guess we can double down on the fact that we're actually going to do several of these. It will be the first Thursday of every month. So the first Thursday of March we'll be back in studio talking about Blender again. >>KAYE: That will be your-- >>JAMES: Tune in. >>KAYE: --few click Mannequin solution. Yep. >>VICTOR: Let's see. What about in NLA setups with multiple rigs where constraints are between different Skeletal Meshes? >>JAMES: That's an interesting case. We'd have to have to test that. But, right now, it will go through and it'll export any amount of rigs that are in the rig collection. So it'll go through all of them. I haven't really done any tests with multiple character imports. So we could test that. >>KAYE: That question sounds like it's coming from a more cinematic like animation production standpoint than games. And so that is that's an area that I hope to-- I hope that we will step into. But, right now, we've definitely been focusing on these sort of game Asset back and forth, you know? But, I could be totally wrong as well, because that's happened plenty. But it sounds like that's more of like two characters animated handing a coffee cup off to each other or something like that. Or on the back of another character or something. We can definitely sort jump into that arena when the time comes. >>VICTOR: Does it is handled bone IKs? And there's a note here says Blender uses bone-- bone's head as target for use as tail. >>JAMES: Yeah. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>JAMES: So that's probably a Kaye question. >>KAYE: Yeah, so that's going to get handled with the way that we are sort of marrying ourselves to Rigify as a choice. And so, in a custom rig situation, if your rig is handling IK, then you can have that IK translated over to the Mannequin or whatever other character you've got there. But yeah, we are completely IK compatible. >>JAMES: You would just-- yeah like we just have to build that relationship in the Engine with the actual Asset in Blender, right? >>KAYE: Right. >>JAMES: So as long as that's there then it should just be updating the information. But it's not like if you had a rig and you made IKs in Blender that, boom, you're going to have IKs in Unreal. You would have to set those up. >>KAYE: Yeah, and that 1 to 1 between DCC IK setup versus the Engine IK setup from a professional standpoint-- Whenever I've done a rig for anything like Fortnite where I am setting up IK to achieve an effect on a character that may or may not have had IK in Maya, I always just go to Engine and set it up there and rely on it there without trying to make 100% sure there's a 1 to 1. For most of the production experience that I personally have had-- the delivery of bones and weights-- is really what is coming out of that DCC app. Bones, weights, animation-- as far as a technical animation standpoint for rigging. And so any IK that was set up in Maya that may or may not have been touched by animators-- if you're animating it in Maya, like an IK leg and you're going to have a target somewhere. That's all going to be Engine side. Moving the IK relationship around. >>VICTOR: What about smoothing groups? What's the best approach? >>JAMES: That's just a case by case basis. I'm not by any means a modeler here at Epic. But you have your regular FBX smoothing options here. So if you needed-- if you, in Blender, were shading by your edges or you're shading by faces you can-- or smoothing by edges or something by faces, you could use those export options there. And then also when you export if you launched the important UI-- I'll just show this real quick. If you actually launched that export UI when you send these over, you have some options as far as your Mesh-- as far as you'd like your normal important method. And then there's-- you can keep your normals by tangents or generation method. Yeah, anything that you'd be doing normally you can do with this. Because it has all the Mesh options which are really just the smoothing and then you have all your import options there. >>VICTOR: So I got, I think, two more questions and then-- >>KAYE: Cool. >>VICTOR: --we're going to wrap this up. They were just curious if you will ever support particles from Blender to Unreal. >>KAYE: That'd be cool. Be loud about it. Give us in the studio a reason to support that and it'll happen. That be cool though. I'm down. >>VICTOR: Yeah >>KAYE: Yeah. >>VICTOR: And then I think the last one we're going to have to touch on because it has been repeated probably 20 times. >>KAYE: 1,000 times. What are we doing? What is it? >>VICTOR: When are we planning to release the tool? >>KAYE: OK. So, I don't want to say it's a sensitive topic, because it's not. But there is a lot of things that have to sort of fall into place for a company as awesome as Epic to get open source out to you guys. So right now, as of today, this minute, the plan is, yes, you will have these add-ons. The time frame-- I am not going to pick that hill and give you guys a specific time. But, in the broad sense, I would say this year and I wish I could give you like any specific date. But we are we are definitely going to get through these streams and some of the events we have coming up before we release it to you guys. And there are a lot of business reasons and a lot of good reasons for that. So, yeah, I wish all of it was available right now, because using it everyday like I have been for the past few months is just amazing after trying to solve this problem for so long. And I just-- please be patient with us. I know this is odd to sort of hold it back from you guys and I know it sucks, but we are on it. The plan is, yes, to give it to you. And we want to make sure that it's the best when that happens. And I was doing Blender streams when I started at this company and I'm still doing Blender streams. So we're not going anywhere. >>JAMES: Yeah, I think I think the way they can really help that is just tune into the upcoming streams. And just make some noise on social media. And just kind of let us know your interest level and-- >>KAYE: Absolutely >>JAMES: --that's going to drive a lot of what we're doing here. >>KAYE: Those social media numbers matter, they really do. So the louder you guys are the better chance we're going to be crunching on this thing. >>VICTOR: And there's no better place than the survey for the livestream, which I believe-- >>KAYE: Please. >>VICTOR: Amanda just linked in chat. Go ahead and let us know what you thought of today's stream, what we did, and what you'd like to see in the future. I expect to see a lot of Blender in that comment, but do know that we have already planned another a couple of streams specifically for this topic with Kaye and James here. Thank you guys so much for coming out to the studio. >>JAMES: Thank you. >>KAYE: Yeah, it's awesome. I'm so happy to show you guys this. This has been, like I said, this has been a crazy dream come true to get this working and have artists internally here at the company using Blender for AAA Assets that you guys are playing in our games right now. And wow, it's awesome. I'm super happy. James? >>JAMES: Yeah. Thanks for having me, looking forward the next one. >>VICTOR: Yeah. >>KAYE: Yeah. Absolutely. Thank you guys. >>VICTOR: We'll put it on the books. As always, we transcribe all the live streams. And so, in case you have a difficult time hearing what's being said, or if you're not entirely sure by the technical jargon that we're speaking here-- in a couple of days after each stream there will be a transcript that you can download or just hit the caption button on YouTube. But, if there was something specific during in the stream that you either heard or you were curious about if we were discussing, you can go ahead and download that actual text file, search for it, and the timestamp will be next to all the keywords that you're looking for. I mentioned the survey. Make sure you fill it out, let us know how we did. We do a little t-shirt raffle if you provide your email address with it. And, as always, go ahead and make sure that you check out our Meetup groups if there are any in your area. I know they would all love to see you appear and show off what you're working on. We're working on a little bit of a new revamp of that. So stay tuned for some new fresh pages for your local Meetup groups. As always, make sure you visit our forums the unofficial Unreal Slackers Discord, on Facebook, Reddit-- we're all over the place. You know where to find us. Let us know what you're working on. The release channel in the forum is a good place. That's usually where we find our weekly spotlights that we have at the beginning of the stream. And that reminds me that I should mention that we are still looking for more countdown videos, which is 30 minutes of developments sped up to five minutes. Send that to us together with your logo separately and then we composite that together into the five minute countdown that we do at the beginning of the stream. It's a nice little placement to do a little bit of promotion for your game or your product. Could be anything. Make sure that if you stream on tritch-- Twitch, not tritch. >>KAYE: [LAUGHS] >>VICTOR: That's the-- >>KAYE: Wrong site. >>VICTOR: Wrong site, yeah. >>KAYE: That's not it. >>VICTOR: Is that another-- OK, never mind. >>KAYE: Yeah, never mind. >>VICTOR: [LAUGHS] Make sure you use the Unreal Engine categories so that we can tune in, or anyone else excited about what you are working on. And special thanks again to Kaye and James for coming out. >>KAYE: Yeah. VICTOR: We will see-- we all three will see you all in just about one month. So, until then-- oh, I should mention what we're doing on the stream next week. I know you all are probably set about Blender, but next week Michael Nolan will be here talking about Game Jam tips and tricks, since he's sort of one of our internal-- >>KAYE: Awesome. >>VICTOR: --Game Jam-- >>KAYE: --cool. >>VICTOR: --wizards. Yes. >>KAYE: Also cool. >>VICTOR: Absolutely. >>KAYE: Yeah. >>VICTOR: And we'll both be-- I think we're both doing Train Jam. I know we both did Global Game Jam. >>KAYE: Oh, nice. >>VICTOR: Yeah. Cool stuff. All right, with that said, thank you guys so much for coming again. I hope you had a good stream, everyone. Take care for the rest of the week and we'll see you all again next Thursday. Bye, everyone. >>KAYE: Bye.
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 94,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, unreal engine, ue4, inside unreal, unreal engine livestream, epic games
Id: c3_xUMQ6hhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 30sec (5190 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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