Switching to Blender 2.8 for Advanced 3D Artists

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hey guys having immortan front flip Nolan's here in this video we are gonna show you how to get started with blender if you are an advanced 3d artist we find that a lot of blender tutorials are four very beginners which is pretty frustrating if you've been doing 3d for a few years so if you are looking to get into blender and you are not a pure beginner this is the tutorial for you yeah we have a full series if you're just getting started with 3d that we advise you to check out but if you have used my a max or a 40 whatever it is beforehand this is the tutorial for you we are going to start with the navigation that is shift middle mouse button to pan around it is control middle mouse button to scroll or you can use a scroll wheel up and down and it's a middle mouse button just to rotate when you open a blender you also see this cube here which this is just this is just a default one you can customize blender to your heart's content we also have four different areas by default we have a general 3d view here we have the timeline down here we have all the properties we have seen properties which are not in color this is stuff like render settings then we have item properties which are here which are the ones in color one thing to also just keep in mind I want to throw out there really quick is that yes you can customize blender to your heart's content but we would advise you to stick with the default blender hotkeys they are they have implemented something called industry key mapping but we find that most tutorial still stick to blender hotkeys so you'll be better off just learning the blender hotkeys that are in there by default we can also go into the different orthographic views if we hit the tilde key or depending on your keyboard layout the key which is right above your tab key and below your escape here we get a little pie menu which allows you to go into different views like this we can also hold on middle mouse button and alt and just drag to it from use I don't find this to be crazy intuitive but some people really prefer it so that's really personal preference one of the big things when jumping into blender that you might have to get used to but it becomes really really powerful once you do is to realize that it's all to adjust your pace so you hit a key and then you can do that operation immediately so once you starting getting a hang of that a blender becomes really intuitive the up axis is also said just for reference which is quite useful to know we can delete objects by hitting the X key now you just see this nice little confirmation toggle so just click delete and there we go and we can create new objects by hitting shift a this is where all our object creation is going to be most of time we probably want to just stick to a cube if you want the cube to have UVs you click generate UVs this is the same for all the other primitives as well yeah and this little quick menu that pops up here it'll disappear again once you click away from your mesh but you can get this up again by pressing f9 but keep in mind if you do something else like moving it now f9 is gonna bring up the last tool used so there is no way to have live like live primitives like this yeah one once you've done one other action that primitive is now it's like you've committed to to it being this way we also have to two separate modes we need to talk about that is object mode and we have edit mode all your all your transformation scaling rotation needs to be done in object mode and your general manipulation of the objects like all the modeling is done in edit mode so if you want to toggle between these you just hit the tab key and this takes you into into edit and object mode so it's really easy to identify which is which if you're in object mode you'll just see normal cursor like this as soon as you go into edit mode it'll be this crosshair cursor you also change our object properties over here or rather our translation location and scale which is this is under the the object context right here one of the cool things about this is that you can just reset them all and you have a really nice is really nice easy access to just reset multiples at once or if you wanted to modify multiple at once as well yeah we can just hit the backspace to reset whatever was done to this so backspace and help hover over and use reset the values if we go into edit mode now and now we try to delete something you are going to see that we get up a menu for this this might be a bit unusual so here you see we have delete and we also have dissolve what you want to what you want here depends on what you actually want to do so if you want to delete this face entirely you go to delete and face well let's say we have an edge loop here we'll cover out do learn a bit and you want to delete this one you don't delete the edge loop you dissolve the edge loop you just solve edges the hotkey for this is also control X you're going to use this a lot so you have you have all this and you want to just get rid of it control X and this deletes all of it then we have selection we select with this left mouse button be sure to be in edit mode for this and you just click whatever you want to select this is true for objects versus polygons etc we also go into vert edge and poly mode up here as well so you can click them or you can click one two and three or you can click shift one shift two and shift three to have all enabled I don't find this to be crazy practical but maybe for certain tasks like we topology it might be useful you should I just go between one two and three to switch between these two yeah I find it to be more confusing to have all modes enabled at the same time even even for ridgepole you personally I will just go into the mode that I need to use at that time but I guess that you know that changes from person to person in order to select multiples like multiple Poly's for instance we use just shift-click them in order to deselect them again we just shift-click the exact same one again let's just add a loop here if we want to select an edge loop we now alt click on the loop this is very easy when it comes to edges it's a bit more complicated when it comes to your polygons if we want to select the polygonal loop going down here we need to hit the Alt key and click on it or we need to click on it down here if we - click on over here it would select the loop going horizontally so if we want to select the loop going down here we click on the bottom area and now we want to select going around here we click on this area this is a bit confusing in a beginning body once you've been playing around for a little bit it's going to be second nature in no time we if you want to select multiple loops we just hold on shift and alt and then we just click on where we want it to be this is also how you deselect loops as well just alt click on this in the same method as you selected it if you want to select everything then you can just hit the a key and if one deselect it now you can hit alt a alt is generally associated with doing the opposite so you're gonna have a lot of this where you want to hide something that's H if you want to unhide it again it's alt H the old key is very useful yeah and I like we're throwing a lot of hotkeys at you and that is probably one of the biggest hurdles of getting into blender it is something you're gonna have to suck up but once you start to commit these to memory working in blender is gonna be really really fast yeah I just embrace that just embrace the hotkeys then we can select rings as well that is ctrl alt and then click then just clicking on the ring you want to select and that's going to select entire ring we also have the selection tool up here as well where we have between select select is allows you to select it but it also allows you to drag it as well so if you want to just quickly drag around and it's kind of like a tweak tool then you can just easily do that I find this really useful for verts a when I'm doing reach apology yeah this is a number one tool before that for me you can also toggle between them by hitting the W key W is just to select it or solver toggle toggle around we have the marquee select we have the paint select this is really it's called like the circle select but it really is it really is just just a paint select keep in mind ur as well this is a slightly one of the idiosyncrasies of blender if we have three verts selected and I was like the fourth one this actually selects the polygon you can see this down here as well in the bottom right this is where you can see the selection here you can see we have four words out of 12 selected and we have one face out of nine faces selected if you want to select through you have to go into wireframe mode or into x-ray mode we do this by hitting shift said for wireframe now you can select through it or we can hit alt said to go into into x-ray mode you also have these keys up here as well if you want to quickly go into wireframe mode we also have a mode here as well which is if you see up here we have different viewports so if we have the viewport shading wireframe here it's a two to solid then we have look at that and then we have full rendered we were working solid most of the time the pie menu for this as well is also Z so if you want to just quickly bring this up this is where I prefer to work so if you want to go between wireframe quickly and shaded you can easily do that as well with set we can also select linked as well meaning if you want to select everything now let's say we have we have another one of these and now we want to select only this guy here to the left we can hover over it we can hit the L key and then we can just select this by default this can be set to regular and that's just going to select whatever is under the mouse it's shift L to deselect this as well now you can also see here we quickly duplicated in the object you can do this if you hit shift and D this is going to quickly duplicate the object or rather the polygon selected it also works in object mode as well if you were an object modern age 50 you can you can duplicate it you can see that by default the move tool is going to be enabled it just means that you can add shift E and just start to move the cursor right away and but sometimes you don't want this and this is a general workflow for most tools as well if you hit shift D and you start moving it your going at the right mouse button and it moves it back into place now it's been duplicated but it just hasn't been moved this is the same action you'll use for a lot of your other tools where maybe you want to extrude something but you don't actually want the extrusion to be moved you can cancel most actions with the right mouse button let's look into the modeling tools as well modeling in blender is really powerful we can use the the knife tool which is a general cut tool by holding there hitting the K key and this allows you to do multiple cuts down like this if you want to continue to cut let's say you want to commit this to commit this cut and want to continue cutting you can hit the e key and now you can navigate around like this and you can continue cutting like this and then you said e and then spacebar to commit the cutting now be aware if you're doing these multiple cuts continuing them and you then hit the right mouse button it'll cancel all cuts so just be aware of that I've had that happen a few times to me it's just good to know again right mouse button cancels the canvas the action yeah this is pretty annoying when this happens then we have join so if we have 2 verts like this and we want to join them we can hit J key and that will join them the cool thing with this this works across verts as well so if we have the selected and this selected then we can J key and you can see just as a straight cut throughout all our a throughout our geometry so just a real quick thing actually with the knife tool as well you can cut outside your mesh as well so if you like just drag across and then commit that or you can click on one point and click through another and it'll slice through the mesh there so it's pretty handy with the knife tool if you want to do this though there's a setting right now if we were to just select through it's not gonna select on the other side but if we were now just were to check on the bottom here you can see we have tons of awesome help items here and here is as said to cut through so if we ever had said now I was gonna actually cut through the entire model and this just brings us to an important point which is that the tool the tool help down here is he is incredibly useful I use this a lot because the tools in blender are very complicated or rather they're do complex they have a lot of power in them very extensive tools very extensive so having the little help bar down there it's it's actually very is is like a pro tip for when you're doing anything a blender just look down there to see what other hotkeys are associated with the tool you're currently using you can also grow and shrink your selection select select the point you want and then ctrl + + - on the numpad and this brings us to our next tool which is separate out so now we can hit the P key to separate and now they can separate by selection and that separates whatever is selected into a new object you can see over here then we can extrude as well so if we were to select our fear selects and police and now we can hit the e key to extrude e extrude is always going to extrude on the normal if you're in poly mode or if you're in edge mode it's going to select based on the screen axis you can also extrude along the normals as well if we were to select all of all of these by alt clicking on it like this now we can hit alt E and now we have extrude along normals and now I can just extrude well along rows we can also bevel as well if we hit if we hit the loop we want to bevel but the edge want to bevel control B to bevel this is a really cool tool because you can scroll up and down and now you can easily change the amount of segments for this we also have the fill tool as well this is where if you want to fill in a hole like this just delete the faces we can select the hole by alt clicking on the hole and now I can hit the F key and that's going to just fill it in we can also use a grid fill if we search for if you hit f3 we can search and then we can do grid fill now we can I said grid fill and that's gonna fill listen if it doesn't work like this if it doesn't fill in correctly you can hit the offset and that's going to just rotate it around this is a tool I use a lot it's really one of my favorite tools of blender then we have inset in set is on the I key and allows you to just inside your mesh is also you can also do this on individual faces if we double click I I was going to insert inset individual faces we can also use the bridge tool if we were to just select some of these Poly's delete them up and now we can select this entire hole do you select these guys just by control clicking on them or control dragging then we can hit f3 and we can just hit bridge and then you in for inches bridges up we can also right click and we have bridge edge loops here as well yeah the right-click menu here is actually very nice cuz it like you have a lot of your tools there so maybe in the beginning when it's hard to remember a lot of the hotkeys that can be quite handy yeah you also have the menus up here as well it's for whatever is you want if you want edge edge menus edge modeling tools we're here we go to vertex we right here and face and so on really really useful stuff there's a lot of power hidden in these menus a lot of tools which we aren't going to be covering then we have loop cut as well you know this is the tool we are going to be using all the time and at least control our if you hit ctrl R it just gives you like a preview insert and now you can just click on the loop you want to insert loop into and now you can just drag it up really useful tool if you scroll up and down now we can add multiple seconds to it and just click it and now we can keep moving these left and right a really handy tip here is if this is where it gets a little confusing with the right mouse button if you want this to stay in the center you first said control our position it with the preview and then you hit the right mouse button and that'll Center or cancel the move but you still continue with making the loop so I use this a lot as well where you you make a loop and then you hit control D for bevel just to this just symmetrically add the loops like this really useful stuff and then we look into the transformation tools you might have already played around with tools over here when it comes to move scale and rotate these manipulators are quite recent to blender and they're not fantastic they they're very basic in their nature but they it's not really the way you should work in blender let's just delete all this select this like this and then we make a new cube if you want to be fast in blender and this is way we recommend you to work is we recommend to stick to hotkeys and that it hotkey for move is G Seyfried G we can start to move it around right away for rotation it's our now you can see it start to rotate it around keep in mind that the further away your cursor is to the actual point the more control you have it's really hard to control it if it's if you doing something very close like this yeah and specifically with the rotation tool here as well if you hit R twice it changes from being screen-based to being more in this local axis as well so you can manipulate a little easier we can also enable scale by hitting the S key and then we can scale up and down like so so this is really powerful but it it feels weird in the beginning because you feel like you don't have enough control or what you're doing but in order to control what you're doing we can use this along with modifier keys so if you want to move this but you only want to move this on x-axis you can see up here where you have the axis just so it's easy for you to see you want to move this in the x-axis it G X and now it's constrained to the x-axis if you had Y now it's gonna just move it on Y and then said it's gonna move it on set so this is how you're gonna be doing at a lot of times this is significantly faster than using the gizmos over here so if you want to scale it now on Zed we hit s C or is it that and then we can just scale up here a similar tation as well wanna rotate this on the x-axis we hit our X and now we can start to rotate it you can also insert a number as well so if you want to scale this up by by 2 we can hit s and then we can hit the 2 on a numpad and this scales it up by 2 we can also constrain it by using the middle mouse button so if you want to constrain this one axis you can hit the G key to move and now you can just hit middle mouse button on the axis you want to constrain it to and then it's gonna be constrained to only the axis and then you can just move it up and down takes some getting used to but it's really powerful once you get used to it this is how I prefer to to work I preferred more to constrain it with middle mouse button than I do with actually hitting the X the axis cuz I don't really know what axis I'm on a lot of times I have to do it out here like if you're like if you wrote modeling something on this this angle here I don't actually know intuitively which axis is Zed now one time where it can be really handy with the keyboard is if you want to constrain on two axes and not in three axes first time so if you wanted to scale this cube up but you wanted to omit the set axes you just hit s for scale shift set to not scale on the set axis but only on X&Y it's quite handy yeah we're gonna use this a lot same if you want to rotate this say like 90 degrees you can hit you can hit R to rotate X to constrain an x axis and then we're gonna 90 and I was gonna rotate it exactly 90 feels a bit convoluted but once you get used to it this is actually quite an effective system we can also move this based on a local axis as well right now you can see that we moved it around so and if we now were to just hit the G key now its G and X now it's just moving it on actually it's wrong G and why there we go so now is just moving on the local Y axis but if you want to move move this on the local axis we can hit G and double Y and now you can see it's moving it on the actual local axis here so that is G and then double tap the axis you want to have it in local view if that makes sense yeah for and maybe an easier way to illustrate this especially in the beginning as well as you can change the global mode to be local for example and that way you have a sort of a live preview of where to move your your objects yeah finally beginning that it's easier to stick with the gizmos but then once you become comfortable with it you you really should switch around to using gestures and hotkeys if you're rotating as well we can also constrain to two increments this is going to be constrained to increments in five degrees if you hold on the control key now well this isn't just strictly speaking for rotation this is for everything so if we were to now hit G and then control it's going to it's going to snap it to every every unit we have which is every grid line like so and you could be more precise here as well if you hold down the shift key while you're moving something this applies to I think a lot of the input numbers as well holding down shift will let you be more precise yes if you want to for instance rotator here and when I have more control you just hold on shift and do that it's not very practical for a lot of different things but certain things cause they will go absolutely crazy if you if you just were to move it around like this we can also do math here as well which is quite useful so if you want to like select this and then plus two we can do that we can also hover over it and hit the minus key and that's going to do negative I keep mine I just did a slight mistake I used a minus key on the numpad that will actually make it bigger or smaller it is the minus key next to next to the backspace key also if you want to apply the transformation basically just freeze the transform we do this by being object mode control a and here we have apply here we can apply location which is just translation rotation scale or all transforms certain tool Stingo betray see if you haven't applied your am with yun applied your scale yet particularly when it comes to the bevel tool so if the bevel tool starts to miss to misbehave just make sure that you hit control a and then you just you just apply just all transforms or particularly scale as well then we have proportional editing that is what so a lot of software is known as soft select and we can easily do this by clicking up here we let's go into edit mode and we can select an edge we click this button here or we can use the o hotkey and now we can just start to move rod use the middle mouse button wheel - or use the scroll wheel to change the fall-off of it and you can just move this round very useful stuff this works really well if you used to select tool as well because now you really have like a nice tweak tool particularly useful if you're doing like you doing something organic then we have the 3d cursor the 3d cursor is this little guy here which you have no doubt accidentally triggered by holding Shift + right mouse button which is gonna move it around this moves based on a screen space so why do we care about this in the beginning this seems like a like a really annoying feature because it just seems like it's more trouble than it's worth but this is actually incredibly useful feature you're gonna use a lot for instance all geometry is created at the origin of this point so if we now were to make a new mesh and just make this into a cube you can see this pops over here so if we for instance now want to we want to make a new piece of geometry right there make a new cube here on your cylinder or something we can do this by moving the 3d cursor to this point if we hit the shift S key shift s gives us tons of options for the 3d cursor so now we can do a cursor to selected and that's going to move the 3d cursor to the selected point we can also say it shift s and cursor to world origin I use this a lot because when I accidentally moved the wrong point or I just need to reset it then we do you do that as well so now if we were to make a new object make a new mesh let's make a new sphere now you can see this is perfectly in this spot we also have some options for it over here as well if we go to the view setting here now you can see that we have we have the 3 cursor right here so we could also reset it right here so we could just backspace over it and that's gonna reset the cursor and if you don't see this menu you can hit the N key to bring up the view in the tool menu here yeah same here is your view speaking of that if you if you want to see this menu as well and you accidentally hidden it and this is just a tiki so T for tools and n for sidebar also this is speaking of UI elements if you were to if you want to expand the view you can hit control space to do that you might have accidentally done that and just hidden it and are you wondering what the hell's going on so there we go control space and we're back to normal and we also have the transform orientation up here which we briefly talked about this is where we we just switch this to from local to global as well we also have different views like view and which is purely screen based and we have normal as well and we have 3d cursor I really just go between normal and local here now one thing that's really helpful in here is you can set a custom axis for example if you want to move your object along a rotated face for example if you select that face and hit the little plus icon here it'll add the face as the new pivot for for your transforms and then you can start moving things along that pivot yeah so now if you want to move this we want to move the sphere up based on this exact angle this is very easy to do again we select the face then we select hit the plus button up here and then for the object we want to move or rotate scale around it then we just set this as a new orientation and the cool thing is you can define multiple of these so you can store them but let's say you have multiple objects in the scene you could store multiple of them's and then you can always switch between these depending on which one you want to modify based on yeah really useful stuff we can delete them by simply hitting the delete button there and we also an access this menu by hitting the by hitting littlez enable this menu here by hitting the the comma key and this gives us up the different orientation transfer orientations we can also change the pivot point as well the pivot point in blender is different from what you might what what you might assume a pivot point is like a the pivot point is simply the point where it scales from like right now this point here in the middle is the pivot point the pivot point you might know from a different softer which is a fixed point you define that is called an origin point and we'll get to that in a little bit just for now know that a pivot point is is different in blender so um here is that the median points so now it's just gonna scale from the actual median point we can set this to individual origins as well which is gonna scale up from the individual origins and we have active element as well the active element is always the last selected element you can see this has a brighter color around it well this is like a darker orange this is like a bright orange and if you want to change the active element you can simply just shift select another element and it'll switch between those two and the hotkey for this is the comma key no sorry the the pure key and comma key for the other one so here you can set it to be 3d cursor so if you want to scale based on the 3d cursor you can easily do that that is why the 3d cursor is so practical because now we can go into edit mode select a point shift s cursor to selected and then we can just scale based on this point here let's delete these guys and let's talk about the origin point every single object has an origin point and you can see this lets just sits back you can see this in the center of the object here you see a little a little orange dot and this is the origin point this is incredibly important because a bunch of things in blender really depend on this point one of the important things which depends on it is the modifiers so if we were to go to the modifier this context here we see this on the right if we were to just click on the little wrench icon here and now we can add for instance we can add a screw modifier to it and then we set the amount to go up like this now where'd basis its its origin is based on exactly this point here so if you want to move this point around you can't really do that directly right now at least I believe is something they're working on but currently in 2.8 you you have to move this around using a more a more convoluted way so we can move this to a point by as I want this to point to be right there weren't origin to be at this point instead we can now select the point shift s and then we can do cursor to selected and that moves the cursor to this point let me go into object mode by hitting the tab key and I see we have an object an object UI element here with bunch of bunch of settings I will click origin a set origin and then we can set this to origin to 3d cursor and now you can see that the origin point has been moved to this point here and this completely changes the effect of this screw rule modifier so the origin point is incredibly important to know how to reset as well a one common thing which happens is you were to let's say you're modeling a sphere like this you move this around in edit mode but the origin point is still over here so if you were to rotate this now it's going to rotate based on the origin point so we can move the origin point back by selecting the object go into object up here set origin then origin to geometry that's going to move it to the center like this then we're going to take a look at how we can change the hotkeys so blender is insanely powerful but it can be even more powerful with the right quad keys we can change this by going under edit preferences and we go under key map and this is where we can change a bunch our keys so here by default you can change them which one is selected by default you probably want this to be selected with left mouse button right Mouse used to be default before but that's weird and then we can also set spacebar action as well by default and the spacebar is going to play a timeline we can also set this to tool you can give some nice little tools as well I don't find this to be super practical but it could be handy in certain cases my preferred method is to set this to search so now whenever I hit spacebar we get up this search menu then we can also search for different hotkeys as well we can search for the feature so we can for instance we can set this to a local view and now we can change a hotkey for local view which also brings us up to what is local view local view is what you would often call something like isolate selected and it's quite convoluted to bring up because it requires you to move your hand a lot so if you were to duplicate this we can actually see what's going on this is on the slash next to the right Windows key or it's on the slash on the numpad so you can see there are two problems here first one is you're gonna move your hand a lot away from the mouse and second one is it actually moves the camera as well so we can disable all this if we were to now set this the numpad slash and open this up we can now just click here and press a different hotkey I'm gonna set this to the slash which is right above the left Windows key this is just a really intuitive key or if this one is taken I recommend that you use something like alt Q there's an easy key to get to we just press here and then we hit the key we want and there we go and now you can see that this this networks by hitting the slash key and we also want to disable frame selected but now we have a very functional local view you can also search here directly for keys as well if we were to now this set this to keybinding now confront his right control and F now you can find everything we just set to control f so if we were to hit a key and you or you're trying to set some keys and you're looking for conflicts just make sure you're not overwriting something then you can just see if there is anything here which is for instance alt Q which in this case alt Q is perfectly safe so I recommend that you set a lot of custom hotkeys if you're using blender and like for production or forever forever use use case you might have but be aware that it's a good idea to try to not overwrite a lot of the default ones it's gonna be very hard to to follow tutorials at least in the beginning then we have the outline as well the outliner is over here this is where we have our scene collection now this looks very similar to what you might experience in Maya where you have you have a collection which looks like a group and then we have different items in it now this is not the same as in Maya in the sense that there isn't really hierarchy here if if you were to to have something the hierarchy of something else let's say you were to have like now you can't just move the collection around like if you have a group in Maya you can easily move the group around but this here is a visual representation of the scene and doesn't really do much more than that it's more like a rendering system then it is actually like a grouping system with hierarchies we also have some options here as well for filters filters are amazing particularly the Select ability here and the disabling renders I prefer to have both of these enabled here we can disable the Select ability of a certain object and then it's no longer we're gonna be selectable in the viewport and you can also change the render render ability as well I really recommend that you particularly have this rend ability enabled because if we were to hide something now it's not hiding it in the render which means you you might have like the light here you might hide the light but it doesn't hide in render so now it's still gonna contribute illumination so there's so often when you're rendering something in blender that the viewport looks completely different from the actual render because of this so just make sure that you toggle the the eye for viewport and you control you click the camera for render if you want to move something into a new collection we can easily do that as well we can select these two guys I mean you can hit the M key and for move to collection suppose in collection we can click a new collection and then we can name it here and call this Sears the cool thing about collections as well is it displays what's inside of them so here you can see we have two meshes and here we have a light and we have a camera we can also customize the UI this is really one of the strengths of blender and it's super powerful it means that you can essentially make the interface into exactly what you want at the current time so if you want to make this into like a render view for instance we can easily do that the way you do it is by going on the top here you see at the corner of every viewport or every area really that's like a rounded area so you can just drag that out and now you can drag out a different viewport in this case and then top left we can now change the editor type so if we want to set this to something like an outliner again we can easily do that if you need more control we sent it an image editor where you can now render into so there's a bunch of power in this if you want to drag this down like this and split it in half again you can just do this so now I can set this one here to be a 3d viewport and you set this to be an image editor and these work independently of each other so you can set up one to be looked at for instance and this one here to be shaded or x-ray and you just have a bunch of power in this if you want to if you want to remove the viewport you can right-click on this line between the viewports where you move them and then you can hit join area and then we can just move the arrow key up I'm going the same thing here join area and just move the arrow to where you want to join it just a solid again let's look into the camera as well the camera in blender is a bit finicky in the beginning until you know how to wrestle it so if we go into the camera view just by hitting them the tilde key or the button above the tab key you see we now have a camera view here if you were to wrote now you can see that you go out of this view right away this was really frustrating for me in the beginning but it has a really easy fix so if we go into the camera view and then we go into the view view item over here and then we have view again so view and view and then we have lock camera to view so now we can see that this is now locked to the view one thing we just frustrating is that you don't really have a viewport undos when it comes to this so make sure that your camera is locked the way you can lock your camera is if we were to go into the main collection here select the camera and now you can see we have the transform for it and now we can simply list click on the little lock next to the attribute and just drag down and now the camera is fully locked this is incredibly frustrating if you don't know how to do this because otherwise you will just accidentally move the camera all the time you can also unclick this now if you want to zoom into the view or soumada review but keep in mind that the moment you rotate you go out off the camera view and you go into the regular perspective view we also have the camera attributes down here as well if you see the green icon that changes based on whatever is selected so camera is selected it looks like this mesh is selected and looks like this and light is selected and looks like this let's go into the camera and then camera and here at focal length depth of field and we have some other options as well if you want to add a subdivision modifier to our object just just smooth that out we do this by going into our modifiers I'm just gonna hide this at the end key to hide it we go to our modifiers and then we can go to modifier and here we have jettison generate geometry or does it deform the geometry and since this generates geometry we're gonna go and down here in subdivision surface and then we adding this and here you can choose how many viewport subdivisions as this is really cool because it allows you to have a different set of viewport and rendering subdivisions as well this is also achievable with a hotkey like if you select an object and you hit the control 1 2 3 all the way up to 9 I believe and you can set a subdivision level control zero to bring it back to zero subdivisions and that also brings us on to a point which is smoothing actually like when if you subdivide something we still see a little bit of faceting but you can get rid of this by just right cleaning on your model and just hitting shade smooth or shade flat if that's what you want a little tip as well when it comes to this is if you want this to be if you want Auto smoothing to be enabled meaning that you can control this moving will be controlled by by the angle you can set this to two shades smooth and then we can go under the object context here and then we can the object data and then we can go to normals and we can hit ultra smooth obviously you are and we're gonna see it because we have this here let's show that on a cylinder that it's Auto smooth and nothing is gonna happen because it's at your flat and this edge shade smooth and now you can see that we have we've smoothed the normals but keep in mind this is per object so you need to do this per object you'll change your angle here as well so I find 30 to be a bit low so I set some like 40 or 45 degrees then let's look into how we can assign materials we are making a lot of spheres so let's make a doughnut is that the way we can assign materials is if we go to the red icon down here which looks like a checker ball we click this now this is where the materials live it will click on new I was gonna create a new material first and you can just change this you notice though that this nut doesn't actually change anything in the viewport and that is because we are in this solid view in order to actually see the material changes we have to be in look at of you or in rendered view otherwise there's no way to actually see what's going on we can also remove the material by clicking the minus key you can see here it says remove material slot that is going to not delete the material is simply gonna remove it from this object yeah the interesting thing about working with materials and blender is that each object is basically a container for material so you can have multiple materials stored under an object so you'll have this constant list of all your materials in the scene but you can just keep adding more and more materials to an object if you want you can also see there is some hierarchy to it as well we can also remove the or remove them just by doing by going here and if you want to assign this material to something else let's say we have this is a duplicate of this and this has a different material now so yes I so pink material if you want to assign this material to this object we can easily just drag and drop it like this or we can now click this material and now you can see we have all the materials right here if you want to delete the material you have to go over to the outliner here we have the display mode and this is just a different way of viewing the scene now if you go to blender file this is where we can have an objective view of what's going on in your in your entire scene so here you can see we have all the materials right here and so if you want to delete all these you can select them it's like one of them and then just right click and delete this is a really good way to have an unlike a proper view of what's going on you can see all the lights all the images all that particular for bigger scenes you really want that then if we want to go back to our collections we hit this little blender icon up here now and we hit view layer and now we're back to our collection let's look real quick into the shader editor as well if you go to click shading now you can see we have a shade of editor now if you're doing anything when it comes to to shading you really need to enable an add-on this is under edit preferences add-ons and it's called node Wrangler it's not strictly speaking essential you can do all the work but it means that all the work is gonna speed up so much one thing you're gonna do a lot for instance is assigning images to like a shader here now with the node Wrangler enabled we can hit ctrl T and I will get up all the things we need for instance we have a mapping node where you can change the rotation scale or it you can change this is going to be a box a tube sphere projection and in here in two color space and everything so ctrl T it's gonna save you a lot of time not to load an image you simply click on image and then you can load in an image as well you can control right mouse button and drag over the line or the connection point just to sever the connection as well if you want to add new things to the shader editor you this is the same thing as if you are in the viewport where you hit shift eight and now you have bunch of things you can add here like we add a noise texture to it and if you want to blend these two together you can add a mix node so search and mix and then we can mix RGB and then we can just start to mix these two together and drag this into the color and then we can just change opacity here so look coming in blender is really powerful because of the shader editor and also because the strength of the viewport as well very useful stuff let's look quickly into lights as well if you go just go back your layout also is a little tip as well there are different layouts for different purposes these are just layouts somebody's made and they look pretty decent for what they're supposed to be but you could also make your own custom layout as well there's nothing under the shade oratory which you couldn't do in in around half a minute so let's just go here let's look into lights just set this to rendered and the lights we have our point Sun spot an area I tend to stick to area and most of the time you can see here this we can scale it up do we scale up the actual light or we can go under disco really close to it and you can see the actual size of the area light we can also change the power of it just intensity and we can change the color of it as well this is where a fine math to be really useful so instead of just dragging this slider up and down I tend to type 2 x 2 or / 2 destructing really just increases if quickly and then I'll just use the slider just to have fine control over it then we have render settings as well render settings will live all the way on top here this is where we have to rent all the render settings so but default this is gonna be using Evie and Evie is the real-time render engine in blender and it's really awesome for a lot of different things particularly when you visualize in your scene or if you want to do like a play blast or whatever is what we want to do particularly for preview purposes if you were doing previous this is fantastic we can enable stuff like screen based reflections here motion blur bloom ambient occlusion so now it's nice and shiny we have simpler map volume metrics as well but the real strength at least if you want like full and realistic rendering is if you change this to cycles cycles is a path tracer and is fantastic it's a really really good render engine and you can change the device here to be either GPU or CPU we have to set this to CPU right now or the computer is gonna explode for recording we can also change the amount of samples here as well higher samples is higher quality but also slower renders when it comes to the viewport it's at 232 which gives you pretty nice results but it's it's also quite fast we also color space down here as well under color management blender uses filmic LUT which is basically a tone mapper it just looks it just it just works quite well at balancing your image so it's a good idea to keep this on but you know this depends entirely on your color pipeline one thing you'll notice now that you're in your doing look dev is here that there's always a default sort of ambient light in your scene and you can tweak this if you want to apply an HDR or remove it entirely you can edit that under this like world editor here so if you wanted to sit down you see here there's some ambience here we can easily change the color to this but this is something crazy or you can just disable it entirely if you want to enable h2 rice as well this is it very easy we can go under the shedding report under shader editor here you can see we have object and we set this to world and now we have the same the same note as we just tweaked here and if you want to plug an HD right into this we can easily do this remember how we enable the node Wrangler before hit ctrl T this is gonna place this here and then we can easily play plug-in play an HD right into this and just changed the rotation here under rotation and said very easy to setup in in blender in the look the view as well you can also see we have some HDR ice enabled by default this is just to to have like looked up set up already set up for you and you can change this if we go up to viewport shading and you can just change the H or right right here obviously when you're doing like your full-on look at of setups you definitely want to be in a proper HDR Isis in a proper viewport like this and since there is no map you it's gonna be displayed in glorious pink yeah we coordinated with blender on that one like hey flip Rose do you want your colors here yeah definitely then if you want to change your m your output settings this is this looks like the printer cuz it has all your upper things this is where it changed your resolution and this is where you can change stuff like and frame range where it does an output to and what format do you output to as well so that if you want set for instance XR you can set this to float half or float full and what compression is it going to be using so yeah that's essentially it for our introduction to blender we really hope this year has been useful and these are kind of things we would have liked to know when we got into blender if you have any particularly pains when it comes to blender and you're transitioning into it we would love to hear what you actually have a hard time with so we can make videos on specifically bad so if you want to see more content like this in the future make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and also I hate a notification belt to receive notifications every single time we put out a new video thank you for watching and if you're interested in professional training or 3d assets 2d as its 2d training whatever it is trying to advance your career within the CG visual effects animation industry make sure to pop over to the foot enormous marketplace and grab something from there
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 101,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, foundry, pixologic, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cube brush, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru, cgi, blender 2.8, blender 3d, b3d, Blender tutorial, blender tutorials, learning blender, maya to blender
Id: 4aAg6X0bDd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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