Blender Motherboard Tutorial - [ Geometry Nodes ]

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[Music] [Applause] what is with that music and qrs right hi and welcome back to my channel since i posted my first tutorial ever many of you told me to make more and i'm here to deliver a bit late but for those willing to learn i guess is welcome any time on this tutorial you'll be learning how to create a futuristic motherboard and of course it's all about the looks and as before the textures and project files are in description down below now without further ado let's jump into it select the cube tap for edit mode then delete the cube and replace it with a plane exit edit mode and set the dimensions that you see on screen then ctrl a apply the scale and modify the scale values to point to on all axes rename the object both in the outliner panel and in the object data properties then rename the material and set the metallic values to 1000 color to pitch black and roughness to 0.4 after that go towards settings and add the hdri from the project files down in description then set the strength to 0.5 now ctrl 3 and add the mapping node and set the z-rotation value to 180 degrees we're going to add a cube move it to the side of the motherboard plane and scale it on the axis point 2 then ctrl a and apply the scale now create a new material named random black here press shift a and search for object info then search for color ramp and connect the random point to factor and ramp color to base color now select the white and make it dark gray matte select 1000 and roughness to point 35 now duplicate the random black shader by adding it one more time to the list click the new material button and rename it to random gray and change the black color to dark gray and the second color to a lighter gray now we will add one more material this one will be gold just change the metallic to 1000 the roughness to 0.2 as for the color change it to a light yellow or light orange here we're going to duplicate the cube then rename both objects as element 1 and element 2. now select the motherboard and go to the geometry node editor then on the modifier properties add a geometry node to the motherboard in the editor press shift a and search for point distribute after that search for attribute randomizer and set it to vector and in the attribute box type the word scale in the end search for point instance and in the object option select element 1. add a join geometry node and before you connect everything make sure in the point distribute node to set the density to 0.03 and now connect all the geometry nodes to add randomness we're going to add the next values to the attribute randomized node 6 1.5 and 3 and below 1 0.5 and 0.5 now we will duplicate all the geometry nodes by selecting them and pressing shift plus d add reroutes by holding shift then right click and drag over the link line and connect the group input geometry route to the new nodes chain change the seed in the duplicated point distribute then add a join geometry and connect the both node chains to the added join geometry then again connect the join geometry nodes after that make sure to change the attribute randomize values for the new duplicated nodes the new values will be 1 10 and 2. as for the max values we will leave them the same as before you might wonder why i set the high values on the minimum sockets and the lower values on the max sockets well that's a mystery isn't it now we're going to edit the cubes in edit mode click on face select mode or press 3 on your keyboard and select the top face then press ctrl b to add a slight bevel to the element and left click when you will be satisfied with the bevel then again select the top face and press i to enter the face a bit after you finish press again ctrl b to slightly bevel the edge and after that press e to extrude it upwards now with edge select mode we're going to select this corner only by pressing alt then click on the corner's edge then again bevel it slightly by pressing ctrl b here with face select mode click the face from the corner intrude it a bit then extrude it upwards on the axis now hover the cursor on the size of the cube and press ctrl r to add a loop cut now have in face select mode on by pressing alt and shift then click we're going to select these faces then assign the gold material to them and after that we will select only the top faces from the extruded bit and assign the random gray material for the second element i will add a loop cut in the middle then on the other half add another loop cut and bevel it until it's bigger now with the middle line by pressing double g i will move it closer to the left side after that i will select all the lucas that i made and bevel them slightly then delete the highlighted bevel that we just made for this one i will select the spaces and delete leaving only the bottom part with our select mode and by pressing alt and click right on the edge it will highlight the full edge cut and by pressing f we will add a face to it repeat the same step for all the open edges as for the bottom part with ctrl r i will add four loop cuts then right click to remain in place now having the edges selected i will press v in order to cut them apart now selecting the separate faces and changing the transform pivot to individual origins i will scale them a bit until they will have some space between them and extrude the face uppers to be above all the parts of the element this face i will bevel it a bit and for this one i will bevel the corner only for the middle part i will bevel the top face and for the left part i will move the top face lower now select all by pressing a and assign the random gray material after that by hovering the mouse cursor on the parts that i want and by pressing l i will select them and assign the random black color the gold color will be assigned only for this bevel pin now we're going to select the motherboard go to geometry node editor and select all the geometry node chains that we just made and duplicate them move them down and make sure you change the seed on all the point distribute duplicates on the point instance duplicate nodes change the object to element 2. now we are going to change the values on the new attribute randomized nodes the first node will have 0.5 7 and 2 and the second attribute node will have 7 0.5 and 3. continue by connecting the group input geometry route to the new node chains and now connect element 1 and element to node with a join geometry node and make sure that all the join geometry nodes are properly connected to the group output now we will add a plane and in edit mode size it to 25 overall exit the edit mode and move it so the edge the top edge will be exactly in the center of the scene then add an array modifier with a value 1 on y axis move it in the scene on z axis a tiny bit so it won't sit exactly on the same spot as the motherboard rename the plane and create a new material for the plane add the texture name alpha lines and connect the alpha image to the alpha socket in the principle bsdf press ctrl t on the image and increase the scale values to two on each axis change the color to a darker gray and metallic to one now duplicate the alpha planes again change the position on z axis a tiny bit upwards rename it as alpha dots and create a new material for it add an image texture and open the alpha dots image then connect the color to emission and alpha to alpha on the principle psdf again having the image selected press ctrl t and change the scale values to 5 on x and y axis we will duplicate the plane one last time move it again on the axis so we'll barely pass the geometry of the elements rename it alpha planes create a new material for it add the hard surface diffuse texture press shift and age in the viewport to isolate the plane from the others so we can see on what we're working and in the material tab press ctrl c for the mapping node and change the value to 2 on x and y add a ram color between the image and the psdf and play with the gray scale until you get something that you like here we'll add another image texture for the alpha and connect the mapping node to the image then connect the alpha to the bsdf and now for the normal map add again an image texture open the hard surface normal image change it to non-color then add a bum map node to it after you finish editing the material go to viewport and press alt plus h to unhide everything close the toolbars and hit render check it out [Music] now for the microchips close the collection create a new one called chips add a cylinder check the auto smooth box from the normals in the object data properties then smooth it out in the material tab add the random black random gray and gold material then we will create a new silver material by duplicating the gold shader for the silver material we will set the metallic to 0.9 and color to white now we will create a new material for the text that you saw on the microchips name it alpha text add an image texture and open the chip's difference texture and connect it to the base color and alpha to the alpha of the bsdf then add the bump texture by opening the chip's bump image set it to non-color and after that connect it to a bump node with a strength of 0.6 and the distance to 0.2 go into edit mode again select the top face and move it on z axis a bit then add the loop cut to the cylinder and by pressing double g move it closer to the top bevel the edge and add another loop cut in the middle of what we just beveled then scale it inwards after that bevel it and add more cuts with the mouse wheel or on the keyboard so the curve will be smooth select the top face and with the intrude and extrude option create this shape and assign the gold material to the extruded top part now bevel the top edges and make them look smooth but you can experiment with different cylinder shapes to your liking now in the edit mode with face select mode by holding alt and then clicking the lower cylinder press shift plus d to duplicate it now with the duplicated cylinder scale it a tiny amount so it won't clip in the main cylinder then keeping the selection active assign the alpha text material to it now in uv editor move the uv islands until it will project a different text or image until you get something that you like select different faces move them around more to get variety in the capacitor text for this project i created three capacitors five microchips and one processor i will only show you how to create one capacitor in one chip because for the others is the same process only the size differs so i will speed up the process meanwhile you can create your own and add whatever twist you like to them make sure to rename the capacitors and the microchips we're going to make the first chip by adding a cube and in edit mode move it up until the bottom sits perfectly on zero and as before as materials start by adding the random black grey silver and gold followed by the alpha text shader in edit mode select the top face and move it on z axis lower to the ground and make sure you will scale the entire shape a lot bigger in the scene then in through the top face and extrude it upwards and bevel the edges on the lower part bevel the edge without loop cuts added in order to have sharp corners and assign the random gray material now with edge select mode active select the corner edges with alt and shift and again bevel the corners but this time add more loop cuts so the result will be smooth the top face intruded a bit then by pressing e extrude it downwards and make it a bit smaller by scaling it and assign the random gray material now select the top face duplicate it by pressing shift plus d and move it so we'll stay on top of the main element because we will assign the alpha text to it and we want to avoid any clipping in the uv editor feel free to choose a text or a number that is going to be projected on the top of your microchip now to add those tiny golden pins we will add a plane in edit mode make it really small and move it to the side from there select the edge extrude it and move it down and add more corners if you want but make sure to bevel some of them so it will catch the light better assign the gold color to the pin and you can size it further to make it smaller then duplicate the pins and align them so they will sit at an equal distance after you finish a row of pins select only those pins and after you set the transfer pivot point to treat the cursor which by the way must be exactly in the middle of your microchip with all the pins selected in edit mode duplicate them and rotate them 180 degrees i will again speed up the process because the next microchips are made using the same techniques to finish the microchips collection we will create another one but this time it will be small again it's made from a cube scaled down and i extruded beveled and assigned different materials to different parts of it we're trying to achieve that small microchips clump together in real motherboards using the same techniques make sure that in the end you will have one small chip complete with pins and all that stuff please make sure to rename every element that you create for me those made from cylinders are capacitors and the microchips i named them simply just chips create the processor by adding a cube and in edit mode make sure that is positioned above the center point then create a material named glass and turn the transmission to 1 and transmission roughness to 0.3 but what i ended up changing in the end was the normal roughness which now you can see that is 0.5 but you can make it 0.1 or even 0. in edit mode we're going to duplicate the cube then in wireframe view press alt and s to resize it make it smaller inside the initial cube and assign the alpha planes to it now in uv editor unwrap the inside cube using the cube projection from unwrap options rescale the uv until you like the pattern that you see being projected on the inside of the cube after that duplicate the cube again and repeat the resize process where again by pressing alt and s we're going to make it even smaller and for this one duplicate the material name alpha dots rename it to our dots and assign the material to the resin duplicated cube in material editor i made sure to increase the emission strength and the scale values from the mapping node now duplicate the top face extruded to make it thicker then intrude again the top face and extrude it upwards and make it smaller by rescaling it after that add four loop cuts and move the faces that you see then extrude the bottom planes for the corners we're going to bevel them adding more loop cuts in order for them to be round and smooth out the element here select the top faces with face select active then intrude and extrude until you get a shape that you like and make sure along the way to assign different materials until you like the result duplicate again the top faces move them on z axis a tiny bit and assign the alpha text material and choose a different text for the processor in the uv unwrap i added the gold material to the list because here we're going to add the pins to the shape again by adding a simple plane in edit mode scale it make it smaller move it to the side and play with the shape until you like it you can add more pins or less but i urge you to try more things that you see on this tutorial experiment with shapes color and even texture imperfection for a great result in the end now move the microchips to the side so they won't be on our way for now and place the processor on the motherboard that we just created create a new collection for the camera setup and in there add an empty and rename it focus then add the camera and in the object properties panel increase the camera size so we can see it in the viewport and now in the object constraint properties search the track to constraint and apply it to the camera and set the focus empty object that we just created as the target because the processor is the main subject now you can move the camera everywhere but the focus will always be on the target that we just set i also say the same focus empty as the depth of field focus and you can play with the f-stop values until you like it before i worked on the next steps i turned back to some of the settings from materials and from the 3d shape and changed some values and created new small shapes because i wanted to add a bit more variety to the overall scene now go to the first collection and duplicate the motherboard object by pressing shift and d and move it into the chips collection delete the geometry node modifier then rename the object on the duplicated motherboard after that go in edit mode and subdivide it until you have roughly 8000 vertex points now create a new vertex group in the object data properties and rename it chip one and in the viewport by selecting different vertex points try to achieve that pattern that we see in real motherboards of those microchips clamped together try to make groups of vertex points or lines that have a bit of randomness into it after you finish selecting the points to your liking make sure to click assign on the vertex group panel because this selection that we just made will drive the next geometry nodes now go back to the geometry nodes editor and in the modifier panel add a new geometry node we will add a point separate a transform node an attribute fill and a point instance node and in the object box of the point instance search and select the smallest chip that we just made for me it's named chip1 connect all the geometry points and in the attribute field add scale in the empty box and set developed one now after you connected everything in the point separate node in the mask box type the name of the vertex group that we just made for me is named chipon make sure to type the exact name otherwise it won't work after you unhide everything you see that the microchips that we just made they are under some elements of the motherboard for that the transform geometry node comes in handy for we will change the z values in the translation box now you can go back to the microchips and change the rotation or even edit some more of the overall shape and everything will update on the geometry node now we are going back in the edit mode of the microchip's mesh and create a new vertex group that will drive the second geometry node that we will add in order to add more details to the scene for this group i selected a few random points for i wanted to add some capacitor to the mesh and those are a lot less in real life compared with the other microchips that we just made after selecting the new points we click assign for the new vertex group and change the name to capacitor 1. now in the geometry node editor we will select the node chain and duplicate it after that connect the group output geometry to the duplicated nodes and change the mask to capacitor 1 in the point separate node connect the chains with a join geometry node and this one connected to the group output we will change the object in the point instance into capacitor 1 then change the scale so it will fit our scene now in order to add more variety we will select all the cylindrical capacitors and move them separately to a new collection by selecting them and then pressing m on your keyboard and clicking new collection then give it the name capacitors because now that we have it as a collection we can change the point instance option in the geometry node editor from object to collection then unchecking the wall collection box after changing a bit more the values and vertex points to have more randomness to the motherboard i created a new microchip that's not square and in the end i just scattered them around manually by duplicating them and changing the position of each duplicated microchip on this step you are free to add how many chips you want to the scene rescale some or rotate them until you like it here i realize that all the cylindrical capacitor slash chips had the same rotation angle and the text on them had no randomness that's why i went into the geometry node edit of the microchip 10 capacitors and in the second node chain i added a attribute randomized node between attribute field and point instance and change it to vector then type rotation as the attribute driver and in the math settings i set the first two values to zero and for the next one i added a high random value so now each cylindrical shape will have a different rotation angle in the compositor node i kept it simple i added a glare set to fog glow with quality set to high and value 2 in the threshold box and after that i added a lens distortion with distort set to minus 0.01 and this person set to 0.02 and here we are i'm not glad that the tutorial ended up having almost 40 minutes long but i admit that i tried to bite more than i could chew i had to cut a lot of what i recorded or the video length had to be over an hour but for those who liked the result and had the patience to watch and try it till the end hats off to your legends with these last words we came again to an end thank you for watching and stay awesome see ya [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stefeliga Flavius
Views: 55,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, jsplacement, motherboard, microchip, future, 3d, processor, linux, geometry nodes, nodes, geometry node
Id: jtlsOQNm1I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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