Blender Beginner Modeling Chair Tutorial - Part 6: Creases & Shearing

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in this part we are gonna be finishing the chair model so the only thing left is some wooden rungs down here at the base and some little screws and then after that the model will be finished and then we can move on to texturing in the next parts so the wooden rungs start with an object that most resembles it and that happens to be a cube for most things so just add in a cube position it somewhere where the wrong starts and yeah it's gonna have a tapering effect so I want to just like use a mirror modifier because I don't want to have to do the same thing twice so a mirror and by default it will work it off of the origin point we could select another object here but you know who cares we can just position things as easily as we can anywhere else so that's good and I'll turn on clipping which means that I can take this face here and then smash it into the other face and now they're joint which is what I want I normally I think clipping should always be on and you should because I don't know the point should be touched and merged and that's the way to do it so anyway now I do want to remove this face here because you never want to have a face in the middle of an object it's just bad news it's always gonna cause out of facts or shading problems so make sure you delete the face and yeah we're gonna be using the subsurf modifier as well because this object much like this wooden base here is it's got a hard flat face but then very beveled smooth edge and it's also got some smooth curves going across here so you could use just like a bevel operation but like I said it's got the the smoothness going this way so might as well just just use this subsurf modifier so subsurf which by the way if you want the hotkey to add a sub surf control one will add a subsurf modifier with a viewport of one you can go like control two three four five and you could see it increases the viewport there but basically control one that's just add a subsurf modifier it's that common it's got a little shortcut which if you want the shortcuts by the way make sure you get my PDF link is in the description if you already follow the donor tutorial you should probably already have that but anyways okay so we've got this pill looking thing and I'm just going to pull this out yeah you guys should know how to do this already right you can kind of guess what's what's to come now what is confusing about this this blueprint is that it's not it looks like you've got like aberrations of the rung you've got a rung and then you've got like three four lines down here so basically I was confused at first and then I remembered that Fred ERISA in its blueprint download also it gives you a three-quarter view and it confirmed what I suspected which is that these extra lines here are in fact where the bevel starts so yeah you've got basically for each rung you've got one two three four lines but there are two rungs which is why I think that the front rung is slightly higher than the one in the background which is why you're getting like extra bits below it so anyways point is and we're gonna take this this top bit and this stuff this is where the top rung is going to start the top of the rung is going to start and then on the second line this is where the bottom of that rung is going to start okay and obviously we'll just duplicate this wrong and then just move it down slightly for the one in the back and that's it cool so I've been reading YouTube comments which generally is not a good idea you ask any like youtuber and they'll be like don't read the comments it throws you off and just people complaining but in our case people I like to see what questions you have and what you're having problems with and also to learn how I might be doing things improperly or things could be done better so something that some people brought raised to my attention is like I mentioned that the lazy man way to to like make a sharp-edged like we did for this base here was just to delete the face which is easy it's very easy to do but a lot of people said like why not keep the face and just use like a Riis an edge crease and you know there's pros and cons to each side but it's a good opportunity to talk about edge creases regardless because I didn't talk about creases so if you select an edge like this and you hit shift e you are you can see in the top left hand corner you are creating a crease and the creases range from 0 to 1 by default every edge has a crease of 0 anytime you add something over 0 that edge that edge there becomes purple I'm not sure if it's clear there doesn't even look that clear it's got like a black line I don't know anyways it's got its got a crease to it so what does a crease do well it essentially it's almost like it's it's adding an edge like it's pretending that there's an edge loop there but it's also kind of not you don't get control and kind of just like pulls out the middle so if you like this this line here it's like the middle of the subsurf modifier and it just kind of like gives it more weight and all the way up to a crease of one it pretends like that is like a hard edge essentially so the thing is is it removes any point of having subsurf to give a like a bevel on an edge so I generally don't like using creases I instead like to use edge loops so for example we need an edge loop right to give this edge here its bevel so instead of using a crease that I want to use ctrl R to create a loop cut just like what we did for the like before and you know what I'm gonna go off of the blueprint make the bevel start where the bevel starts and adjust it later if needs be and then another loop cut for the bottom down there and they should be on both sides now which is good I'll also scale this in just slightly or fix it later but I mean get it exact later but anyways point is is I want an aged look for something like this because I want there to be a nice bevel but for this edge for this this part here if we wanted to make this not tapered but like a hard sharp edge we could do what I mentioned before which is the lazy man's method which is that the problem with that is yeah it can create shading problems you could like if the face was like if that hole was open maybe the renderer might throw some light in there and bounce it around and do weird stuff I don't know how true that is I haven't done any test I don't think anyone's done any tests on that it doesn't really matter all that much one advantage that I would agree is that in the real world surfaces don't intersect right there's a very very subtle gap between where this wood stops and the leg starts and while the gap might not be visible to the eye the shadow within the gap would be and that can actually add realism and actually you can see it very clearly right in here so the wood doesn't intersect it there is a very slight gap so more so for a realism kind of thing it would actually help to probably keep this edge and maybe even keep this edge if you are so inclined and so so how do we stop this tapering you do it with a crease so let's do that so I just want to select the edge going around it not these middle middle bits here so I'll select this holding down alt click that then hold down alt and click that and that so I've got that edge and now I'm gonna hit shift E and I'm gonna pull this all the way out until in the top left hand corner you can see it says 1 or you can just type in 1 and that'll do the exact same thing so it's a maximum crease which is essentially treating it like there is a face there I mean sorry that there is no face there essentially now it looks okay now but we're going to be using shade smooth and when we do that you can see we get these horrible shading artifacts but we had the same problem up here and if you remember how we fixed it we went to the normal settings and turned on auto smooth which now treats at any angle over 30 as if it is a hard cut that's like separated mesh I like to raise this to 60 because I only want it for like hang like basically 90 degree angles anyway and sometimes you get like one little face which is over 30 and it adds a hard edge and it's annoying so I just set it to 60 but anyways now we've done that it looks pretty good now it is at a very slight angle so you can see in here it's it's rotated at a very slight angle at match the base of the chest so just rotating it a little bit like that and now we can get the scale of this object yeah we can we can scale this right now here's another little thing that I learned from the comments because it reminded me of something that's in the keyboard shortcut PDF which is that before when I was talking about using when you're normally doing a scaling or moving operation it's going along the global orientation right and there's advantages to that but then if you want something local such as in this case this is rotated at a very slight angle and if I was to go like this the edges would actually be kind of skewed right it wouldn't be a perfect thing so I want to instead scale it along the local y axis but instead of going up there and changing and I forgot that if you you know when you hit like s for example to scale and then you choose your axes with Y if you push Y again tap it twice it now changes it to local so if you don't want to have to go up there and change it to global we just double tap the axes tap it again and it'll go from global to local which is a very convenient I forgot about that so thank you for those like a hundred or so other people that we're pointing that out in the comments I was like yeah that's a good point you don't have to like do it yeah just tap it twice so very convenient okay so now that we've done that we can move this out and I want it to be almost touching like this now here's another opportunity to learn something new I want this to rotate so that it is flush with that chair right now if I was to rotate just rotate like this what you would actually find is that this the height of this will now be slightly different the height of this if you go went all the way along you could see that it would actually be changing slightly so this is this is what happens right like if you are rotating a face if you rotate it too far like that the height of this is changing with that rotation which isn't desirable often and in a case like this it's it's it's not desirable so the what you should be doing instead is sheering like edge shiron I don't know that always comes to mind whenever I do wish yeah now there's a hotkey for it but I can never remember what it is so instead I just type in the in the search which is f3 I just type in Xie and you can see it shift control old ass is the hotkey but anyways then I just click that and then you can see that now it's rotating that face and if by the way it's not rotating you can hit X or Y to choose a specific axes to share on but anyways now that it's done that you can see that I can get I can it's now rotating the face as far as you want but it's keeping the height of this exactly where it needs to be so this is like perfect for making things like cabinets which I've done I talked about in a previous tutorial but anyways point is is I want to rotate that shear it until it's almost yeah it's basically ah look at that that's pretty perfect ah perfect great so now I want to move this up okay um now if I was to move this up my perfect little sheared face here it would be like like it would be a little bit too far this way a little bit far there so just like what we did before we talked about loop slide but you can't go higher than what it was but if you hold down alt then you can and actually someone in the comments said instead of holding down alt you can just push see once and it just turns that on or off clamp clamping goes on or off with that so you don't have to hold down alt you can just hit C once and now I've got that in place just have to double tap for the one underneath it because it doesn't doesn't need to have clamping on or off so this one does it's a double tap you know double tap G C and then pull it down to about there muhaha and then do the same thing double G and there we go so there's all I mean that's really noisy to visually noisy to see the blueprint underneath it so just check yeah that's pretty good okay so you can see that the like with subsurf off right this is like a HOD very like pinpoint edge there but every sub stuff will average it out just a little bit and it'll smooth it and smooth it now if you did want more control over this you could add in some loop cuts here but I think it actually it it's good to keep this here because it's letting the sub stuff you know average out them the the angle oven it should do it pretty well like it should match the lines pretty well unfortunately because of the way subserve works this part here you can see that the top of this this wrong here is actually higher than it should be so if we just pretend like if we just drag it down beyond that like if we added a loop cut in closer you can see that it would get that angle exactly I say we get the measurement exactly but I don't want to have to add in loop cuts because they don't have to like make sure that it's cleared up and I don't know I just don't like it so instead I'm just gonna let the sub staff do it but I'm just gonna drag these in closer than they actually are but but that should be good that should be fine and let's just look at that oh look at that beautiful nice flat a face with it where it should be flat let's just check this oh very flat and then rounded on the top which is good yay for us so now now that the front one is lined up we just need to duplicate it and create the back one like so and rotate it and now in the front view drag it down so that it is like that now I don't know if that's actually accurate because like in the you know over here you've got like the the difference between this pot here and that curve there is pretty small and this one here it's bigger so you would think that there would be the opposite way around but then how would the blueprint like showed this like you couldn't have those like I don't know it just didn't match but then I realized like yeah this is actually at an angle here the the chair so it kind of does make sense that it could be like this anyways I'm just rambling I'll just scale this out ever so slightly so that it matches and I think we're good I think that's gonna do it so I just want to apply the scale on that and apply the scale on this because you need to do that because otherwise things can go weary but that's good look at that Oh beautiful everything is the way it should be cool oh yeah it does actually look the the distance between that little curve that is small and the distance between here it's big because of the angle it actually makes this one higher than that one so there we go that's result okay that was like in my head I'm like is this accurately matching it alright cool so now the last thing we are going to be doing is adding in the screws okay so if you were to make this model for like a game or I don't know like a production model I don't know something like that it would be best to make these screws part of the texture because you wouldn't want something extruding from the chair because in real life these are actually indented ever so slightly but it's a lot of work to like bake something into the text especially with blender because blenders baking is not that great so instead we are going to be placing some screws which are just slightly higher than the level of this wood here which is not accurate to the reference but I think you will forgive me for doing that because the alternative is like an hour of extra work or something like exported to substance painter or something like that I don't know it just seemed like too much work so we're gonna do it the fast way so we are gonna make a screw now these screws are actually a little getting close you can see they look little allen screws it's like that's six sided allen screw thing so we're just gonna make one really basic so this is a circle where is the circle I can't see Oh cuz it's really small oh yeah that's right so I've done these you can right-click something and make it its default value there you go a little tip but yeah so by default it should be 32 with that size and then I'm just gonna scale it in and I want to get it roughly the size of a screw which are actually pretty big but anyway we can changes gullet the hard thing will be to actually create that five sided Allen sorry six sided little allen screw thing you could make it a texture and then put the texture on here who cares it's something that small this is where it really helps to not be a knock like too much detail and now all that stuff so I'm gonna delete this face so only face and then inside here I'm going to add another circle and I'm gonna make that circle six vertices which it's done because I guess it's defaulted to that one again but let me just clear those which you can do bit backspace instead of right clicking and then hitting unset you can just backspace over a value and that'll reset it so six vertices scale it in like so okay now how big is the little screw yeah it's sort of like that okay now what I want to do is I want to join this face with these and that cannot be done simply with like F because it would just make a solid face and it would be terrible instead what I need to do is I need to make a face out of like that so like so this side of it I'm gonna make a solid face by hitting F and then I'm gonna do the exact same thing right here nope missed one there we go and my ear just popped that's weird I didn't realize I was not hearing well right now it's like Oh surround sound that's what the world actually sounds like fun alright hit F and then one wall here the reason we're modeling this instead of texturing it is that it's just so much easier because then I can just select this face and then give that a new material when we do the material parts and that'll be that'll be making it look like a screw so that's what we're gonna do now I do want to give a little bit of thickness to this screw here just so that if we there's not like a shadow underneath it like it's not completely flush with the surface but anyway something like that and if you really wanted to you could also like extrude this face ever so slightly down but do me eyes I don't think it matters that's we're just gonna make that a new material color and yeah who cares okay now positioning this this is the fiddly bit right you have to go off of the reference photos and go where where does it actually fit because it's not in the blueprint it doesn't show you where the screws go so yeah where do the screws go just eyeball it so this first one is yeah it's like there so it's kind of like at the corner of it now obviously it does need to align with this leg that would be that would make sense so I want to position it down here now here's a tip here's a technique whatever you want to call it to rotate something like to make it so this matches this face here the old way that I used to do is like again it down close and then like rotate here and then rotate there and very fiddly however you can do something better which is just to change your snapping mode to be face and then if you check this little box that says a line rotation to target what this means is that when you hit G and if you hold down control it will now enable snapping and it will now rotate the object to match the rotation of the face that it's on so you can see that line they're just pointing at my monitors if you can see my hand that line there that's coming off at as I move across it you can see that line is changing so it's showing you the normal which which is the rotation of our object so I'll position it so from the corner about there let's just check it to make sure that that's yeah it's close enough move it up again and let's just hit G move it yeah something like that okay and now that I've done that I'm gonna duplicate that and move it down here now I don't know if the rotation has changed right here so let's just get in there oh yeah oh did I get the face wrong oh no it's like a completely different height of course cuz it's yeah anyway so I might as well just hit G and then ctrl and I'll snap it there so you can see that like it's not exact like because the face is like there's many faces or who knows which face it grabbed so I'll just bring it up just slightly until it's like it gets the rotation like 90% of the way there and then you sometimes just have to do a few little tweaks so I essentially just want it like as little extrusion as possible because we're doing this lazy modeled method than the texted method so I don't want there to be like hard screws that stick up in this $900 chair that's what this TI cost by the way she's pretty crazy but that's what designer chairs cost but anyways so I don't want to do that to this side like get it all fiddly I'm just gonna save time and use mirror and then mirror the object of the seat and now it should perfectly align with that side and then the exact same thing here mirror the seat and it should just ever so slightly stick up cool cool and can you guys what we're gonna do next mmm the backing yeah this is this is the life of a 3d uh this is the kind of thing where like when you're making something that you you are so bored or just so it almost feels like manual labor you know like I used to actually be a laborer believe it or not before I did YouTube I was working on construction sites cleaning portaloos whatever it could pay me by the hour to do that was my job but anyways this feels like manual labor like placing a screw even though you know yeah you're not really working your muscles it feels really close to like the most tedious like can I hand it to somebody and pay them X per hour to do it for me but this is why you know add-ons that save you time or that might do like this for example in one click really helpful because normally you might not actually play screws by hand because it's too fiddly and who cares and you might just skip it but if there was an add-on that did it for you in one click you would do it so you end up with a better result because you didn't skip a step you know what I mean so that's the value of time saving in production so thankfully we don't have any other visible screws that is the pros of a design a chair that cost $800 $900 whatever it is I don't know how they did it I don't know how these slats fit in here with no screws must be like some like a rigid connection that snaps it or something I don't know pretty and it's wizardry but there's no screw they would unlike her maybe IKEA chair or something but this is the value of a designer chair anyways we are done we have finished modeling our magnificent chair look at us go ha ha ha so in the next parts we are going to be unwrapping this which would be like applying all the modifiers unwrapping it and then assigning a texture to it and doing some shading and then finally rendering this thing but congrats on finishing the modeling stage give yourselves a round of applause or whatever else have a beer I don't know however you celebrate at home I don't care No do something fun but well done I mean making it this far learning a new skill it's it can be dry but well done on making it so go ahead join me in the next parts and we will finish this bad boy
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 226,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, modeling, modelling, chair, blender chair tutorial
Id: KzA5fOIq8Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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