Blender Beginner Modeling Chair Tutorial - Part 8: Texture Mapping

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welcome to another episode of Andrew price checks your homework in this video I'm gonna be checking your homework making sure that you UV unwrap to this seat and backing correctly and as well as that were also going to be applying the wood texture to this so we can see how the grain looks and make sure it's all going the right way so first of all the homework the façades I hope my hope to god none of you had problems it's UV unwrapping this slat there because it is identical to the one in the front that we already did but this seat part had a unique challenge so the unique challenge is related to the order of the modifiers so you may remember that for for these ones here we applied the mirror modifier but we left the subsurf modifier which the reason for that is the subsurf modifier it doesn't interrupt the UV layout so it's fine to have that what it does is it adds detail right so the more you increase that you can see that the smoother this lines get so if my camera was really far away and this chair was being rendered for a back shot it's handy to have a subsurf modifier because I could just like turn down my render detail like that and then that way it will render faster but then if I was doing like a really like close-up shot and I needed like extra detail that you know this was coming through like a little bit clunky or whatever then I could like turn it up so yeah it's great to have a subsurf modifier now in the case of this seat part here I'm going to be applying my mirror modifier right and I've got this looks like that but I I want to then apply my the thickness these solidify thickness because if I didn't apply it I would only have like I would only UV unwrap like one part of this and it would just like duplicated both sides and then you wouldn't get any texture on the rim or it'd be like a stretch texture or something weird so I don't want that I want to UV unwrap the full thing now if I applied my salute like if I left my subsurf modifier and then I applied the solidify modifier then it will be just as though I had put it first in the list right like you can see moving it up first or applying it it's the exact same thing but we can have our cake and eat it too we can have we can apply our solidify modifier and keep our subsurf modifier like just like how we resolved this thing down here with having that face there we're gonna do the same thing here by adding a crease so I'm gonna select all of these edges around here and by the way if you didn't do this totally fine this is just like an FYI it's not a big deal I'm gonna now just give it a crease so shifty and I've now given that a crease so now that means we've now got that that that hard edge to it we've got both sides of it we can UV unwrap that the entire thing and we have our subsurf modifier and that's it so I'm just going to do the exact same thing here so I apply my mirror modifier and then I apply my solidify modifier right there and now I shall do it this so yeah the first like ten times I made this chair I didn't even discover this method I just thought like I'll just have to apply it so I just applied my solidify modifier right which by the way just to show you what that looks like just to waste some more of your time it would just mean that you would have something like this which is totally it's not a big deal like most renderer like it's not gonna slow down your render engine as rendering that much anyway but I wanted to show this method as a sort of like an alternative way so anyways let's get to the point Andrew people are bored bored out of their minds there's a hundred other videos that they could be watching and by golly they've given up their time to learn blender whether it's someone else in the comments said that instead of hitting ctrl e to mark seem because that's the next step is marking a scene for this you can just right click which is true forgot about that so thank you to that hundred people who said or whatever yeah one last thing to memorize like you don't have to hit ctrl e you can just right click and go mark seems so we'll do that so we'll go UV editor you unwrap and if we did it we should get this but this part here this is the rim that goes around it so we want that to be a straight line or as straight as we can so it doesn't really matter like yeah we're but I would say the camera is least likely to see it will be right in the middle there so I'm just gonna select that one little edge there mark that as a seam and then hit unwrap and now we get something like this which is kind of like a looks like when you like peel the like a wrapper off a lid or something it's all kind of like anyways obscure I'll do the same thing here so oh come on by the way here's a little tip if you go select select select sharp edges it will only select sharp edges according to this angle here so then if I increase this angle until it's like somewhere around 80 these other ones here will also disappear leaving the only sharp edges remaining being the ring that goes around it so that's also a cool tip so mark the seam and then I'll just select one little thing right there maxime you unwrap and we are done that and you check it of course I guess we should check it I will copy the material from there with ctrl L and materials we now have squares and as long as we are squares or close to squares we know that we've done the right thing so our chair looks like it is in very inconspicuous Christmas wrapping more it looks like I like an object that's gonna be removed in like VFX you know like a behind-the-scenes thing and there's a guy dressed in a monkey suit that looks like this but anyways usually to be honest whenever I'm Eeva unwrapping something I generally just use the texture that I'm gonna use on the chair like I would just use a wood like a wood texture for this and see how it looks you won't be able to see the stretching as easily but it won't be that bad yeah these having squares is like the proper way to do it so I figured why not show about it why not show you guys it so there we go alright so we are gonna now switch to seeing how this looks with a wood grain texture so first things first let's find out what the real chair actually has and as it turns out Freddy Xie has provided just that material options and it tells you exactly the different materials that they have the one I'm gonna go for is the oak standard lacquer which you know it's just one of the many ones you could use now if you try to be crafty and actually download the texture from their site you would find this which is not gonna look so great when you try and tile that like a 200 times across it it's gonna look like tiles you don't must be better off just keeping this so you need you need a proper texture from a proper texture websites there are a number of websites available and it just so happens I am a shill for one of them at for those who don't know our polygon this site here is actually my website my creation it's a company that we've been running for four years now we got 3,200 textures and photorealism is the end result so I just so happen to believe we have the best wood available so if you go to our wood section here we've got a range of different woods and then underneath the veneer fine which is where you'll find this fine type of wood you'll get all sorts like this so you can get your texture from anywhere there are you can even get it from Google Images if you were so inclined if you sign up for a free account on polygon you can actually download this one which is very very close to the the oak material it looks very close to the original so that's free so you don't even need to pay anything for that but if you were to sign up and become a member you would be for one supporting the channel which I appreciate and you could also download this one which is actually the match for this this chair it's a very very very close match because it's got just some slightly better grain in it than the free one but either one should produce a pretty desirable result so when you got home I clicked on the wrong one when you are going to download it you get some options here first of all the resolution you would be inclined to just select the highest resolution available because you'd think like yeah might as well get the the largest size however know that the larger image texture you use the more memory you're going to use when you render it so if you're rendering on your graphics card your graphics card will have a ceiling a hard limit to how many gigabytes of memory it can hold so if you're using 8k textures for a chair chances are you've probably used up like half and half a gigabyte just for one chair so keep that in mind unless the camera is going to be closer than a close close close up you probably don't need anything higher than 3k so I'm gonna go 3k then for these maps here you've got normal normal a 16-bit and that is basically it's a tiff file which is 16 bit rather than a JPEG which is 8-bit if you were to get the camera in really closely in an 8-bit JPEG you can sometimes see artifacts right so a 16-bit one is superior to it very rare but anyways I'm just gonna download the 16-bit version not the other one and then we don't need the reflection map either because that's only for specular workflows which is a whole other rabbit hole that I'm not going to go down but anyways you only need to fuse gloss and normals so click download now when you download it you will get a zip file if you unzip that zip file you'll see inside you get some preview images as well as inside the the sizing thing the the maps which should look like this so in the next part we're just gonna be talking a little bit about material tweaking and how what maps actually do if these to confuse you don't worry about it we'll cover it but this one this is the one we are going to use so essentially going back to our model here all we need to do is replace this untitled texture here so this is the material properties of our chair replace that with that color map so I'm going to delete that then click open find my texture and then just only color map click on open okay so the whole purpose of this is to check how this now aligns with the with the grain of the wood because besides before we were just checking for stretching but now we can see that some of the grain is rotated in odd ways so let's talk about that so let me just have a look in so this is the UV image editor I'm looking at preview mode so let's look at this this texture that's going down this the side of this chair so this is the part of this that is rotated in the wrong way now when you're looking at a UV image editor like this it's hard to know sometimes like okay if I only want to change this island here I would have to find like which one of these our Islands is now you can select an island over here by hitting L that's easy to do but it's not clear which one I'm actually selecting on the model it's not clear which island is the correct one so I only learnt it's very recently and I'm embarrassed to say how long it took me but if you hover over the part that is the problem in this case right here if I just hit L it also back to the whole model however down here you've got some more options under linked and then if you change the delimit to seam it will now only select up to that seam which means that now over here in a UV image editor I can identify this is the problem and I can now rotate it the correct way and yeah I only discovered that when I was making the Teddy bad Jew Toro which was like a couple of months ago and I was like how did I not know about this sooner so anyways exact same problem here the backing both of these is the wrong way around so I might just select both of those with ctrl L once you've selected if L is just a mouse-over event but if you've selected two parts of both meshes if you hit ctrl L it selects both of them confusing because ctrl L and the object thing copies a material from something out of there it's not the best it's not the best but it's okay we'll we'll deal with it okay oh yeah and also I guess the uv/image editor weeks might as well change that to the grain as well so that is that this grain here looking at our reference is actually rotated the correct way so it should be it should be going lengthways like that and we can also see the scaling the correct scaling of the grain on on different parts that we should fix that as well but yeah the graining over here the grading over there it's pretty good the scaling of this so the scale according to this is it's quite big it's like you know you can count like the the ribs ribs the veins whatever you want to call it feels gross calling it ribs ribbed for her place it's the Wayne's World anyways um yes so what what what Scout should it be so really I just generally play with it and see like until it looks close to the reference and you know you'll never ever probably get a exact reference a texture match unless there are like some furniture companies who would provide you with the exact texture and they know 3d graphics as well so it's already seamless entire label like this but usually not you have to get it from a site like polygon or somewhere else and hope that it is a good enough match and in that case that's pretty good so just checking the the scaling because this is another problem like I get sent a lot of renders on Instagram or Twitter and just like various places and a common problem that I see is people getting the scaling wrong it's usually actually the scaling of objects like it'll be part of a scene and the chair will be like way too big or way too small or the door size is like a weird width and just doesn't look right it looks weird but scaling of textures is just as important I saw one today online that was like by this expert concept artist and like it was like this dragon lying on the ground and like the leaves the size of these leaves were gigantic it would be like half the size of a person I was like it was way too big and it completely threw off the realism for me so the the scale of these things while it might seem pedantic it does actually matter so just take a moment to just check all around it check the okay so I can see the scaling of this slat is way off right so that's that's why you check these things so check that and by the way I think also manufacturers of of a high-end furniture like this one would probably know to not include like an ugly seam you know like and I don't know if that's ugly or not but you know you wouldn't want to have like a really noticeable dark line going down it you'd want to have something subtle so if you've got any areas of like undesirable ugly parts of your mesh just grab the seam and just like move it around a little bit and just see see how it looks and see if you can get anything that looks a little bit better alright now the final thing to talk about is this Rim which is currently a weird rotational values and it is a problem now if we look at our reference we can see that the rim is actually plywood which has someone identified in the comments ply mean to simply like ply like three ply tissue right it's like ply is like layers I guess so it's layers of wood so yeah how do we get that it's pretty hard to find a plywood texture and I guess you could find one however as it turns out I discovered a little trick plywood is really it's kind of like one two three four five six seven alternating light dark pixels so stay with me here if you if you were to use another texture across here for the plywood you could and it probably would look more realistic however you would also be increasing your video memory or texture usage so in video games they generally reuse image textures like this because it saves on memory which for games is far more important than for what you were using it for anyway so this is a little a little habit of doing something like that so we're gonna select this rim here and first of all wouldn't matter if you in used a completely new texture you would want this line here to be straight right and currently blender makes it pretty hard to do that I wish it was easier but basically the way you do it is you select a line like this then you hit s then X and then zero so that's selecting the line with alt then s X zero so you have to do it twice for every line and then you would also notice that it doesn't line up exactly like these little lines like different this I guess like the scaling is awful something I mean I guess you'd have to like scale it in something like that like you can get it kind of close by hand I would like to tell you about an add-on which you can get for free because it's on github it's it's also paid it's on blender market I'll put both links there if you want to support the artists who made it that's a good idea but it's called UV squares which is honestly a function the blenders should have anyway but you just select the whole thing like this and then you hit to grid by shape and then it does that which yeah to be honest blender should be doing this as a default tool it's gotta be embarrassing that it doesn't but anyways now it is a straight line now check this out you can see in here we have what looks kind of like a plywood kind of thing and if we were to okay scale it up and then scale it this way if we just kind of like squash it this way you can see this texture becomes so stretched it looks like you basically it basically becomes like a stretched pixel and that looks remarkably like a whatever that way yeah maybe no it looks remarkably like plywood right so if you just find an interesting part of your texture you can get something that's straight this is probably like the least photorealistic part of this tutorial that I'm doing right now just like making like one part of it like stretched but you would be surprised at and how frequently things are cheated this way in the industry if you watch like any making of behind the scenes by the way underrated way like you pay X amount for whatever like conference you go to SIGGRAPH or something and you learn from experts or whatever or you just buy the DVD or the like iTunes movie and you can see like really well-made behind the scenes stuff from like the VFX crew and they actually go to a lot of effort in making it understandable and like high production value like the behind the scenes stuff in a lot of movies on a lot of paid movies is actually really cool so underrated but check that out okay so is that I don't know is that good is that good is this anything I feel like that's something that that's pretty close so I'm just gonna do the exact same thing for this guy down here and there we go so I've just done that off-camera to save some time but it's the exact same thing as right there and that's it that's that's the the would play texture if you actually didn't like this stretch look and you're like you know I'm a stickler for detail and I you know whatever either one find an actual texture online that has it or and this is what I actually did for my final render if you create a loop cut going this way and then scroll up on your mouse wheel and then create seven cuts like that or six cuts whatever then you have alternating like layered things and then you could give a new material to each pot so I could give a new sort of like plywood II type of material there and then select all the other alternating pieces like that and then do another one and make it like the darker parts of the plywood so that's another way to do it you will actually probably get better really something like this because at least there is like real photo with you're getting extra detail and then you would if you just did it that way which is kind of like plain but anyways it's up to you it's it's totally up to you with how you approach that but anyways that is our texture now correctly mapped to it now in the next part we're gonna be talking about making this a finished material by using the bump normal Maps the gloss map and then giving a material metal material to these screws here so go ahead join me in the next part and we'll finish materializing this chair
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 243,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, texturing, uvs, uv, wood, wood texture
Id: zJ_AoS7wojk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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